International Education Prospectus

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International Education



Welcome and thank you for your interest in All Saints Anglican School. Our School enjoys an outstanding reputation for high quality schooling both within Australia an internationally. All Saints is a special place where students and staff respect and appreciate each other, and where a generosity of spirit abounds.

We believe in the education of the whole child, and we strive together as a school to equip each one of our students with the qualities they will need to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. As a community, All Saints values enormously the gifts and talents with which our international students enrich our lives and welcome the opportunity to nurture them within our School. Join the All Saints family and let us introduce you to our world.



All Saints Anglican School is one of Queensland’s leading co-educational day schools for students from Pre Prep to Year 12.

All Saints is made up of three sub-schools; Junior School (Pre Prep to Year 6), Middle School (Years 7 to 9) and Senior School (Years 10 to 12). Each subschool has its own team of highly dedicated, qualified teaching and support staff who are passionate about providing students with a balanced and holistic learning envrionment.

International Education at All Saints includes High School Preparation as well as regular classes and English (ESL) support.

Located in the heart of the Gold Coast at Merrimac, less than one hour’s drive from Brisbane, All Saints boasts outstanding facilities for music, sport, performing arts, technology and outdoor activities.

All Saints provides each and every student with the framework they require to explore their interests, develop their talents, achieve their goals and, ultimately, be the very best they can be.

MR MICHAEL BARTLETT Director of International Education


All Saints enjoys outstanding modern facilities in every area of the School including:

• Two boarding facilities; the International Centre for younger students and the university-style Harmony House for students in Year 12.

• modern classrooms, lecture theatres and study areas throughout Junior, Middle and Senior Schools

• The Burling Centre for Scientific Inquiry – a leading science education facility with several purpose-built labs for Biology, Physics and Chemistry, as well as a 200-seat lecture theatre

• the Nairn Theatre – a 530 seat, fully equipped auditorium with orchestra pit and separate 200-seat black-box Dell’Arte Theatre on the ground floor

• The Holloway Music Centre - a music centre incorporating the very latest in acoustic design across sixteen private studios and two large rehearsal areas

• The Yvonne Bain Resource Centre and Library - home to modern research facilities as well as a multimedia and filmmaking studio

• The Wonder Space - a cutting edge learning facility designed to cultivate whimsy and creativity, and to promote intellectual contemplation and personal reflection

• Engineering and Technology Studies facilities with computer-aided design and drawing, wood, metals and plastics fabrication equipment, electronics and pneumatics machinery.

• Two Health and Physical Education Centres comprising several multipurpose courts, a Physiology testing laboratory and a fully equipped performance gym with dedicated strength and conditioning coaches

• Sporting facilities include nine main playing fields and practice facilities for cricket (one turf and two artificial wickets), hockey, rugby, soccer, softball, athletics, and cross country, seven tennis courts, ten netball courts, six basketball courts, two volleyball courts, a short golf course and two 25 metre swimming pools (one indoor, one outdoor.)

• Heavens Above Training Restaurant - a commercial kitchen and restaurant for hospitality training


About the Gold Coast

Famous worldwide for its beaches and natural beauty, the Gold Coast also offers a cosmopolitan lifestyle and is one of Australia’s fastest growing cities with a population of around 540,000 people. Located in SouthEast Queensland, 80 kilometres from Brisbane (the state capital) the region is serviced by two international airports.

Regarded by many as having the perfect sub-tropical climate, the Gold Coast averages 245 days of fine and sunny weather each year and enjoys comfortable daily temperatures year round.


December to February - Average temperature 20-28°C (68-82°F).


March to May - Average temperature 15-25°C (59-77°F).


June to August - Average temperature 11-21°C (52-70°F).


September to November - Average temperature 15-25°C (59-77°F).

Because the Gold Coast has such a vibrant reputation and is considered a safe medium-sized city, many parents from around the world have called the Gold Coast an ideal learning environment for their schoolaged students.


High School Preparation

The High School Preparation Course is conducted within the All Saints International Centre, located within the School campus.

This course is designed as intensive preparation for Australian High School entry. It has three broad levels. All students are tested on arrival and placed in the level according to English language profi ciency.

After placement, students study in the High School Preparation course from 10 to 40 weeks, depending on their English level at entry. Only students between the ages of 12 and 17 will be considered for enrolment.

The course is structured around the areas of:

• English Communication and Grammar

• Australian High School English

• English for Mathematics

• English for Sciences

• English for Humanities

• Academic Writing

• Information Technology/Computing

• Health and Physical Education

Course curriculum is closely linked and based upon curriculum taught in the mainstream high school.


Study Abroad Experience Program

Each year All Saints Anglican School has limited spaces for overseas students to study for either a semester (six months) or year as a high school student in Australia. Programs start in January, April, July and October of each year. The program allows international students to experience first-hand the culture, language and customs of Australia, and life in an Australian high school.

Students attend high school daily and are involved in the co-curricular and club life of the School. English language support is available throughout the year and multi-lingual staff members are available to counsel and assist students.

Students should be at least 13 years of age, have above average results from their school in their own country, and a level of English language profi ciency that will enable them to participate successfully in mainstream classes. Students select from a range of Senior School subjects allowing them to receive a school report at the end of the each academic semester.



International students have the choice of two kinds of accommodation:


International House has modern facilities including 20 twin-share rooms supervised by multilingual resident staff. Students have access to international email and private telephone and voice mail facilities within their own rooms. Harmony House, the second dormitory on campus, is specifically for Year 12 students and students over the age of 18. It provides a transition to more independent university accommodation-style living.

All meals are supplied, and academic and pastoral care support is available from experienced staff. Students living on campus also have access to a modern gym, heated pool and other sporting facilities.


Homestay accommodation is provided by carefully selected families who are approved and registered by the School, and who usually have students of their own studying at All Saints. Students are provided with all meals, their own bedroom with a desk and daily transport to and from School.


Senior School


It is compulsory for all Year 10 students to study the subjects of Mathematics, English and Physical Education. The remaining academic disciplines of Science, Studies of Society and Environment, The Arts, Technology and Languages other than English are covered from a range of elective units. Over the course of Year 10 students will choose a total of eight electives, each of one semesters duration.


In addition to compulsory subjects such as main stream English and Mathematics, each student may choose to study six subjects from the following:


• Ancient History

• Geography

• Modern History


• Biology

• Chemistry

• Physics

• Psychology

The Arts

• Drama

• Music

• Music Extension

• Visual Art - Digital and New Media

• Visual Art - Foundation Studies in Visual Design

• Fashion

• Food and Nutrition


• Accounting

• Business

• Economics

• Legal Studies


• Extreme Mathematics

• Specialist Mathematics


• Creative Writing Technology

• Design

• Digital Solutions

• Engineering

• Industrial Technology Studies

Health & Physical Education

• Health

• Physical Education

• Sport and Recreation


• Philosophy and Reason

• Chinese

• French

• Japanese

Vocational Education & Training courses are also available in the following subject areas:

• Hospitality

• Aviation (drones)

• Multimedia

• Live Theatre Production

Results achieved form the subjects chosen are used to calculate an ATAR score which is used for entry into university and other tertiary courses. Graduating students are awarded a Queensland Certificate of Education.


Middle School

Middle School provides an atmosphere in which a love of learning is encouraged and where experiences are relevant and purposeful. It also provides a stimulating and flexible learning environment designed to transition students through the crucial development years before Senior School.

During the middle years of schooling at All Saints, students undertake studies in the following learning areas:

• English

• Mathematics

• Science

• History

• Geography

• French, Japanese and Mandarin Languages

• Personal and Physical Development

• Food Science and Technology

• Christian Living

• Music, Art and Drama

A range of further subjects become available to students in Year 9 in preparation for Senior School

Each learning area places emphasis on:

• Communication skills

• Social skills and an understanding of the values, attitudes and practices that contribute to a Christian society

• Planning and design skills and an understanding of the role of goal setting, reasoning, aesthetic judgement and imagination

• Making good use of time and resources and ordering and monitoring tasks

• Recognising the need for information, to know how and where to access, evaluate, select and use such information from a variety of sources

• An understanding and appreciation of our environment

• Technology as a tool to help access, manage, process and communicate information and to empower students in their learning

• The attitudes, knowledge, skills and work practices of an effective team


Junior School


All Saints Anglican School offers Pre Prep for children in the year prior to Prep. This is the main entry point to the Junior School. Children entering Pre Prep must turn four by June 30 of the year of entry.


Prep, Years 1 and 2 build upon the learning begun in Pre Prep. Emphasis is given to developing reading, writing and mathematical skills. Children are introduced to the concept of working as an individual and also as a member of the group and also experience specialist tuition in Art, Music, Physical Education, Christian Living, Technology and Library.


Central to the Academic Program in the Junior School are the subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography which are taught by class teachers.


Specialist Staff teach the following areas to all students in Junior School:

• Art

• Dance

• Languages Other Than English (LOTE) studies in French Japanese and Mandarin

• Music

• Physical Education

• Technology

• Speech and Drama

• Chess

• Infinity Program (for students with exceptional abilities)

• Christian Living


Our Expectations

All Saints has a dedicated and committed staff. The School expects a great deal from its teachers and, in turn, teachers expect a great deal from their students.

At All Saints, we believe self-discipline to be the longlasting and most effective means to a successful schoollife. We believe that students should be responsible for monitoring and determining their own behaviour, in full knowledge that all their actions have consequences.


Students are expected to:

• be aware of and abide by the School rules.

• take Pride in their appearance and School uniform and observe the School dress code

• obey Teachers’ instructions and respect all members of the School community

• appreciate the All Saints Campus and play their part in maintaining its beauty

• respect the property of others

• use appropriate language

• act with courage humility and integrity.


Students are expected to:

• work diligently to complete all classwork and homework

• strive for that sense of wellbeing that comes from the knowing they have given their best

• be punctual and prepared for each class.


Attendance to all classes is compulsory. In the case of absence from School due to Illness, a doctor’s certifi cate must be provided for absence of more than two consecutive days.

Any other absence from School must be approved in advance by the Director of International Education. It is a regulatory Student Visa requirement that overseas students must attend at least 80% of their full-time course of study or risk the cancellation of their student visa.


Overseas Student Enrolment Policy


All Saints International Centre is an accredited English Language College, at which the School conducts a High School Preparation Program. This program caters for students with English language profi ciency from beginner to advanced level.

As such, where no initial minimum English language entry profi ciency is prescribed, students are required to undertake a School English Placement test on arrival to determine at what level they should enter the School’s High School Preparation Program, or whether they can gain direct entry into the Mainstream School (see entry requirements).


Students must provide evidence of academic performance appropriate to entry to the Year Level requested on the Application for Enrolment. Students should have maintained at least ‘passing grades’ in all subjects undertaken in the last full academic year of study, to be considered for entry into All Saints. The School will take into account extenuating circumstances that may have a diversely affected academic progress should documentation of such be provided.


All Saints Anglican School will consider enrolment applications from students wishing to apply for a Student Visa subject to compliance with conditions set by the School and with legislative requirements of the State of Queensland and the Commonwealth of Australia.

Applications for enrolment must be made on the approved Application Form. This form must be correctly completed, and must be accompanied by the following documents to support the application:

• copies of Student Academic Records from the previous two years of study, including a copy of the latest Student Report • appropriate proof of identity and age; preferably in the form of a passport copy.

Where the accompanying documentation is not in English, certified translations in English are required, with necessary costs to be met by the applicant.

Students will be required to undertake a School English Placement test on arrival at All Saints to determine at what level they should enter the School’s High School Preparation Program, or alternately whether or not they can gain direct entry into the Mainstream School


An application for enrolment can only be processed when all of the above are received by the All Saints International Centre. Applications from overseas students are processed according to established policy and procedures, and are dealt with on their merits. Assessment procedures include an evaluation of reports from previous schools in the home country and, where possible, an interview with the applicant either face to face or by telephone. In cases where report cards are not available or inconclusive for any reason, students will not be accepted.

Enrolment at All Saints Anglican School is conditional upon the acceptance of, and adherence to, the ‘Conditions of Entry’ listed on the Application for Enrolment, and in other School publications.

A copy of the School’s Dispute Resolution Policy can be found in the International section of the School website www.asas.qld. or directly from the All Saints International Centre. A copy of the Refund Policy is located on the reverse side of the Application for Enrolment form. It is important that you aware of and understand the content of these two policies before registering for enrolment at All Saints.




Highfield Drive, Merrimac Queensland 4226 07 5530 2855 | |

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