1962 Fall ANCHOR

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Pam V anDyne. During open ru sh, Joni LaMourie and Peggy Bailey joined th e pledge class to make a grand tota l of nineteen. JoAnn Heck received the Be t Pledge Award. Peggy Potvin was president of the spring pledge class. '1\fe held our annual " Mom's Weekend" in the midst of pledging activities. The mothers enjoyed a brief coffee hour before heading toward the bowling alleys and bridge tables. After a taste of sports, we returned to the house and indulged in a delicious buffet dinner. Evening activities included "twisting" by the moms, a water ballet presentation, skits, group singing and nightly tours of the campus. As the curfew hou rs approached, we serenated our mothers and gave them CMU mugs as favors. The weekend came to a close the next morning (a fter the moth ers had struggled in our bunk beds!) with breakfast and church. Stan K enton became the ta lk of the campus as Greek Week came into view. Mr. K enton provided the best in jazz and dancing music for the annual Greek W eek J am Session and dance. The festive week began with the Panhellenic-I.F.C . Sing, Betas placing second with our southern spiritu a ls. We placed in every event we entered, winning firsts in the Walk-a-thon, pie-ea ting contest, and jump-rope competition and third place in the Swim M eet! In M ay, we held a steak fry at Sue Breidenstein's cottage on Crystal Lake in place of our usua l house party. The weather didn't fu lly cooperate, but new actives still followed the traditiona l ceremony of th e lake ! It wa a day of fun , skits, songs and pl enty of food delicately prepa red by our host "Bi?; Joe." We were deeply grieved upon the recent death of our beloved patroness, Mrs. Fred Bush, a woman who had given so much of her time and life to the Alpha Sigma T a u Sorority. W e presented an art book to the Panh ellenic library in her memory. H er husband gave us both a painting and her sorority pin as a bond of deep friendship. W e decided to honor a worthy girl each semester by giving her the privilege of wearing Mrs. Bush's pin on formal occasions. Because of THE ANCHOR

the endless hours of effort and time J o R umminger has contributed to our group, we chose her to begin this new tradition of the Beta Chapter . M any honors earned by Betas brightened the spring semester. Gail Weckesser won both the scholarship improvement paddle and high scholastic cup! Sue Breidenstein and M arilyn J akad were two of the nine girls on campus tapped for Senior W omen's Honor Board, M a ri lyn being elected Vice-President. Th e two girls are a lso members of K appa D elta Pi. M ary Petoskey was elected to the offi ce of Senior C lass Secretary, while H ope Gambino won the Treasurer's position. Pam VanD yne will be th e Vice-President of her sophomore class in the fa ll. M ary M ead becam e the new secretary of the entire Student Body. Girls with 3.00 averages in the fall were Sue Breiden tein, Lind a H aven, M arilyn Jakad, Peggy Sadler, Fran Steiner, Cathie Palo and Bonnie W a lker. Peggy T wining and C harlotte Sponseller both won the honor of ROTC Cadet Court for the annual Military Ball. A beauty award was al o presented to H ope Gambino, Sigma T au Gamma White R ose Queen. L ynette Lucas had the singing and acting lead in the campus presentation of " Kiss M e K ate." M ary Lou Vogel was voted Sigma Phi Epsilon's Friend ly N eighbor. It has certainly been a successful year. The Betas were as busy as usua l and will be an ticipa ting another wonderful semester in the fa ll. W e extend our best wishes fo r a hap py fa ll to a ll the other A~T Chapters!- MARILY N JAK AD

Delta Pledges Twenty-Five t THE SISTERS of D elta chapter have in-

deed had a busy and prosperous spring semester. It opened with an extremely hectic rush week which was climaxed by two formal rush parties traditionally called " Roses Become You." However, our effo rts were not in vain, for we gained twenty-five new, wonder-


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