The Gram

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March Edition.indd 1

2018/03/13 11:15:08 PM

䰀攀渀愀ᤠ猀 䌀愀瀀攀 吀愀戀氀攀 䄀吀 䄀唀䜀唀匀吀䄀ᤠ匀 䄀䘀刀䤀䌀䄀一 䬀䤀吀䌀䠀䔀一

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2018/03/13 11:15:15 PM

CONTENTS EDITORIAL In this edition of THE GRAM we start our series of interviews with people who are making a difference to their town and surroundings. We had the privilege to speak to Anton Groenewald, Municipal Manager, Donovan Julius, artist and activist, and Bert Pienaar, owner and director of Clock Peaks Coffee. (We will be redressing the gender balance in Edition 5 of The Gram.) Suurbraak is our ‘town of the month’ in this edition, and we have also been approached to run articles by representatives from some of the other towns where we currently distribute so welcome to Robertson, Montagu and McGregor, who will be featured in every edition from now on. We felt the name ‘Swellengram’ was a little too specific for their needs, hence the name change to The Gram – although the company name remains Swellengram (pty) ltd. Amanda (Editor) and Graham (Designer) have been happy to welcome Linda Wiseman to the team as Admin and Finance, and Emily Yates as Sales. The team building exercise of competing in the Swellendam Bowls Annual Business Competition was successful in terms of bonding – but disastrous in terms of taking home any medals. We came in 39 out of 41…. but if there had been rewards for dedication, commitment and entertaining other people we would have taken GOLD. And that is what we hope to bring to this publication. We appreciate all feedback and suggestions – please email to







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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise without prior permission of Swellengram (Pty) Ltd. While reasonable precaution has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information given to readers, the editor and publishers cannot accept responsibility for any damages or inconvenience which may arise from incorrect information. Address: The Creativity Hub | 31 Veldkornet Street | Swellendam | Tel: 072 566 7093 #swellendam | Facebook: Swellendam | Website:

THE GRAM March Edition.indd 1


2018/03/13 11:15:22 PM

䴀䔀 䴀䄀 䤀一 吀䠀䔀 吀刀唀䔀 吀刀䄀䐀䤀吀䤀伀一 伀䘀 ᠠ吀䠀䔀 䈀䄀䬀䔀刀ᤠ匀 䐀伀娀䔀一ᤠ

䄀一 䜀刀

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March Edition.indd 2

2018/03/13 11:15:35 PM


䴀䔀䔀吀 吀䠀䔀 䴀唀一䤀䌀䤀倀䄀䰀  䴀䄀一䄀䜀䔀刀㨀

䄀一吀伀一  䜀刀伀䔀一䔀圀䄀䰀䐀


nton took up his role here in November 2017. His previous experience in Government is impressive – from 2011 - 2015 he was Executive Director of Tourism, Events Economic Development, and Marketing for the City of Cape Town. Also he was a director on the board of Cape Town Tourism and World Design Capital 2014. He was the guy responsible for landing the massively successful World Travel Market Africa, We Are Africa and a number of other key annual events which now form part of the annual calendar. After three years of consulting on large projects in Cape Town and Pretoria, he opted to go back into government. Out of three interesting offers, he chose Swellendam. Partly because it would be the first time that he would work in a smaller town and directly drive the implementation strategy – knowing that making a difference is actually achievable. When asked about the difference in lifestyle and culture between big city life and small town living, Anton replied “The biggest difference is the pace of living and the intensity is much lower. I do miss the many restaurants and the city night life, but I am enjoying the wide open spaces, the natural beauty and the environment. I just wish I could get out more often! I also enjoy the lack of traffic.”


Anton is a very straight talking, honest individual. He doesn’t duck potentially difficult questions. When asked what he considers his greatest challenges to be, he replied that the limitation of resources faced by the Municipality and a polarization within the broader community are important tests. “There are strong community emotions towards the council, negative social ills in the poorer communities, and seeming lack of opportunity for people of colour. The expectation is that the municipality must address these barriers – but without the necessary capacity to do so, it’s a tough uphill task. However there have been, even in his relatively short tenure, some rewarding moments. It became apparent, during the strategic planning meetings, that the people on his team more often than not shared the same concerns, hopes and expec-

tations, despite not realising it. This was a turning point for me as it gave me confidence that I can lead this team. I would like to find a way to be more inclusive and to generate more engagement between and within the community.”


As Anton’s background and experience is rooted in tourism, he takes a keen interest in developing the potential of Swellendam as a tourist destination. “Swellendam has many elements to offer, presenting incredible opportunities. How we package and sell it is what is of critical importance. My first focus is cycling in all its forms. This forms a big part of my background and so I am able to call on the cycling industry to help promote and market Swellendam. The next area is running both cross country and road running. The notion of an idyllic country getaway for families or for romantic couples is another segment. And also, of course, we have the potential to develop into a fine dining location.”


Anton expressed frustration with the fact that too much of his time is spent on administration and not enough time on driving a new growth path. He has many interests and hobbies, but has found himself unable to give time to those either! “I have a son whom I love and adore but whom I miss terribly as he is in Pretoria with his mum. I am hoping to convince him to come stay with me. I really enjoy art, culture and I have a wine collection of about 200 wine bottles at any one time. Not vintages, just a wide selection. I wish I could play golf more often. I need to ride my bike more regularly. And I am way overdue for a diving holiday again.” Anton expressed his heartfelt desire to reach out to Swellendam, the tourism and business sector and asked that they look out for and support the new initiatives that will soon be launched to fulfil the extraordinary potential of this beautiful town.

THE GRAM March Edition.indd 3


2018/03/13 11:15:38 PM

䈀䔀䰀䔀䔀䘀 䌀伀䘀䘀䔀䔀 匀䠀伀倀

刀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 ☀ 倀椀稀稀攀爀椀愀

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March Edition.indd 4


匀甀挀挀甀氀攀渀琀猀 ⬀㈀㜀 㜀㈀ ㌀㔀㔀 㠀㄀㘀㔀 圀圀圀⸀刀伀伀䤀䬀䰀䤀倀⸀䌀伀⸀娀䄀

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2018/03/13 11:15:47 PM

猀Ⰰ  栀  搀  漀搀



Commitment, Community and Coffee! ‘Allow your passion to become your purpose, and it will one day become your profession’


ert and Minnie Pienaar, long-time residents of Pretoria, involved in the corporate world and managing their own businesses, were more than ready to exchange city living for a life in the ‘platteland’. It was to the huge benefit of Swellendam that, on a stopover, they fell head over heels in love with the town. Their love for coffee triggered the establishment of the company Clock Peaks, trading as Clock Peaks Coffee Roasters. Their love of mountains also played a role in this – the peaks above the town are named after hours: Tienuurkop, Elfuurkop, Twaalfuurkop and Eenuurkop - and thus their two great passions were combined into one unique brand. “For us, coffee is everything but incomparable service is just as important” says Bert. This is so evident in everything they do – the quality of the product and packaging, the warmth and enthusiasm with which they involve themselves in the community and events, and the fantastic care with which they treat their staff, who are considered partners. If you pay a visit to their Roastery you will recognize immediately from your reception that the staff are nurtured, respected and extremely happy. Clock Peaks Coffee is a familiar sight at many local events – to name but a few: SA Schools Canoe Sprints, Around the Pot MTB Breede River Canoe Marathon. Silver Mountain Music Festival, Bear and Beaver Motorcycle events and the Berry Festival. As part of their social responsibility and ploughing back into the community they are in the process of establishing a barista school where young local people can learn skills in the coffee industry. Watch this space!

“This roastery is named for the Clock Peaks of the Langeberg mountain range that overlooks the town of Swellendam. Owned by Bert and Minnie Pienaar, Clock Peaks Coffee focuses on Arabica coffee bean varieties that have mostly been sourced from African countries such as Ethiopia, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. Bert and Minnie use fair and honest trade, organic and naturally-processed coffees that are roasted using the latest technological innovations in roasting – a Genio 6 Artisan Pro intelligent roaster, which is the latest generation state-of-the-art production shop roasters, combined with a Cropster Ready machine where profiles are tracked, logged and visualized. They also ensure that the final product is packaged with eco-friendly materials. Clock Peaks Coffee is roasted in small batches to ensure attention to detail with each batch scrutinized before and after roasting in their coffee lab. At our recent cupping, we found the Clocks Peak Coffee House Blend to be a medium roast coffee that was very evenly roasted and that it exuded a natural sweetness. Most of us agreed that this was one of the most well-balanced coffees of the day, but best enjoyed as an espresso. Despite the packaging being eco-friendly, it was well-ventilated with a superior one-way valve and thus one could expect a good shelf life.” As featured in Home Food & Travel Magazine

THE GRAM March Edition.indd 5


2018/03/13 11:15:55 PM




March Edition.indd 6

2018/03/13 11:16:10 PM


THE GRAM March Edition.indd 7


2018/03/13 11:16:10 PM

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椀猀猀 伀甀琀

漀渀ᤠ琀 䴀 漀漀搀 簀 䐀

Ⰰ 最爀攀愀琀

甀猀椀挀 䜀爀攀愀琀 洀

吀 刀 䄀 圀 匀   吀 一 䄀 䤀



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䰀椀瘀攀 䴀


倀甀戀 簀


稀稀愀 簀 䜀

攀 簀 倀椀 愀欀栀漀甀猀


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March Edition.indd 8

2018/03/13 11:16:20 PM

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083 869 1455

ATM’s Available

㜀㈀ 洀 洀 March Edition.indd 9

Centre Management Lidia Avramov Contact: 0823890002

2018/03/13 11:16:23 PM

伀嘀䔀刀 㔀 匀䄀吀䤀匀䘀䤀䔀䐀 䌀䰀䤀䔀一吀匀

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March Edition.indd 10

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2018/03/13 11:16:41 PM


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2018/03/13 11:16:45 PM

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March Edition.indd 12

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FROM THE COMMUNITY, WITH THE COMMUNITY Railton Foundation is a public, not-for-profit organisation that aims to provide in partnership with other community structures support regarding the promotion of education, health care, sport, youth development, community welfare and reconciliation in the Swellendam Municipal Area. What is so special and effective about this organisation is that its aims are pursued with consideration to the fact that the poorest inhabitants are often those most in need of assistance, and are best informed of possible solutions to their problems. A great deal of research was undertaken before the structure was established. Much of this research took the form of listening to and recording the oral history of the inhabitants in more deprived circumstances, so that answers to some of the problems were actively drawn from the community. The Railton Foundation Swellendam aims to, where possible and necessary, stimulate, support and undertake skills development, community development, social outreach and crime prevention through actively implementing projects in the Swellendam area. Projects include: Sport Development, Learner Education Support, Holiday Programmes, Community Gardens and food security, Community Social Evenings, Arts & Culture Development, Guided local tours and many more. Have a look at their website to find out more: or call 062 101 7812

吀栀攀 刀漀戀攀爀猀琀漀渀 圀椀渀攀 嘀愀氀氀攀礀 椀猀 愀洀漀渀最猀琀 琀栀攀 氀攀愀搀椀渀最  眀椀渀攀 爀攀最椀漀渀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀 眀漀爀氀搀 眀椀琀栀 漀瘀攀爀 㔀  眀椀渀攀爀椀攀猀 椀渀   䄀猀栀琀漀渀Ⰰ 䈀漀渀渀椀攀瘀愀氀攀Ⰰ 䴀挀䜀爀攀最漀爀 愀渀搀 刀漀戀攀爀琀猀漀渀⸀ 䘀漀爀 䈀漀漀欀椀渀最猀 䌀愀氀氀  㘀㈀ ㄀ ㄀ 㜀㠀㄀㈀ 漀爀 攀洀愀椀氀 椀渀昀漀䀀爀愀椀氀琀漀渀昀漀甀渀搀愀琀椀漀渀⸀挀漀⸀稀愀 March Edition.indd 13

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ver the aeons the Tradouw River (a branch of the Buffeljachts River) has cut a ravine through the Langeberg Mountains with such steep sides that humans could only pass it on foot. This ravine became known as Tradouwskloof, the name Tradouw being derived from the Khoisan words “tarras” (path) and “doas” (woman) - “footpath of the women” Engineered by master builder Thomas Bain in the 1860’s to create an easier access from farmers farming to the north of Tradouwskloof to the trading opportunities at Port Beaufort, the Pass was built by convicts who lived in two prisoner stations on the pass itself. As you drive through the pass if you can tear your eyes away from the magnificent views and amazing engineering, keep your eyes peeled for several historical and natural landmarks.




Zeni Doodle Advertorial March Edition.indd 14 A5 landscape curves 180203 Saturday, 03 February 2018 6:01:31 PM

2018/03/13 11:17:14 PM

䈀䄀刀刀夀䐀䄀䰀䔀 WITBRUG As you drive over the Andre Uys bridge look out for Witbrug (White Bridge). Initially a stone bridge named Lettie’s Bridge after John Barry’s wife, which was washed away in 1875, this teak bridge has survived since 1879 and is a National Monument.


The Drupkelder (dripping cave)is at the highest point of the of the past: the ceiling looks like a sponge and it drips continuously.

WIRE BASKET TECHNIQUE Look out for these wire baskets filled with stones used to build up and protect the walls. Commonly used now – this was the first time this retention technique was used.


Ghrokfontein is a small stream (with a beautiful little waterfall in the rainy season) running down the mountainside with a lovely picnic site under trees on its bank, look out for the pikniekbos sign!

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here is no written or verbal record of how the Khoi-San people migrated to the Western Cape. There is, however, no doubt that they were here, as it is illustrated in their magnificent art depicting their way of life in many caves. Some of them trekked more along the coast, but others moved inland seeking water, grazing and security for their groups. This happened before and after Jan van Riebeeck landed at the Cape in 1652 and as the needs increased, so did tension over amenities - although trading continued in this important link to the east of the country which ran through the present Suurbraak. A VOC Outpost lasted between 1734 and 1791 at Riet Valleij, 3km west of Suurbraak during which time (1745) Swellendam was established. Wood for wagon repairs came from Grootvadersbosch 20km east of Suurbraak. One of the Khoisan tribes (the Attaqua of the Hessequa clan) decided to settle in a place along the Langeberg Mountain Range and Buffeljags River in a secluded valley (Zuurebraak, later Zuurbraak and presently Suurbraak on the R324) where they found everything they needed in one spot. The settlement had positive and negative consequences, but the neat kraals of the tribe had such a lasting impression on passers- by that they called it !Xairu meaning Beautiful or Paradise (Today Suurbraak is still regarded as the Waterfall Capital of the Overberg!). Around 1810 the Attaqua Captain, Hans Moos (Moses), approached the Governor of the Cape, Count Caledon, to send a request through to the London Missionary Society for assistance in the education of his people. In 1812 the first missionary, Johannes Seidenfaden, arrived. The area was then renamed the Caledon Institute. Today Suurbraak has about 2,500 residents mainly of one colour grouping. It was one of the few towns in South Africa where whites were forced to leave after the segregation laws. Some large dairy farms like Rietvalleij, Lismore and Hoëkraal surround the area, but there are no huge industrial job providers. Some residents survive on Government grants, seasonal work on fruit farms and fruit factories in surrounding towns and a limited amount of backyard farming. The Swellendam Municipality is building some 38 homes in the southern outskirts of the village. There are also positive signs of more and more owners building homes themselves. The Community Centre is being upgraded and the Library was improved by over R1m. At least 16 accommodation venues are now available in and around Suurbraak to look after the requirements of visitors. Small shops supply daily needs. Some plots are still prepared for planting with horses and ploughs. Many residents rely on wood stoves for which wood has to be collected “over the river” in the plantations. Drinking water comes from the Mill Dam while irrigation water is supplied from Dan’s Dam filled from the river. The present VGK Church on Rossouw Square from around 1828 on Rossouw Square is still in daily use and some of the homes date back to 1883. After a rupture in relationships, the St Michaels and All Angels Church in the Mainn Rd came into being in the mid-1880’s. Today there are about 10 churches, some of them accommodated in homes where the sound of the Gospel is very evident especially on Sundays. Suurbraak is in a transition phase. The so-called Common Land of the village belongs to the Minister of Agriculture. and The Municipality of Swellendam administered these plots and buildings for some years, but in the near future a Transformation Trust will take over the administration with all the financial benefits being ploughed back into Suurbraak.



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ou don’t need to meet Donovan Julius to recognize the passion with which he approaches his art, his life and his search for justice for humanity and indigenous people. You only have to look at his work – everything is there – vivid and unforgettable. But if you are lucky enough to meet him in person, then you will find him to be just as vivid and unforgettable. He describes himself first and foremost as a father (two lovely boys, Raphael and Carter) and gives full credit to their mother, Janine, for helping him to be where he is today. “She believed in me since the first time we met, I was broke, depressed and blamed the world... but she prayed and paid for much of the stuff I needed... on a R800 per month salary from which she had to pay rent and buy food to help me realise my goals - especially when I turned my back on painting... It was a dark time in my life... and she was the light a flicker of hope ... my saving grace...” Donovan is only 29 but these dark times in his life have no doubt contributed to the work he produces, which is defiantly vibrant. He believes wholeheartedly that the purpose of his art is to act as a message to the people for whom he fights, and whose eyes he wants to open to their potential, and to awaken their pride. “I truly believe being an artist in such a small community/village like !Xairu will eventually help our people to SEE you can do anything no MATTER HOW HARD OR LONG THE ROAD as long as you keep going and don’t give up...” As a child he drew on everything with any medium he could lay his hands on: “Since forever me and my cousins always were drawing, from boet en saartjie , dragonball Z characters and gravity. Every blackboard in high school had some kind of Donovan Julius art on it!” When he works now, the experience for him is overpowering

– he describes it as being transported into another dimension, sweaty palms, heart racing , shortness of breath, an adrenaline rush ... “It’s like I’m in a bubble, I can have people around me chatting and what not - but I’m not truly there”. Portraits are his favourite subject: “You look out into a sea of faces and there is so much to read, then one will speak to me – the Oom in the street, the celebrity in the magazine – you have to look, see and understand, then bring the face alive with the all the colours that synchronize with the subject.” One particular portrait, Piet Ogies, [The cover picture on this magazine] affected Donovan deeply. For a while, he resisted the urge to paint him - as he knew it was going to be an overwhelming encounter – but … “his khoisan face spoke volumes, the many winters and summers and everything between screamed out at me and I didn’t want to paint him... but the energy was too strong to ignore... I couldn’t sleep for two days... so I had to abide …” Donovan loves to create beautiful, passionate chaos, and has learned to trust the process and the energy he feel when working on his creations. When asked if he could change the world in any significant way what he would do, he replied that he would swing his magic paint brush and paint everyone different colours – no more race wars – and having been lucky enough to meet him and see his work - I believe if anyone could do that – Donovan could!

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GRAPE & GRUB... It’s not just TASTING – it’s the complete experience. Not all of us are wine connoisseurs (though many claim to be) but a wine tasting outing can be enjoyed at many levels – and the recent trend for wine farms introducing activities, music, art and events means that your kids, your ‘lightweight’ sister, your designated driver - even your beer swilling uncle - can have a very special experience. If you are looking for a heavenly day out bursting with wine, good food and fun, then you will be completely spoiled for choice in the “valley of wine and roses” – not only do Bonnievale and Robertson boast some of the most spectacular wines, they also provide the visitor with a wealth of extraordinary activities. It might be a little difficult to fit this all in to one day – but not impossible. It’s a challenge that I have attempted – but as yet have never managed to visit more than four – and even then I had to drag myself away from each one in order to rise to the aforesaid challenge.

Van Loveren: (Booking recommended) A relaxed food & wine pairing with a platter on the deck overlooking the garden. Platters include chocolate and wine, cheese and wine, charcuterie and wine, nougat, nuts and wine, a Four Cousins fan pairing as well as non-alcoholic pairings for both adults and children. Phone: 023 615 1505 or e-mail ALSO: Bistro * Birding * Garden * Hiking * MTB



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Viljoensdrift: (Booking essential) Fill your basket with treats like freshly-baked ciabatta and pâté, cheese, ostrich carpaccio, apple wood smoked chicken, smoked salmon trout, add a bottle (or two) of Viljoensdrift’s fine wines for a supreme culinary moment and enjoy a picnic on the river on their elegant flat-bottomed river boat. Phone: 023 615 1017 or e-mail ALSO: Deli * Functions * Tastings

Fraai Uitzicht: (Booking essential) Gourmet Wine Pairings include pork belly paired with their famous Viognier, Rosé paired with tomato soup, different ravioli & wine pairings and much more! A historic Wine Cellar, one of the oldest in the valley. Quality handcrafted wines, harvested by hand from single vineyards. Phone: 023 626 6156 or e-mail ALSO: Fine Dining Restaurant * Accommodation * Vineyard walks * Gardens

Zandvliet: The pairing here is particularly unusual and very special as the wine is paired with a range of citrus products. The tasting room has handcrafted luminaires created predominately from recycled materials. Here you can blend your own wine and enjoy art and sculpture exhibitions Phone: 023 615 1146 or e-mail ALSO: Cellar tours * Blending * Tasting * Art and Sculpture

Platform 62 (Pre Booking essential for the pairing) Six premium brandies paired with chocolate and fruit, exciting cocktails and a beautiful brandy glass for each person to take home. This Wine Boutique is well stocked with the best wines from the area and is a fun stop-over with something to offer for visitors of all ages. Phone: 023 615 1834 or e-mail ALSO: Family Restaurant * Arts and Crafts * Gifts and Curios* Wine Tastings

THE GRAM March Edition.indd 21


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“Hier lê die son gevang en vlak gekelk in vygie, vuurpyl;, alwynblom; En oor die water draai die westewind sy langerekte drade krom …” Famous poet W E G Louw penned these words in the visitors’ book at the Montagu Nature Garden where many word of appreciation can be read – as so they should: the labour, sweat, tears and determination of a small group of people sixty four years ago have produced a legacy of which the people of Montagu are justly proud.






o celebrate the ‘centenary’ of Montagu in 1954 (although apparently it was actually 105 years old – but what’s five years between friends?) – a festival committee was formed to create a huge celebration at which attendance was mandatory for all residents. The Mayor, Ewie Basson, was a member of this committee: he and his wife, Justine, niece, Babsie, and other local women set up a gardeners’ association and they began to lay out the Nature Park to become a focal point for the festivities. The drought in the area at the time made their lives very difficult, but they persisted. They would bring flasks of tea to help revive their spirits after their hot thirsty labours, and soon the custom of a Tea Garden emerged – where every Tuesday morning they would look back on a week of hard work with pride and exhaustion! This Tea Garden continues to this day and has become one of the most important sources of income for the Nature Reserve Association. At the end of October 1954 the celebration of the ‘centenary’ duly took place. – a carnival atmosphere prevailed as all the residents paraded through the streets to the Nature Park where the event was officially launched. The Nature Garden has become famous for its beauty in spring – the vygies, gazanias, Namaqualand daisies and others are breathtaking. Experts have claimed that the garden offers the largest variety of vygie species in the country. A Nature Conservation Association was established in 1994 by residents to administer the garden, which members do with pride and gratitude to those who had the foresight and dedication to make this natural legacy possible. Several improvements have been made over time. A stone tool shed was erected and baptized “Justbabs” named after the two stalwart ladies, Justine and Babs, who took up pick and shovel and transformed 10 hectares into what is now a haven of conservation. An attractive entrance gate with a thatched roof was also created to welcome the members of the community, friends and visitors, who can enjoy the peace and tranquility of this very special place.

VISITING THE GARDEN A 1.7km circular walking trail within the garden includes a fairly easy climb with benches at strategic intervals. From the top of Bessiekop, magnificent panoramic views of the town and the Cape Folded Mountains can be seen. Bloupunt, one of the highest peaks in the area rises in the distance. One is sure to come across a geometric tortoise, a dassie midden and sunbirds enjoying the variety of aloes on the hillside. The dam, stream and intermittent areas of fast flowing water at the bottom of the hill provide a welcome break after the walk. The area is planted with lawn and benches are placed along the stream. Tea and eats are served every Tuesday morning from 10am until 11.30am from April until end October. Thank you to contributors : Heinie Heydenrych and Christopher Powell, Mareletta Mundey Montagu-Ashton Tourism Cell: 082 444 3927


March Edition.indd 22

2018/03/13 11:19:05 PM

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cGregor is a unique, alternative, eccentric and therapeutic village away from the crowds which is home to a vibrant community of artists with top-class galleries and some great little restaurants. Despite being little more than a village, there are wine farms to explore such as Bemind Cellar, McGregor Tanagra and Lords Wineries, nature adventures to be had in Vrolijkheid Nature Reserve with hiking and cycling trail trails, and plenty of opportunities for being creative (eg pottery workshops) and enjoying the arts.

吀栀攀 嘀椀氀氀愀最攀 吀栀愀琀  吀椀洀攀 䘀漀爀最漀琀Ⰰ 伀渀  吀栀攀 刀漀愀搀 吀漀  一漀眀栀攀爀攀 Eseltjiesrus Donkey Sanctuary In its eleventh year of providing sanctuary and protection for donkeys, Eseltjiesrus promotes the welfare and status of donkeys through a culture of caring, providing a permanent refuge for abused, neglected and elderly donkeys. Here they are given the opportunity to live out their lives with respect and dignity, surrounded by their own kind, in a protective and natural environment. Each donkey brings his or her own story with them to the sanctuary: the staff and volunteers at the sanctuary are dedicated to returning them physically and emotionally to a state of comfort and dignity. There are currently twenty donkeys living at the sanctuary – here are a few of their stories: AMY was overfed by her previous rescuers, in an attempt to compensate for her dreadful past. She has huge pads of fat on her body. Such a friendly girl.

HANSEL and GRETEL were found severely neglected in a forest on a wine estate, desperate for attention. They are about four years old now and are happy and playful, as young donkeys should be. LULU was found near Barrydale, badly neglected. She had barbed wire caught up around one hind leg, almost severing the tendons. About seven years old, she is the largest donkey with the biggest ears. From being evasive and cautious, she has developed into a friendly and loving donkey. ZIGGY was rescued from a “petting zoo” covered in filth but she has bounced back after rehabilitation and is now very friendly and inquisitive. DONKEY is a large, handsome teenager with a beautiful broad cross on his back- very confident and loves being photographed! MINDY - a young light brown donkey with a beautiful dark cross on her back - was signed over to the sanctuary after her owners realised they did not have the time or skills. ‘Adopting a donkey’ is one way that funds are raised to create a loving, healthy environment for these beautiful creatures. You choose the amount you wish to give to your donkey. You will receive: • • • • •

details of the donkey you decide to adopt photo adoption certificate twice-yearly report quarterly newsletter

You will be most welcome to go to visit your special donkey. The Sanctuary is open Thursdays to Sundays 10h00 to 16h00. There is a little restaurant overlooking the dam and the paddocks, a gift and bookshop – and they even have their very own Eseltjiesrus Wine! 023 625 1593

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BARREL AND BLUES ROADHOUSE Tel: 079 978 4872 17 Voortrek St Tuesday to Saturday 11:00 to late, Sunday closed

BELEEF - ROOIKLIP Tel: 072 355 8165 171 Voortrek St Monday to Saturday 09:00 to 1600 Sunday closed

JAN HARMSGAT Tel: 087 095 1141 R60, Swellendam, 6740 Reservation Required

JOY L’AFRIQUE Tel: 082 508 9251 5 Swellengrebel St Tuesday to Saturday 12:00 to 21:00 | Sunday & Monday closed

LENA’S CAPE TABLE AT AUGUSTA DE MIST Tel: 028 514 2425 3 Human St Reservation Required

OLD GAOL RESTAURANT Tel: 028 514 3847 8 Voortrek St Sat - Mon 8:00 - 17:00 Wed - Fri 7.30-22:00

MONKENS Tel: 028 514 1354 53 Voortrek St Monday to Friday 07:30 to 17:00, Saturday 08:00 to 13:00

MEZ KAROO KITCHEN BARRYDALE Tel: 082 077 5980 24 Van Riebeek St, Barrydale Wed - Sat 18;00 - 21:00

THE CONSERVATORY AT SCHOONE OORDT Tel: 028 514 1248 1 Swellengrebel St Reservation Required

TREDICI Tel: 028 514 2216 68 Sommerser Street Wednesday to Monday 11:30 to 21:00, Tuesday Closed

THE TASTING ROOM @ WILDEBRAAM Tel: 028 514 3132 Hermitage Valley Swellendam Mon to Sat 11:00 to 17:00,

WOODPECKER PIZZADELI Tel: 028 514 2924 270 Voortrek St Monday to Saturday 11:30 to 21:00, Sunday 11:30 to 17:00



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䌀愀氀氀㨀  㠀㜀  㤀㔀 ㄀㄀㐀㄀ March Edition.indd 29

眀眀眀⸀樀愀渀栀愀爀洀猀最愀琀⸀挀漀洀 THE GRAM


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吀栀攀 䌀漀渀猀攀爀瘀愀琀漀爀礀 刀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 䴀攀愀氀猀 愀琀 吀栀攀 䌀漀渀猀攀爀瘀愀琀漀爀礀 刀攀猀琀愀甀爀愀渀琀 愀琀 匀挀栀漀漀渀攀 伀漀爀搀琀 愀爀攀 洀愀搀攀 眀椀琀栀 氀漀瘀攀⸀  伀甀爀 挀漀甀渀琀爀礀  昀漀漀搀 椀猀 搀攀氀椀挀椀漀甀猀Ⰰ 甀渀瀀爀攀琀攀渀琀椀漀甀猀 愀渀搀 猀攀爀瘀攀搀 眀椀琀栀 琀爀甀攀 匀挀栀漀漀渀攀 伀漀爀搀琀 ˻愀椀爀 愀渀搀 猀琀礀氀攀⸀  圀攀  猀漀甀爀挀攀 琀栀攀 昀爀攀猀栀攀猀琀 戀攀猀琀 焀甀愀氀椀琀礀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀攀 昀爀漀洀 猀洀愀氀氀 氀漀挀愀氀 猀甀瀀瀀氀椀攀爀猀 愀猀 漀爀最愀渀椀挀愀氀氀礀 愀渀搀 攀琀栀椀ⴀ 挀愀氀氀礀 愀猀 瀀漀猀猀椀戀氀攀 愀渀搀 眀攀 氀漀瘀攀 瀀椀挀欀椀渀最 昀爀攀猀栀 栀攀爀戀猀 愀渀搀 瘀攀最攀琀愀戀氀攀猀 漀甀琀 漀昀 漀甀爀 漀眀渀 最愀爀搀攀渀Ⰰ 漀爀  ǻ渀搀椀渀最 琀爀攀愀猀甀爀攀猀 愀琀 琀栀攀 氀漀挀愀氀 昀愀爀洀 洀愀爀欀攀琀猀⸀ ⨀爀攀猀攀爀瘀愀琀椀漀渀猀 爀攀焀甀椀爀攀搀

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