Emerging trends within the iot market

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Emerging Trends within the IoT Market

‘Cybersecurity’ Controversially, cybersecurity is at the forefront of emerging hot topics of IoT. There are many questions surrounding the issue of security on the internet. Many questions on how the development of IoT will help aid personal security? With further development of IoT and devices that share data between several devices using the cloud system, security has become a concern. The complex network systems that are being created with the use of Internet of Thing devices such as M2M communication signifies the importance of network security and the reliability of the system. The efficiency in the transversal of data and the encryption of the data allows data to be secured and safe. The use of automatic data transfers that we can already be seen within the IoT industry establishes the importance of cybersecurity.

Creation of smart devices for both household and business use

With the rise of Intrnet of Things technology, gaming is not the only area of development within the sector. Now, there are many companies investing in creating smart objects and devices for everyday household use and to use in companies. These innovations ultimately aim at enhancing and simplifying everyday tasks. They also help us to look above and beyond what we are capable of ourselves with the increasing pressure of everyday life in society. The use of smart devices and innovations allow many products to be programmed to complete simple household tasks in such ways that you don’t even need to lift your hands. The implementation of such devices has now enabled the possibility of all smart devices to be controlled by a central device where programming of all products can be done centrally.

Integration of the digital supply chainMachine-2-machine communication Managements are increasingly looking at new ways to transform their companies to maximize profits and eliminate loss of assets and products. Integration of the digital supply chain with M2M communication allows companies’ supply chains to be transformed and developed further by automatically analyzing data and gaining information about inefficiencies, problems within the product cycle, and consumer behaviour. There are several benefits of implementing M2M communication, that includesincreasing productivity and efficiency by decreasing asset loss. M2M further highlights the changing needs and skills of employees within supply chain management, as they have to obtain knowledge and skills about using new equipment to utilize the knowledge that is output by the machinery.

Development of smart cities Smart cities are the cities who use emerging technology in order to enhance the lifestyle and bring themselves to the forefront of efficiency and productivity. Some of the technology includes- the use of sensors, wireless networks and applications. For example, the creation of a smart parking ecosystem, that allows people to see and book parking spots available before arriving, allows people to see the quickest route available, and the location of parking meters and so forth. The primary aim of smart cities is to create sustainable economic development along with a high standard of living through various key areas such as economy, mobility, environment, people, living, and government

Further development of the cloud and data transversal

As IoT has ultimately emerged and gained greater exposure since the last few years, the notion of the cloud and data transversal has become of great significance powering Internet of Things. The cloud allows the data to be collected, stored, and managed. This point in the cloud and IoT combines the intelligence of data collection, data analytics and data integration across several devices. IoT and the cloud continue to gain hype, so does the development of such intelligent systems such as hybrid computing and the containerization of the cloud. These concepts allow the cloud and data transversal to occur on a greater scale and increase productivity and efficiency by using the cloud system.

AlterNet and the emerging IoT trends At AlterNet, we are engaged in several projects extending further on the emerging trends of IoT. AlterNet has closely worked alongside one of the largest logistics and supply chain providers. They were looking at solving problems of using machines that had to be manually operated. AlterNet effectively innovated a small analog to digital converter, that allowed data to transmit information automatically through data chips. This allowed the data to be displayed through one of their pre-existing portals. By implementing M2M, we reduced the logistics and supply chain provider’s total expenditure spent on visits, inspections, and manual readings. On another note, a manufacturing company had employed an entire team who were specialized in training employees and using equipment to train new employees. This in total took up 500 man hours each year. By implementing a virtual reality platform, there was no longer a need to have a specialized team for training employees. •

AlterNet has worked alongside industry innovators to promote carbon emission reduction across several retail and business environments. Many retail and office spaces find it particularly hard to maintain these reductions. Along with industry innovators, AlterNet created smart sensors combined with analytics, allowing data to be collected on insightful predictions for energy consumption, peak demand management and dynamic benchmarking.

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