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Millionaire Phenomena - Internet: CHRISTOPHER GUERRIERO (cont.) that are going to give you credibility. Because when you build credibility for yourself so many great things happen for you, things that you would honestly think right now, wow, that would just be crazy. There’s no way that I could do something like that. I’m not quote unquote worthy of something like that. So we’re going to cover a lot of things and I want you to just write this down real quick. I’m from New Jersey. For those of you who don’t know anybody from New Jersey, I will tell you that we speak fast. There is no need for coffee or caffeine in our lives. We just sort of go like this all day long, and if I had a cup of coffee I may explode. So if I go too fast, you’re more than welcome to yell out and just slow me down. However, we’ve got a lot of stuff to cover.

world will pay you at least $29 to learn the lesson, so that they don’t have to go through it and go through all the same hardship that you’ve been through.

So when I first start working with people, one of the first things that I hear is that I just don’t have the time. That sounds like a really great idea. I’d love to have a book or I’d love to have an audio programme, or I’d love to have something. Everything that you’re saying sounds really cool, but it’s really not for me because I don’t have the time. I don’t know if I could fit that into my schedule. Or they say things like I’ve got no experience. There’s no way I could write a book. I have no experience.

8 Steps To Creating A Book In Just 30 Days...

Let me ask you a question. How many people in here have ever been through any kind of a tragedy in their life, or maybe a tough situation in business like a bad business partner or been through a bankruptcy or a divorce. How many people have been through anything like that in their lives? Now, did you learn a lesson when you went through that? You learned a lesson? Okay, just about everybody learned a lesson when they went through that. What if I came to you before you went into that situation, and I said you know what, if you give me $29 I will teach you the lesson before you go into that situation. So you before you go through bankruptcy or before you go through a divorce, whatever, for $29 I’ll show you how to get through it faster and easier. Would you pay $29 for that? Raise your hand if you would. So almost everybody in here would do it. So if you went through those situations and you already learned a lesson, what makes you think that you don’t have experience to write a book because all you have to do is sort of regurgitate that information on audio, have it transcribed, put into a book format and you’re done. Now you have something that people around the

But the only thing that I hear a lot is that there’s no way that I could write a book. How many people in here, just real quick, I’ve never done this before – how many people in here believe that writing a book would just be too much of something to think that they could do in their life; any in here? It’s too big of a thing. It’s not. I’ve thought that. So many people come to me and think that, and I’ll prove to you over the next – I don’t know, five minutes – that you’ll be able to do it really supersimple.

The way I created these slides, is I took case studies from clients of mine so that you could actually see how a client walked through the process, and I thought it would be easier for you to understand that way. So here’s to write a best selling book in 30 days or less. The client’s name is Tony Betman. So he came to us and he said you know what, I’ve got no experience, I’ve got no clue where to begin, I have no contacts, and you’re telling me if I want to make money I’ve got to stop focusing on money and I’m best to start focusing on something that’s going to give me credibility. I’ve got to do something like write a book or an audio or something. He said I just don’t think I could do it. So I said okay. I just want you to commit to doing eight things for me over the next 30 days, just eight little things. First, I want you to choose your subject. So if you were to write a book, what subject would you write about. What are you passionate about? What do you really love to do? And I want you to honestly spend a whole day thinking about this. If you already have a book done or if you already have a book idea in your head and you think it’s complete up here still, spend a whole day going through it. Make sure your subject is fine tuned and focused for a good audience. It’s that important, that you have to spend a whole day on it. But the second thing is after you’re done you’ve got your subject, then you write out the main topics that you want to cover. You make them in little bullet point format, sort of like the table of contents for a book maybe.

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