Internet Safety Tips for Kids on Safer Internet Day

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Safer Internet Day 2023: Internet Safety Tips for Kids on Safer Internet Day


February 7, 2023

Internet Safety Tips for Kids on Safer Internet Day 2023 – The internet has changed the world and brought everything closer. It has been instrumental in the education and development of children. During the pandemic, it was the internet that let the students continue with their studies online. But with its many advantages come a few challenges. Online activities are good but may become a threat to a kid. On this Safer Internet Day on 8th February, know how to protect your child from various online threats.

Internet Safety Tips for Kids on Safer Internet Day

Online Threats to Kids

Cyber harassment

Inappropriate content




You kid may be exposed to these threats while using the internet. Hence, it becomes essential to provide protection for kids when they are online. With the following precautions, online safety can be enhanced for kids.

Online Safety for Kids


Do not let your kid use computers privately or alone

You should install computers or laptops in common areas of your house for your kids. Do not let them browse alone or privately. If your kid clicks on any inappropriate content or gets stuck up somewhere, you can help them quickly in the common area. If the kid is using it in his bedroom, he may not be able to get immediate help or continue browsing inappropriate content. However, if your kid is a teen, you may need to give him a system in the bedroom. But you can still protect them by following other precautions.

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Internet Safety Tips for Kids on Safer Internet Day

Monitor your kid’s browsing history and social media

Another way to protect your kids is to keep a tab on their online activity. You must regularly check your child’s browsing history and follow their social media accounts. You must monitor them randomly. Also, if the browsing history has been deleted, it may be a sign of some wrongdoing.

Limit the screen time

It is essential, especially for small kids. Do not let them use smartphones or laptops indefinitely. Set a time and discipline for screen time. Keep a time when you can be around them and monitor their activities.

Talk to your kids

Do not hide the online challenges from your kids. You should rather make them aware of such challenges. If they know what is wrong, they will be able to protect themselves or inform you if they face them. If they will be unaware of online challenges, they may be at a higher risk of getting trapped in them.

Internet Safety Tips for Kids on Safer Internet Day

Install anti-virus software

You must also protect your systems by installing security software. It will reduce the risk of your kids getting prone to virus or malware attacks. These attacks can scare them or lead them to risky websites. The anti-virus software will protect them from such risks.

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Do not let them talk to strangers online

Teach your kids not to talk to unknown people on the internet. They may become a victim of cyber-stalking or phishing. If you explain to them about the threats, they can understand and avoid such activities.


Tell them never to share any personal information

Another important precaution is to teach them not to share any personal information anywhere on the internet without supervision. Some websites can steal information and use it illegally. Hence, if your kid is prompt to provide any personal information, they must check with your first.

Internet Safety Tips for Kids on Safer Internet Day

Use Passwords

You can also use passwords for applications or software you do not want your kid to access. It will act as a barrier and protect your kid from unwanted information.

Use parental controls

Every smart device now comes with parental controls. You can use them effectively to protect your kids from various cyber threats.

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