2017 Criterion

Page 5

through her gnarled teeth. His pockets heavy and jingling, Marst drunkenly replied, “I have nothing but one bit of advice for you, seek refuge in another town. Everyone no longer pities the old beggar woman on the streets here. Get out of my sight at once, or I’ll have my friends come and help you along.” The old woman grew angry. Marst didn’t know if it were the ale or some witchcraft, but he could have sworn she became younger in her face, taller in her appearance; more powerful. “You watch your tone Charles Marst. You mark my words. You have it all, and it can be taken away in an instant. All it takes is a few secrets to fall into the right hands and a few whispers to drift into the right ears. Your worst qualities have consumed you, and you will become a shell of what you once could have been had you been raised properly.” Marst began to back away from the woman, growing more terrified with each step. She continued, “Heed my words for they are not for the faint of heart. You will be cursed to lose what you love the most and live with your demons for the rest of your years. Each one that passes bringing you deeper into the depths of the curse making it harder to escape until you grow old and weak. You have made your choice, and now you must live with it” Marst took another step back and tripped up the curb. He fell backward and cringed as if he had something to fear from this woman. He regained himself and looked up only to see that the woman had mysteriously vanished. He got up, almost completely sober now, and ran home as fast as he could too terrified to look back. The next morning he awoke with a headache and couldn’t believe what the previous night had entailed. He knew that it had to have been a dream or ~5~

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