Aliens for Dummies

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Is “Aliens For Dummies” Right For Me? Our goal is to simplify the idea of extraterrestrials existing in our universe. You can search the web and visit the library, and find hundreds and thousands of sources offering information regarding aliens. The thing is… most of those sources provide complex information and scenarios. And that is what we are here to change. We are going to create “Aliens For Dummies.”

In an attempt for you, the reader, to easily learn about aliens, the language will be casual and the content will be a perfect fit for

http:// /2013/04/studyconfirms-thatlebanon-is-indeed.html

anyone who is interested in aliens. Our main focus is reaching people 13 years of age and older. “Aliens for Dummies” will not complicate the issue by making the idea of aliens any more complex than it needs to be. Our overall goal and purpose of this contribution will be to create the “Go-To” source of information for the average person to learn more about the idea, thought, and possible existence of extraterrestrial life in our universe.


Chapter 1 - What Is An Extraterrestrial

Chapter 2 - Where Would They Be

Chapter 3 - Possible History With Aliens

Chapter 4 - What Would They Look Like

Chapter 5 - Media & Entertainment

Chapter 6 - If Aliens Are Not Real…

http:// Milky_Way

“Is E.T. out there? Well, I work at the SETI Institute. That's almost my name. SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. In other words, I look for aliens, and when I tell people that at a cocktail party, they usually look at me with a mildly incredulous look on their face.” - Seth Shostak

Chapter 1 - What Is An Extraterrestrial An extraterrestrial being, also called an alien, is a living thing of or from outside Earth or its atmosphere, as defined by That being said, extraterrestrials can be anything that lives anywhere in the universe. If we found the smallest spec of bacteria on another planet or moon, it would be just as much evidence of alien life

as finding a living being the size of us. It’s not an alien if it is not alive.

Technology and Extraterrestrials With all the technology that the world has today, we still have little to no knowledge about space and extraterrestrials. Humans have spent centuries looking into the stars, researching and trying to find the answer as to if we are alone in the universe.

So far, we humans have not found any information to suspect that aliens are out there for sure, but there is still hope.

Currently, scientists are using the Kepler Space Telescope to not only gain a better understanding of the universe and make new discoveries, but to search for the existence of extraterrestrials. The Kepler Space Telescope is a high powered telescope on the Kepler Space Station that is responsible for finding thousands of different planets and moons in our universe.

Believing in aliens is no longer a long shot. There are hundreds and thousands of professional men and women devoting their careers and lives to the hope of finding alien life, whether it is some bacteria or some intelligent life like us. Studying the universe and the idea of life beyond Earth is a testament to human curiosity and an example of our willingness to know the unknown.

For those of you who don’t know, apart from all the stations, telescopes and satellites they sent into space, they sent a rover that successfully landed on Mars. The rover is searching not only for alien life, but for any sort of similarity to Earth. They have found small traces of water and fossils of worm-like life forms so far. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but any form of life on a different planet is worth the millions of dollars that was put into the Mars Rover. The search for alien life has never been the most promising exploration. Investors are hard to find in this area because of the lack of supporting evidence of life outside of our home planet and even our galaxy. It is so hard to imagine such a giant universe with nothing but the life of Earth to fill it. Mars looks so promising for life forms to live because of how similar it is to Earth. Earth and Mars have similar gravity, dirt, rocks, and land in general. The only quality of Mars that makes it impossible for people to live on without difficulty are the

oxygen levels. There are Mars advocates trying to get plans and money to actually settle on Mars and grow population up there. In the Netherlands, they have announced their plans to settle on Mars in 2023 and further search for other life forms personally. Personally, I feel like another planet would be more promising then Mars considering the evidence of life from the Rover. The amount of technology we have in the first place shows how much we have developed as a species and who’s to say some other life out there isn’t searching for us as well. What is an extra terrestrial? We don’t actually know, but I believe we will find out one day.

Chapter 2 - Where Would They Be? Maybe the better question here is where can’t aliens be? Look at our solar system, our galaxy, our universe. When you truly realize how gigantic space is, you have to begin to wonder about the idea of life outside of Earth. Many are quick to shut down the idea of life forms beyond Earth‌ but how? Earth is nested in a tiny string of

planets which all orbit one star, the Sun. Our solar system rests on the outer edge of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is estimated to have a total of 100 BILLION stars. Now, our galaxy alone is in a group of about 46 other galaxies, which make up what scientists and astronomers call the Local Group. One of the galaxies in the Local Group, The Andromeda Galaxy, is roughly the closest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way and it contains an estimated 1 TRILLION stars. Outside of our Local Group, the universe is filled with literally millions and millions of galaxies.

So now that we realize just how massive the universe is, we can start to understand how the chances of any life beyond Earth is remarkably low?

Now that you see just how massive the universe is (especially after viewing the video from the last page), take a look at the opportunities of finding alien life that are right in front of us.

Space programs on an international level are currently working on sending a probe to a moon of Jupiter called Europa. Europa is layered with ice and we believe there may be massive oceans underneath. The probe will be armed with a drill that will pierce the ice and dive beneath. If we get footage of any bacteria, than the entire dynamic of universal theory changes. And that’s just bacteria! Who knows what could possibly exist in the waters of Europa.

One in 200 stars has habitable Earth-like planets surrounding it. In the galaxy, half a billion stars have Earth-like planets going around them - that's huge, half a billion. So when we look at the night sky, it makes sense that someone is looking back at us. - Michio Kaku

“In a best-case scenario, Alpha Centauri A may turn out to have a transiting Earth-like planet, but no one has it spotted yet.� This quote from is referring to a planet orbiting a star that appears to be the size of Earth. Alpha Centauri is the closest system of stars to us. Research is

being conducted on the planet to find out whether it could host and sustain life. Lifeforms are any living thing.


Chapter 3 - Possible History With Extraterrestrials Extraterrestrial life is a mystery to this day. Since the human race began, we have dedicated massive amounts of time studying and inquiring the secrets and facts of the universe. As technology and intelligence continue to progress, the truth of alien life could arise.

In the article I found through the UNC Charlotte Library website called “Desperately Seeking Aliens,” the author brings up the issue of aliens even existing at all. The writer’s frame is completely bound together with the common concept of imagination. The article puts human imagination up against evolution, and science, and statistics in the discussion of

http:// www.planetsforkids.or g/page.php? seo=why_is_the_earth_ round

extraterrestrial life. In past assignments, I have used Europa (one of Jupiter’s moons) as evidence of possible life due to the chance of a massive ocean bearing life underneath the icy surface. But in this article, the author sarcastically asks the reader if the life will include “intelligent shrimps” or “intellectual fish.” This article puts a lot at stake. If what the author says is true, then communication with or a visit from alien life is a myth and a dream, because there is nothing out there to communicate with or a get a visit from! We would be alone in the universe. Maybe the author is right. Maybe we invented the thought of aliens so that we did not feel so stranded and isolated and alone.

In an article titled, “UFO’s and Extraterrestrial Aliens: Why Earth Has Never Been Visited,” I don't believe the author released information I have never thought about. If there is life outside of Earth and our galaxy, the closest that there are galaxy to us is Andromeda and it is still 2 million light years aliens. I believe away. This means it would take LONGER than that time to there are really reach us. The author also talks about why they would even different people. want to come here. The Andromeda galaxy is larger than - Orson Scott Card ours and could possibly host more life than just us. So if there is life in Andromeda, that life would more likely search their own galaxy for life rather than travel 2 million years to our planet. And that is even if they are advanced enough to make any of that happen! The writer is saying that even if life does exist outside of Earth, how and why would they even get to us or communicate with us? We have been sending out radio signals for just decades. The signals probably wouldn’t even reach a planet with life for thousands or millions

of more years. The writer is somewhat negative with his frame. He recognizes that many believe in aliens and that maybe they have even visited Earth, and he sort of shuts it down.

Black Holes?

Black holes are the supreme mystery in outer space. If you think of space as a blanket, and each planet and celestial ball just rests on it, the dent the ball makes on the blanket is the gravity that celestial ball holds. That being said, a black hole is basically like taking your finger and pressing the blanket of space all the way down. What we do not know, is if the blanket remains in tact, or if a hole is poked in the blanket of space. The immense gravity from a black hole is mind-boggling. We can’t fully see black holes no matter which telescope and type of radiation we use. Yet, we can see the planets, stars, moons, and matter that black holes suck in by their insane level of gravity. The laws of nature break down at black holes, at least we think. Currently, science tells us that time, gravity, sustainable life, all completely go

out the window within a black hole. Well, I think black holes are the gateway to alien life. If scientific facts are undeniably true, the universe is around 4.6 billion years old, in which we humans have existed for just thousands of years. There could be EXTREMELY advanced organisms who have been around for millions if not billions of years who live on the other end of the universe who could possibly know how the laws within a black hole work and how they could be used.

This could be the answer to the question of a possible past with aliens. Could they have visited us thousands of years ago by traveling through the black hole that exists in our Milky Way Galaxy and making contact with Earth? At this point in time, finding actual, real, intelligent and advanced life anywhere is still a long shot. Our telescopes can only see so far. Our answer may lie within the black hole. Black holes could provide us with a gateway to the alien life that has been the center of scientific curiosity for decades.

Ancient drawings and sculptures show signs of what we believe to be aliens but how can we ever know? As we grow technologically and begin to expand our knowledge of life beyond Earth, we must take into account the use of black holes. They could lead us to other life, lead other life to us, or even allow us to enter a dimension where gravity and time do not limit us.

Chapter 4 - What Would They Look Like If aliens do exist, will they look like the stereotypical alien life form we humans imagine? The answer, is probably not. No matter how complex or intelligent the life, it will appear and be built differently depending on the characteristics and aspects of the host planet or moon. So, if we find a planet that has many of the same qualities

and features as our planet, who is to say there couldn’t be life on that planet? Or even life on that planet that looked similar to humans?

In the NPR article titled “Alone Among The Stars, For Now,” author Marcelo Gleiser brings up the issue of other life on other planets in the universe. Gleiser chooses to focus on the fact that

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alien life could be rare, or even nonexistent, and that it is our job to preserve OUR life because as of now, we are all that we KNOW exists. He said that the human race, being the only “intelligent” life on Earth, is unique to the planet and its specifications and classifications. That being said, alien life will most likely not look human whatsoever. Alien life will be built and constructed by the specifications of their home planet, which could mean drastic physical differences and intelligence levels between them and us. The other point Gleiser brings up, which has already been mentioned, is the rarity that could be life throughout the universe. Maybe the only other life in the universe is found trillions and trillions miles away in some distant galaxy in which we would never be able communicate or reach. That being said, our time and resources are at stake. For years and years, we have put money and time and effort into finding alien life… could it all be for nothing?

http:// 2015/01/07/on-theinevitable-scrutiny-ofsnow-aliens/

What To Look For When searching for extraterrestrial life what exactly should we be looking for? Some scientists believe that we should be searching for signs of water, then oxygen, then versions of the plant chemical chlorophyll. They look for these signs because these are the bare minimum requirements needed in order to sustain life for humans on Earth. Water first because it is the staple for any organism on Earth. But

requirements for life throughout the universe could be drastically different from what we know.

Scientist Chris McKay says that “Things are better below the surface.” This means that when looking at planets and moons around Earth, you can’t see any forms of life above ground. McKay believes that there may be signs of life underneath the surface of some planets and moons. Chris McKay also says that we should be looking into the plumes of water vapor coming from planets and moons in the solar system. In the water vapors, different organisms could possibly be living and could give us sufficient evidence of extraterrestrials.

Abduction? Hilary Porter, UK citizen, claims she has been visited and abducted by aliens more times than she can count. She has drawn pictures depicting exactly what the aliens look like in her experiences. Her first account of being abducted goes back to the age of 5 for Mrs. Porter. She says that she was asleep, and then woke up with reptilian looking alien standing in front of her. The alien was described to have “black, scaly skin, a little mouth, and black holes on the nose.” Porter told the public, “It grabbed my arms and pulled me towards a disc in a depression in the field. The next thing I knew, I was in a room with consoles and colored lights and little figures moving around. I was stripped and thrown on to some sort of bed. They took a really horrible, sharp instrument and they were pressing it right the way up my body while I was screaming. I can’t remember anything after that.”

Hilary Porter is one of many who have experienced abduction and visitation. Thanks to her, the world has a better idea of what aliens are and what they look like!

Chapter 5 - Media & Entertainment How do our depictions in movies and literary genres shape our view of aliens? This is a commonly asked question on this subject among peers. Movies such as ET, Space Jam, Independence Day, and Alien show us different versions of artists’ interpretation of aliens. There are many more. In each movie the aliens look different

but have something in common. Each interpretation of an alien is ugly, slimy, almost lizard-like with a green tint. We have no idea if they are real and yet we have an objective view in our heads of what they would look like. No one ever interprets aliens as we see ourselves. We are the center of the universe. We have a hard time seeing anything around us. We have yet to discover any hard evidence of the existence of other lifeforms.

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This universe is vast and infinite, so it is not necessarily impossible for life elsewhere to be existent. Do we have theories? Do we have people searching for answers? Yes, we absolutely do. But will we ever have definite proof? Maybe. This is an inquiry that will never have an answer because in OUR universe, we see to believe. Seeing is how we know for sure that things are real. This ties in perfectly with movies. Videos and film give us this visual idea of aliens that create a permanent image in our head of what we think they may actually look like and live like. Movies allow us to “see to believe.� Unless there is physical proof to any question we may have, we, as humans, tend to keep a flow of doubts from mind to mind. Are there aliens? Do they look like the visual interpretations we are given in media today? Will we ever have answers? While someone sits and watches the movies that influence our thinking about aliens so much, there is someone out there actually researching the facts and making it reality.

There is no canon view on where Aliens come from. Take these three movies you see on the bottom, each one has different images of aliens in them. Each have different shapes, colors, and voices and some with no voices at all. In brief, there's no inuniverse description of where they came from, nor have we seen either their genesis as a biological weapon, or as a naturally evolved species on their own planet. All directors can do is use their best idea and throw on a screen. Rumors have been spread through the word of celebrities and such like Reagan and Spielburg during the screening of E.T. Reagan turned to Spielberg and said, “There are only 6 people in this room who know how close to the truth that movie really is.” But according to Zabel, who had a close business relationship with Spielberg, that rumor comes from only one source. A TV producer who was also at the screening said he heard it personally from Spielberg. But in all these years Spielberg has never corroborated the rumor. Even producers and famous directors don’t know what is up and what is down when it comes to aliens. Only speculations and only movies to entertain and make us wonder.

Chapter 6 - If Aliens Are Not Real… Now say if aliens aren’t real… why in the world do we continue to believe in them?

One reason as to why we made up the idea and continue to believe in extraterrestrial life is the fact that as humans we NEED something to believe in. In comparison, just like Christians believe in Jesus Christ and Rastafarians believe in Jah, many believe that extraterrestrials are the source of creation, evolution, advancement, etc.

http:// aliendebatetopic.weebl

Another possible reason for why we believe in aliens is because of how open the internet world is. It leaves us with so much room to just make stuff, then build your own website and upload it. All you really need is a couple of good pictures and words to make it sound good and believe there will be someone out there who will believe it! Ultimately that leads back to the fact that humans need something to believe in.

If Aliens Don’t Exist… then we are all alone. Should we be more scared that we are alone in the universe or more scared that we may not be? Aliens not existing means we are something special. Aliens not existing means we are given the job to survive and prosper. It means that we are the product of something that we can’t explain. It means that we need to stop fighting and killing our own race because WE MAY BE ALL WE HAVE.

http:// News/News %20Pages/Science/ pages-5/We-may-bealone-in-the-Universeafter-all-or-not-ormaybe-Scrape-TVThe-World-on-yourside-2012-04-29.html http:// my_weblog/2011/07/ are-we-living-in-aholographic-universe-

If Aliens Do Exist… We Are Not Alone.


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