1954 April ANCHOR

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THE ANCHOR initiate Lorraine J a rr tt into the sorority and then into the alumnae cha pter. Lorrain was a member of the local sorority at Concord before it becam e nationa l. We are looking forward to this occasion because we feel that this will be a good time to renew our vows.MRs. WILLIAM RicHARDSON (EILEEN GoosEv, OMICRON, '43 ) .

;\:. THE year's program for Flint Alumnae a ppears in the N ovember ANCHOR. ews items that h ave come up since include : Elsie Pohl, state ch airman, was a gues t a t a dinner in January at Shirley Green's home. Mrs. Pohl was helpful in presenting a na tional officer's point of view toward a lumnae activities. That proceeds from a book review give n in Februa r y be divided equally between the Alph a and Be ta Chapte rs was recommended by the Flint Chapter. Five new m embers h ave been transfe rred or initiated: J eanne Clark, Beta ; J aq ueline Ross, Be ta; R ose Rood, Beta ; Toni Wright, Beta ; a nd Verna (Brockrieten ) N ewman, Pi Cha pter. Pauline D empsey is attending meetings a nd teaching again after h er illness. In .June, Alice R a bin will marry Dr. Abner Ragins of Grand R api ds. They will res id e in D etroit - L uciLLE MAWHINNEY .

;\:. THE Mt. Pleasant Alumnae Ch a pte r celebrated Founders Day with the Beta Chapter at the h ome of Mrs. Louis Profit. After the inspi ring candl e-lighting ce remony we enjoyed a social evening with our collegiate sisters. At Christmas time we presented the Beta with a custodia l trunk. We have been working toward this goal for the past year. Instead of exchanging gifts among ourselves, each m ember bro ught a washab le toy to the Christma meeting. We ent the toy to the children's ward at our loca l hosp ital.


Our February meeting was de vot d to the m aking of gifts for our grad uating s niors of Beta Chapter. Th gifts wi ll be pr s n Led when the gradu ates are initi a t d into th a lumnae group . We a re looking forward to our May m eting and Initiation whi h wi ll b h eld a t th home of Gratia Brooks.- MARCELLI NE. SwEENEY.

;\:. ONCE. again perfect wea th r cam e with O ctober's Homecoming on the Ball State campus to make collegia te hosts a nd visiting alums all wear happy smil es. Th Al pha Taus had a large turnout a t its usua l " inbetwee n-er" buffe t supper (after the game a nd before the dance-a traditi ona l event ). In ovembc r we were e pec iall y honored to h ave Mrs. Robert H emm on ca mpus a t the time of our Found ers' D ay ba nqu t h eld thi year in the Pine Shelf of th e Student Cen ter. Of course Mrs. H emm was ma king na tional inspection as a side i sue ! The th eme of th e banque t was " Let' s Dream of Roa noke " and the even ing's progra m wa pa tterned after highlights of a nationa l conventionin the dream stage. The main feature wa the showing of the movi e "Roanoke Preview." The collegiates contributed with pecial treats in the way of a vocal solo by Ca rol Ashcraft a nd a viol in solo by C a rol n Wiegel. With the coming of the season of Ch ri tm as bells a nd stars and holly, the alumnae group ga thered a t the new home of its pre ident, Mr . Rachel Scott, for the annual gift excha nge and the sha ring of Chri tma cheer. It was a h ea rt-warming meeting with the chapl ain, Mr . H a rriet Nel on, clo ing the afternoon on a ju t-right note. A ch ronologica l review would nex't incl ude the socia l service ewing project a t the local hospital, a nd one m ember H elen Cro , showed her heart was in the right place ( e en if h er sorority ca lend a r was n' t ) b a ppea ring at the hospita l one week la te to the hou r. to find her i ter had done their bit the \ cek before .

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