Using Detox Baths regularly is effective for Removal of Toxins

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Using Detox Baths Regularly is Effective for Removal of Toxins Our Toxic Environment Today’s toxic environment requires the use of detox baths on a regular basis to free our bodies from toxins. In the 1950s, bisphenol A (BPA) was introduced into the manufacture of certain plastics, some for our daily use. Adequate research was probably not carried out to determine if its use was safe. BPA was used in all kinds of plastics, including infant plastic baby bottles. Other chemicals, such as flame retardants, are used in furniture, toys, carpets and even electronics. Many harmful or untested chemicals have found their way into our cosmetics, pesticides, and cleaning supplies. We therefore do not have to go near a factory to be exposed to dangerous toxins. These toxins are found within our homes. It is now acknowledged that a foot detox on a regular basis is an effective way of freeing our bodies of toxic buildup. Toxins as Hormone Disruptors The big problem is that many of these toxins that are found in the home are most likely hormone disruptors. According to a growing database of scientific research, hormone or endocrine disruptors may be associated with a number of maladies. These include learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders, and even cancer of the prostate or the breasts. It is also likely that hormone disruptors are responsible for the abnormal development of sex organs. Detox baths have been identified as an effective method for cleaning toxins from the body when used regularly over a period of time. There is reason to believe that a foot detox bath creates the same kind of ions found in nature that give us a feeling of well-being.

A Blueprint From Nature In nature there are several phenomena that produce a sense of well-being, even exhilaration. The spray from a natural waterfall or the crashing of the surf on the beach or the particularly heavy atmosphere from an electrical storm all seem to have a positive effect on us. Like these natural phenomena, detox baths create an abundance of ions. The detox footbath creates ions as water molecules break apart due to the electrolysis of water when a direct current is passed through an array. A foot detox bath, when used regularly, is known to bring the same sense of well-being and alertness experienced in the above-mentioned natural settings. The removal of toxins from the body brings about improved sleep patterns, as well.

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