1954 April ANCHOR

Page 45

The Graduate School of Syracuse University Announces 15 to 20

Graduate Assistantships

for Women interested in pursuing a curriculum designed to prepare for personnel work in high schools, coll eges, and univer ities as

Advisers of Girls, Deans of Women, Counselors, Heads of R esidence, Social Directors, etc . . . . DR. M. EuNICE HILTO N, Director DR. R u TH HADDOCK , Assistant Director EACH assistantship i equivalent to a grant of twelve to fifteen hundred dollars ($1 ,200 to $1,500) per year, awarded in terms of room, board, and tuition. E ach assista nt will · be placed in ch arge of a small dormitory, and practical aspects of class assignments will be carried out in connection with the program of the office of the Dean of Women . The scholarships are limited to students who are willing to give two years to the program of study they may elect, and will be awarded on or before June 1. One-year awards are made occasionally to applicants on leave from s-tudent personnel positions.

MAJOR topics include the history, philosophy, and ethics of educational personnel ; techniques of coun eling; student personnel administration, with con id era tion of the functions of tudent governm ent ; problem of hou ing; direotion of extracurricular activities; the h ealth and psychology of women students, etc. , on the severa l level of education. R esidence in a Univer ity dormitory and practice in the D ean of Women' and other administra tive offi es give opportunity for the mastery of uch techniques as interviewing, record m a king, group di cu ion, group leader hip, office administration, and research .

Course in Student Personnel Curriculum THE course in student personnel is open WoRK for the m aster's or doctor' deto women graduate students, teacher , gree m ay be taken in any field of the or other workers holding a bachelor's Graduate School for which the a pd egree from any university or accredit- pointee's previous work will h ave fitted ed college, a nd makes full use of the ex- her . The master' degree may be earned tensive facilities available at Syracuse in •two years of study. The m a jor University, including the College of cour es in techn iques of tudent re iLiberal Arts, the School of Education, dence are required of a ll tudent holdand selected courses and activities in ing assistantships. other schools of the university. The course consiS>ts of lectures, di A typical curriculum for tho e who cussions, field work, case work, and elect the master's degree in Educa tion original research . is given at the lek For application forms and detailed information address Dr. M. Eunice Hilton , Director Stud ent PeHonn el Graduate Program Syracuse University, Syracuse 10, N ew York


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