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Digital Marketing Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers.

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Benefits of Digital Marketing • Digital Marketing makes possible a direct communication path between your business and your consumer, enabling you to prepare your own audience of trustworthy fans. • Digital marketing increases brand awareness and reach your target customers and provide better ROI. Digital marketing can save you a lot of money. With digital marketing, you can ensure that the right consumers are viewing your content. • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) allows you to reach those consumers who are searching the web for content and topics that are relevant to your business. • Digital marketing enables real-time customer service. Digital marketing provides significant measurement and analysis of consumer behaviour and engagement. • Digital marketing prepares you for the Internet of Things.

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Methods of Digital Marketing Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Marketing / PPC

Social Media Marketing

Content Marketing

App Store Optimization

Email Marketing

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Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization or SEO refers to the process of growing your online visibility in non-paid (organic) search engine results. SERPs or search engine results pages appear to users after they search for a given set of keywords using a search engine like Google or Bing. Each user receives an individualized results page based on keywords, the user’s location at the time of searching, and their browsing history. Organic search results appear in a list and are ranked using the search engine’s algorithm. As users change the way they search and engage with online content, these algorithms change. The higher you rank on a SERP, the more traffic is directed to your site and the more chances of making a passive visitor an active customer. Amaze One - SEO

SEO Process Keyword Research Keyword research is a process of identifying the most important keywords for our website.

Improve Results

Competition Analysis Identify who are your competition by doing competition analysis.

On-Page Optimization

Improve results by implementing changes

Optimise website pages, Title, Content etc.

Measure results

Off-Page Optimization

Measuring ranking, Traffic, Exit pages & page views etc.

Build links, promote your website in social media Amaze One - Digital Marketing

Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Marketing or SEM covers the ground SEO ignores, paid traffic from search engines. With SEM you purchase advertisement space that appears on a user’s SERP. The most common paid search platform is Google Ad Words. Next, is Bing Ads. The search engine charges a marketer a predetermined amount to display an advertisement in a number of places on a SERP generated from specific keywords or phrases. One example of SEM is pay-per-click advertising or PPC. PPC refers to a digital marketing method wherein search engines charge a company each time their advertisement is clicked.

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Benefits of using Search Engine Marketing •

SEM grabs the attention of your audience at the right time, This means that you’re getting your content and ads in front of a highly engaged target audience, who are actively looking for offers like yours – all for a low cost and without having to impose on them.

Setting up a SEM campaign is quick and easy. While it might take a little while until you can see the full impact of a campaign, it is highly flexible and configurable and can be set up in a few hours.

SEM allows for precise success tracking and in-depth campaign analysis so you can continually optimise your keyword mix, the amount of dollars you spend and the content you use.

SEM (and SEO) not only helps to generate qualified traffic to your websites but can increase brand awareness too. The higher your product or service ranks in search engines, the more likely consumers will visit your website and prefer you or even recommend your offerings. Amaze One - SEM

Social Media Marketing Using social media marketing you’ll gain more reach when you post quality content. Everything you do to increase traffic or business on your social media channels is social media marketing. Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, Snap chat, or LinkedIn these efforts all amount to social media marketing.

Most everyone benefits from social media marketing, but B2C companies stand to gain the most. Pay attention to what your target audience talks about on social media. Engage in the conversation. Use social media marketing as a way to gauge what content you put out does well by monitoring shares and likes. Shares equate to free advertising for you. Amaze One – Social Media Marketing

Social Media Active Users Twitter 330 Million Active Users, 140 Million Daily Tweets , 460000 Daily New Accounts

Pinterest 291 Million Active Users, 175 Billion Total Pins created

Facebook 2.4 Billion Active Users, 88% Mobile Users , 58 Min Daily Time Spent.

Instagram 1 Billion Active Users, 95 million Posts Daily Amaze One – Social Media Marketing



SOCIAL MEDIA FOCUS A place to share videos and images that evoke feelings about your brand through the use of visual.


Builds brand loyalty and reputation. Establishes your business as an authority through interesting content and informational posts.


Acts as an online scrapbook. Showcases products. Displays brand essence through inspiration boards.


Shares breaking news and quick updates. Promotes new products, content or brand contests. Collects instant feedback from your audience.

TWITTER Amaze One – Social Media Marketing

Content Marketing Content marketing refers to the practice of delivering a quality piece of content to your users to generate sales and leads. This content can live anywhere online. Tweets, a YouTube video, and blogs on your website all comprise content marketing. Content Marketing works because it melds together exceptional content with other types of digital marketing like SEO and Social Media Marketing. Keep your audience in mind as you create content. Remember who you’re talking to and what they’re interested in. This will dictate the subject of your content. Consider the language your audience uses when they search online for information. Use these keywords to boost your SEO. Amaze One - Digital Marketing

Content Marketing Tips for Small Businesses •

Intimately understand the audience you are trying to reach so your content marketing efforts are not a waste of time.

Build your email list so you can reach interested parties on your terms. Again you own your in-house email list. Get people to subscribe to your list by offering some type of content that is very useful to them.

Be sure to put all of your valuable content on your website and share it to social media. You own and control your website but rent space on social sites.

Focus on quality content published regularly. Don’t believe you have to blog everyday to succeed with content marketing. Most small businesses don’t have a marketing department that can create and distribute content as often as some folks say you should.

Document your content marketing strategy. Marketers who document their strategy are 538% more likely to report success than those who don’t. Amaze One - Digital Marketing

App Store Optimization App Store Optimization (ASO) is known by a few names, including App Store Marketing and Mobile App SEO. The focus of ASO is expert resource application related to improving the ranking of mobile applications (apps) directly within app stores (like iTunes, Google Play, and Windows Store). The main mobile phones that apps are created for iPhone/iPad, Android and Windows Phone.

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In-App Store Tactics App name, URL, and subtitle Ensuring they reflect the core keywords describing your app as well as reinforcing value, differentiation and other perceived value signals.

App keyword field These are imperative to get right and to update to show latest and changing user search queries. Traditional keyword research is required for optimizing this.

App ratings and reviews A core trust area for users as well as a ranking signal for app stores. Volume, freshness, and rating all matter. You will need to have a framework in place for generating regular reviews as well as for replying to and engaging.

App downloads As you would expect the more downloads your app receives, the higher the perceived buzz and demand with the app. Increasing the volumes of downloads will support increased prominence within the app store organic ranking. Amaze One – App Store Optimization

Email Marketing Email marketing allows you to update your email subscribers on a regular basis about your company. This fosters a relationship unlike any of the other types of digital marketing. Your email updates provide value to your consumer. As a result, you build brand trust and brand loyalty. The best email marketing campaigns involve a list of subscribers earned by your content and company, not paid for by your company. People who opt-in to your email subscription prove more likely to become active buyers.

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Email Marketing provides value for Small Business Owners •

The most obvious way that email marketing helps provide a positive ROI for small businesses is by helping to increase revenue. Email allows you to reach a wide and willing audience while also keeping costs relatively low, leading to positive revenues.

Email provides a return on investment is by helping drive more traffic to your company’s website. Email subscribers are more likely to be qualified leads, which means that this traffic is relevant, increasing the chances of conversion.

Marketing emails work well as part of your lead nurturing campaigns as they can help move leads through the marketing funnel quickly and effectively. This means that email marketing is an effective way to improve sales conversions.

Increasing visibility and building relationships with your target consumers is an important part of not only landing new sales but sustaining repeat sales over time. Email campaigns like email marketing newsletters help you build brand awareness, which contributes to sustainable growth over time. Amaze One - Email Marketing

DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Define Your Goals You will need to dig deeper to define your digital marketing goals. It could be that you want to increase online sales by 25%.

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Know Your Key Channels Omnichannel marketing is good for all businesses. Knowing your key channels helps you trim the fat by reaching your target audience more efficiently and cutting any unnecessary spending.

Develop a Content Strategy Create a Calendar Brands now spend 25-43% of their marketing budget on content marketing. When developing your content strategy, pinpoint your audience’s wants and needs.

Put Everything in Motion Step back and take a look at the strategy you’ve created with a realistic mind-set. Make sure you have enough resources, money and time to properly execute the items in your digital strategy.

Once you know the type of content that will work for your business, build out a calendar or a timeline to stay consistent.

Monitor and Measure monitoring and measuring the results of your digital strategy. Since practically every major platform has its own form of analytics, accessing this info is easy.

Amaze One - Digital Marketing AWARNESS Organic search, social media, content, community, press, blog share, forums, referring links, emails, word-of-mouth, search ads, display ads, affiliate marketing, video ads, social ads, etc.

DISCOVERY The first few visit to the website are often focused on consuming content and learning more about the company and products/services.

RETENTION Go above and beyond to ensure your customer is delighted with their relationship with your brand.

ENGAGEMENT Understand potential customer's pain point to show how you can solve their core problems.

PURCHASE Nurture your new customer throughout their entire purchase process.

Marketing funnel

THANK YOU Amaze One - Digital Marketing

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