The Best Care for Loved Ones with Alzheimers; Waterloo In-Home Care and Waterloo Alzheimers Care

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The Best Care for Loved Ones with Alzheimers; Waterloo In- Home Care and Waterloo Alzheimers Care

In the Waterloo area, there are many programs and options for the family of a person who has been diagnosed with having Alzheimer’s diseaseand/or Dementia. Waterloo Elder Care, Waterloo Assisted Living Services, and Waterloo Dementia Care are just three of many programs that offer guidance and support for those families in need. Alzheimer’s diseaseis a progressive, degenerative diseaseof the brain that impacts memory, thinking, judgment, behavior, and daily functioning. As the diseaseprogresses,individuals may experience changesin personality and behavior. There are no cures for Alzheimer’s disease,and it is the seventh leading causeof death among Americans. Alzheimer’s diseasemight lead to dementia, causing complete memory loss; more than 60-70%of dementia is caused by Alzheimer’s disease.If you live in the Waterloo area, and have a loved one who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, Waterloo In-home Care is here to help. There is no cure for this disease,but patients can live comfortably with the right combination of care and support, and the Waterloo In-home Care will be able to give you any assistance you may need. There will be many issuesyou will have to be prepared for in regards to the patient. For instance, it may be necessary to change the patient’s home environment. Conversations with an Alzheimer’s patient must be slow, concise, and non-threatening. You’ll need to consider the patient’s safety, be prepared for sudden changesin temperament, and the need to take over hygiene necessities. Another issue is the need to find someone to take your place when you have to leave the house. It is, also, necessary for you, the care giver, to plan some time away from the demands of care giving. Waterloo Alzheimer’s Care knows exactly what you and your loved one will be going through, and can help with all these issues. At Waterloo Alzheimer’s Care, the staff uses the tools created by the Alzheimer’s Association, “In the Know” team. When they train and educate their care providers, the Waterloo Alzheimer’s Care follow the guidelines given by the Department of Health. One care giver says the daily care of an Alzheimer’s patient requires skillful insight and empathy as much as giving the patient medical attention. Waterloo Elder Care providers are well-trained and offer expert support. The Waterloo In-home Care can arrange for in-home service which will help you cope with the everyday demands of caring for a loved one. They have implemented rigorous standards to ensure your loved one receives the ultimate in-home care. The Waterloo Senior Services works with many Case Managers, Discharge Planers, and Social Workers to provide home care support services. You might, at one point, consider an adult daycare center. This might be a good alternative to the isolation of home care, as a daycare will provide your loved one both social stimulation and professional care. Waterloo Senior Services can help and advise you in how to find a good daycare

facility that specializes in caring for the Alzheimer patient. The Waterloo Senior services are directly involved with medical professionals and care communities, and can present the best choices for your consideration. It is challenging to care for a person affected with Alzheimer’s disease,especially when the patient is in the late stagesof Alzheimer’s and requires 24 hour care. As the diseaseprogresses,this may be the point when it’s necessary to consider a permanent facility that specializes in treating a patient with Alzheimer’s. The Waterloo Assisted Living Placement can help you find the right place for your loved one, for no charge. They match your loved one to the top 3 to 4 of the most appropriate living options based on the patient’s individual needs. The Waterloo Senior Services states caring for those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia is a serious matter, and they know that extra attention and tender loving care must accompany every service they provide. In Waterloo Elder Care, they offer resources and guidance for families in their time of need. For more information call: 877-292-2126 Or see:

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