Light and Darkness and their coexistance

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The placing of a historic trough, spanning two of the steps, additionally contributes to the effect of this detail upon the surrounding spaces.





On the other hand, materiality is used very differently to suggest modernity and to address the visitor in the rethinking of the building[Fig.18], with the introduction of a particular staircase and its characteristics. A famous statue of Mastino II [Fig.19] had to be reintroduced into the building and many proposals had been made. One of which was to suspend the statue from the ceiling in the central void of the clock Tower, through a structure of beams embedded steel on three sides of the .In the next phase of the project though, additional factors led to restudy the approved solution: the suspension of the statue in the vacuum of the tower would, in fact, generated indirectly side effects of backlighting making it difficult to read the environment The total detachment from location of the interior walkways would, also complicated any future maintenance of the statue if not the cost of expensive scaffolding system. The final solution presupposes a courageous choice to propose a new plan within the Clock Tower, an integral part of the future exhibition that allows a new and tighter relationship between the visitor and the statue, ensuring, at the same time, readability and easy maintainability. The articulate evolution of the project was to use metal components in Corten steel, folded, cut and modelled in the service of the new structures. Highest expression in the realization connection with the above technical areas of the tower, a ladder in steel bands corten that lightened by meanings closely with functional connotes geometries suspended the new architecture the exhibition space of the equestrian statue. It becomes more evident here, the material compatibility of corten linked to changing its colour surface, that will continue its discrete transformation over time. Materiality then becomes of higher importance in this case, as a way to find its meaning revealed by daylight,Scarpa had in mind every single play the texture and shape could create, And its important interrelationship with the statue, and the shadows it creates on it. The lighting effect created in fact, are of crucial importance. The hours of the day, seasons and the changing mood of time itself would never permit the statue to be immersed twice in the same light.


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