Bec Creative Workbox 152

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INNOVATIONS digital design


’m a textile designer working in digital print and embroidery. I love colour, geometrics and pixel patterns. My designs are often freeflowing and I love working on a large scale – my ideal brief involves an unlimited amount of colour and a huge repeat! I’m perhaps best known for my work with Studio Flock which certainly ticks those boxes. Flock works with recent graduates to give them a creative platform and the chance to manufacture their work on a commercial scale; they saw my prints when I was exhibiting at New Designers back in 2012 as I was just about to graduate from my Textiles course at Norwich University of the Arts. As a result, I now sell my ‘Northmore’ print in some amazing locations including Liberty, Heals and Studio Four in New York; a dream come true right at the start of my career, I still have to pinch myself!

‘Northmore’ is a wild, free-flowing geometric pattern of pixelated shapes. It looks like something straight out of the space age, so people are often surprised to hear that it’s actually inspired by hand embroidery. I like to combine techniques within my work and mix and match ideas, which is certainly something that was encouraged when studying for my Textiles degree. Studying at a comparatively small art school was fantastic because there was a lot of communication between

Left to right: Buttons; Collection samples; Spoken For; Explorations in Stitch; Collection samples


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