1941 June ANCHOR

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THE ANCHOR of fun, starting at Jackie Pospichal 's in Oakmont, Pennsylvania, for tomato juice cocktails and ending up in Chester at Beckie Rook's for dessert, with two stops in Norwood, in between for so up and the main course, at Mabel Schreiber's and Clarice Collins' respectively. It was a grand opportunity to become better acquainted with the present members of Lambda. There were about 28 present in all, actives and alumnre . In looking back over the three months since the beginning of this year we of Philadelphia alumnre derive satisfaction in realizing a feeling of success in accomplishment of plans made. Our afghan is completed and we all enjoyed doing it. (It's good looking, too, with many thanks to Alice Mosteller who did such a good job in joining the sq uares and croocheting such a lovely edge to give it a finishing touch.) We have supported the active chapter as much as possible . Our meetings have been attended by an average of twelve alumnre, which is fairly good attendance for a group scattered so far apart with such varied interests. We believe we have attained, probably better than previously, fulfillment of the sorority's aims of educati on, charity and sociability. Our efforts next year will be toward further developm ent and a laraer membership. o N. VIRGINIA BuRKE

RICHMOND ALUMNlE Our meetings as an alumnre chapter have been most interesting and pleasant. We meet each month in the home of a member for a sho rt business meeting and a program of some kind, followed by a little social hour together. At our December meeting we had a most interesting speaker who gave some readings of current singers and writers. At the January meeting we had five of the newer books reviewed by a very delightful person who made the reviews even more interesting by her pleasing personality. For Christmas we sec ured a name of a needy family from the Social Service Bureau and took them baskets of food and clothing. We enjoyed doing this for the good cheer and happiness it brought those people. From our interesting programs and our Christmas project we feel very pleased and much benefited . VIRGINIA WINSTON SMTTH


WAR ALUMNlE War alumnre held their first meeting September 20. Plans were made for the installation of the chapter in October and a year-book was compi led. On October 19, Mrs. Bula McNeill , fourth district president, came to War and installed the chapter. Ruth Harless attended the fourth district co nvention in Farmville, Virginia, November 2-3 . This was the main discussion of the November business meeting. In December, Edith Elliott was hostess for the Christmas party. Gifts were exchanged and everyone was pleased with her " nothing over a quarter." At the January meeting Mellie Mustard entertained the group with movies of her vacation spent in the Northern United States and Canada. The High Hat Grill was the scene of the George Washington dinner to which husbands and beaux were invited. During the March meeting a thorough check-up was made of each officer and her work for the year. The April meeting had to be postponed, consequently there is no report for this meeting at which new officers were to have been elected.

Who's Who in War Alumnm Lilly W. Buckberry-corresponding secretary and historian , teaches in Caretta, Housekeeps in War. Marialyce J. Cox- lives in Caretta, and has a so n one and one-half years old . Edith E lliott- recording secretary and treasurer, Mathematics teacher in Coalwood Junior High School. Ruth Harless- president, housekeeps in War. Irene Martin-editor, teachers in Berwind. Mellie Mustard- housekeeps in Bishop, has a lovely daughter, Rebecca, two and one-half yea rs old. Virginia L. Rinehart- vice-president, teaches in Newha ll Graded School, keeps house in War. Lallah C. Waite- chaplain, fourth grade teacher in the Youkon Graded School. RUTH C. HARLESS

WELCH ALUMNlE December: After our regular meeting which was held in the playroom of the Palace of Sweets we had a Christmas

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