December 2015 Amazing Women Magazine

Page 16


Ending the Year Right By Terri Levine

As we come to the close of the year are you excited about the New Year or are you stressed with unfinished items from this past year? Are you concerned about what transpired during the year or excited about the upcoming year? No matter what sort of year you have had, you have the opportunity to end this year really strong and lay the foundation for an awesome New Year! Follow these tips to ending your year and you will begin your year from a powerfully grounded place and create a more successful year.

1. Acknowledge Your Success: Make a list of all the things that went well and that you accomplished and that you are grateful for. This can be anything no matter how small it might seem. Success doesn’t have to be grandiose. Little things can add up to big things over time. What were some of the highlights of the year? Maybe you read many books or listened to audiobooks or you engaged in more minutes of exercise or you spent time meditating. No matter what you achieved be sure to capture it on paper.

2. Create a Celebration: Rarely do we stop and celebrate our success. We typically pass right over them and don’t stop to acknowledge our accomplishments and instead make light of them and mark them as unimportant. Instead, create a celebration of your successes. Host a celebration with friends and family sharing your accomplishments over the past year. You can have a dinner party or a night out or just a simple toast to you and your accomplishments.

3. Keep a Journal With Your Accomplishments: Be certain you write down your accomplishments in a journal even if you missed them during the year. In fact I recommend you write little notes of thanks and gratitude for each one. Write a thank you note in your journal for each one. You can express gratitude for creating a new eating habit, a new work ethic, giving up a toxic relationship, creating stronger boundaries, or anything you have accomplished. Being grateful and thanking and appreciating yourself for your own accomplishments is a great way of noticing what you achieve. 4. Letting Go of To Do’s: Your To Do’s will never be done until you are “To Done” and in the grave! They are never ending. December 2015 Amazing Women


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