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Appendix C Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs* Apéndice C Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos ADJECTIVES AND PRONOUNS (see boxes c-1 and c-2) Adjetivos y Pronombres (vea los cuadros c-1 y c-2) Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. In Spanish, adjectives are placed after the noun. They agree in number and gender with the noun they modify.

ADJECTIVES ENDING IN -O Masculine singular:

Feminine singular:

Masculine plural:

Feminine plural:

The patient is happy. El paciente está contento. (Ehl pah-see-ehn-teh ehs-tah ­kohn-tehn-toh) She is happy. Ella está contenta. (Eh-yah ehs-tah kohn-tehn-tah) They are happy. Ellos están contentos. (Eh-yohs ehs-tahn kohn-tehn-tohs) They are happy. Ellas están contentas. (Eh-yahs ehs-tahn kohn-tehn-tahs)

ADJECTIVES ENDING IN -E Masculine singular:

Feminine singular:

He is sad. El está triste. (Ehl ehs-tah trees-teh) She is sad. Ella está triste. (Eh-yah ehs-tah trees-teh)

*From Joyce EV, Villaneuva ME: Say It in Spanish, ed 2. Saunders, Philadelphia, 2000. 269


Masculine plural:

Feminine plural:

Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

They are sad. Ellos están tristes. (Eh-yohs ehs-tahn trees-tehs) They are sad. Ellas están tristes. (Eh-yahs ehs-tahn trees-tehs)


Feminine singular:

Masculine plural:

Feminine plural:

The procedure is difficult. El procedimiento es difícil. (Ehl proh-seh-dee-mee-ehn-toh ehs ­dee-fee-seel) The measurement is difficult. La medida es difícil. (Lah meh-dee-dah ehs dee-fee-seel) The exams are difficult. Los exámenes son difíciles. (Lohs ehx-ah-meh-nehs sohn ­dee-fee-see-lehs) The measurements are difficult. Las medidas son difíciles. (Lahs meh-dee-dahs sohn dee-fee-see-lehs)

Demonstrative adjectives precede the nouns they modify and agree with them in number and gender. this book este libro (ehs-teh lee-broh) these pens estas plumas (ehs-tahs ploo-mahs) Este (this) refers to what is near or directly concerns me. Esos (those) refers to what is near or directly concerns you. Aquel (that) refers to what is remote to the speaker or the person addressed. This pencil is red. Este lápiz es rojo. (Ehs-teh lah-pees ehs roh-hoh) John, give me that bone. Juan, déme aquel hueso. (Hoo-ahn, deh-meh ah-kehl oo-eh-soh)

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs Apéndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

SOME COMMON LIMITING ADJECTIVES all, everything bad better big (age) first fourth good less little, few more nothing one, a, an small (age, fit)

todo (toh-doh) malo (mah-loh) mejor (meh-hohr) grande (grahn-deh) primero (pree-meh-roh) cuarto (koo-ahr-toh) bueno (boo-eh-noh) menos (meh-nohs) poco (poh-koh) mucho, más (moo-choh, mahs) nada (nah-dah) un (oon) pequeño/chico (peh-keh-nyoh/chee-koh)



Singular el mío, la mía (ehl mee-oh, lah mee-ah) el tuyo, la tuya (ehl too-yoh, lah too-yah)

Plural los míos, las mías (lohs mee-ohs, lahs ­mee-ahs) los tuyos, las tuyas (lohs too-yohs, lahs ­too-yahs)



his, hers, theirs ours

Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

Singular Plural el suyo, la suya los suyos, las suyas (ehl soo-yoh, lah soo-yah) (lohs soo-yohs, lahs ­soo-yahs) el nuestro, la nuestra los nuestros, las nuestras (ehl noo-ehs-troh, lah (lohs noo-ehs-trohs, lahs noo-ehs-trah) ehs-trahs)

Possessive pronouns are formed by the definite article + the long form of the possessive adjective. My nose is prettier than Mi nariz es más bonita que la tuya. yours. (Mee nah-rees ehs mahs boh-nee-tah keh lah too-yah) After the verb ser, the article preceding the possessive pronoun is generally omitted. The bones are mine. Los huesos son míos. (Lohs oo-eh-sohs sohn mee-ohs) That gown is yours. Aquella bata es suya. (Ah-keh-yah bah-tah ehs soo-yah) These books are mine. Estos libros son míos. (Ehs-tohs lee-brohs sohn mee-ohs) Possession is expressed by de + the possessor. This corresponds to ‘s or s’ in English. his pens and yours sus plumas y las de usted (soos ploo-mahs ee lahs deh ­oos-tehd) Martin’s pencil el lápiz de Martín (ehl lah-pees deh Mahr-teen) my book and Louisa’s mi libro y el de Luisa (mee lee-broh ee ehl deh ­Loo-ee-sah) our patient nuestro paciente (noo-ehs-troh pah-see-ehn-teh) her rings sus anillos (soos ah-nee-yohs) a friend of theirs un amigo de ellos (oon ah-mee-goh deh eh-yohs)

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs Apéndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos


WHOSE? The interrogative pronoun whose? is expressed in Spanish by ¿de quién es? Whose pen is it? ¿De quién es la pluma? (Deh kee-ehn ehs lah ploo-mah) It belongs to the doctor. Es del doctor. (Ehs dehl dohk-tohr) Whose card is it? ¿De quién es la tarjeta? (Deh kee-ehn ehs lah tahr-heh-tah) Mr. García’s. Del señor García. (Dehl seh-nyohr Gahr-see-ah) Whose x-rays are these? ¿De quién son estas radiografías? (Deh kee-ehn sohn ehs-tahs ­rah-dee-oh-grah-fee-ahs) They are Mrs. Luna’s. Son de la señora Luna. (Sohn deh lah seh-nyoh-rah Loo-nah)

SOME COMMON PREPOSITIONS about according after against among, between around before behind

acerca de (ah-sehr-kah deh) según (seh-goon) después de (dehs-poo-ehs deh) contra (kohn-trah) entre (ehn-treh) alrededor de (ahl-reh-deh-dohr deh) antes de (ahn-tehs deh) detrás de (deh-trahs deh)


Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

beneath, under

debajo de (deh-bah-hoh deh) ademรกs de (ah-deh-mahs deh) durante (doo-rahn-teh) lejos de (leh-hohs deh) para (pah-rah) por (pohr) de (deh) en (ehn) enfrente de (ehn-frehn-teh deh) delante de (deh-lahn-teh deh) cerca de (sehr-kah deh) fuera de (foo-eh-rah deh) sobre (soh-breh) desde (dehs-deh) a (ah) hacia (ah-see-ah) hasta (ahs-tah) con (kohn) dentro de (dehn-troh deh)

beside during far for for, by, therefore from, of in, or in front of in front of near outside of over, above since to, at toward until with within

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs Apéndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

Box C-1

Cuadro C-1

Adjective this these that those that those

Feminine esta (ehs-tah) estas (ehs-tahs) esa (eh-sah) esas (eh-sahs) aquella (ah-keh-yah) aquellas (ah-keh-yahs)

Feminine and Masculine Adjectives


Adjetivos Femeninos y Masculinos Masculine este (ehs-teh) estos (ehs-tohs) ese (eh-seh) esos (eh-sohs) aquel (ah-kehl) aquellos (ah-kehyohs)

Box C-2

Cuadro C-2

Singular I   yo   (yoh)

Plural we (masculine) nosotros (noh-soh-trohs) we (feminine) nosotras (noh-soh-trahs) you vosotros/as (boh-soh-trohs/ahs) you ustedes (oos-teh-dehs) they (masculine) ellos (eh-yohs) they (feminine) ellas (eh-yahs)

Personal Pronouns

you (familiar)   tú   (too) you (formal)   usted   (oos-tehd) he   él   (ehl) she   ella   (eh-yah)

Pronombres Personales


Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

VERBS Verbos Verbs are to a sentence what the spinal cord is to the body. Verbs give structure to a sentence because they tell us what is being done and when it is being done: for example, I talk to the nurse (present), I talked to the nurse (past), I will talk to the nurse (future). Los verbos son para una oración lo que la espina dorsal es para el cuerpo. Los verbos dan estructura a una oración al indicar qué es lo que se está haciendo y cuándo se está haciendo, por ejemplo: Yo hablo con la enfermera (presente), Yo hablé con la enfermera (pasado), Yo hablaré con la enfermera (futuro). Regular verbs end in -ar, -er, or -ir in Spanish. They are easy to conjugate because you usually take the stem of the verb and add the endings: o, as, a, amos, an. (See Box C-3) Los verbos regulares tienen la terminación -ar, -er, o -ir en español. Son fáciles de conjugar ya que usualmente se toma la raíz del verbo y se le agrega la terminación: o, as, a, amos, -an. (Vea el Cuadro C-3) to auscultate to be born to become ill to bring near to call to die to eat to examine to get better

auscultar (ah-oos-kool-tahr) nacer (nah-sehr) enfermarse (ehn-fehr-mahr-seh) acercar (ah-sehr-kahr) llamar (yah-mahr) morir (moh-reer) comer (koh-mehr) examinar (ehx-ah-mee-nahr) mejorar (meh-hoh-rahr)

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs Apéndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

to heal to hear to hurt to leave (behind) to listen to live to name to operate to palpate to revise to see to vomit to agree to bore to come to deserve to finish to go out to let go

sanar (sah-nahr) oír (oh-eer) doler (doh-lehr) dejar (deh-hahr) escuchar (ehs-koo-chahr) vivir (bee-beer) nombrar (nohm-brahr) operar (oh-peh-rahr) palpar (pahl-pahr) revisar (reh-bee-sahr) ver (behr) vomitar (boh-mee-tahr) acordar (ah-kohr-dahr) aburrir (ah-boo-reer) venir (beh-neer) merecer (meh-reh-sehr) acabar (ah-kah-bahr) salir (sah-leer) soltar (sohl-tahr)



Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

to need

necesitar (neh-seh-see-tahr) alcanzar (ahl-kahn-sahr) quedar (keh-dahr) parar (pah-rahr) sacar (sah-kahr) caminar (kah-mee-nahr)

to reach to remain to stop to take out to walk

Personal pronouns designate who is performing the action. Many times it is not necessary to include the personal pronouns when conjugating a verb or using it in a sentence. Los pronombres personales designan a las personas que hacen la acci贸n. Muchas veces no es necesario incluir los pronombres personales al conjugar verbos o al usarlos en una oraci贸n.

PERSONAL PRONOUNS I you (informal) he/she/you (formal) we they/you (plural) To Feel I feel you feel

yo (yoh) t煤 (too) 茅l/ella/usted (ehl/eh-yah/oos-tehd) nosotros (noh-soh-trohs) ellos/ellas/ustedes (eh-yohs/eh-yahs/oos-teh-dehs) Sentir (Sehn-Teer) siento (see-ehn-toh) sientes (see-ehn-tehs)

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs Apéndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

he/she feels; you feel we feel they feel

To Sit Down I sit you sit he/she sits; you sit we sit they sit

siente (see-ehn-teh) sentimos (sehn-tee-mohs) sienten (see-ehn-tehn) Sentarse (Sehn-Tahr-Seh) me siento (meh see-ehn-toh) te sientas (teh see-ehn-tahs) se sienta (seh see-ehn-tah) nos sentamos (nohs sehn-tah-mohs) se sientan (seh see-ehn-tahn)

reflexive PRONOUNS The reflexive pronouns change the verb’s action. Los pronombres reflexivos cambian la acción del verbo. Mover (To Move) Action on Self yo me muevo (yoh meh moo-eh-boh) tú te mueves (too teh moo-eh-behs) él/ella se mueve (ehl/eh-yah seh moo-eh-beh) nosotros nos movemos (noh-soh-trohs nohs moh-behmohs) ellos/ellas se mueven (eh-yohs/eh-yahs seh moo-eh-behn)

Action on Object yo muevo (yoh moo-eh-boh) tú mueves (too moo-eh-behs) él/ella mueve (ehl/eh-yah moo-eh-beh) nosotros movemos (noh-soh-trohs moh-behmohs) ellos/ellas mueven (eh-yohs/eh-yahs moo-ehbehn)



to advise to ask to bathe to be afraid to believe to boil to break to build to carry to change to clean to communicate to complain to conduct to confuse to cook to cover to cry to cut

Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

aconsejar (ah-kohn-seh-hahr) preguntar (preh-goon-tahr) ba単ar (bah-nyahr) temer (teh-mehr) creer (kreh-ehr) hervir (ehr-beer) romper (rohm-pehr) construir (kohns-troo-eer) llevar (yeh-bahr) cambiar (kahm-bee-ahr) limpiar (leem-pee-ahr) comunicar (koh-moo-nee-kahr) quejar (keh-hahr) conducir (kohn-doo-seer) confundir (kohn-foon-deer) cocinar (koh-see-nahr) cubrir (koo-breer) llorar (yoh-rahr) cortar (kohr-tahr)

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs ApÊndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

to deny to destroy to disappear to discover, find to do/make to drink to eat breakfast to embrace to employ to feel to fill to find to fix to fly to get up, raise to give to go to go to bed, lie down to have

negar (neh-gahr) destruir (dehs-troo-eer) desaparecer (deh-sah-pah-reh-sehr) descubrir (dehs-koo-breer) hacer (ah-sehr) beber (beh-behr) desayunar (deh-sah-yoo-nahr) abrazar (ah-brah-sahr) emplear (ehm-pleh-ahr) sentir (sehn-teer) llenar (yeh-nahr) hallar (ah-yahr) componer (kohm-poh-nehr) volar (boh-lahr) levantar (leh-bahn-tahr) dar (dahr) ir (eer) acostarse (ah-kohs-tahr-seh) haber (ah-behr)



to hunt to joke, kid to jump to kiss to know to lose to marry to paint to point to promise to receive to recognize to remember to respond to return to scream to see to sell to serve

Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

cazar (kah-sahr) bromear (broh-meh-ahr) saltar (sahl-tahr) besar (beh-sahr) conocer (koh-noh-sehr) perder (pehr-dehr) casar (kah-sahr) pintar (peen-tahr) se単alar (seh-nyah-lahr) prometer (proh-meh-tehr) recibir (reh-see-beer) reconocer (reh-koh-noh-sehr) recordar (reh-kohr-dahr) responder (rehs-pohn-dehr) regresar/volver (reh-greh-sahr/bohl-behr) gritar (gree-tahr) ver (behr) vender (behn-dehr) servir (sehr-beer)

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs Apéndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

to shake to sit to sleep to speak to start to step to suffer to take to thank for to try to turn to turn off to want to wash to wish to work to accept to activate to administer

temblar (tehm-blahr) sentar (sehn-tahr) dormir (dohr-meer) hablar (ah-blahr) comenzar (koh-mehn-sahr) pisar (pee-sahr) sufrir (soo-freer) tomar (toh-mahr) agradecer (ah-grah-deh-sehr) tratar (trah-tahr) voltear (bohl-teh-ahr) apagar (ah-pah-gahr) querer (keh-rehr) lavar (lah-bahr) desear (deh-seh-ahr) trabajar (trah-bah-hahr) aceptar (ah-sehp-tahr) activar (ahk-tee-bahr) administrar (ahd-mee-nees-trahr)



to authorize to beat, knock to bleed to conserve to control to evaluate to hit to inform to interpret to present to protect to provoke to reduce to revise to select to separate to suspend to write

Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

autorizar (ah-oo-toh-ree-sahr) golpear (gohl-peh-ahr) sangrar (sahn-grahr) conservar (kohn-sehr-bahr) controlar (kohn-troh-lahr) evaluar (eh-bah-loo-ahr) pegar (peh-gahr) informar (een-fohr-mahr) interpretar (een-tehr-preh-tahr) presentar (preh-sehn-tahr) proteger (proh-teh-hehr) provocar (proh-boh-kahr) reducir (reh-doo-seer) revisar (reh-bee-sahr) seleccionar (seh-lehk-see-oh-nahr) separar (seh-pah-rahr) suspender (soos-pehn-dehr) escribir (ehs-kree-beer)

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs Apéndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos


The verbs ser and estar both translate in English as to be, but they are not interchangeable. Both are irregular in the present and the past tense. (See Boxes C-4 and C-5) Los verbos ser y estar se traducen al inglés to be, pero no son intercambiables. Los dos verbos son irregulares en el tiempo ­presente y en el pasado. (Vea los Cuadros C-4 y C-5)

I am you are

he/she/it is



yo soy (yo soh-ee) usted es/tú eres (oos-tehd ehs-too eh-rehs) él/ella/eso es (ehl/eh-yah/eh-soh ehs)

yo estoy (yoh ehs-tohy) usted está/tú estás (oos-tehd ehs-tah/ too ehs-tahs) él/ella/eso está (ehl/eh-yah/eh-soh ehs-tah) nosotros estamos (noh-soh-trohs ehs-tah-mohs) ellos/ellas están (eh-yohs/eh-yahs ehs-tahn)

we are

nosotros somos (noh-soh-trohs soh-mohs)

they are

ellos/ellas son (eh-yohs/eh-yahs sohn)

USES OF SER Ser expresses a relatively permanent quality. age: You are old. Usted es viejo. characteristic: The snow is cold. La nieve es fría. color: The urine is yellow. La orina es amarilla. shape: The glass is round. El vaso es redondo. size: You are tall. Usted es alto. possession: The pencil is mine. El lápiz es mío. wealth: The man is rich. El hombre es rico. Ser is used with predicate nouns, pronouns, or adjectives. He is a dentist. El es dentista Who am I? ¿Quién soy yo? We are Protestant. Nosotros somos protestantes.


Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

Ser indicates material, origin, or ownership. material: The needle is metal. La aguja es de metal. origin: The doctor is from Texas. El doctor es de Tejas. ownership: The dentures are mine. Las dentaduras son mías. Ser tells time. It is one o’clock. It is 10 o’clock.

Es la una. Son las diez.

USES OF ESTAR Estar expresses location (permanent and temporary). Dallas is in Texas. Dallas está en Tejas. I am in the room. Yo estoy en el cuarto. Estar expresses status of health. How are you? ¿Cómo está usted? I am fine. Estoy bien. We are sick. Estamos enfermos. Estar expresses a temporary characteristic or quality. He is nervous. El está nervioso. I am ready. Estoy lista. You are far away. Usted está lejos.

Box C-3

Cuadro C-3

Regular Verb Regular Verb to live vivir (bee beer)

Verbo Stem vivvivviv-

Endings o es e





Persons yo vivo (yoh bee-boh) tú vives (too bee-behs) el/ella vive (ehl/eh-yah bee-beh) nosotros vivimos (nohsoh-trohs bee-beemohs) ellos/ellas viven (eh-yohs/ eh-yahs bee-behn)

Appendix C  Adjectives, Pronouns, and Verbs Apéndice C  Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

Box C-4

Cuadro C-4

Verb: to eat Present Tense I eat you eat he/she eats we eat

comer Tiempo Presente yo como tú comes él/ella come nosotros comemos

they eat

ellos/ellas comen

Present and Past Tense

Tiempo Presente y Pasado

Past Tense

Tiempo Pasado

I ate you ate he/she ate we ate

yo comí tú comiste él/ella comió nosotros comimos

they ate

ellos/ellas comie­ron

(koh-mehr) (yoh koh-moh) (too koh-mehs) (ehl/eh-yah koh-meh) (noh-soh-trohs koh-mehmos) (eh-yohs/eh-yahs kohmehn)

(yoh koh-mee) (too koh-mees-teh) (ehl/eh-yah koh-mee-oh) (noh-soh-trohs cohmee-mohs) (eh-yohs/eh-yahs kohmee-eh-rohn)

Box C-5

Cuadro C-5

Verb: to speak Present Tense speak I speak you speak he/she speaks

Tiempo Presente hablar yo hablo tú hablas él/ella habla

we speak

nosotros hablamos

they speak

ellos/ellas hablan

Past Tense I spoke

Tiempo Pasado yo hablé

Verb Tenses


Tiempo de los Verbos

(ah-blahr) (yoh ah-bloh) (too ah-blahs) (ehl/eh-yah ah-blah) (noh-soh-trohs ah-blah-mohs) (eh-yohs/eh-yahs ah-blahn) (yoh ah-bleh) (Continued)


Spanish Terminology for the Dental Team Adjetivos, Pronombres y Verbos

Box C-5

Cuadro C-5

you spoke he/she spoke

tú hablaste él/ella habló

we spoke

nosotros hablamos

they spoke

ellos/ellas hablaron

Future Tense I will speak you will speak he/she will speak

Tiempo Future yo hablaré tú hablarás él/ella hablará

we will speak

nosotros hablaremos

they will speak

ellos/ellas hablarán

Verb Tenses—cont’d

Tiempo de los Verbos—continuación (too ah-blahs-teh) (ehl/eh-yah ah-bloh) (noh-soh-trohs ah-blah-mohs) (eh-yohs/eh-yahs ah-blah-rohn) (yoh ah-blah-reh) (too ah-blah-rahs) (ehl/eh-yah ah-blah-rah) (noh-soh-trohs ah-blah-rehmohs) (eh-yohs/eh-yahs ah-blah-rahn)

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