What Is Baltic Amber | Complete Guide 2018

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A Complete Guide

to make your life healthier and more natural

About me

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My name is Alex, I am 39. Being born in Gdansk- the World’s Capital of Amber - obliges me to share my knowledge about this magic gemstone. But my personal experience gave me motivation to do so. I believe you will find here a lot of useful information… My family lives in Gdansk in the North of Poland. I am a mother to two kids: a daughter and a son. Although they are already schoolkids I will always remember the most beautiful and also the hardest times related to breastfeeding, colic, and teething. My grandfather was a jewelry maker. He was passionate about Baltic Amber. At that time I was pursuing my career in a corporation, so his passion was completely foreign and weird to me. One day, my little teething son had a terrible fever. He refused to eat and drink. I was desperately trying to soothe his pain and then my grandfather gave me a small necklace made of small amber beads. The same necklaces he used to make for German nannies. I had nothing to lose. I didn’t want to give my son more drugs. I put this necklace on his neck

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and was waiting:-) And it worked! I had no doubts to wear the same necklace when my daughter was teething. After this time, I believed in amber healing power for the second time. For many years I have been suffering from migraines. This was a result of a stressful job in a corporation. I kept taking more and more strong painkillers and became addicted to this. I used to wake up and take two pills before breakfast. Then, after 4 hours another two, and another. My husband said that it could not be like this. Unfortunately, he was right. What was I supposed to do? Go to another doctor and ask for another set of pills? ​Not this time. I found my babies’ teething necklace and put it on my neck;-) That was the best choice and breakthrough in my life! I quit my career, which seemed to be a black hole and decided to help other mums, sharing knowledge about salutary effects of amber. It helped me and my kids. I believe it will help others. As a mother, and being born in Gdansk [Poland] - the world’s capital of amber - I owe this my grandfather. Enjoy, Aleksandra altodiversi.com E-mail: aleksandra@altodiversi.com

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Whether you’re caring for your baby or just want to be more natural yourself, I believe you’ll find resources here to help​.

In chapters I and II, you will find here a lot of information about amber and its healing properties. Chapter III is a comprehensive how-to guide revealing the best tips and golden rules every mother should know before buying teething necklaces. Every mother wants to be sure that she goes for the best, safest and 100% pure Baltic Amber necklace for her baby​. ​Therefore to make this choice easier, I’ve prepared this “follow and comply guide” based on my experience. Chapter IV should help you make a faster decision when buying a gift. I know how time-consuming it might be. The ​last chapter​ gives you answers to most tormenting questions.

To make this ebook even more interesting I have linked to a lot of outsources. I especially encourage you to watch the videos. I guarantee you will be nicely surprised. Have fun

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Table of Content I.

What is Amber? 1. Myths and Legends. 2. What exactly is Baltic Amber? 3. What makes up Baltic Amber? 4. Classification of Baltic Amber. 5. What is referred to as Amber Inclusion? 6. Is Amber considered a gem or precious stone? 7. What is Baltic Amber used for? 8. Gdansk - The World’s Capital Of Baltic Amber. 9. Conclusions.


Amber Healing Properties.

1. Today vs. Past. 2. Amber healing properties for adults. 3. Amber healing properties for babies. 4. But where all these amber healing properties come from? 5. Conclusions. III.

Amber for Babies - How to choose the best Amber Teething Necklace?


Amber for Adults - How to match a color with personality?


Frequently asked questions. 1. How do I know if my Baltic Amber is fake or real? 2. What should I know about different amber colors and shapes? 3. How should I care for my amber jewelry? 4. How should I clean Baltic Amber? 5. How to polish Baltic Amber? 6. Is raw or polished amber better?

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1. Myths and Legends According to ​ancient Greek myth​, Amber was the tears of Heliades shed into the River Eridanus after the death of their brother Phaëthon. The legend says that angry Zeus threw Phaëthon into the river after the boy used his father’s golden chariot to ride across the sky. That seems a very sad and pessimistic story.

The Chinese used to believe that Amber was the soul of a tiger which had died and passed into the earth converting into pieces of Amber. For them, Amber was deemed to give its possessor the courage of tiger.

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Another legend says that Amber was a stone sacred to Freya - the ​Viking goddess​. After the disappearance of her husband Odin, she wept. Her tears falling on rock turned to gold and when they fell into the sea, they turned into Amber. For Native Americans, the Slavic people of Northern Europe, and in Neolithic times​, Amber was a sacred symbol of the sun while to early ​Christians, Amber signified the presence of the Lord. It seems like there is no clear explanation of the ancient meaning of this precious stone. I find the Chinese attitude most convincing. What about you?

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