Marriage & Bliss Issue 12

Page 35

Strange Wedding Practices by: Darryl Heeralal


Unusual Wedding Practices & Traditions from Around the World

Egyptian weddings - the hands of a bride and groom are literally tied together to demonstrate the couple’s commitment to each other and their new bond as a married couple.

he strange keeps getting stranger here at Marriage and Bliss so here’s your usual serving of all that is wedding weird. •

Nowadays there are all kinds of politically correct terms to refer to cross dressers but back in the day in Denmark the groom wore the dress and bride the suit to confuse the evil spirits!

One wonders in Egypt how long does it take the groom’s mother in law to start, well, being a mother-in-law. I suggest not long as the bride’s family traditionally does all the cooking for a week after the wedding so the couple can relax.

The ants would sure love this tradition as legend says single women will dream of their future husbands if they sleep with a slice of groom’s cake under their pillows.

After the movie 300 many a woman would have thought of a Spartan for a husband. Well ladies then the first step is to allow your groom to be to have a raucous bachelor party. Stag parties were first held by ancient Spartan soldiers, who kissed their bachelor days goodbye with a raucous party.

Ever heard the saying ‘Trinidad and Tobago so small we could all be family’, well the Catholic tradition of “posting the banns” to announce a marriage originated as a way to ensure the bride and groom were not related.

Ever wonder why the bride always stands to the left of the groom? Well in bygone days the groom needed his right hand free to fight off other suitors.

Why would you refer to a marriage as tying the knot, a phrase more suited to sailing? In many cultures around the world - including Celtic, Hindu and

• An old wives’ tale: If the younger of two sisters marries first, the older sister must dance barefoot at the wedding or risk never landing a husband. •

The ancient Greeks and Romans thought the veil protected the bride from evil spirits and brides have worn veils ever since.

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