Alpha Phi Foundation 2018-2019 Donor Impact Report

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OU R M E M B E R S ,



A L P H A P H I F O U N DAT ION 2 018 – 2 019




Donor Impact Report

Investing in






2018 – 2019



PROGRAM IMPACT Your contributions make our mission of advancing women’s lives possible.

FINANCIAL DATA The breakdown of your dollars at work.

ANNUAL GIVING CIRCLES Recognizing those who lead with their heart and demonstrate their belief in the women of Alpha Phi through their annual gifts.



Mary Beth Cooleen Tully (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh), Chair

Amy Peebles (Beta-Northwestern), Executive Director

Colleen Sirhal (Theta-Michigan), Vice Chair

Ieesha Anderson, Chief Financial Officer

Claire Costin (Omega-Texas), Treasurer

Crista Cate Vasina (Delta Gamma-Northern Colorado), Senior Director of Development

Coree Smith (Epsilon Theta-Northern Iowa), Secretary

Carolyn LeBaugh Gregg (Eta Psi-Eastern Washington), Director of Individual Giving

Gretchen Wilson Alarcon (Kappa-Stanford)

Linda Schnetzer (Beta Omicron-Bowling Green), Major Gifts Officer

Jenny Concepcion Hansen (Beta Pi-USC)

Laura Keene Demmer (Beta Gamma-Colorado), Major Gifts Officer

Susan McNeice (Epsilon Nu-Delaware)

Rachel Ray (Gamma Phi-Florida State), Director of Programs

Susan Zabriskie (Theta-Michigan)

Lizzie Hineman (Gamma-DePauw), Marketing & Communications Manager

Rebecca Andrew Zanatta (Beta Rho-Washington State)

Sarah Rayman (Epsilon Alpha-Ashland), Chapter Giving Coordinator

Jackee M. Schools (Eta Lambda-George Mason), Ex-Officio, Alpha Phi Fraternity International President

Taylor Ann McNeil (Beta Mu-Alabama), Accounting & Database Coordinator Maia Gadsden (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve), Communications Coordinator Alex Goodman, Office Administrator



L E T T E R from T H E F O U N DAT I O N SISTERS AND FRIENDS, As I reflect on this past year, I am filled with immense pride for Alpha Phi. Your generosity and commitment to our sisterhood have inspired thousands across the globe to lead with heart. With you, our mission to advance women’s lives has been put into action through new and transformative leadership training and opportunities, an increased number of life-changing scholarships and grants, and cutting-edge cardiac care, research, and education. None of this would be possible without you. The stories, testimonials, and program information in the 2018-2019 Donor Impact Report demonstrate the power of your philanthropy. Turn the page to meet the first Beverly Lasher Memorial Scholar and learn how you’ve helped more women scholars reach higher and achieve more. Flip to page 6 to see the impact of the annual Heart to Heart Grant. Turn to page 8 to read about the Fraternity’s new leadership programs, including the Alpha Phi Leadership Institute that was created in partnership with Disney Institute. When you reach page 11, you will find a list of our most committed Alpha Phi donors whose annual contributions empower others and help build a legacy that will support generations of women—thank you! We are honored to have you as loyal supporters of Alpha Phi. On behalf of the Board of Directors, volunteers, and Foundation staff, thank you for believing in our Fraternity and for investing in future generations of leaders, scholars, and Alpha Phis. Loyally,

Mary Beth Cooleen Tully (Epsilon Psi-Lehigh) Board Chair, Alpha Phi Foundation



Scholarships Because of your loyal generosity, 2019 was another historic year for our Scholarship Program. Alpha Phi Foundation awarded the most scholarship funding in our organization’s history, totaling $343,140! These scholarships unlock opportunities that help graduate and undergraduate Alpha Phis pursue greater academic goals and become leaders in their fields.


“ I was a scholarship student who worked my way through school; taking a second job in order to afford my Alpha Phi membership. With the high cost of college today, the need for need-based scholarships is greater than ever before.”


Diane Spry Straker (Delta Alpha-East Carolina)

In 2016, Diane and Edward Straker established the Clara Bradley Burdette Founders Scholarship, named after one of our founding sisters whose primary objective in life was developing better opportunities for women. The scholarship is a need-based award for undergraduate Alpha Phis pursuing degrees in STEM. “Most STEM-related occupations require higher education. With scholarships like the Clara Bradley Burdette Founders Scholarship, we can encourage our women to take risks and enter fields that have been dominated too long by men,” says Diane. “Today’s challenges are vast and complex—climate change, the need for research into the causes and cure of disease, clean air and water, ending the root



causes of poverty—and I believe the solutions to these issues lie in technology development and innovation. So little pure research is being funded today, and yet the advances made in the past and necessary in the future are a result of STEM-trained individuals. We need more of these, especially women.” With the generosity of donors like Diane and Edward Straker, Alpha Phi Foundation’s Scholarship Program can support more women pursuing advanced degrees. “The benefit is not simply to our members, but to our communities and society as a whole,” says Diane. “By investing in scholarship, we let our sisters know we believe in them and their potential to make a marked difference in our world.”

“To receive this scholarship from an organization I admire means so much to me and my family. It means I can continue to have the opportunity to explore my passions for research, service, and sisterhood before attending medical school.” Catherine Lawton (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve) Biomedical Engineering


largest individual awards given to undergraduate Alpha Phis. Four women received the Jane Kinney Memorial Scholarship, the highest honor for collegiate Alpha Phis: •

A L E X A H OW SER (Beta Tau-Indiana)

M O NI C A M A LO NE (Zeta Pi-Case Western Reserve)

MI C H A EL A N O RG R EN (Eta Chi-Bishop’s)

J O R DY N SHELTO N (Beta Epsilon-Arizona)

70 RECIPIENTS 48 undergraduate / 22 graduate 41 pursuing degrees in the fields of Science, Technology, Math, Engineering, or Healthcare 12 pursuing degrees in Psychology, Sociology and other Social Sciences 4 pursuing degrees in Business, Finance, and Accounting 8 pursuing degrees in Political Science, Public Policy, Law and Economics


5 pursuing degrees in other areas like Fine Arts, Journalism, and Advertising

awarded to 70 Alpha Phis.

$53,690 largest individual scholarship was awarded to Casey Schooff (Theta-Michigan), the first recipient of the Beverly Lasher Memorial Scholarship.

BEV ER LY L A SH ER M E MOR I A L S CHOL A R SH I P The largest individual scholarship of $53,690 was awarded to Casey Schooff (Theta-Michigan), the first recipient of the Beverly Lasher Memorial Scholarship. This award will fund her graduate education at Rutgers University to help fulfill her dream of becoming a physician assistant.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to study at Rutgers University this upcoming fall. But I am most thankful for the Alpha Phi community for its continued support throughout my educational endeavors. Alpha Phi has given me a network of strong, like-minded women who have stood behind me on this journey. They have given me emotional support, kindness, and love. My education will not only allow me to fulfill my dream as a PA, but it will enable me to give back to communities all over the world and represent Alpha Phi.”

Casey Schooff (Theta-Michigan) Master of Science in Physician Assistant



Women’s Heart Health “From my days as a collegian and into my professional and volunteer experiences, there have been so, so many happy and wonderful moments. These moments have taught me the value of lasting relationships. Many of my most cherished relationships are with the women who pledged with me, all those many years ago. I have gained so many more treasured Alpha Phi friendships since then, from all over the country. All these women impact me every day! In order to have the greatest impact, I choose to give to our Women’s Heart Health Program as a way to invest in each and every one of our sisters. Our hearts are our engines, physically and emotionally. We need to engage and harness all the brainpower, research, and tools we can to help our engines be the best they can be, so we can all live longer, healthier lives. This program does just that, funding leading-edge research and education year after year.”

Susan Zabriskie (Theta-Michigan) Board Director, Alpha Phi Foundation



OV ER 70 Y E A R S AG O...

Alpha Phi women were trailblazers in their support of cardiac health. As an organization dedicated to advancing women’s lives, Alpha Phi Foundation recognizes that women’s cardiac health deserves and requires unique and sex-specific care and has made this our primary philanthropic focus. In 1993, Alpha Phi Foundation awarded the first annual Heart to Heart Grant, which funds organizations making advancements in women’s heart health through research or educational programs. Since its inception, the Heart to Heart Grant has grown from $10,000 to $100,000, with a total investment of over $1.2 million in heart health initiatives to date. This growth is made possible by the generous support of donors, like you.

2019 Heart to Heart Grant check presentation and reception at the UC Davis Health | Center for Health and Technology in Sacramento, CA

The 2019 Heart to Heart Grant was awarded to UC Davis Health’s Dr. Bryn Mumma for her research that will allow emergency departments to more effectively diagnose heart attacks in women. This project will specifically evaluate the impact of troponin T levels in the blood, which rise in response to heart muscle damage, and the value of sex-specific cut points, so that more accurate diagnoses for women are possible. This project has also provided professional and educational opportunities for Epsilon Rho (UC Davis) Alpha Phi women, Jasman Kaur and Michelle Polen who have been research interns working on the project. These experiences have already begun to propel them forward in their journey towards becoming physicians.


The Forget Me Not Fund embodies this sense of lifelong support by providing financial assistance to alumnae and collegians facing crisis. Whether you have received a life-changing diagnosis or can no longer afford tuition due to a parent’s passing, sisters from all over North America have built this system of support to provide hope during life’s most difficult moments. At Alpha Phi Foundation, we understand that it can be difficult to ask for help, which is why Alpha Phis can apply for a Forget Me Not Grant on behalf of a sister in need. This expression of sisterhood inspires and affirms Alpha Phi Foundation’s commitment to reminding Alpha Phis that they are never alone.

THIS PAST YEAR, FORGET ME NOT GR ANTS SUPPORTED ALPHA PHIS IN CRISIS BY FUNDING THE COSTS OF: – Medical bills – Tuition – Grief counseling – Childcare costs – Natural disaster recovery – Rent



Leadership T H E L AT E S T I N L E A DER SH I P

In June of 2019, Alpha Phi announced a series of new and innovative leadership program areas that actively support the personal growth, education, health, and well-being of our members. Alpha Phi Fraternity has partnered with leading subject matter experts to develop programming specifically designed to support our members’ success in every facet of their lives.



With programming like Step UP!, The Buzz, and GreekLifeEDU, we focus on teaching our women to be proactive in difficult situations, to take action, and to care for one another.

Through collective efforts, like Day of Service and service immersion trips, we reflect and support our longstanding commitment to giving back.


We equip our collegiate and alumnae members with the tools and means to interact and learn from each other on topics ranging from risk reduction and managing finances to social media and interview skills.


These programs empower and develop leaders with the skills and heart to influence positive change in our world. One program we are especially thrilled about is the Alpha Phi Leadership Institute, a three-day immersive, experiential leadership program created in partnership with Disney Institute. We want our members to live with purpose, serve as role models, and create an environment of trust. We believe we are working with the perfect organization to inspire our members to establish their own legacies as leaders.

STAND TOGETHER These programs will educate members on topics related to inclusivity and creating a welcoming environment— an environment built on respect, authenticity, and sisterly love.

Thank You

Thank you to those who have supported leadership initiatives throughout the years, today, and into the future. Alpha Phi Foundation is committed to supporting Alpha Phi Fraternity and its evolving needs as they develop and grow meaningful programming. Your generosity helps Alpha Phi reach the next level of empowering and transformative programming that will enrich the membership experience.

Learn more at



“Alpha Phi taught me to believe in myself and my leadership. I remember being terrified when I became chapter president, but I knew my sisters put me in that position because they believed in my abilities to lead our chapter. So, I had to believe in me, too. I apply that confidence and leadership style that I developed as a chapter officer to my professional life every day.

I give back because I know I wouldn’t be half the leader I am today without Alpha Phi. I am forever grateful for the lessons I learned, skills I gained, and connections I made by being involved in my own chapter as well as leadership programs like Leadership Fellows. I know that all those things were made possible by donors and alumnae, just like myself, and I love that I can help give that to our current collegiate members.” Taylor Lorengo (Eta Psi-Eastern Washington ‘16) 2015 Leadership Fellows Participant, Current Risk Management Advisor for Gamma Pi (Arizona State)

2018-2019 FR ATERNIT Y LEADERSHIP AND EDUCATIONAL PROGR AMS SUPPORTED BY FOUNDATION GR ANTS • AFLV (Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values) Conference Scholarship

• Leadership Conference Speaker, Mike Dilbeck of DignityU

• 2019 Capitol Hill Visits • Educational Leadership Consultants (ELCs) • Emerging Leaders Institute • Leadership Fellows • GreekLifeEdu by EverFi

• Silver Level Sponsorship


• Leadership Conference Keynote Speaker, Lori Hart • League of Coaches • The Buzz





• Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI)



Financial Data

2 0 18 – 2 0 19 by the N U M B E R S

Alpha Phi Foundation financial information and statistics may be found online at


invested in Leadership, Scholarship, Forget Me Not Fund, Women’s Heart Health, and Heritage Programs

Women’s Heart Health, including $678,469 – Leadership $393,235 – the 2019 Heart to Heart Grant $343,140 – Scholarship $22,076 – Heritage $77,013 – Forget Me Not Grants




awarded in merit and need-based scholarships to graduate & undergraduate Alpha Phis

invested in Alpha Phi Leadership Programs



granted to UC Davis Health, the 2019 Heart to Heart Grant recipient

granted to heart health organizations across North America

1923-1972 10

the years covered in Alpha Phi Toujours, Volume II of the history book


49 Alpha Phi sisters—collegians and alumnae—received the support of a Forget Me Not Grant


of collegiate chapters received in-person training and support from an Educational Leadership Consultant

Annual Giving Circles S Y M BOL K E Y

Symbols recognize donors for their loyal lifetime support and other giving societies in which a sister is a part of. Martha Foote Crow Society In honor of one of Alpha Phi Fraternity’s founders, the Martha Foote Crow Society acknowledges donors who have made a significant investment in Alpha Phi Foundation. These individuals have given $150,000 or more in their lifetime.

Frances E. Willard Society Named after Alpha Phi’s first alumnae initiate, the Frances E. Willard Society acknowledges donors who have invested $25,000 to $149,999 in their lifetime to support Alpha Phi Foundation’s mission.

1872 Society To honor the year of the Fraternity’s founding, the 1872 Society acknowledges donors who have donated $1,872 or more in their lifetime to the Foundation.

Lily of the Valley Society Named after the fragrant Fraternity flower, the Lily of the Valley Society acknowledges donors who have invested in Alpha Phi Foundation for a total of 25 years or more.

Legacy Society The Legacy Society acknowledges loyal donors who have supported Alpha Phi Foundation with a gift for a total of 10 years in their lifetime.

Clara’s Circle Alpha Phi Foundation’s annual giving circle exclusively for collegiate women.

Silent Chapter The Silent Chapter acknowledges sisters who have passed. Alpha Phi is a lifelong sisterhood that extends from the springtime of our youth to our very last days. “This is goodnight, but not goodbye.”

For questions about your annual or lifetime giving, please email

Constellation Circle $10,000 AND ABOVE

Theta (Michigan) Susan Zabriskie Sigma (Washington) Susan Bevan Ruth-Ellen Sullivan Elliott Beta Delta (UCLA) Gayle Goodman Beta Psi (San Jose State) Jane Claussen Finger Beta Omega (Kent State) Marilyn Bracken Ruckman Gamma Omicron (Drake) Corry Mack Doty Gamma Pi (Arizona State) Diane Neis Thomas Delta Alpha (East Carolina) Diane Spry Straker Delta Chi (William Woods) Donna Weekes Edwards Eta Rho (San Diego) Alessia Maniaci Citro

Ivy Circle

$5,000 – $9,999

Theta (Michigan) Colleen Sirhal Beta Omicron (Bowling Green) Susan Weiskittle Barrick Beta Pi (USC) Jenny Concepcion Hansen Gamma Alpha (San Diego State) Karen Halverstadt Miller Gamma Nu (Miami University) Sara Graf Gamma Rho (Penn State) Kimberly Brown Brannon Gamma Sigma (Wisconsin Stout) Karen McChesney Howe Delta Theta (Western Michigan) Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra

Epsilon Nu (Delaware) Susan McNeice Iota Xi (Denver) Natalia Cossack

Loyalty Circle $2,500 – $4,999

Kappa (Stanford) Gretchen Wilson Alarcon Omicron (Missouri) Judith Sohns Runk Chi (Montana) Shana Goss Smith Omega (Texas) Mary Frain Criaco Beta Beta (Michigan State) Susan Brink Sherratt Beta Omicron (Bowling Green) Carol Koch Taller Beta Pi (USC) Patricia Decarré Atkinson Gamma Iota (Texas Tech) Kimberly Spadoni Criscuolo Epsilon Theta (Northern Iowa) Coree Smith Epsilon Psi (Lehigh) Mary Beth Cooleen Tully Theta Gamma (Truman State) Lora Tuley Brys Theta Eta (Western University) Emily Mordhorst

Power of 1000 $1,000 – $2,499

Alpha Lambda (Alumna Initiate) Annemargaret Connolly Beta (Northwestern) Janet Klein Hollingshead Jean Sheridan Barbara Talbott Gamma (DePauw) Sally McCall Grant



“ As the dedicated travel agent for Alpha Phi, I have had the privilege to work with the women who’ve attended Emerging Leaders Institute for several years. Their enthusiasm to attend and then the follow-up emails and notes they send me afterwards expressing gratitude for my small part in their experience are so inspiring and appreciated. I love to hear how Alpha Phi leadership programs have enriched their lives. I hope to see Alpha Phi continue to grow and offer young woman crucial support and dynamic leadership opportunities. 2020 is sure to be an amazing year with exciting new programming. I look forward to seeing the positive impact!” Kimberly Spadoni Criscuolo (Gamma Iota-Texas Tech), Alpha Phi Foundation Volunteer

Delta (Cornell) Georgina Stephens Alexander Jane D. Tanner Epsilon (Minnesota) Caroline Christian Dunn Kappa (Stanford) Susan Scheiber Edelman Lambda (UC Berkeley) Merle Chambers Xi (Toronto) Alison Nash Omicron (Missouri) Leah Kellems Davis Kathleen Saunders Hamilton Marcia Lane Valerie Lawlor Barbara Taylor Riepl Ashley Munsell Sanders Gema Tenorio Simmons Rho (Ohio State) Sara Kite Phi (Oklahoma) Michele Hurely Quiroga Psi (South Dakota) Jeanne Spilde Gonzenbach Maxine Gordon Reed Omega (Texas) Jamison Burnett Bump Anne Derse Clark Margie Harris Frank Diane Johanson Jones Beta Beta (Michigan State) Sally Schrader Stoll Beta Delta (UCLA) Debra Keller Helmick Alin Hernandez Wall Beta Epsilon (Arizona) Gretchen Bender Barbara Scarborough Black Lisa Cabaniss Olson Beta Theta (British Columbia) Molly Moriarty Russell Beta Kappa (Denison) Colleen Coughlin


Beta Lambda (Rollins) Meredith Ross

Delta Epsilon (Iowa) Becky Cornwell Brinson

Beta Nu (Duke) Martha Watkins Mast

Delta Zeta (Maryland) Lucille Toniolo

Beta Omicron (Bowling Green) Jan Brinker Schaeffer

Delta Theta (Western Michigan) Tracy Ticknor Virta

Beta Pi (USC) Allison Jaskowiak Kennedy Beta Sigma (Utah) Judith Swaner Castellion Beta Tau (Indiana) Jennifer Butler Joan Merritt Holmes Beta Psi (San Jose State) Tricia Lee McNabb Lanzino Beta Omega (Kent State) Alyssa Mittereder Peg DeChant Thornburg Gamma Alpha (San Diego State) Donna Miller Gamma Theta (Colorado College) Sarah Clifford Sheehan Gamma Iota (Texas Tech) Ann Moore Croyle Deana Koonsman Gage Susan Robbins Kelly Leslie McDaniel Moore Gamma Kappa (CSU Long Beach) Laura Jen Kin Berger Gamma Nu (Miami University) Julie Braun Cynthia Diller Fields Jean Cameron Hahm Gamma Tau (Willamette) Terri Ostlund Brooks Michele J. Patterson Delta Gamma (Northern Colorado) Crista Cate Vasina Delta Delta (Oklahoma City) Angela Fillmore Bachman


Delta Rho (Ball State) Suzette Brown Miller Delta Tau (LSU) Evelyn Brian Epsilon Delta (Northern Illinois) Jennifer Hutchinson Frobish Epsilon Nu (Delaware) Susan Carrochi Sherman Epsilon Omega (Texas A&M) Stacy Bush Lyon Zeta Alpha (Eastern Illinois) Judy Ethell Zeta Beta (Loyola Marymount) Katie Jochner Zeta Gamma (Santa Clara) Susan McGuire Bernal Michele Gilliam Friedrich Zeta Delta (Iowa State) Nancy Heig Ball

Iota Epsilon (Kettering) Angela Sommerville Aaron Iota Zeta (Colorado School of Mines) Natalie Boldt

Annniversary Circle $146 – $999

Alpha Lambda (Alumna Initiate) Ferial Abraham Rosie Warren Alexander Kathryn Ferrari Desmond Elizabeth Ferraro Fuller Carolyn Belden Watson Mary Tribit Zampino Alpha (Syracuse) Margaret Suzanne Blades Blowers Milissa Rocker Klotz Laurie Bosworth Stetzer Laura Bice Thyberg Marjorie White Whearty Beta (Northwestern) Kathleen Case Finzel Kristine Barton Fishman Barbara Nitchie Fuldner Judith Jobbitt Michelle Lovrencic O’Connor Sherry Sarginson Unger

Zeta Iota (Virginia) Renee Verspoor

Gamma (DePauw) Lauren Butler Nancy Wittgen Burks Devoe

Zeta Lambda (Southern New Hampshire) Barbara Painter Buzzelli

Jill Taubensee Havey Lizzie Hineman Riley Miller

Eta Lambda (George Mason) Jacqueline M. Schools

Delta (Cornell) Marcia Dearman Corrigan Lisa Gangarosa Barbara Peterson Sgouros Susanne Solomon

Theta Gamma (Truman State) Jaime Alsup Ryberg Theta Delta (Creighton) Sarah Benoist Theta Kappa (Rochester) Janis Coughlin Piester Theta Xi (Shippensburg) Misty Milburn Wilson

Epsilon (Minnesota) Megan Bouche Maria Gleason Erika Lehmann Gulbrandson Eta (Boston)

Martha Levine Jepsky Theta (Michigan) Joanne Christensen White Carol Bain Wilson Iota (Wisconsin) Debra Levitt Bly Lisa Flynn Ross Lee Otjen Steenken Ann Greiber Wagner Kappa (Stanford) Anne Bruner Nash Lambda (UC Berkeley) Patricia MacLeod Ellsworth Margaret Kavalaris Nu (Nebraska) Lori Cronk Davidsaver Theresa Cudly Fangman Rosemary Rudolph Graham Pamela David Handke Pamela Geu Lay Xi (Toronto) Liz Bean Crookston Ashley Haugh Eppi Tikenberg Waldin Omicron (Missouri) Reba Nelson Cassin Ada Klostermayer Gingrich Rachel Greene Linda Jones Gruenewald Tammy Csolak Grzeskowiak Laura Blake Hilgendorf Mary Williams Hippe Kerry Wynn Horton Carol Schottel Hudson Brenda Hill Knox Winifred Horlacher Lashley Susan Chaffin Matthews Sandra Aselman Merand Ann Brady Self Rosalie Radman Stein Kim Larsen Watson Nicole Wilson Sandra Reynolds Yon Pi (North Dakota) Amy Breidenbach Green Rho (Ohio State) Jean Creamer Hodges Mary Jones O’Shaughnessey Sigma (Washington) Betty Stevenson Eberharter Stephanie Johnson Fowler Karen Smarr Elizabeth Soriano Tau (Oregon) Rachel Mazoff Phi (Oklahoma) Sharon Spraker Barnes Billie Coskey Battiato Carly Collins Diana Busch Hartley Piper Cadieux Raffle Marilyn Young Chi (Montana) Jane Rowland Crouch

Psi (South Dakota) Lucy Benitez Sandra Pedersen Rodawig Susan Hansen Shade Genevieve Evans Taylor

Sylvia Vargo Goeke Kimberlie Goldsberry Nancy Shuey Sloan Judith Segerer Watson Anne Crawford Zartman

Omega (Texas) Hailey Charles Kendall Cook Claire Costin Sydney Hale Alice Hatfield Bettie Barnes Liebzeit Bilinda Cox Matusek Susan McCoin Martha Ann Goss McGonigle

Beta Pi (USC) Audrey Biggerstaff Bergeson Yvonne Bogdanovich Kelden Irwin Donnelly Margaret Calder Griest Kathleen Hale Martella Barbara Chappell Tingley Lindsay Wiggins

Jennifer Fielder Meiners Patricia Connally Robbins Jennifer Larson Ryback Haley Shaffer Katherine Bell Shipley Madeline Spencer Beta Alpha (Illinois) Lee Blessman Antonio Marilyn Markus Cooper Johannah Burnidge Martin Eleanor Surber McCombe Rebecca Underwood Beta Beta (Michigan State) Suzy Cook Linda Koziara Frassrand Betsy Barkwell Mathiesen Susan Gove Merten Joy Sayed Murray Joy Knudson Walker Beta Gamma (Colorado) Mary Carolyn Gamache Susan Kropschot Beta Delta (UCLA) Judith Nelson Ebright Aleta Bowen Knight Cheryl Ritchie Marcz Marilyn Westcott McIntyre Tiffany Mendez Lana Powers Susan Casebeer Robbins Michelle Webb Beta Epsilon (Arizona) Mollie Carroll Grady Jaymie Foreman Irwin Beatrice Mason Shipp Beta Zeta (Idaho) Linda Mitchell Nye Rita Bahm Sholton Beta Iota (West Virginia) Karin Warfield McGraw Judith Fisher Mountjoy Beta Lambda (Rollins) Sally Gray Jackson Beta Nu (Duke) Sylvia Arey Janice Packard Fisher Mary Carter Pettitt Beta Omicron (Bowling Green) Elizabeth Danko Joan Norris Graham

Beta Rho (Washington State) Diane Lipinski Colley Christi Gray Wicks Rebecca Andrew Zanatta Beta Tau (Indiana) Donna Bartels Holl Margaret Lennox Howley Stacey Swain Litzler Janice Messick Macy Beta Upsilon (Oregon State) Makayla Alton Barbara George Edwards Lisa Smith Ramage Beta Chi (Bucknell) Nancy Owen Craig Elizabeth Wright Cunningham Jacqueline Stubba Beta Psi (San Jose State) Korbey L. Buese Julie Chapralis Carlson Marian Messick Lee Lisa Cordoni Matherly Cynthia Maley Thawley Beta Omega (Kent State) Nicole Manross Bluso Tara Bresette Tannar Dolhun Sophia Hutras Nora Davis Kieser Katelyn Lundy Marcia Keith Roberts Gamma Alpha (San Diego State) Susan Muller Cook Nancy Demers Nimmo Sharon Anderson Ritchey Gamma Beta (UC Santa Barbara) Juanita Gebb Acha Pam King Crone Karen Jensen Halualani Nikki Nance Gamma Gamma (Drury) Susan Rainer Sherry Tobaben Wilcher Gamma Delta (Kansas) Janetta Fink Call Jane Ausherman Horttor Helen Jorgenson Sutherland Gamma Epsilon (Lake Forest) Jo-Anne Freeman Penttinen Gamma Zeta (Puget Sound) Marylynn Wilcox Eippe Kathy Schiller Judkins

Julie Foss Stuhr Gamma Eta (North Texas) Betty Boyd Francisco Beverly Blair Johnson Valerie Schuck L’Huillier Ida Perryman

State) Sandra Duckworth Allison Cherish Reyes Bradshaw Delta Alpha (East Carolina) Linda Gardner Massie Brenda Sanders Mullins

Delta Sigma (Wisconsin Stevens Point) Noreen Scully Krueger Ann Hohensee Wanke

Gamma Theta (Colorado College) Arlene Asdel

Diane Tolin Warlick Susan Rouse Wright

Gamma Iota (Texas Tech) Stephanie Anderson Christine Williams Barr Kim Harvey Bishop Kimberly Vincent Butler Susan Kimbrough Danbom

Delta Beta (Texas A&M Commerce) Lisa Troncoso Castillo Susan Jeffords Dorsey Carolyn Venable Kahler Jandy Thompson

Linda Boon Defee Heather Albright Dunn Jessica Forsdick Linda Schlinkman Fuller Dana Lawton Grimes Christie Padgett Hirst Kristine Thoreson Insignares Emily Ellison Lamb Lauren Locke Liane Jones Locke Nan Gentry Poe Haili Rumsey Judith Courtney Salinas Katherine Cartwright Thomas Brandi Stelter Wallace Sarah Smiley Weik Kathy Butler Williams

Delta Gamma (Northern Colorado) Brenna Cate Cheryl Carr Futera Judy Kay Schmidt Mead Tara Barnes Pearson Lita Putnam Schaffer Jill Herdman Trotter Barbara Harland Trythall

Gamma Kappa (CSU Long Beach) Michele Rose Ciampa Lorraine Delarosa Ashley Moretti Jaimi Nelson Jacqueline Bachar Songer Gamma Nu (Miami University) Jane Burgher Sharon McDade Kari Kittrell Poole Elizabeth Laporte Stott Gamma Xi (Wichita State) Shirley Clegg Dieker Della O’Hara Lickteig Jamee Compton Sholtz Malinda Shock Christina Basinger Ward Gamma Omicron (Drake) Valerie Duchateau Williamson Gamma Pi (Arizona State) Raechel M Owen Gamma Sigma (Wisconsin Stout) Sarah Calkins Anneliese Wilhelmi Palchizaca Sharon Horch Petrie Anne Thiel Reuther Carol Machovec Subera Gamma Tau (Willamette) Gail Ross Gamma Phi (Florida State) Sandra Rosser Mann Kaley Maples Kathleen Reidy Olsen

Delta Delta (Oklahoma City) Dorothy Thannhausen Allshouse Jacque Leveridge Fiegel Amanda Heaps Jeri Foreman Richardson Michelle Wigley Delta Epsilon (Iowa) Kiera Dominguez Carole Schwake Hodgson Kat Hurd Ruth Gallagher Nelson Laura Heath Schwartzkopf Delta Zeta (Maryland) Susan Delaney Frank Mary Jane Praetorius Delta Eta (Adrian) Jennifer Schaeffer Crawford Andrea Robison Delta Theta (Western Michigan) Mary Colombo Mancus Michelle Mathiesen Helen Trupiano Nagy

Delta Tau (LSU) Sammye Crawford Christine St. Amand D’Arcangelo Becky Othold Del Rio Carla Turnley Hill Maggie Morris Ann Siddall Delta Chi (William Woods) Leslie Ferguson Susan Murdock Gowin Shari Satterfield Kross Epsilon Alpha (Ashland) Natalie Antonio Epsilon Beta (Butler) Angela Bong James Cecil Karen Broering Kettler Stacey Chambliss Kyle Epsilon Gamma (Sacramento State) Nancy Morris Bosworth Debra Hron Chan Patricia Arrington Meden Louanne Steiger Nourse Rosalinda Tays Epsilon Delta (Northern Illinois) Karen Mell Epsilon Epsilon (Longwood) Jane Acker Neubauer Marjorie Snead Pugh Epsilon Zeta (Central Michigan) Catherine Maples Waynick Epsilon Theta (Northern Iowa) Barbara Illian Haley Johnson

Delta Kappa (Wisconsin La Crosse) Katherine Rhodes Lesperance Gretchen Nicholson Wing Delta Mu (Purdue) Caroline Gustafson Ault Karen Strandhagen Ross Jacquie Alexander Worley

Epsilon Iota (Duquesne) Carrie Basta Stoltzfus Epsilon Lambda (Texas Arlington) Bernadette Sulak Epsilon Nu (Delaware) Lynne Elliott Adams Arlene Dresch Hogan Sally Degruccio Jordan Anne-Marie Sotire

Delta Nu (Maine) Mary Gatchell Gauvin Samantha Lott Hale Margery Furman Perry Delta Xi (Nebraska Kearney) Judy Monson Henning Rachael Cochran Page Delta Pi (Indiana State) Denise Shockley Noonan

Delta Rho (Ball State) Katherine Kelley Nancy Kincannon Keri Miller VanAcker Linda Moore Voss Pamela Rogers West

Epsilon Xi (Southern Illinois) Amy Hendricks Bamper Mica Coleman Casie Colletti Andrea Mari Giffhorn Gracie Maher Patty Birky Navin Cynthia Collins Rabe

Gamma Omega (Midwestern 2018 - 2019 DONOR IMPACT REPORT


Emily Stockman Natalie Pitzer Templeton

Amy Nobriga Corrin Zimmerman

Epsilon Upsilon (CSU Northridge) Teresa Bentz Culpepper

Eta Eta (Seton Hall) Dianne Maki-Sethi

Epsilon Phi (NC State) Michelle Connell Stevens Epsilon Chi (Cal Poly) Karen Williams Kimmelshue Epsilon Omega (Texas A&M) Melody Clark Barlow Cathy Handy Davis Zeta Beta (Loyola Marymount) Megan Baker Ava Sambora Zeta Gamma (Santa Clara) Lynn Kwarcinski Devaughn Margaret Gallo Jennifer Johnston Zeta Delta (Iowa State) Marylee Deichman Rehm Zeta Theta (Tufts) Danielle Golub Cathleen Marine Catherine Perez Zeta Iota (Virginia) Sheri Hardison Olivia Wheeler Rabinowitch

Eta Kappa (UC Irvine) Kate Dohn Nicole Ford Lindsey Goldstein Amanda Holden Beverly Oanes Stephanie Perri

Zeta Phi (MIT) Kim Hunter Eta Alpha (New Hampshire) Karen Siegel Fitting Eta Beta (CSU San Bernardino) Christen Shelton Flamm Tobi Board Nieland Eta Gamma (Akron) Leann Taylor Eta Delta (CSU East Bay) Christina Calleros


Iota Gamma (University of the Pacific) Jaime Pacheco

Iota Zeta (Colorado School of Mines) Carrie Eberhard Erin Anthony Pope

Eta Xi (UNC Wilmington) Paula Edwards Ayscue Sydney Bouchelle

Iota Eta (DePaul) Andrea Law

Eta Omicron (Virginia Tech) Sara Dawson Gregory Caitlin Massie King Eta Psi (Eastern Washington) Courtney Faddis Carolyn LeBaugh Gregg Theta Gamma (Truman State) Tricia Kyler Bowling Dawn Wellington Tartaglione

Theta Theta (St. Joseph’s) Sara Musial Nicole Triolo

Zeta Rho (Bentley) Roseleen Dello Russo

Theta Psi (SUNY Plattsburgh) Emily Sterantino

Eta Mu (Marquette) Cristina Espinoza Stacey Weber Newcomer Eva Schons Rodrigues

Zeta Mu (Colorado State) Carol Butler Freeman

Zeta Pi (Case Western Reserve) Karen Brown McGunagle Radhika Patel

Theta Chi (UNC Asheville) Michele Lefler

Iota Epsilon (Kettering) Lydia Tawney

Theta Zeta (Florida Tech) Jennifer Koschalk Stevens

Zeta Omicron (Johns Hopkins) Sharon Sirota Rubin Sally Anne Schmidt

Theta Phi (Christopher Newport) Allison Dolan Kassandra Reyes

Eta Lambda (George Mason) Virginia Largay Davis Cindy Wassenaar Parker Erin Berry Sams

Zeta Lambda (Southern New Hampshire) Janice Graham Kaliski

Zeta Nu (Texas Christian) Laura Cook Underwood

Grace Gerberich

Theta Kappa (Rochester) Zita Sidas Grace Weyand Theta Lambda (Central Missouri) Sarah Chandler Jennifer Rabas Theta Nu (Appalachian State) Bayly Granger Dawn Demauro Henline Melissa Deere Kletzker Maeghan Schell Ashley Breedlove Welch Theta Xi (Shippensburg) Samantha Conter Hoerner Theta Sigma (Southern Utah) Samantha Cress Mechelle Mellor Rachelle Gunderson Smith Theta Tau (Rensselaer) Elizabeth Martin Tiffany Pinard Westendorf Theta Upsilon (CSU Chico) Mallory Hills Covert-Ross


Iota Lambda (Connecticut) Lauren Kelly Gall Iota Mu (Georgia Tech) Sarah Bartel Reem Mansoura Iota Nu (Kentucky) Alyssa Johnson Bailey Pride

“My philanthropy is inspired by my family and by Alpha Phi. My parents taught me to be philanthropic. They believe deeply in the power of education; they directly supported us—their children, friends and family, their grandnieces and nephews—and indirectly supported others through scholarship funds at several universities. Alpha Phi inspires me to pay it forward for all the ways that Alpha Phi influenced the woman I am today. The Foundation programs that support our sisters who have come upon hard times are so meaning ful to me. These days there are so many people who are just hanging on by a thread. I am honored to be there for our sisters. I hope my legacy gift will allow the Foundation to support as many women as possible in becoming strong and caring women and to reach their full potential in whatever way is right for them.” Janet Klein Hollingshead (Beta-Northwestern) Clara Bradley Burdette Society Member

Iota Pi (Northern Arizona) Stephanie Samson Iota Rho (Alumna Initiate) Erin Mitchell Williams Iota Sigma (Carnegie Mellon) Roosha Mandal

Clara Bradley Burdette Society PL ANNED GIVING

Jacqueline Jones Newhof Colleen Sirhal Iota (Wisconsin) Marilyn Allen Killough Laurie McGinnis Lambda (UC Berkeley) Kathleen Schimandle Wright Nu (Nebraska) Lynn Dedrick

Sandra Revell Spears Psi (South Dakota) Vivian Fischer Pitlo Omega (Texas) Elizabeth Newsome Handler Susan Daniel Keeble Patricia Connally Robbins Candace Mitchell Robinson Beta Alpha (Illinois) Rebecca Tygett Galloway

Alpha (Syracuse) Caroline Angotti Brust Maria Argiro Miller Ellen Miller Doris Dunbrack Tilly

Omicron (Missouri) Elizabeth Greer Karen Hoover Valerie Lawlor Erin Leahey Elizabeth Smallfelt

Beta (Northwestern) Janet Klein Hollingshead Judy Waldo

Pi (North Dakota) Kathy Lynch Ashe Elizabeth Bray Cardarelle

Beta Gamma (Colorado) Carolyn Metzger Carder Teresa Gillian Gray Nancy Sechrist Russell Diane Zaepfel

Gamma (DePauw) Deborah Smith Carter Sally McCall Grant Deborah Hill Wyght

Rho (Ohio State) Kathleen Rhoads McIntyre Kelly Denise Mika-Biga

Beta Delta (UCLA) Margie Markson Johnson Wendy Deems Sugg Alin Hernandez Wall

Delta (Cornell) Susan Brenner Susan Schaefer Kliman

Sigma (Washington) Carol Batchelder Susan Bevan Ruth-Ellen Sullivan Elliott Margaret Morrison

Beta Epsilon (Arizona) Katherine Haug Diane Fairchild Wilson

Epsilon (Minnesota) Judith Knudsen Brown Gayle Pidgeon Tainter Theta (Michigan) Lisa Arnsdorf Audrey Johnson Dole Suzanne Heinlen Green Stefanie Brown Kelley

Tau (Oregon) Suann Swenson Chi (Montana) Shana Goss Smith

Beta Beta (Michigan State) Susan Brink Sherratt

Beta Zeta (Idaho) Elizabeth Tortorici Beuchotte Beta Kappa (Denison) Colleen Coughlin Virginia Burson Struble

Beta Nu (Duke) Martha Watkins Mast

Kimberly Brown Brannon Joanne Espenschade Engel

Anne Scarboro McIntyre

Gamma Sigma (Wisconsin Stout) Karen McChesney Howe

Beta Omicron (Bowling Green) Susan Weiskittle Barrick Linda Schnetzer Beta Pi (USC) Diane Rusling Becket Joy Mellick Brewer Barbara Chappell Tingley Beta Rho (Washington State) Beverly Dalstone Smith Rebecca Andrew Zanatta Beta Tau (Indiana) Ann Hoskinson Ellis Paula Hawkins Knoebel Beta Psi (San Jose State) Erin Ennis Gamma Alpha (San Diego State) Susan Muller Cook Gamma Beta (UC Santa Barbara) Marilyn Collins Denno Jennifer Holleman Gifford Karen Jensen Halualani Penne Thacher Gamma Delta (Kansas) April Bishop Elisabeth Cooke Harrison

Gamma Tau (Willamette) Phyllis Brinkerhoff Terri Ostlund Brooks Gamma Omega (Midwestern State) Deborah Perkins Anderson Delta Alpha (East Carolina) Jacqueline Seaver Cominotti Linda Gardner Massie Brenda Sanders Mullins Diane Spry Straker Delta Beta (Texas A&M Commerce) Carolyn Venable Kahler Delta Gamma (Northern Colorado) Lita Putnam Schaffer Delta Delta (Oklahoma City) Stephanie Mather Delta Epsilon (Iowa) Becky Cornwell Brinson Linda Groves Ruth Gallagher Nelson Janet Henderson Prinz

Delta Eta (Adrian) Jennifer Schaeffer Crawford

Gamma Iota (Texas Tech) Melissa Bledsoe Sheila George Bright Deana Koonsman Gage

Delta Theta (Western Michigan) Kathleen Feeney Hiemstra

Gamma Kappa (CSU Long Beach) Valerie Colwell Cox Dorothy Strand Gamma Nu (Miami University) Jean Cameron Hahm Rosalie Cesare Ippoliti Elizabeth Laporte Stott Ann Lorenz Timmons Gamma Omicron (Drake) Corry Mack Doty Gamma Pi (Arizona State) Jenny Holsman Tetreault Gamma Rho (Penn State) Kathleen Carmichael Angstadt Sheryl Barden Coholan

Epsilon Theta (Northern Iowa) Barbara Illian Epsilon Nu (Delaware) Susan McNeice Epsilon Psi (Lehigh) Mary Beth Cooleen Tully Zeta Alpha (Eastern Illinois) Judy Ethell Zeta Gamma (Santa Clara) Monica Jolly Duke

D’Mia Lamar (Theta Sigma-Southern Utah ’19) 2019 Leadership Fellows participant, 2019 Capitol Hill Visit attendee

Delta Zeta (Maryland) Marie LaPorte Tuthill

Gamma Zeta (Puget Sound) Kathy Schiller Judkins

Kathleen Griffis-Bailey Lori Landry Holloway Lois Ricketts Ingram Anita Sloan Kittridge Emily Ellison Lamb Barbara Thomas

“The opportunity to attend both Leadership the 2019 Congressional Hill Visit was incredibly eye-opening! I learned so much Zeta Rhoabout (Bentley) myself, my style of leadership, my strengths Kimberley Norton O’Brien and weaknesses, and how my skill sets can best Eta Gamma (Akron) complement others. In D.C., I learned how our Traci Christler legislative process operates and how I can take Eta Delta (CSU East Bay) part it. It is my career goal to go into politics Kathleen Boyle in Halfon and law, and this experience gave me a real and Eta Theta (San Francisco State) hands-on taste of what my future will look like. Laura Bieker Murphy From both experiences, I developed and applied Eta Lambda (George skills that IMason) use every day! From salary negotiation Jackee M. Schools personal Constanceand Coghill Scinto mission statements to lobbying practices and creating positive changes in Theta Upsilon (CSU Chico) Kristine Chromzack necessaryBrown areas. Alpha Phi has allowed me to learn and grow in ways I did not expect, and I’d love nothing more than to try to give back what it’s given me!”

Zeta Omicron (Johns Hopkins) Fellows and Tara Riemer

Jill Vanderveen Delta Rho (Ball State) Suzette Brown Miller Delta Tau (LSU) Sammye Crawford

CR E AT E A N A L P H A P H I L E G AC Y Please email for more information or to notify Alpha Phi Foundation of your planned gift.

Delta Chi (William Woods) Zelda Decker Casanova Donna Weekes Edwards Jan Haralson Hankinson Sara Mayer Epsilon Beta (Butler) Carol Ellis Epsilon Gamma (Sacramento State) Nancy Morris Bosworth Elise Dale Fong Marcia Puyper Garrison Lesley Nash Epsilon Delta (Northern Illinois) Denise Jung Reens Epsilon Eta (Old Dominion) Jennifer Wassum Hemingway



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