The Cupola

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French In the French department this term we have been preparing for the examinations. All of the pupils did their speaking tests with their class teacher. We have also completed the first year of our new engaging first year course ‘Studio’ with online front-of-class teaching resources including the Pupil Books on screen, video clips, audio and interactive activities.

“The students in the fourth form French group have been given the opportunity to correspond with a native speaker of French. They have each been paired up with a French student from Collège St. Louis de la Guillotière in Lyon, France. They will hopefully keep in touch and this could perhaps lead to some long-lasting cross-channel friendships!” (Laura Hilton) “In my French class, we all wrote letters to our own penpals in France about ourselves, where we live and interests. It was really enjoyable being able to practise our French and I look forward to receiving my reply and seeing if we have any similar interests. We all left some contact information at the bottom if we wish to continue our conversations.”

Maddie Cooper

German Following exams pupils in the second and third years worked on projects about famous German speakers and cities in German-speaking countries respectively. This is aimed at increasing geographical and cultural knowledge, an important part of learning a language. Additionally, third and fourth years have read sections of the novel ‘Heidi’ by Johanna Spyri, in German, using technology to help their understanding. Many second year pupils remain in contact with pupils from the German school we have links with in Münnerstadt. Hopefully friendships will continue to develop.

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