Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly • Spring 2013

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spring 2013 volume CIII, N0.3


alpha gamma delta


4 international headquarters initiative

16 maddy's mission

sister spotlight

Whether you’re embarking on yo ur first semester of camp us life or return ing for your fifth year, before you get the back to school party started ta ke a few minutes to read eight things ever y student can do to better protect themselv es from sexual vi ol ence and help reduce the number of sexual assaults on campus.

1. Trust your intu ition; it’s your best defense. If you don’t trus t someone or som eth ing there’s probably a reason . Listening to yo u inner voice can save your li fe.

2. Be prepared. Program any num bers that could aid you (o r a friend) in a crisis or potential crisis into your cell ph one in advance such as the coun seling center, ca m pus advocate, campus police, w omen’s center, re sident assistant, etc.

3. Communicate. Have candid di scussions with your roommates and friends abou t supporting one another, resp ecting your indi vidual choices and keeping each other safe.

story own your

4. Express yourse lf. Be honest with your partner(s) abou t one another’s p er son al boundaries and know that it’s ok ay if they change.

5. Just 2 it. Th ere’s nothing wron g with calling for back up. If you don’t fee l comfortable walking alone as k a friend to joi n you or call a campus escort.

6. Use

a DSP. If you ch oose to drink alw Having the courage to make anteimpact hav e a trus ays d DSP

(designated sober Discuss your bo person). undaries and pla ns for the night in advance and stick with them.



Q Jackie Brannon Stutts International President

...together, we can lead Alpha Gamma Delta into a future filled with

promise and growth.


just a few weeks, many will be going to Indianapolis for The Leadership Conference (TLC) 2013. This will be a monumental Fraternity event! As mentioned in the last Quarterly issue, we’ve taken an extensive look at our risk management policies and procedures and made important updates to help our chapters implement safer social event planning. These new policies will be introduced at TLC with the overall theme of safety in possible risky situations. Keeping sisters safe is the ultimate goal for our risk management efforts. In the last issue of the Quarterly, we launched the Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters Initiative, which is a fundraising effort to support our new headquarters building in Indianapolis. The compliments on the décor of the new building have been rewarding. Thank you to all of the sisters who shared your treasure by donating to this effort. When the archives area is completed in summer 2014, just in time for International Convention, it will be a joyous time of recognition and celebration to all who have participated in this action. Learn more about the International Headquarters Initiative on page 4. I’m always pleased to watch the progress of the Fraternity and the launch of new initiatives. The launch of the Learning Center (page 6), the distribution of the Delta Experience Magazine and our invitation to colonize at Tufts University make me proud. The sheer quantity of

2 quarterly

spring 2013


new initiatives being released in the short timeframe is a true measure of successful member and staff collaboration. The work of Alpha Gams who are making an impact in their chosen professions or communities should be a pride point for all of us. So many outstanding Alpha Gams are featured in this issue, from psychiatrist and “Today” show correspondent Dr. Gail Riess Saltz, Zeta Beta-Lehigh University, to budding fashion designer Grace Hazelgrove, Theta Nu-Virginia Commonwealth University. I’m especially proud of the support that Epsilon NuUniversity of Central Oklahoma provided to a sister who has had a difficult time. Many thanks to the countless sisters and volunteers who contribute to making Alpha Gamma Delta what it is today. To those who have given your time and talents to better our Fraternity in the past, please accept my sincere appreciation and gratitude. Congratulations to the newlyappointed Chapter Advisors and Volunteer Service Team members. Together, we can lead Alpha Gamma Delta into a future filled with stability, promise and growth. It is truly an exciting time to be an Alpha Gamma Delta! Loyally,

Jackie Brannon Stutts International President

table of contents

Director of Communications and Marketing Jill Lewman Harter


Graphic Designer Andrea Giacalone

The INbox

Communications and Marketing Specialist Kailee Fouch Bennett

3 8



Fraternity News

International Headquarters Initiative


Own Your Story Member, Fraternity Communications Association

Collegiate News

The Quarterly is published four times per


year at 8710 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis,

Collegiate Profile

IN 46260. Send all correspondence to

Maddy's Mission

International Headquarters, 8710 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260.


When sending marriage or death

Collegiate Profile

announcements, please send duplicate information to your collegiate chapter or alumnae chapter/club so accurate records

19 Alumnae Profile

The Quarterly welcomes editorial submissions from freelance writers. Issues

20 Alumnae News

focus on themes, so please contact the Communications Department for guidelines, deadlines and additional information.

22 Sister Spotlight Meet KeLeigh

The Quarterly Magazine Mission

23 Pearls of Wisdom

The Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly Magazine endeavors to:


• Serve as a forum of communication to


inspire, educate and challenge members on Fraternity, Greek and women’s issues.


• Rekindle, sustain and excite member

Chapter Grand

loyalty and interest through celebrating and validating sisterhood and recognizing and acknowledging individual and chapter/


documenting the Fraternity.

a zine


• Serve as a permanent record and archive,

le This M cyc ag


club accomplishments.

Q Corner R



16 22

may be kept.


the INbox

Q quarterly

Dear Editor, What a wonderful surprise to see the newest Quarterly today. I love the pictures and article about our new headquarters! This is truly a magnificent building to house our talented sisters who lead our Fraternity. Plus the article on Quincy was so inspiring with her selfless work in India. When people read our Quarterly they will instantly know how brightly our Fraternity shines! Loyally, Susie Fransen Thrams, Beta Kappa-University of Iowa Susie, Thank you for your accolades on the latest Quarterly. Alpha Gamma Delta truly does shine, thanks to the impact our sisters are making across the globe! Best, Jill Lewman Harter Quarterly Editor

Dear Editor, What a pleasure it was to read about and see the interiors of our new Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters! As a staff member of our last two headquarters buildings, I will always remember them fondly. I had the privilege of helping to open the headquarters at 8701 Founders Road. We were so proud of it when it opened! Now, I can see that the Fraternity will be just as proud of our new headquarters. I cannot wait to see it in person sometime soon. Loyally, Nancy Thorman Pittman, Alpha UpsilonCentral Michigan University Nancy, I’m glad to know you enjoyed reading about the new International Headquarters building! It’s a beautiful facility and we can’t wait until the building dedication at International Convention 2014. We are blessed to have a functional, updated facility to conduct Fraternity business. Best, Jill Lewman Harter Quarterly Editor 2 quarterly

spring 2013

Thank you to the sisters who sent us feedback on Facebook or Twitter. Your comments are below: Page 6 of the Quarterly! Way to go, ladies! #keepitup #ThetaOmega @alphagammadelta –Theta Omega-University of South Carolina Congrats to @KaithGambier for making it into the #Quarterly for her @alphagammadelta scholarship! #SoProud #AlphaGamLove @UOITAlphaGam –Karen Hastings, Zeta OmegaUniversity of Ontario Institute of Technology Page 3 of the 2013 @alphagammadelta Winter Quarterly with my fave Alpha Gams! #livewithpurpose #cherishfriendships –Paula Martins, Tau-University of Toronto Ah! I’m mentioned in the @alphagammadelta Quarterly for receiving a Foundation scholarship this year! #grateful –Amanda Cotleur, Zeta-Ohio University

Love seeing all of those amazing scholarship recipients. Thanks to all our Foundation donors for helping our sisters with their education! –Julie Waitman Cretin, Executive Director of the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation

Submit your feedback on the Quarterly! Thank you to all sisters who submitted feedback on this issue of the Quarterly. Remember, the Quarterly is for YOU! We want to hear what you think about your magazine! Send your comments on this issue of the Quarterly by July 1: •

By email:

By mail: Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters Attn: Quarterly Editor 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260

On Facebook: Send us a comment at

On Twitter: Mention @alphagammadelta in your tweet about the Quarterly!

fraternity news updates


The Leadership Conference (TLC)


Delta Experience Magazine


Alpha Gam to Colonize at Tufts University

Alpha Gams will join together from June

The Fraternity is excited to introduce a

Alpha Gamma Delta will be colonizing

13-15, 2013 for The Leadership Conference

new resource for our college seniors—the

at Tufts University! Exact timing of the

(TLC) in Indianapolis. We’ll be having real

Delta Experience Magazine! The Delta

colonization is still being determined, but it

conversations about how to effectively

Experience is the third part of the complete

is expected to be in 2014 or later. A private

manage and navigate risky situations, along

Alpha Gamma Delta Experience for our

institution with a total undergraduate

with sharing tips on how to have those

collegiate members. All collegiate chapters

enrollment of just over 5,000, Tufts is

difficult conversations with sisters. Follow

were mailed copies of the Delta Experience

dedicated to providing a global experience

along with us by using the Twitter hashtag

Magazine in the spring; going forward,

to its students. If you have any questions

#OwnIt13 or checking out our Facebook Fan

magazines will be mailed in the fall.

about Tufts or if you want to get involved,

Page at

Intended to be a supplemental piece to the

email Liz Harriss York, International

Delta Experience, the magazine provides

Vice President-Extension, at ivpe@vst.

resources to college seniors as they prepare

to enter the workforce or attend graduate school. A few of the many topics addressed in the magazine include starting your career, navigating the workplace, adjusting to life after college and building your community. This magazine was made possible thanks to financial support from the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. We hope our senior members enjoy this new Fraternity resource!


fraternity news

Contribute to the Alpha G International Headquart


he Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters Initiative is underway! You can make your mark on Alpha Gamma Delta’s history with your monetary donation. Your donation will help offset renovation and furniture costs, and provide final funds needed to fully furnish and equip the new headquarters building. Through the years, International Headquarters has become so much more than a place of business; it’s become the home of our Fraternity and a point of pride for Alpha Gams worldwide. First established as the Central Office in New York City in 1927 to house all the day-to-day operations of our ever-growing Fraternity, International Headquarters has changed addresses several times in the past 86 years to accommodate the expanding needs of the organization. But, no matter its location, the building has and always will be for you—our members. Maybe you have a particular love of the Fraternity’s past and would consider a gift specifically designated to the archival display space in the new building. A group of chapters or sisters could honor a special Alpha Gam by naming a room or an area of the building in her honor. Or maybe you are just the sister that we’ve been looking for who would like to contribute a substantial naming gift for the building. Whatever your motivation or capacity to give, we welcome the opportunity for you to leave a lasting legacy to the new Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters! Please consider supporting the International Headquarters Initiative as the Fraternity strives to ensure that our home serves you and all of Alpha Gamma Delta for a lifetime. It truly is the preservation of our legacy. Learn more about the initiative by searching “IHQ building” at

4 quarterly

spring 2013

Photos by T

Gamma Delta ters Initiative!

Tessa Tillett


giving levels Meridian Society $25,000–above

Founders Society

Leadership Consultant Team Training Room


College Park Society $5,000–$9,999

Washington Society $2,500–$4,999

Chatham Society $1,000–$2,499

Central Society $500–$999

Comstock Society $250–$499

Fraternity Staff Office Space

Syracuse Society $100–$249

Butterfield House Society $1–$99

Mail this form with your check to: Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity International Headquarters Initiative 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260

Executive Board Room

Full Fraternity Name: Initiating Chapter: Email: Phone: Amount of Contribution:

Save a stamp and give online at Donations to the Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters Initiative are not tax deductible.


fraternity news

Introducing the Learning Center! Alpha Gamma Delta is pleased to announce that the Learning Center has launched! We are so excited for the opportunity to provide our members with selfguided and interactive online training. WHAT IS THE LEARNING CENTER? The Learning Center is a new section of myAlphaGam designed for the distribution and administration of selfguided, interactive training. Members can access the training anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. To access the Learning Center, simply click on the direct link located on your myAlphaGam dashboard beneath the “Applications” header. Currently, there are two programs available in the Learning Center: • All Members includes training about the alumnae initiation program and archive videos. • Chapter Officers includes individual officer trainings. Access to the Learning Center is based on your role in Alpha Gamma Delta (officer, volunteer, general member, etc.). All members are able to access the “All Members” program. Certain officers are able to access the “Chapter Officers” program. The “Chapter Officers” program is being introduced on a rolling basis; all officers and advisors will be able to access the “Chapter Officers” program by winter 2014. As programming is developed, Alpha Gamma Delta will continue to add training sessions to the Learning Center. The Fraternity is so excited to introduce this interactive, online training system to help our members grow and thrive in their officer roles, volunteer positions and in general. We encourage you to visit myAlphaGam and check it out! If you have questions about the Learning Center, email

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spring 2013


6 2

3 7 8 4




Clicking on this link will open the Fraternity website in a new window/tab. 2


Clicking on this link will take you back to the main page of the Learning Center. 3


The “Help” page includes a list of FAQs and other assistance. The “Contact Us” page includes a form any user may use to submit a/an idea/issue/question/compliment.




Clicking on this button will take the user to her personal journal, where she may reflect on what she is learning. 5


Clicking on this button will take the user to the same Idea Bank as the main Fraternity website, where you can share tips or ideas with sisters. 6


The user may select a program from the drop-down menu. Currently, there are two programs: “All Members” includes training about the alumnae initiation program and archive videos.“Chapter Officers” includes individual officer trainings.

11 9

7 8


Clicking on this link will open a “How-To” video.


Completed sessions will be shaded green with a check mark next to the title. 9


Sessions that either have not yet been started or are in progress will remain white until completed. 10


This pulls information from our database. Clicking “Update Personal Info” links back to the database. 11


These are announcements from Learning Center Administrators, specifically about the Learning Center.

To help you navigate the Learning Center, the following resources are available in the Resource Center of myAlphaGam (General Fraternity Materials folder): • Learning Center Visual Guide • Frequently Asked Questions


own your story

story own your Having the courage to make an impact

8 quarterly

spring 2013


Whether you’re embarking on yo ur fi semester of camp us life or return ing fifth year, before you get the back to party started ta ke a few minutes to r eight things ever y student can do to protect themselv es from sexual vi olen help reduce the number of sexual assa campus.

1. Trust your intu ition; it’s your best If you don’t trus t someone or som ethin probably a reason . Listening to yo u in can save your li fe.

2. Be prepared. Program any num bers could aid you (o r a friend) in a crisis potential crisis into your cell ph one in such as the coun seling center, ca mpus campus police, w omen’s center, re siden assistant, etc.

3. Communicate. Have candid di scussion your roommates an Kelly Walker Addington and Beccad Gross Theta LambdafrTieder, ie n ds ab out supp one University anoth of West interact with some Alpha Gams from er,Florida, resp ecti n g yo ur in vidual Kelly andOmega keeChapter pinatgthe University of Akron. Learn more aboutdi and Becca on page 11.each other safe.

here are a lot of expectations placed on women today. Many of us are balancing various career and volunteer roles, as well as caring for our families. Our collegiate women are attending classes, participating in extracurricular activities, volunteering and often working extra jobs to pay for rising tuition fees. And through it all, we try to smile, be tough and demonstrate that we have it all under control. But is that realistic? At the root of some of our struggles with managing competing demands and expectations is the concept of worthiness and shame. Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, who has studied vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame for the past decade, believes that shame, for women, is a “web of unattainable, conflicting, competing expectations about who we are supposed to be…For women, shame is ‘do it all, do it perfectly, and never let them see you sweat.’”*

4. Exp ress workload Sometimes, the growing and yourse lfincreased . Be honest with your expectations stress and anxiety. fact, partncause er(s ) about In on e another’s person Brené that shame can lead to addiction, al bosays undari andbullying, know depression, violence, es aggression, suicide th at it ’s ok ay if th andisorders. ge. Other times, a traumatic andch eating event, like an unhealthy relationship that leads to 5. sexual can wreak havoc on our Jviolence, ust 2 . ThSome ere’ofsusnothing wron mental and emotional it wellbeing. g with ca ll in g fo back may be experiencing r symptoms of depression up. If you don’t feel com kin orw areal feeling ashamed a domestic g alofon e askviolence a friend to join incident and feel like we’re all alone. you o campus escort.

We’re here to tell you that you’re not alone and you matter. Join us in a conversation 6.that U se a D P. relationships If you choose to about the importance ofS healthy drink al h av e a tr with yourself and others, Alpha Gams usteand d asD SP (designated sober Dis share their stories and ur how we can support one p cu ss yo bohealth undaries and pla another in our quest for overall n s for th night in advance and stick with and wellbeing.


*Quotes from Brené Brown:


own your story

FACING REALITY Unfortunately, the stories of depression, anxiety and sexual assault are not rare in today’s society. When asked about women’s mental health, “Today” show contributor and psychiatrist Dr. Gail Riess Saltz, Zeta Beta-Lehigh University (featured on page 19), said that many mental health issues first appear in the collegiate years. “College is often the first real separation from home,” Gail said. “It’s often their first encounter with substances like alcohol and drugs, as well as sex. For young adults, that is a very difficult combination.” She said that when you are struggling with low mood or anxiety, you are tempted to turn to substance use, which often worsens your feelings of low mood or anxiety. Gail believes all of the stressors college students experience today—the recession impacting job placement, incurring debt and unhealthy relationships, to name a few—have a direct correlation to mental health issues. “The combination of what’s happening in the relationship and sex arena, the drug and alcohol arena and the financial arena, means that many more college students are demonstrating anxiety and depression.” Gail also discussed societal trends with virtual connections vs. real relationships. “I think paradoxically, college students appear more connected than ever with social media and texting, but in the real sense, they are having less opportunities to be connected than ever,

in terms of real relationships,” Gail said. “I hope that the pendulum will start to swing back the other way. I think that’s an obstacle and a real stressor for college students.” Healthy relationships are critical to overall mental and emotional wellbeing. We hear stories of sexual violence, and may think to ourselves, this can’t happen to me or someone I care about, right? The reality is, it can happen to anyone. In fact, according to the 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 1 in 5 women have been raped in their lifetime, 1 in 6 women have been stalked and 1 in 4 women have been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner. The same survey said that 81 percent of women who have been raped, stalked or the victim of severe physical violence from an intimate partner reported significant short or long-term impacts related to this violence, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Both men and women who experience this type of violence reported experiencing frequent headaches, chronic pains, difficulty sleeping, activity limitations and poor physical and mental health.

1 in 5 NEARLY


1 in 6 NEARLY


1 in 4 NEARLY

Kelly and Becca share their story with students from Hastings College in Nebraska.

WOMEN HAVE BEEN A VICTIM OF SEVERE PHYSICAL VIOLENCE BY AN INTIMATE PARTNER. 2010 National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

10 quarterly

spring 2013

5. Just 2 it. Th ere’s nothing wrong with ca for back up. If lling you don’t feel comfortable w alone ask a fr a lking iend to join y ou or call a ca escort. mpus


. Uacross se a As you can see, 6 women the D globe mental and emotional SarePstruggling . If ywith ou maintaining choosecourage to dand ha rin health. By sharing our we u canst overcome shame and demonstrate vulnerability. vstories, e a tr k always ed DSP (des ig Some may associate vulnerability with weakness; Brené Brown, however, disagrees. “Vulnerability n a te d Dis sob cuss your boun er p demotional is not weakness,” Brené said. “I define vulnerability as exposure, uncertainty. It erson). aries risk, a n d p la in n s a d fo v r the night nce fuels our daily lives and I’vea come to the belief vulnerability is our most accurate measurement an d that stic k with th em . of courage.” . Jcourage ust to Undoubtedly, it7takes Take the obstacles that Sara Goguen, Alpha saovercome y no.obstacles. Do n ot9, Sara, hav e sex wpromotions Eta-Dalhousiey University, example. Since age a 20-something our pendured, hile you or artnfor er ( s) a re u n d director, has experienced symptoms of depression. Once a very social young girl,fl Sara quickly became er th e in sex with someon uen negative, . Having private and withdrawn. Throughout middle school high school, Sara believed that thece e wand h o ca n n ot re si b ec st a or u se the pwere suicidal thoughts she was experiencing a normal part of teenage life. So, she kept thesesa thoughts y "no" erson is drugged, dru un to herself. A few years later, 21, one of Sara’s classmates committed suicide. n A seemingly happy, con k , scatioage p a ss us, ed out, or aslfamily eepand mfriends, ay b smart and good looking young man with loving she couldn’t believe that this e sexual assau lt happened to him. As she processed the situation, she realized that she related to his story—she had a 8. S peaand k was upa .good loving family, great friends student, just like him. Could something like this happen On e voi ce has power. oppor to her? This incident ledtu to n theit start If you uncov ieof s her journey of recovery from depression. that could im

proveforythe ou mhelp, r year. After seekingcom medical wassa on fe and off antidepressant medications next Feeling unSara cam ity pus/ ty, speak up. embarrassed by her illness, Sara would sometimes stop taking medication because she thought it wasn’t working ashamed that she needed medication. In spring 2012, at age 24, Sara hit rock Wor hwas il tha er e inaher reprofessional bottom. While meetingewith client a breakdown and was thingcareer, s evSara erysuffered one can do to beterm pro activ placed on short disability forethree months. an d


make safety a p

porKelly ority it’sof tan t toAddington The story ofim alumnae Walker and Becca Gross Tieder, Theta ri Lambda-University remem b er th a t n o m ciisrc att West Florida, also While in college in the 90s, Kelly and Becca, unot er best muncommon stancetoday. thfriends e sethat xuhas alsignificantly a ss a u lt since age 14, affected by an incident impacted the course of their lives. is n fawere ev ult er .

the survivors

Kelly was dating a young man, and the time had come to introduce him to her friends. As the night wore on, they amicably decided that they were not going to be a mutually exclusive couple. The Helpful Vocab young man, the designated driver for the uevening, lary took Kelly home. Kelly doesn’t remember anything from that evening, and professionals that have studied her case believe that she had been drugged. The next thing is waking up, and the young man was with her. He drove home that RaKelly pe remembers is forc ed seKelly xuadidn’t l in morning, as he lived a few hours away, and think else temuch rcou rsabout va e, the situation.

ginal, anal or including oral penetrati on b . e P b enet y ra bod Two weeks later, Kellyastarted having of anxiety and panic attacks. She couldn’t tion may y pnightmares, art or bouts a n ob je ct . A v figure out why, however. A couple of months after that weekend passed, Kelly realized that she n icti y on m of e m aywasbe a rape: w , the myoung en or pregnant. She called Becca, who encouragedom her en to call man ch and ask about that night. He ild ren, straight confirmed the incident and indicated that she had consented (even though Kelly was incapacitated and did not remember this occurrence). A little while later, Kelly suffered a miscarriage. 11

own your story because the p erson is drugg ed, drunk, pass unconscious, or ed out, asleep may be sexual assault 8. Spea k up. One voi RECOVERY: HELPING OURSELVES ce has power. opp If you uncover WHILE HELPING or OTHERS tunities that could improve com y ou m r told unKelly their surprise, the more people they While stories like those of Sara, caabout ity and mpus/ saBecca fety, To sp k uto pKelly, . what ea happened the more stories they can feel negative, their ability to demonstrate heard about similar incidents that happened to courage and perseverance these difficult Whileduring th re ththeir sisters and their friends. situations are living proof that weer caneallaheal. ing s ev eryone can do be p ro ctiv to The recovery process can bealong andedifficult, and m“That’s when Becca I said we can’t be a k e sa fety and aowe pthis impvictims and can be something every silent,” Kelly said. ri or ortastruggle it y nt towith it’s “We to ourselves. rem ber that no m day. By being vulnerable and sharing our stories, em circum a tt We owe this to our community—not only our er st and the nce sexual assault we can take our life experiencesa mental Greek community but campus community is our n fa ev u er lt . th e survivors health struggles and affect positive change in and those that we care about.” That’s when ourselves and others. Brené Brown believes that they decided to speak out and share their story “vulnerabilityH is the innovation, elbirthplace pful of Vocabularyin hopes that they would prevent this from creativity and change.” happening to someone else. sharing the story with the entire chapter, apea lifetime Sara, who hadR suffered depressive is foofrc ed sexuAfter al in Kelly and te Becca rcpresented ourse,to the symptoms, began volunteering for Partners vag inPanhellenic inal, anal or or cludin community, thera Greek community and then a g a l p for Mental Health, a Canadian nonprofit en et ti on be by a body p . P en et ra ti nearby campus. The process evolved from there, on may organization with the goal of starting a art or an ob ject . A victim n and during a road trip, they decided, “Let’s do y on e national conversation aboutof mental health. As m ay be a rape: women, mtalk enabout this. Let’s Thus, signature or IT.” ch a Community Correspondent or ildtheir gay. for Partners for ren , st raight program, Let’s talk about “IT,” was born. This Mental Health, Sara specifically participates program shares their story and focuses on talking in the Not Myself Today campaign, which Sextoufeel alcomfortable assault encourages people with is not a about sexual health and how sexual violence is ny ty that. e of As their program more and sex ual gained feeling theirsu bestch every a single day. started related top conta s se xShe ct uaalso l to u ch in more notoriety, theyd started traveling across the g or a blog,, that shares her personal fon ling that occu without consen country presenting this program on college rs This experiences with mental illness and how t. she is maand yCurrently, or mthey ayhave sexua naot l intercourse a campuses. fewin additional clude coping with it every day. s som e st a te programs, one of them being Sexversations, s in u te se rc th h abest is term ngmake eabanly “I wasn't sure how I could impact with raispa e. which facilitated card game that encourages with this organization, until one day I realized meaningful and healthy conversations about that maybeD by sharing my p story, I could inspire ate ra This program was created because as Kelly e or a cquainsex. taBecca someone todstart talking about their mental ncetraveled rapfrom e is campus toer campus, efined as forcib illness and gen ally or better yet, seek help,” Sara said. “If I could le sex u a l they noticed that students were feeling more con ta ct k n b ow y someone n totoseekth help inspire one person help e rather victhan tim ( empowered the concepts of sexual inclusivity a frieby nd , d etc.). commit suicide, I was happy.” a te , a cquaintance, and the importance of healthy relationships. For Kelly, a victim of sexual assault, the recovery process didn’t begin until months after her miscarriage. Although she wasn’t fully recovered yet, Kelly and Becca next turned to their Alpha Gam sisters and shared the story with sisters they were closest to.

Kelly and Becca continue to travel across the country and share their message. In fact, they’ll be presenting to Alpha Gamma Deltas from across North America at The Leadership Conference (TLC) this June in Indianapolis.

Becca (on left) and Kelly (on right) at a recent event.

12 quarterly

spring 2013

MOVING FORWARD Now that we’ve heard stories and statistics relating to women’s health, we may find ourselves wondering, what’s next? How can I help myself and/or help my sisters who may be affected by mental illness or may be victims of sexual violence? How can I inspire myself or others to have the courage to speak up? When at all possible, the first step should be to reach out to a mental health professional. He or she will help guide you through your recovery process. If you are a college student, there are often many campus resources available to you. Here are a few ideas: • Go to the counseling center on campus. On many campuses, this service is free as part of your tuition and it is confidential. You don’t have to worry about your friends, family or others finding out. If you are nervous about going, ask a friend to come with you. • In the case of sexual assault and/or unhealthy relationships, see your sexual assault advocate on campus. She/he knows what you or a friend has experienced and are there to help get you the support you need. • Talk to your resident advisor or resident assistant if you live on campus or your Chapter President. She/he can help you determine what the best campus resources are for you. • Talk to a university staff or faculty member about how you’re feeling. Sometimes they can be great listeners and can help get you connected to the right resources. • See if you have an Active Minds on your campus. This is a student organization that works hard to empower students to ask for help when they are having a hard time. If there isn’t one, consider starting a club. See your student activities office. To assist specifically with sexual violence prevention, Kelly and Becca created a new organization, One Student, which fuses social change and sexual assault prevention to help

students make an impact on their campuses. As Kelly and Becca traveled across the nation, students were empowered by their discussions and wanted to make a difference. However, they often thought they were going to have to commit their lives to this or become a full time activist. Kelly and Becca wanted to provide students with resources so they didn’t have to feel overwhelmed, but could still contribute to the cause. “If each person plays a small part [in preventing sexual violence], that’s what is going to transform a community,” Becca said. “We need activists, but that’s not the majority of college students. We wanted [students] to feel like they could play a small role and contribute to a huge change.” With the phrase “One sexual assault is too many. One student can make a difference.,” the One Student organization provides students, parents and campus professionals with programs, resources and opportunities to address sexual violence and take their voices to the next level in sexual violence prevention. Learn more about how One Student can impact your community at Overall, in order to be healthy, both emotionally and mentally, we need each other. According to Brené Brown, “To find our way back to each other, we have to understand how [shame] affects us and how it affects the way we’re parenting, the way we’re working, the way we’re looking at each other.” And, if we’re going to find our way back to each other, Brené says, “We’re going to have to understand and know empathy, because empathy is the anecdote to shame.” We also need to own our stories. It might be intimidating to share our story with others—we might not feel like we’re quite ready, our story isn’t perfected, etc. But, by having the courage to own who you are and embrace your life experiences, you’ll be well on your way to achieving mental and emotional wellbeing. So, how will you ignite innovation, creativity and change? How will you own your story?

Additional Resources: Want to learn more about the topics discussed in this article? Visit these websites: • Kelly and Becca’s story: • Sara’s blog: • Dr. Gail Saltz: • Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW (blog, books, videos): • One Student (additional resources, how you can get involved): • Active Minds: 13

collegiate news

For the Spring 2013 Quarterly, collegiate chapters were asked to share what “to honor my home, my country, my religious faith” means to their chapter. Read more collegiate chapter reports on the Fraternity website by searching “collegiate chapter reports.”

Kappa Beta–Missouri Western State University Kappa Beta Chapter highlights our religious faith by regularly attending the church service of choice. Quite a few of our members practice Catholicism and have been following Lent together. Our

Omega–University of Akron

Omega Chapter uses this line of the Purpose to remind our sisters that although we are away at college, it is so very important to honor our personal heritage and faith. We are all different individuals but we come together as Alpha Gamma Delta members. Through the use of Omega Chapter’s activity packet, sisters are encouraged to actively participate in other organizations on campus, such as Associated Student Government, Panhellenic Council and other leadership organizations that mirror the workings of our country. While participating in other organizations, the sisters of Omega Chapter focus on representing Alpha Gamma Delta in a most positive manner whether wearing our Badge or letters, as well as the times we do not. –Melissa Shaylor

members have given up things such as sweets and have been sure to support each other in their religious endeavors. Our Catholic sisters were also granted permission to leave an event early for Ash Wednesday so that members could attend church together. Kappa Beta Chapter also honors our home and country by supporting our sisters with siblings, parents and spouses overseas and/or serving in the military. We have honored our home recently, because for the first time, Kappa Beta Chapter has received chapter housing. We all work together to keep our chapter housing operating smoothly and neatly while strengthening our sisterhood in the process. –Elizabeth Young

Zeta Chi–University of Western Ontario

The sisters of Zeta Chi Chapter are very proud of our home, our country and our religious faiths and we work to honor all three within our daily lives. Our chapter house is one of the historic properties of London, and we take much pride in this. We work hard to ensure that our chapter house is always kept clean and beautiful. Each and every one of us is very proud of the country in which we live. We strive to support Canadian-based charities such as the Canadian Bone Marrow Drive and the Canadian Cancer Society. Lastly, our chapter is one of diverse faiths and religions; while they differ in many different ways, we all respect one another's beliefs. As a chapter, we are very open to diversity and believe that this diversity brought together makes us a much stronger chapter. –Michelle Skelsey

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Lambda Alpha–St. Joseph's College, Long Island

Lambda Alpha Chapter uses the Alpha Gamma Delta Purpose to help guide us to honor our home, country and religious faith. We all have different career paths that we plan on following. We all have different majors from accounting to biology and from child study to recreational therapy. We honor different religions. We all have different goals that we work toward each and every day. In the future we hope to write letters and send care packages to servicemen/servicewomen. We all honor ourselves, our country and our backgrounds, but we are all very much alike in many ways. We all live by this Purpose and will continue to honor our home, our country and our religious faith. –Annalise Schmidt

Alpha Lambda–Ohio State University

As Alpha Gamma Deltas, we’re encouraged to incorporate the Purpose into everyday life, and members of Alpha Lambda Chapter embrace the line “To honor my home, my country, my religious faith.” Our sisters value Alpha Gam as a home away from home, as was seen in the enthusiasm of the women as we showed the chapter house during Formal Recruitment in January. This passion led to the pledging of 43 new members who are excited to share in the sisterhood. The sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta show honor for their country by supporting our troops overseas. As a part of the Gamma Experience, our sisters wrote letters to United States soldiers. The women of our chapter also participate in their religious faiths together, working hard to support one another’s beliefs. On Ash Wednesday, many of our Catholic members attended Mass together, and several of our members are observing Lenten penitence. –Allison Gorman

Beta Epsilon–Carroll University

Our chapter strives to honor not only ourselves and our sorority, but other aspects of our lives as well. This past fall, we honored our home by volunteering as a chapter to clean up a section of a local highway and plan to do this again in the spring. We honor our country by sponsoring a campus-wide blood drive to benefit the American Red Cross and participating in the Polar Plunge’s “Freezin’ for a Reason” campaign. Although we are not all of the same faith, the values we practice as a sorority directly relate to the values many of us learned through our religious faiths. On Ash Wednesday, a number of sisters supported each other by attending mass together. We will continue to honor our home, our country and our religious faith with our future activities. –Megan Breene

Gamma Tau–University of West Georgia

The sisters of Gamma Tau Chapter honor our home, our country and our religious faith in many ways. We always have sisters in our chapter house whether they live there or not. We always try to keep the house clean and presentable for our guests. We recently added new hardwood flooring in the kitchen and stairwells. We have a great Property Coordinator who keeps the chapter house in order. We honor our religious faith through our Ritual. We honor our country by making care packages for the troops that could not come home for the holidays. Also, we have participated in the Kentucky Derby philanthropy event to collect money for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. We have also participated in walks for diabetes awareness. Gamma Tau Chapter will strive to continue to honor our home, our country and our religious faith daily. –Hayley Shaw

Kappa Delta–Westminster College

Kappa Delta Chapter uses this line of the Purpose to guide us through our everyday lives. This year, several of our members gave presentations to the campus community about their home, country or religious faith. Members of our chapter have also been a part of campus-wide events that recognize the variety of cultural backgrounds here at Westminster College. Another way we honor our home, country and religious faith can be seen through our participation of celebrating different holidays for different cultures and religions with the rest of our peers. On a smaller scale, our chapter discusses the cultural and religious differences that we see in Alpha Gamma Delta. We further discuss how these differences may impact us both positively and negatively. We continue to honor our homes, countries and religious faiths on a daily basis and will continue to as the year progresses. –TeoMarie Anderson

The Quarterly Report Form can be found in the Resource Center of myAlphaGam under Operations Team Forms. For Alabama through Michigan chapters, this report is always due on December 15. For Minnesota through Wyoming Chapters and Canadian chapters, the report is due on March 15. 15

collegiate profile

Maddy's Mission



than two weeks after Bid Day, Madison (Maddy) Watts, Epsilon NuUniversity of Central Oklahoma, received difficult and unimaginable news. She was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic melanoma cancer. A healthy young woman who always wore sunscreen and did not use tanning beds, Maddy noticed a small bump on her back and went to the doctor as soon as she could. Within three weeks of being diagnosed in September 2012, the cancer had spread to her liver, lungs, brain, spine and spinal fluid. Maddy is currently undergoing treatment in Houston, Texas and maintains a positive attitude despite her unfortunate diagnosis. Rachael Odor, who was Chapter President at the time, learned of Maddy’s illness a few days after she was diagnosed, as Maddy informed her she would miss the upcoming sisterhood retreat to undergo treatment. After speaking with the Sisterhood Coordinator at the time, Rachael decided to inform the chapter after its Fireside Ceremony that night. During the Fireside, chapter members shared what sisterhood meant to them. When it was Rachael’s turn to speak, she referenced what sisters had just spoken about—sisterhood is about providing support, having friends to laugh and cry with and making lifelong connections. She mentioned that there was a sister who needed their support, laughter and prayers more than ever—Maddy. Rachael shared Maddy’s story with the chapter. “From that point on, I knew things would be completely different for Epsilon Nu [Chapter],” Rachael said. “I knew our chapter would go above and beyond supporting our sister, Maddy, and her family through prayers, fundraising, cards, laughter and more.”

And Epsilon Nu Chapter did just that. After the sisterhood retreat, they formed a committee of sisters that came together to figure out how they could help Maddy, who was still a new member of Alpha Gamma Delta. Maddy’s close friend and roommate, Rylee Flowers, came up with the idea of “Maddy’s Mission.” “We wanted to do more than just raise money for Maddy’s medical bills,” Rachael said. “We wanted to make a difference in our community through Maddy’s Mission. It became more than just a fundraising campaign.” The chapter set up a prayer room at the chapter house. Additionally, they passed out cancer awareness ribbons on campus, choosing the color lavender, which represents all cancers, instead of black, which is specifically designated for skin cancers. Sisters asked students on campus to wear the ribbon on their backpacks and to pray for Maddy and others who are fighting cancer. They also passed out complimentary sunscreen with information about melanoma and Maddy’s Mission. The campus community embraced the work that Epsilon Nu Chapter was doing for Maddy’s Mission, starting their own philanthropy events and putting lavender bows on the light posts around campus. Initially, one of the goals of Maddy’s Mission was to raise $20,000 to help pay for Maddy’s medical expenses. With the help of the campus, Edmond and Oklahoma City communities, as well as family and friends, they were able to exceed that goal, raising $30,000 in just three months.

Local businesses supported a portion of their proceeds to Maddy’s Mission, the chapter sold bracelets and T-shirts and they hosted a spaghetti dinner that contributed to their fundraising success. The University of Central Oklahoma distributed a press release about Maddy’s Mission and the Melanoma Awareness Week that Epsilon Nu Chapter set up in honor of Maddy, which led to news stations wanting to hear about Maddy’s story. One of the first initiatives of Maddy’s Mission was to reach out to the greater Alpha Gam community. The chapter sent letters to Epsilon Nu Chapter alumnae, asking for their support. They received responses from sisters across the country, demonstrating their support for Maddy and Epsilon Nu Chapter. “We were so overwhelmed with joy at the way our sisterhood internationally supported Maddy’s Mission,” Rachael said. Due to treatment, Maddy missed Initiation with her new member class in November; however, the chapter arranged a special Initiation for Maddy this past February. “We knew from the first day of recruitment that Maddy absolutely had to be our sister,”

We were so overwhelmed with joy at the way our sisterhood internationally supported Maddy’s Mission.

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–Rachael Odor, Epsilon Nu-University of Central Oklahoma

Rachael said. “We had no doubt she would make our [chapter] better by being in it.” At the time of print, Maddy is continuing to receive treatment in Houston, maintaining a positive attitude and receiving support from her sisters. “Maddy has inspired me in everything I do,” Rachael said. “The way she has been so strong fighting this battle inspires me to be a stronger person when faced with hard times. Maddy’s Mission has shown me what a phenomenal organization I am a part of [with Alpha Gamma Delta]. I am overwhelmed with the way everyone has come together to support Maddy.” Learn more about Maddy’s Mission at

Rylee Flowers and Maddy Watts on Bid Day. Maddy Watts and Rachael Odor on the day of Maddy's Initiation. 17

collegiate profile

designs inspired

world w id e

By Caitlin Tejeda, Chapter Development Specialist


you could give your friends and fellow Alpha Gams a single piece of advice, what would it be? Grace Hazelgrove, Theta NuVirginia Commonwealth University, would tell them, “Be present where you are.” Of the many lessons she learned while studying abroad in Guinea, West Africa, Grace said this is the most significant. “Here in the U.S., it seems like we’re always worrying about and working toward the next step or tomorrow,” she said. “We’re anxious for what’s coming next.” While living in Guinea, however, Grace said she never had to think about the following day. She said, “I was just soaking up the moment I was in. It’s the most present I’ve ever been.” A senior fashion design major, Grace traveled to Guinea in fall 2012 through Antioch University’s Arts and Culture in West Africa program. With seven other college students, Grace spent three weeks learning about Mande culture, including how to read, write and converse in the native language of Malinke. The students then moved to different compounds across Guinea, where they lived in huts with their respective host families. In Mande culture, men may have up to four wives, so families tend to be larger than most in the United States. Grace’s host-father had two wives and 13 children. Whether helping to care for her younger siblings or hanging out with her 21-year-old sister, Grace said she quickly became part of the family. “The best part is that I didn’t feel like a foreigner,” she said. “I truly was somebody’s daughter, somebody’s sister.” In addition to spending time with her host family, Grace apprenticed at a local tailor shop, learning to sew with only basic supplies. “Everything is tailor-made, but there is no electricity. And they don’t have any of the special tools or fancy amenities that we have in the United States,” Grace said. “It’s really rewarding to see a piece of clothing you’ve made with just a measuring tape and scissors.” 18 quarterly

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After three months in Guinea, Grace returned home and began designing 10 different looks that will make up her senior collection. By incorporating the vibrant, one-of-a-kind fabrics she bought in West Africa, Grace aims to blend her love of fashion with her love of culture in every garment she designs. “Fashion is connected to our identity,” Grace said. “I wanted my work to mesh together my experiences and share my story.” In March, Grace was given the opportunity to share her work with the world. Along with eight other collegiate designers from around the nation, Grace flew to Miami, where a day dress she designed was featured in Cotton Incorporated’s 24-hour Runway Show. Streaming live online, Cotton’s annual show models one complete design every minute for 24 hours. “It was a cool experience,” Grace said. “Fashion is an idea translated into a 3-D product that’s practical. I love being able to create something and see the full process.” The experiences that inspire Grace’s designs are widespread. She said she first discovered her love for culture a few years ago, when she began volunteering for a nonprofit organization called Touching Miami with Love (TMWL). Based in Overtown, an

inner-city neighborhood often described as the poorest community in Florida, TMWL works to develop long-term solutions for the problems facing its community. Among its many services, the organization hosts after-school programs and summer camps for local children. “It’s a home away from home for a lot of kids,” Grace said. Of working with the children in Overtown, Grace said, “It gave me a different perspective on poverty and life.” Since then, Grace has returned to TMWL every year, volunteering over fall, spring and summer breaks. “My favorite part has been seeing the kids grow up and the relationships I’ve built with them,” Grace said. “I wasn’t just another somebody who walked in and out of their lives. They know I’m coming back.” Grace hopes to stay involved with TMWL after graduation. She also hopes to move to New York, find an assistant designer position and immerse herself in yet another new and different culture. For now though, Grace is taking her own advice and living in the moment: “To me, Live with Purpose means to be adventurous and go outside my boundaries and make the most of every opportunity…I don’t know where I’ll end up, but I know there’s so much more to come.”

alumnae profile “It was an opportunity to talk about the importance of recognizing the difference between the baby blues, which many women get…and more seriously, postpartum depression…which is really a mental health emergency that needs to be dealt with.” Since that moment in 2001, Gail has become a regular contributor on the “Today” show, commenting on a variety of national issues related to stress, relationships and overall mental health. She’s also written several books, including “Becoming Real: Defeating the Stories We Tell Ourselves That Hold Us Back,” “Anatomy of a Secret Life: The Psychology of Living a Lie” and “The Ripple Effect: How Better Sex Can Lead To a Better Life.” Gail has also written two children’s books.

A Voice for Mental Health A psychiatrist

and psychoanalyst with a reputation for being an expert on issues relating to women’s emotional wellbeing, Dr. Gail Riess Saltz, Zeta Beta-Lehigh University, never imagined she’d be a regular contributor on NBC’s “Today” show or that she’d be featured on “The Oprah Show” or “Dateline,” among other national shows. She also probably didn’t imagine her work being featured in the Associated Press, Newsweek or New York Magazine. She did imagine, however, to make an impact in the field of psychology and help others feel whole. Gail had always had an interest in the mind-body connection, as she was the daughter and granddaughter of clinical psychologists. As an undergraduate student at Lehigh, she was planning on going to medical school to eventually practice internal medicine. Her interest was in studying the whole person, and she envisioned working with patients regarding what was going on in their minds, as well as their bodies, to help them heal. As she attended the University of Virginia and then her residency in internal medicine with the New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine, it became more evident that she was much more interested in the mind-body connection, rather than the body itself. As a result, Gail changed her focus to psychiatry, completed another residency and then opened her own practice in New York City. Due to her background in both medicine and psychiatry, Gail continued to consult with the New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornell School of Medicine. While working at the hospital, she began fielding media inquiries, which led to contributing to local news shows and eventually a show for Lifetime Network, where she would contribute mental health pieces. A turning point in her media career occurred in 2001, as Gail was asked to speak on the “Today” show about a breaking story regarding Andrea Yates, a woman suffering from postpartum depression and who had drowned her five children in a bathtub. She agreed to participate in the interview, and her media career has escalated since that moment. “The ‘Today’ show was such a pivotal point [in my career] because it does reach such a large audience and because I think the case, which was, sadly, of Andrea Yates, and the idea that postpartum depression could be so severe that it could cause you to harm your child is obviously shocking and depressing,” she said.

As one might expect, by being a national media correspondent, running a private psychiatry practice and being a successful author, Gail is very busy. To top it all off, she’s a wife and mother of three daughters. Achieving professional and personal balance is key in managing competing demands. “I would say that you certainly can’t have it all at all times,” Gail said. “Even though I feel incredibly grateful that I am able to juggle what I do, there are times, like everyone else, where I have to make choices.” Those choices include not attending the more high profile media events in the evening so she can spend time with her family, and not traveling to other cities, like Los Angeles, to be a correspondent for another show. There are times, however, where her career does impact her family life, and her family keeps an open dialogue about these choices. She and her family talk about “doing something that’s important to you and doing something that’s important to society.” This model has been effective in raising her children. A Manhattan resident, Gail spends her time reading, cooking, snow skiing and water skiing. Once a week, she and her husband spend alone time with one another or enjoy an evening out with friends. As a family, they often visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History. From a college student, to a psychiatry resident, to a media contributor and beyond, it’s remarkable to see Gail’s life journey. By following your true passion and embracing new initiatives, you never know where your life will take you.

Learn more about Gail at Follow her on Twitter: @DrGailSaltz. 19

alumnae news

Alumnae chapter/club recaps for the Summer 2013 Quarterly are due July 1. Fill out the form online by searching “recap form” at, or email your report to Read more alumnae chapter/club recaps on the Fraternity website by searching “alumnae recaps.” Epsilon Upsilon Alumnae Chapter

Epsilon Upsilon Alumnae Chapter

Greater Portland Alumnae Club

The members of the Epsilon Upsilon Alumnae Chapter helped the collegiate chapter with its very successful recruitment effort. The chapter welcomed 74 new members! We always enjoy this time to interact with our younger sisters. We also enjoyed the Alumnae Homecoming Luncheon and seeing members we don't always see. In November, we held our Alpha Gam Always event where we made cinnamon squirrel ornaments for the collegians and Lighting of the Tapers was held to recognize Trudy Carlson and Cynthia Clark Sweeney for their years of service. Our annual Christmas Open House was a lot of fun with good food and of course our “Squirrel Throw” which is always so much fun. Our members participated in the Back Pack Buddies program which provides weekend meals for needy children. The alumnae chapter donated a picnic basket with donations from Jenna Stone Marwitz, Epsilon Upsilon-Tarleton State University, of Crockin' Girls fame. The basket sold for $140. At the end of March, we hosted a program—“Self Care–Taking Care of Yourself”—presented by Dr. Julie Merriman. In April, we celebrated International Reunion Day (IRD) with Jenna Stone Marwitz sharing about her life experiences. –Donna Plumlee Hendrix

We have had a great year so far meeting new transplants to the Greater Portland area. We are planning involvement in both the American Girl Fashion Show to benefit Gales Creek Camp and The Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon which in part benefits the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). –Ellen Wenzel

North Atlanta Alumnae Club The North Atlanta Alumnae Club is finishing up another fun year! We shared our sweet sides with our Adopt-A-Chapter, MuBrenau University, this fall at our annual dessert night and made them study bags to get through finals. We also stay busy in the community. We volunteered at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Walk for a Cure in October and Operation Christmas Child in December. Once again, we supported the Foundation through our pecan sales and will achieve Jewel status. We celebrated the holidays with sisters and our beaus and rolled in the spring with our annual Bunco night. The North Atlanta Alumnae Club has had a great year and we look forward to next year! –Shannon Scott

Tulsa Alumnae Club We started the year with Alpha Gam Always in September and in October enjoyed Bunco and had a booth at the Tulsa area diabetes walk. In December, during our holiday party, we had a non-event fundraiser for the Foundation. We wrapped up 2012 by increasing our members paying social fees by 10 percent. In January, we welcomed collegians from area collegiate chapters and in February, we had our annual wine and chocolate meeting. This month, we are helping with the Meals on Wheels fundraiser. For the first time in years, we have a full slate of officers for next year. We always look forward to April for Tulsa Area Alumnae Panhellenic Woman of the Year and International Reunion Day (IRD). Installation of Officers followed by sisterhood on Maureen's porch is a highly anticipated May event! Various ages and chapters are blending together demonstrating sisterhood support with each of us truly living with Purpose. –Connie Yates Brown 20 quarterly

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Beta Kappa Alumnae Chapter

Alpha Alumnae Chapter

Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Chapter

Tampa Bay Area Alumnae Chapter Thanks to Sally Schopf Truby, we enjoyed our annual holiday lunch at the St. Petersburg Museum of Art. Sally is the docent leader there. Quarterly fund raising with an all-day crop-athon (scrapbooking) has gained loyal local support from the community. This, along with our annual garage sale, is key in fundraising for our chapter. Sisters new to the area are finding us through our new website and Facebook page. Living a year with a Purpose reminds us of the “ties that bind.” –Laure Harms Taylor

Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter The Greater Cleveland Alumnae Chapter has had many fun activities planned since last September. We held mock recruitment with Alpha Iota-Baldwin Wallace University to help prepare them for a great recruitment! Our October Alpha Gam Always event was a trip to the West Side Market followed by lunch. In December, we held our annual Shoebox Ministry Event and cookie exchange. We made 41 Christmas bags for women at Edna's House. The colorful bags included a fleece throw, gloves, toiletries, donated Mary Kay items and lots of sweets. A huge thank you is extended to Pat Tinder Beckman and Nina Downend Williams for coordinating the philanthropy project for the past 13 years in memory of their friend and sister, Bonnie Gott Shackleton. Alumnae and collegians gathered in February for our Annual Valentine’s Luncheon. We had a fun outing in March to a great restaurant in Cleveland and trip to the new Horseshoe Casino. –Sheri Kellner

Beta Alpha Alumnae Chapter This year, Beta Alpha Alumnae Chapter has done many things. We have gotten together with the women in the collegiate chapter and helped with recruitment. We had great programs about the Titanic and historical buildings around Nebraska. However, my favorite event that we have held this year was the alumnae brunch. In December the alumnae got together and had an amazing brunch at an alumna’s home. We talked about our plans for the holiday season and spent some quality time relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. –Jenny Kaser

The Alpha Alumnae Chapter gathered in Boston for a weekend of sisterhood to show our support for a sister, Karen Gordon Quintal. We learned that Karen, who was unable to join us in Syracuse for International Reunion Day (IRD) due to an inoperable brain tumor, was fielding a team for the 2012 Boston Brain Tumor Walk. Our alumnae chapter recruited as many sisters as possible and brought the reunion to her. The weekend began on Friday evening with a reunion dinner. Saturday morning, “Team Special K” participated in the walk and raised a total of $21,200 for brain tumor research. Following the walk, Karen welcomed everyone to her home for a post-walk celebration party where we looked at scrapbooks, reminisced and shared news of Alpha-Syracuse University. A special highlight of the weekend was the ceremony that was held in Karen's honor to recognize her 25 years of membership in Alpha Gamma Delta. Locally, we attended a Homecoming brunch at the Alpha Chapter house, and got together in small groups for lunch and coffee around town. Alumnae chapter members also worked behind the scenes assisting Alpha Chapter during recruitment. –Virginia Southard

Beta Kappa Alumnae Chapter Beta Kappa Alumnae Chapter has “welcomed the opportunity of contributing to the world's work” this year. Our chapter began the year helping host a golf tournament that benefitted Special Olympics. As our year continued we gathered items for our community food bank, bingo prizes for Hope Lodge, as well as spending time playing games with patients and their companions. Our members gathered fun items for homemade Alpha Gamma Delta bags for our adopted chapter in Canada, sending sisterly love across the border. Beta Kappa Alumnae Chapter loves our community and Alpha Gamma Delta! –Susie Fransen Thrams

Greater Seattle Alumnae Chapter The Greater Seattle Alumnae Chapter has been working hard to increase our presence in the community, both physically and virtually! Last spring we joined forces with the northwest chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and participated in Beat the Bridge, a 30+ year race event in Seattle that raises over $1 million, and we’re in the process of recruiting our team to do it again this year. Both alumnae and collegiate members will be sporting some fantastic squirrel headbands! Another highlight for our chapter was attending a concert for the Seattle Women’s Chorus, for which an alumna is a member. We’ve been busy keeping up with the fast-paced world of social media, using our chapter’s Facebook page to reach out to more sisters on a daily basis. We’re getting ready for our International Reunion Day, once again holding our silent auction fundraiser for the Foundation. With over 200 “likes” on Facebook, we’ve been able to communicate to so many sisters who are willing to donate their talents and contribute to this auction. It’s also been a great joy to hear from sisters from afar who keep us updated on their travels and accomplishments through the page. –Janell Varga 21

sister spotlight

Meet KeLeigh

By Hope Cooper, Leadership Consultant


a crown, serving on a committee or volunteering to organize a campus-wide book drive to combat childhood literacy, KeLeigh Edwards, Gamma Sigma-Troy University, is deeply committed to serving her community and her chapter. KeLeigh was initially attracted to Alpha Gam because of the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation and Gamma Sigma Chapter’s commitment to service. As the 2013 Miss West Central Alabama, KeLeigh will be competing in the upcoming Miss Alabama pageant. She travels around her community taking opportunities to speak about her competition platform, “Volunteerism: Giving the Gift of Time.” With her involvement in the Miss America organization, KeLeigh is grateful for the opportunity she has to share her passion for community service, as well as the impact that service can have on any individual. “We’re not just wearing crowns, we’re impacting lives,” she said. Growing up as an only child, KeLeigh did not have the confidence she needed for her pageantry involvement. After joining Alpha Gam, she found a support system of women who continue to push her, encourage her to be her best and support her goals of spreading the word of volunteerism to so many. KeLeigh said, “My sisters make me want to be a better person. They have continued to do nothing but make me see the best of myself. I want to give back to such an incredible organization that has given so much to me.” 22 quarterly

spring 2013

pearls of wisdom A LOOK BACK

Alpha Gamma Delta Summer Camps Many cherished memories occurred over the 27 years of the Alpha Gamma Delta summer camps. One Alpha Gam had her wedding ceremony performed on camp grounds, and in 1926, the campers attended a three-ring circus. Attendees of the 1927 Convention visited the camp, where the children performed a play for the visiting sisters about what life was like at summer camp. The children also loved their daily summer activities, which included swimming, hiking, story time and treasure hunts.


the world has always been a passion for Alpha Gamma Delta members, even in the early years of the Fraternity. In 1919, Alpha Gams voted to start a summer camp program for underprivileged children. At this time in history, this type of philanthropic work was groundbreaking—not to mention that it was operated primarily by Alpha Gamma Delta collegians. Under the direction of Mary Louise Brown of Eta-DePauw University, the first Alpha Gamma Delta Summer Camp session opened in Jackson, Michigan on July 19, 1920. The camp was designed for undernourished and underprivileged children ranging from ages 7 to 10 in the Jackson community and was located on the Boy Scout grounds on Wolf Lake. While the city of Jackson provided the campsite and camp equipment, the board of health provided medical supplies and examined the children during their stay. All Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae and collegiate chapters supported the camp by raising $25 plus providing either an outfit for a child or an additional $10. (Today, $25 is equivalent to over $300.)

During the first year of the Summer Camp program, 52 campers were served and 11 Alpha Gams from seven chapters were counselors. Within a few years, the campers went from sleeping in tents to occupying a clubhouse to moving to a permanent location on two acres of ground on the northern shore of Crispell Lake. The permanent clubhouse, designed by Founder Emily Helen Butterfield, could not have been built without the support of the Jackson community. On July 11, 1922, the clubhouse officially opened. By 1924, the building was equipped with electricity and running water.

As it did across the globe, World War II greatly affected the Fraternity and its camp program. In 1946, changes in the national economy and women’s increasing interest in a variety of projects led both of the Alpha Gamma Delta summer camps to be closed. During the years that the summer camps were open, approximately 7,000 underprivileged children were impacted by the Alpha Gamma Delta Summer Camps for Children.

Twelve years after the Jackson Camp was founded, a second camp called Welland Camp was established in Canada in Wellington, Ontario by Margaret Hilchie from Tau-University of Toronto, who served many years as International Camp Director. Just like at the Jackson camp, Alpha Gams donated their time and efforts to this endeavor. From scrapbooks and pajamas to kitchen supplies and sporting equipment, Alpha Gams provided continual support to Welland Camp. 23


24 quarterly

spring 2013 25

26 quarterly

spring 2013

chapter grand

chapter grand

Alpha – Syracuse University Dorothy Glahn Baar ’35 Alma Spelman Treen ’48

Chi – Michigan State University Marie Matte ’44

Alpha Beta – University of Michigan Beta – Barbara Newell Horldt ’47 University of Wisconsin– Ruth Laing Townsend ’37 Madison Janet Lichtenwalner Bennett Alpha Gamma – ’49 University of Cincinnati Jeanette Werner Waarvik ’34 Edith Althaus Wyatt ’42 Zeta – Alpha Delta – Ohio University Ohio Wesleyan University Jane Kinnison Millns ’41 Mary Lacy Huffman ’45 Melva Minck Santee ’55 Barbara Kohl Neagoy ’53 Pauline Armstrong Stone ’38 Eta – DePauw University Alpha Iota – Doris Irvine Ritchie ’43 Baldwin Wallace University Molly Rodie Glazer ’49 Iota – University of Washington Alpha Kappa – Robin Weaver Bidgood ’73 Bowling Green State Ruth Brink Smith ’46 University Carol Aumend Leverett ’49 Kappa – Allegheny College Alpha Omicron – Priscilla Kerr Marshall ’59 West Virginia Wesleyan College Xi – Mary Ellen Lawson Illinois Wesleyan University Challenger ’48 Donna Brown Thrall ’37 Tau – University of Toronto Lorna Knight Guthrie ’49

Alpha Pi – Wayne State University Donna Scharf Parolini ’59

Upsilon – University of Oklahoma Betty Neill Reiger ’46

Beta Zeta – Parsons College Marcena Crowl Taylor ’59

Phi – Oregon State University Marguerite List Poleo ’41

Beta Xi – Purdue University Nicki Crick ’77

Gamma Alpha – University of Georgia Eva Cheshire Womack ’41

Epsilon Alpha – University of Missouri Nancy Lynn Theis ’60

Gamma Delta – Auburn University Jeanne Oliver Burton ’50 Betty Craig Callaway ’50 Sue Hodge Fincher ’48 Gwen Cruit Johnson ’67

Epsilon Beta – University of Kansas Erma Blodgett Loudon ’30

Gamma Zeta – University of Memphis Susan Hopping Mize ’67 Gamma Theta – Florida Southern College Joann Evanoff Florios ’58

Epsilon Gamma – University of Denver Jacquelyn Eggleston Harrington ’56 Jean Nevius Johnson ’43 Epsilon Delta – University of Texas at Austin Edith Japhet King ’44 Laura Heath Smith ’57

Delta Alpha – University of Southern California Margaret Thomas Fleetwood ’30 Donna Riddell Heidbrink ’47

Epsilon Epsilon – William Jewell College Carol Sanders Loesch ’55

Delta Beta – Washington State University Elaine Teague Brownell ’41 Carol Frost Smawley ’49 Martha Roth Woodruff ’36

Epsilon Eta – Texas Christian University Linda Freise Proch ’71

Delta Gamma – Montana State University Betty Pease Bradley ’36 Marjorie Pott Stanbury ’45 Delta Epsilon – University of California, Los Angeles Elisabeth Yeoman Briffett ’37

Epsilon Zeta – Arkansas State University Linda Mills Swift ’61

Epsilon Theta – University of Colorado Boulder Jil Gamblin Rosentrater ’66 Epsilon Omega – Truman State University Jennifer Boyce 2000

Delta Xi – Arizona State University Elizabeth Stephens Nelson ’99 27



Spot a Squirrel!

Pam Newman Rosenberg and Debbie Newman, Beta Delta-Indiana University, travel around the world with their squirrels. On this day, they were spotted at Pam's wedding!

Coming Soon... The Summer 2013 Quarterly will cover the installation of the Villanova Colony, introduce the 2013-2014 Leadership Consultants and recap The Leadership Conference (TLC). You won't want to miss this issue!

We Need You! The Quarterly staff wants to hear from you! Please send any stories, information or ideas to Thank you for sharing! Visiting a restaurant and see a squirrel figurine? On vacation and spot a squirrel stuffed animal? Take a photo! Make sure the photograph is high resolution and only contains Alpha Gam sisters. More information is available on the Fraternity website by searching "share your story."


Q find

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28 quarterly

spring 2013

Alpha Gam Crossword

Please complete the crossword below, which contains clues from this issue of the magazine! Answers can be found on the Fraternity website by searching for "crossword." 1






7 8 9









3. Nonprofit organization in Overtown, Florida, that works to develop long-term solutions facing its troubled community: Touching Miami with _____.

1. If you give between $250 and $499 to the Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters Initiative, you will be a member of the _____ Society.

4. Members of ___________ Alumnae Chapter participated in the Back Pack Buddies program which provides weekend meals for needy children.

2. Consider supporting the new International Headquarters building. Contribute to the International Headquarters ______.

5. There are two programs currently available in the Learning Center: All Members and Chapter ______. 9. The first Alpha Gamma Delta Summer Camp opened in Jackson, ______ in July 1920. 11. Kelly Walker Addington and Becca Gross Tieder, Theta LambdaUniversity of West Florida, started an organization called ________, which fuses social change and sexual assault prevention to help students make an impact on their campuses. 12. Name of the self-guided and interactive online training system: The _____ Center. 13. Number of years that Camp Kudzu has been the recipient of an Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation grant.




6. Diabetes is the ____ leading cause of death in the United States. 7. Sara Goguen, Alpha EtaDalhousie University, volunteers for Partners for __________, a Canadian nonprofit organization. 8. According to Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, vulnerability is not a ______. 10. A fashion design major, Grace Hazelgrove, Theta Nu-Virginia Commonwealth University, traveled to ____, West Africa to enroll in an arts and culture program. 14. Alpha Gamma Delta was invited to colonize at ____ University in 2014 or later. 15. Location of The Leadership Conference this summer.

16. The ______ Experience Magazine was first distributed to chapters this spring. 17. Team name for Alpha Alumnae Chapter, which raised money for a sister walking in the Boston Brain Tumor Walk.



18. Dr. Gail Riess Saltz, Zeta Beta-Lehigh University, is a regular contributor to the _____ show.

19. This collegiate chapter participated in the Polar Plunge’s “Freezin’ for a Reason” campaign. 20. Platform of KeLeigh Edwards, Gamma Sigma-Troy University.

Our Directory

International Council

International Headquarters Executive Director, Stephannie Sack Bailey 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-663-4200 Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. EDT

International President Jackie Brannon Stutts

Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Executive Director, Julie Waitman Cretin 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260 317-663-4242 Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. EDT The Leadership Institute-Women with Purpose, Inc. CEO and Executive Director, Tonja Eagan 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 888-854-9971 Office Hours - 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. EDT

International Vice President-Alumnae Lesley Hubbard International Vice President-Collegians Amber Garrison Duncan International Vice President-Membership Marie Ford Palmer International Vice President-Extension Liz Harriss York International Vice President-Finance Bobette Sandifer Thompson

International Vice President-Panhellenic Affairs Rie Gerah Hoehner Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustees President Patricia Tulley Riddiford Vice President Deborah Schmidt Eschenbacher

Benita Wilson Dick Debbie Douglass Roth Sue Maggio Sim Estacia Medlen Brandenburg Fraternity Housing Corporation Board of Directors

Secretary Janis Lang Bartosz

President Katie Jolley Abernathy

Treasurer Peggy Kuebler Field

Gail Calkins Duree

Jackie Brannon Stutts

Amy Holthouse Blessing Bobette Sandifer Thompson 29

Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity 8710 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46260


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Freeport, OH 43973

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30 quarterly

spring 2013

Moving or Changing Your Name? Please detach and mail changes to Alpha Gamma Delta International Headquarters, 8710 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46260 or email changes to Notify the Permanent Secretary of your chapter of any changes.

Name ___________________________________________ New Name _________________________________ Chapter/Year of Initiation ______________________________________________________________________ New Address _________________________________________________________________________________ street city state/province ZIP/postal code New Phone Number ______________________ Email _______________________ Effective Date __________ Parents: While your daughter is in college, her magazine is sent to her home address. We hope you enjoy it. If she is no longer in college and is not living at home, please encourage her to update her contact information with the Fraternity.

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