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SESSION THREE arts 120 Panel: Innovations in Foundations Innovations in Foundation Curriculum Leslie Mutchler Assistant professor of art, area head of 2d foundations at the University of Texas at Austin Mutchler’s interests in Foundations derive from the Bauhaus Preliminary Course- and consequently bringing relevance to these ideals. Foundations should be comprised of three equally emphasized components: craft (the teaching of technical proficiency), context (relevant vocabulary and history), and conceptual acuity (art and design as a pursuit of knowledge). For the last forty years many art departments have overlooked the critical potential of Foundations. “I thrive on working with young, fresh talented students that remain open and observant, malleable and motivated” says Mutchler. “I hope to heighten the status of Foundations within the academic world, to bring about the new Bauhaus.”

From 2D to Cross-Disciplinary Space – Revising Beginning Design Eric Zimmerman Assistant professor of art at St. Edward’s university How might two-dimensional design courses better respond to contemporary cross-disciplinary space and student needs? St. Edwards University Art department recently undertook a restructuring of its two-dimensional design course with this question in mind. Emphasizing design process, conceptualization, and the relationship between two, three, and four-dimensional thinking, in a laboratory type studio environment, this restructuring embeds learning hand skills and design principals with reading and discussion. The goal is to provide students with the tools to be both articulate and technically accomplished within a world that is increasingly crossdisciplinary. By providing them with technical skills and theoretical frameworks students are better prepared to engage and make in a variety of fields.


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