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TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEER CDR REPORT SAMPLE This Competency Demonstration Report for Telecommunication Engineer includes all the necessary documents required as per Engineers Australia guidelines, such as Three Career Episodes, Continuing Professional Development and Summary Statement. The contents present in this Telecommunication Engineer CDR Report Sample is as follow:

Telecommunication Engineer Career Episode Report 1

Project Name: Smart Water Billing System In first Career Episode, the author describes his work in the project named “Smart Water Billing System” that happened when he was studying Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication. In this project, the author made a smart water metering and billing communication network to integrate the sensor networks for field devices, with the distributed computer/control system at the utility company. During this project he handle following tasks: 

Analysis of communication systems used in automation of utility billing systems for various services and goods

Design of a smart water system billing network, making all the necessary configurations of the equipment and coding all the network nodes

Simulation of the modeled system using computer platforms for verification of expected performance

Optimization of the system by ensuring accuracy of measurements, automatic transmission of the collected data and information to the central network

Telecommunication Engineer Career Episode Report 2 Project Name: SMS Based Voting System In second Career Episode, the author describes his work in the project named “SMS Based Voting System” that happened while he was doing the Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication. In this project, the author analyzed and flowchart the voting process for automation, carried out an extensive study of modern technologies used in the voting exercises. During this project he handle following tasks: 

Programming all the network devices and configuring the security algorithms for the system devices and circuits.

Configuration of the controller functions and voting application for access and update of the database management system

Hardware components function modeling and circuit layout design for various nodes in the network

Interconnection, interfacing and compatibility testing of the designed system with other networks for quick operations.

Telecommunication Engineer Career Episode Report 3

Project Name: Internet FM Radio System Design In third Career Episode, the author discusses the project titled “Internet FM Radio System Design” that happened when he was working as was working as IP NOC Engineer. In this project, the author explained how he outlined configuration procedures for routers and switches to ensure proper, easy and quick troubleshooting of the equipment by users in case of faults and lowered the cost of radio stations operation and installation. The main objectives of the project were: 

Conceptualization of an FM radio service provision over the internet, illustrating the hardware and software topologies of each device

Analysis of configuration processes for the network nodes using respective software and development boards

Design of the end device for access to the service over the internet, supporting Wi-Fi standards and interconnectivity.

Modeling of the service servers and databases for various radio stations connected to the internet

Telecommunication Engineer Summary Statement

In his summary statement the author presents all the competency elements required according to Engineers Australia guidelines. There are cross references in the summary statement to the relevant paragraph of the episodes, as explained in the Engineers Australia migration skills assessment booklet. His Summary Statement is in complete accordance with the today’s requirements of the Engineers Australia.

Telecommunication Engineer Continuing Professional Development

The CPD includes professional courses, non-professional courses and private study. CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s Telecommunication Engineering Knowledge. Contact WriteCDR at | (+61) 7305-38658 | to get answers to all your queries and doubts regarding CDR writing instantly!

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