ASGL Yearbook

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Shuffling Sensation By Cassandra Garnica

Shuffling has become one of the most popular dances in the world...

don’t think anyone would forget about it that easily,” sophomore David Garcia said. Garcia agrees that shuffling should be considered as a dance just like the majority of the people think it should be. I personally agree that shuffling is good but at times it could get a little annoying and disturbing just because of its popularity. Many people try to imitate this dance simply because others do it. For a dancer, music and every time they do a move for any type of dance, they first think of what they want to show and project with their dance.

Many teenagers today practice shuffling and create new moves everyday. This new dance consists of dancing with the beat of techno music and creating your own style. This new dancing style was first introduced in the 1800’s by a Melbourne underground dance club in Ireland. During the 1800’s it was called shuffling; in the 1900’s though, it adapted a new name which is the Melbourne Shuffling. This dance consists of picking up one leg at a time and sliding back like walk-man together with a series of movements and tricks that make the dance fun. Shuffling is not only good PhotoIllustration By: Cassandra Garnica for personal work out but also helps “I like this new dance. you use creativity when creating new Its like you can use the styles. Although shuffling might be whole stage to perform a new tool to experience for dancers, there are others and it’s also very creative,” sophomore Tamannah who discard it as a dance but more of an annoying ilHarooni said. logical dancing style. Many students are very enthusiastic about this The question that has arisen around the world dance but the question, should shuffling be considered is: Should this dance be considered as a cultural as a cultural dance? Or should it be just be left as a dance? People have different opinions and points of dance and nothing else? As for now the question will view about this issue, which is what makes it interest- remain blank, but will most likely be answered as time ing to discuss and analyze. goes by. ”New people started shuffling. I


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