Colca, Paraiso Profundo

Page 14

Amor por nuestra tierra

Love for our land

Hay miles de formas y palabras para expresar la belleza de un pueblo, pero me he convencido que una fotografía salida de la cámara de mi amigo “Charly”, James Posso Sánchez, lo expresa mejor y nos hace entender que vivimos en un pueblo privilegiado.

There are thousands of ways and words to express the beauty of a town, but I have become convinced that it is a photograph that came from the camera of my friend “Charly”, better known as James Posso Sánchez, which best expresses this idea, and which helps us to recognize that we occupy a privileged location.

Con James me une una ya antigua amistad consolidada desde aquel recibimiento que nos hizo en el pueblo de Cotahuasi, cuando venía realizando una caminata de reconocimiento por todos los pueblos de la Región Arequipa, acompañado de un grupo de técnicos. Llegamos arreando nuestra recua de llamas, que nos aliviaba en el transporte de nuestros enseres. Seguramente James debe conservar alguna de esas fotografías.

With James I have enjoyed a long, rewarding friendship that was deepened from the moment when he received us in the village of Cotahuasi, when we were making a reconnaissance trip through all the villages of the Arequipa region, accompanied by a multidisciplinary team. We arrived with our train of llamas, which had been helping to haul some of our gear, and I am certain that James must still have some of those photographs.

El presente material pretende expresar al mundo entero nuestra historia, nuestro pensamiento, nuestro sentimiento, nuestra forma de vida, nuestra cultura. Tal vez una de mis mayores virtudes sea mi amor profundo a nuestras culturas, a su gente.

The aim of this publication is to showcase before the entire world our history, our way of thinking, our feelings, our way of life, our culture. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of my character is the deep love I possess for our culture, for our people.


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