4 minute read

Transporting New Zealand

Increased diversity in the industry will be critical if we are to become more competitive in the labour market.

Labour market to get tougher

by Nick Leggett Chief Executive

Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand


by Statistics New Zealand should have made all employers in this country stand up and notice, including road transport operators.

A couple of headline figures we should all be concerned about are that during the last year New Zealand’s working age population shrank by 0.2 percent, with a massive 3.1 percent reduction in the number of people in their 20s. The number of 20 to 39-year-olds was down 0.7 percent and those aged 25 to 29 dropped a whopping 4 percent.

All this was in the year up to March 2022, a year where the borders were mostly closed and there was heightened uncertainty around international travel. Now that borders have reopened all indications are that this brain drain will only get worse. Government officials have even anticipated that up to 125,000 people could leave the country in the next year and it is unlikely that recent immigration changes will do much to compensate for that.

This decline in the working population will have a significant impact on our labour market. Basically, we are looking at a situation where employers will be competing over a much smaller pool of talent, particularly when it comes to younger workers. In such an environment, only the best employers will pick up good keen staff and they will need to do everything they can to ensure they have a workplace that will attract and keep workers.

For years our members have told us that they have trucks parked up because they can’t get drivers, which is worrying as we enter what will be an even more difficult period for employers. To help operators, Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting

Doug Kamo will MC Transporting New Zealand’s 2022 Conference, The Road Ahead.

New Zealand, has undertaken a number of initiatives to boost our industry’s workforce, including our industry traineeship, Te ara ki tua Road to success.

In response to the Omicron wave that forced many workers to isolate at home we also ran a relief driver campaign with recruitment experts HainesAttract and the Ministry of Social Development. The campaign, SOS Save our Supply Chain, was about finding out how many people were out there keen to drive trucks. We had about 600 people sign up so if you urgently need drivers, please get in contact with us.

Transporting New Zealand has also launched the Driving Change Diversity Programme, sponsored by Teletrac Navman and the Australian Trucking Association. This initiative celebrates diversity and is about developing diversity champions as well as improving the image of the industry more generally.

From a cultural perspective this is important. New Zealand has come a long way over the past 10-to-20 years and is a much more inclusive, multi-ethnic society and this needs to be reflected in our industry. Some may write this off as too PC but there are significant commercial benefits to being open to a more diverse workforce.

The Driving Change Diversity Programme will showcase diversity champions in our industry by promoting their stories, a positive perception of the industry, and encouraging new entrants into the workforce. Participants will learn how to create change and facilitate diversity in their workplace, become a diversity ambassador and develop a strong professional network with like-minded individuals. They will also receive ongoing professional development to build skills to enact industry change and be encouraged to become mentors to participants of the Te ara ki tua Road to Success scheme.

If you or someone you know would like to be considered you can apply via the online nomination form at www.roadtosuccess.nz/ driving-change-diversity-programme or via the QR code on this page. If you have any further questions regarding the programme, please contact us at success@transporting.nz.

The Road Ahead Conference 2022

After a false start due to Covid lockdowns in 2021, Transporting New Zealand has rearranged The Road Ahead Conference for 28-29 September 2022. We invite you to join us at Invercargill’s Ascot Park Hotel to contemplate what’s ahead for transport operators as the world looks to recover from the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The conference will focus on our changing workforce, sustainability and environmental requirements, future fuel sources, supply chain issues, and digital and other disruptors. Speakers will include Minister of Transport Michal Wood, Waka Kotahi Chief Executive Nicole Rosie and economic commentator Cameron Bagrie. The keynote speaker will be Animation Research Limited’s Sir Ian Taylor. Sir Ian has become a household name in recent years and was an outspoken critic of the Government’s Covid19 MIQ system. Doug Kamo, who many will remember from Dunedin in 2018, is back as Conference MC.

As well as the more formal programme, the Conference is an important networking opportunity where we get together, share stories and discuss the challenges that we are all facing in this industry. The event will also provide us the opportunity to celebrate and recognise the work of our industry and its critical role in facilitating and contributing to our export-led economy through the Road Transport Industry Awards.

There is also a two-day partners programme that includes a trip to Stewart Island (weather dependent) and a tour of the Seriously Good Chocolate Company.

Registration is now available at https:// conference.transporting.nz with an early-bird discount running until 31 July. We look forward to seeing you in Invercargill.

QR Code – please run alongside final paragraph in first section of this column. T&D

Ia Ara Aotearoa – Transporting New Zealand PO Box 1778, Wellington 04 472 3877 info@transporting.nz Nick Leggett, Chief Executive 04 472 3877 021 248 2175 nick@transporting.nz