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FIGURE 5-2 Your mouse indicates that text is ready to be placed in the master-based text frame.

Insert Text on a Page

All you have to do, as shown in Figure 5-2, is click inside the desired starting page after issuing the File | Place command and selecting the text to place. Figure 5-3 shows the Place dialog box, which appears after you select File | Place. Through it, you’ll choose which text file to place in your document.

Want to learn more about creating, editing, and applying master pages? Check out Chapter 3.

Tip If you didn’t create the document, how can you tell if a master text frame is in use? The Pages palette lets you know quite easily, as shown in Figure 5-4. The Master Page icons (in the top section of the Pages palette) will have a tiny dashed border on them, indicating the presence of the frame.


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