Dangers of Misusing Cough and Cold Medicines

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Dangers of Misusing Cough and Cold Medicines Dextromethorphan or DXM with cough suppressing properties is one of the chief constituents of cough syrups. It is a psychoactive agent and is known for its mind-altering qualities. Most cough syrups are sold as over-the-counter (OTC) medications and it is believed that they do not cause much harm. However, that is far from the truth. As it is with any kind of illegal drug abuse, excessive use of DXM, known in the street parlance as Skittles, Dex and Triple Cs, can lead to addiction and a fatal overdose. Listed below are some of the psychological and the physiological damages that the innocent looking bottle of the cough syrup may lead to when used beyond the prescribed dose. Robo-tripping: For youngsters who are looking for the alternative and cheap means of getting a high, cough syrups are the easiest options. They are accessible without a doctor’s prescription as well. Robo-tripping is a common occurrence when someone takes more than the requisite amount of DXM. This could occur either when one snorts or injects DXM, or resorts to drinking large amounts of cough syrup to experience a euphoric rush. Lure of addiction: DXM is known to act on the same receptors of the brain that are impacted by drugs such as ketamine or special K and PCP (Angel dust) and release dopamine. It can generate hallucinations wherein the distinction between the real and the imaginary world gets blurred. While additional amounts of dopamine increase the sensation of pleasure, it could also cause the user to act in ways that are not in sync with normal behavior. The dissociative effects transform the way one thinks and feels about one’s body and the environment. The alterations in brain’s reward pathway brings the motivation level down and pose serious risk to overall health. Cognitive impairment: A 2012 study had indicated that a single dose of DXM is associated with a significant deterioration of psychomotor performance and working memory. Since younger people are more likely to abuse cough syrups and their brains are still at a crucial stage of development, the dangers of DXM use in the long term are even more. Physiological damage: The National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens highlights some of the side effects of misusing cough and cold medicines containing DXM. Some of these are listed below: 

loss of coordination



stomach sickness

increased blood pressure and body temperature

faster heartbeat

in rare instances, lack of oxygen to the brain and brain damage when DXM is mixed with decongestants.

Abuse of OTC may lead to prescription drug addiction When people start using cough syrups for recreational purposes, they do not realize that it can push them into the vicious cycle of dependence and addiction. The misuse of drug syrups may lead to the abuse of relatively stronger prescription drugs and their addiction subsequently. They might indulge in malpractices like stealing money to satisfy the cravings, using friends’ prescriptions to legally acquire it or visiting different doctors as a pretense of gaining a legal sanction to their insatiable thirst. When they intentionally combine it with other harmful substances like alcohol and other addictive drugs, the side effects could be fatal. If a loved one is addicted to any substance, particularly prescription drugs, the Arizona Prescription Abuse Helpline can assist you by providing the required information about drug addiction and its damaging consequences. Our representatives can suggest the best prescription abuse treatment clinic in Arizona that offers therapeutic treatment programs for holistic recovery. Call our 24/7 helpline number 866-692-3563 to find the best prescription drug abuse treatment clinic in Arizona.


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