Simple Holiday Menu for Healthy Eyes

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Simple Holiday Menu for Healthy Eyes

The best thing about the Holidays besides presents? The food, of course! It's the best time to indulge in your favorite foods and cocktails – minus the guilt! But what if you can eat delicious meals that are healthy too? Experts at West Toronto eye care suggest not to neglect your body, particularly your eyes, this season. Vision is important; so take care of it even with the busy Holiday preparations. With a bit of planning and lots of creativity, the Holidays and your eyes can shine bright. Try these simple yet savory recipes for better vision: Appetizer Santa's Baked Baby Carrots Everybody knows that carrots are good for the eyes. Chock full of beta-carotene which the body converts into Vitamin A; it's not only best for vision but is also beneficial for the skin and immune system. About 2-3 servings a day should help maintain clear eyes for a bright, and festive year. Try this quick and easy recipe for starters. Prepare fresh baby carrots by drizzling them in olive oil and butter. Add a bit of brown sugar for sweetness; then sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Give it a twist by adding your favorite herbs (optional)! Bake inside grease-proof paper or wax baking sheet at about 250 °C for 40-45 minutes. The bag will expand due to steam-build-up, but that's normal. Once done, carefully puncture the bag with a fork. Serve hot. Main Course Jingle Bell Pepper Bell peppers are not only sweet and delicious – they're packed with Vitamin C which is good for the eyes. Eye doctors actually recommend foods rich in omega-3 and ascorbic acid to protect the eyes against macular degeneration, a common cause for vision loss. A diet rich in these minerals also prevents cataracts and glaucoma – not to mention that they lower blood cholesterol too. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone!

Get all these benefits with a traditional stuffed bell pepper recipe that's sure to please! Instead of using canned tuna though, get them fresh and filet them into small sizes. Cut a wide circle on top of the peppers (you can use green or red – or both!) to remove the stems, seeds, and membranes. Trim a bit off the bottom so the peppers can stand. Sauté the tuna bits with onions, garlic, mushrooms, and cooked rice. Season with salt, pepper, and paprika to taste. Stuff equal amounts inside the peppers and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 30-35 minutes in a 350 °C oven until tops are golden brown. Voila – a dish to keep your eyes strong and healthy! Dessert A Very Orange Christmas Vegetables aren't the only ones that can keep the eyes bright this season. Fruits such as oranges can also provide the same nourishment. Once again, let Vitamin C save your dinner! Since it also has antioxidants like Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), it can help in tissue repairs which are vital in keeping the eyes in good shape. Indulge your sweet tooth (and eyes) with an orange-infused chocolate mousse recipe. Just melt good quality dark chocolate (more antioxidants!), let it cool, and whip it with cream. Sprinkle a bit of orange juice and orange zest; mix well together until light and creamy. Spoon them in individual cups and top with orange peels. In just a few minutes, you have a tempting dessert that is 'naturally' eye-catching. Give your guests, your family, and yourself the gift of happy eyes. After all, life would certainly be more difficult without sight. So stress less and have a deliciously healthy Holidays!

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