1973 Spring ANCHOR

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o Paul o . .. Rubin and Barbara vv v .. , g pledge class. W e are so proud ST shines in scholarship on the s' College campus. ·ing the last week of classes, a ·ng W ell was sponsored in the DinJail of the college. The money, which ed $300.00, was given by students dropped coins in the well with a ~ for good luck on their fin al exams. NaS donated to the American Cancer ;iety. The Spring semester, whi ch seemed to aw quickly to a close, was topped off y an aft er-fin als camping trip to upstate lew York. Hiking, swimm ing, rowing .nd sightseeing we re only some of the nany activities which fill ed four hectic but invigorating days of outdoor li ving. Christina Bl ac kwood

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part. Our efforts "" ...... took eleven pledges and fillea v..... • of sixty members. Our new sisters are: Mary Bartel, Jeanne Boyden, Sarah Braun, Sue Cowling, Ki m Kimble, Sylvia~...-----.....-~ Molly McCormick, Deryl Unchrich, Sue VanDusen Videon. Aft e r eight wee ks of eleven girls were initiated Inn in Mount Pleasant. Spring term bri ngs sorori sorority weekend. All four bined forces for a Greek Ball held at G rand Rapids. Senior Parting was held at the home of Mrs. Alma Eyer. We said good-bye to many close friends and to our advisor who is leaving us this year.

Alumnae Chapter News

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Constance Thomas A NCHOR


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. Stitch Jta A J es and in a d lllJJnae rnacdhatter Be ... o or111 e c "" as ch apter h s a.t the b tlrtains fo Were h ouse in £ ran d ne J Pearce oSstessed b 111p oria. Se w W , ally C y D ot S h w e ce] b tlrry c u/ Cand]e ra ted ~ · and Jack} A n ilJJ ub as ounders' was h pldressive C a Priva te ,.~, D andJe]j h UJnn e With 1'hP. n,., Ma de ]y g ting C "'' '"' ·' ~ ..J---n •Noller · • /J


program on ap Edna Hoy d· Facu lty C lu b a' time she sh partme,,l •.. ogue owed fil ms and - • 0 On -Hawaii and Ne zgave a traveJ..... . . ur ann ual Stat w ealand. tient: e Day lunche held again th . th e ban Js year on Ma . on wa cloth G 1 quet rooms of th y 6 111 one of their Tbe~~ado State Coll ege S~ ~bulous new ber · u ent Center. in we re twen ty-tlu·e ' or} c!Jli~~presentatives fro~ P~sent, includ0 Th , Colorado Sp . enver, F ort ' as e ac tives from nngs and Greele wer~ in vi ted witl Nu__ Chapter of C. . . Litt sp ecJal gue ts. M 1 gJad~atin a enior . . li d, fuh mother, was 1 rs. SmJth , Nu ' h a so pre ent J E . ou -- - ~ ; ., . 0 lgll1 dot Fn r th · I. nt. it I '

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