Love Street Lamp Post 3rd Qtr 1996

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veStreet,Ljn4;Thst & ii J:’-v Setember 1996 -

102 Years







Avatar Meher Baba Avatar Meher Baba and Mehera on His birthday in 1956 in Satara, India

Featured Art Works Cards by Carolyn Parker with photos copyright Hermes, $3 each.



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page 6

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page 10

ihotos ofArt by Wodin, $46. page 36

page 30

Photo of Mansari by Ralph Jackson, $]Opage 27

Now available in the Bookstore PAGE2

ve5treetjjiiifiJ3st 2 ti In This Issue

Arts and Entertainment : Richard Arthur Announcements: Linda Zavala Bookstore Walli: Dma Snow Franklin Calendar: Richard Arthur Children’s Corner: Adele Wolkin Layout & Design: Terry duSoleil Distribution: Clea Sucoff and Harry Thomas

Submit your artwork, photos, poetry, leffers, articles, humor and ideas. Please submit themon3.5” diskette or typed, double-spaced, single-sided, on clean, white paper. Do not submit originals!

DEADLINES: November 15 (Jan-March) February 27 (April-June) May 15 (July-Sept) August 15 (Oct-Dec) ADDRESS CHANGES I SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST: Clea Sucoff, 3122 Arizona Avenue,#C, Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 828-1182. BOOKSTORE: Dma Franklin, do Avatar Meher Baba Center of So. California, 10808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles,CA 90025 Between 7pm & I I pm, phone (31 0) 837-641 9; or 24-hour fax (310) 839-BABA. Email: BABABOOKS @AOLCOM

DONATIONS: Mail to: Love Street Lamp Post Donation, Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern Cailfornia,10808 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025. OTHER WEST COAST MEETINGS: In Orange County call Lynne or Steve Berry (714) 966-1262. In the Inland Empire call Jay Mohler (619) 366-9330. In Ojai call Peter Justin (805) 646-4159 (Weds 7:30pm) In Santa Barbara call Donna Karpeles ( 805) 682-1877. In San Diego call Scott orAnne Makeig (619) 436-7155. In Fresno call Sharon or Phil Scott at (209) 449-0877. In San Francisco call Mary Weiss or Peter Ravazza (510) 221-8724 (Weds, 7pm) In Northern California call (510) 845-4339. In Portland, call the Wilson’s (503) 873-2048. (Fri, every other Sun). In Sacramento call Marilyn Buehler at (91 6) 925-4451. In Seattle call Joyce/Tom Geoffroy (206) 283-7027 (Fri, 8 pm).

Features: Featured Art Works 2 From the Editorial Staff 4 The WEB by Joe Stewart 4 Letters to the Lamp Post 5 Meherabad Celebrations by James Cox 6 Meher Baba’s 102nd Birthday in Los Angeles 7 by Linda Zavala Adele Wolkin at Denver Sahavas 8 by Judi Schoeck AT THE BOOKSTORE 10 12 ON SUFFERING by Mani Irani The One Real Thing You Can Do in this Life 12 by Mehera J. irani Baba’s Nazar by Eruch Jessawala 13 In Memoria 14 by Dma Snow Franklin CALENDER OF EVENTS 15 Children’s Corner 16 CENTER REPORT 17 Michael Ramsden The Master’s Prayer 18-19 Poetry 20-21 August 23, 1966 by Kitty Davy to Mani 22 Borrowed Time 22 byAndy Muir Persian New Year. 23 by R. Norrozy Arts & Entertainment 24 NEWS FROM INDIA 25 by James Cox I Heard God Laughing 26 ANNOUNCEMENT SECTION 27 Letter from the Archives and Museum Committee 28 of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Life Is A Pair 0’ Ducks 30 Review of Murshida, 31 by Ralph Lewis in Meher Baba Association, England, Newsletter Bless Us All by Adi K Irani 31 Prayer as Inner Approach 32 Dictated by Avatar Meher Baba The 101 Names of God 33

The Love Street Lamp Post publishes information on the activites ofthe Avartar Meher Babe Center of Southern California and the life and works of Meher Baba. • The Love Street Lamp Post is given free of charge in the spirit of spreading Avatar Meher Baba’a Message of Love and Truth. • A publication of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, 1 0808 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90025 • Published quarterly (January, April, July, October) All contents © 1996 by the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California, except where noted. Call (310) 474-9454 for further information on programs and services offered by the Center.

From the Editorial Staff

Dear Readers: Many of the letters and articles to the Love Street Lamp Post arrived via the Baba Listserv, that is over the internet. For those of you who want to know how to utilize this amazing communication tool to reach Baba lovers around the world, we’ve included the article below entitled “The Baba Web”. These letters demonstrate the importance of the Love Street Lamp Post to readers around the world and in Los Angeles. They speak for themselves. Let them also remind you that the Lamp Post is the product of contributions of time and talent from lovers of the God Man across the globe. Any and all levels of skills are needed to assemble future issues, from typing to design and editing. See page 2 for information on how to contact the Love Street Lamp Post. . . . .

The Editorial Staff

The WEB by Joe Stewart What is the World-Wide Web? The official description of the World-Wide Web is a “wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initia tive aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents”. What the World-Wide Web (WWW, W3) project has done is provide users on computer networks with a consistent means to access a variety of media in a simplified fashion. Using popular software interfaces to the Web called Netscape, Mosaic, and many others, the Web project has changed the way people view and create information it has created the first true global hypermedia network. Baba followers from all over the globe are joining in discussions about the Beloved without ever leaving their homes. There are a number of online providers which give the user both an email address and access to a WWW browser. All are welcome to join. If you have access to email you can join us by subscribing to the Avatar Meher Baba Listserv. LISTSERV stands for “list server”. LISTSERV is a mailing-list server which was designed to make group communication easier. Any piece of mail sent to the list address is automatically distributed by the list server to each and every person on the list. You do not have to know all the names and network addresses of the people subscribed to the list. They in turn will respond to the list address and their response will also be distributed to the the entire -


mailing list. This Listserv is dedicated to Meher Baba. It was created to provide a forum for followers of Meher Baba to share experiences, ideas, post news and events, and to discuss the life and teachings of Avatar Meher Baba.If you wish to subscribe, send a message to: LISTSERV @JWS>SUNYERIE.EDU In the body of the message place: SUBSCRIBE BABA John Smith SUBSCRIBE is the command function, BABA is the name of the list, and John Smith is an example of a person’s full name. This command will add you to the Meher Baba Listserv. It will also add your full name [or handle if you prefer] to the listserv addressing. This is quite useful for helping other members to know that is really their old friend John Doe. A message will be sent to you describing the operation of the Listserv. If you have access to a WWW (World Wide Web) browser be sure to review the Meher Baba WEB pages. The URL for the USA pages is: http:llwww.sunyerie.edulmbfhtmllmb.html The URL for the Norweegen pages is: http:llwww.oslonett.nolhome/erics/index.html “Note to computer people: Love Baba, not through the ‘screen’ of the mind, but by the ‘port’ of the heart”

Letters to the Lamp Post Dear Lamp Post: To the Love Street Lamp Post: I have just read the April issue of the Love Street LampPost, and I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it! It was so wonderful to hear about what is going on all over the Baba world. You in Los Angeles are so lucky to have a Center. For those of us who are the ‘only Baba lover in town’ your magazine is a wonderful thread to make us feel involved with the exciting happenings in the Baba World! I have included a $20 check, I hope that will be enough to cover a years worth of LampPosts. There was so much in the magazine I enjoyed, but being an avid movie goer, I particularly liked Richard Arthur’s piece on Arts and Entertainment. However, I felt there was one movie he left out that I would have placed at the top of the Dead Man Walking. Why such a gruesome list theme, that of a man’s execution, would be at the top of my list is as follows: To the casual observer the Sean Penn character was a total scumbag, a cold callous killer. But the nun played by Susan Sarandon, (who justifiably got the Oscar!) was able to see beyond the man & his actions & could give love to the soul within him. I mean Baba tells us He is in everything, the scor pion as well as the lamb, the evil person as well as the good. If we are to live as Baba tells us, we can not be selective in our loving. We can’t love only the kind person, one who loves us, one who is handsome, one who deserves our love. Yes, Babe was about kindness, tolerance etc etc, & was very cute, but I thought more than any other film Dead Man Walking gave us a prime example of a person following Baba’s teaching to the letter: “Start by loving those you cannot love, then you will be loving God”. Thanks again for a great magazine ! Keep up the good work. Jai Baba. ---

Dorothy Bishop

It was one of those lazy Saturday mornings. I woke up early and just stayed in bed. I had a stack of things to read. There’s a pile in my room (computer magazines, educational bulletins, textbook samples, and “The Love Street Lamp Post.”) Was there an editor change lately? I studied the masthead for awhile for the answer. This current edition seems to be sweeter than some of the latest publications. There didn’t seem to be a “hidden agenda” in this issue. The agenda was Meher Baba and only Meher Baba. I know the Divine One appreciates that very much. I don’t know what changes have taken place, but I like them! ----

Larry Pesta

Dear LampPost, We just received the April-June issue and as always, it is great to hear of happenings in the wider Baba Community. I thought I’d send some of the efforts that our youngest children, Abraham (1 1) and Manija (7) produced after we returned to New Zealand from a wonderful three weeks in India this January. I hope your readers get the opportunity to enjoy them as much as we have. In His love, Brad Kunin and family.

See children ‘s page

I just want to say how much my family appreciates the Lamp Post. The best compliment I could give it, is that somtimes you think you’re reading a Glow! Jai Baba Flayton family


1 02 YEA RS WITH A VA TA R MEHER BA BA! On February 25, 1996 Baba lovers around the world caine together to celebrate Meher Babac 102nd Biiihda

These are reportsfrom Baba Centers in India, US. Los Angeles, Myrtle Beach, Chapel Hill, Atlanta, Washington D. C., Den icr Australia, and Norway. ,

Meherabad Celebrations by James Cox At about I I am, the women mandali, along with Eruch and Aloba, came to the Samadhi for arti. Mani, having recently returned from Pune, stayed back at Meherazad to recuperate. After a relatively quick arti, all headed down the hill for the play at Hostel A, which is now called the Arts and Entertainment Center, or something like that. But it’s the same building, and wet gunny bags had been placed on the roof to keep the place cool, if possible. As the play started, the exhaust fans were shut off, to enable people to hear, and it became a contest of whether the play could generate enough interest to distract your mind from the ever increasing heat. This year, the play won hands down. No heat strokes. The play was called, “This Man David,” and it was ,based on a screenplay that Baba had encouraged to be written in the 30s. Baba provided personal guidance for the project in the original version, but it was never produced as a motion picture.

town fool who has never had a friend. David helps these two, and is then set up by one of the townsfolk as an arsonist, and in a moment of mob frenzy, is lynched. On the tree where he is hung, later appears an image of his face, and that tree becomes a focus of pilgrimage. This preceeds Baba’s face appearing on the Umbar tree outside Mehera’s window by nearly 50 years. Superficially, this seems like a very stereotypical play with the same old universal themes, which I suppose it is, but the magic comes in how it all fits together, and that is almost impossible to capture in a brief revue. The music, written by Ward Parks in about a week, was nothing short of sublime, and Ted Judson’s portrayal of David Lord, a potentially campy and very risky role, was so inspired that when I congratulated him 15


This was the first time that any of the screenplays that Baba had instructed people to write was ever produced as a play in Meherabad, and the process was different from the beginning. The script was adapted for the theater by Heather Nadel and Alan Wagner, but this year there was an unusual amount of personal differences, and various people had predicted the failure of the play, but on the contrary, I think it turned out to be hands down the best play ever produced in Meherabad. It sort of miraculously came together at the last moment, and you could even say that this performance was inspired. There was hardly a dry eye in the theater. The storyline opens in a small town called Middlesville that is very set in its ways, and that detests any kind of change. Into this village one day comes David Lord, someone that is taken as a school teacher, and who assumes the role, bringing a fresh air of love and kindness into this stale community. of course there are people of power who are not pleased by this change, and they create opposition for David, but he persists with his insightful and helpful acts of kindness. There is a pregnant girl whose lover runs away, leaving her without support, and there is a ridiculed PAGE 6

I Avatar Meher Baba 1925

minutes after the end of the play, you could still feel the charge. I found myself wishing that everyone I had ever loved could have been there to witness this performance. Alan Wagner, as usual, directed the play with help from Nancy Wall and Mary Sutton, and incredible performances were also given by Rickii Sheu, Jeff Coleman, Mary Sutton and Minoo Hamilton (who did his whole part in one week.) Bravos also go out to all of the supporting cast, stage crew, and marvelous sets designed by Carmen Diaz and Katherine Cox.


Meher Baba’s 102nd Birthday in Los Angeles by Linda Zavala A two day celebration for Beloved Baba’s birthday was offered this year the remembrance of which began heartily with 7 “Avatar Meher Baba ki jai”s at exactly 3:30pm on Saturday. Dr. Allan Cohen joined us this year. He had not visited the LA. Group since ‘77’78 so it was really a delight to be with him again. He recounted how he came to Baba in the late ‘60s and how almost before he knew he was a Baba “lover” Baba decided to use this shy university student for His work and told him to go out and talk about Baba. He reminded us of how Baba as the Divine Trickster can use illusion for His Universal Work and “turn the key” which He did in the’60s bringing many new lovers to Himself.

Di Allen Cohen guest speaker at LA birthday celebrations.

Mehernoush Lorkalantari dances a traditional Persian dance

Campagna sang a lovely song “If God Were One Of Us” and was accompanied by Rob Thornbum and her father Michael Campagna on guitar. Danny Maguire, Josh and Janani Lee and Mia sang the Baba alphabet song starting with “A is for Avatar” etc. Steve Sadono played Bach’s Sunday, the 25th we moved on to Occidental Col “Prelude in Fugue” very deftly on piano. Mehernoush’s lege in nearby Eagle Rock in Lower Herrick Hall to con- Persian dance was so graceful in yet another gorgeous cos tinue offerings to the Beloved. Baba’s baraka’was palpa tume in hot pink. Mahmoud Ajang sang the Persian arti bly felt. There was a very intimate family feeling this year very soulfully. It was very heartwarming to see George enhanced by the children making their offerings to Baba so Gerdes on stage, looking healthy, after undergoing heart naturally and easily. Janani Lee played the flute, Mia surgery several months ago. He sang three or four folk songs on guitar. Billy Goodrum, Richard Stermer, Harry Thomas, DebraAshe, Michael Campagna, Rob Thornburn, Scott and Prem Makeig, and Fayre Davis, offered heartfelt and uplifting song. Michael Matthias of New Jersey, as always, had some surprises for us with his cosmic poetry readings. Fred Stankus, aka Ed McMaya, waged war against the mind with his perennial favorite “Manonash Calypso”. Jeff Maguire did a stand up ad lib pointing out the pitfalls of living a spiritual life in the fast lane with The One ! Lastly we saw the Beloved’s face and form divine at the birthday party filmed in Nasik. The celebration came to a close with Steve Shev’s Michael Ranisden leads the singing at Baba ‘s intimate rendition of birthday celebration. “Beguine the Beguine” on the mandolin.

Janami and Josh Lee, Danny Maguire and Mia Campagna perform a medley

Billy Goodrum and Linda Zavala, coor Marguerite Foley reads poem to dinators wish to express Baba. Linda Zavala assists. a special thanks to Tim Thelan, sound engineer, Mario Zavala, lighting engineer, Rob and Wendy Ward, Mary Kay and Leila Hage, Rose Choi, Vanessa Stout, flower arranging, David Overton, the birthday cake and others for making it such a beautiful event.


Adele Wolkin at Denver Sahavas by Judi Schoeck Two lodge buildings. side by side up a snowy hill Love, God is Love! Meher Baba. Meher Baba, Avatar, in the Rocky Mountains outside Denver, were transformed Avatar! into Lower and Upper Meherabad during the third annual Saturday night, Adele told us of her Sahavas with Rocky Mtn. Sahavas for Meher Baba’s Meher Baba. She first saw Meher Baba Birthday. This year, about 38 people from in April 1 952, very early in the morning near and far attended the two-day gatherat New York’s Penn Station. Baba had ing and Adele Wolkin was our special said ‘no interviews’, as he and the 6 guest. women and 6 men companions were on The idea for a regional gathering their way to the Meher Center, so Adele was put into place for the centenary cel and Filis waited on an upstairs balcony ebration ofthe Ancient One’s Advent and, just to glimpse the Master. Adele said The as other Sahavas attendees know, it’s a Abodefor One andAll is the name Meher great way to be together and focused, away Baba gave to the Myrtle Beach Center. from the pull of our daily lives. When Adele first met Meher Baba Saturday morning Adele spoke of (at 9:30 am on May 10, 1952), she reallearning of Meher Baba through Filis ized that He was her mother and father, Frederick and Meher Baba’s Western someone who makes you feel loved and women disciples. After Filis heard a talk protected and not self-conscious. Adele by Norma Matchabelli, Adele met Eliza told us she didn’t look too deeply into beth Patterson and Nadine Tolstoy at Baba’s eyes on her first meeting. StandElizabeth’s home. Norma was seated to ing next to Baba was like standing next reveal a spiritual thought transmission from to a tall person knowing you’re short Judi Schoeck, Adele Wolkin, Dixon Staples at Denver Meher Baba. He had said Norma was the you knew where you were at, as a human Sahavas, Feb 23-25, 1996 only one in the West who had spiritual being. Adele said the contagion of Baba’s thought transmission. During these talks, purity was such, that touching Him was Adele said, Norma’s voice and appearance changed. Once not like another type of human being. Adele had met Baba, she realized Norma did take on asAdele gave of herself unstintingly during her time pects of Baba during these sessions. Adele said she felt so with us. We left our mountain retreat mid-day and our cel much balm and sweetness as Norma spoke, there was no ebration for Baba’s birthday ended that evening with a party way to respond negatively because the authenticity of love held in Denver. At our regular weekly Baba meeting the showed through. following Sunday night, more than one of us mentioned In I 944, Adele and Filis were asked by the three if how the fragrance of our Sahavas stayed with us all week. they would like to help prepare for Meher Baba’s coming And may it ever be so! that we continue to grow in keepto the States. After Adele and Filis spent months acting as ing company with Beloved Baba every day of our lives. ushers during public talks, helping with elaborate teas the Meher Spiritual Center in South Carolina, Nadine became ill with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Baba said He wanted someone who loved her to care for her. Norma intuited that Adele would be the right person for this and Adele took charge of nursing Nadine. Adele shared with us that Norma was the only one Elizabeth ordinarily went along with, and that Baba had told Nadine that she would achieve what Leo Tolstoy longed for. Late Saturday afternoon, a dhuni fire was lit in the Upper Meherabad fireplace and each of us threw our intentions in Meher Baba’s consuming fire of love. Sharing Meher Baba of songs and stories ended with an energy-filled circle dance I 936 as we sang the round: Meher Baba, Meher Baba, God is ,


Washington D.C.


More than 60 people in the Meher Baba Washington (DC) Gathering celebrated Baba’s I 02nd birthday with a music program at the Synergy Dance and Healing Arts Center on February 24. And on the 25th, there was a potluck brunch at Jeff and Geri Craddock’s home.

About two dozen from the Atlanta environs grouped together to celebrate Meher Baba’s birthday. Jeff Wolverton from Myrtle Beach was invited as guest speaker and musician. Trudy Gardiner of Athens, GA was also a featured vocalist. The gatherings were at Naozer and Kathy Dadachanji’s and began with arti at 8:30 pm on Saturday, February 24 (which was 7 am. in India, February 25). Then there was music and Jeff’s message about harmony.

The musicians invited were Raphael Rudd of New Jersey, pianist, and Jane Brown of Myrtle Beach, vocalist; with the D.C. group’s own Dan Stone accompanying on guitar. The performance was a perfect example of ‘the show must go on,’ as Jane and Dan were fighting laryngi tis and Raphael almost had to cancel as he was suffering from a broken cheekbone incurred when he slipped on the ice in New York. Despite being in considerable pain, at the last minute he decided to perform, considering several options to conceal his extensive bruising including performing as ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ with full mask. But he finally decided on make-up and turned his best side to the audience. He did wear his black velvet cape. Fortunately, Dan’s guitar didn’t need his husky voice, Jane came through, entertaining the large group using a Janis Joplin techique: sipping herbal cough medicine throughout the performance. Despite their disabilities, each performed beautifully. Troupers!

Chapel Hill NC About 50 attended when Tom Riley gave a talk in Chapel Hill on February 25 for Baba’s birthday celebration. He told about his second meeting with Baba in 1962 and about his link, Vidas, a French-Hungarian composer who met Baba in Hollywood in I 932. Cathy Riley was the guest musician, performing with a number of the Baba children, plus Jerry Llewellyn and Darryl Smith.

Myrtle Beach The name is apt. “Charmian,” she said, “means a bit ofjoy”. And joy it was that she brought to Meher Center on Meher Baba’s birthday week-end February 24th and 25th. It was like a radiance in her very being that spilled out in delighted laughs and smiles and chuckles as a final response to nearly every situation or subject, no matter how painful or humiliating or disas trous. This is her wisdom: “It’s a good way to bum sanskaras: illness and suffering. And Baba did say to be cheerful, you know.!” Charmian Duce Knowles journeyed from the Sufism Reoriented Center in Walnut Creek, California to share her memories of Meher Baba and lessons she has leamed. The Meeting Place was packed on Saturday night, and on Sunday at Dilruba House, people were squeezed into every inch of space in two rooms, overflowing into the hallway and kitchen. “Spiritual advancement comes from being in the world”, she concluded. “We have retreat centers just as places to rest for a while, not stay in. We need to go back into the world and serve humanity. That’s how we can serve God”. Reproducedfroni “The White Horse Journal” by permission, Vicki Warner

“It is said that the soul has to pass through eight million, four hundred thousand (84 Lakhs) human forms after it has once commenced to reincarnate in the human form. The prehuman forms through which it has to pass before it can incarnate in the human form are innumberable. from “God speaks” by Meher Baba, page 163 PAGE 9

AT THE BOOKSTORE Jai Baba and welcome to the Bookstore! As usual we have more new and exciting things to tell you about. But I hesitate I have been caught out before, by telling you about a new item on the producer’s promise that by press time we would have it in stock. Only to find production delays have occurred, and I am faced with orders but no product! Baba seems to have tested Elaine Cox’s patience & perseverance with the second volume of the wonderful Song of Huma tape. She had thought it would be ready long ere this, but is now promising to have it to us in time for the July Sahavas. So those ofyou who can make the trip to California to share in His Sahavas will be able to buy it in the Bookstore, anyone else can order 4t, and I’ll be happy to ship it out to you. For those who are unfamil iar with this tape, a little explana tion: Huma was the pen name Baba used when writing His ghazals and other poems in the I 920’s. Here they are sung by Rhoda Mistry, Meher Baba 193] Mani Irani, and Katie Irani. They were sung acapella & recorded in India, & then set to music in the States. Stop press, more problems, not available for another few months.


Another hot item many of you have been waiting for, lo, these many years! Life is a Pair ‘0 Ducks the delightful video from the artistry ofWodin. See the review by Vicki Warner on page 1 1 There are two volumes at $29.95 each, available now. While on videos, the Sufis have released a tape on the life of Murshida Ivy 0. Duce, titled simply: Murshida. Actually its been available in England for some time, but is only recently released here. With a 48 minute run time, its a very reasonably priced $26. See the review on page 27 Talking of Murshida.. ..if you haven’t read How A Master Works it is a book definitely worth having in your library. Written in 1 975 by Ivy Duce it answers questions such as “Who am I? What am I doing here? How PAGE1O

do I grow spiritually?”. She also gives the answers to “What is authentic spiritual practice? How do I integrate the mys tical with the practical? What is real discipleship all about?” In an autobiographical text, she tells of her life with Meher Baba and examines the working methods used by Baba to perfect His disciples, both in India and the Western world. Mrs. Duce writes disarmingly and simply, but tells the story on many different levels. In firsthand detail, she subtly reveals “secrets” of spiritual de velopment. Its a 768 page hard bound book, exceptionally inexpen sive at $17.95. ‘Our Lady of the Roses’, Carolyn Parker, has designed us 3 new cards, one, an exquisite photo ofMehera, and 2 new ones of Baba. Photos of these beautiful cards are scattered throughout the magazine. If you are not familiar with Carolyn’s work: she grows, cuts, and arranges fresh roses on photos of Baba and Mehera. These highly colourful roses contrast wonderfully with the black and white photograph, but they are arranged so skillfully, it seems almost as tho’ they are, in reality, being worn. Carolyn then photographs the assembled photos and roses, so we have a combination of colour and black and white. These photos are then adhered to high quality white stock as fold over cards with matching envelopes. They are $3 each. Another item that has caused great excitement on the Internet is the new album by Raphael Rudd. I have mentioned it in the last two issues, and many of you sent in your orders already. But mid-production there was a change of plans: instead of a tape & a CD of The Awakener, we are now being offered something much better! Remem ber Raphael’s tape & CD called Skydancer ? Well if you wanted the CD you had to pay $21 that was the cost to Raphael, & he passed it on to me, & the Bookstore to you, at the same price. Reason for its high price was the CD had only been commercially released in Japan, and we were selling you copies with Japanese printing all over them. But the production company hasjust come up with a great idea!: We now have for you a double CD, Skvdancer and The ,






Awakening at the great low price of $19.95.

To refresh your memory about TheAwakener tape, check your last LampPost, but if you’ve just come aboard as a new subscriber, here briefly, are the details: The Awak ener was recorded at Eel Pie Studios in London from Oc tober I 978 through May 1980 with Pete Townshend, Phil Collins and Annie Haslam. Never before released, it showcases Raphael’s full and textural sound in an orchestral rock oriented style he was experimenting with at the time. Call me for more details or to place your order. The double CD for $19.95 ! ! To answer your question, no there will be no tapes released at this time, perhaps down the road aways..

inside. .what a treat is in store for you. Not having the time to even peak inside I sent it off to John Page, who wrote the review on page 26 Then when he e mailed it back to me with selections, I nearly fell off my chair laughing! I know God was laughing! Its the kind of thing where you read one & then rush to the phone to call a dear one and say “you’vejust got to listen to this!” Paperback, 161 pages, $14. . .

I had always tried to get your orders out within a few days, but now that the Bookstore is also on the Internet & Baba List serv, that takes up another hour or two a night, so often the orders can not be packed, written up & sent for a week or more. Particularly just after a LampPost comes out & you all rush An absolutely delightful to buy the things I have been telling book thatjust came to us is I Thought you about! I love it, but it really conI Heard God Laughing renderings of cerns me when you can’t get that Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky. Yes I know which you want within a few days. So Hafiz was Baba’s favourite poet, but please bear with me and allow 2-3 with the limited time I have available, weeks for receipt of order. However Hafiz was not one of the books I was : if you need it for a birthday present or likely to pick up for a quick read. Not a special meeting, please be sure to until now that is ! When Searchlight The newly released double CD featuring and “Skydarner” the Awakening. $19:95 let me know the date you Jiyto have Publications sent me the copy for reit by, & I will get it to you on time. view I was immediately captivated by Thats all for this issue.. .hope to see a lot of you at the whimsical drawing of this kindly old gentleman with a twinkle in his eye, that makes the lovely cover ofthe book, the Sahavas otherwise.... drawn by Diane Cobb. But just wait till you see See you, at the Bookstore! .

The Subject Tonight is Love Because this issue is so late, we have a chance to mention the second book by Daniel Ladinsky, which fol lowed not a month after the first. As one is to humor, this is to love. It is so heartwarming, not to mention delightfull, and another one you simply have to share with a loved one. The prescription for the absolutely ideal setting to read The Subject tonight is Love is as follows: Whether your Sig nificant Other is Meher Baba or a more corporeal personage, be alone with them. Light the candles, put a Simon Reece tape on, and then read aloud. The atmosphere will become infused with the magic, the love, thejoy oflife and

of knowing we live with the knowledge that the Christ was here on earth in our time, walked among us, and embraced many of us. This knowledge alone gives you a glow warm enough to light a full city block! This sec ond book of Daniel’s is published by Pumpkin House Press. 67 pages and is only $10 PAGE 11


The One Real Thing You Can Do in this Life

by Mani Irani

by Mehera J. lrani, from the book “Mehera”

Mani sent the following to Jane Haynes with the request that it be read aloud at the Meher Spiritual Center and then published in the Love Street Lamp Post.

From the time I was little I knew that suffering, like everything else in creation, comes from God. I noticed how much suffering my loved ones had to go through in one way or another, especially my close family. Later I would wonder why the good people I knew received more suffering while the not-good people I knew got away with whatever they did. The answer came from within me that suffering must surely be a very good thing, such a good thing that God would want to share it with His special ones. I asked Father about it, and he said, “Never question God’s Love and Wisdom my child, suffering is a passing thing given to you for your lasting benefit.” When you belong to the Lord, He takes over all that is yours your failures, your victories, your joys and your sorrows, to work with as He wishes. With all the Baba lovers that we know of going through all the suffering that we hear of, it is not easy to see all the compassion that we are assured of. His unseen compassion is spoken of by His great lovers in the past, and illustrated by a Perfect Master in a simple analogy of a village potter. -


You may have been among one of the groups ac companying Eruch on a tour of Pimpalgaon Village in the old days when he took Baba-lovers around at village. One of the favourite sights was the village potter at work mak ing a pot on a primitive wheel turned by hand. While the clay is whirling around on the wheel, the potter is shaping the pot by whacking it with a wooden mallet. As his right hand is visibly raining these blows on the outside of the pot, his left hand is inside the pot, unseen, silently supporting and upholding it so that it does not break. Thus a Perfect Master illustrates God’s unseen compassion. Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai! ! ! PAGE 12

As I have said, Baba suffered for each one of us, for His Love for each one of us. In many, many ways Baba suffered. Baba had so much work and put so much stress and strain on His body with His fasts; with His seclusions; with His mast work when He walked for miles and miles in the hot sun and travelled in third-class trains for days without rest; with His contacting the lepers; with His bowing down to the thousands of sadhus and poor people; and with His two accidents. And Baba had to constantly put up with the natures ofthose around Him, and with many other things. So much He has gone through. I cannot tell you of all the suffering that He took upon Himself. And He used to just keep quiet and not say a word. Baba had to swallow all the suffering and all the difficulties He had to go through. Such a strain it was, never to be able to speak out. We cannot know now great that suffering was for Baba. Keeping silence all those years was most difficult for Baba. Baba’s nature was happy and cheerful. He loved to talk and to laugh and to sing, but after silence Baba could not say anything. He had to spell everything out on the al phabet board. Baba had a very fine sense of humour, but if He wanted to be funny or to tease someone He would have to point to the letters on the board. And by the time He had finished saying it, halfthe fun was lost. Then Baba gave up even the alphabet board, and with great patience He would have to repeat again and again, through gestures, what He wanted to convey. And Baba’s nature was to do everything quickly. Baba loved to laugh, but even that sound He denied Himself and held back. All those years Baba had to hold back and not say what He wanted to say. Every second of the day, every minute, every day, every month, every year for forty-four years Baba could not say what He wanted to say. In 1 941 Upasni Maharaj knew that He was soon going to give up His body, and He wanted to see Baba one more time. Baba agreed to meet Him alone, but not in Sakori. So it was arranged that they meet outside Sakori. They met, and with tears in His eyes Maharaj told Baba, “Give up Your silence. Now it is bringing too much suffering.” And Baba replied, “No, I have come to suffer, and My work is most important. I must finish My work.” And how much Baba suffered as time passed. He never told us He was suffering, but He was. And for those last twelve years Baba could not even

walk. Baba lived those twelve years with great difficulty, yet not the sound of a groan or a moan did He make. His health was such that He must have wanted to, but He did not complain. Baba quietly suffered to the very end. Baba suffered for our sake, for each one, and for all humanity, and for all creation. Baba has given a great push to every soul in creation. He is the Creator, and it all belongs to Him. And Baba is all-forgiving, and very, very loving. Sometimes we made mistakes, because it was not easy to live with the Avatar. He always tested one. And when that time came, we did sometimes forget and make mistakes. But Baba would at once forgive us and say, “Don’t worry. Take it out of your head, forget it.” An we did our best to serve Him and love Him to the best of our ability. So Baba has suffered for each one of us, and now we should love Him because He loves us and went through all this suffering for each of us. Always hold on to Baba’s daaman and love Him, that is the one real thing you can do in this life. Baba may seem to try to snatch His daaman from your hands, but be sure not to let go, be sure to hold on tightly. Be true to His love for you.

Baba’s Nazar by Eruch Jessa wa/a

Meher Baba often told us that suffering brought the individual closer to Him. One day we were all sitting in the Mandali Hall enjoying a music programme in progress with a large number of people in attendance and in the gathering was a woman holding a small baby in her arms. Suddenly at one point the baby started to cry, tugging at the mother in its efforts to be free. This greatly embarrassed the mother who kept her hold, but the more she tried to restrain and silence the child, the louder its cries became. Baba ofcourse noticed the mother’s discom fiture and asked that the baby be allowed to crawl on the floor and as soon as this was done the cries were silenced and the baby gurgled happily in its new found freedom. After the music stopped, Baba began to give a dis course and everyone’s attention was focussed on what He was saying. Halfway through the discourse, Baba stopped

and pointing to the baby who was close to falling over the threshold of the door, signalled that the mother should re trieve it and let it crawl near her. Baba then interrupted His discourse to explain the following in these words: “When I say My nazar (grace) is on you, it means I allow you to play with your own little games just as you saw this baby do, and when you are about to fall and hurt yourself, I pick you up and put you in a safe place and let you continue with your game. However, when I pick you up, like the baby you throw a tantrum, for My act of picking you up appears in a form of suffering for you, but I know what is good for you. It is only your suffering that will bring you close to Me and when you suffer, know that My nazar is on you.” From THE ANCIENT ONE, p. 136 Copyright 1985 Naosherwan Anzar

[. PAGE 13

IN MEMORIAM by Dma Snow Franklin Andy Muir passed on to His Beloved at 7. 15 am Sunday May 1 9th, just 8 days after his 82nd birthday. It was a blessed release for him as he had been in fragile health for the past few years. Andy has touched a great many lives, and I don’t think there is a person who could not feel that their lives were enhanced by that contact. I was one of the lucky ones who knew him as PegAndy. Baba called them this when he and his wonderful (overused word, great understatement!) wife, Peggy were the leaders of the Baba group in Washington D.C. back in the 60s. We immediately hit it off with them & formed an intimate family friendship. They both said they felt there were strong karmic ties to our children. When I invited Andy to my daughter’s wedding in ‘94 he said “I’ ye got to be there! The little stinker peed on my lap the first time I met her!” Unfortunately health problems prevented him from attending, and we missed him badly. Before his body started failing him, he was an indefati gable worker. In his late 70s he would stay with me each Sahavas & pack up and carry heavy boxes for me. Always the consumate gentleman, he refused to let me lift a thing. At the Sahavas he would sit to have a quiet chat with someone and after 15 minutes or so, there would be a crowd of 30 or more around him. He had so many wonderful stories to tell, thank goodness he got a lot of it on audio and video tapes in a interview form. It would be good to get those tapes in our lending library, so those of us who know and love him can listen to him again, and those who have never heard him, can learn from his wisdom. When his beloved Peggy succumbed to Alzheimer’s, Andy took on the full nursing chores for four long heartbreaking years. From this experience he says he learned what it is to be a Mother. He would talk to any man he could get to listen about how wonderful the mothering instict was, and what amazing creatures we women were. of course, we didn’t mind hearing that! Here was a man who had truly integrated his masculine and feminine side. It made him a marvellous companion for both men and women.

living in that fabulous apartment in D.C. I used to fly out for the weekend and we’d party the time away. He moved a few years ago to the wonderful little cottage in the woods which he promptly named “Muir Woods”. He asked me to help him unpack the accumulation of 30 plus years of Baba treasures, and all the beautiful things he and Peggy had col lected in the Orient. What a wonderful experience that was! So much beautiful ‘Meherabilia’ it took days longer than the job would normally call for. ,

Andy had been in hospital for a few days after a fall that broke his hip, then lapsed into a coma, and passed on without regaining consciousness. He had his very bying Baba friends around him all the time and had a peacefubl passage to the Prayers and Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai! It was a happy time for us all, knowing how his body had been failing him, and knowing that he was now reunited with his beloved Meher Baba and his dearest Peggy. Jai Baba Andy, I will really miss you! I’m sure many ofyou have some wonderful ‘Andy stories’ If you would like to send them to us, we would be happy to share them in these pages. .


J ,




Upon learning ofAndy v passage, we received the following telegram from the Iviandali:

“Dear Andy,

ancient lover of the

Ancient One,

His love for God and devotion to the Avatar as Meher Baba was as full and as strong as I have seen in anyone short ofthe Mandali! ButAndy also had an ascerbic side, that totally delighted a lot of us. No mush ball was he! He could shoot fire and brimstone at times! We shared the same birthday, so when he was still PAGE 14

is enjoying unbounded

freedom in Beloved Avatar Meher Baba’s presence. We salute his love for his Beloved Master, Avatar Meher Baba.” Signed,

Your Meherazad Family






CALENDER OF EVENTS July 3, Wednesday 7:30pm

July 27, Saturday 8pm

Lord Meher by Bhau Kaichuri

Arti An evening ofprayers, song, poetry, and other expressions of devotion for Meher Baba.

Lord Meher by Bhau Kalchuri

July 31 Wednesday 7:30pm

Baba World News (BWN) News, information and artfrom around the Baba world.

Reading and discussion

August 28, Wednesday 7:30pm Reading and discussion

August 31, Saturday 8pm

July 6, Saturday 8pm Film Night Avatar Meher Baba as recorded on film.


Lord Meher by Bhau Kaichuri

Reading and discussion

September 4, Wednesday 7:30pm

July10, Wednesday 7:30pm

August 3, Saturday 9:30am 4:30pm

Lord Meher by Bhau Kalchuri

Reading and discussion

July10, Wednesday 9pm

Mehermount’s 40th Anniversary celebration of Meher Baba’s visit Special guests Billie Eaton, Tex Hightower Marguerite Poley and Adele Wolkin.

The Call (Century Cable SM) Tune in for this public access broadcast of this film on Meher Baba. Tell a friend. Much thanks to producer Fred Stankus.

Film Night Avatar Meher Baba as recorded on film.

July13, Saturday 6pm

August 7, Wednesday 7:30pm

September 7, Saturday 8pm

Lord Meher by Bhau Kalchuri

Film Night Avatar Meher Baba as recorded on film.

Lord Meher by Bhau Kaichuri Reading and discussion


August 3, Saturday 8pm

Farsi Language Meeting Devoted to the discussion of Meher Baba in The Farsi language. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

Reading and discussion

July13, Saturday 8 pm


Silence Day (history and sharing). Come tell your favorite silence day stories and experiences.

August 10, Saturday 6pm

September 11, Wednesday 7:30pm

Farsi Language Meeting Devoted to the discussion of Meher Baba in The Farsi language. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

Lord Meher by Bhau Kalchuri

August 10, Saturday 8pm Orientation (Meher Baba I 01) An introduction to Avatar Meher Baba his life and works.

July17, Wednesday 7:30pm Lord Meher by Bhau Kalchuri

Reading and discussion

September 7, Saturday 6pm Farsi Language Meeting Devoted to the discussion of Meher Baba in The Farsi language. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

Reading and discussion

September 14, Saturday 8pm Gutta Night Come drink in the wine ofBaba’s love in a feast ofsharing, hosted by our own Fred and GG.

September 18, Wednesday 7:30pm Lord Meher by Bhau Kalchuri

August 14, Wednesday 7:30pm

July 20, Saturday

Lord Meher by Bhau Kaichuri

Mehermount work party. Please call caretaker Michelle @ (805) 640-0000 if interested.

Reading and discussion

August 17, Saturday 8pm Baba’s sister Mani Come share with Adele Wolkin and Lynn Maguire in stories & music ofbeloved Baba’s sister Mani & her family letters.

July 20, Saturday 8pm God Speaks Reading and discussion

July 24, Wednesday 7:30pm

August 21 Wednesday 7:30pm ,

Lord Meher by Bhau Kaichuri

Lord Meher by Bhau Kaichuri

Reading and discussion.

Reading and discussion

Reading and discussion

September 21 Saturday 6pm ,

Farsi Language Meeting Devoted to the discussion ofMeher Baba in The Farsi language. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

September 21 Saturday 8pm ,

Very Special Guest: Roshan Kerawalla. She will be with us for the preceeding 4 days. Tea times to be announced.*

September 25, Wednesday 7:30pm Lord Meher by Bhau Kalchuri

July 27, Saturday

August 24, Saturday 6pm

Mehermount work party. Please call caretakerMichelle @ (805) 640-0000 if interested.

Farsi Language Meeting Devoted to the discussion of Meher Baba in The Farsi language. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

July 27, Saturday 6pm Farsi Language Meeting Devoted to the discussion of Meher Baba in The Farsi language. Coordinated by Dr. Mahmoud Ajang.

August 24, Saturday 8pm ,

Baba in Hollywood Details and information on Meher Baba’s visits to the fabled city of celluloid.

Reading and discussion

September 28, Saturday 8pm Dance “I am happy even before I have reasonJ I am full of Light even before the sky can greet the sun or the moonJ Dear companions, we have been in love with God for so very, very longfWhat can Hafiz now do but Forever Dance!” Hafiz Musicians interested in performing please contact Richard @ (310) 208-4764. PAGF


Children’s Corner I


;‘ ,

on one picture in my room, God’s face, His glorious face, Meher Baba’s face.


>:‘1: : I &1

The swirl of color enclosing


1: ,


Danny Maguire age 11


mi PHIAWIlL Beloved god faithful seruants,more precious than all the riches the world would ever dare to acquire ,ever free from the clutches of greed and hatred,and understanding eternallg and forever memories shine on them like a sun that never sets and a moon that never grows dimi long to stag with them till the end and listen to their enchanting tales of their life with cuvflvfl (11) (—4 thelord.




r\ e


j(unin 7

The souls of manj gather in a reunion of love, coming to pag homage to the Beloved, asking the almightg to sweep the floors of their

hearts ,and polish the gates of their minds.




CENTER REPORT Michae’ Ramsden Much has happened this last quarter. Board activity has been focused on several issues that have been in progress for some time. The first activity of note has been a follow-up on membership enrollment after the approval of the revised mem bership requirements, approved at the Annual General Meeting by the then current membership. This enrollment period for new and renewed voting members or associate members is still open. If you have not returned your membership status card, please do so A.S.A.P. This will make our membership and mailing lists fully updated. Thank you. The Second activity is related to a change in the way the physical building can be used. Unfortunately the Center does not meet the fire and building code requirements for having meetings upstairs with more than 9 people. Rocky Rodgers is rede signing storage and utilization of the downstairs room for meetings with up to 45 people. The Center has also purchased an outdoor pandal style tent for larger gatherings which can seat over 70 people. Combined meeting space with appropriate use of sound equipment is over 100 people weather permitting and in So. Cal. it usually does. -


The Third activity that has pre-occupied most of the mem berships attention was related to the Capital Fundraising Campaign. In Southern California there have been many opinions shared amongst the members and non-members alike who utilize the Center and its facilities. Suffice to say that the effort did not come to its expected fruition at this time. It did bring into clearer focus the diversity of viewpoints present in the Southern Cali fornia Meher Baba community about: * ownership versus rent/lease *

Center Functions


Long Term Community Commitment to run and support a larger facility.


the difficulty of choosing an appropriate method for asking for donations.


The difficulties associated with ensuring that all the community are fully informed.


The difficulty getting all the community interested enough to become fully informed in appropriate time to make an informed decision together.


The recent board re-organization itself.

It did become very apparent that there is solid com munity support for moving the center to a larger building with better facilities. In fact the membership already approved the Board to make such a move at the A.G.M. in February, should the Fundraising drive stop. There is however a movement in process, to continue the Fundraising campaign. The Board will review its progress at the next Board meeting at the end of June and make further decisions at that time. Last year the membership did approve a similar interim move which did not take place because donations to the Centers operating fund dwindled markedly, making such a move impossible. Once again we are faced with the same prob lem. The community may have voted with their hearts bdt have to reach into their pocketbooks to make it happen. Many heartfelt thanks have been extended to all the members of the Capital Fundraising and Long Range Planning committees from all members of our diverse commu nity. There have been many hurt feelings in this process which have tried the patience, forebearance, forgiveness and selfeffacement of all on all sides of the issues. In all things Ava tar Meher Baba has been present. The community is now looking forward to its continued activities at the Bookstore, with the Love Street Lamp Post, at the regularly scheduled Center programs, the I 996 Sahavas and other special events and happenings scheduled throughout the year.

We Keep Each Other Happy

I Knew We Would Be Friends As soon as you opened your Like two lovers who have become lost mouth In a winter blizzard And I heard your soft And find a cozy empty hut Sounds, In the forest, I knew we would be I now huddle everywhere Friends. With the Friend. The first time, dear pilgrim, I God and I have built an immense fire heard Together. You laugh, We keep each other happy I knew it would not take me long And warm. -__1 To turn you back into LFrTheSubjecttoigt_isLove God. -

DArt’ 1’

but with eyes Divine. You always were, You always are, and You always will be; You are everywhere, You are in everything; and You are also beyond everywhere and beyond everything. You are in the firmament and in the depths, You are manifest and unmanifest; on all planes and beyond all planes. You are in the three worlds, and also beyond the three worlds; You are imperceptible and indepen dent. You are the Creator, the Lord of Lords, the Knower of all minds and hearts; You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent.

The Master’s Prayer This prayer was dictated by Me/icr Babe during the twenty-one days ofBaba c special work (from the 13th ofAugust to the 2nd ofSeptembei 1953). It was recited everyday by one of the Mandali in Baba presence.

0 Parvardigar, the Preserver and Protector of All,You are without Beginning and without End; non-dual, beyond comparison; and none can measure You. You are without color, without expression, without form, and without attributes. You are unlimited and unfathom able, beyond imagination and conception; eternal and imperishable. You are indivisible; and none can see You flA (T’ 10

You are Knowledge Infinite, Power Infinite, and Bliss Infinite. You are the Ocean of Knowledge, All Knowing, Infinitely Knowing; the Knower of the past, the present and the future; and You are Knowledge itself. You are All-Merciful and eternally benevolent. You are the Soul of Souls, the One with Infinite Attributes. You are the Trinity of Truth, Knowledge and Bliss; You are the Source

of Truth; the Ocean of Love; You are the Ancient One, the Highest of the High; You are Prabhu and Parameshwar; You are the Beyond God and the Beyond Beyond God also; You are Parabrahma, Paramatma, Allah, Elahi; Yazdan; Ahuramazda; God Almighty; and God the Beloved. You are named Ezad; the Only One worthy of worship.

Prayer to Mehera


Prayer given by Mani.

Beloved Mehera, the purest of the pure, the one who loved Beloved Baba as He should be loved. Help us to love and serve Beloved Baba so that we may please Him as you have pleased Him.

/, *





Beloved Beautiful Baba by Mehera

Over the highest mountain top From over the blue sea I will fly to you For I love you, I love you From over the hottest desert Over the deep valleys and lakes The dense forests and fields

I will fly to you For I love you, I love you And when I see you I’ll run to you Into your lovely arms And hold you to me Hold you to my heart forever Beloved Beautiful Baba In your eyes I’ll long to see your sweet love And you, You will see sweet love For you in me. DAflL’ 10

Poetry Learn From the Prophet An Alchemy


Learn from the Prophet an alchemy: Whatever God gives you, be content. At the very moment you become content in affliction, the door of paradise will open. If the messenger of heartache comes to you, embrace him like a friend! A cruelty that comes from the Beloved bestow upon it a warm welcome! Then that heartache can throw off its veil, rain down sugar, and be gentle and heart ravishing. Seize the edge of heartache’s veil, for she is beautiful but deceptive. In this lane, I am the whoremonger, I have pulled off the veil from every beautiful face. They all put on ugly veils so that you will think they are dragons. But I am fed up with my spirit I worship dragons! If you are fed up with your spirit, then hear their calls of welcome! Heartache can never find me without laughter I call the pain the “cure.” Nothing is more blessed than heartache, for its reward has no end. If you do not show your manliness, you will find nothing. I will be silent, lest a mistake jump from my mouth. Divan-i Shams-i Tabrizi, poem 2675, from W. C. Chittick, “The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi,” -



(State University of New York Press, 1983), pp. 293-4.

I love you more than the morning sun, more than the stars at night more than the flowers that bloom in the shade and the moths that dance in the light I love you more than the green, green grass and more than the great blue sky. The beauty I see when I look at you is so sweet that it makes me cry. I love you more than a veil of lavender petals caressing a tree. More precious than gold is the sparkle of joy in your eyes when you look at me. I love you more than the smoothness of rest and more than the softness of peace. When everything wanes and contracts and recedes the expanse of my love will increase. I love you more than a breath of air and the cool of a mountain stream, and compared to the bliss of loving you, life is an empty dream. Regina Fletcher Sedano

Emily Robertson The heart is a dove, winging away from the known, Below and above, Ocean. The heart is a dove, winging away Into infinity, pure and alone.

*Thank You Beloved Baba*

Thank You Beloved Baba Your love has turned the key I was running away from me until You set me free

Infinitely pure, it seemed, And so Iletitgo.


I was unable to bow my head, You brought me to my knees You held my heart, You held my hand and gave me back to me 7/

Thank You Beloved Baba Your love has set me free PAGF2O

to be your slave, to be your son to be what I must be r-

I was busy bein’ someone else I didn’t know what for You held my heart, You held my hand and opened that locked door. Thank You Beloved Baba You are my loving Lord Your compassion is boundless Your mercies are not stored You freely give me with both hands How could I ask for more? You gave my heart back to my soul and opened that locked door. Thank You Beloved Baba Your mercy is complete May I love and serve You forever with my life bowed at Your feet May I live only to please You and to earn Your smile of grace May I drown my sound in Your Silence and my eyes in Your lovely face. Thank You Beloved Baba You gave when I could not I looked at my beggarly hands and couldn’t believe all I had got Now I only long to give You at least a little of what You gave me You gave my heart back to my soul Your love has set me free. Thank You Beloved Baba May I praise You without end You raised this stalk up from the ground and made this willow bend So these branches might tough your lotus feet my Beloved and my friend Thank You Beloved Baba May I thank you to the end Thank You Beloved Baba May I thank you to the end. From “Thank You Beloved Baba” (c) Tony Paterniti, 1994

Emily Robertson

PEREGRINE The road of life returns, always, To a place of silence. Singing, speaking, we are always,

of that place. We are aware In our hearts of our desire To find out where it starts And to travel there. Closed Now (Inner Tears)

Deep love, inner tears shared bytwo-You andl deep love, dear Beloved share with me your deep pain and the oneness it has created between us. Fred Schwager BA (V ‘1

“I say with my Divine Authority to each and all that whosoever takes my name atthe time of breathing his last comes to me: So do not forget to remember Me in your last moments. Unless you start remembering me from now on, it will be difficult to remember me when your end approaches. You should start practicing from now on. Even if you take My name only once a day, you will notforget to remember Me in your dying moments.”


August 23, 1966 by Kitty Davy to Mani

Thefollowing is an excerptfrom a letter written August 23, 1966 by Kitty Davy to Mani, andfollowed by Mani reply, that clarifies the above statement by Baba:

Kitty writes: Allan Cohen asked me today to explain what Baba means when He so often says on hearing that so and so has passed on “They have come to me.” My answer was “It means different things to different ones”. -

Mani replies: Kitty’s answer to Allan’s question was correct. But a more detailed answer is given here of what Baba explained He means by they have “come to me.” 1. Those who remember Baba wholeheartedly or repeat His name while breathing their last, ‘come to Baba” when they drop their body. They are liberated

from the round of births and deaths and experience eternal bliss. Only Baba’s grace makes this possible. 2. Those who are close to Baba in their love for Him but drop their body without their last thoughts being of Baba, or without His name on their lips also come to Baba. When they reincarnate they are born in a very intimate Baba family. Such souls “come to Baba” in human form when Baba says they have “come to Me”. 3.Those who know of Baba and die without their last thoughts being of Baba and without His name on their lips, but die with thoughts of the spiritual path or thoughts of God also “come to Baba” when Baba specifi cally remarks they have “come to Me”. Such souls reincarnate in their intense desire to lead a spiritual life and through their search for God they eventually “come to Baba” by contacting Him in His physical body. Thus when Baba says so and so has “Come to Me” it has different meanings for different ones.

4. As for the Mandali of Baba and the very intimate men and women disciples, their case is entirely different. Their very existence is because of the breath of Baba’s Grace, and with or without their body, their existence is in Baba. Meherazad September 2nd 1966

Borrowed Time by Andy Muir May 8, 1987 I wonder why He spared my life? When born I weighed not quite two pounds My twin brother came with me- but dead Now seventy-nine Still making the rounds. I wonder why he gave me a perfect wife? Or how he filled our many years with love and life? More than 13,000 days I wish it had been more But when two hearts beat as one Who thinks of keeping score By His grace-she brought me to His feet Gave me to Him for I was hers alone This was May 17, 1952 But Baba gave me back to her And saved my life once more PAGE22

Saying, “Do it together!” Placed His hands upon our heads Linked our lives forever. This life of love I thought Would never end But He came to her My dearest Peggy then Ran away with my Best Friend Now I know my entire life And my years with a perfect wife Were borrowed from Baba Principal was His, interest mine Master’s Card working fine I cannot pay the huge amount One day He will close my account.

From “Meher Memuirs” copvright]993, Andrew Muir ,

Persian New Year. by: R. Norrozy Since we have such a large Farsi community at our Baba Center here in Los Angeles, (more than any where else in the Country) we thought you may appreciate this very interesting explanation ofthe Persian New Yeai It will also answer all your questions as tojust what all those things on thefloor in front ofBaba Sadra actually standfo,

Nowruz [pronounced NO-ROOZ] in Persian means New[-year]-day. It is the beginning of the year for the people of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran,and Tajikistan. It begins precisely with the beginning of spring on vernal equi fox, on about March 21. Tradition takes Nowruz as far back as I 5,000 years before the last ice age. King Jamshid (Yima or Yama of the Indo-Iranian lore) symbolizes the transition of the Indo-Ira nians from animal hunting to animal hus bandry and a more settled life in human history. Seasons played a vital part then. Everything depended on the four seasons. After a severe winter, the beginning of spring was a great occasion with mother nature rising up in a green robe of colorful flowers and the cattle delivering their young. It was the dawn of abundance. Jamshid is said to be the person who introduced Nowruz celebrations. --


but I am a good preservative. I add taste to the things you want to preserve and relish. I symbolize tasty preservation. Second Plate: I am SUMAC, exotic in my own way, I make your favorite kabobs have a tangy taste, a taste you relish. I symbolize taste. Third Plate: I am SIR, garlic. Some may not like my aroma and others love it. I lower blood pressure. I pacify. I symbolize peace. Fourth Plate: I am SAMANU, a sweetish paste, made from germinating wheat. I symbolize the sprouting spring, the time for happy growth. Fifth Plate: I am SIB, apple. I symbolize the fruits of our world, both literally and allegorically. Sixth Plate: I am SENJED, the tasteless berry of the sorb tree. I am the fruit of a tree which provides shade in summer. I symbolize the shelter and security you need when you want a rest. Seventh Plate: I am SABZI,fresh green herbs. I come from green fields. I sym bolize prosperity. The seven plates with SH tell us: First Plate: I am SHARAB, thç wine. I am the nectar. I symbolize health and happiness, of course, iftaken in moderation! To your health! Second Plate: 1 am SHAKAR, sugar. I give your favorite foods their sweetness. I symbolize sweetness. Third Plate: I am SlUR, milk, the first food one tastes in this world. I symbolize nourishing food. Fourth Plate: I am SHIREH, syrup. I am the sap, the fluid essential for life, health and vigor. I symbolize vigorous health. Fifth Plate: I SHAHD, honey. I am the sweet produce of the cooperative bees. I symbolize the sweet result of team work. Sixth Plate: I am SHIRINI, candy, loved by those have a sweet tooth. I simply symbolize sweetness with no sign of bitterness Seventh Plate: I am SHIR BERENJ, rice-pudding, a tasty food. I symbolize food for taste and health.

Today, the ceremony has been simplified. A table is laid. It has a copy of the sacred book, a Saints picture, a mirror, candles, incense burner, bowl of water with live gold fish, the plates and vessels with green sprouts, flowers, fruits, coins, bread, sugar cone, various grains, fresh, colorfully painted boiled eggs like “Easter eggs,” and above all, seven articles with their names beginning in Persian with the letter S (seen) or SH(sheen). The usual things with Sare vinegar, sumac, garlic, samanu (consistency of germinating wheat), apple, senjed (sorb), and herbs. Those with an initial letter SH include wine, sugar, syrup, honey, candy, milk, and ricepudding. The seven articles are prominently exhibited in small bowls or plates on the table. The table is laid with a white cloth. White represents spotless purity. Let me de fine the significance of the seven plates of S and seven plates of SH. Those with S inform us:

Addition to table The mirror reflects our past and shows us our present so that we thoughtfully plan our future. The candles are light, warmth, and energy to lead a righteous life that would, in turn, radiate light, give warmth, and provide energy for others. The incense burner gives the fragrance we need to meditate, pray to God, and ask for help and guid ance. The gold fish symbolizes a happy life, full of activity

First Plate: I am SERKEH, the vinegar. I am sour

see page 31 PArr i

Arts & Entertainment Well, the months have passed and it’s time for another column. It seems that there has been a quickening of pace and events all around and that the role of the arts is becoming increasingly significant. Much has been going on amongst the artists in and around our L.A. Baba cornrnunity. We would love to include information about other groups and areas as well, so please send us notices and keep us informed. “Work with me.”

Richard Arthur

The Still Yet More Chamber Players, Pris and Chris Haffenden have been making a name for themselves at various venues around town, with Pris on guitar and Chris on oboe playing from Baroque to the Beatles. Call them @ (310) 390-2779 for their current

performance schedule, to book them for a private gathering or to have Chris come and tune your piano. Fred Stankus continues tirelessly to produce segments on Meher Baba for public access television. See July 10 on the program schedule. Sculptor and painter Jurgis Sapkus, whom the L.A. group has known for years for his marvelous sculpted busts of Meher Baba, had a lovely showing at The Artist’s . .

Studio Gallery in Rancho Palos Verdes in April and May. .Billy Goodrum placed an original song in the new film Kingpin, on which he plays and sings. Look for the soundtrack. The film also features the acting work of east coast resident Prudence. Performance artist Rosalee Dunphy has been entertaining around town at various theaters and coffee houses. Hers is a unique blend of organic improvi sation and movement, “Improve- ing” as she calls it. You can call her at the L.A. Baba center @ (310) 474-9454 for her performance schedule as well as inquiries about vanous “open” performing venues around town seeking new talent. Tamara Mark radiated in her performance in the contemporary one act play A Man And A Woman. Yours truly is penning this article from the set of director Barry (Get Shorty) Sonenfeld’s latest outing Men In Black, where I’m working forAcaderny Award winning make-up master Rick Baker as an extra terrestrial alien. And so it is in the Beloved’s Divine Play, a few notes from around. “Art when inspired with Love leads to higher realms. Love art and that art will open for you the inner life.” Meher Baba .

. .

Please send your notices and information to RichardArthur do MV Entertainment 615 Midvale Ave. L.A., CA. 90024.

A Pofted Plant

And Acting So Cool Thewhole woridjust got thick Thewhole woridjust got thick Againwith God. And everywhere hook Makes me feel very proud That all the objects and creatures Can remain looking So poised And acting so cool While keeping the Great Secret So well. Andnotblissfully shout Alldaylong the Reality JAm— IAmthe Wine! The whole imiversejust got stoned Out ofits mind again Onthe Beauty Of God.

I pull a sun from my coin purse each day. And atriightlletmy petthe moon Rimfreely into the sky meadow. If Iwhistled, Shewould turnherhead and look at me. If I then waved my arms, She would come back wagging a marvelous tail Of stars. There are always a few men like me Tn this world Who are house-sitting for God. We share His royal duties: I water each day afavorite potted plant Of HisThis earth. Ask the Friend for love. AskHirn again. Forlhaveleamt thatevery heartwill get Whatitprays for Most.

tonight is Loj PAGF1

NEWS FROM INDIA James Cox March It was cloudy this afternoon, and at about 6 pm, we were hit with a tremendous wind and horizontal rain storm, over one inch. Most unseasonable. It feels really chilly now, but the thermometer says 76. Gotta get out a blanket! This morning Katherine and I were sitting with Mansari talking about fights. Mansari said that her uncle always said that all disagreements were really misunderstandings, and that frequent arguments and fights used to crop up amongst the women on the hill (I’m sure never amongst the men, though. ) She asked, “Do you think we were saints? Baba used to say that it is good to fight and let the other one know how you feel. Keeping it inside just prolongs it, and is also unhealthy. But once you have gotten it out, break the ice (initially misunderstood by Mansari as “eyes”), and start talking again. Don’t shut yourselfoff. Talk about anything, like, ‘Isn’t that a funny dog?’ or whatever you like, but break the ice.” I also asked her if she ever saw Baba get mad at Mehera, and she said, “Yes, but it was very mild, like Mehera would try to feed Him something, and he would say not now, and she would say, ‘But you always say not now,’ and Baba would say sternly, ‘But I know what I like.”

Bakr that he did not appear very experienced in these matters, and that it would be better if the thief went inside and brought out the gold, to which Abu Bakr agreed. Shortly afterward the thief emerged with 2 bags of gold, and gave Abu Bakr one, saying that there had been 3, but he left one, as it would have created an argument as to whom should get it. They then parted ways. The next morning, Abu Bakr called his treasurer and asked for an inventory. The treasurer, upon finding a theft had been committed and that there was still one bag of gold left, thought that this was his chance, so he took the third bag, and reported that the thief had taken all the gold. The Caliph, knowing the real story, had the treasurer ar rested and sent for the thief. The robber, upon seeing Abu Bakr, the previous night’s fellow larcenist, received a great shock, but because he was also smart, said to the Caliph, “Before you have me taken away, please remember our friendship of last night.” Abu Bakr laughed, and said that because the thief had been honest, he was not having him taken away, but on the contrary, was making him the new royal treasurer. Perhaps at some point in the future, there will be a compi lation of Arti sories, as told by Sam Kerawala.

Earlier at Arti, Sam Kerawala had told a story about a thief June 12th at the time of Mohammed. It references another story which Eruch tells of how a thief approached Mohammed and told Sarah Schall said on Friday that her thermometer in the Him that he was a thief from a long line of thieves, and Nurse’s Quarters was registering 122 around 3 pm, so she what should he do? Should he continue this lifestyle? put it in her fridge to cool it down, and when she took it Mohammed said yes, provided you do 3 things out, it went back to 1 22. I don’t know if it was really that I Never take everything, always leave the person some- hot in her room, but most places at Meherabad were defi thing so they are not destitute. nitely over 1 1 0, and the farsee under the Sabha Mandap at 2. If you hear the call to prayer, drop everything, and at- arti time felt like it had just come out of an oven. Hopetend to your prayers. fully that was the finale, because on Saturday it clouded 3 Always tell the truth. So after Mohammed’s death, dur up, sprinkled a little, and the mercury didn’t go over I 00. I ing the rule of Abu Bakr, the first Caliph, another thief in know it must be hard to imagine I 00 as cool, but it sure felt the same line took Mohammed’s instructions to his kins that way in comparison. We’ve had light sprinkles and thun man as standing orders and continued to operate accord- der ever since, the temperature at I 0 pm in Meherabad toingly. At that time, it was the habit of Abu Bakr to have a night a balmy 86 with a light breeze. Quite human. round in the night to see how his subjects were, and in so doing, he came upon this thief. Abu Bakr asked him what The water situation here is tolerable, and it looks like there he did, and the man answered that he stole for a living. won’t be any problem to open the Pilgrim Center on June Abu Bakr said that he was also a thief, and asked what was 15, as scheduled. The Trust Office has two new phone the man’s target that night. The thief said that it was the numbers, and they are 343666 and 347093, replacing the royal treasury, so Abu Bakr asked if he could accompany old 23666 and 27093 numbers. him, and the thief agreed. They proceeded to break a hole in the wall of the treasury building, and the thief told Abu Continued on page 27 -


p i 1 :



I Heard God Laughing “renderings” ofHafiz in clear, direct and contemporary style. Mr. Ladinsky describes his work as “releasing the spirit of Hafiz a spirit of infinite tenderness and compassion, of great exuberance, joy and laughter, of ecstatic love and fervent longing for his several years ago. I Heard God Laughing offers a selection of sparkling poems presented in a handsome volume with a cover designed by the artist Diane The book includes an informative biography of Hafiz Cobb. Meher Baba’s favorite poet, Hafiz, is given a fresh, vibrant interpretation in a new book, I Heard God Laugh- and an annotated bibliography. Altogether, this is a delightful and very readable introduction to the ing, by Daniel Ladinsky. For seven hunlife and work of Meher Baba’s most bedred years, Hafiz has been the most beI Heard God Laughing loved poet. loved of the Persian poets, more popular R. 1en,i j]IaL(. in the East than even his great predeces I Heard God Laughing published sor, Rumi. Meher Baba explained that the Reoriented, Walnut Creek, Sufism by poetry of Hafiz is unique in world litera California. which publishes books by and ture because Hafiz celebrates every ex about Meher Baba. They have published pression of love in the universe. Hafiz God Speaks, Listen Humanity Beams, the describes the richness and beauty of the first American edition of the Discourses world when seen through the eyes of love. (in three volumes) Rarnjoo ‘s Diaries, the And he portrays all the stages and pro•‘1 first volume of Bal Natu’s Glimpses of cesses of inner unfolding that transform the God-man and How A Master Works human love into divine love. His poetry T),: by Ivy 0. Duce. The editorial board of can be read as a record of a human being’s Sufism Reoriented was delighted by Mr. journey to perfect joy, perfect knowing and perfect love. Meher Baba described Hafiz as “a Perfect Ladinsky’s fresh approach to Hafiz and welcomed the op portunity to bring these new “renderings” of Meher Baba’s Master and a perfect poet.” favorite poet to a wider audience. Translations of Hafiz into English have rarely attracted Western readers primarily because the structure of I Heard God Laughing, 1 80 pages, paperback, retails for Persian poetry often seems awkward and stilted when it is $14, plus shipping., recast in English. Daniel Ladinsky overcomes this prob lem. His innovative approach offers not “translations” but

Dan Ladinsky, a resident of Myrtle Beach, began his work with HaJIz at Meherazad during an extended stay with the mandali. I Heard God Laughing releases the Spirit of Haflz

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I Heard God Laughing, Renderings of Hafiz


by Daniel Ladinsky

Reviewed by John Page Hafiz, who lived in Persia some six hundred years ago, was Meher Baba’s favorite poet. Hafiz’s poetry, which Beloved Baba descried as “matchless,” describes the Path ofLove wherein human love is transformed into divine love. His poetry reveals the intricacies ofthe relationship between the lover and the Beloved and imbues the entire divine re lationship with lightness, humor and joy! Baba revealed that Hafiz also became a Perfect Master after having bro ken his head at his master, Attar’s feet for decades PAGF26

Meher Baba often quoted couplets ofHafiz’s and even had certain ones posted. The three that Baba wanted us to become thoroughly stained with are: 1) Befitting a fortunate slave, carry out every command of the Master without any question of why or what; 2) About what you hear from the Master, never say it is wrong, because my dear the fault lies in your own incapacity to understand him; 3) I am the slave of the Master who has released me from ignorance. Whatever my Master does is of the highest benefit to all concerned. Baba Lovers who have frequented Meherabad and Meherazad in recent years have no doubt met Dan see page 31

ANNOUNCEMENT SECTION A VISIT TO DANA FIELD is planned on Aug.8th from I -3pm at Beverly Manor Convalescent Home in West Covina (off#60 Fwy) Entertainment and sharing with Dana planned. If you would like to attend please contact the Center or Mehernoush at 818.368.3800.evenings.

With special Guests (who were there with Baba in 1956) Bili Eaton,Tex Hightower, Marguerite Poley, Adele Wolkin. What to bring: a picnic lunch (not a pot luck), a picnic blan ket, water, a hat, sun screen. For direction or a map call Meher Mount: 805 640-0000

A NEW COAT OF PAINT FOR THE CENTER AUDIO TAPE LENDING LIBRARY Do you Many thanks to Peter Ravazza and his wife Kathleen ever find yourselfin a “dry spell” spiritually?, are you bored Weiderhold, Louis Montez, Kamal Tabatabaei, and Harry from listening to the same old negative news, weather and Thomas for the generous support and assistance to the paint- travel on your way to work? would you rather have someing of the exterior. thing inspiring to listen to? do you need an interesting theme for your Baba meetings? .Well the audio library has many STUDY AND DISCUSSION EVENINGS AT interesting, intellectually stimul ating discourses on life with ADELE WOLKIN’S HOME.. .Beginning in July Adele Baba. We have over 150 titlesju st waiting to be delved into is hosting Friday night meetings at 7:30 at her home for an by inquiring minds. What unsuspecting treasures to behold! intellectual repast and heart warming evening of reading Don’t waste your time on this tired old world any longer. and discussions ofBaba’s life and teachings. Everyone wel Make your choice to move into the cosmic Baba linkup. come. Her home address is: 714-A S. Pacific Coast Hwy in Lynne Berry (official tape walla) is ready to assist you. For Redondo Beach. Phone her at 310.540.8404. catalog or info: AMB Lending Audio Library do Lynne Berry, 267 Hanover Dr. Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 “LORD MEHER” DISCUSSION GROUP BEGINNING JULY 17 on Wednesdays at the Center, VIDEO LIBRARY Another treasure trove of in7:30pm. All are welcome to attend mid week discussion spiring talks is availab throug le h the video rental library. group led by Fred Stankus to explore in detail Baba’s life Seeing the guest speake rs again from the L.A. Sahavas,from and work. Fred can be reached at 213.257.8371. the many years past,brings back old memories from so many good times of Baba enrichment which the L.A. Sahavas ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION AT MEHER has never failed to provid e. We have many titles from over MOUNT 50 years of preservation, 40 years of sanctifica ten years to choose from. These are also excellent for meettion, Let’s join together in celebration. ing themes. For a complete listing of titles and particulars Celebrating Meher Baba’s visit to Meher Mount in August write to: AMBC-SC VIDEO CASSETTE LIBRARY P.O. 1956 and the establishment of Meher Mount in 1946 as a BOX 3247, SO.PASADE NA, CA 91031-6247 or Karma place dedicated to him. Page, evening phone: 213. 225.3910. . .

Saturday, August 3, 1996 9:30am to 5:00pm

NEWS FROM INDIA May 20, the anniversary ofMehera’s passing was observed at the Samadhi by about 60 friends and relatives, with all of the women mandali coming from Meherazad. Mani, de spite her recent health problems, looked frail but radiant, and we were all very happy to see her there, only the sec ond time she has come to Meherabad since Amartithi. Mani also commented on how she had missed being able to come, and despite her poor health, she made a special point of greeting everyone present, more so than usual. Outwardly, that is about all that has happened in May, but the inner changes continue unabated, and are much more

difficult to write about. We hope to see many of you this coming year, as Meherabad continues to gear up for the ever increasing number of His lovers wishing to visit his Tomb.

The Happy Virus

From The Subject tonight is

I caught the happy virus last night When I was out singing beneath the stars. S


remarkably contagious

So kiss me.

Letter from the Archives and Museum Committee of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust This letter is to inform Beloved Avatar Meher Baba’s lovers around the world ofthe plans that His mandali are now preparing for the conservation of Meher Baba’s personal articles, as well as the correspondence, diaries, photographs, films, tapes, and other records associated with His Advent.



When Beloved Baba walked this earth as the beauti ful God-Man, He left His imprint in everything and everyone that He touched. The dishes that He ate from and the cups that He drank from, the clothes that He wore, the games that He played with, the sticks and stones and other assorted tokens oflove that He received as gifts from the “masts” (or God-intoxicated souls), His own precious nails and hair preserved and treasured by His beloved Mehera— these tangible links to Him come to us today suffused with His fra grance.

Keith Gunn, and other volunteers, much of the planning and preliminary cataloguing has now been completed. At this juncture we feel it is timely to set forth some of the vision and prospects of this vast and ongoing project before Meher Baba’s worldwide family.

Intimations from Baba’s Time Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust

What gives this conserva tion work such singular im portance is the fact that Baba Date_____________ (Miss) MANIJA SHERIAR IRANI Himself, when He was in the May 18th, 1996 The Love Street Lamp Post physical form, had intimated Attn. Dma Franklin Avatar Metier Baba Center of Southern California 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard that the things closely asso Los Angeles, CA 90025 ciated with Him should be Dear Dma. Accompanying this letter to you is a Circular from for posterity. Even preserved the Archives and Museum Committee of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust which makes public for the first time the Trusts ashram was being when the plans for the preservation of Beloved Avatar Meher Babas personal articles and various documents associated with His life and work. disbanded and its various ef It would be greatly appreciated if you could print the enclosed circular in an upcoming issue of The Love given away or sold off fects Street Lampfp. A copy of this will also be sent to other Baba newsletters to reach out to as wide a range as for the New preparation in possible of Baba’s ever-growing family. With much love to you and all Babas dear ones in Life, from which, Baba your area from your Meherazad family. warned, He and His compan In His all-encompassing Lovm ions would never return, still Meheru S. He ordered that His used perP.S. Please let us know that this letter has reached you. sonal articles should be So too, the letters that He saved and stored in the East wrote and that were written to Room of Meher Retreat in Him, the diaries and reminis Upper Meherabad. And after cences, the accounts and chits and records of His daily activities, the photographs and the New Life when Baba was residing again, in Meherazad, films that capture His image, and more recently, the audio annually Naja and Rano were sent to Meherabad to check and video recordings of the recollections of His close through all the trunks and make sure that their contents were ones—all of these register otherwise perishable memories in good order and pest-free. of details and fragments in that matchless Story that is the The women Mandali still remember an occasion Divine Life that He led. from the Meherazad years when Baba’s beloved Mehera Baba’s mandali have long been aware of the need brought Him an old sadra, torn and threadbare with wear, to take in hand the task of safeguarding for posterity these and asked Him what she should do with it ‘Send it to the precious articles and records connected with His life, a task East Room at Meherabad,” Baba gestured. “You have no which they regard as almost comparable in importance with idea whatjust one scrap ofMy sadra will mean to the world the preservation of Baba’s Tomb. It was with this respon in the future.” Although Mehera had been entrusted with sibility in view that two years ago Mani, Baba’s sister and the charge of Baba’s personal belongings, she never felt the Chairman of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust, created the she should give them away to those who asked without first Archives and Museum Committee and appointed Meheru asking Baba. Sometimes with a particular item Baba would Irani, Bhau Kalchuri, Meherwan Jessawala, and Framroze say, “No, not that one—that one should be kept.” Thus was Mistry as members. With the help of Janet and Ted Judson, Baba Himself making provision for His lovers in the days Meredith Klein, Dot Lesnik. Beth Ganz, Sheila Krynski, to come. PAGE 28



Some ofthese old treasures were deeply connected and interwoven with certain phases of Baba’s life. During the I 920s, for example, Baba continuously wore the “kamli coat” and sandals which, whenever in need of repair, were given to be patched or mended and immediately returned for His use. Eventually the kamli coat had become a vir tual quilt in which patches covered most of the original material, and His sandals had been stitched and strung together so many times that His feet were supporting and carrying them more than they were Him: yet He continued to wear them nonetheless. Several decades later, during the sahavas of September, 1 954 Baba had them shown to the visiting Westerners and commented, “What the coat has in it will be revealed after I drop the body. Then thousands and thousands of men and women will come to worship.” Baba’s sadras, His alphabet boards, His precious hair—each is a unique and irreplaceable link to His human form. Yet the written records serve as a different kind of reminder of Him, for they register the facts and details of His life. Over the nearly five de cades of His ministry, Baba sustained an enor mous correspondence, and these letters open many windows to intimacies of exchange between the Beloved and His dear ones. Chanji, Adi, Mani, Eruch, Bhau, Bal, and others took part in this daily activity of Baba’s, and He expected them to give it their scrupulous attention. The Trust archives contain many other treasures, including even small “chits” or hand-scrawled messages conveying Baba’s instructions to the mandali. Of special importance are the diaries ofclose disciples such as Chanji and Ramjoo, which preserve stories and accounts that would otherwise have been forgotten. The Trust archives have al ready served disciples writing Baba’s biography under His direction, as they will undoubtedly serve generations of biographers, historians, and assorted scholars in the future. And of course a unique gift to humanity in this particular Advent are the photographs and films which are preserving His image for the eyes and hearts of millions. Baba once told Mani that His photos should be spread throughout the world. Modern technology has also made possible many hundreds and thousands of hours of audio and video recording ofthe reminiscences ofBaba’s mandali;

and these too contain gems of story and insight that must not be lost. These things that bear His touch and imprint have the power to touch the heart. They need to be preserved so that future humanity can savor the fragrance of Him that they carry.

Work Completed So Far With this goal inview, for the past two years the Archives and Museum Committee has vigorously been re searching archival and museum conservation methods. In His own unique way Baba has expedited this process by making available expert guidance and consultation from some of the world’s topmost authorities. The Director of the Museum Support Center for the Smithsonian Institu tion and the Registrar of the United States National Park Service paid personal visits to Meherabad and Meherazad, and the Conservator in Charge of Tex tiles at the Metropolitan Museum, in New York has given us valuable advice. In accordance with the recommendations of these and other leading experts, the cataloguing and temporary packing of Baba’s precious belongings is under way. Special efforts have been made in this process to record whenever possible the mandali’s rec ollections ofthese treasures. Meanwhile, we have been planning for the preservation of fragile documents and for the scanning of their contents which will ensure that a digital “image” of each page survives even if the paper itself de cays. Eventually, we hope, much of this historical and bio graphical material will be published in some form or made available through the “information highway” that is currently revolutionizing communications in this technologi cal age. All of these plans depend upon the creation of an adequate building facility; and to meet this need, over the last year architectural designs for the Conservation Building have been drafted and finalized. The chosen site lies at the foot of the northeast edge of the Hill in Upper Cont. on page 34

Life Is A Pair 0’ Ducks Video by Wodin, Pair’O Ducks AnimationStudios, 1996, stereo video, 2 vols. 40 miii. each ,

World premiere of ‘Life is a Pair o’ Ducks’ is big hit! by Vicki Warner

There’s a sweet and gentle charm that permeates Life is a Pair o Ducks, the sixteen tales written and illus trated by Wodin, the professional name of Steve Jameson. But there’s more than charm in this collection of fictional video stories about Meher Baba. There’s strength and hu mor and insights of universal truth in these short vignettes of daily life and how folks manage to live it. “When you work with Baba, you never know what you’ll be doing next,” says the character in “Washing Leop ards.” ‘


All sorts of people and animals populate the Wodin sto ries. There are bunnies and chicks and tigers, a little baby in a gentle world, a grieving widow, a despairing sailor, the El Paso sewing society among others and Baba and Mehera and Mani. One begins. “When Mehera died, Baba met her and together they walked up a moun tam path in the Kentucky Appalachians where heaven lies.” Arthur Kimball plays a beautiful guitar solo in this one. In another, Baba is playing poker with a wildebeest, a walrus, a grasshopper and a bear. The narrator reads. “Baba enjoyed his time with these surly companions.” The song,’ Ah Sweet Mystery of Life.” plays in the background. The narrator goes on. “Baba didn’t enjoy so-called spiritual wimps and fuddy-duddies.” The basis of the whole enterprise is the delightful art of the supremely talented Wodin— bright winsome, imaginative, ‘playful,” he calls it—which the amazing Video camera work raises to a pinnacle. The video graph was conceived, created and de signed by Chris Riger, an Emmy award winner who was also the production designer of Meher Baba’s Call and the PAGE 30

cinematographer and editor of the just released Eternal Beloved.Chris calls his concept “semianimation.” Shooting a still painting, the camera movements themselves are the animating factor. He might start with an extreme close up ofa leopard’s spot, then bounce to Baba’s face and slowly slide to his eyes and linger there, then ease back for a long shot of the whole scene. Sometimes Chris’ camera glides languidly, sometimes it bounces in a little tick-tock dance, and many times it devotedly caresses a leaf or a face or even a bit of confetti floating around Guruprasad. The orchestration of his shots has pace, rhythm and syncopation. It is extraordinary. To enhance the effect, birds twitter, horses whinny, and horns honk (a recording of the mandali’s car). In “Pandal Merry-Go-Round,” the background crowd murmurs are a recording of Indian people at a past Amanithi. Authenticity! Original music was cornposed and synthesized by Kern Kraft. a scorewriter for Hollywood films. His new version of “Begin the Beguine” is lush, ex otic and tropical. One of the 1 6 stories is not from Wodin’s pen, but Mani S. Irani’s. She reads “Two Ducks” from her book, God-Brother. Other narrators are Beth McKee, Martha Wil hams, Robert Berryman, Hannah McKee, Dennery Delienne, Jane Haynes, Ann Conlon, Sher DiMaggio, Sue DiSabatino and Steve Jarneson. At the premiere showing on February 23, the Meeting Place at Meher Spiritual Center had a full house that was enchanted and enthusiastic. After all the accolades at the premiere showing, Chris and Steve might well have quoted the little boy in “Lemonade Party” who said, “I lay in bed and mused over the pleasures that I enjoyed today.”

Reprinted by permissionfrom the White Horse Journal. Now availablefor $29.95 each at the Bookstore.

Review of Murshida, The Story of a Spiritual Guide by Ralph Lewis in Meher Baba Association, England, Newsletter This is the story of Ivy Duce, the Murshida of the Sufi order in the USA. This was founded by Inayat Khan. After his death Murshida Rabia Martin began her search for a master and realized that Meher Baba was such a one. Murshida Martin surrendered to Meher Baba and dedicated her Order to Him but she died before she met Meher Baba and it was left to Ivy Duce to meet Him and place the Order under Him.

1923. In 1933 a crisis caused by illness led her to plunge into metaphysical studies and thence to Sufism. Sufism simply means wisdom and teaches transformation of our lower selves. Baba said, “I love Sufism with all My heart” and after Ivy Duce met Him produced a Charter for Sufism Reoriented. Baba came to Myrtle Beach in 1 952 and in this video there are many pic tures of Baba. There are shots of Him with the alphabet board, in the USA in I 956 and at the East West Gathering giving darshan. There is also film of Mani writing to Baba lovers and finally sequences ofthe entombment and Mehera.

The video opens with Ivy Duce talking of Meher Baba as the spirit of illumination and love. Over shots of the ocean are Baba ordered Ivy Duce to spoken quotes of Baba, “I always visit His Tomb and thus setting was, I always am and always will the process for all Sufis. He be. I am the Ancient One.” The said of her that she was “born soundtrack is made up of songs on My Birthday and born to from the Sufi Choir. Ivy Duce’s love and serve me.” The video MEHER BABA AT MEHERAZAD, JANUARY 8, 1948 life is traced from her early love Left to right, front tow: P/lanija, Clicirinian, Ale/zero. closes with a talk by Ivy Duce Bar/i row: Di: Go/ic,; Me/zero, Me/icr Baba, Elizabet/i of singing to service in the Red to a Sufi gathering on the New Patterson, Ivy Duce, Norma Matchabelli. Cross in the First World War and Life and New Humanity. It is a then for two years after the war riding over the Andes on talk that shows her love for Baba horseback. She married an international businessman in

I Heard God Laughing, Renderings of Hafiz Ladinsky, the author of I Heard God Laughing, Renderings of Hafiz. Who knew that he would write an innova tive and vibrant, interpretative book of Hafiz’s poetry? Dan’s book is different very different from other books that you may have read of Hafiz. And inn my opinion, it’s also much better it’s certainly more accessible. It is a vibrant interpretation. —

to the form of Hafiz’s poetry often left its exquisite beauty unrevealed. Dan has taken selected poems from H. Wilberforce Clarke’s famous translation of Hafiz’s poetry and carefully rendered them into English and English that all can relate to. This is what Dan has given in his ren derings.

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Why such a bold statement? It’s because Dan ren ders and interprets Hafiz’s poems rather than translating them. Past authors have usually translated Hafiz’s works from the Persian and then attempted to put them into some Western version with our ideas of meter, rhyme and rhythm. Although this method has given us some memorable and inspirational translations of the great master’s poetry it also left us with many poems that have a clumsy, stilted, and awkward feel. Such careful efforts to be true

We have Sufism Reoriented and Hank Mindlin to thank for this wonderful book. Sufism Reoriented published it and Hank, the book’s consulting editor, has given us a 14 page supplement about the life and times of Hafiz. The book also contains a selected bibliography. Here is a delightful smattering from selections of Dan’s “Renderings.” See page 35



Prayer as Inner Approach Dictated by Avatar Meher Baba For most persons, the outer ceremonies and rituals prevalent in the diverse religions are the established ap proach to God and Divinity. They are regarded as indis pensable. However, they are neither essential nor neces sary, though at times they have been allowed or given by masters by way of inevitable accommodation to human weakness. They may also be practiced with benefit when they are thus allowed or given by a master, but only during the period for which they have been prescribed, and in the context in which they are intended to be given effect. They have no lasting’ value nor can they be made eternally binding. They were never essential or indispensable; they are never essential or indispensable; and they will never be essential or indispenable. What constitutes the essence of prayer? Many prayers to God are current among the lovers of God, aris mg as they do from diverse cultural contexts. Some of the prayers invariably contain an element of asking something from God, either material or spiritual. In fact, God is so merciful and bountiful that even without their asking He always gives much more than His lovers can receive. He knows their real needs more deeply than they do. Therefore the element of asking something from God is superfluous. It often mars the inner love and worship which a prayer tries to express. The ideal prayer to the Lord is nothing more than spontaneous praise of His being. You praise Him, not in the spirit of bargain but in the spirit of selfforgetful appre ciation of what He really is. You praise Him because He is praiseworthy. Your praise is a spontaneous appreciative re sponse to His true being, as infinite light, infinite power and infinite bliss. It is futile to attempt a standard prayer and hold it up as an ideal for all people of all times. The glory of the Almighty transcends all human understanding and defies all verbal descriptions. Eternally fresh and selfrenewing in its unlimited amplitude, it never fades. Nor is it ever confined within the limits of the best of hymns. All hymns and prayers reach out towards the eter nal Truth of Godhead only to merge those who utter them in silent and unending adoration. If by ideal prayer to the Lord is meant a set formula, any search for it is a wild goose chase. All prayers ultimately initiate the soul into an ever deepening silence of sweet adoration; and all formu lae are dissolved and assimilated into the integral and direct appreciative perception of divine Truth. That which seeks to reach towards the immeasurable, itself becomes incapable ofbeing measured by any set standards. The ritu PAGE 32

alistic and repetitive expressions of prayer do not and cannot do justice to the innermost essence of prayer, which is adoring love for the eternal Beloved. To attempt to standardize prayer is to mar its intrinsic beauty. If you pray with a motive to do good to some one, your prayer may actually bring about good both to him and to yourself. Some people pray for the spiritual benefit of those who have done them some wrong. There also, they are helping others spiritually. But all prayers with a motive fall short ofthe ideal prayer which is without motive. In the entire spiritual panorama of the universe nothing is more sublime than a spontaneous prayer. It gushes out of the hu man heart, tilled with appreciative joy. It is self expression of the freed spirit without any actuation of a motive. In its highest form, prayer leaves no room for the illusory diarchy of the lover and the Beloved. It is a return to one’s own being.

Prayer for_Westerners On another occasion at Meherabad after Meher Baba had been explaining the Bhagavad Gita to some of the Western disciples, He gave them the following Western hymn to memorize and added ‘Everything in the Gita is expressed in these few lines by the Western mystic.’ .. .


Take my life and let it be Consecrated, Lord to Thee. Take my moments and my days, Let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my hands and let them move, At the impulse ofthy love. Take my feet and let them be Swift and beautiful for Thee. Take my voice and let me sing Ever only for my King. Take my lips and let them be Filled with messages from Thee. Take my solver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold Take my intellect and use Every power as Thou shalt choose. Take my will and make it Thine; It shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love, My Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself, and I will be Ever, only, all for Thee.

The 101 Names of God On 2-4-1963, at a Poona gathering Beloved Baba said, “Ifyou repeat this prayer with Love, no other prayer remains to be said. Anyone can repeat these names with Love, irrespective ofthe religion he belongs to.” ....MEHER BABA I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II 12. 13. 14. 5. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. .

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

Yazad Worthy of Worship Harvesp-tawan All-Powerful Harvesp-Agah All-Knowing Harvesp-Khoda Lord of All Abadeh Without Beginning Abi-Anjam Without End Bun-e-stiha Root of Creation Frakhtan-taih Endless Bliss Jamaga Primal Cause Prajtarah Exalted One Tum-afik Purest of the Pure Abaravand Detached from All Paravandeh ...InTouchwithAll An-ayafeh Unattainable Attainer of All Adro Most Rit,hteous Gira Upholder of All A-chem Beyond Reason Chamana Soverign Reason Safana Bountiful One Afza Ever Prolific Nasha Reaching Equally to All Parwara Nourisher lanaha Protector of the World Ain-aenah Never Changing An-aenah Formless Kharoshid-tum MostSteadfast among the Steadfast Mino-tum Lord Invisible Vasna All Pervading Harvastum All-in-All Hu-sepas Worthy of Our Profound Thanks Har-Hamid All EmbracingGoodness Har-naik-faraih All-Embracing Holy Light Baish-tarana Remover of Affliction Taronish BeyondAffliction Anah-aoshal;a Immortal Farasaka Fulfiller of HolyDesires Pajohdehad Creator of Holy Attributes Khwafar CompassionateJudge Avakhshiaea Mercifui Giver Abaraja Bountiful Giver A-satoha Unconquerable Rakhoha Freest of the Free Varun Deliverer from Evil A-faretah Never Deceiving Be-fareftah Never Deceived A-dui One Without a Second Kam-rad Lord of Desire Farman-kam Decreer of Sovereign Desire Aekh Tan Soul Supreme A-faremosh Never forgetting Hamarna Just Accountant Sanaea KnowingAll things .









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54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.

A-tars A-bish A-frajdum Ham-chun Mino-satihgar A-minogar

60. 61 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.

Mino-nahab Adar-bad-gar Adar-nam-gar Bad-adar-gar Bad-nam-gar Bad-gail-gar Bad-gerd-tum



68. 69. 70. 71 79. 73. 74. 75.

Bad-garjae Ab-tum Gail-adar-gar Gail-vad-gar Gail-nam-gar Gar-gar Garo-gar Gar-a-gar



77. 78.

A-gar-agar A-gar-a-gar-gar



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79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101.

A-guman Aj aman A-Khuan A mast Fashutana Padmani Firozgar Khudawand Ahuramazd Abarin-kuhan Abarib-nao Vaspan Vaspar Khawar Ahu Avakhshidar Dadar Raiyomand Khorehmand Davar Kerfaigar Bokhtar Farsho-gar


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Fearless Devoid of pain Most Exalted One Ever The Same Invisible Creator of the Universe Creator of the Profoundly Spiritual Hidden Without The Spirit Transmuter of Fire Into Air Transmuter of Fire Into Dew Transmuter ofAir Into Fire Transmuter ofAir Into Dew Transmuter ofAir Into Earth Supreme Transmuter ofAir Into Dust SupremeTransmuterof FirelntoDivine tum Sparks Spreading Air Everywhere Creator of Life giving Water Transmuter of Dust Into Fire Transmuter of Dust Into Air TransmuterofDust Into Water Master Craftsman Rewarder of Sincere Desires Creator of All Human ity and Its Actions Creator ofAll Human and Animal Life Creator of All the Four Elements Creator ofAll the Planets and Al I Other Worlds Neverln Doubt Ageless Eternally Awake Ever-Alert \ Ever-Protecting Recorder of Man’s Actions Victorious Lord of The Universe Lord of Life and Wisdom Preserver of Creation tawan Renewer of Creation tawan Embracing All Creation GiverofAllThings Infinitely Patient 2 I Lord of Existence Forgiver of Sins Divine Creator Rayed in Glory Haloed in Light Lord of Justice f Lord of Just Rewards Liberator Awakener of Eternal Spring

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Cont. from page 29


Meherabad, as near as possible to the East Room of Meher Retreat where many of the precious artifacts themselves have been housed for half a century. A large structure encompassing I 5,000 square feet of floor space, the Conser vation Building will not be a museum or library—those will come later—but a facility for storage ofprecious items and documents in museumquality cupboards, for scanning, and for specialized treatment if needed. Since power supply in India is erratic and the future prospects are always uncertain, reliance on high technology has been avoided. Temperature and humidity, therefore will be regulated not by air condi tioners but by the building design itself, which will work on the same principle as a thermos bottle: that is, a sealed air space will serve as a buffer between an outer and an inner wall. The ground for the building will be broken this year. By present plans the finished structure will be ready for use in 1999.

Present Needs and Future Prospects As this construction work gets under way, the Com mittee will be turning its attention in the coming months to new issues. The furnishings and supplies required for the new building will be expensive and, in some cases, hard to get. A single museum-quality cupboard with shelving, for example, if purchased in the United States, may cost between $3000 and $7000 (i.e. between Rs. 1 ,00,000 and Rs.2,50,000). Some of the equipment, such as the cornputers and scanners, can possibly be bought in India; but the acid-free folders and boxes—which must be procured in large numbers—are available only in the West. This makes unavoidable the confrontation with problems and expense of shipping, duties, import licenses, and other cornplications. Baba’s worldwide family has the opportunity to participate in this effort in a significant way, through dona tions. Donations are in a real sense the bricks and mortar that will shelter this precious legacy for the future. The building alone will cost an estimated $240,000— i.e. about Rs.85,00,000—and there will be other comparable ex penses. Knowing that many Baba lovers would want the PAGE 34

privilege of sharing in these costs, for your interest and information the Committee will send further updates as the work unfolds. Meanwhile, those who wish to contribute now may send donations to the Trust for “Corpus,” earmarked “for archival and museum building and facilities.” These gifts will be lovingly received and set aside for this project. All this current focus on matters of conservation and preservation is only preparatory to the greater objective of this project, which is the sharing of these precious treasures with the family of lovers ofAvatar Meher Baba and, indeed, the world at large in the future. Meherabad itself will one day embrace museum, library and research centres that will draw upon and make broadly available the fruits of this present conservation effort. Meher Baba’s own personal articles and other irreplace able objects, ofcourse, will always require special care and supervision. Duplicable records such as letters and diaries, however, once the preservation of originals has been seen to, can be shared and disseminated more freely. Baba is for all; and these things used by Him or registering His touch are gifts of His for all humanity. Of course, the members of the Archives and Museum Committee know only too well that no garment, docu ment, or facility can ever replace that beautiful, divine Person whose passage through this world has left a longing nothing but Him can ever fully assuage. Religions have their books and their relics, to be sure: but we have nothing to do with this. Our work is to safeguard those tangible links which remind us of His human form and can reawaken in the heart the experience of His living presence. It is the sense of this living presence that will sustain His humanity through the coming ages of His manifestation and beyond, until His next glorious Advent when He descends to earth and walks amongst us as the Perfect Man once again. ?2ZJLvL


Meheru Irani, Bhau Kalchuri,.and the members of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Archives and Museum Committee Avatar Meher Baba PRO. Trust, Post Bag No. 31 King’s Road, Ahmednagar4l400l, MS. India May 1996 ,

I Heard God Laughing,

from pane I 9

Renderings of Hafiz A Divine Invitation You have been invited to meet The Friend. No One Can resist a Divine Invitation. That narrows down all our choices To just two: We can come to God Dressed for Dancing, Or Be carried on a stretcher To God’s Ward.

Persian New Year.

and movement. The plates of green sprouts represent cre ativity and productivity, and so do the colorfully painted eggs. As you see, the whole table is beautifully laid. It symbolizes the Message and the Messenger, light, reflec tion, warmth, life, love, joy, production, prosperity, and nature. It is, in fact, a very elaborate thanksgiving table for all the good and beautiful things bestowed by God. Family members, all dressed in their best, sit around the table and eagerly await the announcement of the exact time








Manic Screaming We should make all spiritual talk Simple today: God is trying to sell you something, But you don’t want to buy. That is what your suffering is: Your fantastic haggling, Your manic screaming over the price!

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For A While We have all come to the right place. We all sit in God’s classroom. Now, The only thing for us to do, my dear Is to stop Throwing spitballs for a while. The Only Sin I Know If someone sits with me, And we talk about the Beloved, If I cannot give his heart comfort, If I cannot make him feel better About himself and this world, Then Hafiz, Quickly run to the mosque and pray— For you have just committed The only sin I know.

Now that you’ve sampled this delectable poetry you must immediately purchase it! Our Center’s bookstore has an ample supply and yes, we do ship worldwide! Paperback $14 161 pages —


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When Baba visited Melier House, Navasari, India, in 1923. he pointed to a portrait of Zoroaster on the wail which had been painted by a yoan Parsi boy of fifteen. Baba said, This is an exact picture of the Prophet Zoroaster.’ The boy died just after finishing thts picture, saying the angels had come for hint.

of vernal equinox over radio or television. The head of the family recites the Nowruz prayers, and after the time is announced, each member kisses the other and wishes a Happy Nowruz. Elders give gifts to younger members. Next the rounds of visits to neighbors, relatives, and friends begin. Each visit is reciprocated. Singing and dancing is, more or less for the first two weeks, a daily routine. The festivity continues for 1 2 days, and on the I 3th morning, the mass picnic to countryside begins. It is called SIZDEH BE-DAR, meaning thirteen-in-the-outdoors. Cities and vil lages turn into ghost towns with almost all the inhabitants gone to enjoy the day in woods and mountains along stream and riversides. People sing, dance, and make merry. Girls of marriageable age tie wild grass tops into knots and make a wish that the following Nowruz may find them married and carrying their bonny babies! PRECISE TIME OF NOWRUZ March 20th.


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Baba and Mehera in Heaven by Wodin, 15” X19” colored photo reproduction. $46

AVATAR MEHER BABA CENTER OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10808 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90025

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