ALLA Communicator, V13 N4, May//June 2012

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questions related to health were fielded in their libraries per month. As the chart below indicates, most respondents (16) calculated that number between 1 and 25 per month (Figure 2).

Health Reference Questions per Month

Questions about medical library services to public libraries via Health InfoNet were similarly, if not unexpectedly, answered by the respondents. A vast majority (89%) had never consulted with any medical librarians about health questions. Most (77%) had never received consumer health information service training via InfoNet either. Even the most popular service to the public librarians (based on anecdotal evidence, admittedly), the regularly updated core list of recommended health resources for colFigure 2.

100 or more 50 to 99 26 to 49 1 to 25 Less than 1 Don't know

Figure 3.

May/june 2012


The response to the next question was discouraging. The outcome indicated that about 83% of respondents had not visited the site in the past year. Of those that had, most (64%) hadn’t looked at the “Health InfoNet Resources for Librarians” page (Figure 3). ( Pages/Librarians.aspx). Likewise most (79%) had not found Health

InfoNet on Facebook (https:// HealthInfoNetAlabama).

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