Sabaf Annual Report 2018

Page 94


Sabaf, Public Administration and Community Relations with the Public Administration In line with the reference policy lines, the relations of Sabaf with the Public

At local level, Sabaf has tried to establish an open dialogue with the various

Administration and the Tax Authorities are based on the utmost transpar-

authorities to achieve a shared industrial development.

ency and fairness.

Relations with industrial associations Sabaf S.p.A. is one of the founders of CECED Italia(now APPLiA, the asso-

tions in the household appliances sector.

ciation that develops and coordinates in Italy the study activities promoted

Sabaf S.p.A. has been a member of Associazione Industriale Bresciana

at European level by Ceced (European Committee of Domestic Equipment

(AIB) since 2014, which is a member of the Confindustria system.

Manufacturers) with the related scientific, legal and institutional implica-

Relations with universities and the student world Sabaf S.p.A. systematically organises company visits with groups of stu-

portant conferences in different cities in Italy.

dents and bears witness of best practices on social responsibility at im-

Charitable initiatives and perks The Group’s humanitarian initiatives include support for the Associazione

The donations are intended to support twenty children living in different

Volontari per il Servizio Internazionale (AVSI), a non-governmental, non-profit

Countries of the world at a long distance.

organisation engaged in international development aid projects.

Disputes There are no significant disputes with Public Bodies or other representatives of the community.


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