5 Popular Grappling Arts

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Martial Art Sydney | 5 Popular Grappling Arts Grappling is a general term that covers variety of techniques used in many disciplines and styles in martial art Sydney that are practiced for both combat sport and self-defense. It is applied to an opponent to gain physical advantage against the opponent. Martial arts have many types but not all of the combative sports have the properties to be called as grappling fighting technique. Although, there are the 5 most popular grappling martial art: Brazilian Jiu Jutsu, Judo, Sambo, Shootfighting and Wrestling. Taekwondo Sydney is a leading martial art Sydney academy that offers martial arts classes. Although our classes are only a selection of the leading martial art techniques, we still guarantee that you learn a lot of different fighting styles and techniques. Also, our academy has a very spacious training area where you can enjoy your martial arts training. It is a safe and progressive environment which makes learning a lot of fun. If you want to learn the grappling techniques, you should start with the 5 most popular grappling martial arts.

Here are the 5 Popular Grappling Martial Art Sydney Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 

The basic strategy of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is to mount or submit the opponent. A practitioner of brazilian jiu Jutsu should always be conditioned aerobically to be able to endure a long fight and of course muscular to prevent build up of lactic acid in the muscles when clinching. He should also be generally patient.

Judo 

The strength of judo includes throws, chokes and joint locks. The basic strategy for this martial art Sydney revolves around throwing the opponent to earn points during the competition and if possible, will make the opponent submit.

Sambo 

These martial arts usually require a strong and tough practitioner. The techniques mostly rely on lock then throw strategy. Defeating the opponent is almost like judo, via takedowns and submission.

Shootfighting 

A shootfighter should always be conditioned, knowledgeable about the techniques and can think for fast solutions. The basic strategy for this martial art is to straighten a limb and lock it. However, there are rules surrounding shootfighting and one is the prohibition of closed-handstrikes to the face. Another disadvantage of shootfighting is the use of ropes during competition to escape from a sticky situation.

Wrestling 

Wrestling is not like the one you see on television show for entertainment. Wrestling is actually a tougher martial art Sydney which revolves around crushing the opponent especially for professionals. The sport wrestlers may lack finishing strikes and good strikes as well. A good strategy for wrestling is to tire the opponent before making him submit.

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