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2022 Alice Upcycle Art Prize

Local artists have turned trash into treasure once again for the second Alice Upcycle Art Prize.

This year’s exhibition opened on Friday 17 June at the Rediscovery Centre with beautiful, crazy and humorous sculptures now on show until 3 July. Shannon Richter-Cross walked away from the evening with two awards – first place in the non-welded category for his piece Rare as a Rocking Horse, and second place in the welded category for Twiggy’s Speed Car. Will Ladson made it back to back wins in the AUAP welded category, winning this year’s prize money for his sculpture titled ‘Shelly & Daewoo ‘Bad Dog’. Second place in the non-welded category went to Magdalena Pereyra for Sifin Tomsum, and Sam Mitchell won the Climate Change Award for The Tall Bike. Voting for the People’s Choice Award will be open for the duration of the exhibition, make sure you get down to the Rediscovery Centre on Commonage Road and cast your vote before closing at 2.30pm, Sunday 3 July 2022!