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Present by AIESEC UNIMAS and Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), Kuching


We’re HERE!

Sarawak’s Gateway Cities – Land of the Hornbills Sarawak is located on the island of Borneo, the third largest island in the world, north of the Equator. Sarawak welcomes visitors with its lush green rainforests, meandering web of rivers, pepper and the diverse lifestyles of the natives. Sarawak still maintains its reputation as the most exotic state in Malaysia as its rainforests are amongst the oldest in the world. It is home to many endangered animals such as the Orang Utans, Proboscis Monkeys and others. Meet The Locals Most of the people of Sarawak are sedentary farmers who live in communal longhouses and practice swidden rice agriculture. This state has the most diverse ethnic groups with a very distinct culture, language and lifestyle. A various of religion with 45 different languages and dialects runs this town.

❖ Kuching, the capital of Sarawak. It is the fourth largest city in Malaysia and is simply unique. ❖ Despite that, Kuching is surprisingly clean, peaceful and relaxed. ❖ Like all towns and cities in Borneo, the focal point of Kuching is the river. ❖ Hiring a sampan to meander slowly up and down the Sarawak. River is the best way to get your first impression of Kuching. ❖ From the river, you will see picturesque Malay villages (kampungs), a goldendomed mosque, a Victorian fort, a whole street of 19th century Chinese shop houses and an imposing woodenroofed palace, all set against a background of distant mountains.

3-Layer Teh C Peng

Sarawak laksa

Manok pansoh

Layer cake

Kolo mee

Satay Ais kacang

Sarawak kompia

Dayak steamed fish


Jungle fern

Our Friends Where the wild things are The place for animal lovers ▪ Raja Brooke Butterfly ▪ Was named in honour of the first White Rajah of Sarawak

▪ Atlas Moth ▪ The world’s largest moth!

▪ Black-sided Flowerpecker

▪ Silver Leaf Monkey ▪ Is one of the most attractive and common primates.

▪ Hornbill ▪ Orang Utan ▪ The state symbol of ▪ Known as the ‘Man of the Sarawak Forest’, can only be seen in Borneo and Sumatera


Colours of Culture

Home to 28 ethnic groups, each with their own distinct language, culture and lifestyle. The main tribes are the Dayak Iban while Chinese make up second, followed by the Bidayuh, Melanau and other native tribes of Sarawak which are generally known as Orang Ulu.

Court House Complex

Kuching Cat Museum

Fort Margherita

Cat Monument

Sarawak Museum

Carpenter street Plaza Merdeka

The Astana Sarawak Cultural Village

Square Tower

Kuching Waterfront

8 Places You Want to Visit!



FOR ADVENTURE Lambir Hills ? National

ark P l a tion a N ako


Gunung Mulu National Park

Gua Niah

Wind Cave

Tasik Biru Mount Santubong

Fairy Cave

Job Description

Activities Week 1: Expertise - Attend environmental workshops and learning journeys - Hands on learning activities

Week 2: Collaboration - Engage with potential partners (school authorities, university student council, malls management, governmental bodies, etc.)

Activities Week 3: Preparations & Follow Up - Follow up regarding previous engagements for confirmations - Prepare materials needed for workshops - Prepare materials needed for booth in malls Week 4-6: Agents of Change - Run at least 2 school workshops - Run 1 university workshop - Run at least 3 booth sessions in malls

Project Duration: 1st batch

2nd batch

31st of August, 201 5 – 11th of October, 2 015

5th of October, 2015 – 15th of November, 2015

3rd batch

9th of November – 20th of Decembe r, 201S

Total EPs we need : 5 EPs TN Fees: USD 150 - For 6 weeks accommodation and transportation (Project Purpose)

Any questions? You can find US at Email: Rachel 94huey : Patricia Wong:

LC UNIMAS Welcome all of you to join us

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