Class Regulation

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Positive Classroom Environment Program Class Regulations Secondary International Classrooms All members of our community have the right to a safe and orderly environment at school. Maintaining this environment is a shared responsibility of students, teachers and administrative staff. The class regulations below will help all of us maintain an environment of consistency and respect. Thank you for your collaboration! •

Teachers must use the full instructional time allotted to each class. Students should be actively learning until the bell rings and stay in the classroom until the bell rings.

Students must be involved in the work of each class during that class hour. If students are working on another subject´s homework during another teacher´s class time, the teacher must take the homework from the student, and give it to the appropriate teacher. The student will receive a zero on the homework assignment.

Our community does not accept bullying of an emotional or physical nature. Bullying behavior must be confronted by students, teachers and administrative staff if we are to maintain a safe and hospitable environment in our community.

All Teachers (with the exception of 11th-12th Grade English Teachers, who teach National/International combined classes) will consistently follow the Homework Policy.

Students must not eat in the classroom. Teachers must not eat in front of students during class.

Students may have a water bottle in class, but not other beverages.

Students and Teachers must not use cell phones in the classroom.

Under no circumstances will student use iPods or cell phones during exams.

Each Teacher will decide if students may use iPods (outside of exam time), and under what circumstances.

Students must use the proper uniform for assemblies. If they do not come in the proper uniform, they will stay in detention and receive 10 points off their partial conduct grade.

Students must not write on desks, and teachers are responsible for making sure that students leave the desks clean. (Seating charts and checking desks after each class may help).

Students must respect property, equipment and educational materials. (The Código de Convivencia will apply if property is damaged.)

Students must maintain their classroom clean, and make sure they clean up before the bell rings.

Students must not put their feet on desks or sit on windowsills.

No hats or sunglasses during class time.

Students must speak English in classes taught in English and Spanish in classes taught in Spanish at all times, during class discussions, while addressing others, and during group work.

Teachers must not accept students without a justification slip from another teacher or the office. Students must have the official justification slip. If a student arrives more than five minutes late to class, please report the tardy to the Secretary in charge of attendance.

Students must use appropriate vocabulary during class and in the hallways. Inappropriate or vulgar language will not be accepted, and teachers must take action inside the classroom immediately. If the inappropriate language is repeated, the student must be reported to Administration immediately.

Students must remember that the school campus is a public environment. Hugging, handholding, arms-around-shoulders, and briefly kissing are usually acceptable. However, ¨making out¨ is not. People in the community may feel uncomfortable or offended when exposed to certain behaviors. Students must use discretion and refrain from inappropriate public displays of affection of a sexual nature and the use of sexual innuendos. Teachers must

speak to students immediately when they see them engaged in inappropriate behavior. If the behaviors persist, teachers must report it to Administration.

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