1939 October ANCHOR

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in the sorority. Notice of such default shall be presented to said member thirty days prior to the close of the school term . Upon expulsion she shall forfeit the privilege of wearing the sorority insignia and shall surrender all sorority insignia and materials that she has in her possession. e. Only members in good standing may join alumnre chapters after leaving school. 18. That the charter fee for new collegiate chapters shall be reduced from 50.00 to 25.00 and that there shall be no additional a sessments for individual members of the new chapter at the time of ins lallation. 19. That the Traditions Committee shall work out a plan for honoring the charter members in newly installed chapters. 20. That the traditional national award of Alpha igma Tau hall be: a. An annual award, the scholarship cup, to the collegiate chapter having the highest chola tic average. b. An annual award of a scholarship ring to the individual girl having the hi ghest cholastic average. c. An annual award to the chapter, both collegiate and alumnre, having the highest record of efficiency in all departments. d. A triennial award (to be presented at conventions) to the collegiate and alumnre chapters presenting the best scrapbooks. e. An award to be presented to the outstanding Alpha Sigma Tau alumna. (Details of award to be decided by the committee on awards.)

Interim Business-1936-1939 Conducted

by th e National Council Through Correspondence


HE following regulations were adopted by the National Coun cil through correspondence during the school year 1936-3 7.

1. That the name district shall be the term used in defining the clivi ions into which the chapters are grouped . 2. That each vice-president shall be called the president of her respective district. 3. That a pamphlet containing fact about Alpha Sigma Tau be p ublished and sent by the district presidents to teachers colleges in their districts. 4. That our clues and fees be om itted from the pamphlet. 5. That Miss Mary Alice Seller be appointed as president of the third district to replace Mrs. Perle Dall who resigned. 6. That a fo urth issue of THE ANCHOR be published in order to enter all A CHORS under second class entry privileges. 7. That the a!umnre news letter be sen t from the central office.

1937-1938 1. That the fo urth i ue of THE CHOR be a ecret is ue to c ntain information of intere. t only to Alpha igma Taus.

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