What are the Different Types of CV Joints Used in an Audi

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The constant velocity joints are also defined as CV joint in your Audi which is used for transferring the power from the transmission and driveshaft to the wheels of the car.

The CV joints perform all the process through the variable angles which are generally placed between the driveshaft and wheels.

The rotation speed of the wheels are not all affected by the rotating angled joints because it doesn't have more friction than the straight joints.

As it is found within the wheels of the Audi, so in frontwheel drive cars you will find the CV joints in two front wheels.

The following points define the different types of constant-velocity joints used in your Audi.

The front wheel of the Audi has an inboard joint which is also known as a plunge joint and a fixed joint.

The fixed joints are maneuver the angles while steering the wheel. The rear wheel drive and independent rear wheel suspension can use the plunge joints.

The front wheel drive of Audi with an outer joint have a fixed tripod joint that will be mounted onto the outer housing of the joint.

It has three different roller bearings that are turning against it and responsible for keeping the joints together by locking them in its proper place.

The Rzeppa joints are the outer and first constantvelocity joints ever inverted. On this joint, 6 spherical balls are used for reducing the operating angle by 50%.

However, the teeth of the gears are unable to transmit the torque across the joint and the balls will go against the cracks.

The front wheel drive Audi have a drivetrain with two constant velocity joints per half shaft such as the inner constant velocity joint and outer constant velocity joint.

Thus, the inner constant velocity joint is placed near the transaxle and the outer constant velocity joint is placed near the wheel.

The plunge joints used in the Audi are either a tripod joint or ball-type joint which has a former feature of three trunnions.

In the front wheel drive cars the tripod is generally used for inner plunge joints. Thus, the ball-type joints have a double offset style and cross groove style.

If you want to change the CV joints of your Audi, then get knowledge about different CV joints used in your vehicle.

In other hands, you can also consult with a reputed Audi professional to change the CV joints of your Audi.


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