What's On Summer 2017 Arts Festival

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What’s on summer 2017


A celebration of student talent and events at Anglia Ruskin University

Department of English & Media

Poetry Night Thursday 25 May, 7.30pm THE ACADEMY, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY “It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there” (William Carlos Williams). Poet, Caron Freeborn, hosts an evening of this essential luxury, with featured poets and open mic slots. Spoken word, page poetry and old skool performance. Come and listen or better still, participate.

Anglia Opera

Paul Bunyan

Free to attend

by Benjamin Britten and W.H. Auden

Want to perform? Contact: caron.freeborn@anglia.ac.uk to book your place or sign up on the night.

Friday 26 & Saturday 27 May, 7.30pm

Department of Music & Performing Arts

Music Festival Events Tuesday 30 May – Thursday 1 June MUSIC RECITAL HALL & MUMFORD THEATRE, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY A programme of free concerts and recitals performed by our third year Music students as part of their degree coursework, featuring world, popular, jazz and classical music. A full schedule of events can be found on our website: anglia.ac.uk/mpaevents

MUMFORD THEATRE, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Owing more to Oklahoma than Peter Grimes, Britten’s first musical theatre work, the operetta Paul Bunyan, was written during the early years of his self-imposed exile to America in 1941. Full of colourful characters and memorable melodies, Paul Bunyan sees Britten at his freshest and most inventive. Tickets: £12.00 (£8.00 concessions, £5.00 students/children) Available from the Mumford Theatre Box Office: 01223 352932 anglia.ac.uk/mumfordtheatre

Department of Music & Performing Arts

Band Showcase Friday 2 June, 6.00pm CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION, CLIFTON WAY, CAMBRIDGE CB1 7GX Dynamic and electrifying performances by our final year Popular Music students.

Anglia Contemporary Theatre

Happy Endings Tuesday 30 May – Thursday 1 June, 7.30pm CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION, CLIFTON WAY, CAMBRIDGE CB1 7GX Three devised shows, three nights, the culmination of three years of hard work for our Drama and Performing Arts students. In many ways, these shows are the end - and they are a new beginning. They are a final goodbye and an opening to new starts and new horizons. They are filled with joy and enthusiasm, and a certain kind of sadness and trepidation. They are made of everything we know and everything we have yet to learn and experience. They have been made through friendships and working together, through laughter, talking, improvising, singing, dancing and upstaging each other. They have emerged from failure and success. Join us as we present our three shows – farewells and celebrations. Tickets: £11.50 (£8.00 concessions, £6.00 students) Available from the Cambridge Junction Box Office: 01223 511511 junction.co.uk/anglia-contemporary-theatre

Uniting some of the finest, fresh musical talent, you can expect an eclectic range of genres from Hard Rock, Country, Folk, Pop, Left Field and anything in between. Our students have been working hard to pull together an exciting evening of music not to be missed! Tickets: £11.50 (£8.00 concessions, £6.00 students) Available from the Cambridge Junction Box Office: 01223 511511 junction.co.uk/aru-band-showcase

Wellcome Images

Cambridge School of Art

Degree Show The Bee’s Knees Private View: Thursday 8 June, 6.00pm–9.00pm Friday 9 – Saturday 17 June RUSKIN GALLERY, BALCONY & STUDIOS Opening Times: Weekdays 10.00am–8.00pm Weekends 10.00am–4.30pm Free to attend

Our degree show is a celebration of our final year student success. They have studied with us for 3 years, and are about to enter the wider world of work. There will be over 150 graduating BA (Hons) students displaying their work in the fields of Computer Games, Fashion Design, Film & TV Production, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, Illustration and Animation, Interior Design, and Photography. anglia.ac.uk/csaevents

Cambridge School of Art

Film and Animation Show The Reel Deal Thursday 8 June, 3.00pm–5.00pm ARTS PICTUREHOUSE, ST ANDREW’S STREET, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3AR

Salmon by Phuong Q. Nguyen

An opportunity to view the work of our final year BA (Hons) Film & TV Production and Illustration & Animation students on the big screen.

Cambridge School of Art

Fashion Show The Last Word Wednesday 14 June, 7.30pm (bar opens at 6.30pm) CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION, CLIFTON WAY, CAMBRIDGE CB1 7GX Our BA (Hons) and MA Fashion Design students showcase their latest collections on the catwalk. Tickets: £10.00 (£7.00 concessions) Suitable for ages 16+ due to partial nudity. Available from the Cambridge Junction Box Office: 01223 511511 junction.co.uk/the-last-word

No advance booking needed, free entry.


Smokescreen Productions

Shell Shock MUMFORD THEATRE, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Friday 30 June, 6.00pm Shell Shock is a stunning personal realisation of one soldier’s experience of learning to cope with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Anglia Ruskin Theatre Society

Dracula Wednesday 7 & Thursday 8 June, 7.30pm MUMFORD THEATRE, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Anglia Ruskin Theatre Society (Cue.5) presents an adaptation by Ted Tiller of the classic Bram Stoker novel, in which the suave vampire exercises a passion for sinking teeth into the necks of young women. With mysterious disappearances and howling wolves, this student production delivers a witty, yet chilling version of the Dracula story. Tickets: £10.00 (£8.00 concessions, £5.00 Anglia Ruskin students) Available from the Mumford Theatre Box Office: 01223 352932 anglia.ac.uk/mumfordtheatre

After serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, Tommy Atkins’ observations on the absurdities of every-day life on civvy street are frequently comic, occasionally absurd, sometimes violent but always poignant. His wired energy leads to hyper-emotional responses - from post office queues and a trip to Ikea to his relationships with family and friends - lead to alienation and anger. Tickets: £12.00 (£10.00 concessions, £6.00 with HM Forces/Veterans ID) Available from the Mumford Theatre Box Office: 01223 352932 anglia.ac.uk/mumfordtheatre

Cambridge School of Art

Theorem Thursday 6 – Thursday 20 July

Young Actors Company

Supposes MUMFORD THEATRE, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Wednesday 5 & Thursday 6 July, 7.30pm Written by George Gascoigne and originally performed in 1566, Supposes was one of the first comedies to be written in English. Its themes of disguising (the modern translation of the old word ‘supposes’) had a major influence on Shakespeare in his plays such as Comedy of Errors and The Taming of the Shrew. This modern revival — the first time the play has been fully staged for over four centuries — sets the play in 1950s Camden. A young musician, Eddy, falls in love with Polly, the daughter of an intimidating nightclub owner. Eddy and his roadie, Dylan, swap places with each other so that Eddy can get close to Polly, through the guise of a roadie working for her dad’s nightclub. However, when Eddy’s father comes to visit his son, things get a little bit complicated… Tickets: £8.00 (£6.00 concessions) Available from the Mumford Theatre Box Office: 01223 352932 anglia.ac.uk/mumfordtheatre

RUSKIN GALLERY, ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY This is the second PhD exhibition and oneday symposium at Cambridge School of Art. This year we’re very pleased to host doctoral research in the visual arts from Kingston University London, Nottingham Trent, and Derby Universities in conjunction with our own doctoral research. THEOREM is the first PhD research conference for the visual arts in the UK to combine an exhibition of research outcomes and a one-day research symposium. For more details please visit the Ruskin Gallery website: anglia.ac.uk/ruskingallery

anglia.ac.uk/artsfest #ARUartsfest arts@anglia.ac.uk

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East Road Cambridge CB1 1PT

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