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Chapter 3. Administering Bugzilla Any group having editbugs selected allows users who are in this group to edit all fields of bugs in this product. The MemberControl and OtherControl are used in tandem to determine which bugs will be placed in this group. The only allowable combinations of these two parameters are listed in a table on the "Edit Group Access Controls" page. Consult this table for details on how these fields can be used. Examples of different uses are described below. Common Applications of Group Controls The use of groups is best explained by providing examples that illustrate configurations for common use cases. The examples follow a common syntax: Group: Entry, MemberControl, OtherControl, CanEdit, EditComponents, CanConfirm, EditBugs. Where "Group" is the name of the group being edited for this product. The other fields all correspond to the table on the "Edit Group Access Controls" page. If any of these options are not listed, it means they are not checked. Basic Product/Group Restriction Suppose there is a product called "Bar". The "Bar" product can only have bugs entered against it by users in the group "Foo". Additionally, bugs filed against product "Bar" must stay restricted to users to "Foo" at all times. Furthermore, only members of group "Foo" can edit bugs filed against product "Bar", even if other users could see the bug. This arrangement would achieved by the following: Product Bar: foo: ENTRY, MANDATORY/MANDATORY, CANEDIT

Perhaps such strict restrictions are not needed for product "Bar". A more lenient way to configure product "Bar" and group "Foo" would be: Product Bar: foo: ENTRY, SHOWN/SHOWN, EDITCOMPONENTS, CANCONFIRM, EDITBUGS

The above indicates that for product "Bar", members of group "Foo" can enter bugs. Any one with permission to edit a bug against product "Bar" can put the bug in group "Foo", even if they themselves are not in "Foo". Anyone in group "Foo" can edit all aspects of the components of product "Bar", can confirm bugs against product "Bar", and can edit all fields of any bug against product "Bar". General User Access With Security Group To permit any user to file bugs against "Product A", and to permit any user to submit those bugs into a group called "Security":

Product A: security: SHOWN/SHOWN

General User Access With A Security Product To permit any user to file bugs against product called "Security" while keeping those bugs from becoming visible to anyone outside the group "SecurityWorkers" (unless a member of the "SecurityWorkers" group removes that restriction):


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