Manager Watch™ Annual Survey

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Manager Watch™ Annual Survey Empowering financial futures: Innovations in South African finance, retirement security, and investor education December 2023 Survey of Retirement Fund Investment Managers
Section One 2 The Alexforbes survey team come out on top for the fifth time in a row! 5 Introduction 6 History of Alexforbes performance surveys 7 Survey changes 2023 8 Alexforbes Assets under Management (AuM) review 10 Market indices and statistics as at 31 December 2023 15 The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in investment decisions and operations among asset managers in South Africa – a survey 16 The two-pot system: A significant enhancement for retirement fund members 20 Section Two 24 Survey information 26 How investment managers performed in 2023 28 Market and economic overview – 2023 34 Building financial wisdom: The converging paths of asset management and academia in South Africa 38 Bringing balance back to business: The sustainability imperative 40 SA Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View 44 Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Dynamic 47 Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View 50 Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Conservative 54 SA Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View Risk 58 Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Dynamic Risk 59 Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View Risk 60 Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Conservative Risk 61 SA and Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Volatility vs Return 62 Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Conservative and Dynamic – Volatility vs Return 63 Global and SA Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Asset Allocation 64 Composite Dispersion of SA Balanced Manager Watch™ Managers 66 Composite Dispersion of Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Managers 67 Section Three 68 SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey 70 SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey Composite Dispersion 88 SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey 90 SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey Composite Dispersion 101 SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey 103 SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey Composite Dispersion 109 Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey 110 Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey Composite Dispersion 118 Targeted Development Investments Manager Watch™ Survey 120 Fund of Hedge Funds Manager Watch™ Survey 123 SA Property Manager Watch™ Survey 125 SA Property Manager Watch™ Survey Composite Dispersion 128 Multi-Manager Watch™ (Balanced) Survey 129 Multi-Manager Watch™ (Specialist) Survey 135 SA Medical Aid Manager Watch™ Survey 141 BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Performance Figures 143 BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Empowerment Details 150 LDI Manager Watch™ Survey 152 Shari’ah Manager Watch™ Survey 158 International Manager Watch™ Survey 163 Namibia Manager Watch™ Survey 174 Africa Manager Watch™ Survey 179 2024 Investment outlook 182 Data analytics for better retirement outcomes in South Africa 188 Talent challenges in asset management evolve 192 Section Four 196 Fees 198 Section Five 202 Investment Survey Glossary 204 Section Six 212 Directory of asset managers who have a presence in South Africa 214 1 Manager Watch™ Survey
survey overview 1 Section 1 2
Section 1 3
MAKE YOUR RETIREMENT A REWARD, NOT A PUNISHMENT. Deeply entrenched in our investment philosophy is a steadfast commitment to not only growing our clients' money in the most responsible way possible but also to transforming the asset management industry. Visit our website to find out more about our wide-range of funds to suit your specific risk and return objectives. Sentio Capital Management (Pty) Ltd is an authorised Cat II and IIA FSP (No.33843) and a Level 1 Contributor to B-BBEE.

Alexforbes wins best Investment Survey Provider at 2023 Africa Global Funds Service Providers Awards for the fifth time in a row

For the fifth consecutive year, the Alexforbes survey team was voted the winner in the Best Investment Survey Provider in Africa category at the 2023 New York-based Africa Global Funds (AFG) Service Providers Awards held on 1 November 2023.

Now in their eighth year, the AGF Service Providers Awards recognise and reward companies that excel at providing services to the African asset management industry.

Alexforbes delivers employee benefit solutions (investments, health, wealth and career) to clients throughout Africa. The key mechanism to building a future that delivers growth and sustainability for our clients, is the ongoing fulfilment of our core purpose of pioneering insights to deliver advice and solutions that impact people’s lives.

The Alexforbes Manager WatchTM surveys showcase the performance and risk statistics of institutional fund managers in South Africa and have been published since 1994. Not only does Alexforbes pride itself in providing clients with a specialised range of analytical solutions, but we are also the only investment survey provider in South Africa that publishes a survey for all the major asset classes.

Reflecting on this achievement, Don Andrews, head of the Alexforbes survey team, remarked, "Winning the 'Best Investment Survey Provider in Africa' award for the fifth year in a row is a big achievement for us. It affirms our relentless pursuit of excellence and transparency in the asset management industry in South Africa. This award bears testimony to the continuous commitment of Alexforbes, and the survey team’s disciplined approach, to provide best-class service to our clients and stakeholders.”

Section 1 5


The Manager Watch™ Survey of Retirement Fund Investment Managers is an annual survey that showcases the performance of institutional fund managers in South Africa and has been published since 1994.

The Structure of the Retirement Fund Survey

This edition includes 28 surveys with 87 managers and 749 strategies covering the following:

• 13 balanced surveys

• 14 specialist surveys, and the

• Multi-manager survey.

The following surveys are included:

• SA Large Manager WatchTM Survey

• SA Manager WatchTM Survey – Best Investment View

• SA Manager WatchTM Survey – Conservative

• Global Large Manager WatchTM Survey

• Global Manager WatchTM Survey – Best Investment View

• Global Manager WatchTM Survey – Conservative

• Global Manager WatchTM Survey – Dynamic

• Absolute Return Manager WatchTM Survey

• Africa Manager WatchTM Survey

• BEE Manager WatchTM Survey

• Bond Manager WatchTM Survey

• Decathlon Manager WatchTM Survey

• Equity Manager WatchTM Survey

• Fund of Hedge Funds Manager WatchTM Survey

• International Manager WatchTM Survey

• LDI Manager WatchTM Survey

• Medical-Aid Manager WatchTM Survey

• Money Market Manager WatchTM Survey

• Multi - Manager WatchTM Survey

• Namibia Manager WatchTM Survey

• Property Manager WatchTM Survey

• Shari’ah Manager WatchTM Survey

• Targeted Development Investment (TDI) Manager WatchTM Survey

In this year’s publication, we explore a few key pillars of financial well-being in South Africa. Our primary articles examines the use of data analytics to enhance retirement outcomes, the integration of AI in asset management in South Africa, and the role of companies and investors in shaping a future that balances ambition with pragmatism. We also emphasize the importance of financial education as a foundation for success.

Featured articles:

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in investment decisions by Don Andrews: A survey examining the adoption of AI and machine learning by South African asset managers, aiming to enhance investment strategies.

The importance of financial education by Valdon Theron: An exploration of the roles asset managers and academia play in promoting financial literacy among clients and students, offering insights for improving financial understanding.

Two-pot system: A significant enhancement for retirement fund members by Nakita Adjodia: Discusses how the two-pot system can revolutionize retirement savings, allowing for personalized financial management.

Talent challenges in asset management evolve by Muitheri Wahome: Analyzes the movement of top talent within the financial services sector, highlighting the challenges companies face in attracting and retaining skilled staff.

Bringing balance back to business: The sustainable imperative by Premal Ranchod: Investigates the crucial balance between ambition and sustainability, emphasizing the role of companies and investors in achieving a sustainable future.

Harnessing data analytics for improved retirement outcomes by John Anderson and Viresh Maharaj: This piece outlines the transformative potential of data analytics in revolutionizing retirement planning, as presented at the International Conference of Actuaries.

This year's publication underscores the importance of embracing technology, education, and sustainability to navigate the complexities of financial well-being in South Africa. These articles collectively offer a roadmap for achieving financial success and sustainability, marking a significant step forward in the journey towards a more informed and balanced financial landscape in South Africa.

A glossary of commonly used investment terms is included in Section 5, while Section 6 features a directory of South African asset managers.

our Manager Watch™ series of surveys here. Section 1 6

History of Alexforbes Performance Surveys


Manager Watch™ Performance-Only Survey – a market first!


Enhancements post-1998

• Risk profiling

• SA-only and Global-only portfolios

• Benchmark returns

• Risk-adjusted measures

• Manager Watch™

• Survey revamped

• Participation criteria set

• Large Manager Watch™

• Launched June 1998

• Top 10 active balanced managers


Absolute Return Survey

2002 Money Market Survey

• RDP Survey (later renamed Targeted Development Investments Survey)

Specialist Equity Survey


Surveys Revamped


Survey Rules

Survey Standardisation

Project Property Survey

November 2023

April 2024

2010 BEE Survey
2016 Survey Rules Updated, New LMW Definition 2021 Africa Global Fund Award winner
Retail Surveys (Phase 1) 2003 Specialist Bond Survey 2012 LDI Survey 2017 New Survey Technology 2022 Decathlon Survey Launch 2004 Hedge FOF Survey 2013 Formalised Survey Governance 2018 Shar'iah Survey 2022 Africa Global Fund Award winner 2006
International Survey 2014 Equity Funds Analysis 2019 Africa Global Fund Award winner 2023
Re-introduce the Custodian Survey
Medical Aid Survey
Africa Global Fund Award winner 2020
Africa Survey
Section 1 7
• Africa Global Fund Award winner

Survey changes 2023

Global Manager Watch™ Survey – Conservative

Global Large Manager Watch™ Survey

Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey

Absa Global Balanced

10X Your Future Fund

Abax Balanced Fund

Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund

Sanlam Wealth Creation

Prescient Defensive Composite

Absa Global Balanced *

Africa Manager WatchTM Survey

BEE Manager WatchTM Survey

Absa Asset Management Africa Equity

Absa Asset Management Africa Equity – UCITS

Afena Capital Core Equity CAPI

Afena Capital Moderate Equity CAPPED SWIX

Afena Capital SA Money Market

ALUWANI Core Capi Equity

VFM SA Balanced Fund

Old Mutual African Frontiers Flexible Income Fund

Absa Asset Management Bond Fund

Absa Asset Management Money Market

ALUWANI Active ILB fund

ALUWANI Core Capi Equity

Balondolozi Active Equity Fund

Futuregrowth 180-Day Enhanced Money

Market Composite

Futuregrowth Core Bond Composite

Futuregrowth Core ILB Fund

Futuregrowth Listed YE Bond Fund

Futuregrowth Core Money Market


Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced

Mazi Capi Composite

OMIG Balanced Portfolio

OMIG Capital Builder

OMIG Edge28 Portfolio

OMIG Fundamental Equity

OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio

OMIG Premium Equity

OMIG Profile Capital

OMIG Stable Growth

OMIG Wealth Defender

Prowess ILB Fund

Prowess Money Market Fund

SIM Inflation Linked Bond fund

Sanlam Accumulation Fund

Sanlam Wealth Creation

SIM Aggressive Equity Fund

SIM Cash Enhanced Fund

SIM Cash Fund

SIM CPI + 5%

SIM CPI + 6%

SIM CPI + 6% Global

SMM Cautious Absolute Fund

SMM Moderate Absolute Fund

* No changes

* *
* *
* *
Survey Exits Entries SA Manager WatchTM Survey – Best Investment
Balanced Fund
Domestic Managed SA Manager WatchTM Survey
SA Large Manager WatchTM Survey
Global Manager Watch™ Survey –Dynamic
Global Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View
Global CPI +4% VFM
Absa Asset Management Absolute CPI +3% SIM CPI+4% Global Absa Asset Management Absolute Domestic
VFM Global Target Return
Absa Asset Management Absolute
Domestic Target Return
Mergence Global CPI+5% Fund VFM Global Target Return
VFM Global Target Return
VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+6%
Section 1 8

Survey changes 2023 (continued)

Survey Exits

BEE Manager WatchTM Survey (continued)

Equity Manager WatchTM Survey

Fund of Hedge Funds Manager Watch™ Survey

International Manager WatchTM Survey

STANLIB Core Equity fund


SMM Moderate Absolute Fund

SMM Select Balanced Fund

Umthombo Wealth Active Bond Fund

Umthombo Wealth BIV Equity Fund

Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity

VFM Global Target Return CPI+3%

VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+4%

VFM Global Target Return CPI+4%

VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+5%

VFM Global Target Return CPI+5%

VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+6%

Mazi Capi Composite

Absa Asset Management Core Equity Satrix Momentum Index Composite

Absa Asset Management Prime Equity Satrix Smartcore Index Fund

Absa Asset Management Value

ALUWANI Core Capi Equity

X-Chequer Equity Strategy Fund

TriAlpha Enhanced Fixed Income Fund

Ninety One Global Dynamic

OMIG MacroSolutions Global Macro Equity

Satrix Value Index composite


Arysteq Global Opportunities Fund

Camissa Global Equity Fund

Camissa Islamic Global Equity Fund

Ninety One Global EM Equity

Mazi Global Equity Fund

Mentenova Global Equity

VFM Global Flexible Equity LDI Manager WatchTM

Prescient Income Provider Medical Aid

Prescient Money Market

Prescient Yield Quantplus

Afena capital SA Money Market

M&G Money Market Fund

M&G Income Fund

Money Market Manager WatchTM Survey

Multi - Manager WatchTM Survey

Namibia Manager WatchTM Survey

SMM 60

Ninety One Corporate Money Market Fund

Prowess Money Market Fund

Weaver BCI Moderate FoF

Sanlam Wealth Creation

Sygnia Signature 70 Pro Fund

Alexander Forbes Namibia Performer

Alexander Forbes Namibia Protector

Arysteq Balanced Fund

Arysteq Real Return Fund

Hangala Capital Income Provider fund

* *
Medical Aid Manager WatchTM
Property Manager Watch™ Survey * * Shari'ah Manager Watch™ Survey * * TDI Manager Watch™ Survey Mergence ESG Equity Fund *
* No changes
Section 1 9

Alexforbes Assets under Management (AuM) review

The greatest returns come from investing in people

Managers ranked by AuM as at 30 June
2022 Rank 2023 Rank Investment Managers Total AuM (R m) Total SA Assets (R m) BEE status 1 1 - Ninety One 823 367 491 115 Level 1 2 2 - STANLIB AM 649 148 564 905 Level 1 4 3 Coronation 562 831 397 331 Level 1 5 4 Allan Gray 526 030 326 206 Level 1 3 5 SIM 494 461 444 229 Level 1 6 6 - OMIG 390 024 258 545 Level 1 7 7 - Alexander Forbes Investments 389 182 259 571 Level 1 8 8 - Nedgroup Investments 379 609 282 957 Level 1 9 9 - Sanlam Multi Managers 343 171 237 483 Level 1 10 10 - Taquanta 255 130 233 215 Level 1 12 11 Momentum MoM 223 827 178 827 Level 1 11 12 MandG Investments 216 291 191 100 Level 1 13 13 - Futuregrowth 194 720 194 720 Level 1 14 14 - Momentum AM 175 152 170 485 Level 1 - 15* Satrix 161 800 130 834 Level 1 15 16 Old Mutual Multi-Managers 133 639 114 552 Level 1 18 17 Prescient 133 449 126 631 Level 1 16 18 Fairtree Asset Management 128 029 122 917 Level 2 17 19 Aluwani 122 377 122 115 Level 1 19 20 Ashburton 120 221 114 544 Level 1
* New entry AuM as reported in the Alexforbes AuM survey June 2023 - these figures represent AuM for SA clients only (Domestic, Africa and International assets). Top
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Review of assets under management for June 2023

According to the June 2023 Alexforbes Assets under Management (AuM) survey, which focuses on assets owned by South African clients only, Ninety One Asset Managers continues to be the biggest asset manager in South Africa. It has consolidated its leading position from 2021 and 2022, with a 6% increase in assets. STANLIB AM remains in second place, also with a 6% asset increase. While Coronation attained the third spot with an asset increase of 8%, Allan Gray leapfrogged both SIM and OMIG to secure the fourth spot, with an 11% rise in assets since June 2022.

Alexander Forbes Investments remains the leading multi-manager in South Africa, ranking seventh overall. Multi-management is an approach that diversifies across multiple asset managers or strategies, allowing a multimanager to select and combine various single asset managers across different classes and styles into a single portfolio solution.

The assets managed by South African multimanagers have seen steady growth compared to those managed by their single manager counterparts. In 2016, the ratio of assets under management (AuM) was 86% for single managers and 14% for multi-managers. By 2022, this ratio changed and to 80%:20% and in 2023, it further shifted to 77% for single managers and 23% for multi-managers. This trend indicates a growing confidence in multimanagers, as more investors are diversifying their portfolios across various asset classes and management styles.

The total assets of participants in the survey increased by 12% from June 2022, with the concentration remaining among the top 10 asset managers. The AuM held by this group constituted 62% of the assets for the total universe of 79 managers participating in the survey.

The June 2023 survey universe grew by two compared to the 77 investment managers in the June 2022 survey. Three investment managers entered the survey while one exited.

Entries and Exits

The new entries in the survey were:

Professional Provident Society

Afena Capital Satrix Umthombo Wealth

The manager who exited the survey was:

Section 1 11

Total Value of Assets Managed (31 December 2011 to 30 June 2023)

Asset Distribution to Manager Size

Growth in Assets (year on year) Jun-2020 Jun-2021 Jun-2022 Jun-2023 10.00% 0.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% Next 10 Managers Remaining Managers Top 10 Managers Total AuM (R m) excl Multi-Managers Total AuM (R m) Total AuM (R m) Total AuM (R m) excl Multi-Managers 3 300 885 2 950 020 Jun-2012 3 926 696 3 428 804 Jun-2013 4 940 445 4 147 637 Jun-2014 5 204 943 4 409 561 Jun-2015 5 014 927 4 291 267 Jun-2016 5 297 841 4 376 317 Jun-2017 5 874 757 5 078 658 Jun-2018 6 018 999 5 217 629 Jun-2019 6 255 265 5 441 141 Jun-2020 6 726 711 5 774 839 Jun-2021 6 899 879 5 494 139 Jun-2022 7 758 080 5 981 195 Jun-2023 0 1 000 000 2 000 000 3 000 000 4 000 000 5 000 000 6 000 000 7 000 000 8 000 000 Total (R m)
Section 1 12

Asset Distribution to Manager BEE ratings

It is exciting to note that the asset distribution in 2023 continues to be significantly concentrated among the level 1 contributors. In 2022 the distribution among level 1 and 2 contributors was an impressive 92% and 2% respectively. Continuing the trend that asset managers are transforming and taking BEE seriously, the distribution among level 1 and 2 contributors for 2023 was an outstanding 91% and 5% respectively. In 2022, 7 participating asset managers did not have a rating or were non-compliant, while in 2023 that number remained unchanged.

Looking at the total assets under management (AuM) of the top 5 black-owned asset managers in the June 2023 AuM survey, we saw growth of 43% compared to the position of this group of participants in the June 2022 survey. For the first time, we had four participants of the BEE survey in the top 10 of the AuM survey, namely SIM, OMIG, Taquanta and Sanlam Multi-Managers.

Section 1 13
BEE ratings according to Manager Distribution

Growth in Assets (year on year)

A significant 51 out of the 79 participating asset managers were level 1 contributors, compared to the 49 out of 70 in last year’s survey.

Similarly to 2022, all of the asset managers in the top 10 were rated level 1 contributors in 2023 and all but one manager had a level 1 rating in the top 20, with the exception being rated at a level 2.

The AuM survey universe, as at June 2023, summarised according to participant contributor levels is:

Level 1 51 15 2 3 1 7 7 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 8 No rating or non-compliant Section 1 14

Market Indices and Statistics as at 31 December 2023

1 Year (%) 3 Years (% p.a.) 5 Years (% p.a.) 7 Years (% p.a.) 10 Years (% p.a.) Equity FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 9.93% 8.78% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 8.42% 14.30% 11.93% 9.73% 8.81% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% * * FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% 7.18% 7.30% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 8.98% 13.40% 12.51% 10.68% 8.92% FTSE/JSE Resource 20 Index -15.37% 5.96% 12.55% 13.88% 5.64% FTSE/JSE Industrial 25 Index 17.27% 12.15% 12.33% 9.12% 8.83% FTSE/JSE Financial 15 Index 21.81% 19.60% 6.76% 7.46% 8.27% FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 7.73% 14.00% 12.07% 10.05% 8.71% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 9.70% 12.83% 7.29% 4.69% 6.82% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 11.17% 23.90% 12.71% 6.94% 8.40% Cash Alexander Forbes Money Market Index 8.20% 5.69% 5.85% 6.29% 6.39% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 6.35% 6.42% Bonds All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% 8.44% 7.98% 1 - 3 Year Bond Index 9.22% 6.35% 7.59% 8.10% 7.70% 3 - 7 Year Bond Index 10.32% 5.98% 9.07% 9.13% 8.57% 7 - 12 Year Bond Index 11.89% 7.82% 9.20% 9.19% 8.39% 12+ Year Bond Index 7.47% 7.83% 7.47% 7.81% 7.63% Barclays/Absa SA Govt ILB Index 6.50% 8.56% 6.38% 4.89% 5.51% OTHI Index 10.12% 8.29% 8.93% 9.23% 8.68% GOVI Index 9.67% 7.34% 8.16% 8.28% 7.84% IGOV Index 6.98% 8.86% 6.55% 5.02% 5.58% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% 5.16% * Real Estate FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% -1.71% 2.94% FTSE/JSE All Property Index 10.70% 14.61% -0.67% -2.61% 1.72% Global (In Rands) MSCI World 33.72% 15.95% 18.95% 16.02% 15.44% FTSE WGBI 13.05% -0.14% 3.46% 4.15% 5.40% Citi 3M US Treasury Bill 13.13% 9.99% 6.92% 6.06% 7.06% Exchange rates Rand / $US 7.48% 7.58% 4.92% 4.24% 5.73% Rand / Pound 13.90% 5.10% 4.83% 4.63% 2.95% Rand / Euro 11.25% 3.97% 3.98% 4.77% 3.31% Inflation Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% 4.98% 5.21% Headline CPI + 3% 8.52% 9.13% 8.01% 7.98% 8.21% Headline CPI + 4% 9.52% 10.13% 9.01% 8.98% 9.21% Headline CPI + 5% 10.52% 11.13% 10.01% 9.98% 10.21% Headline CPI + 6% 11.52% 12.13% 11.01% 10.98% 11.21% Foreign Indices (Source : Bloomberg, INET Bridge and Data Stream) All returns quoted above are Total Returns
Exchange Rates for the past 10 years to December 2023
South African Rand to US $ South African Rand to UK £ South African Rand to Euro € 2014/12/31 11.57 18.04 14.00 2015/12/31 15.50 22.84 16.83 2016/12/31 13.68 16.90 14.42 2017/12/31 12.38 16.75 14.87 2018/12/31 14.39 18.32 16.44 2019/12/31 13.98 18.52 15.70 2020/12/31 14.69 20.08 17.97 2021/12/31 15.96 21.62 18.15 2022/12/31 17.02 20.47 18.16 2023/12/31 18.29 23.31 20.20 Section 1 15

The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in investment decisions and operations among asset managers in South Africa

The asset management industry in South Africa is undergoing a transformative phase, with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) being among the drivers of this change. A survey conducted among 24 asset managers has provided a wealth of insights into how these technologies are being adopted, their benefits, the challenges faced and the outlook. This article delves into the responses to all 19 questions, offering a detailed analysis of the current state and potential future of AI and ML in asset management.

Survey insights and analysis

Adoption of AI and ML technologies

Of the 24 asset managers who responded to the survey, only 32% of asset managers have integrated AI and ML into their operations. This cautious adoption rate signals an industry still in the early stages of embracing these technologies. The relatively low percentage suggests an opportunity for growth and adoption in the coming years.

Areas of use

Portfolio optimisation and risk management are the primary focus areas, indicating asset managers are leveraging AI and ML where they see immediate value. This strategic application shows a keen interest in improving the core functions of asset management through technology.

Observed benefits

Enhanced risk management and better market insights were highlighted, with these benefits demonstrating the practical value of AI and ML. These technologies are beginning to influence decision-making processes, offering a competitive edge to early adopters.

Challenges encountered

Data quality, integration complexities and a lack of skilled personnel were identified as challenges. These obstacles underscore the need for a comprehensive approach to technology integration, addressing both technical and human capital needs.

Future plans

Responses varied on future expansion plans, with some managers planning moderate expansions. This varied response underscores the cautious optimism in the industry regarding the future role of AI and ML.

Impact on investment strategies

The strategic application of AI and ML in optimising asset allocation and predicting market trends is transforming investment strategies. This shift towards data-driven decision-making is setting the stage for a new era in asset management.

Operational efficiency

AI and ML are streamlining operations, automating routine tasks and enhancing compliance and client reporting. These operational efficiencies are paving the way for more agile and responsive asset management practices.


Data management

The emphasis on high-quality data highlights its importance in maximising the benefits of AI and ML. Effective data management is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of AI and ML applications.

Regulatory and compliance

Navigating the evolving regulatory landscape is a key challenge, emphasising the importance of staying informed and compliant. This vigilance ensures the ethical and responsible use of AI and ML technologies.

Training and development

The need for skilled personnel to navigate AI and ML complexities highlights the importance of continuous learning and development. Building a knowledgeable workforce is essential for leveraging these technologies effectively.

Governance frameworks

The limited establishment of governance frameworks for AI and ML indicates an area ripe for development. As AI and ML become more integral to operations, comprehensive governance will become increasingly important.

Ethical considerations

Addressing ethical concerns varies across organisations, with strategies ranging from implementing guidelines to conducting fairness assessments. These measures build trust with clients and ensure the responsible use of AI and ML.

External collaborations

30% of respondents engage occasionally with external AI and ML experts, reflecting a collaborative approach to technology integration. These partnerships can accelerate the adoption process and bring in specialised knowledge.

AI and ML-based products

The majority of asset managers are cautious about offering AI and ML-based investment products, with 61% not planning to offer these products. This cautiousness reflects a conservative approach to product innovation in the face of new technologies.

Transparency with clients

The survey revealed a commitment to transparency, with 30% opting for full disclosure about the use of AI and ML in investment decisions. This approach is crucial for building trust and demystifying these technologies for clients.

Section 1 17

Risk management

The balanced approach to risk management, incorporating regular assessments and human oversight, ensures that AI and ML technologies enhance rather than complicate the investment process. This careful management of new technologies is key to their successful integration.

Research and development investment

The spectrum of investment in AI and ML research and development reflects varying strategic priorities and resources. While some firms are making investments, others opt for a more cautious financial commitment, reflecting differing views on the potential return on investment.


The exploration of AI and ML within South Africa's asset management industry reveals a landscape filled with opportunities, challenges and cautious optimism. The survey uncovers a nuanced picture of AI and ML adoption, with asset managers recognising the potential benefits while carefully navigating the associated challenges. As the industry moves forward, focusing on strategic investments, skill development, ethical considerations, and collaborative efforts will be key to unlocking the full potential of AI and ML.

The journey towards technology integration, marked by careful planning and strategic action, promises to reshape the asset management industry, offering new avenues for growth, efficiency and competitive advantage.

Drivers of adoption

Competitive advantage and improved risk-adjusted returns are the primary motivators for adopting AI and ML. These motivations align with the strategic goal of leveraging technology to enhance financial performance.

Future expansion plans

The general inclination towards moderate expansion reflects a cautiously optimistic view of AI and ML, with 38% of managers planning a moderate expansion. This strategic approach to future expansion highlights the industry's evolving perspective on AI and ML.

We invite you to access the full AI and ML survey report by clicking on the link below.

Section 1 18

South African expertise, global impact: Discover our specialised investment data

Investment intelligence that bridges continents – connect with Alexforbes today!

For more information, contact Don Andrews at or

Alexforbes Investments Survey — a five-time award-winning team — recognised as the Best Investment Survey Provider in Africa at the 2023 Africa Global Fund (AGF) Service Providers Awards in New York.

As the only South African investment survey provider covering all asset classes, we empower you with specialised investment data. Explore our products at https://myapi.alexanderforbes. industrysurveys?path=Alexander%20 Forbes%20Data%20Product%20List%20-%20 2024.pdf.

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The two-pot system: A significant enhancement for retirement fund members

Retirement, once considered a tranquil journey into the golden years, is undergoing a transformation. Solely relying on a pension coupled with low preservation rates has proven insufficient in meeting the diverse needs of members at retirement. South Africa stands at a crucial juncture in redefining retirement savings and the two-pot system emerges as a potential catalyst for change. With a growing ageing population and evolving economic landscapes, it is imperative to explore innovative solutions to improve individuals’ outcomes throughout their lifetime. Access to advice is key to ensuring that individuals can complement their participation in retirement funds with additional diverse solutions to enhance their personal financial objectives.

The changing retirement landscape

The latest legislative changes intend to help retirement fund members balance their current needs with their future needs.

Summary of the two-pot system

National Treasury has introduced changes over the last decade to help improve the financial outcomes for members. The legislation is aimed at the harmonisation and simplification of the retirement system, ultimately to encourage savings and preservation before retirement. While members have continued over the years to cash in their savings as they move from one job to the next, it is expected that with the introduction of the two-pot system, members will preserve and keep more money for their retirement. It is proposed that the two-pot system will be implemented from 1 September 2024. This, along with other reforms over the years, has two main objectives:

To increase the retirement income that members receive when they retire; and

To help members get through financial challenges that may happen before retirement age.

The primary objective of the reform is to improve retirement outcomes for members. The two-pot system requires that from the proposed effective date of 1 September 2024:

1 two-thirds (67%) of contributions, including investment growth, will be preserved in the retirement component and annuitised at retirement

2 one-third (33%) of contributions and investment growth thereon will be allocated to the savings component, which will be accessible to members while they are still active employees, as cash lump sums before or at retirement. This is provided the amount is not less than R2 000 and only one withdrawal per tax year will be allowed. Initially, seed capital will be provided as a once-off transfer from the vested component to the savings component based on the lesser of 10% or R30 000 of fund savings just before the effective date. Tax will be applied to all lump sum withdrawals.

pot savings pot

Members will continue to have access to their retirement savings accumulated (vested component) before 1 September 2024, as a lump sum on resignation, dismissal or retrenchment. Tax will be applied to all lump sum withdrawals based on tax tables applicable to retirement funds.

Change is necessary to improve individual outcomes

Many individuals struggle financially in retirement, despite having been members of retirement funds during their working lives. As they move jobs, they often cash in their retirement savings, which affects the amount of money they will have for their retirement. According to the Alexander Forbes Member Insights, 2021, only 9% of members preserved their benefits, while 48% of assets were preserved. Because of this, members often don’t have enough to live on when they retire. About 6% of the total membership can expect a replacement ratio (replacing their pensionable salary before retirement) above 75% of pensionable salary, while the average replacement ratio at retirement is 31.47%1.

The low replacement ratio is a result of a few factors, such as low contribution rates, low preservation rates or even contributing too late towards a retirement fund. The latest draft legislation requires compulsory saving towards retirement so that there is money available for members to set up a retirement income in retirement. The structure of the two-pot system acknowledges that members of retirement funds may need access to cash in the short term due to financial distress while recognising that members need money for retirement. The change will allow members to balance their short-term financial needs relative to their longer-term objectives for retirement.

How the changes may help members get through financial challenges

Some retirement fund members have unexpected expenses or emergencies that they aren’t prepared for. Many South Africans are already struggling with debt. The average person uses 65% of their income to repay debt. Borrowing more money makes it even more difficult to afford expenses now and in the future.

There is a direct link between the amount of debt individuals have and what they can afford to contribute to a retirement fund. In 2023, the Alexforbes Member

The two-pot system will help members increase preservation over the longer term, while assisting them with their short-term financial needs. The two-pot system applies to all retirement funds: retirement annuity, pension and provident funds, umbrella and standalone funds as well as preservation funds.

ImpactTM report showed that the debt-to-annual income ratio of members was 93% as at 31 December, with 6% of members at high risk of financial stress. Millennials, in particular, had higher financial stress. The higher the levels of debt and financial stress, the lower the amounts saved towards retirement. This means that to increase retirement savings, interventions are required to assist individuals to live within their means, budget, reduce their levels of debt to be sustainable and ensure healthy financial habits. This is where relevant employee programmes and debt management solutions can be extremely valuable to both individuals and their employers.

The two-pot system assists members in getting through financial challenges when they have no other options. Being able to withdraw some cash from the savings component may help these members get through a financial crisis without leaving their job, while still preserving most of their retirement savings. Members can withdraw these savings once in a tax year if they have at least R2 000 in their savings pot.

Members will need greater access to financial advice to ensure that they manage their retirement savings even more carefully. It is important to rather prepare for emergencies or unexpected expenses by saving separately. Withdrawing cash from the savings component has financial implications, including:

paying tax on any amount withdrawn

reducing future overall retirement income

reducing the cash amount available at retirement 1

Withdrawing cash from the savings component should be considered as a last resort.
Alexander Forbes Member Insights, 2021.
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How Alexforbes is preparing for the two-pot system

It is possible that final legislation will only be available in early 2024. The proposed changes to the Pension Funds Act that are required to support the two-pot changes need to be provided for review. Alexforbes continues to engage with National Treasury, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority, the South African Revenue Service and industry bodies throughout the process.

Alexforbes has been diligently working on implementation plans based on draft legislation. However, progress is contingent on the final legislation, which is still unavailable, hindering the final changes and updates to communication, systems and processes. These reforms represent significant changes to the retirement system, with substantial implementation requirements. Therefore, it is crucial to allow a reasonable amount of time between the finalisation of the legislation and the effective date of these changes. This will enable all stakeholders in the industry to ensure a smooth transition that works well for retirement fund members.

It is important to recognise that the higher limitation on seed capital will result in higher withdrawal amounts from retirement funds. We estimate that this may on average result in an asset outflow impact of 1% to 2% and higher claims volumes, mainly due to financial distress and higher indebtedness among retirement fund members. This will have a big impact on administrators who need to process large claim volumes in a limited time. Ultimately, this will result in lower retirement incomes for members when they retire.

Alexforbes’ approach is to ensure the right outcomes for members within a safe and secure environment.

It’s important for all stakeholders to work together to ensure everything is in place to assist members within reasonable timelines.

What other areas can contribute to improved outcomes?

Additional factors needed to improve retirement savings include:

Increasing contributions towards retirement funds.

At present, the average contribution rate of 12.9% (after costs and risk benefits) by members of retirement funds is generally insufficient to achieve a 75% income replacement at retirement.

Most formally employed individuals are adequately covered – belong to a formal retirement arrangement.

However, there are groups of individuals that are not covered by any form of retirement savings, and it is for these groups that solutions are required as follows:

Auto-enrolment for formally employed individuals and contractors.

Cancelling the means test for the older person’s grant at retirement. This acts as a disincentive to save at present.

Separate interventions should be thoroughly explored for the informal sector, taking the specific dynamics of this sector into account. This will ensure a sustainable and workable solution rather than destabilising the integrity of the existing retirement funding system. Many other countries have also grappled with coverage in relation to the informal sector – with limited success in practice.

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Why is financial advice important with the two-pot system?

It’s critical for members to understand their options so that they can make informed decisions about their retirement savings. The retirement system is complex and members will be able to make decisions confidently once they have a better understanding of the consequences associated with the different options. This ultimately leads to better financial outcomes.


Alexforbes is very supportive of the two-pot system. It is a significant enhancement to the retirement system, which is expected to improve retirement outcomes for members.

Getting financial advice can help members plan for emergencies and make decisions about their retirement savings that are right for them. Financial advice gives members the best chance of having enough to live on when they can no longer work.

While the two-pot system may not be a solution for all retirement challenges, it has significant potential to encourage and improve savings in South Africa, offering a dynamic and flexible approach to retirement savings. By embracing the principles of long-term growth and short-term accessibility, this innovative system has the potential to improve retirement outcomes, stimulate economic growth and reduce reliance on social grants.

As South Africans grapple with the various challenges posed by our current economic circumstances, and individuals, financial institutions and policymakers continue to explore innovative solutions for the evolving retirement landscape, the two-pot system emerges as a practical, relevant and meaningful solution that aims to provide a more secure and prosperous retirement future for members.

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Manager watch™ survey
25 Section 2

Survey information relating to the year ended 31 December 2023

SA Manager WatchTM – Best Investment View

Coronation Domestic Managed

Exit: VFM SA Balanced

SA Manager WatchTM – Conservative

No changes took place in this survey

SA Large Manager WatchTM

No changes took place in this survey

Global Manager WatchTM – Dynamic

No changes took place in this survey

Global Manager WatchTM – Best Investment View

10X Your Future Fund

Abax Balanced Fund

Exit: Absa Global Balanced

Global Manager WatchTM – Conservative

Prescient Defensive Composite

Global Large Manager WatchTM Survey

Exit: Absa Global Balanced

Sources of performance

Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund

Sanlam Wealth Creation

Multi-asset class portfolios build and implement their investment strategies based on a multitude of methods; the most popular being economic macro research; asset allocation modelling (strategic and tactical); relative asset class valuation; assessment of market risks; security valuation; portfolio construction and market hedging strategies. Its primary driver of return is its asset allocation strategy as it will seek to take advantage of the different expected returns between assets; while sector and/or security selection within the asset seek to provide additional sources of performance. The portfolio manager will also use the asset class exposures to manage an overall risk strategy.

26 Section 2

You can’t bank time . But you can invest it wisely.

272624 Allan Gray is an authorised FSP.

How investment managers performed in 2023

SA Best Investment View category

All the managers in the SA Best Investment View (BIV) category had positive returns for the year, with 6 out of the 14 managers beating the BIV median of 8.1%. Foord was the best performer for the year in the category benefitting both from asset allocation and sector selection.

For Foord, domestic equity investments contributed most to performance, achieving almost all of the fund’s annual gains in the fourth quarter. Within domestic equities, sector selection contributed positively given a tilt away from resources counters towards industrials and financials.

Although the fund’s allocation to listed property remains low, investment in this sector contributed positively to the fund’s performance. The investment in gold also contributed positively.

Comments relating to the performance of some managers in the SA BIV category:

Aeon – the main absolute contributors to performance were BHP Group, FirstRand, Mondi, NEPI Rockcastle and Standard Bank, whilst Anglo American, British American Tobacco Impala Platinum, Multichoice and Sasol were the main detractors from absolute performance for the year. The fund’s positive tilt to resource counters was the biggest detractor.

Another material detractor was the derivative protective overlay to protect equities on the downside. The lack of a market correction in 2023 and the illusive recession did not materialise as expected. This contributed materially to the fund’s underpeformance. The hedge position has been removed.

Allan Gray – Over the year, the overweight position in “rand hedge” stocks, Mondi and Annheuser-Busch Inbev, were amongst the biggest drivers of the absolute and relative performance of the domestic equities in the portfolio. The underweight position to platinum stocks also contributed to relative performance. Conversely, the portfolio’s overweight position in British American Tobacco was the largest detractor from relative performance.

Coronation – The financial sector returned 21% over 12 months. The strategy held a sizeable position in the SA banks during 2023 given their low ratings, high dividend yields, and the prospect of strong revenue growth supported by interest rate rises. This enabled our holdings to deliver earnings growth despite higher credit losses. The resource sector ended the year down 12%.

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The strategy holds an underweight position in resources, given early profit-taking across most of the sector (diversified miners, PGM miners and gold shares). The long-term PGM outlook is bleak as electric vehicle adoption accelerates and local producers battle rising production costs. The underweight position in PGMs has benefited the strategy, which continues to have no exposure to pure-play PGM producers. Industrials delivered a return of 17% for the year. The strategy’s core holdings include many of the global stocks listed in SA: Naspers, Richemont, Aspen, Bidcorp, British American Tobacco and Anheuser-Busch InBev. While the medium-term outlook for the property sector remains constrained, double-digit dividend yields have allowed us to add selected exposure through a few key stock picks.

MandG - From an asset class perspective, the largest contributors to the fund’s performance over the year came from exposures to South African equities and South African nominal bonds.

The South African equity component contributed approximately half of the overall return over the past calendar year. A number of the fund’s positions contributed to performance but the largest were the overweight positions in Textainer, Reinet Investments, Standard Bank Group and Investec Plc. Within South African nominal bonds Exposure to the 7 to 12 year portion of the yield curve was a positive contributor.

Ninety One – Equity selection was the primary detractor from relative performance versus peer group, with the impact from asset allocation less of a drag. From an asset allocation perspective, the preference for domestic bonds over cash added to returns as local bonds showed strong gains towards the end of the calendar year. Managing the allocation to equities was complicated during 2023 as the continuous ‘tug-of-war’ between attractive valuations and growth uncertainties translated into a directionless outcome for domestic equities by the end of the year. The fund gradually increased the allocation to growth assets as bottom-up evidence of improving earnings expectations started to filter through towards the latter part of 2023.

Perpetua – From an equity perspective, the fund did not perform as well as expected in the last quarter. This was primarily because of its underweight position in gold counters, which recovered significantly. Additionally, key holdings in the fund, such as British American Tobacco and Life Healthcare, negatively affected its performance. The top contributors to relative performance include the fund’s overweight positions in Northam, Quilter and PPC as well as being underweight in Sabanye and Bidvest.

Notwithstanding the last quarter’s underperformance by large positions such as British American Tobacco, the fund was able to deliver outperformance for the year ending December 2023. The fund’s equity exposure benefitted from its underweight position in platinum miners, Implats and Sibanya, as well as Anglo American and overweight positions in WBHO and PPC.

Truffle – During the year the fund maintained above average exposure to domestic fixed income. The fund increased exposure to listed property in the last quarter given the interest rate outlook is supportive of the sector.

Holdings in luxury goods Richemont, Investec, Standard Bank and FirstRand added to annual performance. ABSA lost value following a trading update in Q4 and an overweight to the banking group detracted. The fund’s exposure to gold miners also contributed. SA Resources and the PGM sector struggled in 2023, however, the fund benefitted from Q1 2023 gold strength, and reduced its holdings prior to sector weakness. Exposures to Anheuser Busch and to Bid Corp also contributed to fund performance.

Exposure to platinum stocks (Impala Platinum) detracted from performance over the year. We have reduced exposure through the year however this sector has come under significant pressure in recent months with a sharp decline in basket prices. A relatively high exposure to Sasol in the first half of the year detracted.

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Global Best Investment View category Comments relating to the performance of some managers in the Global BIV category:

The Global Best Investment View category of the Manager Watch survey delivered a solid performance for the year, outperforming the domestic mandates with a differential of 4.5% between the medians, with returns of 12.6% and 8.1% respectively with global equities delivering a strong performance for the year.

Looking at the global exposure of the 39 asset managers who participated in the Global BIV category in the previous year, and comparing their global exposure between December 2022 and December 2023, it was observed that 34 managers increased their global exposure. Conversely, three managers reduced their global exposure, while two managers maintained their global exposure at the same level.

The majority of the asset managers in this survey category, 34 of the 45 managers, exceed the 30% mark for investment in international assets, while 11 of the 45 managers exceed the 40% mark. The average exposure to international assets of the participants in the peer group in December 2023 was 34.2%, while in December 2022 the average was 29.9%. Of the 45 managers, only 4 were lower than 30% by more than 5%.

The best performer in the Global Best Investment View category of the survey was Abax who returned 17.3% for the year ended 2023.

For Abax, all asset classes contributed positively, with global equities contributing approximately half of the fund’s total return. The largest contributors at a stock level were all foreign securities. These included Google, the BMW preference share and Shell. The 2037 South African government bond also contributed strongly due to its large weighting in the fund.

Aeon – the fund intentionally increased its exposure to global assets to 40%. The main absolute contributors to performance were Alphabet, Amazon, Banco Santander, Microsoft and UniCredit, whilst Anglo American, British American Tobacco, Impala Platinum, Nakanishi and Olympis were the main detractors of absolute performance for the year.

The fund’s asset allocation and stock selection decision toward global equities was a material contributor to performance. This more than made up for the flat contribution from local equities, and the negative detraction from the derivative overlay which was used to protect equities on the downside. The lack of a market correction in 2023 and the illusive recession never materialised. The hedge position has been removed.

Allan Gray – Over the year, the overweight position in “rand hedge” stocks, Mondi and Annheuser-Busch Inbev, were amongst the biggest drivers of the absolute and relative performance of the domestic equities in the portfolio. The underweight position to platinum stocks also contributed to relative performance. Conversely, the portfolio’s overweight position in British American Tobacco was the largest detractor from relative performance. Despite the global component’s underweight position to expensive, large-cap US tech shares, this component kept pace with strongly rising global markets. Select US businesses and exposure to Japanese equities were contributors to performance.

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Coronation - After steadily building exposure to global equities during the market sell-off of 2022, the Strategy entered the 2023 calendar year overweight growth assets (and particularly global equities). This position has contributed meaningfully to performance.

The strategy held a sizeable position in the SA banks during 2023 given their low ratings, high dividend yields, and the prospect of strong revenue growth supported by interest rate rises. This enabled our holdings to deliver earnings growth despite higher credit losses. The resource sector ended the year down 12%. The strategy holds an underweight position in resources, given early profit-taking across most of the sector (diversified miners, PGM miners and gold shares). The underweight position in PGMs has benefited the Strategy, which continues to have no exposure to pure-play PGM producers. The Strategy’s core holdings include many of the global stocks listed in SA: Naspers, Richemont, Aspen, Bidcorp, British American Tobacco and Anheuser-Busch InBev. While the medium-term outlook for the property sector remains constrained, double-digit dividend yields have allowed us to add selected exposure through a few key stock picks.

Foord – Local equity investments contributed most to the fund’s returns. Within local equities, sector selection contributed positively given a tilt away from resource counters towards industrials and financials. The physical gold investment contributed to performance given a rally in the Dollar price for bullion. Interest rate sensitive precious metals, including gold and platinum rallied and industrial commodities, including copper, advanced on prospects of a soft economic landing.

Global equities also contributed to performance as developed markets surged and the S&P 500 neared all-time highs after the US Federal Reserve signalled it would cut rates in 2024, but Chinese stocks fell again on sentiment and restrictive gaming proposals. The overweight positions in Aspen, Annheuser-Busch Inbev and sizeable positions in global media giants Naspers/Prosus contributed to performance while a low weighting to Anglo American detracted from returns.

MandG – From an asset class perspective, the largest contributors to the fund’s performance over the year came from exposures to South African equities, South African nominal bonds as well as international equities.

The South African equity component contributed handsomely to the overall return over the past calendar year. A number of the fund’s positions contributed to performance but the largest were the overweight positions in Textainer, Reinet Investments, Standard Bank Group and Investec Plc. Within South African nominal bonds Exposure to the 7 to 12 year portion of the yield curve was a positive contributor.

Ninety One – Equity selection was the main detractor from relative performance with the impact from asset allocation being less of a drag. The marginal underweight allocation to developedmarked growth assets (equities) and the increased exposure to specific developed market bonds detracted from relative performance especially during the initial quarters of the year. This was further impacted by an increased exposure to more defensive equity sectors such as healthcare at the expense of more cyclical and growth counters as well as the narrow rally in the ‘Magnificent 7’.

From a regional perspective, the direct and indirect exposure to China detracted as the world’s second largest economy struggled to gain traction coming out of its COVID lock-down. The exposure to some resources counters detracted from domestic exposure.

Oasis – The main contributors to the fund’s performance from an asset class perspective was driven by the fund’s global investments as well as exposure to local equities.

From a stock selection perspective, the main contributors to performance were Standard Bank, Remgro, FirstRand, AVI Limited and Old Mutual Limited, whilst Anglo American, Prosus, RCL, ABSA and Sasol detracted from performance.

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OMIG (Balanced) – The underperformance against the composite benchmark was concentrated in the first half of 2023.The largest detractor during the year was the underweight position in global equity. The preference for SA bonds within local assets proved correct as they outperformed SA cash and SA equity during the year. However, SA bonds underperformed the composite benchmark, meaning they detracted at an asset allocation level with the underweight positions in SA cash and SA equity only a partial offset.

The positive alpha delivered in the year from local equities is primarily attributable to the underweight positions in resources such as Anglo American and the platinum miners, and strategic overweight positions in small cap shares such as Advtech and WBHO. Banks also added value with Standard Bank and Firstrand amongst the top 10 contributors. Despite trading at a relatively high dividend yield, the overweight position in British American Tobacco proved a key detractor as the steady negative newsflow weighed on the share price. While neutral on the combination of Naspers and Prosus, the preference for Prosus weighed on performance in 2023.

PSG – The main contributors to the fund’s performance were Jackson Financial Inc, Wheaton Precious Metal Corp and the fund’s holdings in South African government bonds, which rallied strongly. Some detractors from performance included the Pepco Group, Northam Platinum and Anglo American. The fund’s put option hedge positions also dragged on overall performance.

The fund underwent minor positioning changes over the 1-year ending December 2023. Notable purchases in the fund over the period were Pepkor Holdings, Telkom and Beazly plc. The fund sold its holdings in Shell, Noble Corp and Euronav on the back of strong share price performance.

Sanlam – The fund’s local preference equities and bonds, rather than cash and inflation-linked benefitted the portfolio in the last quarter. Near the end of November 2023, property was still the worst-performing asset class on a year-to-date basis, but a very buoyant December propelled it to the top for both the quarter and the year. The fund’s reduced exposure to local property meant that the fund did not gain as much from the asset class’s move late in the quarter.

From a global perspective, the star performers were the fund’s global financial and global property exposures which both outperformed the MSCI World Index during the quarter ending December 2023. In addition, the fund’s portable alpha exposure also continued to deliver returns above the MSCI World index. The only marginal detractor was the fund’s ”insurance policy” against a market correction in the form of protective structures over a portion of the fund’s foreign exposure, which had no role to play in a buoyant market.

Sasfin (Balanced and Prudential) – The general asset allocation positioning of the Sasfin BCI Prudential and Balanced Funds were directionally correct and benefited the fund, however underlying security selection, although positive in absolute terms, detracted relative value.

Positions in selected Resource and luxury counters amongst others detracted value in a rising equity market, whilst having exposure to certain gold and banking shares contributed positively.Other idiosyncratic factors that detracted, include a zero allocation to domestic property also detracted as this sector rallied quite hard but only in the last two months of the year.

STANLIB – From an asset allocation perspective, given the above expectations, the fund started the year skewed more towards local assets, with large exposure to local equities, bonds and property. As the year progressed and it became clear that China’s positive reopening expectations were misplaced, together with the fact that SA’s structural problems were not going to be solved in the short term, the fund moved more money offshore. By mid-year local assets within the fund was reduced to below 60%, with local equities 40% and local bonds below 20%. The move offshore was to both equities and bonds.

From a stock selection perspective, the fund saw a positive turnaround in contribution from both local and offshore equities. From an absolute return perspective, the largest contribution for the year was from global equities, given both increased weight and being the top performing asset class. This was followed by local equities and bonds with the remaining smaller contributions mostly coming from local and global cash.

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Market and economic overview 2023

Key themes

Market sentiment oscillated between bearish ‘hard-landing’ and bullish ‘soft-landing’ views in 2023.

Major central banks paused the hiking cycle as inflation cooled, setting the scene for rate cut expectations.

Aggressive rate cut bets in the fourth quarter sparked a broad-based market rally, with US stocks outperforming peers.

The US dollar lost ground against major currencies on the Fed’s dovish tilt.

SA stocks closed the year stronger following fourth quarter recovery.

A year of inflections

The year 2023 can be characterised as a year of inflections as market sentiment oscillated between bearish ‘hard-landing’ and bullish ‘soft-landing’ expectations. In advanced economies growth forecasts for 2023 were upwardly revised as economic activity showed resilience aided by robust household spending on the back of tight labour markets, use of pandemic savings and fiscal expansion. By year-end, market participants had pared back recession expectations, though fears linger. Markets also had to weather turmoil in the banking sector, which saw authorities act quickly to avert a wider systemic crisis. Then came the Fed pivot, with the bank’s forward guidance changing from rates will remain higher for longer, to rates have peaked and then to rates are likely to ease in 2024.

Sources: IMF (data as of October 2023).

Note: DMs = Developed Markets Economies, EMDEs = Emerging Market and Developing Economies

Euro area UK US 34
Figure 1: Evolution of growth forecasts

Geopolitical tensions persisted

Geopolitical risks were also top of mind for investors in 2023 as US-China relations remained tense and the Russia-Ukraine war neared a stalemate, with support for Ukraine from Western allies waning. Meanwhile, tensions in the Middle East escalated after Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel that killed over a thousand people. In retaliation, the Israeli government launched air strikes in the Gaza Strip, destroying entire neighbourhoods and killing over 30 000 to date. While the UN General Assembly has called for a cessation of hostilities, the conflict remains unresolved and poses a threat of a wider Middle-East conflict. This could lead to a resurgence in oil prices and inflationary pressures. The IMF has warned that rising geopolitical tensions could reduce cross-border investments and asset prices, while geoeconomic fragmentation could reduce economies of scale and efficiency gains, resulting in price pressures and supply shortages.

Growth toped bearish beginning of year views

In terms of growth, real GDP expanded by 2.5% in 2023 in the US, well ahead of the consensus 0.5% estimate at the beginning of the year and better than the 1.9% increase in 2022. Activity was supported by fiscal expansion as well as consumption as incomes benefited from tight labour markets and households tapped pandemic savings. Meanwhile, 2023 growth in the Eurozone and UK slowed to 0.5% and 0.4%, respectively, from 3.4% and 4.5% in 2022, albeit better than the 0% and -0.9% projected at the beginning of the year. Growth in these markets was weighed by high energy costs, while draw down of pandemic savings was moderate. Activity in China benefited from the reopening after government abandoned stringent Covid-19 restrictions, and policy measures were implemented to support consumption and stabilise the property sector. Real GDP growth expanded by 5.2%, up from 3.0% in 2022 and relatively in line with the consensus estimate of 5.1% at the beginning of the year.

Major central banks paused the hiking cycle as inflation cooled

The inflation outlook has also evolved positively, aided by decreases in food and fuel prices, favourable base effects as well as easing global supply chain constraints. By the end of 2023, headline inflation in the US had moderated to 3.3% y/y from 6.3% in January.

Over the same period, headline inflation in the Eurozone and UK eased to 2.9% and 4.0% from 8.5% and 10%, respectively. In China, prices slipped into deflation in the last three months of the year, with the headline consumer price index contracting by 0.3% y/y in December 23 compared to inflation at 2.1% in January. The deflation in China has primarily been driven by the more volatile components, namely food and energy prices. Core inflation remains in positive terrain, at about 0.6% in December, albeit reflective of weak domestic demand.

Despite the notable disinflation trend, inflation is yet to revert to target in most advanced economies. Fearing inflation will be persistent, major central banks tightened policy rates even further in 2023. The Fed raised the policy rate by an additional 100bp, taking the Fed Fund rates to 5.25% - 5.5%. The ECB and BOE raised their policy rates by 200bp and 175bp to 4.5% and 5.25% respectively. The tightening cycle lasted through the end of the third quarter. By the end of the fourth quarter major central banks hinted that rates have likely peaked.

Sources: Bloomberg, Alexander Forbes Investments Figure 2a: Inflation in developed economies Figure 2b: Interest rates in developed economies Eurozone Inflation target UK
35 Section 2
FED ECB BOE US (%, y/y)

Broad-based year-end rally

Rising interest rates in H1 and concerns that interest rates will remain higher for longer saw riskier assets post losses in the first three quarters of the year. Downward surprises to inflation, and a dovish tilt by central banks that interest rates have likely peaked, sparked a rally across most asset classes in the fourth quarter. Riskier assets also benefited from aggressive rate cut bets as more Fed officials said they expect interest rates to be lower by the end of 2024.

US stocks outperformed peers

This saw global equities ending off the year with a remarkable 24.42% return! The US market, characterised by its growth focus, emerged as the top performer, delivering a total return of 26.29% of the year. For most of the year, performance was driven by the ‘magnificent seven’ tech and AI stocks, contributing approximately 80% to the index returns. European equities also posted strong returns for the year. The index ended off at 20.66% for the year. UK equities lagged, due to higher exposure to underperforming energy stocks and sterling strength, concluding the year at 12.48%.

Throughout the majority of the year, emerging market equities battled headwinds associated with the issues surrounding China. However, despite these hurdles, the index managed to achieve a double-digit return of 10.2% for the year. Chinese equities, on the other hand, are down -11.04% for the year. The economy has faced numerous economic challenges that have filtered into the markets and continued to drive sentiment towards China stocks to very low levels.

Positive momentum prevailed in the fixed-income markets, characterised by a more accommodative stance on interest rates. Government bonds, as reflected in the World Government Bond Index, demonstrated resilience, returning 5.19% for the year. Notably, the shift from the third to the fourth quarter witnessed a significant decline in the US 10-year Treasury yield, dropping from 4.57% to 3.87%. A similar trend was observed in the UK 10-year gilt yield and the German 10-year Bund yield.

The US dollar lost ground on the Fed’s dovish tilt

Having remained relatively resilient through Q3, the US dollar lost ground against major currencies on the Fed’s dovish tilt and aggressive rat e cut bets. The dollar index weakened by 2.3% in 2023 against major currencies. The pound and euro strengthened by 5.7% and 3.2% respectively, relative to the US dollar as the BOE and ECB turned less dovish than the Fed. The rand remained on the backfoot, depreciating by 8.0%, 10.8% and 13.1% respectively, against the dollar, euro and pound. While most commodities struggled in 2023 on overall slowing growth, gold benefited from increased central bank purchases as well as a decline in bond yields in the fourth quarter. The performance in iron ore was buoyed by winter restocking and the expansion of new Chinese smelter capacity.

December (YTD) October (YTD) 36 Section 2
Figure 3: Global asset class performance (in USD) Sources:
FactSet, Alexander Forbes Investments

SA stocks closed stronger following fourth quarter recovery

South African equities experienced a downward trend for most of 2023, undergoing a notable resurgence in the final quarter with a USD gain of 10.62% to end the year, 1.94% higher. Returns in rands fared slightly better, registering at 9.25% for the year, providing a favourable outcome for rand investors. Local bonds closely trailed, delivering a robust return of 9.7% for the year, outperforming the Stefi Index, which posted a return of 7.8%. Despite the inherent volatility in 2023, nominal bonds emerged as a reliable hedge against inflation. In a noteworthy turn of events, local property emerged as the top-performing major asset class, yielding a substantial return of 10.15% for the year.

Not every opportunity is A good one

Opportunities abound. But knowing which ones will delivertoyourpurpose, requires understanding.

We liketogettoknowourclients’ first, before introducing them to thoroughlyconsideredopportunities.Opportunitiesthatrecognize the importanceofsustainable behaviours in generating long-term growth.

Let’s chat aboutyoursustainablegrowthstrategies.

Sources: FactSet, Alexander Forbes Investments Figure 4: SA asset class performance (in rands)
INVEST WITH CONVICTION December (YTD) October (YTD) 37 Section 2

Building financial wisdom:

The converging paths of asset management and academia in South Africa

Education plays a crucial role in equipping investors with the required knowledge to develop more trust in capital markets. The 2022 CFA Institute Investor Trust Study captures the importance of trust and financial education as follows:

“Information is essential for trust, and the less investors feel informed, the less they trust the financial system. Investors become better informed through information and knowledge derived from financial education.”

Improved investment knowledge is thus a win-win for investors and asset managers. Investors are better able to match investment opportunities and products to their needs, while asset managers benefit from a broader customer base.

Asset managers and academia play a vital role in educating investors as well as current and future investment professionals. While their ‘clients’ are different, with investors and students respectively, there is room for greater collaboration between asset managers and academia to enhance investor education.

The role of asset managers in investor education

Asset managers benefit from having well-informed clients who understand, among many other things, the different types of investments in terms of risk and return, as well as various market cycles. These clients are less likely to fixate on short-term events and returns, and they are more focused on their long-term goals.

Additionally, educated clients tend to be more engaged and ask more questions, which ultimately deepens client relationships.

Asset managers informally educate their clients over the lifetime of their relationship. This includes the sales process, regular report backs, product literature, website content, magazine articles, webinars, roadshows and ad-hoc ‘formal’ training (such as trustee training to pension fund clients).

Collectively, the asset management industry does a sterling job in covering investment education quite broadly. Topics include the basics of risk and return, the characteristics of various asset classes (including accounting for newer asset classes), asset allocation, pertinent regulations and ESG.

Understandably, an individual asset manager’s educational efforts tend to focus on investment aspects and concepts related to itself. As investors typically invest with no more than a few asset managers, they may potentially miss out on gaining a more holistic view of investments.

Greater collaboration between academia and the asset management industry could help to bridge this gap.


Collaboration between asset managers and academia

There are various ways that asset managers and academia can work together to further investment education, including:

Joint research projects:

Such research projects can have a specific focus on investment education and investor behaviour. This article is purposefully not very specific on what constitutes appropriately comprehensive investor education. This must be informed by research that unpacks current investor knowledge, behaviour and educational efforts in more detail. Such research must naturally take due cognisance of different investor segments, for example, retail versus institutional investors.

Development and facilitation of training programmes:

Client training is often much better received when conducted by a university or industry body, like the ASISA academy, rather than a specific asset manager. A properly constructed training programme should also ensure that the content is holistic and not slanted toward a particular asset manager’s investment approach or products.

Internships for students:

Such internships provide students with practical experience and mentorship from experienced professionals. Asset managers benefit by getting access to a talent pool of possible future employees.

Guest or part-time lectures:

Broadly, students get an understanding of how theory is applied in practice.

Students, particularly those with an interest in investment management, tend to lean toward what they believe are the ‘hard skills’ in asset


Asset managers and academia both contribute significantly to investor education. More research is needed to understand the state of investor knowledge in different segments so that educational efforts can be more holistic yet targeted.

In addition to the efforts by asset managers and academia, the ASISA academy and CFA South Africa Society do exceptional work in coordinating practitioner and investor education, ensuring that it is general and does not push a specific sales angle.

management, such as valuation and portfolio construction. Industry practitioners can share invaluable insights into how these skills are used in practice, and how often these perceived hard skills must marry science and art (subjective judgement), given the highly uncertain nature of investing.

Investment management students tend to struggle with subject areas that they perceive as theoretical or ambiguous (‘soft’). Ethics, behavioural finance and the efficient market hypothesis stand out as key examples, largely due to students not having any experience in these subject areas. Industry practitioners can give students a first-hand account of ethical and behavioural issues they encounter in the industry. They are well-placed to give perspectives on market efficiency, given their investment strategy and the inefficiencies they are attempting to exploit.

Arguably, the biggest insight industry professionals bring to students is the importance of investors, and how all knowledge and skills should be used for their ultimate benefit.

Consultation with industry on research competitions:

A prime example is the CFA Society South Africa’s annual competition. In this event, local universities team up with industry experts to analyse a listed company and ultimately present their investment case to a panel of industry practitioners. Students get a glimpse of the effort that goes into investment analysis, making an investment call, defending one’s work and the ever-present risk of experiencing bad investment outcomes.

The idea of investor education should not be to turn investors into investment practitioners. Asset managers, and universities for that matter, should not be threatened by more informed investors. If anything, the more knowledgeable investors are, the more likely it is that they will appreciate the skill and experience needed by investment practitioners to navigate a complex investment environment. As per the often-used quote from Warren Buffet, clients may just better appreciate that “Investing is simple, but not easy.”

39 Section 2

Bringing balance back to business – the sustainability imperative

In today’s hyper-connected world, the call for sustainability echoes louder than ever, reshaping the landscape of business and investment.

As companies and investors grapple with the urgency of addressing environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, they find themselves walking a tightrope between progress and overreach. This article delves into the intricate dance of sustainability, exploring the role of companies and investors in shaping a future that balances ambition with pragmatism. It also attempts to silence the socio-political noise or backlash against ESG integration by surfacing the falsehoods.

Why are we here?

Observationally, because the topic makes for good political theatre in a polarised world. Left wing versus right wing politics across the globe, the widening wealth gap since the 2008 global financial crisis, the Covid-19 era and finally an increasing rate of climate socio-economic events. The perfect storm has ushered in rafts of regulation and policy reforms. One might argue that the long arm of political ideology has reached far beyond the world of investment management, which is defined by philosophy and process.

From a capital allocation standpoint, companies have attempted to show up (greenwashing) their efforts to address ESG risks without actually being genuine about its integration into their strategy. ESG investment funds have allocated capital to companies believed to be positively addressing issues. The above has led to the most hardnosed/anti-ESG of investors questioning its ability to outperform a benchmark, all while missing the point of longevity completely.

The notion that there are distinct ESG businesses, ESG funds or ESG alpha and then the rest of the market is a misnomer

The fact that a company exists, is doing business and is part of society, automatically exposes it to ESG factors. The company also leaves a footprint known as its impact. All companies or investments have the ability to address these matters within their strategy, in the pursuit of profit. They therefore display risk/return dynamics and are susceptible to the array of economic/ investment/ESG risks that they can either benefit from or succumb to. Full stop.

Mixing with morality

Shouldn’t money have a moral compass? The question, while strikingly profound, requires thought around whose morals. Mine, yours, asset managers, analysts, pension fund allocators, the company, government or religious groups? In short, good has variance.


Consider the following examples

A cigarette company operating in 1960 faces the moral dilemma of making a profit while being a cause of cancer, no different to 2024. If you made a decision on morality at the time (to exclude the share from an investment portfolio), you suffered a grave cost to a pension fund portfolio. People loved to smoke and consequently, the shares performed strongly over time. The ESG penalty imposed on the company at the time was not strong enough to change the revenue stream.

Societal costs (‘the licence to operate’) imposed on companies over time through regulations, changing consumer dynamics and societal pressure shapes companies so they evolve.

Examples include:

Smoking on airplanes and in public places has become inconsiderate.

Advertising bans – the aspirational Peter Stuyvesant and Marlboro Man adverts have since stopped and been replaced by cartons displaying ‘cancer kills’.

Sin taxes imposed by governments.

Next-generation products like e-cigarettes arrive as a product enhancement when fewer people smoke but not without continued regulatory pressure.

Now consider, a chemicals business producing synthetic fuels. It produces significant carbon emissions today as it did when it was growing. The environmental risk pertaining to the company is the same, however societal or government penalties imposed have drastically changed in recent years, prompting improved disclosure and strategic shifts in business models in pursuit of cleaner forms of revenue.

In the 1980s the rules for mining companies differed such that 1 000 deaths were acceptable given the risk of employ and tax generation for the country. Today 10 deaths are considered too much. Deaths in logistics and retail sectors outweigh mining companies. Society does not appear as concerned with those deaths and have yet to impose stricter penalties.

Does a life have a different value in each sector?

The point to note is that these businesses have existed and contributed to an investable universe in South Africa. Employing a workforce and sustaining families, paying taxes, generating returns for pension funds for decades so that retirement is at all possible. The performance today, might well reflect both ESG/economic or fundamental risks, needless to say, they remain viable businesses. No doubt that in the quest for profit, disclosures may have been less transparent and ESG risks were underappreciated, but to have them cancelled or taken private has additional costs to society.

41 Section 2

An investable future

When an ESG process is siloed away from the investment process, it leads to binary, almost militant stances with companies by investors. The exclusion of such companies from investment capital means that the cost of capital rises and they go out of business. Further reducing the South African investable universe with knock-on impact on jobs, tax, and so on.

In 2023, we witnessed companies and global investment managers attempting to take public stances on addressing narratives such as climate change or diversity equity and inclusion. These failed public relations exercises have led to capital outflows notwithstanding how noble or genuine they may have intended to be.

The ‘silver linings retirement playbook’

If however, ESG is incorporated on the basis of the extent to which companies are managing the onset of controversies, regulation, shifting societal norms, and so on, then we can take a view as to how that may play out for investability and align it with sound portfolio construction. Forcing a view is sub-optimal investment decision-making. If governments fail to create the framework and regulatory structure to operate it, and expect the private sector to address development goals, then sub-economic decisions are likely.

Finding balance

In the crucible of sustainability, finding balance is an art form. Ambition and profit generation must be weighed with realism as companies address shortand long-term systemic risks. It will be necessary to be mindful of overreach but extremely necessary to hold our collective selves to account.

Integrating asset manager selection, stewardship, collaboration and contributing to public policy discussions with investments in diversified asset classes are strong levers for value creation.

Encouraging competition over exclusion will ultimately benefit retirement vehicles of the future.

42 Section 2
Being different is what makes the difference

Mazi Asset Management adopts an unconventional approach to investment, an approach that embraces the diversity of thought, perspective, and skills. It’s in how we hire, invest, develop, and plan for the future. This has made it possible for us to find opportunities in unexpected places. Helping us to provide our clients with consistent and high-impact returns.

Delivering through diversity

An authorised financial services provider (FSP 46405)

SA Balanced Manager WatchTM Survey – Best Investment View

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and are confined to investing in South Africa only.

Range of Returns of the SA Best Investment View Investable Universe for the periods ending 31 December 2023

Return Statistics (Investable)

1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Highest 15.68% 15.00% 13.48% 10.81% 9.04% Upper Quartile 9.60% 13.95% 12.30% 9.43% 8.68% Median 8.06% 11.90% 9.42% 7.69% 7.58% Average 8.00% 12.73% 9.46% 7.59% 7.35% Asset-weighted Average 7.04% 12.99% 10.51% 8.75% 8.61% Lower Quartile 5.98% 12.31% 9.63% 7.78% 7.54% Lowest 4.87% 8.60% 7.15% 6.24% 6.47% Range 10.81% 6.40% 6.34% 4.57% 2.58% Number of Participants 14 13 13 12 9
5% 10% 25% 20% 15% 0% 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) 1 Year 25% – 75% Min – Max Median 44 Section 2

SA Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (multi-asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and are confined to investing in South Africa only. These portfolios represent the managers’ best investment view.

General information

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified / Compliant) Portfolio Type Regulation 28 Compliant Certification (Y/N) Benchmark Description No. of Funds in Composite Portfolio Size (R m) Aeon Domestic Balanced Fund C Segregated Y CPI +5% 1 903 Alexander Forbes Investments Performer Local N/A Pooled Y SA LMW Median N/A 3 081 Allan Gray Domestic Balanced V Segregated Y SA LMW Average 12 42 325 Aluwani Domestic Balanced Fund N/A Segregated Y CPI +5% 7 14 461 Coronation Domestic Houseview Mandate V Segregated Y SA LMW Median 9 10 538 Coronation Domestic Managed C Segregated Y 65% Capped SWIX; 5% ALPI; 15% ALBI; 5% IGOV; 10% STeFI 3-Month 2 2 111 Foord Domestic Balanced V Segregated Y 65% ALSI, 5% PROP, 25% ALBI, 5% STFCAD 3 1 521 Laurium Domestic Balanced Fund C Unit trust Y 70% Capped SWIX, 20% ALBI, 5% CILI, 5% STeFi 1 179 M&G Domestic Balanced V Segregated Y SA LMW Median 4 40 095 Nedgroup Investments (Truffle) Managed Fund N/A Unit Trust Y ASISA SA MA High Equity N/A 1 454 Ninety One Segregated Domestic Mandate V Segregated Y SA LMW Median 19 52 601 Perpetua Domestic Balanced N/A Segregated Y 70% Capped SWIX, 20% ALBI, 5% CILI, 5% STeFI 1 47 SIM Domestic Balanced Fund V Segregated Y 65% FTSE/JSE Capped Swix; 35% I2050 1 478 Truffle Domestic Balanced N/A Segregated Y SA LMW Median 8 25 546 Total 195 340 V = Verified C = Compliant 45 Section 2

SA Balanced Manager WatchTM Survey – Best Investment View

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and are confined to investing in South Africa only. These portfolios represent the managers’ best investment view.

Investment Manager 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Aeon Domestic Balanced Fund 4.87% 14 10.52% 8.60% 13 11.13% 7.24% 12 10.01% * * * * Alexander Forbes Investments Performer Local 7.09% 8 8.50% 12.30% 11 11.93% 9.77% 8 9.21% 8.05% 8 7.73% 8.10% 6 7.43% Allan Gray Domestic Balanced 8.85% 5 8.68% 13.61% 6 12.69% 9.72% 9 9.83% 8.25% 6 8.03% 9.04% 1 7.66% Aluwani Domestic Balanced Fund 7.40% 7 10.52% * * * * * * * * Coronation Domestic Houseview Mandate 10.05% 3 8.50% 13.39% 7 11.93% 12.30% 4 9.21% 9.36% 4 7.73% 8.59% 4 7.43% Coronation Domestic Managed 9.85% 4 8.51% 15.00% 1 11.41% 13.22% 3 8.44% 9.67% 3 7.38% 8.75% 2 7.39% Foord Domestic Balanced 15.68% 1 9.55% 12.40% 9 11.84% 10.55% 5 10.31% 7.83% 9 8.99% 7.54% 7 8.31% Laurium Domestic Balanced Fund 5.89% 11 1.57% 12.45% 8 10.47% 9.90% 7 8.35% 7.62% 10 6.99% * * M&G Domestic Balanced 6.98% 9 8.50% 14.39% 3 11.93% 10.10% 6 9.21% 8.52% 5 7.73% 8.18% 5 7.43% Nedgroup Investments (Truffle) Managed Fund 6.26% 10 12.45% 13.95% 4 12.14% 13.48% 1 10.70% 10.81% 1 10.53% * * Ninety One Segregated Domestic Mandate 5.32% 13 8.50% 11.03% 12 11.93% 9.63% 10 9.21% 8.24% 7 7.73% 8.68% 3 7.43% Perpetua Domestic Balanced 10.13% 2 7.55% 14.48% 2 10.95% 9.37% 11 8.63% 7.12% 11 7.30% 6.82% 8 7.41% SIM Domestic Balanced Fund 8.31% 6 5.46% 12.31% 10 10.27% 7.15% 13 7.04% 6.24% 12 6.57% 6.47% 9 6.53% Truffle Domestic Balanced 5.59% 12 8.50% 13.69% 5 11.93% 13.39% 2 9.21% 10.76% 2 7.73% * * Vunani FM SA Balanced Fund 4.79% 8 4.68% * * * * * * * *
Investment Manager 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Aeon Domestic Balanced Fund 3.83% 13 17.62% 13 2.39% 9 8.15% 10 * * Allan Gray Domestic Balanced 10.29% 3 22.14% 12 1.20% 11 7.14% 11 -3.13% 4 Aluwani Domestic Balanced Fund 4.06% 12 22.85% 9 1.13% 12 11.03% 5 -0.82% 3 Coronation Domestic Houseview Mandate 4.76% 9 26.46% 4 8.29% 3 13.11% 3 -8.78% 12 Coronation Domestic Mandate 26.46% 4 8.29% 2 13.11% 2 -8.78% 11 14.80% 3 Coronation Domestic Managed 8.68% 5 27.38% 2 8.26% 4 12.99% 4 -9.23% 13 Foord Domestic Balanced 4.59% 10 17.36% 14 6.84% 5 8.85% 8 -4.10% 5 Alexander Forbes Investments Performer Local 7.99% 8 22.46% 11 3.46% 7 8.76% 9 -4.42% 7 Laurium Domestic Balanced Fund 9.49% 4 22.65% 10 2.64% 8 9.85% 7 -5.27% 10 M&G Domestic Balanced 8.50% 6 28.94% 1 1.21% 10 6.80% 12 -5.73% 11 Nedgroup Investments (Truffle) Managed Fund 11.98% 2 24.34% 7 9.80% 2 15.87% 2 2.19% 2 Ninety One Segregated Domestic Mandate 4.10% 11 24.86% 6 4.23% 6 11.01% 6 -4.37% 6 Perpetua Domestic Balanced 8.05% 7 26.08% 5 -1.55% 13 5.96% 13 -4.54% 8 SIM Domestic Balanced Fund 3.11% 14 26.84% 3 -4.60% 14 4.50% 14 -4.96% 9 Truffle Domestic Balanced 12.26% 1 23.99% 8 10.03% 1 15.89% 1 2.22% 1
No performance history
* No performance history Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data
46 Section 2
Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Dynamic

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (multi-asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and aim to maximise long-term (more than 5 years) capital growth. This may lead to volatility of returns in the short term (less than one year).

Range of returns of the Global Dynamic Investable Universe for the periods ending 31 December 2023

Return Statistics

1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Highest 18.88% 14.82% 12.72% 10.61% 10.93% Upper Quartile 14.48% 13.38% 12.37% 9.87% 9.91% Median 13.67% 13.00% 11.84% 10.01% 9.77% Average 12.69% 12.63% 11.75% 9.70% 9.60% Asset-weighted Average 15.59% 11.30% 11.87% 9.97% 9.95% Lower Quartile 10.45% 11.67% 10.94% 9.26% 9.29% Lowest 5.82% 8.98% 9.60% 7.70% 8.48% Range 13.06% 5.84% 3.12% 2.91% 2.45% Number of Participants 8 8 8 7 6
(Investable) 10% 5% 15% 25% 20% 0% 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) 1 Year 25% – 75% Min – Max Median 47 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Dynamic

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (multi-asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and aim to maximise long-term (more than 5 years) capital growth. This may lead to volatility of returns in the short term (less than one year).

General information

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified/ Compliant) Portfolio Type OffshoreGross/Net/ Partial Net of fees Regulation 28 Compliant Certification (Y/N) Benchmark Description No.of funds in composite Portfolio Size (R m) Allan Gray Life Global Absolute Portfolio V Pooled Partial Y Global LMW Average N/A 2 211 Laurium Flexible Prescient Fund C Unit Trust Gross N CPI + 5% 1 2 476 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 Pooled Partial 42.5% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX, 15% ALBI, 13% STeFI, 4% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property, 20% MSCI WRLD (SEI), 3.5% WGBI, 2% D-FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev_Mstar GBP N/A 938 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 Pooled Partial 50% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX, 10% ALBI, 7.5% STeFI, 5% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property, 22.5% MSCI WRLD (SEI), 2.5% WGBI, 2.5% D-FTSE EPRA/ NAREIT Dev_Mstar GBP N/A 2 802 Ninety One Managed V Pooled Net Y Global LMW Median 1 30 311 Ninety One Opportunity Composite V Pooled Net Y Headline CPI + 6% 9 81 484 Old Mutual Multi-Manager Max 28 V Pooled Net Y CPI + 6.5% 1 933 Truffle SCI Flexible Fund N/A Unit trust Gross N CPI + 5% 1 10 560 Total 132 896 V = Verified C = Compliant 48 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Dynamic

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and are have exposure to both global and local assets. These statistics represent the various categories that portfolios are represented in but only for those managers that are open to new investments.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Allan Gray Life Global Absolute Portfolio 12.13% 5 13.07% 13.78% 2 11.73% 9.60% 8 10.45% 7.70% 7 8.70% 8.48% 6 8.17% Laurium Flexible Prescient Fund 8.29% 7 10.52% 13.24% 3 11.13% 11.43% 4 10.01% 9.56% 3 9.98% * * Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 14.41% 3 13.70% 13.06% 5 11.22% 11.08% 6 8.49% 9.10% 6 7.27% 9.27% 5 7.91% Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 14.29% 4 14.02% 13.10% 4 11.99% 11.38% 5 8.94% 9.41% 5 7.40% 9.38% 4 8.05% Ninety One Managed 11.18% 6 13.36% 8.98% 8 11.98% 10.50% 7 10.42% 9.47% 4 8.68% 9.90% 3 8.44% Ninety One Opportunity Composite 18.88% 1 11.52% 11.99% 6 12.13% 12.37% 3 11.22% 10.17% 2 11.13% 9.91% 2 11.31% Old Mutual Multi-Manager Max 28 14.67% 2 12.02% 14.82% 1 12.63% 12.40% 2 11.51% * * * * Truffle SCI Flexible Fund 5.82% 8 10.52% 10.70% 7 11.13% 12.72% 1 10.01% 10.61% 1 9.98% 10.93% 1 10.20%
Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Allan Gray Life Global Absolute Portfolio 10.39% 1 19.01% 6 1.72% 8 5.55% 8 -1.65% 4 Laurium Flexible Prescient Fund 7.46% 3 24.79% 4 6.74% 4 10.86% 7 -2.12% 5 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 0.95% 5 25.15% 3 3.60% 7 12.94% 5 -2.80% 7 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 0.81% 6 25.56% 2 4.35% 6 13.57% 4 -2.22% 6 Ninety One Managed 0.25% 7 16.13% 8 10.85% 3 14.82% 2 0.50% 2 Ninety One Opportunity Composite -0.86% 8 19.19% 5 12.05% 2 13.81% 3 -0.19% 3 Old Mutual Multi-Manager Max 28 1.81% 4 29.67% 1 6.12% 5 11.65% 6 * Truffle SCI Flexible Fund 8.81% 2 17.81% 7 13.60% 1 18.07% 1 2.62% 1
* No performance history
49 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager WatchTM Survey – Best Investment View

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (multi-asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and represent the managers’ best investment view.

Range of Returns of the Global Best Investment View Investable Universe for the periods ending 31 December 2023

Return Statistics (Investable)

1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Highest 17.29% 21.35% 14.03% 10.67% 10.77% Upper Quartile 14.55% 12.93% 11.66% 9.74% 9.46% Median 12.57% 11.96% 10.49% 8.76% 8.43% Average 12.75% 11.86% 10.56% 8.85% 8.33% Asset-weighted Average 12.67% 12.21% 10.99% 9.23% 9.27% Lower Quartile 11.92% 11.00% 9.66% 8.35% 8.42% Lowest 5.24% 6.04% 5.30% 4.21% 7.35% Range 12.05% 15.31% 8.73% 6.46% 3.42% Number of Participants 43 42 38 33 26
10% 15% 20% 25% 5% 0% 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) 1 Year 25% – 75% Min – Max Median 50 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (multi-asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and represent the managers’ best investment view.

General information

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified/ Compliant) Portfolio Type OffshoreGross/Net/ Partial Net of fees Regulation 28 Compliant Certification (Y/N) Benchmark Description No.of funds in composite Portfolio Size (R m) 10X Your Future Fund Segregated Gross ASISA South African – Multi Asset High Equity category N/A 18 113 Abax Balanced Fund N/A Pooled Gross Y ASISA SA MA High Equity 1 5 087 Aeon Balanced Fund (CPI + 5%) C Pooled Gross Y Headline CPI + 5% (Prior to Jan 2018 it was STEFI + 3%) 3 946 Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) N/A Pooled Gross Y Global LMW Median N/A 220 671 Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) N/A Pooled Gross Y Global LMW Average N/A 821 Allan Gray Global Balanced V Segregated Net Y Global LMW Average (Non Investable) 18 52 094 Ashburton Global Balanced Composite C Pooled Gross Y Market Value Weighted Average Return of ASISA Multi Asset – High Equity Category excluding the Ashburton Balanced Fund. 1 379 Balondolozi Active Balanced Fund C Segregated Gross Y Headline CPI + 5% 1 414 Camissa Global Balanced Fund V Segregated Net Y Global LMW Median 2 389 ClucasGray Equilibrium Prescient fund N/A Unit trust Gross Y Market value-weighted average return of ASISA category - South African Multi-Asset High Equity 1 1 152 Coronation (Managed) V Pooled Partial Y Global LMW Average 1 16 028 Coronation Segregated Full Discretion V Segregated Partial Y Global LMW Median 12 26 487 Fairtree Balanced Prescient Fund N/A Unit trust Gross Y South African - Multi Asset - High Equity Category Average N/A 3 073 Foord Global Balanced V Segregated Net Y 55% ALSI, 9% MSCI, 6% CITI, 5% PROP, 20% ALBI, 5% STFCAD 5 28 218 Laurium Global Balanced Fund C Unit trust Gross Y ASISA South African MA High Equity 1 4 003 M&G Balanced V Segregated Gross Y Global LMW Median 8 12 791 Merchant West SCI Managed P&G Fund Pooled Gross CPI + 6% p.a. over rolling 60-month periods 3 991 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 Pooled Partial 42.5% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX , 15% ALBI, 13% STeFI, 4% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property , 20% MSCI WRLD (SEI), 3.5% WGBI, 2% D-FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev Mstar GBP N/A 2 743 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 Pooled Partial 42.5% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX , 15% ALBI, 13% STeFI, 4% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property , 20% MSCI WRLD (SEI), 3.5% WGBI, 2% D-FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev_Mstar GBP N/A 3 893 Momentum Investments Target Factor 6 N/A Pooled Gross 42.5% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX , 15% ALBI, 13% STeFI, 4% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property , 20% MSCI WRLD (SEI), 3.5% WGBI, 2% D-FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev_Mstar GBP N/A 202 Nedgroup Investments (Truffle) Balanced Fund Unit trust Net Y ASISA SA MA High Equity N/A 6 122 Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund C Unit trust Net Y ASISA SA MA High Equity N/A 22 200 Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund C Net ASISA SA MA Low Equity N/A 11 295 Nedgroup Investments XS Diversified Fund of Funds N/A Unit trust Net Y Headline CPI + 5% 1 3 829 Ninety One Segregated Full Discretion V Segregated Net Y Global LMW Median 25 92 201 Northstar BCI Managed Fund N/A Unit trust Gross Y ASISA Category Avg: SA – Multi Asset – High Equity N/A 983 Oasis V Segregated Net Y Global BIV Average 4 651 Obsidian SCI Balanced fund Pooled Net Y FTSE/JSE All Share Index N/A 939 Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed V Pooled Net Y Global LMW Median(Non Investable) 1 4 014 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 5-7% V Pooled Net Y Headline CPI + 6% 1 16 490 OMIG Balanced Portfolio V Segregated Net Y Global LMW Median 4 27 951 OMIG Edge28 Portfolio V Pooled Net Y The performance target is CPI+6%. No benchmark. 3 11 613 PPS Balanced FoF N/A Pooled Gross ASISA South Africa MA High Equity N/A 5 105 PPS Managed N/A Pooled Gross Headline CPI + 5% N/A 4 270 Prescient Balanced Composite V Segregated Gross Y 22.50% Capped SWIX, 22.50% ALSI, 12% ALBI, 13% STeFI, 5% SAPY, 20% MSCI World, 5% US 1mth TB 3 5 467 PSG Balanced Fund N/A Unit trust Net Y Headline CPI+5% 1 12 981 Rezco Value Trend V Unit trust Net Y FTSE/JSE All Share 1 5 541 Sanlam Accumulation Fund Pooled Partial Y 24.5% SWIX, 24.5% Capped SWIX, 2% STeFI, 10% ALBI, 6% BSAGI, 8% Property, 21% MSCI World, 4% Barclays Aggr Bond Index N/A 19 182 Sanlam Wealth Creation N/A Pooled Partial 53% AF SA LMW Median (current-month proxy, finalisation occurs in the following month); 7% ALBI; 37% MSCI World AC Index; 3% Barclays Global Agg Bond Index N/A 10 528 Sasfin BCI Balanced fund N/A Unit trust Net N Average of SA Multi Asset Medium Equity category 1 326 Sasfin BCI Prudential fund N/A Unit trust Net N Average of SA Multi Asset High Equity category 1 1 445 SIM Global Unique V Segregated Net Y Global LMW Median 4 13 369 SMM Select Balanced Fund N/A Pooled Partial Global LMW median N/A 3 471 STANLIB AM V Unit trust Gross Y Global BIV Median 4 2 130 STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund N/A Pooled Partial Y Global BIV Median Non Investable N/A 7 013 Total 687 611 V = Verified C = Compliant 51 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios with exposure to global and local assets, subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and represent the managers’ best investment view.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark 10X Your Future Fund 15.65% 10 12.21% 12.92% 12 10.46% 11.18% 14 9.20% 9.40% 13 7.38% 8.95% 13 6.99% Abax Balanced Fund 17.29% 1 12.26% 18.65% 2 10.48% 14.03% 1 9.21% * * * * Aeon Balanced Fund (CPI + 5%) 16.79% 2 10.52% 11.96% 28 11.13% * * * * * * Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) 12.80% 28 13.36% 12.47% 19 11.98% 11.62% 11 10.42% 9.84% 7 8.68% 9.59% 5 8.44% Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) 13.03% 26 13.07% 12.07% 26 11.73% 10.63% 22 10.45% 8.87% 19 8.67% 8.40% 20 8.12% Allan Gray Global Balanced 14.34% 14 13.07% 14.79% 5 11.73% 11.14% 16 10.45% 9.37% 14 8.70% 9.61% 4 8.17% Ashburton Global Balanced Composite 12.51% 30 12.22% 11.04% 33 12.16% 9.16% 35 10.21% 7.69% 33 7.93% * * Balondolozi Active Balanced Fund 15.77% 9 10.52% 9.80% 40 11.13% 9.51% 32 10.01% * * * * Camissa Global Balanced Fund 14.20% 16 13.36% 12.33% 22 11.98% 12.01% 9 10.42% 10.67% 1 8.68% 9.25% 9 8.44% ClucasGray Equilibrium Prescient fund 12.38% 31 12.14% 15.28% 4 10.21% 11.03% 17 9.02% 9.73% 10 7.09% * * Coronation (Managed) 16.36% 5 13.07% 14.08% 7 11.73% 13.22% 2 10.45% 10.07% 5 8.67% 9.46% 7 8.12% Coronation Segregated Full Discretion 16.62% 4 13.36% 12.70% 16 11.98% 12.90% 4 10.42% 10.34% 3 8.68% 9.65% 2 8.44% Fairtree Balanced Prescient Fund 12.08% 33 11.80% 12.40% 21 9.80% * * * * * * Foord Global Balanced 14.05% 17 12.02% 10.90% 34 11.73% 11.15% 15 10.84% 8.51% 24 9.43% 8.13% 21 8.92% Laurium Global Balanced Fund 9.16% 40 11.79% 11.97% 27 10.55% 10.42% 24 8.87% * * * * M&G Balanced 12.66% 29 13.36% 14.24% 6 11.98% 11.33% 13 10.42% 9.72% 11 8.68% 9.51% 6 8.44% Merchant West SCI Managed P&G Fund 12.10% 32 12.05% 15.79% 3 12.69% 5.30% 40 11.72% 4.21% 35 11.62% * * Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 13.46% 21 13.70% 12.42% 20 11.23% 9.95% 28 8.51% 8.38% 26 7.28% 8.60% 16 7.92% Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 13.37% 23 13.70% 12.52% 18 11.23% 10.00% 27 8.51% 8.49% 25 7.28% 8.76% 14 7.92% Momentum Investments Target Factor 6 13.73% 19 13.70% 11.85% 29 11.21% * * * * * * Nedgroup Investments (Truffle) Balanced Fund 6.18% 43 12.45% 10.81% 35 12.14% 12.61% 6 10.70% 10.15% 4 10.53% * * Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund 15.89% 7 12.44% 12.76% 15 12.19% 11.03% 18 10.73% 9.14% 15 10.55% 8.98% 12 10.68% Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund 13.08% 25 11.05% 10.33% 38 8.52% 9.57% 31 7.85% 8.58% 23 6.96% 8.57% 17 6.80% Nedgroup Investments XS Diversified Fund of Funds 13.37% 22 10.52% 12.29% 25 11.13% 9.47% 33 10.01% 7.91% 29 9.98% 8.00% 22 10.20% Ninety One Segregated Full Discretion 8.81% 42 13.36% 10.22% 39 11.98% 10.07% 26 10.42% 8.95% 18 8.68% 9.25% 10 8.44% Northstar BCI Managed Fund 14.48% 13 12.28% 12.32% 23 10.24% 11.01% 19 9.09% 9.02% 17 7.30% 8.50% 19 6.94% Oasis 11.36% 36 12.75% 11.22% 31 11.86% 9.06% 37 10.56% 7.23% 34 8.85% 7.35% 26 8.33% Obsidian SCI Balanced fund 9.93% 37 9.25% 11.18% 32 13.51% 10.87% 21 11.88% 8.65% 22 9.93% 9.45% 8 8.78% Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed 14.55% 12 13.36% 13.81% 8 11.98% 12.13% 8 10.42% 9.86% 6 8.71% * * Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 5-7% 13.79% 18 11.52% 13.41% 10 12.13% 12.29% 7 11.01% 9.76% 9 10.98% 9.63% 3 11.20% OMIG Balanced Portfolio 11.65% 35 14.01% 11.63% 30 11.44% 9.92% 29 10.89% 8.82% 21 9.18% 8.56% 18 9.03% OMIG Edge28 Portfolio 9.28% 39 * 12.30% 24 * 10.14% 25 * 8.84% 20 * 9.04% 11 * PPS Balanced FoF 11.92% 34 12.22% 13.43% 9 10.44% 11.41% 12 9.19% 9.40% 12 7.37% * * PPS Managed 8.91% 41 10.52% 12.80% 14 11.13% 12.96% 3 10.01% * * * * Prescient Balanced Composite 14.74% 11 14.22% 10.75% 37 11.80% 10.54% 23 9.92% * * * * PSG Balanced Fund 16.62% 3 11.11% 21.35% 1 12.04% 12.82% 5 10.75% 10.46% 2 10.58% 10.77% 1 10.63% Rezco Value Trend 9.82% 38 9.25% 6.04% 44 13.51% 9.08% 36 11.88% 7.72% 32 9.93% 7.74% 24 9.16% Sanlam Accumulation Fund 15.78% 8 16.07% 12.55% 17 12.43% 10.98% 20 10.54% 9.06% 16 8.80% 8.61% 15 8.90% Sanlam Wealth Creation 15.97% 6 16.29% * * * * * * * * Sasfin BCI Balanced fund 6.04% 44 11.25% 7.53% 42 9.43% 8.99% 38 8.59% 8.32% 27 7.15% * * Sasfin BCI Prudential fund 5.24% 45 11.76% 7.38% 43 10.21% 8.52% 39 9.07% 7.88% 30 7.27% * * SIM Global Unique 12.81% 27 13.36% 10.81% 36 11.98% 9.37% 34 10.42% 7.79% 31 8.68% 7.91% 23 8.44% SMM Select Balanced Fund 13.21% 24 13.36% 12.89% 13 11.98% * * * * * * STANLIB AM 13.68% 20 12.57% 8.54% 41 11.96% 9.69% 30 10.49% 7.96% 28 8.76% 7.37% 25 8.43% STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 14.27% 15 12.57% 12.96% 11 11.96% 11.76% 10 10.49% 9.80% 8 8.76% * *
No performance history
52 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (multi-asset class) portfolios with exposure to global and local assets, subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and represent the managers’ best investment view.

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

* No performance history

Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank 10X Your Future Fund -0.66% 39 25.32% 9 6.13% 23 11.16% 24 -2.92% 27 Abax Balanced Fund 7.68% 7 32.26% 3 0.65% 40 14.67% 4 0.83% 9 Aeon Balanced Fund (CPI + 5%) -1.84% 42 22.41% 28 8.13% 13 9.89% 30 -1.58% 23 Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) 2.32% 19 23.24% 22 9.59% 8 11.16% 23 -0.57% 13 Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) 1.81% 22 22.30% 29 6.12% 24 10.93% 26 -2.10% 24 Allan Gray Global Balanced 9.89% 2 20.38% 32 5.27% 26 6.51% 39 -1.40% 20 Ashburton Global Balanced Composite 2.89% 17 18.25% 35 4.35% 30 8.48% 38 -1.41% 21 Balondolozi Active Balanced Fund 0.94% 28 13.29% 43 7.35% 16 10.80% 27 3.11% 1 Camissa Global Balanced Fund 0.09% 34 24.01% 15 3.70% 32 19.96% 1 0.45% 10 ClucasGray Equilibrium Prescient fund 5.23% 8 29.55% 4 1.21% 36 8.81% 37 1.43% 6 Coronation (Managed) 3.05% 13 23.81% 18 9.92% 7 13.99% 6 -6.50% 38 Coronation Segregated Full Discretion -1.04% 40 24.04% 14 11.93% 4 14.50% 5 -4.92% 36 Fairtree Balanced Prescient Fund 7.69% 6 17.66% 37 * * * Foord Global Balanced 3.03% 15 16.06% 42 10.83% 5 12.24% 14 -3.10% 28 Laurium Global Balanced Fund 4.76% 9 22.76% 26 6.18% 22 10.12% 29 1.59% 5 M&G Balanced 4.37% 10 26.81% 7 3.81% 31 10.49% 28 -2.36% 25 Merchant West SCI Managed P&G Fund 2.52% 18 35.08% 2 -12.38% 41 -4.84% 41 -7.52% 40 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 1.38% 26 23.53% 19 0.80% 38 12.17% 17 -4.50% 35 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 2.06% 20 23.14% 23 0.71% 39 12.22% 15 -3.73% 33 Momentum Investments Target Factor 6 0.00% 36 23.02% 24 * * * Nedgroup Investments (Truffle) Balanced Fund 8.60% 4 18.00% 36 13.26% 1 17.52% 2 2.32% 2 Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund -0.44% 38 24.25% 12 7.29% 18 9.69% 32 -3.17% 30 Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund 1.47% 25 17.04% 41 7.71% 15 9.17% 36 2.13% 3 Nedgroup Investments XS Diversified Fund of Funds 1.52% 24 23.00% 25 1.70% 35 9.20% 35 -1.20% 18 Ninety One Segregated Full Discretion 0.50% 31 22.46% 27 8.10% 14 11.59% 22 -0.88% 14 Northstar BCI Managed Fund 2.94% 16 20.25% 33 7.14% 20 11.02% 25 1.14% 7 Oasis -1.82% 41 25.85% 8 2.11% 34 9.80% 31 -0.89% 15 Obsidian SCI Balanced fund 0.84% 29 23.97% 16 7.35% 17 13.57% 9 -1.11% 17 Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed 3.73% 12 24.06% 13 6.76% 21 12.62% 12 -3.16% 29 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 5-7% 0.95% 27 26.97% 6 9.18% 9 12.10% 18 -6.56% 39 OMIG Balanced Portfolio 0.05% 35 24.53% 11 5.57% 25 9.28% 34 -1.48% 22 OMIG Edge28 Portfolio 1.75% 23 27.35% 5 4.50% 29 9.51% 33 -3.58% 31 PPS Balanced FoF 4.21% 11 25.15% 10 5.05% 28 11.92% 20 0.33% 11 PPS Managed 7.93% 5 22.10% 30 12.65% 2 13.77% 7 * Prescient Balanced Composite -2.64% 43 21.58% 31 8.55% 11 11.96% 19 -3.58% 32 PSG Balanced Fund 11.30% 1 37.68% 1 2.44% 33 -0.15% 40 -2.82% 26 Rezco Value Trend 9.24% 3 -0.61% 44 11.96% 3 15.68% 3 1.61% 4 Sanlam Accumulation Fund -0.23% 37 23.42% 20 5.23% 27 12.22% 16 -5.58% 37 SIM Global Unique 0.83% 30 19.61% 34 1.19% 37 13.68% 8 -3.89% 34 Sasfin BCI Balanced fund 0.11% 33 17.13% 40 9.13% 10 13.34% 11 0.94% 8 Sasfin BCI Prudential fund 0.43% 32 17.14% 39 7.14% 19 13.49% 10 -0.27% 12 SMM Select Balanced Fund 3.04% 14 23.32% 21 * * * STANLIB AM -4.21% 44 17.43% 38 10.45% 6 12.44% 13 -0.95% 16 STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 1.84% 21 23.86% 17 8.14% 12 11.85% 21 -1.21% 19
53 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Conservative

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios with exposure to both global and local assets, subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and aim to minimise the probability of short-term (i.e. less than one year) capital loss while targeting long-term (i.e.more than five years) capital return.

Range of Returns of the Global Conservative Investable Universe for the periods ending 31 December 2023

Return Statistics (Investable)

10% 15% 20% 5% 0% 1 Year
1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Highest 16.67% 14.55% 11.86% 10.56% 9.56% Upper Quartile 13.17% 11.38% 10.26% 9.17% 8.98% Median 12.09% 10.74% 9.54% 8.55% 8.45% Average 12.18% 10.91% 9.64% 8.62% 8.44% Asset-weighted Average 12.44% 10.65% 9.99% 9.13% 8.83% Lower Quartile 10.83% 10.18% 9.22% 8.45% 8.60% Lowest 7.88% 8.89% 5.88% 5.11% 8.19% Range 8.80% 5.66% 5.97% 5.45% 1.37% Number of Participants 24 24 23 19 13
3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) 25% – 75% Min – Max Median 54 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Conservative

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios with exposure to both global and local assets, subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and aim to minimise the probability of short-term (i.e. less than one year) capital loss while targeting long-term (i.e.more than five years) capital return.

General information

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified/ Compliant) Portfolio Type OffshoreGross/Net/ Partial Net of fees Regulation 28 Compliant Certification (Y/N) Benchmark Description No.of funds in composite Portfolio Size (R m) Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) N/A Pooled Gross Y 32% Capped SWIX, 24% ALBI, 24% STeFI Call, 7.9% MSCI AC World, 6% FTSE WGBI, 3.05% French TB, 3.05% US TB N/A 10 162 Allan Gray Life Global Stable Portfolio V Pooled Partial Y STeFI + 2% N/A 4 664 Coronation Inflation Plus Fund V Pooled Partial Y Headline CPI + 3.5% 1 5 179 Foord Conservative Balanced V Pooled Net Y Headline CPI+4% 1 1 139 Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% N/A Unit trust Partial Y Headline CPI + 3% 1 4 799 Merchant West SCI Stable P&G Fund Pooled Gross Y CPI + 4% p.a. over rolling 60-month periods 2 345 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 Pooled Partial Y 32% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX , 23.5% ALBI, 18% STeFI, 3% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property , 18% MSCI WRLD (SEI), 3.5% WGBI, 2% D-FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev_Mstar GBP N/A 1 302 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 Pooled Partial Y 20% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX , 28% ALBI, 26% STeFI, 2.5% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property , 17% MSCI WRLD (SEI), 5% WGBI, 1.5% D-FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev_Mstar GBP N/A 4 506 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 Pooled Partial Y 32% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX , 23.5% ALBI, 18% STeFI, 3% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property , 18% MSCI WRLD (SEI), 3.5% WGBI, 2% D-FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Dev_Mstar GBP N/A 1 726 Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds N/A Pooled Net Y CPI + 3% N/A 841 Ninety One Cautious Managed Fund V Pooled Net Y (ASISA) SA MA Low Equity 3 22 209 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund V Pooled Net Y CPI+4% (CPI+5% prior to Sept 13) 1 678 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 1-3% Pooled Net Y Headline CPI + 3% N/A 726 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 3-5% Pooled Net Y Headline CPI + 5% N/A 5 857 OMIG Moderate Portfolio V Pooled Net Y 30% Capped SWIX, 15% MSCI ACWI, 25% ALBI, 17,5% Stefi 3 Mths, 5% Barclays Capital Global Bond Agg, 5% SAPY, 2.5% Gold EFT 1 1 709 OMIG Profile Capital V Pooled Net Y The performance target is CPI + 3%. Benchmark is 20% Capped SWIX, 10% MSCI ACWI Net Index, 30% BEASSA Index, 22,5% Stefi 3 Months, 10% Barclays Capital Global Bond Aggregate Index, 5% SAPY, 2.5% Gold Trust EFT Index 2 7 762 PPS Conservative FoF N/A Pooled Gross Y Headline CPI + 2% N/A 2 041 PPS Defensive N/A Pooled Gross Y ASISA South African MA Low Equity N/A 694 PPS Stable Growth N/A Pooled Gross Y ASISA South African MA Medium Equity N/A 2 075 Prescient Defensive Composite V Segregated Gross Y Headline CPI + 3% 2 2 004 PSG Stable Fund N/A Unit trust Net Y Headline CPI + 3% 1 3 127 STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund N/A Pooled Partial Y Headline CPI + 3% (1 month lag) N/A 1 330 Truffle Low Equity Fund N/A Unit trust Gross Y Headline CPI + 3% 1 4 696 Weaver BCI Moderate FoF C Pooled Net Y CPI + 4% N/A 585 Total 90 156 V = Verified C = Compliant 56 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Conservative

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios with exposure to both global and local assets, subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and aim to minimise the probability of short-term (i.e. less than one year) capital loss while targeting long-term (i.e.more than five years) capital return.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Portfolio Rank Benchmark Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) 11.91% 15 11.18% 10.99% 12 9.09% 10.59% 4 8.66% 9.66% 3 7.94% 8.75% 6 7.85% Allan Gray Life Global Stable Portfolio 12.66% 11 10.06% 12.27% 4 7.68% 9.52% 12 7.86% 8.85% 9 8.23% 9.14% 3 8.27% Coronation Inflation Plus Fund 16.18% 2 5.53% 10.62% 14 6.13% 10.25% 7 5.19% 8.97% 8 5.50% 8.60% 10 6.68% Foord Conservative Balanced 13.10% 8 7.29% 10.05% 19 8.00% 10.89% 3 6.96% 9.14% 7 7.39% * * Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% 11.51% 16 8.52% 11.10% 9 9.13% 10.31% 5 8.01% 9.86% 2 7.98% * * Merchant West SCI Stable P&G Fund 11.03% 17 9.83% 14.38% 2 10.46% 5.88% 23 9.51% 5.11% 19 9.41% * * Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 13.16% 7 13.20% 11.71% 6 10.30% 9.43% 14 7.54% * * * * Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 12.85% 10 13.24% 11.04% 11 9.32% 9.29% 16 7.43% 8.08% 18 6.72% 8.31% 12 7.25% Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 13.00% 9 13.20% 11.87% 5 10.30% 9.44% 13 7.54% 8.09% 17 6.66% 8.45% 11 7.37% Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds 13.42% 4 8.52% 10.52% 16 9.13% 9.41% 15 8.01% 8.48% 14 7.98% 8.66% 7 8.20% Ninety One Cautious Managed Fund 14.15% 3 10.64% 8.89% 24 7.56% 9.93% 10 7.48% 9.19% 5 7.89% 8.98% 4 8.43% Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund 16.67% 1 9.52% 11.09% 10 10.13% 10.27% 6 9.01% 8.60% 12 8.98% 8.63% 8 9.20% Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 1-3% 12.19% 13 8.52% 9.68% 20 9.13% 10.02% 8 8.01% 8.79% 10 7.98% 8.88% 5 8.20% Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 3-5% 13.23% 5 10.52% 12.70% 3 11.13% 11.86% 1 10.01% 9.64% 4 9.98% 9.56% 1 10.20% OMIG Moderate Portfolio 10.26% 19 13.60% 11.11% 8 10.01% 9.26% 17 9.87% 8.73% 11 9.69% 8.62% 9 9.71% OMIG Profile Capital 9.06% 23 11.98% 10.57% 15 8.55% 8.66% 21 8.82% 8.34% 16 8.30% 8.19% 13 8.24% PPS Conservative FoF 10.25% 20 7.52% 9.22% 23 8.13% 9.13% 19 7.01% 8.51% 13 6.98% * * PPS Defensive 9.65% 22 10.24% 10.71% 13 8.24% 8.90% 20 7.69% * * * * PPS Stable Growth 11.03% 18 11.25% 10.33% 17 9.28% 9.18% 18 8.53% * * * * Prescient Defensive Composite 11.93% 14 8.52% 9.58% 22 9.13% 8.50% 22 8.01% * * * * PSG Stable Fund 13.20% 6 9.09% 14.55% 1 9.90% 9.99% 9 8.60% 9.16% 6 8.47% 9.31% 2 8.54% STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund 12.48% 12 8.52% 10.22% 18 9.13% 9.59% 11 8.01% 8.42% 15 7.98% * * Truffle Low Equity Fund 7.88% 24 8.52% 11.27% 7 9.13% 11.78% 2 8.01% 10.56% 1 7.98% * * Weaver BCI Moderate FoF 9.85% 21 9.52% 9.61% 21 10.13% * * * * * *
Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) 4.72% 5 16.67% 15 9.60% 4 10.39% 10 4.51% 5 Allan Gray Life Global Stable Portfolio 7.90% 3 16.42% 17 3.70% 18 7.36% 20 4.20% 7 Coronation Inflation Plus Fund 1.77% 16 14.49% 21 8.68% 7 10.73% 9 2.65% 11 Foord Conservative Balanced 4.50% 6 12.77% 24 10.54% 3 13.80% 2 1.77% 13 Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% 4.75% 4 17.42% 12 9.05% 6 9.22% 16 5.32% 3 Merchant West SCI Stable P&G Fund 3.81% 7 29.83% 1 -8.57% 23 -2.74% 23 -3.48% 20 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 1.62% 19 21.21% 5 1.65% 21 10.76% 8 -3.07% 19 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 2.08% 15 18.86% 10 3.55% 19 9.95% 12 -0.17% 17 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 2.25% 13 21.17% 6 1.02% 22 11.03% 7 -2.57% 18 Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds 1.54% 20 17.21% 13 5.69% 13 9.91% 13 4.25% 6 Ninety One Cautious Managed Fund -0.53% 24 13.72% 23 10.63% 2 12.40% 4 5.78% 2 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced fund 0.44% 22 17.00% 14 6.28% 11 11.90% 6 0.95% 15 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 1-3% 2.59% 10 14.65% 20 8.39% 8 12.68% 3 0.89% 16 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 3-5% 1.27% 21 24.85% 2 9.26% 5 11.95% 5 -4.29% 21 OMIG Moderate Portfolio 2.58% 11 21.29% 4 4.97% 14 8.12% 18 1.48% 14 OMIG Profile Capital 3.80% 8 19.40% 9 4.47% 16 7.28% 21 3.30% 8 PPS Conservative FoF 1.62% 18 16.30% 18 7.85% 9 10.16% 11 5.13% 4 PPS Defensive 2.55% 12 20.66% 7 4.48% 15 8.05% 19 * PPS Stable Growth 2.65% 9 17.86% 11 5.89% 12 9.06% 17 * Prescient Defensive Composite 1.70% 17 15.59% 19 4.27% 17 9.58% 14 3.13% 9 PSG Stable Fund 8.97% 2 21.86% 3 3.15% 20 3.82% 22 2.79% 10 STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund 2.11% 14 16.60% 16 7.80% 10 9.48% 15 1.86% 12 Truffle Low Equity Fund 11.71% 1 14.32% 22 11.08% 1 14.01% 1 10.22% 1 Weaver BCI Moderate FoF -0.31% 23 20.26% 8 * * * * No performance history
57 Section 2
Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

SA Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View Risk

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and are confined to investing in South Africa only. These portfolios represent the managers’ best investment view.

Calculated on 3 year Performance Returns Calculated on 5 year Performance Returns 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility Rank Active Return Tracking Error Sharpe Ratio 5 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility Rank Active Return Tracking Error Sharpe Ratio Aeon Domestic Balanced Fund 8.60% 13 8.92% 3 -2.53% 9.11% 0.33 7.24% 12 12.00% 4 -2.78% 12.36% 0.11 Alexander Forbes Investments Performer Local 12.30% 11 9.24% 4 0.37% 1.68% 0.72 9.77% 8 11.43% 2 0.55% 1.95% 0.33 Allan Gray Domestic Balanced 13.61% 6 8.50% 1 0.92% 2.93% 0.93 9.72% 9 12.34% 6 -0.11% 2.73% 0.31 Coronation Domestic Houseview Mandate 13.39% 7 11.49% 12 1.46% 2.88% 0.67 12.30% 4 13.37% 10 3.08% 3.11% 0.48 Coronation Domestic Managed 15.00% 1 11.69% 13 3.58% 3.15% 0.80 13.22% 3 14.11% 12 4.78% 3.14% 0.52 Foord Domestic Balanced 12.40% 9 8.52% 2 0.55% 6.02% 0.79 10.55% 5 10.05% 1 0.24% 5.50% 0.46 Laurium Domestic Balanced Fund 12.45% 8 10.09% 9 1.98% 5.69% 0.67 9.90% 7 12.41% 7 1.55% 4.89% 0.32 M&G Domestic Balanced 14.39% 3 11.43% 11 2.46% 2.59% 0.76 10.10% 6 14.61% 13 0.88% 2.73% 0.28 Nedgroup Investments (Truffle) Managed Fund 13.95% 4 9.66% 6 1.80% 7.06% 0.86 13.48% 1 12.01% 5 2.78% 11.19% 0.63 Ninety One Segregated Domestic Mandate 11.03% 12 11.42% 10 -0.90% 3.09% 0.47 9.63% 10 13.81% 11 0.42% 2.94% 0.27 Perpetua Domestic Balanced 14.48% 2 9.35% 5 3.53% 3.49% 0.94 9.37% 11 12.59% 8 0.75% 3.89% 0.27 SIM Domestic Balanced Fund 12.31% 10 9.90% 8 2.03% 4.93% 0.67 7.15% 13 12.63% 9 0.11% 4.78% 0.10 Truffle Domestic Balanced 13.69% 5 9.81% 7 1.76% 3.06% 0.82 13.39% 2 11.99% 3 4.17% 3.57% 0.62 Lower volatility= higher ranking Lower volatility= higher ranking Statistics Range 6.40% 6.34% Highest 15.00% 11.69% 3.58% 9.11% 0.94 13.48% 14.61% 4.78% 12.36% 0.63 Upper Quartile 13.95% 11.42% 2.03% 5.69% 0.82 12.30% 13.37% 2.78% 4.89% 0.48 Median 11.90% 9.81% 1.76% 3.15% 0.76 9.42% 12.41% 0.75% 3.57% 0.32 Average 12.73% 10.00% 1.31% 4.28% 0.72 9.46% 12.56% 1.26% 4.83% 0.36 Lower Quartile 12.31% 9.24% 0.55% 2.93% 0.67 9.63% 12.00% 0.24% 2.94% 0.27 Lowest 8.60% 8.50% -2.53% 1.68% 0.33 7.15% 10.05% -2.78% 1.95% 0.10 Number of participants 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
No performance history Investment
Volatility vs Return 58 Section 2
Data to the end of December 2023 -

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Dynamic Risk

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios with exposure to both global and local assets, subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and aim to maximize long-term (i.e. more than 5 years) capital returns. This may lead to volatility of returns in the short-term (i.e. less than one year).

Calculated on 3 year Performance Returns Calculated on 5 year Performance Returns 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility Rank Active Return Tracking Error Sharpe Ratio 5 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility Rank Active Return Tracking Error Sharpe Ratio Allan Gray Life Global Absolute Portfolio 13.78% 2 6.17% 1 2.05% 4.84% 1.31 9.60% 8 9.53% 3 -0.84% 4.29% 0.38 Laurium Flexible Prescient Fund 13.24% 3 10.50% 8 2.11% 10.53% 0.72 11.43% 4 12.79% 8 1.42% 13.06% 0.43 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 13.06% 5 8.64% 4 1.85% 1.84% 0.86 11.08% 6 10.82% 5 2.59% 2.87% 0.48 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 13.10% 4 8.83% 6 1.10% 2.35% 0.84 11.38% 5 11.03% 6 2.45% 3.51% 0.49 Ninety One Managed 8.98% 8 6.44% 2 -3.00% 5.39% 0.51 10.50% 7 7.24% 1 0.08% 7.09% 0.63 Ninety One Opportunity Composite 11.99% 6 8.70% 5 -0.13% 8.78% 0.73 12.37% 3 9.03% 2 1.15% 9.12% 0.71 Old Mutual Multi-Manager Max 28 14.82% 1 9.61% 7 2.20% 9.78% 0.95 12.40% 2 11.70% 7 0.88% 11.99% 0.55 Truffle SCI Flexible Fund 10.70% 7 8.52% 3 -0.43% 8.56% 0.59 12.72% 1 10.37% 4 2.70% 10.64% 0.65 Lower volatility
Lower volatility
Statistics Range 5.84% 3.12% Highest 14.82% 10.50% 2.20% 10.53% 1.31 12.72% 12.79% 2.70% 13.06% 0.71 Upper Quartile 13.38% 9.03% 2.07% 9.03% 0.88 12.37% 11.20% 2.48% 10.98% 0.64 Median 13.00% 8.67% 1.47% 6.98% 0.78 11.84% 10.59% 1.28% 8.10% 0.52 Average 12.63% 8.43% 0.72% 6.51% 0.81 11.75% 10.31% 1.30% 7.82% 0.54 Lower Quartile 11.67% 8.00% -0.21% 4.22% 0.69 10.94% 9.40% 0.68% 4.10% 0.46 Lowest 8.98% 6.17% -3.00% 1.84% 0.51 9.60% 7.24% -0.84% 2.87% 0.38 Number of participants 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
No performance history
59 Section 2
= higher ranking
= higher ranking
Investment Data to the end of December 2023 –Volatility vs Return

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Best Investment View Risk

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios with exposure to global and local assets, subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and represent the managers’ best investment view.

Calculated on 3 year Performance Returns Calculated on 5 year Performance Returns 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility Rank Active Return Tracking Error Sharpe Ratio 5 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility Rank Active Return Tracking Error Sharpe Ratio 10X Your Future Fund 12.92% 12 9.35% 31 2.46% 2.08% 0.77 11.18% 14 11.49% 24 1.98% 2.25% 0.46 Abax Balanced Fund 18.65% 2 9.79% 34 8.17% 3.21% 1.33 14.03% 1 13.10% 37 4.82% 4.41% 0.62 Aeon Balanced Fund (CPI + 5%) 11.96% 28 7.38% 6 0.83% 7.46% 0.85 * * * * * Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) 12.47% 19 8.03% 11 0.49% 1.48% 0.84 11.62% 11 9.74% 7 1.21% 1.82% 0.58 Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) 12.07% 26 8.60% 16 0.34% 0.49% 0.74 10.63% 22 10.63% 15 0.18% 0.63% 0.44 Allan Gray Global Balanced 14.79% 5 7.17% 5 3.06% 3.85% 1.27 11.14% 16 10.09% 12 0.69% 3.46% 0.52 Ashburton Global Balanced Composite 11.04% 33 8.77% 20 -1.13% 3.32% 0.61 9.16% 35 10.14% 13 -1.06% 2.83% 0.32 Balondolozi Active Balanced Fund 9.80% 40 10.15% 37 -1.32% 10.33% 0.41 9.51% 32 11.44% 21 -0.51% 11.74% 0.31 Camissa Global Balanced Fund 12.33% 22 11.26% 42 0.35% 4.30% 0.59 12.01% 9 13.86% 38 1.59% 5.34% 0.44 ClucasGray Equilibrium Prescient fund 15.28% 4 8.61% 18 5.07% 4.23% 1.12 11.03% 17 11.29% 18 2.01% 4.27% 0.45 Coronation (Managed) 14.08% 7 10.77% 40 2.35% 2.99% 0.78 13.22% 2 12.88% 35 2.77% 3.13% 0.56 Coronation Segregated Full Discretion 12.70% 16 11.02% 41 0.72% 3.61% 0.64 12.90% 4 12.23% 32 2.49% 3.20% 0.57 Fairtree Balanced Prescient Fund 12.40% 21 10.27% 38 2.60% 5.18% 0.65 * * * * * Foord Global Balanced 10.90% 34 7.78% 10 -0.83% 5.54% 0.67 11.15% 15 9.75% 8 0.31% 5.38% 0.53 Laurium Global Balanced Fund 11.97% 27 8.61% 17 1.41% 2.31% 0.73 10.42% 24 12.98% 36 1.55% 3.83% 0.34 M&G Balanced 14.24% 6 9.50% 32 2.26% 1.59% 0.90 11.33% 13 12.21% 31 0.91% 2.18% 0.44 Merchant West SCI Managed P&G Fund 15.79% 3 11.68% 44 3.10% 11.72% 0.87 5.30% 40 15.13% 39 -6.42% 15.33% -0.04 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 12.42% 20 9.15% 26 1.20% 1.11% 0.74 9.95% 28 12.28% 33 1.44% 1.67% 0.33 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 12.52% 18 8.66% 19 1.30% 1.46% 0.79 10.00% 27 11.70% 27 1.49% 2.07% 0.35 Momentum Investments Target Factor 6 11.85% 29 9.27% 27 0.63% 1.25% 0.67 * * * * * Nedgroup Investments (Truffle) Balanced Fund 10.81% 35 8.08% 12 -1.33% 6.46% 0.63 12.61% 6 10.00% 9 1.91% 9.57% 0.67 Nedgroup Investments Core Diversified Fund 12.76% 15 9.02% 24 0.57% 5.11% 0.78 11.03% 18 11.41% 20 0.30% 10.15% 0.45 Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund 10.33% 38 5.79% 2 1.81% 1.53% 0.80 9.57% 31 7.06% 3 1.72% 1.65% 0.51 Nedgroup Investments XS Diversified Fund of Funds 12.29% 25 8.58% 15 1.16% 8.72% 0.77 9.47% 33 10.97% 16 -0.54% 11.25% 0.32 Ninety One Segregated Full Discretion 10.22% 39 9.32% 29 -1.76% 2.24% 0.49 10.07% 26 11.40% 19 -0.35% 2.40% 0.36 Northstar BCI Managed Fund 12.32% 23 7.50% 8 2.08% 2.29% 0.89 11.01% 19 8.82% 6 1.92% 2.77% 0.57 Oasis 11.22% 31 8.90% 23 -0.64% 2.46% 0.62 9.06% 37 10.08% 11 -1.50% 2.96% 0.31 Obsidian SCI Balanced fund 11.18% 32 8.77% 21 -2.33% 10.13% 0.63 10.87% 21 11.88% 29 -1.01% 9.02% 0.42 Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed 13.81% 8 8.13% 13 1.83% 2.74% 1.00 12.13% 8 11.71% 28 1.71% 3.22% 0.53 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 5-7% 13.41% 10 9.65% 33 1.28% 9.80% 0.80 12.29% 7 11.69% 26 1.28% 11.99% 0.54 OMIG Balanced Portfolio 11.63% 30 9.28% 28 0.19% 2.03% 0.64 9.92% 29 11.44% 22 -0.97% 2.64% 0.35 OMIG Edge28 Portfolio 12.30% 24 9.33% 30 * * 0.71 10.14% 25 12.01% 30 * * 0.35 PPS Balanced FoF 13.43% 9 7.46% 7 2.99% 2.72% 1.04 11.41% 12 10.01% 10 2.22% 2.72% 0.55 PPS Managed 12.80% 14 7.11% 4 1.67% 7.24% 1.00 12.96% 3 8.30% 5 2.95% 8.54% 0.85 Prescient Balanced Composite 10.75% 37 10.32% 39 -1.06% 2.88% 0.49 10.54% 23 11.69% 25 0.62% 2.72% 0.39 PSG Balanced Fund 21.35% 1 11.34% 43 9.31% 11.65% 1.38 12.82% 5 16.29% 40 2.07% 16.56% 0.42 Rezco Value Trend 6.04% 44 4.26% 1 -7.47% 15.66% 0.08 9.08% 36 6.04% 1 -2.80% 16.45% 0.52 Sanlam Accumulation Fund 12.55% 17 10.01% 35 0.12% 1.14% 0.69 10.98% 20 12.32% 34 0.44% 1.24% 0.41 Sasfin BCI Balanced fund 7.53% 42 6.01% 3 -1.89% 2.76% 0.31 8.99% 38 6.13% 2 0.40% 3.73% 0.50 Sasfin BCI Prudential fund 7.38% 43 7.56% 9 -2.83% 3.23% 0.22 8.52% 39 7.51% 4 -0.54% 4.51% 0.34 SIM Global Unique 10.81% 36 9.14% 25 -1.17% 1.61% 0.56 9.37% 34 11.01% 17 -1.04% 1.73% 0.31 SMM Select Balanced Fund 12.89% 13 8.48% 14 0.91% 1.59% 0.85 * * * * * STANLIB AM 8.54% 41 10.03% 36 -3.42% 2.88% 0.29 9.69% 30 10.37% 14 -0.79% 3.40% 0.36 STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 12.96% 11 8.78% 22 1.01% 1.13% 0.83 11.76% 10 11.47% 23 1.27% 1.26% 0.51 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Statistics SIM Global Unique 10.81% 36 9.14% 25 -1.17% 1.61% 0.56 9.37% 34 11.01% 17 -1.04% 1.73% 0.31 SMM Select Balanced Fund 12.89% 13 8.48% 14 0.91% 1.59% 0.85 * * * * * STANLIB AM 8.54% 41 10.03% 36 -3.42% 2.88% 0.29 9.69% 30 10.37% 14 -0.79% 3.40% 0.36 STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 12.96% 11 8.78% 22 1.01% 1.13% 0.83 11.76% 10 11.47% 23 1.27% 1.26% 0.51 Average 11.86% 8.83% 0.79% 4.31% 0.74 10.56% 11.01% 0.63% 5.23% 0.44 Lower Quartile 11.00% 8.07% -0.94% 1.82% 0.63 9.66% 10.07% -0.52% 2.32% 0.35 Lowest 6.04% 4.26% -7.47% 0.49% 0.08 5.30% 6.04% -6.42% 0.63% -0.04 Number of participants 44 44 43 43 44 40 40 39 39 40 * No performance history Investment
2023 –Volatility vs Return 60 Section 2
Data to the end of December

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Conservative Risk

Objective: The portfolios are balanced (i.e. multiple asset class) portfolios subject to the restrictions imposed by Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act and aim to minimise the probability of short-term (i.e. less than one year) capital loss while targeting long-term (i.e. more than five years) capital growth.

Calculated on 3 year Performance Returns Calculated on 5 year Performance Returns 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility Rank Active Return Tracking Error Sharpe Ratio 5 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility Rank Active Return Tracking Error Sharpe Ratio Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) 10.99% 12 5.99% 10 1.90% 1.22% 0.89 10.59% 4 6.35% 6 1.93% 1.55% 0.73 Allan Gray Life Global Stable Portfolio 12.27% 4 4.69% 1 4.59% 4.74% 1.41 9.52% 12 6.88% 9 1.65% 6.93% 0.52 Coronation Inflation Plus Fund 10.62% 14 6.27% 13 4.49% 6.44% 0.79 10.25% 7 7.04% 11 5.06% 7.31% 0.61 Foord Conservative Balanced 10.05% 19 6.07% 12 2.05% 6.18% 0.72 10.89% 3 8.08% 15 3.93% 8.39% 0.61 Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% 11.10% 9 5.19% 4 1.97% 5.28% 1.05 10.31% 5 6.60% 7 2.30% 6.90% 0.66 Merchant West SCI Stable P&G Fund 14.38% 2 8.77% 24 3.92% 8.82% 0.99 5.88% 23 11.48% 23 -3.63% 11.69% -0.01 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 11.71% 6 7.88% 21 1.40% 1.07% 0.76 9.43% 14 10.58% 22 1.89% 1.55% 0.33 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 11.04% 11 6.35% 15 1.72% 1.12% 0.85 9.29% 16 8.36% 16 1.85% 1.38% 0.40 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 11.87% 5 7.49% 19 1.57% 1.33% 0.83 9.44% 13 10.25% 21 1.91% 1.84% 0.34 Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds 10.52% 16 6.04% 11 1.39% 6.20% 0.80 9.41% 15 7.28% 13 1.40% 7.61% 0.48 Ninety One Cautious Managed Fund 8.89% 24 5.71% 8 1.33% 2.41% 0.56 9.93% 10 5.94% 4 2.45% 4.54% 0.67 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund 11.09% 10 7.04% 17 0.96% 7.17% 0.77 10.27% 6 7.24% 12 1.26% 7.52% 0.60 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 1-3% 9.68% 20 4.89% 2 0.56% 5.08% 0.82 10.02% 8 6.10% 5 2.00% 6.50% 0.67 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 3-5% 12.70% 3 8.25% 23 1.58% 8.42% 0.85 11.86% 1 10.23% 20 1.84% 10.55% 0.58 OMIG Moderate Portfolio 11.11% 8 8.00% 22 1.10% 2.91% 0.68 9.26% 17 9.28% 18 -0.61% 3.27% 0.36 OMIG Profile Capital 10.57% 15 5.60% 6 2.02% 2.30% 0.87 8.66% 21 6.87% 8 -0.16% 2.92% 0.40 PPS Conservative FoF 9.22% 23 5.11% 3 1.09% 5.31% 0.69 9.13% 19 5.73% 2 2.12% 6.04% 0.56 PPS Defensive 10.71% 13 5.39% 5 2.47% 2.22% 0.93 8.90% 20 5.57% 1 1.22% 2.23% 0.53 PPS Stable Growth 10.33% 17 7.31% 18 1.06% 2.75% 0.64 9.18% 18 8.61% 17 0.65% 2.63% 0.38 Prescient Defensive Composite 9.58% 22 6.51% 16 0.45% 6.62% 0.60 8.50% 22 7.65% 14 0.48% 7.99% 0.33 PSG Stable Fund 14.55% 1 6.34% 14 4.65% 6.67% 1.40 9.99% 9 9.43% 19 1.39% 9.75% 0.43 STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund 10.22% 18 5.99% 9 1.09% 6.09% 0.76 9.59% 11 6.92% 10 1.57% 7.19% 0.53 Truffle Low Equity Fund 11.27% 7 5.62% 7 2.14% 5.56% 1.00 11.78% 2 5.92% 3 3.76% 6.11% 0.99 Weaver BCI Moderate FoF 9.61% 21 7.83% 20 -0.52% 8.03% 0.50 * * * * * Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Statistics Range 5.66% 5.97% Highest 14.55% 8.77% 4.65% 8.82% 1.41 11.86% 11.48% 5.06% 11.69% 0.99 Upper Quartile 11.38% 7.35% 2.07% 6.48% 0.90 10.26% 8.94% 2.06% 7.56% 0.61 Median 10.74% 6.17% 1.57% 5.29% 0.81 9.54% 7.24% 1.84% 6.50% 0.53 Average 10.91% 6.43% 1.88% 4.75% 0.84 9.64% 7.76% 1.58% 5.76% 0.51 Lower Quartile 10.18% 5.61% 1.09% 2.38% 0.71 9.22% 6.48% 1.24% 2.77% 0.39 Lowest 8.89% 4.69% -0.52% 1.07% 0.50 5.88% 5.57% -3.63% 1.38% -0.01 Number of participants 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 * No performance history Investment
–Volatility vs Return 61 Section 2
Data to the end of December 2023

SA and Global Manager Watch™ – Volatility vs Return

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot – SA Best Investment View 3 years ended 31 December 2023 Volatility vs Return Scatterplot – Global Best Investment View 3 years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a.) Return (p.a.) Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation) Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation) Aeon Domestic Balanced Fund Allan Gray Domestic Balanced Coronation Domestic Houseview Mandate Coronation Domestic Managed Foord Domestic Balanced Alexander Forbes Investments Performer Local Laurium Domestic Balanced Fund M&G Domestic Balanced Ninety One Segregated Domestic Mandate Perpetua Domestic Balanced SIM Domestic Balanced Fund 10X Your Future Fund Abax Balanced Fund Aeon Balanced Fund (CPI + 5%) Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) Allan Gray Global Balanced Ashburton Global Balanced Composite Balondolozi Active Balanced Fund Camissa Global Balanced Fund ClucasGray Equilibrium Prescient fund Coronation (Managed) Coronation Segregated Full Discretion Fairtree Balanced Prescient Fund Foord Global Balanced Laurium Global Balanced Fund M&G Balanced Merchant West SCI Managed P&G Fund Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 Momentum Investments Target Factor 6 Nedgroup Investments Core Guarded Fund Ninety One Segregated Full Discretion Northstar BCI Managed Fund Oasis Obsidian SCI Balanced fund Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed OMIG Balanced Portfolio OMIG Edge28 Portfolio PPS Balanced FoF PPS Managed Prescient Balanced Composite PSG Balanced Fund Rezco Value Trend Sanlam Accumulation Fund SIM Global Unique SMM Select Balanced Fund STANLIB AM STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 62 Section 2

Global Balanced Manager Watch™ – Conservative and Dynamic – Volatility vs Return

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot – Global Conservative 3 years ended 31 December 2023

Return (p.a.)

Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation)

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot – Global Dynamic 3 years ended 31 December 2023

Return (p.a.)

Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation)

Forbes Investments (Conserver) Allan Gray Life Global Stable Portfolio Foord Conservative Balanced Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% Merchant West SCI Stable P&G Fund Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds Ninety One Cautious Managed Fund Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund Old Mutual Multi- 3-5% OMIG Moderate Portfolio PPS Conservative FoF PPS Defensive PPS Stable Growth Prescient Defensive Composite PSG Stable Fund STANLIB Multi -Manager Defensive Balanced Fund Weaver BCI Moderate FoF 63 Section 2

Global and SA Balanced Manager Watch™ Survey – Asset Allocation

Average Asset Allocation of Global Best Investment View as at 31 December 2023 SA Equities SA Bonds SA Listed Property SA Cash SA Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Average Asset Allocation of SA Best Investment View as at 31 December 2023 SA Equities SA Bonds SA Listed Property SA Cash SA Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2018 45.65% 15.29% 5.13% 6.24% 1.14% 24.56% 2019 2.41% 7.54% 5.70% 23.11% 61.24% 2019 43.51% 16.94% 4.07% 5.89% 1.87% 27.71% 2021 1.56% 4.89% 4.18% 23.23% 66.13% 2020 2.30% 6.21% 4.78% 23.67% 63.04% 2020 27.03% 1.41% 7.21% 3.12% 19.16% 42.07% 2021 27.25% 1.69% 4.87% 3.35% 17.83% 45.00% 2018 11.78% 6.41% 61.34% 19.19% 1.29% 2022 1.18% 6.17% 3.40% 24.50% 64.75% 2022 18.83% 41.75% 5.32% 2.75% 29.88% 1.46% 2023 2023 64.61% 25.16% 2.83% 1.42% 5.98% 38.66% 18.01% 3.09% 4.48% 1.55% 34.20% 64 Section 2

Investing for a world of change

Composite Dispersion of SA Balanced Manager WatchTM Managers

SA Best Investment View

* Data not available

SA Best Investment View Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Allan Gray 8.43% 9.16% 8.89% 0.18% 0.17% 0.17% ALUWANI Domestic Balanced 7.37% 7.91% 7.61% 0.19% * * Coronation Domestic Houseview Mandate 9.54% 10.78% 10.05% 0.35% 0.16% 0.14% Coronation Domestic Managed 9.62% 10.15% 9.89% 0.26% * * Foord Segregated Domestic 14.76% 23.24% 17.79% 0.26% 0.20% 0.20% M&G Domestic Balanced 6.94% 7.01% 6.98% 0.03% 0.08% 0.28% Ninety One Domestic Balanced 4.84% 5.89% 5.34% 0.20% 0.17% 0.09% Truffle Domestic Balanced 5.40% 6.26% 5.63% 0.27% 0.24% 0.02%
66 Section 2

Composite Dispersion of Global Balanced Manager WatchTM Managers

* Data not available

Global Best Investment View Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Aeon Balanced Fund CPI + 5% 15.91% 17.38% 16.64% 0.73% 0.09% * Allan Gray 13.81% 14.80% 14.37% 0.27% 0.13% 0.12% Coronation Full Discretion 15.87% 16.90% 16.45% 0.27% 0.07% 0.05% Foord Global Balanced 12.83% 14.14% 13.38% 0.06% 0.05% 0.06% M&G Balanced 12.29% 12.59% 12.48% 0.10% * * Mergence Global Balanced 9.97% 9.97% 9.97% 0.00% 0.07% * Ninety One Segregated Full Discretion 7.60% 9.53% 8.22% 0.37% 0.20% 0.17% Oasis 10.93% 12.40% 11.56% 0.61% 0.50% 0.29% OMIG Balanced Portfolio 11.15% 11.86% 11.61% 0.26% 0.06% 0.02% OMIG Edge28 Portfolio 9.22% 10.50% 9.48% 0.55% 0.17% 0.02% Prescient Balanced Portfolio 14.14% 14.83% 14.48% 0.35% * * SIM Global Unique 12.17% 12.87% 12.56% 0.29% 0.40% * Stanlib AM 13.56% 15.18% 14.05% 0.55% 0.33% 0.11%
Global Best Investment View 67 Section 2

Manager watch™ series of surveys 3

68 Section 3
69 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Range of Returns of the SA Equity Total Investable Universe for the periods ending 31 December 2022

Return Statistics (Investable)

Benchmarks of Portfolios in the equity survey as a percentage of the Survey

SA Equity Total 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Highest 15.16% 21.89% 18.76% 14.76% 14.06% Upper Quartile 8.33% 14.53% 11.10% 8.88% 8.55% Median 6.90% 12.85% 9.85% 7.96% 7.83% Average 6.50% 13.22% 10.16% 8.04% 7.92% Lower Quartile 4.72% 11.30% 8.65% 6.59% 6.60% Lowest -3.24% 8.07% 4.80% 2.42% 3.87% Range 18.41% 13.83% 13.96% 12.34% 10.18% Number of Participants 81 80 74 57 41
Benchmark % of Universe FTSE/JSE All Share Index 3.7% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 4.9% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 21.0% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX ALSI 53.1% FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 Index 2.5% Other 14.8%
25% 30% 20% 15% 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) 1 Year 25% – 75% Min – Max Median 10% 5% 0% -5% 70 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

General information

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified/ Compliant) Managed ITO Regulation 28? (Y/N) Benchmark Description No. of Funds in Composite Portfolio Size (R m) Benchmark Cognisant 36ONE SA Equity Composite N FTSE/JSE SWIX since inception to 31/12/2014, FTSE/ JSE Capped SWIX thereafter 10 10 861 Abax Equity Fund N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 1 6 333 Aeon Active Equity Fund C Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 25 20 477 Aeon Smart Multi-Factor Equity Fund C Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 1 41 Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity FTSE/JSE All Share 50%, FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX 50% N/A 700 Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local N FTSE/JSE All Share 50%, FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX 50% N/A 7 500 All Weather Capital SWIX Equity Fund C Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share index 1 846 Aluwani Capped SWIX Equity Composite N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 8 3 051 ALUWANI Equity Fund N FTSE/JSE SWIX40 Index 1 339 Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7 7 241 Argon SA Equity Fund V N FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 2 445 Ashburton Equity Fund C Y FTSE/JSE All Share Index since inception to 31/08/2022, FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index thereafter 1 565 Balondolozi Active Equity Fund C Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 3 1 230 Benguela SA Equity Capped SWIX Fund C Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 2 211 BlueAlpha Equity C N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 1 2 536 Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX Fund V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 6 4 436 Coronation Core Equity V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 8 6 256 Differential SA Equity Fund C FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index N/A 2 888 Excelsia Capital Core Equity N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 5 1 770 First Avenue General Equity V Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 2 710 Legacy Africa FM Capped SWIX Composite C Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 6 2 908 M&G Houseview Equity V Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 16 8 916 M&G Select Equity V Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 3 4 468 Matrix Domestic Equity Fund N FTSE/JSE SWIX since inception to 31/10/2020, FTSE/ JSE Capped SWIX thereafter 3 2 250 Mazi Capi Composite C FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 4 1 774 Mentenova Local Equity Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index N/A 6 357 Mergence CAPI Fund V N FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 2 1 484 Mergence SWIX Fund V N FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 6 1 211 Mianzo Active Equity Composite Y Capped Swix/CAPI/ SWIX(ex SAPY ex Gambling) 6 8 437 Mianzo Enhanced Equity Fund Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX minus SAPY 1 2 174 Momentum Investments Classic Equity N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 1 18 255 OMIG Fundamental Equity V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 6 51 142 OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7 17 742 Perpetua Domestic Core Equity (SWIX) Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 2 5 920 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Equity Fund N FTSE/JSE SWIX until August 2020, FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX thereafter N/A 6 828 PPS Equity Fund FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index N/A 11 310 Sentio General Equity (Capped SWIX) Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 4 1 196 Sentio General Equity Fund Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 1 11 208 SIM Moderate Equity V Y 98% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX; 2% Call Rate 4 Banks 2 10 563 STANLIB Core Multi Factor Equity Fund V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 1 2 892 V = Verified C = Compliant 71 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey (continued)

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

those bucket list dreams. Don’t sleep on

There are those who know that ‘right now’ is the right time to look towards the future.

For 30 years Coronation has done just that. By remaining disciplined and focused on the long term, we’ve grown the savings of millions of South Africans into real wealth.

Good things come to those who

don’t wait to invest.

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified/ Compliant) Managed ITO Regulation 28? (Y/N) Benchmark Description No. of Funds in Composite Portfolio Size (R m) Benchmark Cognisant STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index N/A 2 197 Truffle SA Equity Composite N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 13 17 487 Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity Fund C FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index (1st December 2019 until current) 4 1 007 Visio CAPI Composite V N FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 1 620 Visio Capped SWIX Composite V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 9 6 237 Visio SWIX Composite V N FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 1 156 VunaniFM Active Capped SWIX V Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 6 1 662 VunaniFM Core Equity Fund V Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 1 175 Total 285 012 V = Verified C = Compliant Coronation is an authorised financial services provider.
General information
72 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified/ Compliant) Managed ITO Regulation 28? (Y/N) Benchmark Description No. of Funds in Composite Portfolio Size (R m) Not Benchmark Cognisant Allan Gray V N FTSE/JSE All Share Index 40 37 299 Camissa Managed Equity Fund V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 14 6 432 ClucasGray Equity Fund N FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 1 1 203 Coronation Aggressive Equity V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 4 13 390 Coronation Houseview Equity V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 41 26 128 Denker SA Equity V Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 1 333 Excelsia Capital Aggressive Equity N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 5 1 033 Fairtree Asset Management Equity fund N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index N/A 22 432 First Avenue Focused Equity V Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 1 228 Foord Domestic Equity V N Prior to 1 July 2018 FTSE/JSE All Share Index, thereafter FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 2 6 330 Mazi Asset Management Equity CAPPED SWIX Composite Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 18 9 783 Mazi Asset Management SWIX Composite Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 1 202 Momentum Investments Trending Equity N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 3 6 080 Momentum Investments Value Equity N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 3 3 967 Nedgroup Investments SA Equity Fund (Laurium) C N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 1 4 372 Ninety One Equity Composite V Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 25 35 950 Ninety One Value Composite V Y FTSE/JSE All Share Index 8 3 489 Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity V Y South Africa OE (ASISA) Domestic Equity General 2 10 974 OMIG Premium Equity V N FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 6 11 560 Perpetua Domestic Focused Equity Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index until 31 Dec 2019, thereafter FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 11 5 982 Rezco Equity N FTSE/JSE All Share Index 1 1 973 SIM Aggressive Equity V Y 98% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX ALSI; 2% STeFI 1 1 315 SIM Top Choice Equity Fund V Y FTSE/JSE SWIX: 97% | STeFI: 3% 1 960 STANLIB Enhanced Multi Style Equity V FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 2 4 914 Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund N FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index N/A 3 902 Visio Absolute Equity Composite V N ASISA SA Multi-Asset Low Equity 1 30 Total 220 261 Enhanced index Old Mutual SWIX40 Enhanced Index V N FTSE/JSE SWIX40 Index 2 531 Prescient Core Capped SWIX Equity Composite V Y FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7 5 588 Prescient Core SWIX Equity Composite V Y FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 2 875 Satrix Momentum Index Composite V N Satrix Momentum Index 2 2 060 Satrix SmartcoreTM Index Fund V N Satrix SmartCore™ Index 1 4 825 Satrix Value Composite V N Satrix Value Index 1 577 Sygnia Core Equity Fund N FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index N/A 4 703 Total 19 160 V = Verified C = Compliant 73 Section 3
General information

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Benchmark Cognisant 36ONE SA Equity Composite 8.17% 7.87% 18.19% 12.69% 16.59% 8.97% 12.29% 6.89% 11.89% 7.12% Abax Equity Fund 6.44% 7.87% 12.81% 12.69% 7.92% 8.97% 6.36% 7.03% 6.87% 7.20% Aeon Active Equity Fund 5.33% 7.85% 10.77% 10.59% 9.57% 8.69% 8.40% 7.18% 8.10% 7.30% Aeon Smart Multi-Factor Equity Fund 4.29% 7.85% 8.56% 10.59% * * * * * * Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity 6.90% 8.58% 15.41% 13.01% 12.27% 9.16% 9.34% 7.02% * * Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local 7.07% 8.58% 14.65% 13.01% 9.96% 9.16% 7.20% 7.16% 6.59% 7.29% All Weather Capital SWIX Equity Fund 4.48% 7.85% 14.43% 10.59% 10.43% 8.70% 9.10% 7.18% * * Aluwani Capped SWIX Equity Composite 7.03% 7.87% 10.62% 12.69% 7.78% 8.97% 6.52% 6.89% * * ALUWANI Equity Fund 6.77% 7.26% 9.94% 9.59% 8.75% 8.65% 7.90% 7.41% 7.57% 7.11% Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX 6.39% 7.87% 13.16% 12.69% 9.52% 8.97% * * * * Argon SA Equity Fund 6.59% 7.85% 11.42% 10.59% 9.19% 8.69% 7.78% 7.18% 8.03% 7.30% Ashburton Equity Fund 8.07% 7.87% 12.24% 12.17% 7.68% 11.09% 5.70% 9.37% 5.71% 8.40% Balondolozi Active Equity Fund 9.28% 7.87% 13.00% 12.69% * * * * * * Benguela SA Equity Capped SWIX Fund 9.35% 7.87% 12.76% 12.69% 7.88% 8.97% * * * * BlueAlpha Equity 7.36% 7.87% 10.85% 12.69% 7.03% 8.97% 6.58% 7.57% * * Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX Fund 4.29% 7.87% 11.87% 12.69% 8.58% 8.97% * * * * Coronation Core Equity 8.49% 7.87% 11.09% 10.53% 9.91% 8.66% 8.11% 7.15% 7.45% 7.28% Differential SA Equity Fund 7.04% 7.87% 13.75% 12.69% * * * * * * Excelsia Capital Core Equity 0.64% 7.87% 12.64% 12.69% 8.98% 8.97% * * * * First Avenue General Equity 7.22% 7.85% 9.98% 10.59% 6.23% 8.69% 3.76% 7.18% 4.63% 7.30% Legacy Africa FM Capped SWIX Composite 7.03% 7.87% 12.69% 12.69% 8.72% 8.97% 6.69% 6.89% * * M&G Houseview Equity 5.48% 7.87% 16.44% 12.69% 10.18% 8.97% 8.86% 7.34% 8.86% 7.41% M&G Select Equity 7.21% 7.87% 18.20% 12.69% 11.01% 8.97% 9.59% 7.48% 9.28% 7.49% Matrix Domestic Equity Fund 6.11% 7.87% 11.30% 12.69% 8.81% 10.67% * * * * Mazi Capi Composite 2.93% 8.42% 15.06% 14.30% * * * * * * Mentenova Local Equity 7.29% 7.87% 14.74% 12.69% 11.89% 8.97% * * * * Mergence CAPI Fund 5.45% 8.42% 13.41% 14.30% 10.57% 11.93% 8.44% 9.73% 8.19% 8.81% Mergence SWIX Fund 4.72% 7.85% 9.86% 10.59% 7.21% 8.69% 5.77% 7.18% 6.66% 7.30% Mianzo Active Equity Composite 5.76% 8.35% 13.52% 11.82% 10.42% 9.92% 8.58% 7.94% * * Mianzo Enhanced Equity Fund 6.41% 7.71% 14.02% 12.58% 10.10% 9.54% 8.33% 7.89% * * Momentum Investments Classic Equity 6.81% 7.87% 13.53% 12.69% 11.13% 8.97% 8.88% 7.40% 8.30% 7.46% OMIG Fundamental Equity 5.16% 7.87% 13.33% 12.69% 7.98% 8.97% 6.16% 7.11% 6.50% 7.26% OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio 4.72% 7.87% 11.34% 12.69% 8.62% 8.97% 6.10% 7.18% 6.88% 7.30% Perpetua Domestic Core Equity (SWIX) 6.35% 7.85% 11.95% 10.59% 9.78% 8.69% 6.79% 7.18% * * PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Equity Fund 4.97% 7.87% 12.87% 12.69% 11.73% 10.37% 9.34% 8.35% * * PPS Equity Fund 1.21% 7.87% 11.53% 12.69% 11.31% 8.97% 8.50% 6.89% * * Sentio General Equity (Capped SWIX) 1.26% 7.87% 11.08% 12.69% 7.59% 8.97% * * * * Sentio General Equity Fund 2.64% 7.85% 9.42% 10.59% 7.75% 8.69% 5.89% 7.18% 6.77% 7.30% SIM Moderate Equity 4.63% 7.89% 11.77% 10.46% 10.51% 8.63% 8.39% 7.15% 8.16% 7.28% STANLIB Core Multi Factor Equity Fund 10.95% 7.87% 14.06% 12.69% 10.50% 8.97% 8.87% 7.35% 7.99% 7.42%
74 Section 3
* No performance history

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey (continued)

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark
Cognisant STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund 7.50% 7.87% 13.95% 12.69% 10.81% 8.97% 8.27% 6.89% 7.35% 7.14% Truffle SA Equity Composite 4.68% 7.87% 13.70% 12.69% 14.27% 8.97% 11.11% 7.10% 10.61% 6.82% Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity Fund 9.45% 7.85% 12.77% 10.59% * * * * * * Visio CAPI Composite 8.90% 8.42% 14.85% 14.30% 10.62% 11.93% 8.11% 9.73% * * Visio Capped SWIX Composite 8.29% 7.87% 13.19% 12.69% 8.00% 8.97% * * * * Visio SWIX Composite 8.39% 7.85% 11.41% 10.59% 7.79% 8.69% 5.85% 7.18% 6.10% 7.30% VunaniFM Active Capped SWIX 8.99% 7.87% 13.47% 12.69% 8.46% 8.97% * * * * VunaniFM Core Equity Fund 8.95% 7.85% 11.26% 10.59% 8.70% 8.69% 7.30% 7.18% 7.22% 7.30%
FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 9.93% 8.78% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 8.42% 14.30% 11.93% 9.73% 8.81% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% 7.18% 7.30% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% 6.89% * FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 7.73% 14.00% 12.07% 10.05% 8.71% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 9.70% 12.83% 7.29% 4.69% 6.82% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 11.17% 23.90% 12.71% 6.94% 8.40% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 8.98% 13.40% 12.51% 10.68% 8.92% FTSE/JSE Value Index 2.79% 16.56% 9.59% 7.82% 5.98% FTSE/JSE Growth Index 14.45% 11.02% 13.97% 11.46% 10.79% S&P South Africa (DSW) 8.11% 10.63% 9.21% 7.76% 7.76% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped 8.07% 12.21% 9.40% 7.10% 7.24%
75 Section 3
* No performance history

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Not Benchmark Cognisant Allan Gray 9.18% 9.25% 16.47% 13.51% 9.21% 11.88% 7.38% 9.93% 8.47% 8.78% Camissa Managed Equity Fund 3.74% 7.87% 12.42% 12.69% 12.41% 9.41% 10.02% 7.68% 7.83% 7.65% ClucasGray Equity Fund 5.47% 7.85% 19.11% 10.59% 10.60% 8.69% 9.41% 7.18% * * Coronation Aggressive Equity 7.72% 7.87% 15.41% 12.69% 14.36% 8.97% 10.41% 7.03% 8.51% 7.20% Coronation Houseview Equity 9.78% 7.87% 14.86% 12.69% 13.73% 8.97% 9.84% 7.03% 8.55% 7.20% Denker SA Equity 10.92% 7.87% 17.71% 12.69% 11.80% 8.97% 7.46% 7.21% 6.60% 7.32% Excelsia Capital Aggressive Equity -3.24% 7.87% * * * * * * * * Fairtree Asset Management Equity fund 5.47% 7.87% 13.83% 12.69% 17.26% 8.97% 14.53% 7.11% 14.06% 7.25% First Avenue Focused Equity 10.49% 7.85% 8.07% 10.59% 4.80% 8.69% 2.42% 7.18% 3.87% 7.30% Foord Domestic Equity 14.15% 8.42% 15.23% 14.30% 10.33% 11.93% 6.09% 10.16% 6.41% 8.94% Mazi Asset Management Equity CAPPED SWIX Composite 0.98% 7.87% 13.02% 12.69% 7.35% 8.97% * * * * Mazi Asset Management SWIX Composite 1.22% 7.85% 11.05% 10.59% 7.39% 8.69% 5.65% 7.18% 6.31% 7.30% Momentum Investments Trending Equity 7.06% 7.87% 10.76% 12.69% 11.16% 8.97% * * * * Momentum Investments Value Equity 1.44% 7.87% 15.99% 12.69% 10.48% 8.97% * * * * Nedgroup Investments SA Equity Fund (Laurium) 3.55% 7.87% 14.49% 12.69% 10.33% 8.64% 9.01% 7.00% * * Ninety One Equity Composite 3.93% 7.87% 12.44% 12.69% 11.27% 8.97% 8.72% 7.40% 9.58% 7.46% Ninety One Value Composite 11.03% 9.25% 18.35% 13.51% 14.52% 11.88% 8.74% 9.93% 9.75% 8.78% Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity 6.83% 6.95% 11.80% 11.68% 8.84% 8.95% 6.85% 6.69% 6.21% 6.10% OMIG Premium Equity 8.33% 7.87% 11.30% 12.69% 9.50% 8.97% 7.96% 7.18% 8.21% 7.30% Perpetua Domestic Focused Equity 9.51% 7.87% 17.35% 12.69% 9.32% 9.49% 6.20% 7.74% * * Rezco Equity 15.16% 9.25% 12.82% 13.51% 15.07% 11.88% * * * * SIM Aggressive Equity 3.03% 7.90% 21.89% 12.57% 18.76% 8.94% 14.76% 7.67% 12.43% 7.64% SIM Top Choice Equity Fund -0.61% 7.89% 11.21% 10.47% 13.35% 8.65% 10.35% 7.19% 9.84% 7.30% STANLIB Enhanced Multi Style Equity 10.95% 7.87% 17.28% 12.69% 11.70% 8.97% * * * * Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund 5.25% 7.85% 12.74% 10.59% 10.60% 8.69% 7.91% 7.18% 8.62% 7.30% Visio Absolute Equity Composite 7.95% 6.68% 13.91% 9.90% 9.03% 7.96% 7.64% 6.87% * * Market Indices & Statistics FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 9.93% 8.78% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 8.42% 14.30% 11.93% 9.73% 8.81% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% 7.18% 7.30% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% 6.89% * FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 7.73% 14.00% 12.07% 10.05% 8.71% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 9.70% 12.83% 7.29% 4.69% 6.82% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 11.17% 23.90% 12.71% 6.94% 8.40% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 8.98% 13.40% 12.51% 10.68% 8.92% FTSE/JSE Value Index 2.79% 16.56% 9.59% 7.82% 5.98% FTSE/JSE Growth Index 14.45% 11.02% 13.97% 11.46% 10.79% S&P South Africa (DSW) 8.11% 10.63% 9.21% 7.76% 7.76% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped 8.07% 12.21% 9.40% 7.10% 7.24%
76 Section 3
* No performance history

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Benchmark Cognisant 36ONE SA Equity Composite 12.94% 4.41% 35.15% 27.08% 12.25% 0.58% 16.26% 6.75% -10.62% -10.94% Abax Equity Fund 5.25% 4.41% 28.15% 27.08% -3.14% 0.58% 5.28% 6.75% -11.09% -10.94% Aeon Active Equity Fund 4.30% 3.59% 23.72% 21.06% 6.65% 2.61% 8.96% 9.32% -11.46% -11.67% Aeon Smart Multi-Factor Equity Fund 1.46% 3.59% 20.91% 21.06% * * * * * * Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity 7.89% 4.01% 33.30% 27.81% 4.83% 0.58% 10.70% 6.75% -8.41% -10.94% Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local 5.69% 4.01% 33.18% 27.81% 1.32% 0.58% 5.29% 6.75% -12.21% -10.94% All Weather Capital SWIX Equity Fund 9.29% 3.59% 31.20% 21.06% 4.01% 2.61% 5.38% 9.34% -7.35% -11.66% Aluwani Capped SWIX Equity Composite 2.06% 4.41% 23.90% 27.08% -0.40% 0.58% 7.87% 6.75% -9.86% -10.94% ALUWANI Equity Fund 3.86% 4.63% 19.85% 17.29% 4.58% 5.86% 9.46% 8.65% -10.48% -12.12% Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX 7.70% 4.41% 26.46% 27.08% -0.86% 0.58% 9.68% 6.75% -6.03% -10.94% Argon SA Equity Fund 6.86% 3.59% 21.44% 21.06% 0.51% 2.61% 11.65% 9.32% -7.34% -11.67% Ashburton Equity Fund 10.79% 1.24% 18.09% 29.23% -0.92% 7.00% 3.35% 12.05% -8.78% -8.53% Balondolozi Active Equity Fund 6.52% 4.41% 23.96% 27.08% 1.55% 0.58% * * * * Benguela SA Equity Capped SWIX Fund 0.82% 4.41% 30.06% 27.08% -1.21% 0.58% 3.15% 6.75% -9.79% -10.94% BlueAlpha Equity 0.44% 4.41% 26.32% 27.08% -3.72% 0.58% 7.11% 6.74% -9.59% -10.93% Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX Fund 1.62% 4.41% 32.11% 27.08% -1.84% 0.58% 9.85% 6.75% -7.86% -10.94% Coronation Core Equity 4.39% 3.40% 21.05% 21.06% 4.81% 2.61% 11.64% 9.32% -11.81% -11.67% Differential SA Equity Fund 2.53% 4.41% 34.10% 27.08% * * * * * * Excelsia Capital Core Equity 1.88% 4.41% 39.38% 27.08% 0.44% 0.58% 7.08% 6.75% -10.70% -10.94% First Avenue General Equity 3.25% 3.59% 20.16% 21.06% -1.31% 2.61% -11.81% -11.67% -16.49% -11.67% Legacy Africa FM Capped SWIX Composite 8.87% 4.41% 22.82% 27.08% -0.76% 0.58% 6.97% 6.75% -9.35% -10.94% M&G Houseview Equity 9.88% 4.41% 36.20% 27.08% -1.95% 0.58% 4.92% 6.75% -9.42% -11.33% M&G Select Equity 9.98% 4.41% 40.04% 27.08% -2.64% 0.58% 4.87% 6.75% -8.90% -10.83% Matrix Domestic Equity Fund 3.33% 4.41% 25.75% 27.08% -0.68% 6.10% 11.37% 9.32% -7.78% -11.67% Mazi Capi Composite 5.96% 4.58% 39.68% 31.71% * * * * * * Mentenova Local Equity 8.50% 4.41% 29.76% 27.08% 5.19% 0.58% 10.38% 6.75% -8.76% -10.94% Mergence CAPI Fund 5.21% 4.58% 31.46% 31.71% 4.65% 6.46% 8.27% 10.52% -6.39% -7.67% Mergence SWIX Fund 4.03% 3.59% 21.72% 21.06% 0.76% 2.61% 6.01% 9.32% -10.71% -11.67% Mianzo Active Equity Composite 5.80% 4.31% 30.73% 23.70% 5.41% 4.79% 6.44% 9.51% -7.40% -11.05% Mianzo Enhanced Equity Fund 6.53% 4.89% 30.76% 26.31% 3.00% 3.12% 5.98% 7.16% -10.17% -11.20% Momentum Investments Classic Equity 8.19% 4.41% 26.64% 27.08% 4.54% 0.58% 10.80% 6.75% -9.48% -11.50% OMIG Fundamental Equity 4.56% 4.41% 32.37% 27.08% -6.28% 0.58% 7.63% 6.75% -9.58% -10.92% OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio 2.94% 4.41% 28.02% 27.08% 2.38% 0.58% 7.01% 6.75% -13.80% -10.92% Perpetua Domestic Core Equity (SWIX) 7.35% 3.59% 22.89% 21.06% 3.21% 2.61% 10.13% 9.32% -11.38% -11.67% PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Equity Fund 7.92% 4.41% 26.92% 27.08% 5.02% 4.67% 15.33% 9.32% -7.29% -11.67% PPS Equity Fund 9.02% 4.41% 25.73% 27.08% 10.61% 0.58% 11.36% 6.75% -10.05% -10.94% Sentio General Equity (Capped SWIX) 5.32% 4.41% 28.51% 27.08% -0.19% 0.58% 5.36% 6.75% -10.68% -10.94% Sentio General Equity Fund 4.52% 3.59% 22.11% 21.06% 3.23% 2.61% 7.39% 9.32% -11.45% -11.67% SIM Moderate Equity 5.66% 3.51% 26.31% 20.69% 4.93% 2.71% 12.48% 9.27% -10.82% -11.32% STANLIB Core Multi Factor Equity Fund 7.23% 4.41% 24.74% 27.08% 1.64% 0.58% 9.20% 6.75% -9.52% -10.93% STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund 5.83% 4.41% 30.05% 27.08% 3.41% 0.58% 9.21% 6.75% -8.53% -10.94% Truffle SA Equity Composite 9.84% 4.41% 27.84% 27.08% 13.93% 0.58% 16.35% 6.75% -2.44% -10.94% Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity Fund 6.28% 3.59% 23.30% 21.06% 3.75% 2.61% * * * * Visio CAPI Composite -0.54% 4.58% 39.87% 31.71% 3.56% 6.46% 5.57% 10.52% -5.26% -7.67% Visio Capped SWIX Composite -0.28% 4.41% 34.28% 27.08% -1.22% 0.58% 2.59% 6.75% -6.70% -10.94% Visio SWIX Composite -0.58% 3.59% 28.31% 21.06% 1.32% 2.61% 3.88% 9.32% -8.48% -11.67% VunaniFM Active Capped SWIX 7.24% 4.41% 24.99% 27.08% -2.37% 0.58% 5.22% 6.75% -6.02% -10.94% VunaniFM Core Equity Fund 5.51% 3.59% 19.81% 21.06% 1.06% 2.61% 9.03% 9.32% -6.97% -11.67% Indices FTSE/JSE All Share Index 3.58% 29.23% 7.00% 12.05% -8.53% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 4.58% 31.71% 6.46% 10.52% -7.67% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 3.59% 21.06% 2.61% 9.32% -11.67% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 4.41% 27.08% 0.58% 6.75% -10.94% FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 5.25% 30.66% 8.44% 10.01% -6.70% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 1.60% 28.88% -14.37% 15.58% -9.73% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 7.55% 59.08% -0.28% -4.10% -14.59% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 4.21% 28.40% 9.97% 12.41% -8.31% FTSE/JSE Value Index 10.56% 39.34% -5.94% 6.14% -4.44% FTSE/JSE Growth Index 1.06% 18.32% 19.20% 17.87% -11.48% S&P South Africa (DSW) 3.91% 20.52% 5.04% 9.22% -11.38% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped 3.61% 26.16% 3.45% 7.23% -10.79%
77 Section 3
* No performance history

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Active Return Rank Active Return Rank Active Return Rank Active Return Rank Active Return Rank Benchmark Cognisant 36ONE SA Equity Composite 8.53% 2 8.07% 6 11.67% 2 9.51% 2 0.31% 32 Abax Equity Fund 0.84% 30 1.07% 26 -3.72% 40 -1.47% 29 -0.16% 39 Aeon Active Equity Fund 0.70% 31 2.66% 21 4.04% 6 -0.35% 25 0.21% 37 Aeon Smart Multi-Factor Equity Fund -2.14% 40 -0.15% 34 * * * Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity 3.87% 10 5.49% 13 4.25% 5 3.95% 6 2.53% 13 Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local 1.68% 22 5.38% 14 0.74% 16 -1.46% 28 -1.27% 41 All Weather Capital SWIX Equity Fund 5.70% 3 10.14% 3 1.40% 12 -3.96% 38 4.32% 7 Aluwani Capped SWIX Equity Composite -2.35% 41 -3.17% 46 -0.97% 24 1.12% 16 1.08% 27 ALUWANI Equity Fund -0.77% 36 2.56% 22 -1.28% 25 0.81% 18 1.64% 20 Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX 3.29% 14 -0.61% 37 -1.43% 28 2.93% 10 4.90% 3 Argon SA Equity Fund 3.27% 15 0.38% 31 -2.10% 34 2.33% 13 4.33% 6 Ashburton Equity Fund 9.55% 1 -11.13% 48 -7.92% 45 -8.70% 43 -0.25% 40 Balondolozi Active Equity Fund 2.10% 20 -3.12% 45 0.97% 15 * * Benguela SA Equity Capped SWIX Fund -3.59% 44 2.98% 18 -1.79% 30 -3.60% 37 1.15% 26 BlueAlpha Equity -3.97% 45 -0.76% 38 -4.29% 42 0.36% 20 1.34% 24 Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX Fund -2.79% 43 5.03% 16 -2.42% 35 3.10% 9 3.08% 12 Coronation Core Equity 0.99% 27 -0.01% 32 2.20% 10 2.33% 14 -0.14% 38 Differential SA Equity Fund -1.88% 39 7.02% 11 * * * Excelsia Capital Core Equity -2.53% 42 12.31% 2 -0.14% 22 0.33% 21 0.23% 35 First Avenue General Equity -0.35% 35 -0.90% 39 -3.92% 41 -6.29% 42 -4.82% 43 Legacy Africa FM Capped SWIX Composite 4.45% 8 -4.25% 47 -1.34% 27 0.22% 23 1.59% 21 M&G Houseview Equity 5.47% 5 9.12% 4 -2.53% 36 -1.83% 31 1.92% 19 M&G Select Equity 5.57% 4 12.97% 1 -3.22% 39 -1.88% 32 1.93% 18 Matrix Domestic Equity Fund -1.08% 37 -1.32% 41 -6.78% 43 2.05% 15 3.88% 9 Mazi Capi Composite 1.38% 26 7.97% 7 * * * Mentenova Local Equity 4.09% 9 2.68% 20 4.61% 4 3.63% 7 2.18% 16 Mergence CAPI Fund 0.63% 32 -0.25% 35 -1.81% 32 -2.26% 34 1.28% 25 Mergence SWIX Fund 0.44% 33 0.66% 30 -1.85% 33 -3.30% 36 0.96% 29 Mianzo Active Equity Composite 1.50% 24 7.03% 10 0.62% 18 -3.07% 35 3.66% 10 Mianzo Enhanced Equity Fund 1.64% 23 4.45% 17 -0.12% 21 -1.18% 26 1.03% 28 Momentum Investments Classic Equity 3.78% 11 -0.44% 36 3.96% 7 4.05% 5 2.02% 17 OMIG Fundamental Equity 0.15% 34 5.30% 15 -6.86% 44 0.88% 17 1.34% 23 OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio -1.47% 38 0.94% 28 1.80% 11 0.26% 22 -2.88% 42 Perpetua Domestic Core Equity (SWIX) 3.76% 12 1.82% 24 0.60% 19 0.81% 19 0.29% 33 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Equity Fund 3.51% 13 -0.15% 33 0.34% 20 6.01% 3 4.37% 5 PPS Equity Fund 4.61% 7 -1.34% 42 10.03% 3 4.61% 4 0.88% 30 Sentio General Equity (Capped SWIX) 0.91% 29 1.44% 25 -0.76% 23 -1.39% 27 0.25% 34 Sentio General Equity Fund 0.93% 28 1.05% 27 0.62% 17 -1.93% 33 0.22% 36 SIM Moderate Equity 2.15% 19 5.63% 12 2.22% 9 3.21% 8 0.50% 31 STANLIB Core Multi Factor Equity Fund 2.82% 17 -2.34% 44 1.07% 14 2.45% 12 1.42% 22 STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund 1.42% 25 2.97% 19 2.83% 8 2.46% 11 2.40% 15 Truffle SA Equity Composite 5.43% 6 0.77% 29 13.35% 1 9.60% 1 8.50% 1 Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity Fund 2.68% 18 2.24% 23 1.14% 13 * * Visio CAPI Composite -5.12% 48 8.15% 5 -2.90% 37 -4.95% 40 2.41% 14 Visio Capped SWIX Composite -4.69% 47 7.21% 9 -1.80% 31 -4.16% 39 4.24% 8 Visio SWIX Composite -4.18% 46 7.24% 8 -1.28% 26 -5.44% 41 3.19% 11 VunaniFM Active Capped SWIX 2.83% 16 -2.09% 43 -2.95% 38 -1.53% 30 4.92% 2 VunaniFM Core Equity Fund 1.91% 21 -1.25% 40 -1.55% 29 -0.29% 24 4.69% 4 * No performance history
78 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

* No performance history

Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Not Benchmark Cognisant Allan Gray 11.88% 3.58% 29.34% 29.23% -5.36% 7.00% 3.90% 12.05% -7.47% -8.53% Camissa Managed Equity Fund 2.86% 4.41% 33.16% 27.08% 1.60% 0.58% 24.32% 8.93% -6.42% -11.67% ClucasGray Equity Fund 11.78% 3.59% 43.34% 21.06% -8.22% 2.61% 6.68% 9.32% -4.23% -11.67% Coronation Aggressive Equity 8.86% 4.41% 31.11% 27.08% 9.89% 0.58% 15.77% 6.75% -11.84% -10.94% Coronation Houseview Equity 4.48% 4.41% 32.10% 27.08% 10.22% 0.58% 13.95% 6.75% -12.46% -10.94% Denker SA Equity 9.43% 4.41% 34.37% 27.08% 0.24% 0.58% 6.85% 6.75% -3.62% -12.36% Excelsia Capital Aggressive Equity 2.18% 4.41% * * * * * * * * Fairtree Asset Management Equity fund 15.53% 4.41% 21.06% 27.08% 23.21% 0.58% 21.98% 6.75% -4.00% -10.94% First Avenue Focused Equity 2.14% 3.59% 11.83% 21.06% -1.82% 2.61% 2.03% 9.32% -20.01% -11.67% Foord Domestic Equity 6.58% 4.58% -1.82% 2.61% 0.83% 6.46% 5.95% 10.52% -12.22% -7.36% Mazi Asset Management Equity CAPPED SWIX Composite 5.07% 4.41% 36.06% 27.08% -3.79% 0.58% 2.66% 6.75% -12.42% -10.94% Mazi Asset Management SWIX Composite 4.33% 3.59% 29.68% 21.06% -1.00% 2.61% 5.37% 9.32% -13.24% -11.67% Momentum Investments Trending Equity 1.96% 4.41% 24.46% 27.08% 6.47% 0.58% 17.36% 6.75% -9.16% -10.94% Momentum Investments Value Equity 12.38% 4.41% 36.89% 27.08% -1.63% 0.58% 7.25% 6.75% -5.49% -10.94% Nedgroup Investments SA Equity Fund (Laurium) 12.16% 4.41% 29.20% 27.08% 0.53% 0.58% 8.37% 5.12% -6.41% -6.93% Ninety One Equity Composite 4.47% 4.41% 30.94% 27.08% 6.90% 0.58% 12.21% 6.75% -7.01% -10.94% Ninety One Value Composite 2.57% 3.58% 45.56% 29.23% -7.56% 7.00% 28.53% 12.05% -4.85% -8.53% Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity 5.87% 3.21% 23.57% 26.19% 1.77% 1.97% 7.40% 8.06% -6.91% -9.06% OMIG Premium Equity 3.53% 4.41% 22.93% 27.08% 3.85% 0.58% 9.97% 6.75% -7.52% -10.92% Perpetua Domestic Focused Equity 9.53% 4.41% 34.72% 27.08% -6.85% 0.58% 3.73% 9.33% -10.13% -11.67% Rezco Equity 0.89% 3.58% 23.59% 29.23% 20.54% 7.00% 16.56% 12.05% -1.06% -8.53% SIM Aggressive Equity 12.56% 4.45% 56.17% 26.57% 3.60% 0.75% 25.89% 6.77% -2.59% -9.62% SIM Top Choice Equity Fund 5.75% 3.68% 30.86% 20.52% 8.79% 2.79% 25.03% 9.27% -5.88% -11.13% STANLIB Enhanced Multi Style Equity 9.80% 4.41% 32.43% 27.08% 1.78% 0.58% 5.91% 6.75% * * Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund 5.12% 3.59% 29.50% 21.06% 3.38% 2.61% 11.70% 9.32% -8.70% -11.67% Visio Absolute Equity Composite -0.36% 4.98% 37.40% 18.53% -2.47% 3.18% 6.90% 7.07% -0.42% -4.79% Enhanced index Old Mutual SWIX40 Enhanced Index 4.77% 4.63% 16.23% 17.29% 6.29% 5.86% 9.29% 8.63% -11.74% -12.12% Prescient Core Capped SWIX Equity Composite 4.43% 4.41% 26.91% 27.08% 0.82% 0.58% 7.40% 6.75% * * Prescient Core SWIX Equity Composite 3.46% 3.59% 20.98% 21.06% 3.14% 2.61% 10.06% 9.32% -11.53% -11.67% Satrix Momentum Index Composite 3.54% 3.73% 25.01% 25.34% -3.50% -3.47% 17.34% 17.78% -16.93% -16.33% Satrix SmartcoreTM Index Fund 5.05% 5.16% 29.01% 29.56% 1.85% 2.10% * * * * Satrix Value Composite 9.56% 9.84% 36.00% 36.37% 0.28% 0.36% 3.12% 3.30% * * Sygnia Core Equity Fund 3.44% 3.59% 22.02% 21.06% 2.37% 2.61% 9.30% 9.32% -12.06% -11.67% Indices FTSE/JSE All Share Index 3.58% 29.23% 7.00% 12.05% -8.53% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 4.58% 31.71% 6.46% 10.52% -7.67% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 3.59% 21.06% 2.61% 9.32% -11.67% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 4.41% 27.08% 0.58% 6.75% -10.94% FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 5.25% 30.66% 8.44% 10.01% -6.70% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 1.60% 28.88% -14.37% 15.58% -9.73% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 7.55% 59.08% -0.28% -4.10% -14.59% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 4.21% 28.40% 9.97% 12.41% -8.31% FTSE/JSE Value Index 10.56% 39.34% -5.94% 6.14% -4.44% FTSE/JSE Growth Index 1.06% 18.32% 19.20% 17.87% -11.48% S&P South Africa (DSW) 3.91% 20.52% 5.04% 9.22% -11.38% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped 3.61% 26.16% 3.45% 7.23% -10.79%
79 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Active Return Rank Active Return Rank Active Return Rank Active Return Rank Active Return Rank Not Benchmark Cognisant Allan Gray 8.30% 2 0.12% 18 -12.36% 24 -8.14% 25 1.06% 17 Camissa Managed Equity Fund -1.55% 22 6.08% 12 1.02% 11 15.39% 4 5.25% 8 ClucasGray Equity Fund 8.18% 3 22.28% 2 -10.83% 23 -2.64% 19 7.43% 3 Coronation Aggressive Equity 4.45% 10 4.03% 15 9.32% 4 9.02% 7 -0.91% 19 Coronation Houseview Equity 0.07% 17 5.02% 14 9.64% 3 7.20% 8 -1.52% 21 Denker SA Equity 5.02% 9 7.29% 11 -0.33% 15 0.10% 15 8.74% 1 Excelsia Capital Aggressive Equity -2.23% 23 * * * * Fairtree Asset Management Equity fund 11.11% 1 -6.01% 24 22.63% 1 15.23% 5 6.94% 5 First Avenue Focused Equity -1.46% 21 -9.23% 25 -4.43% 19 -7.28% 24 -8.35% 24 Foord Domestic Equity 2.00% 13 -5.94% 23 -5.63% 20 -4.57% 22 -4.86% 23 Mazi Asset Management Equity CAPPED SWIX Composite 0.66% 16 8.99% 7 -4.36% 18 -4.09% 21 -1.49% 20 Mazi Asset Management SWIX Composite 0.74% 15 8.62% 8 -3.61% 17 -3.95% 20 -1.57% 22 Momentum Investments Trending Equity -2.45% 24 -2.61% 19 5.89% 7 10.61% 6 1.77% 15 Momentum Investments Value Equity 7.97% 5 9.82% 6 -2.20% 16 0.50% 14 5.45% 6 Nedgroup Investments SA Equity Fund (Laurium) 7.75% 6 2.12% 17 -0.05% 13 3.25% 11 0.52% 18 Ninety One Equity Composite 0.06% 18 3.87% 16 6.33% 5 5.46% 9 3.93% 10 Ninety One Value Composite -1.01% 20 16.33% 4 -14.56% 25 16.48% 2 3.68% 11 Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity 2.66% 11 -2.62% 20 -0.21% 14 -0.66% 17 2.15% 14 OMIG Premium Equity -0.88% 19 -4.15% 21 3.28% 8 3.22% 12 3.40% 12 Perpetua Domestic Focused Equity 5.12% 8 7.65% 10 -7.43% 22 -5.59% 23 1.54% 16 Rezco Equity -2.69% 25 -5.63% 22 13.54% 2 4.51% 10 7.47% 2 SIM Aggressive Equity 8.11% 4 29.60% 1 2.85% 9 19.12% 1 7.03% 4 SIM Top Choice Equity Fund 2.08% 12 10.34% 5 5.99% 6 15.76% 3 5.25% 7 STANLIB Enhanced Multi Style Equity 5.39% 7 5.35% 13 1.21% 10 -0.84% 18 * Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund 1.52% 14 8.44% 9 0.77% 12 2.38% 13 2.97% 13 Visio Absolute Equity Composite -5.34% 26 18.87% 3 -5.64% 21 -0.17% 16 4.38% 9 Enhanced index Old Mutual SWIX40 Enhanced Index 0.14% 1 -1.05% 7 0.43% 2 0.66% 2 0.38% 1 Prescient Core Capped SWIX Equity Composite 0.02% 2 -0.16% 3 0.24% 3 0.65% 3 * Prescient Core SWIX Equity Composite -0.13% 4 -0.08% 2 0.53% 1 0.74% 1 0.14% 2 Satrix Momentum Index Composite -0.19% 6 -0.34% 4 -0.03% 4 -0.44% 6 -0.61% 4 Satrix SmartcoreTM Index Fund -0.12% 3 -0.56% 6 -0.26% 7 * * Satrix Value Composite -0.28% 7 -0.37% 5 -0.09% 5 -0.19% 5 * Sygnia Core Equity Fund -0.16% 5 0.96% 1 -0.24% 6 -0.02% 4 -0.40% 3 * No performance history 80 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active actual equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Due to differing benchmarks, the portfolios below are ranked by active returns only (ie actual performance less benchmark return) and are purely for illustrative purposes.

* No performance history

Investment Managers Calender Year Returns Active Return 1 Year Rank Active Return 3 Years (p.a.) Rank Active Return 5 Years (p.a.) Rank Active Return 7 Years(p.a.) Rank Active Return 10 Years (p.a.) Rank Benchmark Cognisant 36ONE SA Equity Composite 0.30% 11 5.50% 2 7.62% 1 5.40% 1 4.77% 1 Abax Equity Fund -1.42% 25 0.12% 32 -1.05% 33 -0.67% 24 -0.33% 14 Aeon Active Equity Fund -2.51% 32 0.18% 30 0.88% 16 1.23% 12 0.80% 7 Aeon Smart Multi-Factor Equity Fund -3.56% 42 -2.03% 47 * * * Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity -1.68% 29 2.40% 5 3.12% 3 2.32% 3 * Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local -1.51% 28 1.64% 9 0.81% 17 0.03% 20 -0.70% 19 All Weather Capital SWIX Equity Fund -3.36% 41 3.84% 3 1.73% 10 1.92% 5 * Aluwani Capped SWIX Equity Composite -0.84% 21 -2.08% 48 -1.19% 35 -0.36% 22 * ALUWANI Equity Fund -0.49% 14 0.35% 28 0.11% 22 0.49% 17 0.46% 10 Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX -1.48% 26 0.47% 27 0.55% 19 * * Argon SA Equity Fund -1.26% 23 0.83% 18 0.50% 21 0.60% 16 0.73% 8 Ashburton Equity Fund 0.21% 12 0.07% 33 -3.41% 43 -3.67% 34 -2.68% 23 Balondolozi Active Equity Fund 1.41% 4 0.31% 29 * * * Benguela SA Equity Capped SWIX Fund 1.48% 3 0.07% 34 -1.09% 34 * * BlueAlpha Equity -0.51% 15 -1.84% 46 -1.94% 41 -0.99% 26 * Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX Fund -3.58% 43 -0.82% 39 -0.39% 27 * * Coronation Core Equity 0.63% 7 0.56% 24 1.26% 13 0.96% 14 0.17% 12 Differential SA Equity Fund -0.83% 19 1.05% 15 * * * Excelsia Capital Core Equity -7.23% 48 -0.05% 36 0.01% 23 * * First Avenue General Equity -0.63% 17 -0.61% 37 -2.47% 42 -3.41% 33 -2.67% 22 Legacy Africa FM Capped SWIX Composite -0.83% 20 0.00% 35 -0.25% 25 -0.20% 21 * M&G Houseview Equity -2.39% 31 3.74% 4 1.21% 14 1.53% 7 1.44% 4 M&G Select Equity -0.66% 18 5.50% 1 2.04% 7 2.12% 4 1.79% 3 Matrix Domestic Equity Fund -1.75% 30 -1.39% 44 -1.86% 40 * * Mazi Capi Composite -5.48% 45 0.76% 21 * * * Mentenova Local Equity -0.58% 16 2.04% 7 2.92% 4 * * Mergence CAPI Fund -2.96% 36 -0.90% 40 -1.36% 37 -1.29% 29 -0.61% 17 Mergence SWIX Fund -3.13% 37 -0.73% 38 -1.48% 39 -1.41% 31 -0.64% 18 Mianzo Active Equity Composite -2.60% 33 1.70% 8 0.50% 20 0.65% 15 * Mianzo Enhanced Equity Fund -1.30% 24 1.44% 10 0.57% 18 0.44% 18 * Momentum Investments Classic Equity -1.05% 22 0.84% 17 2.16% 6 1.48% 9 0.85% 6 OMIG Fundamental Equity -2.71% 34 0.63% 23 -0.99% 32 -0.95% 25 -0.75% 20 OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio -3.14% 38 -1.36% 43 -0.35% 26 -1.08% 27 -0.43% 15 Perpetua Domestic Core Equity (SWIX) -1.49% 27 1.36% 12 1.09% 15 -0.39% 23 * PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Equity Fund -2.89% 35 0.18% 31 1.37% 12 0.99% 13 * PPS Equity Fund -6.65% 47 -1.16% 41 2.34% 5 1.61% 6 * Sentio General Equity (Capped SWIX) -6.60% 46 -1.61% 45 -1.39% 38 * * Sentio General Equity Fund -5.20% 44 -1.17% 42 -0.95% 30 -1.29% 28 -0.53% 16 SIM Moderate Equity -3.27% 40 1.31% 13 1.88% 8 1.23% 11 0.88% 5 STANLIB Core Multi Factor Equity Fund 3.08% 1 1.37% 11 1.53% 11 1.52% 8 0.57% 9 STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund -0.37% 13 1.26% 14 1.84% 9 1.38% 10 0.21% 11 Truffle SA Equity Composite -3.19% 39 1.01% 16 5.30% 2 4.01% 2 3.79% 2 Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity Fund 1.60% 2 2.18% 6 * * * Visio CAPI Composite 0.48% 9 0.55% 25 -1.32% 36 -1.61% 32 * Visio Capped SWIX Composite 0.42% 10 0.49% 26 -0.97% 31 * * Visio SWIX Composite 0.55% 8 0.82% 19 -0.90% 29 -1.32% 30 -1.20% 21 VunaniFM Active Capped SWIX 1.12% 5 0.77% 20 -0.51% 28 * * VunaniFM Core Equity Fund 1.10% 6 0.67% 22 0.01% 24 0.13% 19 -0.08% 13 Indices FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 9.93% 8.78% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 8.42% 14.30% 11.93% 9.73% 8.81% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% 7.18% 7.30% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% 6.89% * FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 7.73% 14.00% 12.07% 10.05% 8.71% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 9.70% 12.83% 7.29% 4.69% 6.82% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 11.17% 23.90% 12.71% 6.94% 8.40% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 8.98% 13.40% 12.51% 10.68% 8.92% FTSE/JSE Value Index 2.79% 16.56% 9.59% 7.82% 5.98% FTSE/JSE Growth Index 14.45% 11.02% 13.97% 11.46% 10.79% S&P South Africa (DSW) 8.11% 10.63% 9.21% 7.76% 7.76% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped 8.07% 12.21% 9.40% 7.10% 7.24%
81 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Risk vs Return

Investment Managers Calender Year Returns Active Return1 Year Rank Active Return3 Years (p.a.) Rank Active Return5 Years (p.a.) Rank Active Return7 Years (p.a.) Rank Active Return10 Years (p.a.) Rank Not Benchmark Cognisant Allan Gray -0.08% 11 2.96% 9 -2.67% 24 -2.55% 18 -0.31% 12 Camissa Managed Equity Fund -4.12% 19 -0.27% 21 3.00% 7 2.34% 6 0.18% 10 ClucasGray Equity Fund -2.37% 15 8.52% 2 1.90% 13 2.23% 7 * Coronation Aggressive Equity -0.14% 13 2.72% 10 5.39% 3 3.38% 3 1.32% 6 Coronation Houseview Equity 1.92% 6 2.16% 11 4.76% 4 2.81% 5 1.36% 5 Denker SA Equity 3.06% 4 5.02% 3 2.83% 8 0.25% 13 -0.72% 13 Excelsia Capital Aggressive Equity -11.11% 26 * * * * Fairtree Asset Management Equity fund -2.40% 16 1.14% 14 8.29% 2 7.42% 1 6.81% 1 First Avenue Focused Equity 2.64% 5 -2.52% 25 -3.89% 25 -4.75% 20 -3.43% 16 Foord Domestic Equity 5.73% 2 0.93% 15 -1.60% 22 -4.07% 19 -2.53% 15 Mazi Asset Management Equity CAPPED SWIX Composite -6.89% 24 0.33% 18 -1.62% 23 * * Mazi Asset Management SWIX Composite -6.62% 23 0.46% 17 -1.30% 21 -1.53% 16 -0.99% 14 Momentum Investments Trending Equity -0.81% 14 -1.94% 24 2.19% 12 * * Momentum Investments Value Equity -6.43% 22 3.30% 8 1.51% 16 * * Nedgroup Investments SA Equity Fund (Laurium) -4.32% 20 1.79% 13 1.69% 15 2.02% 8 * Ninety One Equity Composite -3.94% 18 -0.25% 20 2.30% 11 1.32% 9 2.12% 4 Ninety One Value Composite 1.78% 7 4.84% 4 2.63% 10 -1.18% 15 0.97% 8 Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity -0.12% 12 0.12% 19 -0.11% 19 0.15% 14 0.11% 11 OMIG Premium Equity 0.46% 10 -1.40% 23 0.53% 18 0.78% 10 0.91% 9 Perpetua Domestic Focused Equity 1.65% 8 4.66% 5 -0.17% 20 -1.53% 17 * Rezco Equity 5.91% 1 -0.69% 22 3.19% 6 * * SIM Aggressive Equity -4.87% 21 9.32% 1 9.82% 1 7.10% 2 4.80% 2 SIM Top Choice Equity Fund -8.50% 25 0.74% 16 4.69% 5 3.17% 4 2.54% 3 STANLIB Enhanced Multi Style Equity 3.09% 3 4.59% 6 2.73% 9 * * Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund -2.59% 17 2.15% 12 1.90% 14 0.74% 12 1.32% 7 Visio Absolute Equity Composite 1.27% 9 4.00% 7 1.08% 17 0.77% 11 * Enhanced Index Old Mutual SWIX40 Enhanced Index -0.30% 7 -0.38% 7 -0.01% 5 0.24% 2 0.46% 1 Prescient Core Capped SWIX Equity Composite 0.54% 4 0.15% 4 0.27% 3 * * Prescient Core SWIX Equity Composite 0.62% 3 0.14% 5 0.34% 2 0.32% 1 * Satrix Momentum Index Composite -0.01% 6 -0.17% 6 -0.19% 6 * * Satrix SmartcoreTM Index Fund 3.24% 2 0.94% 2 * * * Satrix Value Composite 3.89% 1 1.22% 1 0.64% 1 * * Sygnia Core Equity Fund 0.18% 5 0.30% 3 0.12% 4 -0.59% 3 -1.01% 2 Indices FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 9.93% 8.78% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 8.42% 14.30% 11.93% 9.73% 8.81% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% 7.18% 7.30% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% 6.89% * FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 7.73% 14.00% 12.07% 10.05% 8.71% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 9.70% 12.83% 7.29% 4.69% 6.82% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 11.17% 23.90% 12.71% 6.94% 8.40% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 8.98% 13.40% 12.51% 10.68% 8.92% FTSE/JSE Value Index 2.79% 16.56% 9.59% 7.82% 5.98% FTSE/JSE Growth Index 14.45% 11.02% 13.97% 11.46% 10.79% S&P South Africa (DSW) 8.11% 10.63% 9.21% 7.76% 7.76% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped 8.07% 12.21% 9.40% 7.10% 7.24%
82 Section 3
* No performance history

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey Risk

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 –Risk vs Return Investment Managers Calculated on 3 year performance returns Calculated on 5 year performance returns 3 year return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank 5 Year Return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Benchmark Cognisant 36ONE SA Equity Composite 18.19% 2 12.78% 3 5.50% 2 4.15% 1.32 2 16.59% 1 15.52% 5 7.62% 1 4.76% 1.60 1 Abax Equity Fund 12.81% 24 13.81% 23 0.12% 32 2.42% 0.05 30 7.92% 34 16.20% 10 -1.05% 33 2.98% -0.35 34 Aeon Active Equity Fund 10.77% 42 14.36% 31 0.18% 30 3.93% 0.05 31 9.57% 21 16.26% 11 0.88% 16 3.97% 0.22 18 Aeon Smart Multi-Factor Equity Fund 8.56% 48 13.30% 12 -2.03% 47 2.80% -0.73 47 * * * * * Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity 15.41% 4 13.03% 8 2.40% 5 2.87% 0.84 8 12.27% 3 16.29% 13 3.12% 3 2.72% 1.14 4 Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local 14.65% 8 13.56% 17 1.64% 9 2.07% 0.79 9 9.96% 18 17.06% 24 0.81% 17 1.83% 0.44 13 All Weather Capital SWIX Equity Fund 14.43% 9 12.98% 6 3.84% 3 2.92% 1.31 3 10.43% 14 17.06% 25 1.73% 10 3.70% 0.47 11 Aluwani Capped SWIX Equity Composite 10.62% 43 14.43% 35 -2.08% 48 1.91% -1.09 48 7.78% 37 16.85% 19 -1.19% 35 2.34% -0.51 39 ALUWANI Equity Fund 9.94% 45 14.42% 34 0.35% 28 2.80% 0.13 28 8.75% 26 15.49% 4 0.11% 22 3.17% 0.03 22 Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX 13.16% 21 13.52% 14 0.47% 27 2.34% 0.20 22 9.52% 22 17.86% 38 0.55% 19 2.58% 0.21 19 Argon SA Equity Fund 11.42% 34 13.63% 19 0.83% 18 2.45% 0.34 17 9.19% 23 17.00% 21 0.50% 21 2.55% 0.20 20 Ashburton Equity Fund 12.24% 29 13.07% 9 0.07% 33 4.71% 0.02 34 7.68% 39 14.81% 2 -3.41% 43 4.57% -0.75 43 Balondolozi Active Equity Fund 13.00% 22 14.26% 29 0.31% 29 1.98% 0.15 25 * * * * * Benguela SA Equity Capped SWIX Fund 12.76% 26 14.41% 32 0.07% 34 3.33% 0.02 33 7.88% 35 16.31% 14 -1.09% 34 3.78% -0.29 32 BlueAlpha Equity 10.85% 41 14.55% 40 -1.84% 46 3.35% -0.55 44 7.03% 42 14.83% 3 -1.94% 41 5.95% -0.33 33 Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX Fund 11.87% 31 14.75% 42 -0.82% 39 3.04% -0.27 38 8.58% 30 18.65% 42 -0.39% 27 3.46% -0.11 25 Coronation Core Equity 11.09% 39 13.74% 21 0.56% 24 2.41% 0.23 20 9.91% 19 15.66% 6 1.26% 13 2.68% 0.47 10 Differential SA Equity Fund 13.75% 13 14.49% 37 1.05% 15 2.73% 0.39 15 * * * * * Excelsia Capital Core Equity 12.64% 28 14.70% 41 -0.05% 36 3.38% -0.02 36 8.98% 24 19.63% 43 0.01% 23 3.97% 0.00 23 First Avenue General Equity 9.98% 44 12.59% 1 -0.61% 37 4.53% -0.13 37 6.23% 43 14.43% 1 -2.47% 42 4.89% -0.50 38 Legacy Africa FM Capped SWIX Composite 12.69% 27 14.22% 28 0.00% 35 1.87% 0.00 35 8.72% 27 17.03% 23 -0.25% 25 1.89% -0.13 27 M&G Houseview Equity 16.44% 3 13.85% 25 3.74% 4 3.70% 1.01 5 10.18% 16 18.06% 39 1.21% 14 3.68% 0.33 14 M&G Select Equity 18.20% 1 13.55% 16 5.50% 1 3.83% 1.44 1 11.01% 8 17.76% 34 2.04% 7 3.84% 0.53 9 Matrix Domestic Equity Fund 11.30% 37 13.35% 13 -1.39% 44 3.99% -0.35 41 8.81% 25 17.52% 31 -1.86% 40 4.11% -0.45 37 Mazi Capi Composite 15.06% 5 15.76% 48 0.76% 21 2.30% 0.33 18 * * * * * Mentenova Local Equity 14.74% 7 13.60% 18 2.04% 7 1.86% 1.10 4 11.89% 4 17.85% 37 2.92% 4 2.22% 1.31 2 Mergence CAPI Fund 13.41% 18 14.54% 39 -0.90% 40 2.50% -0.36 42 10.57% 11 16.90% 20 -1.36% 37 2.37% -0.58 40 Mergence SWIX Fund 9.86% 46 13.83% 24 -0.73% 38 2.65% -0.27 39 7.21% 41 16.26% 12 -1.48% 39 2.47% -0.60 42 Mianzo Active Equity Composite 13.52% 16 14.50% 38 1.70% 8 2.35% 0.72 10 10.42% 15 17.45% 30 0.50% 20 2.95% 0.17 21 Mianzo Enhanced Equity Fund 14.02% 11 14.33% 30 1.44% 10 1.51% 0.95 6 10.10% 17 17.83% 36 0.57% 18 1.84% 0.31 16 Momentum Investments Classic Equity 13.53% 15 13.20% 10 0.84% 17 1.93% 0.44 14 11.13% 7 16.75% 17 2.16% 6 2.06% 1.05 5 OMIG Fundamental Equity 13.33% 19 14.46% 36 0.63% 23 4.13% 0.15 26 7.98% 33 17.65% 33 -0.99% 32 3.74% -0.26 30 OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio 11.34% 36 13.96% 26 -1.36% 43 1.91% -0.71 45 8.62% 29 17.01% 22 -0.35% 26 1.88% -0.19 28 Perpetua Domestic Core Equity (SWIX) 11.95% 30 12.81% 4 1.36% 12 3.58% 0.38 16 9.78% 20 15.69% 7 1.09% 15 3.35% 0.33 15 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Equity Fund 12.87% 23 12.73% 2 0.18% 31 4.11% 0.04 32 11.73% 5 17.77% 35 1.37% 12 4.88% 0.28 17 PPS Equity Fund 11.53% 33 14.04% 27 -1.16% 41 3.47% -0.33 40 11.31% 6 18.59% 41 2.34% 5 4.28% 0.55 8 Sentio General Equity (Capped SWIX) 11.08% 40 14.79% 44 -1.61% 45 2.27% -0.71 46 7.59% 40 17.45% 29 -1.39% 38 2.34% -0.59 41 Sentio General Equity Fund 9.42% 47 14.77% 43 -1.17% 42 2.19% -0.53 43 7.75% 38 16.43% 15 -0.95% 30 2.31% -0.41 36 SIM Moderate Equity 11.77% 32 13.67% 20 1.31% 13 2.54% 0.52 11 10.51% 12 16.68% 16 1.88% 8 2.33% 0.81 6 STANLIB Core Multi Factor Equity Fund 14.06% 10 14.42% 33 1.37% 11 2.73% 0.50 12 10.50% 13 16.05% 9 1.53% 11 3.41% 0.45 12 * No performance history 83 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey Risk (continued)

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

* No performance history

–Volatility vs Return Investment Managers
3 year performance returns
5 year performance
3 year return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank 5 Year Return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Benchmark Cognisant STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund 13.95% 12 13.02% 7 1.26% 14 2.56% 0.49 13 10.81% 9 17.21% 26 1.84% 9 2.86% 0.65 7 Truffle SA Equity Composite 13.70% 14 12.90% 5 1.01% 16 3.86% 0.26 19 14.27% 2 17.32% 28 5.30% 2 4.46% 1.19 3 Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity Fund 12.77% 25 13.53% 15 2.18% 6 2.31% 0.94 7 * * * * * Visio CAPI Composite 14.85% 6 15.15% 45 0.55% 25 3.11% 0.18 24 10.62% 10 17.23% 27 -1.32% 36 3.43% -0.38 35 Visio Capped SWIX Composite 13.19% 20 13.80% 22 0.49% 26 3.40% 0.15 27 8.00% 32 16.78% 18 -0.97% 31 3.64% -0.27 31 Visio SWIX Composite 11.41% 35 13.21% 11 0.82% 19 3.71% 0.22 21 7.79% 36 15.94% 8 -0.90% 29 3.67% -0.24 29 VunaniFM Active Capped SWIX 13.47% 17 15.44% 47 0.77% 20 4.11% 0.19 23 8.46% 31 18.08% 40 -0.51% 28 3.93% -0.13 26 VunaniFM Core Equity Fund 11.26% 38 15.36% 46 0.67% 22 5.97% 0.11 29 8.70% 28 17.57% 32 0.01% 24 5.26% 0.00 24 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Indices FTSE/JSE All Share Index 13.51% 15.27% 11.88% 17.05% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 14.30% 15.10% 11.93% 17.36% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 10.59% 13.97% 8.69% 16.45% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 12.69% 13.93% 8.97% 17.27% FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 14.00% 15.85% 12.07% 17.83% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 12.83% 14.33% 7.29% 18.78% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 23.90% 12.86% 12.71% 18.91% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 13.40% 16.50% 12.51% 17.62% FTSE/JSE Value Index 16.56% 15.63% 9.59% 19.02% FTSE/JSE Growth Index 11.02% 18.79% 13.97% 18.31% S&P South Africa (DSW) 10.63% 13.98% 9.21% 16.57% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped 12.21% 13.81% 9.40% 17.23%
Calculated on
Calculated on
84 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey Risk (continued)

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist active equity portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

* No performance history

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 –Volatility vs Return Investment Managers Calculated on 3 year performance returns Calculated on 5 year performance returns 3 year return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank 5 Year Return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Not Benchmark Cognisant Allan Gray 16.47% 7 11.17% 2 2.96% 9 8.40% 0.35 13 9.21% 20 17.37% 14 -2.67% 24 8.20% -0.33 22 Camissa Managed Equity Fund 12.42% 19 14.17% 16 -0.27% 21 6.89% -0.04 20 12.41% 8 18.45% 19 3.00% 7 7.93% 0.38 12 ClucasGray Equity Fund 19.11% 2 12.68% 8 8.52% 2 8.07% 1.06 3 10.60% 13 16.87% 11 1.90% 13 8.48% 0.22 16 Coronation Aggressive Equity 15.41% 9 14.08% 15 2.72% 10 4.18% 0.65 8 14.36% 5 16.74% 10 5.39% 3 4.36% 1.24 2 Coronation Houseview Equity 14.86% 11 13.79% 13 2.16% 11 4.72% 0.46 11 13.73% 6 16.13% 8 4.76% 4 5.31% 0.90 3 Denker SA Equity 17.71% 4 13.14% 9 5.02% 3 3.81% 1.32 2 11.80% 9 15.86% 7 2.83% 8 4.52% 0.63 7 Fairtree Asset Management Equity fund 13.83% 14 16.08% 25 1.14% 14 7.96% 0.14 16 17.26% 2 23.54% 25 8.29% 2 11.23% 0.74 5 First Avenue Focused Equity 8.07% 25 11.87% 5 -2.52% 25 5.24% -0.48 24 4.80% 25 13.81% 1 -3.89% 25 5.38% -0.72 25 Foord Domestic Equity 15.23% 10 11.17% 1 0.93% 15 8.60% 0.11 17 10.33% 17 13.89% 2 -1.60% 22 7.71% -0.21 21 Mazi Asset Management Equity CAPPED SWIX Composite 13.02% 15 15.03% 22 0.33% 18 3.06% 0.11 18 7.35% 24 18.12% 17 -1.62% 23 3.45% -0.47 24 Mazi Asset Management SWIX Composite 11.05% 23 14.92% 21 0.46% 17 3.04% 0.15 15 7.39% 23 17.22% 12 -1.30% 21 3.33% -0.39 23 Momentum Investments Trending Equity 10.76% 24 15.65% 24 -1.94% 24 4.79% -0.40 23 11.16% 12 17.51% 15 2.19% 12 5.46% 0.40 10 Momentum Investments Value Equity 15.99% 8 15.57% 23 3.30% 8 5.52% 0.60 9 10.48% 15 19.55% 22 1.51% 16 5.75% 0.26 14 Nedgroup Investments SA Equity Fund (Laurium) 14.49% 12 13.62% 12 1.79% 13 4.34% 0.41 12 10.33% 16 18.22% 18 1.69% 15 4.42% 0.38 11 Ninety One Equity Composite 12.44% 18 14.39% 19 -0.25% 20 2.31% -0.11 22 11.27% 11 17.84% 16 2.30% 11 3.14% 0.73 6 Ninety One Value Composite 18.35% 3 13.54% 11 4.84% 4 10.01% 0.48 10 14.52% 4 20.25% 24 2.63% 10 11.46% 0.23 15 Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity 11.80% 20 14.28% 18 0.12% 19 3.99% 0.03 19 8.84% 22 15.45% 6 -0.11% 19 4.09% -0.03 19 OMIG Premium Equity 11.30% 21 12.00% 6 -1.40% 23 2.38% -0.59 25 9.50% 18 15.37% 5 0.53% 18 2.51% 0.21 17 Perpetua Domestic Focused Equity 17.35% 5 12.35% 7 4.66% 5 4.89% 0.95 5 9.32% 19 17.31% 13 -0.17% 20 5.53% -0.03 20 Rezco Equity 12.82% 16 11.32% 3 -0.69% 22 10.83% -0.06 21 15.07% 3 14.19% 3 3.19% 6 9.68% 0.33 13 SIM Aggressive Equity 21.89% 1 13.82% 14 9.32% 1 5.76% 1.62 1 18.76% 1 18.69% 20 9.82% 1 6.02% 1.63 1 SIM Top Choice Equity Fund 11.21% 22 14.20% 17 0.74% 16 4.14% 0.18 14 13.35% 7 18.71% 21 4.69% 5 5.77% 0.81 4 STANLIB Enhanced Multi Style Equity 17.28% 6 14.49% 20 4.59% 6 4.40% 1.04 4 11.70% 10 19.81% 23 2.73% 9 5.78% 0.47 9 Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund 12.74% 17 13.50% 10 2.15% 12 2.93% 0.73 7 10.60% 14 16.45% 9 1.90% 14 3.17% 0.60 8 Visio Absolute Equity Composite 13.91% 13 11.34% 4 4.00% 7 5.21% 0.77 6 9.03% 21 14.48% 4 1.08% 17 5.82% 0.18 18 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Enhanced index Old Mutual SWIX40 Enhanced Index 9.21% 7 15.00% 3 -0.38% 7 0.62% -0.62 6 8.63% 6 16.86% 2 -0.01% 5 0.67% -0.01 5 Prescient Core Capped SWIX Equity Composite 12.84% 3 15.03% 4 0.15% 4 1.64% 0.09 4 9.24% 2 17.74% 5 0.27% 3 1.30% 0.21 4 Prescient Core SWIX Equity Composite 10.73% 6 15.07% 5 0.14% 5 1.66% 0.08 5 9.04% 4 16.95% 3 0.34% 2 1.32% 0.26 2 Satrix Momentum Index Composite 11.13% 4 14.38% 2 -0.17% 6 0.15% -1.11 7 9.22% 3 17.51% 4 -0.19% 6 0.17% -1.15 6 Satrix SmartcoreTM Index Fund 13.52% 2 16.24% 7 0.94% 2 1.77% 0.53 2 * * * * * Satrix Value Composite 17.09% 1 15.18% 6 1.22% 1 2.00% 0.61 1 10.67% 1 19.05% 6 0.64% 1 1.56% 0.41 1 Sygnia Core Equity Fund 10.89% 5 13.94% 1 0.30% 3 0.67% 0.44 3 8.81% 5 16.46% 1 0.12% 4 0.53% 0.23 3 Indices FTSE/JSE All Share Index 13.51% 15.27% 11.88% 17.05% FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index 14.30% 15.10% 11.93% 17.36% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 10.59% 13.97% 8.69% 16.45% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 12.69% 13.93% 8.97% 17.27% FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index 14.00% 15.85% 12.07% 17.83% FTSE/JSE Mid Cap Index 12.83% 14.33% 7.29% 18.78% FTSE/JSE Small Cap Index 23.90% 12.86% 12.71% 18.91% FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index 13.40% 16.50% 12.51% 17.62% FTSE/JSE Value Index 16.56% 15.63% 9.59% 19.02% FTSE/JSE Growth Index 11.02% 18.79% 13.97% 18.31% S&P South Africa (DSW) 10.63% 13.98% 9.21% 16.57% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped 12.21% 13.81% 9.40% 17.23%
85 Section 3

SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey – Volatility vs Return

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot on SA Equity Managers – Benchmark Cognisant 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a.) 12.00% 13.20% 14.40% 10.80% 9.60% 8.40% 12.40% 15.60% 16.80% 18.00% 19.20% 20.40% Volatility (p.a.) (Standard Deviation) 36ONE SA Equity Composite Abax Equity Fund Aeon Active Equity Fund Aeon Smart Multi-Factor Equity Fund Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity All Weather Capital SWIX Equity Fund Aluwani Capped SWIX Equity Composite ALUWANI Equity Fund Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX Argon SA Equity Fund Ashburton Equity Fund Balondolozi Active Equity Fund Benguela SA Equity Capped SWIX Fund BlueAlpha Equity Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX Fund Coronation Core Equity Differential SA Equity Fund Excelsia Capital Core Equity First Avenue General Equity Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local Legacy Africa FM Capped SWIX Composite M&G Houseview Equity M&G Select Equity Matrix Domestic Equity Fund Mazi Capi Composite Mentenova Local Equity Mergence SWIX Fund Mergence CAPI Fund Mianzo Active Equity Composite Mianzo Enhanced Equity Fund Momentum Investments Classic Equity OMIG Fundamental Equity OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio Perpetua Domestic Core Equity (SWIX) PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Equity Fund PPS Equity Fund Sentio General Equity (Capped SWIX) Sentio General Equity Fund SIM Moderate Equity STANLIB Core Multi Factor Equity Fund STANLIB Multi- Manager SA Equity Fund Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity Fund Visio CAPI Composite Visio Capped SWIX Composite Visio SWIX Composite VunaniFM Active Capped SWIX VunaniFM Core Equity Fund FTSE/JSE All Share Index FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 12.80% 13.20% 13.60% 14.40% 14.80% 15.20% 15.60% 16.00% 14.00% 86 Section 3
Return (p.a.) Volatility (p.a.) (Standard Deviation) Volatility vs Return Scatterplot on SA Equity Managers – Not Benchmark Cognisant 3 years ended 31 December 2023 Allan Gray Camissa Managed Equity Fund ClucasGray Equity Fund Coronation Aggressive Equity Coronation Houseview Equity Denker SA Equity First Avenue Focused Equity Foord Domestic Equity Mazi Asset Management Equity CAPPED SWIX Composite Mazi Asset Management SWIX Composite Momentum Investments Trending Equity Momentum Investments Value Equity Nedgroup Investments SA Equity Fund (Laurium) Ninety One Equity Composite Ninety One Value Composite Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity OMIG Premium Equity Perpetua Domestic Focused Equity Rezco Equity SIM Aggressive Equity SIM Top Choice Equity Fund STANLIB Enhanced Multi Style Equity Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund Visio Absolute Equity Composite FTSE/JSE All Share Index FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share I ndex Fairtree Asset Management Equity fund An African investment firm with global standards Argon Asset Management has been growing investors’ assets since 2005we provide investment management services for retail and institutional investors. We are committed to building a long-term relationship with our clients, that are built on trust and accountability. Because we are an active, research-driven investment management company, we believe that value unfolds over the medium-to long-term. We therefore aim to build long-term partnerships with our clients. Argon Asset Management is an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 835) Address: 1st Floor, Colinton House, The Oval, 1 Oakdale Road, Newlands, 7700, Cape Town, South Africa | T: +27 21 670 6570 | E: W: 22.40% 21.00% 19.60% 18.20% 16.80% 15.40% 14.00% 12.60% 11.20% 9.80% 8.40% 7.00% 11.00% 11.50% 12.00% 13.00% 13.50% 14.00% 14.50% 15.00% 15.50% 16.00% 16.50% 12.50% 87 Section 3

Composite Dispersion of SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

Vunani Active Capped SWIX

Satrix Momentum Equity Fund

Prescient Core SWIX Equity Composite

Not Benchmark Cognisant Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) 36ONE SA Equity 5.77% 9.24% 7.58% 1.26% 1.22% 0.45% Aeon Active Equity 4.74% 7.14% 5.74% 0.67% 0.77% 0.92% ALUWANI Capped SWIX 6.70% 7.37% 7.23% 0.22% 0.38% 0.02% Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX 6.32% 6.57% 6.43% 0.11% 0.02% * Balondolozi Active Equity Fund 8.81% 9.74% 9.33% 0.39% 0.09% * Coronation Core Equity 8.13% 12.90% 9.28% 1.61% 0.58% 0.05% Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX 4.23% 4.35% 4.28% 0.05% 0.09% * M&G Houseview Equity 5.36% 5.88% 5.56% 0.12% * * M&G Select Equity 7.30% 7.41% 7.35% 0.05% 0.04% 0.17% Matrix Domestic Equity 5.88% 6.35% 6.15% 0.20% * * Mazi Capi Composite 1.03% 1.13% 1.09% 0.04% * * Mergence CAPI 5.36% 5.49% 5.42% 0.06% 0.00% 0.01% Mergence Capped SWIX 4.38% 4.85% 4.62% 0.13% 0.24% 0.02% Mergence SWIX 4.25% 4.87% 4.60% 0.20% 0.18% 0.09% Old Mutual Fundamental Equity 4.67% 5.61% 5.22% 0.31% 0.31% 0.03% Old Mutual SWIX40 Enhanced 6.47% 7.07% 6.77% 0.30% 0.14% 0.10% OMIG Managed Alpha 4.49% 4.98% 4.65% 0.17% * * Prescient Core Capped SWIX Equity Composite 7.94% 8.58% 8.32% 0.21% 0.37% * Prescient Core SWIX Equity Composite 8.30% 8.39% 8.35% 0.04% 0.35% 0.21% Satrix Momentum Equity Fund 5.94% 6.09% 6.01% 0.07% 0.04% 0.12% Truffle SA Equity 4.30% 6.84% 4.83% 0.64% 0.58% 0.35% Vunani Active Capped SWIX 8.10% 10.18% 8.67% 0.69% 0.52% * Truffle SA Equity 9.28% 12.21% 9.81% 0.78% 0.28% 0.15% Vunani Active Capped SWIX 4.70% 8.10% 6.76% 0.89% 0.57% 0.18%
SA Equity
Active Equity
Capped SWIX
SA Equity Capped SWIX
Active Equity Fund Coronation Core Equity
Domestic Equity
* Data not available 1 Year to 31 December 2023 Benchmark
Camissa Core
Capped SWIX M&G Houseview
M&G Select
Mutual SWIX40 Enhanced
Mazi Capi Composite Mergence
Mergence Capped SWIX Mergence
OMIG Managed Alpha
Prescient Core Capped SWIX Equity Composite
88 Section 3

Composite Dispersion of SA Equity Manager Watch™ Survey

* Data not available

Not Benchmark Cognisant Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Allan Gray 8.67% 9.59% 9.24% 0.18% 0.18% 0.14% Camissa Managed Equity 3.63% 4.31% 3.79% 0.19% * * Coronation Aggressive Equity 7.23% 8.14% 7.69% 0.33% 0.29% 0.31% Coronation Houseview Equity 9.01% 12.25% 9.96% 0.67% 0.22% 0.12% Excelsia Capital Aggressive Equity -3.70% -2.58% -3.22% 0.41% * * Excelsia Capital Core Equity 0.35% 0.98% 0.54% 0.26% * * Foord Specialist Domestic Equity 13.15% 14.87% 14.01% 0.27% 0.18% 0.26% Mazi AM Equity Capped SWIX 1.56% 1.71% 1.67% 0.04% * * Ninety One Equity Composite 3.54% 5.10% 4.06% 0.39% 0.26% 0.18% Ninety One Value 7.37% 13.32% 11.21% 2.26% 0.24% 4.01% Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity 6.72% 10.58% 8.65% 1.93% 2.56% 0.32% OMIG Premium Equity 7.64% 8.77% 8.03% 0.34% 0.39% 0.29%
Allan Gray Camissa Managed Equity Coronation Aggressive Equity Coronation Houseview Equity Excelsia Capital Aggressive Equity Excelsia Capital Core Equity Foord Specialist Domestic Equity Mazi AM Equity Capped SWIX Ninety One Equity Composite Ninety One Value Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity OMIG Premium Equity 89 Section 3
1 Year to 31 December 2023 Not Benchmark Cognisant

SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent specialist bond portfolios with ALBI as their benchmark and have an effective modified duration mandate of ±2 years around the ALBI. This survey also include the following two categories: inflation linked bonds and flexible bonds-income.

Range of Returns of the Specialist Bond Universe for the periods ending 31 December 2022

Return Statistics (Investable)

1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Highest 11.81% 9.27% 9.68% 10.09% 9.70% Upper Quartile 10.40% 8.43% 8.94% 9.28% 8.86% Median 9.96% 8.20% 8.61% 9.11% 8.70% Average 9.83% 8.15% 8.67% 9.10% 8.70% Lower Quartile 9.57% 7.96% 8.40% 8.86% 8.38% Lowest 5.65% 6.84% 7.39% 8.23% 8.08% Range 6.16% 2.43% 2.29% 1.86% 1.62% Number of Participants 29 27 27 25 21
0% 5% 10% 15% 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) 1 Year 25% – 75% Min – Max Median 90 Section 3

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* 15.7% is the gross total return for a single year, 2023, calculated using NAV to NAV figures and based on a lump sum investment. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Gross performance includes gross distributions (i.e. prior to the deduction of applicable taxes levied in the hands of individual investors). The 10X Your Future Fund returned 15.4% net in 2023 to investors that use the platform fee class (P-class) available to intermediaries via LISPs and investment platforms. By comparison, the ASISA High Equity category average net return for 2023 was 12.3%.

10X Fund Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd is an approved manager of collective investments schemes in securities in terms of Section 42 of the Collective Investments Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002.


SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in the specialist bond category of this survey represent portfolios with ALBI as their benchmark and have an effective modified duration mandate of ±2 years around the ALBI. The participants in the flexible bond and inflation linked bond categories represent portfolios with various benchmarks.

General information

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified/ Compliant) Managed ito Regulation 28? (Y/N) Benchmark Description Portfolio Modified Duration % Invested in AAA rated instruments No.of funds in composite Portfolio Size (R m) Specialist Bonds Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local N/A Y ALBI (business day series) 5.94 76.42% N/A 5 496 Allan Gray Bond Fund V Y All Bond Index 3.97 49.60% 1 7 696 Aluwani Active Bond N/A N All Bond Index 5.82 86.81% 12 11 599 Argon SA Bond Fund V N All Bond Index 6.40 100.00% 4 1 903 Ashburton Bond Composite C Y All Bond Index 6.43 77.14% 1 1 218 Balondolozi Bond Fund C Y All Bond Index 5.94 84.02% 12 4 277 Camissa Bond Fund V N All Bond Index 6.70 59.28% 1 1 201 Coronation Active Bond Portfolio (Composite) V Y All Bond Index 6.14 90.69% 8 8 132 Futuregrowth Core Bond Composite C Y All Bond Index 5.98 87.99% 5 14 699 Futuregrowth Listed YE Bond Fund C Y All Bond Index 5.97 75.60% 1 258 Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced C N All Bond Index 6.03 42.83% 4 16 552 Independent Alternatives Muhu Bond Fund C Y All Bond Index 7.03 98.96% 5 465 M&G Bond Fund V N/A All Bond Index 5.71 99.74% 1 862 M&G Core Bond V Y All Bond Index 5.72 91.77% 2 231 Matrix Domestic Bond Fund N/A Y All Bond Index 5.49 87.50% 1 5 788 Mentenova Local Bond N/A Y All Bond Index 4.76 73.71% N/A 1 358 Momentum Investments SA Bond C Y All Bond Index 6.66 92.00% 1 6 588 Nedgroup Investments Core Bond Fund N/A N All Bond Index 5.72 75.81% N/A 5 776 Ninety One Corporate Bond Composite V Y All Bond Index 5.65 78.83% 9 30 872 Ninety One Triple Alpha V Y All Bond Index 5.97 99.55% 5 3 891 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Bond Fund N/A N All Bond Index 6.04 82.72% N/A 6 066 Prescient Bond Quant Composite V Y All Bond Index 6.14 100.00% 1 686 Prescient Bond Quantplus Composite V Y All Bond Index 6.78 98.45% 6 7 696 Prowess Corporate Bond Portfolio N/A Y All Bond Index 4.76 77.70% 2 3 191 SIM Bond Fund V N All Bond Index 5.30 84.00% 2 5 970 STANLIB Core Bond Portfolio V Y All Bond Index 6.31 93.00% 3 7 461 STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond N/A Y All Bond Index 6.60 63.20% N/A 786 Umthombo Wealth Active Bond Composite C Y All Bond Index 5.59 76.66% 3 1 168 VunaniFM Active Bond Fund V Y All Bond Index 5.58 74.98% 21 11 487 Total 173 371 Indices All Bond Index 5.67 Flexible Bonds/Income Argon Flexible Income Fund V N Stefi Composite*110% 3.86 100.00% 6 1 135 Balondolozi Income Fund N/A Y Stefi Composite*110% 1.06 23.27% 2 461 Coronation Absolute Bond Portfolio V N All Bond Index 2.94 20.47% 4 4 989 Coronation Flexible Fixed Interest V N Higher of STeFI 3m/ALBI 6.00 85.06% 2 5 068 Coronation Strategic Bond Composite V Y All Bond Index 5.99 88.14% 5 4 186 Granate Domestic Multi Income Fund N/A Y Stefi + 1 1.60 30.00% 1 405 M&G Enhanced Income Fund V N/A STeFI Composite Index [November 2014 – present] 1.54 23.02% 1 761 Matrix Stable Income N/A N STeFi Composite 0.87 54.79% 1 5 788 Ninety One Flexible Bond Composite V Y All Bond Index 6.26 1.07% 10 7 437 PortfolioMetrix BCI Dynamic Income N/A Y SteFI Composite Index 4.00 54.49% N/A 7 124 Prescient Bond Flexible Composite V Y All Bond Index 6.90 98.50% 4 3 378 Sasfin BCI Flexible Income fund N/A Y SteFI Composite Index 2.89 75.06% 1 8 023 Terebinth Enhanced Income N/A Y STeFi Composite 1.31 27.19% 1 802 Total 49 558 Inflation Linked Bonds Aluwani Active Inflation Linked Bond N/A N IGOV Index 6.24 96.98% 3 1 103 Balondolozi Inflation Linked Fund C Y JSE ASSA CILI 9.87 91.02% 2 772 Futuregrowth Core ILB Fund C Y IGOV Index 9.76 97.88% 3 917 Ninety One Inflation Linked Bond Composite V Y IGOV 10.96 99.66% 3 1 385 Prescient Inflation Linked Bond Composite V Y 90 ILBI / 10 STEFI Call 8.86 93.79% 3 1 087 Prowess Active ILB Fund N/A Y FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 9.78 80.46% 1 615 SIM Inflation Linked Bond Fund V Y IGOV Index 11.39 74.00% 3 1 044 STANLIB Inflation Linked Bond Fund V N STeFi Overnight Index 10%; Barclays Inflation Linked Government Bond Index 90% 10.56 89.70% 1 868 VunaniFM Active Inflation-linked Bond Fund V Y FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 9.37 80.34% 4 2 744 Total 10 535 Indices All Bond Index 5.67 92 Section 3

SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in the specialist bond category of this survey represent portfolios with ALBI as their benchmark and have an effective modified duration mandate of ±2 years around the ALBI. The participants in the flexible bond and inflation linked bond categories represent portfolios with various benchmarks.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Investment Managers 1 Year Rank 3 Years (p.a.) Rank 5 Years (p.a.) Rank 7 Years (p.a.) Rank 10 Years (p.a.) Rank Specialist Bonds Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local 9.58% 21 8.45% 7 8.53% 18 8.97% 17 8.70% 12 Allan Gray Bond Fund 10.08% 12 7.45% 25 8.25% 22 9.11% 12 8.85% 7 Aluwani Active Bond 11.13% 3 8.65% 2 8.85% 10 9.11% 13 8.57% 14 Argon SA Bond Fund 9.26% 25 8.34% 11 8.86% 9 9.32% 6 8.93% 4 Ashburton Bond Composite 10.73% 5 8.57% 4 8.98% 6 9.28% 7 8.75% 9 Balondolozi Bond Fund 9.67% 20 8.02% 18 8.48% 19 9.02% 14 8.70% 11 Camissa Bond Fund 8.30% 27 8.39% 9 8.55% 17 9.01% 15 * Coronation Active Bond Portfolio (Composite) 10.44% 7 8.64% 3 8.58% 15 9.01% 16 8.71% 10 Futuregrowth Core Bond Composite 9.44% 24 7.90% 22 8.33% 21 8.70% 21 8.25% 19 Futuregrowth Listed YE Bond Fund 9.57% 23 7.97% 20 8.56% 16 8.91% 18 8.45% 15 Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced 10.40% 8 9.27% 1 9.52% 3 9.84% 3 9.70% 1 Independent Alternatives Muhu Bond Fund 10.38% 9 * * * * M&G Bond Fund 11.61% 2 * * * * M&G Core Bond 9.90% 16 8.34% 10 8.19% 24 8.50% 23 8.08% 21 Matrix Domestic Bond Fund 5.65% 29 6.84% 27 7.81% 25 8.23% 25 * Mentenova Local Bond 10.19% 10 8.30% 12 8.61% 14 * * Momentum Investments SA Bond 9.57% 22 8.18% 15 8.71% 13 8.86% 19 8.38% 16 Nedgroup Investments Core Bond Fund 10.05% 14 8.09% 17 8.92% 8 9.12% 11 8.58% 13 Ninety One Corporate Bond Composite 10.51% 6 8.41% 8 9.63% 2 10.09% 1 9.39% 3 Ninety One Triple Alpha 10.18% 11 8.28% 13 9.38% 4 9.58% 4 8.91% 5 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Bond Fund 9.68% 19 8.20% 14 8.83% 11 9.16% 10 * Prescient Bond Quant Composite 10.83% 4 8.13% 16 8.47% 20 8.77% 20 8.36% 17 Prescient Bond Quantplus Composite 7.60% 28 7.94% 21 7.77% 26 8.42% 24 8.25% 18 Prowess Corporate Bond Portfolio 10.06% 13 7.60% 24 8.21% 23 8.57% 22 8.09% 20 SIM Bond Fund 11.81% 1 7.99% 19 9.68% 1 9.90% 2 9.43% 2 STANLIB Core Bond Portfolio 9.74% 17 7.88% 23 8.95% 7 9.25% 8 8.75% 8 STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond 9.96% 15 8.52% 5 8.77% 12 9.19% 9 * Umthombo Wealth Active Bond Composite 9.09% 26 7.11% 26 7.39% 27 * * VunaniFM Active Bond Fund 9.68% 18 8.49% 6 9.20% 5 9.48% 5 8.86% 6 Specialist Bonds Statistics Highest 11.81% 9.27% 9.68% 10.09% 9.70% Upper Quartile 10.40% 8.43% 8.94% 9.28% 8.86% Median 9.96% 8.20% 8.61% 9.11% 8.70% Average 9.83% 8.15% 8.67% 9.10% 8.70% Lower Quartile 9.57% 7.96% 8.40% 8.86% 8.38% Lowest 5.65% 6.84% 7.39% 8.23% 8.08% Range 6.16% 2.43% 2.29% 1.86% 1.62% Number of Participants 29 27 27 25 21 *No performance history. 93 Section 3

SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey (continued)

Objective: The portfolios included in the specialist bond category of this survey represent portfolios with ALBI as their benchmark and have an effective modified duration mandate of ±2 years around the ALBI. The participants in the flexible bond and inflation linked bond categories represent portfolios with various benchmarks.

* No performance history

to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data Investment Managers 1 Year Rank 3 Years (p.a.) Rank 5 Years (p.a.) Rank 7 Years (p.a.) Rank 10 Years (p.a.) Rank Flexible Bonds – Income Argon Flexible Income Fund 10.79% 3 9.42% 1 * * * Balondolozi Income Fund 9.75% 11 * * * * Coronation Absolute Bond Portfolio 10.35% 8 8.52% 4 9.11% 3 9.33% 2 8.87% 1 Coronation Flexible Fixed Interest 10.16% 10 8.34% 8 7.27% 8 7.77% 7 * Coronation Strategic Bond Composite 10.46% 7 8.50% 5 7.79% 6 8.15% 5 8.17% 4 Granate Domestic Multi Income Fund 10.55% 5 8.47% 7 8.96% 4 * * M&G Enhanced Income Fund 11.25% 1 8.49% 6 7.88% 5 7.82% 6 8.01% 5 Matrix Stable Income 10.95% 2 7.86% 10 * * * Ninety One Flexible Bond Composite 10.26% 9 8.56% 2 9.14% 2 9.30% 3 8.80% 2 PortfolioMetrix BCI Dynamic Income 10.66% 4 * * * * Prescient Bond Flexible Composite 7.62% 13 8.53% 3 7.43% 7 8.31% 4 8.46% 3 Sasfin BCI Flexible Income fund 9.33% 12 8.33% 9 9.30% 1 10.22% 1 * Terebinth Enhanced Income 10.54% 6 7.70% 11 * * * Flexible Bonds – Income Statistics Highest 11.25% 9.42% 9.30% 10.22% 8.87% Upper Quartile 10.66% 8.53% 9.11% 9.32% 8.80% Median 10.46% 8.49% 8.42% 8.31% 8.46% Average 10.20% 8.43% 8.36% 8.70% 8.46% Lower Quartile 10.16% 8.33% 7.70% 7.98% 8.17% Lowest 7.62% 7.70% 7.27% 7.77% 8.01% Range 3.64% 1.73% 2.04% 2.45% 0.87% Number of Participants 13 11 8 7 5 Inflation Linked Bonds Aluwani Active Inflation Linked Bond 7.50% 5 9.52% 5 7.02% 7 5.49% 6 * Balondolozi Inflation Linked Fund 6.73% 9 9.34% 8 * * * Futuregrowth Core ILB Fund 7.58% 4 9.58% 4 7.26% 4 5.72% 4 6.04% 3 Ninety One Inflation Linked Bond Composite 8.10% 2 9.74% 3 7.14% 5 5.48% 7 5.87% 5 Prescient Inflation Linked Bond Composite 6.73% 8 10.88% 1 7.83% 2 6.50% 1 6.59% 1 Prowess Active ILB Fund 6.91% 7 * * * * SIM Inflation Linked Bond Fund 7.35% 6 9.52% 7 7.07% 6 5.54% 5 5.96% 4 STANLIB Inflation Linked Bond Fund 8.42% 1 9.76% 2 8.00% 1 6.50% 2 * VunaniFM Active Inflation-linked Bond Fund 7.77% 3 9.52% 6 7.67% 3 6.34% 3 6.22% 2 Inflation Linked Bonds Statistics Highest 8.42% 10.88% 8.00% 6.50% 6.59% Upper Quartile 7.77% 9.75% 7.75% 6.42% 6.22% Median 7.50% 9.55% 7.26% 5.72% 6.04% Average 7.45% 9.73% 7.43% 5.94% 6.14% Lower Quartile 6.91% 9.52% 7.11% 5.51% 5.96% Lowest 6.73% 9.34% 7.02% 5.48% 5.87% Range 1.69% 1.55% 0.98% 1.02% 0.73% Number of Participants 9 8 7 7 5 Indices All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% 8.44% 7.98% 1-3 Year Bond Index 9.22% 6.35% 7.59% 8.10% 7.70% 3-7 Year Bond Index 10.32% 5.98% 9.07% 9.13% 8.57% 7-12 Year Bond Index 11.89% 7.82% 9.20% 9.19% 8.39% 12+ Year Bond Index 7.47% 7.83% 7.47% 7.81% 7.63% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% 5.16% * GOVI 9.67% 7.34% 8.16% 8.28% 7.84% IGOV Index 6.98% 8.86% 6.55% 5.02% 5.58% OTHI 10.12% 8.29% 8.93% 9.23% 8.68% STeFI 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 6.35% 6.42% S&P South Africa Sovereign Bond 9.54% 7.41% 8.21% 8.40% 7.96% S&P South Africa Sovereign Inflation-Linked Bond 7.08% 8.76% 6.72% 5.14% 5.66%
Investment Data
94 Section 3

SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in the specialist bond category of this survey represent portfolios with ALBI as their benchmark and have an effective modified duration mandate of ±2 years around the ALBI. The participants in the flexible bond and inflation linked bond categories represent portfolios with various benchmarks.

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

Investment Managers 2022 Rank 2021 Rank 2020 Rank 2019 Rank 2018 Rank Specialist Bonds Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local 5.02% 9 10.82% 6 7.11% 23 10.25% 21 8.70% 10 Allan Gray Bond Fund 4.10% 26 8.26% 26 7.44% 19 11.54% 5 10.22% 1 Aluwani Active Bond 4.88% 14 10.03% 13 7.92% 14 10.39% 18 8.44% 14 Argon SA Bond Fund 4.89% 13 10.95% 5 7.25% 21 12.09% 2 9.28% 4 Ashburton Bond Composite 5.29% 3 9.78% 17 8.02% 12 11.21% 8 8.77% 9 Balondolozi Bond Fund 4.15% 25 10.35% 10 7.55% 17 10.81% 12 8.53% 12 Camissa Bond Fund 4.46% 21 12.57% 1 7.02% 24 10.59% 14 9.04% 7 Coronation Active Bond Portfolio (Composite) 4.57% 18 11.02% 4 7.17% 22 9.86% 25 8.60% 11 Futuregrowth Core Bond Composite 4.50% 19 9.84% 15 7.51% 18 10.48% 17 8.21% 19 Futuregrowth Listed YE Bond Fund 4.65% 15 9.78% 18 8.25% 9 10.68% 13 8.37% 17 Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced 6.38% 1 11.11% 3 8.37% 8 11.44% 6 9.52% 3 Independent Alternatives Muhu Bond Fund 4.22% 22 * * * * M&G Bond Fund * * * * * M&G Core Bond 4.94% 11 10.27% 11 5.60% 27 10.39% 19 7.93% 23 Matrix Domestic Bond Fund 4.46% 20 10.52% 8 7.41% 20 11.18% 9 7.82% 25 Mentenova Local Bond 4.60% 17 10.20% 12 7.98% 13 10.18% 23 * Momentum Investments SA Bond 5.24% 6 9.79% 16 8.07% 10 10.98% 11 7.73% 26 Nedgroup Investments Core Bond Fund 4.65% 16 9.66% 19 9.82% 6 10.55% 16 7.84% 24 Ninety One Corporate Bond Composite 4.91% 12 9.89% 14 10.46% 3 12.50% 1 10.00% 2 Ninety One Triple Alpha 5.09% 8 9.65% 20 10.79% 2 11.33% 7 8.79% 8 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Bond Fund 5.77% 2 9.19% 22 9.89% 5 9.65% 26 8.42% 15 Prescient Bond Quant Composite 4.21% 24 9.47% 21 7.63% 16 10.33% 20 7.95% 22 Prescient Bond Quantplus Composite 4.22% 23 12.14% 2 6.22% 25 8.84% 27 8.35% 18 Prowess Corporate Bond Portfolio 5.10% 7 7.70% 27 7.72% 15 10.57% 15 8.02% 21 SIM Bond Fund 3.99% 27 8.30% 25 12.56% 1 11.99% 3 8.51% 13 STANLIB Core Bond Portfolio 4.98% 10 8.98% 23 10.03% 4 11.12% 10 8.40% 16 STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond 5.28% 4 10.40% 9 8.07% 11 10.22% 22 9.15% 6 Umthombo Wealth Active Bond Composite 3.52% 28 8.81% 24 5.76% 26 9.88% 24 8.19% 20 VunaniFM Active Bond Fund 5.27% 5 10.58% 7 8.61% 7 11.97% 4 9.19% 5 Specialist Bonds Statistics Highest 6.38% 12.57% 12.56% 12.50% 10.22% Upper Quartile 5.09% 10.55% 8.49% 11.27% 8.98% Median 4.77% 9.89% 7.92% 10.59% 8.48% Average 4.76% 10.00% 8.16% 10.78% 8.61% Lower Quartile 4.40% 9.56% 7.33% 10.29% 8.19% Lowest 3.52% 7.70% 5.60% 8.84% 7.73% Range 2.85% 4.87% 6.96% 3.66% 2.49% Number of Participants 28 27 27 27 26 Indices All Bond Index 4.26% 8.40% 8.65% 10.32% 7.69% 1-3 Year Bond Index 5.73% 4.17% 11.50% 7.50% 9.14% 3-7 Year Bond Index 5.26% 2.51% 16.26% 11.53% 7.34% 7-12 Year Bond Index 4.75% 6.93% 10.58% 12.05% 7.32% 12+ Year Bond Index 3.66% 12.56% 4.59% 9.31% 7.65% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 4.24% 15.45% 4.22% 2.59% 0.34% GOVI 4.17% 8.26% 8.57% 10.24% 6.82% IGOV Index 4.24% 15.67% 3.94% 2.41% 0.02% OTHI 5.21% 9.60% 9.12% 10.68% 10.24% STeFI 5.21% 3.81% 5.39% 7.29% 7.25% S&P South Africa Sovereign Bond 4.32% 8.43% 8.73% 10.14% 7.55% S&P South Africa Sovereign Inflation-Linked Bond 4.41% 15.08% 5.07% 2.40% 0.04% 95 Section 3

SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey (continued)

Objective: The portfolios included in the specialist bond category of this survey represent portfolios with ALBI as their benchmark and have an effective modified duration mandate of ±2 years around the ALBI. The participants in the flexible bond and inflation linked bond categories represent portfolios with various benchmarks.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

Investment Managers 2022 Rank 2021 Rank 2020 Rank 2019 Rank 2018 Rank Flexible Bonds – Income Argon Flexible Income Fund 8.40% 2 9.10% 6 * * * Balondolozi Income Fund 6.83% 6 * * * * Coronation Absolute Bond Portfolio 6.70% 7 8.55% 7 10.25% 1 9.72% 4 8.92% 2 Coronation Flexible Fixed Interest 3.30% 13 11.74% 2 2.89% 9 8.55% 7 6.63% 6 Coronation Strategic Bond Composite 3.83% 11 11.36% 3 4.49% 7 9.03% 5 7.07% 5 Granate Domestic Multi Income Fund 7.18% 4 7.71% 8 9.03% 3 10.36% 3 * M&G Enhanced Income Fund 7.06% 5 7.22% 9 5.09% 6 8.89% 6 5.88% 7 Matrix Stable Income 7.68% 3 5.02% 11 * * * Ninety One Flexible Bond Composite 5.15% 10 10.35% 4 8.85% 4 11.20% 2 7.93% 3 PortfolioMetrix BCI Dynamic Income 8.55% 1 * * * * Prescient Bond Flexible Composite 3.71% 12 14.54% 1 3.70% 8 7.94% 8 7.83% 4 Sasfin BCI Flexible Income fund 6.27% 9 9.42% 5 9.16% 2 12.42% 1 10.97% 1 Terebinth Enhanced Income 6.39% 8 6.21% 10 7.35% 5 * * Flexible Bonds – Income Statistics Highest 8.55% 14.54% 10.25% 12.42% 10.97% Upper Quartile 7.18% 10.86% 9.03% 10.57% 8.43% Median 6.70% 9.10% 7.35% 9.38% 7.83% Average 6.24% 9.20% 6.76% 9.76% 7.89% Lower Quartile 5.15% 7.47% 4.49% 8.81% 6.85% Lowest 3.30% 5.02% 2.89% 7.94% 5.88% Range 5.25% 9.52% 7.36% 4.48% 5.09% Number of Participants 13 11 9 8 7 Inflation Linked Bonds Aluwani Active Inflation Linked Bond 4.90% 9 16.51% 2 3.69% 6 3.07% 4 0.86% 4 Balondolozi Inflation Linked Fund 5.76% 2 15.80% 7 3.55% 7 * * Futuregrowth Core ILB Fund 5.07% 8 16.42% 3 5.18% 3 2.59% 7 0.43% 6 Ninety One Inflation Linked Bond Composite 5.29% 4 16.12% 5 4.10% 4 2.63% 6 0.26% 7 Prescient Inflation Linked Bond Composite 8.76% 1 17.45% 1 3.48% 8 3.35% 3 1.76% 2 Prowess Active ILB Fund 5.14% 7 * * * * SIM Inflation Linked Bond Fund 5.14% 6 16.37% 4 4.02% 5 2.98% 5 0.83% 5 STANLIB Inflation Linked Bond Fund 5.57% 3 15.54% 8 5.65% 2 5.20% 1 1.68% 3 VunaniFM Active Inflation-linked Bond Fund 5.16% 5 15.93% 6 5.87% 1 4.05% 2 1.77% 1 Inflation Linked Bonds Statistics Highest 8.76% 17.45% 5.87% 5.20% 1.77% Upper Quartile 5.57% 16.44% 5.30% 3.70% 1.72% Median 5.16% 16.24% 4.06% 3.07% 0.86% Average 5.64% 16.27% 4.44% 3.41% 1.08% Lower Quartile 5.14% 15.90% 3.66% 2.81% 0.63% Lowest 4.90% 15.54% 3.48% 2.59% 0.26% Range 3.87% 1.91% 2.38% 2.61% 1.51% Number of Participants 9 8 8 7 7 Indices All Bond Index 4.26% 8.40% 8.65% 10.32% 7.69% 1-3 Year Bond Index 5.73% 4.17% 11.50% 7.50% 9.14% 3-7 Year Bond Index 5.26% 2.51% 16.26% 11.53% 7.34% 7-12 Year Bond Index 4.75% 6.93% 10.58% 12.05% 7.32% 12+ Year Bond Index 3.66% 12.56% 4.59% 9.31% 7.65% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 4.24% 15.45% 4.22% 2.59% 0.34% GOVI 4.17% 8.26% 8.57% 10.24% 6.82% IGOV Index 4.24% 15.67% 3.94% 2.41% 0.02% OTHI 5.21% 9.60% 9.12% 10.68% 10.24% STeFI 5.21% 3.81% 5.39% 7.29% 7.25% S&P South Africa Sovereign Bond 4.32% 8.43% 8.73% 10.14% 7.55% S&P South Africa Sovereign Inflation-Linked Bond 4.41% 15.08% 5.07% 2.40% 0.04%
No performance history 96 Section 3

SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey Risk

Objective: The portfolios included in the specialist bond category of this survey represent portfolios with ALBI as their benchmark and have an effective modified duration mandate of ±2 years around the ALBI. The participants in the flexible bond and inflation linked bond categories represent portfolios with various benchmarks.

Investment Managers Calculated on 3 year Performance Returns Calculated on 5 year Performance Returns 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank 5 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Specialist Bonds Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local 8.45% 7 8.15% 20 1.02% 7 1.07% 0.95 10 8.53% 18 8.81% 17 0.29% 18 0.97% 0.30 16 Allan Gray Bond Fund 7.45% 25 6.02% 2 0.02% 25 1.97% 0.01 25 8.25% 22 7.36% 1 0.01% 22 1.83% 0.00 22 Aluwani Active Bond 8.65% 2 7.91% 14 1.22% 2 0.72% 1.68 5 8.85% 10 8.70% 15 0.60% 10 0.80% 0.75 7 Argon SA Bond Fund 8.34% 11 8.01% 18 0.91% 11 1.35% 0.67 17 8.86% 9 9.12% 24 0.61% 9 1.39% 0.44 12 Ashburton Bond Composite 8.57% 4 7.80% 12 1.15% 4 0.66% 1.74 3 8.98% 6 8.83% 18 0.74% 6 1.01% 0.73 8 Balondolozi Bond Fund 8.02% 18 7.70% 8 0.59% 18 0.94% 0.63 19 8.48% 19 8.52% 10 0.23% 19 1.01% 0.23 18 Camissa Bond Fund 8.39% 9 8.27% 22 0.97% 9 1.62% 0.60 20 8.55% 17 8.48% 8 0.31% 17 1.91% 0.16 20 Coronation Active Bond Portfolio (Composite) 8.64% 3 8.39% 24 1.21% 3 1.31% 0.92 11 8.58% 15 9.04% 21 0.34% 15 1.32% 0.26 17 Futuregrowth Core Bond Composite 7.90% 22 7.82% 13 0.47% 22 0.64% 0.74 14 8.33% 21 8.51% 9 0.09% 21 0.68% 0.13 21 Futuregrowth Listed YE Bond Fund 7.97% 20 8.06% 19 0.54% 20 0.79% 0.69 16 8.56% 16 8.65% 13 0.32% 16 0.71% 0.44 11 Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced 9.27% 1 8.25% 21 1.85% 1 1.06% 1.73 4 9.52% 3 9.04% 22 1.28% 3 1.05% 1.21 3 M&G Core Bond 8.34% 10 7.93% 15 0.92% 10 0.82% 1.12 8 8.19% 24 8.91% 20 -0.05% 24 1.48% -0.04 24 Matrix Domestic Bond Fund 6.84% 27 7.79% 11 -0.58% 27 2.38% -0.25 26 7.81% 25 9.15% 25 -0.44% 25 2.11% -0.21 25 Mentenova Local Bond 8.30% 12 7.95% 16 0.87% 12 0.91% 0.95 9 8.61% 14 8.81% 16 0.36% 14 0.87% 0.42 13 Momentum Investments SA Bond 8.18% 15 8.55% 26 0.75% 15 1.56% 0.48 21 8.71% 13 9.15% 26 0.47% 13 1.25% 0.37 14 Nedgroup Investments Core Bond Fund 8.09% 17 7.27% 4 0.66% 17 0.90% 0.74 15 8.92% 8 7.96% 4 0.68% 8 1.12% 0.60 9 Ninety One Corporate Bond Composite 8.41% 8 7.64% 7 0.98% 8 0.32% 3.02 1 9.63% 2 8.53% 11 1.38% 2 0.41% 3.35 1 Ninety One Triple Alpha 8.28% 13 7.78% 10 0.85% 13 0.39% 2.18 2 9.38% 4 8.68% 14 1.14% 4 0.39% 2.91 2 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Bond Fund 8.20% 14 8.39% 25 0.77% 14 1.81% 0.43 22 8.83% 11 8.62% 12 0.58% 11 1.60% 0.36 15 Prescient Bond Quant Composite 8.13% 16 8.37% 23 0.70% 16 1.07% 0.66 18 8.47% 20 9.11% 23 0.22% 20 0.98% 0.23 19 Prescient Bond Quantplus Composite 7.94% 21 9.08% 27 0.51% 21 2.33% 0.22 23 7.77% 26 9.53% 27 -0.47% 26 2.09% -0.23 26 Prowess Corporate Bond Portfolio 7.60% 24 5.85% 1 0.17% 24 1.73% 0.10 24 8.21% 23 7.44% 2 -0.03% 23 1.41% -0.02 23 SIM Bond Fund 7.99% 19 7.47% 6 0.56% 19 0.67% 0.83 12 9.68% 1 8.46% 7 1.44% 1 1.20% 1.20 4 STANLIB Core Bond Portfolio 7.88% 23 7.71% 9 0.45% 23 0.57% 0.78 13 8.95% 7 8.39% 6 0.70% 7 0.63% 1.11 5 STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond 8.52% 5 7.98% 17 1.09% 5 0.97% 1.13 7 8.77% 12 8.88% 19 0.52% 12 1.14% 0.46 10 Umthombo Wealth Active Bond Composite 7.11% 26 6.90% 3 -0.32% 26 0.92% -0.34 5 9.10% 4 7.92% 8 1.26% 4 0.98% 1.28 5 VunaniFM Active Bond Fund 8.49% 6 7.33% 5 1.06% 6 0.79% 1.33 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Statistics Highest 9.27% 9.08% 1.85% 2.38% 3.02 9.68% 9.53% 1.44% 2.11% 3.35 Upper Quartile 8.43% 8.20% 1.00% 1.46% 1.12 8.94% 8.98% 0.69% 1.40% 0.74 Median 8.20% 7.91% 0.77% 0.94% 0.74 8.61% 8.68% 0.36% 1.12% 0.37 Average 8.15% 7.79% 0.72% 1.12% 0.88 8.67% 8.62% 0.42% 1.17% 0.57 Lower Quartile 7.96% 7.67% 0.53% 0.75% 0.54 8.40% 8.47% 0.15% 0.92% 0.14 Lowest 6.84% 5.85% -0.58% 0.32% -0.34 7.39% 7.36% -0.86% 0.39% -0.70 Number of participants 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Indices All Bond Index 7.43% 7.50% 8.25% 8.47% JSE ASSA SA Gov ILB Index 8.82% 6.02% 6.62% 6.77% Investment Data to the end of December 2023 –Risk vs Return 97 Section 3

SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey Risk (continued)

Objective: The portfolios included in the specialist bond category of this survey represent portfolios with ALBI as their benchmark and have an effective modified duration mandate of ±2 years around the ALBI. The participants in the flexible bond and inflation linked bond categories represent portfolios with various benchmarks.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 –Volatility vs Return Investment Managers Calculated on 3 year Performance Returns Calculated on 5 year Performance Returns 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank 5 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Specialist Bonds Argon Flexible Income Fund 9.42% 1 4.17% 7 3.18% 1 4.16% 0.76 7 * * * * * Coronation Absolute Bond Portfolio 8.52% 4 2.88% 5 -1.60% 11 2.96% -0.62 11 9.11% 3 3.12% 3 0.09% 5 3.46% -0.03 5 Coronation Flexible Fixed Interest 8.34% 8 8.53% 9 0.91% 10 1.51% 0.60 9 7.27% 8 9.89% 8 -0.98% 8 2.15% -0.46 8 Coronation Strategic Bond Composite 8.50% 5 8.70% 10 1.07% 9 1.55% 0.69 8 7.79% 6 9.66% 7 -0.45% 6 1.79% -0.25 6 Granate Domestic Multi Income Fund 8.47% 7 2.29% 3 1.90% 6 2.22% 0.86 5 8.96% 4 2.29% 1 2.08% 2 2.28% 0.91 2 M&G Enhanced Income Fund 8.49% 6 2.46% 4 2.82% 2 2.34% 1.20 3 7.88% 5 2.75% 2 1.94% 3 2.72% 0.71 4 Matrix Stable Income 7.86% 10 1.35% 1 2.18% 4 1.15% 1.89 1 * * * * * Ninety One Flexible Bond Composite 8.56% 2 8.37% 8 1.13% 7 1.01% 1.13 4 9.14% 2 9.40% 5 0.89% 4 1.14% 0.78 3 Prescient Bond Flexible Composite 8.53% 3 9.04% 11 1.10% 8 2.52% 0.44 10 7.43% 7 9.64% 6 -0.82% 7 2.83% -0.29 7 Terebinth Enhanced Income 7.70% 11 1.42% 2 2.02% 5 1.30% 1.55 2 * * * * * Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Statistics Highest 9.42% 9.04% 3.18% 4.16% 1.89 9.30% 9.89% 3.49% 3.52% 0.99 Upper Quartile 8.53% 8.45% 2.49% 2.74% 1.16 9.11% 9.64% 1.98% 2.99% 0.82 Median 8.49% 3.35% 1.90% 2.22% 0.84 8.42% 6.45% 0.49% 2.50% 0.34 Average 8.43% 4.78% 1.59% 2.19% 0.85 8.36% 6.28% 0.78% 2.49% 0.30 Lower Quartile 8.33% 2.37% 1.09% 1.41% 0.65 7.70% 3.02% -0.55% 2.06% -0.26 Lowest 7.70% 1.35% -1.60% 1.01% -0.62 7.27% 2.29% -0.98% 1.14% -0.46 Number of participants 11 11 11 11 11 8 8 8 8 8 Inflation Linked Bonds Aluwani Active Inflation Linked Bond 9.52% 5 6.20% 3 0.67% 6 0.39% 1.73 3 7.02% 7 6.88% 3 0.48% 6 0.54% 0.89 3 Balondolozi Inflation Linked Fund 9.34% 8 6.13% 2 0.51% 8 0.67% 0.77 8 * * * * * Futuregrowth Core ILB Fund 9.58% 4 6.31% 5 0.73% 4 0.84% 0.87 7 7.26% 4 7.18% 5 0.72% 4 0.87% 0.82 4 Ninety One Inflation Linked Bond Composite 9.74% 3 6.27% 4 0.88% 3 0.35% 2.53 1 7.14% 5 7.03% 4 0.49% 5 0.47% 1.03 2 Prescient Inflation Linked Bond Composite 10.88% 1 7.22% 8 2.63% 1 2.49% 1.06 5 7.83% 2 7.81% 7 1.62% 1 5.98% 0.27 5 SIM Inflation Linked Bond Fund 9.52% 7 6.50% 7 0.66% 7 0.66% 1.00 6 7.07% 6 7.42% 6 * * * STANLIB Inflation Linked Bond Fund 9.76% 2 6.34% 6 0.91% 2 0.78% 1.18 4 8.00% 1 6.55% 1 1.33% 2 6.63% 0.20 6 VunaniFM Active Inflation-linked Bond Fund 9.52% 6 5.92% 1 0.70% 5 0.35% 2.03 2 7.67% 3 6.68% 2 1.05% 3 0.48% 2.17 1 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Statistics Highest 10.88% 7.22% 2.63% 2.49% 2.53 8.00% 7.81% 1.62% 6.63% 2.17 Upper Quartile 9.75% 6.38% 0.89% 0.79% 1.80 7.75% 7.30% 1.26% 4.70% 1.00 Median 9.55% 6.29% 0.71% 0.66% 1.12 7.26% 7.03% 0.88% 0.71% 0.85 Average 9.73% 6.36% 0.96% 0.81% 1.39 7.43% 7.08% 0.95% 2.50% 0.90 Lower Quartile 9.52% 6.18% 0.67% 0.38% 0.97 7.11% 6.78% 0.55% 0.50% 0.41 Lowest 9.34% 5.92% 0.51% 0.35% 0.77 7.02% 6.55% 0.48% 0.47% 0.20 Number of participants 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 Indices All Bond Index 7.43% 7.50% 8.25% 8.47% JSE ASSA SA Gov ILB Index 8.82% 6.02% 6.62% 6.77% * No performance history 98 Section 3
Active Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot on SA Bond Managers – 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Specialist Bond Inflation Linked Bond Flexible / Income Bond Return (p.a.) Tracking Error (p.a.) Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local Allan Gray Bond Fund Aluwani Active Bond Argon SA Bond Fund Ashburton Bond Composite Balondolozi Bond Fund Camissa Bond Fund Coronation Active Bond Portfolio (Composite) Futuregrowth Core Bond Composite Futuregrowth Listed YE Bond Fund Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced M&G Core Bond Matrix Domestic Bond Fund Mentenova Local Bond Momentum Investments SA Bond Nedgroup Investments Core Bond Fund Ninety One Corporate Bond Composite Ninety One Triple Alpha PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Bond Fund Prescient Bond Quant Composite Prescient Bond Quantplus Composite Prowess Corporate Bond Portfolio SIM Bond Fund STANLIB Core Bond Portfolio STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond Umthombo Wealth Active Bond Composite VunaniFM Active Bond Fund Argon Flexible Income Fund Coronation Absolute Bond Portfolio Coronation Flexible Fixed Interest Coronation Strategic Bond Composite Granate Domestic Multi Income Fund M&G Enhanced Income Fund Matrix Stable Income Ninety One Flexible Bond Composite Prescient Bond Flexible Composite Terebinth Enhanced Income Futuregrowth Core ILB Fund Composite Composite -linked Bond Fund IR = 0.5 IR = 1 IR = 2 3.50% 2.50% 1.50% 0.50% -0.50% -1.50% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% -1.00% -2.00% 0.50% 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 0.00% 99 Section 3
SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey
All Bond Index JSE ASSA SA Gov ILB Index Specialist Bond Inflation Linked Bond Flexible / Income Bond Volatility vs Return Scatterplot on SA Bond Managers – 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a.) Tracking Error (p.a.) SA Bond Manager Watch™
Allan Gray Bond Fund Aluwani Active Bond Argon SA Bond Fund Ashburton Bond Composite Balondolozi Bond Fund Camissa Bond Fund Coronation Active Bond Portfolio (Composite) Futuregrowth Core Bond Composite Futuregrowth Listed YE Bond Fund Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local M&G Core Bond Matrix Domestic Bond Fund Mentenova Local Bond Momentum Investments SA Bond Nedgroup Investments Core Bond Fund Ninety One Triple Alpha PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Bond Fund Prescient Bond Quant Composite Prescient Bond Quantplus Composite Prowess Corporate Bond Portfolio SIM Bond Fund STANLIB Core Bond Portfolio STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond Umthombo Wealth Active Bond Fund VunaniFM Active Bond Fund Argon Flexible Income Fund Coronation Absolute Bond Portfolio Coronation Flexible Fixed Interest Coronation Strategic Bond Composite Granate Domestic Multi Income Fund M&G Enhanced Income Fund Matrix Stable Income Ninety One Flexible Bond Composite Prescient Bond Flexible Composite Terebinth Enhanced Income Futuregrowth Core ILB Fund Composite Composite -linked Bond Fund All Bond Index JSE ASSA SA Gov ILB Index Ninety One Corporate Bond Composite 11.00% 10.00% 9.00% 8.00% 10.50% 9.50% 8.50% 7.50% 7.00% 6.50% 1.00% 3.00% 5.00% 8.00% 2.00% 4.00% 7.00% 6.00% 9.00% 10.00% 100 Section 3
Survey (continued)

Composite Dispersion of SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey

1 Year to 31 December 2023

Specialist Bonds

* Data not available

Specialist Bonds Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) ALUWANI Active Bond 10.63% 11.35% 11.13% 0.22% 0.11% 0.08% Argon SA Bond 9.23% 9.37% 9.30% 0.07% * * Coronation Active Bond 10.02% 10.54% 10.29% 0.17% 0.08% 0.06% FutureGrowth Core Bond 9.27% 9.91% 9.49% 0.22% 0.11% 0.09% FutureGrowth Yield Enhanced 9.79% 10.50% 10.23% 0.28% 0.08% 0.07% Ninety One Corporate Bond 10.31% 10.85% 10.58% 0.21% 0.19% 0.15% Ninety One Triple Alpha 10.03% 10.22% 10.16% 0.07% 0.02% 0.03% Prescient Bond QuantPlus 7.47% 7.66% 7.58% 0.07% 0.15% 0.10% Prowess Corporate Bond 1.32% 1.34% 1.33% 0.01% * * Stanlib Core Bond 9.61% 10.03% 9.77% 0.19% 0.09% 0.15% VunaniFM Active Bond 9.15% 10.40% 9.61% 0.38% 0.24% 0.19%
101 Section 3

Composite Dispersion of SA Bond Manager Watch™ Survey

* Data not available

Inflation Linked Bonds Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) ALUWANI Inflation Linked 7.48% 7.85% 7.66% 0.18% * * Ninety One Inflation Linked Bond 7.98% 8.66% 8.38% 0.29% 0.08% 0.03% Prescient Inflation Linked Bond 6.68% 6.69% 6.68% 0.00% 0.07% 0.07% SIM Inflation Linked Bond 7.39% 7.63% 7.51% 0.12% 0.12% 0.64% VunaniFM Inflation Linked Bond 6.87% 9.04% 7.92% 0.78% 0.35% * * Data not available Inflation Linked Bonds Flexible Bonds Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Argon Flexible Income 10.64% 11.12% 10.88% 0.24% * * Coronation Absolute Bond 10.25% 10.67% 10.51% 0.19% 0.25% 0.28% Coronation Strategic Bond 10.10% 10.70% 10.24% 0.23% 0.16% 0.16% Ninety One Flexible Bond 10.17% 10.31% 10.24% 0.05% 0.05% 0.07% Prescient Flexible Bond 7.19% 7.67% 7.40% 0.17% 0.12% 0.27%
1 Year to 31 December 2023
102 Section 3

SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey represent short-term debt securities that are highly marketable and trade in large denominations.

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified / Compliant) Managed ITO Regulation 28? (Y/N) Benchmark Description Classification Valuation Methodology Maximum Duration of Portfolio Maturity of longest dated instrument % of portfolio invested in F1 and better rated instruments No. of Funds in Composite Portfolio Size (R m) Maximum duration up to 90 days Ashburton Money Market Fund C Y STeFI 3M Pooled Accrual 90 days 27 Dec 2022 100,00% 1 18 115 Coronation Strategic Cash* V Y STeFI Pooled Accrual 90 days 08 Aug 2026 100,00% 1 3 463 Futuregrowth Core Money Market Composite C Y STeFI 3M Segregated Mark-to-Market 90 days 27 Dec 2024 100,00% 8 18 314 M&G Money Market Fund V Y STeFI Call Deposit Index Pooled Accrual 90 days 15 Jun 2026 100,00% 1 1 496 Momentum Investments Money Market C Y STeFI Segregated Mark-to-Market 90 days 28 Jun 2023 100,00% 1 14 586 Nedgroup Investments Corporate Money Market Fund Y Y STeFI Call Unit trust Acrual 90 days 08 Apr 2024 100,00% 1 43 412 Nedgroup Investments Money Market Fund Y Y STeFI Call Unit trust Accrual 90 days 08 Apr 2024 100,00% 1 26 590 Ninety One Corporate Money Market Fund V Y STeFI Segregated Accrual 90 days 24 Dec 2024 98,83% 1 21 061 Ninety One Money Market Fund V Y STeFI 3M Pooled Accrual 90 days 28 Jan 2025 99,10% 1 44 629 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Money Market V Y STeFI Pooled Mark-to-Market 90 days 06 Oct 2024 100,00% 4 459 Prescient Money Market Composite V Y STeFI Segregated Time Weighted Rate of Return 90 days 29 Aug 2024 100,00% 11 10 314 Prowess Money Market Fund N/A Y STeFI Segregated Accrual 90 days 12 Nov 2024 99,37% 1 596 SIM Cash Fund V Y STeFI Pooled Mark-to-Market 90 days 21 Jan 2025 98,03% 5 10 084 SIM Corporate Money Market V STeFI Segregated Accrual 90 days 20 Sep 2024 100,00% 12 633 STANLIB Corporate Money Market Fund V Y STeFI Pooled Accrual 90 days 10 Jan 2025 100,00% 1 64 887 STANLIB Money Market Fund V Y STeFI Pooled Accrual 90 days 10 Jan 2025 100,00% 1 23 392 Total 314 030 Maximum duration up to 91-180 days Alexander Forbes Investments Banker N/A Y STeFI Pooled Mark-to-Market 180 days 21 Nov 2053 96,39% 22 162 Aluwani Cash Plus N/A N STeFI Segregated Mark-to-Market 180 days 31 Dec 2080 91,53% 16 16 700 Argon Enhanced Money Market Fund V N STeFI Segregated Mark-to-Market 180 days 21 Jul 2025 96,72% 3 2 172 Ashburton Stable Income portfolio C Y STeFI Pooled Mark-to-Market 180 days 05 Aug 2033 98,20% 1 25 791 Balondolozi Cash Fund C Y STeFI Segregated Mark-to-Market 180 days 15 Feb 2025 100,00% 5 989 Coronation Institutional Cash V Y STeFI Segregated Mark-to-Market 180 days 09 Mar 2028 100,00% 1 682 Futuregrowth 180 Day Enhanced Money Market Composite C Y STeFI Pooled Mark-to-Market 180 days 10 Jun 2027 98,53% 6 10 957 M&G Income Fund V Y STeFI Pooled Accrual 180 days 26 Apr 2032 100,00% 1 596 Momentum Investments Diversified Money Market N/A Y STeFI Segregated Accrual 180 days 26 Nov 2030 99,10% 1 118 Momentum Investments Enhanced Yield C Y STeFI Segregated Mark-to-Market 180 days 26 Nov 2030 98,56% 2 11 151 Nedgroup Investments Core Income Fund Y Y STeFI Unit trust Mark to Market 180 days 15 Mar 2030 100,00% 1 52 890 Ninety One Money Fund V Y STeFI Pooled Mark-to-Market 180 days 14 Dec 2028 97,36% 1 9 638 Prescient Yield Quantplus Composite V Y STeFI Segregated Time Weighted Rate of Return 180 days 31 Aug 2026 100,00% 12 13 975 SIM Cash Enhanced V Y STeFI Pooled Mark-to-Market 180 days 07 Dec 2026 99,61% 17 18 521 STANLIB Enhanced Yield Fund V N STeFI Pooled Mark-to-Market 180 days 21 Nov 2026 100,00% 2 16 176 Sygnia Money Market Fund N/A STeFI Pooled Modified Dietz 180 days 10 Feb 2048 100,00% 1 2 644 Taquanta Cash Fund V Y STeFI Segregated Mark-to-Market 180 days 15 Nov 2028 100,00% 1 8 840 Volantis Enhanced Money Market Fund N/A Y STeFI Segregated Mark-to-Market 180 days 21 Dec 2026 100,00% 1 482 Total 214 483 V = Verified C = Compliant General information 103 Section 3

SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey represent short-term debt securities that are highly marketable and trade in large denominations.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 7 Years 10 Years Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Maximum duration up to 90 days Ashburton Money Market Fund 8.87% 11 6.33% 13 6.55% 12 6.99% 13 7.02% 11 Coronation Strategic Cash* 9.13% 2 6.58% 2 6.85% 2 7.37% 1 7.43% 1 Futuregrowth Core Money Market Composite 8.81% 13 6.35% 12 6.59% 11 7.05% 9 7.07% 8 M&G Money Market Fund 8.68% 16 6.20% 15 6.40% 15 6.84% 15 6.82% 13 Momentum Investments Money Market 8.91% 7 6.41% 7 6.72% 5 7.26% 3 7.36% 2 Nedgroup Investments Corporate Money Market Fund 8.89% 10 6.38% 11 6.55% 13 7.00% 12 7.02% 10 Nedgroup Investments Money Market Fund 8.94% 4 6.46% 5 6.64% 6 7.08% 6 7.11% 5 Ninety One Corporate Money Market Fund 8.82% 12 6.39% 9 6.59% 10 7.02% 10 7.05% 9 Ninety One Money Market Fund 8.81% 14 6.42% 6 6.63% 7 7.07% 7 7.11% 4 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Money Market 8.90% 9 6.48% 4 6.72% 4 7.11% 5 7.07% 7 Prescient Money Market Composite 8.92% 6 6.53% 3 6.76% 3 7.20% 4 7.21% 3 Prowess Money Market Fund 9.01% 3 * * * * * * * * SIM Cash Fund 8.91% 8 6.38% 10 6.63% 8 7.06% 8 7.10% 6 SIM Corporate Money Market 8.81% 15 6.23% 14 6.53% 14 6.96% 14 6.98% 12 STANLIB Corporate Money Market Fund 8.93% 5 6.41% 8 6.59% 9 7.02% 11 * * STANLIB Money Market Fund 9.27% 1 6.76% 1 6.89% 1 7.29% 2 * * Market Statistics Alexforbes Money Market Index 8.19% 5.69% 5.84% 6.29% 6.38% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 6.35% 6.42% STeFI Call Deposit Index 7.80% 5.40% 5.48% 5.83% 5.89% STeFI 3 Month NCD Rate 7.83% 5.39% 5.57% 5.99% 6.07% STeFI 6 Month NCD Rate 8.19% 5.80% 6.09% 6.51% 6.60% STeFI 12 Month NCD Rate 8.36% 6.11% 6.60% 7.03% 7.07%
Highest 9.27% 6.76% 6.89% 7.37% 7.43% Upper Quartile 8.93% 6.47% 6.72% 7.16% 7.11% Median 8.90% 6.41% 6.63% 7.06% 7.07% Average 8.91% 6.42% 6.64% 7.09% 7.11% Lower Quartile 8.82% 6.36% 6.57% 7.01% 7.02% Lowest 8.68% 6.20% 6.40% 6.84% 6.82% Range 0.59% 0.55% 0.49% 0.53% 0.61% Number of Participants 16 15 15 15 13 104 Section 3

SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey represent short-term debt securities that are highly marketable and trade in large denominations.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 7 Years 10 Years Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Portfolio Rank Maximum duration up to 91 - 180 days Alexander Forbes Investments Banker 9.60% 9 7.04% 7 7.28% 6 7.71% 9 7.71% 6 Aluwani Cash Plus 9.53% 10 7.08% 5 7.26% 7 7.79% 5 7.75% 3 Argon Enhanced Money Market Fund 8.91% 18 6.42% 18 6.85% 17 7.32% 16 7.32% 15 Ashburton Stable Income portfolio 9.70% 5 7.35% 2 7.46% 2 7.97% 2 7.98% 1 Balondolozi Cash Fund 9.36% 14 6.56% 15 6.96% 14 7.46% 14 * * Coronation Institutional Cash 9.19% 15 6.64% 14 6.91% 15 7.45% 15 7.47% 12 Futuregrowth 180 Day Enhanced Money Market Composite 9.15% 16 6.55% 16 6.85% 16 7.31% 17 7.32% 14 M&G Income Fund 10.41% 1 7.61% 1 7.59% 1 8.05% 1 * * Momentum Investments Diversified Money Market 9.39% 13 6.76% 13 7.18% 9 7.75% 7 7.67% 8 Momentum Investments Enhanced Yield 9.66% 6 6.86% 11 7.33% 4 7.79% 4 7.73% 4 Nedgroup Investments Core Income Fund 9.63% 7 6.96% 9 7.13% 12 7.58% 12 7.54% 11 Ninety One Money Fund 9.72% 4 7.14% 4 7.32% 5 7.78% 6 7.65% 9 Prescient Yield Quantplus Composite 9.43% 12 6.77% 12 7.13% 11 7.63% 10 7.69% 7 SIM Cash Enhanced 9.15% 17 6.53% 17 6.97% 13 7.52% 13 7.56% 10 STANLIB Enhanced Yield Fund 9.61% 8 7.03% 8 7.19% 8 7.74% 8 7.72% 5 Sygnia Money Market Fund 9.48% 11 6.92% 10 7.15% 10 7.59% 11 7.47% 13 Taquanta Cash Fund 9.84% 2 7.23% 3 7.34% 3 7.89% 3 7.78% 2 Volantis Enhanced Money Market Fund 9.75% 3 7.07% 6 * * * * * * Market Statistics Alexforbes Money Market Index 8.19% 5.69% 5.84% 6.29% 6.38% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 6.35% 6.42% STeFI Call Deposit Index 7.80% 5.40% 5.48% 5.83% 5.89% STeFI 3 Month NCD Rate 7.83% 5.39% 5.57% 5.99% 6.07% STeFI 6 Month NCD Rate 8.19% 5.80% 6.09% 6.51% 6.60% STeFI 12 Month NCD Rate 8.36% 6.11% 6.60% 7.03% 7.07%
Highest 10.41% 7.61% 7.59% 8.05% 7.98% Upper Quartile 9.69% 7.08% 7.32% 7.79% 7.73% Median 9.56% 6.94% 7.18% 7.71% 7.67% Average 9.53% 6.92% 7.17% 7.67% 7.62% Lower Quartile 9.37% 6.67% 6.97% 7.52% 7.51% Lowest 8.91% 6.42% 6.85% 7.31% 7.32% Range 1.51% 1.19% 0.74% 0.74% 0.66% Number of Participants 18 18 17 17 15 * No performance history 105 Section 3

SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey Risk

Objective: The portfolios in this survey represent short-term debt securities that are highly marketable and trade in large denominations.

Investment Managers Calculated on 3 year Performance Returns Calculated on 5 year Performance Returns 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank 5 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Maximum duration up to 90 days Ashburton Money Market Fund 6.33% 13 0.57% 9 0.97% 2 6.55% 12 0.52% 9 1.00% 1 Coronation Strategic Cash* 6.58% 2 0.57% 11 0.90% 3 6.85% 2 0.53% 11 0.90% 4 Futuregrowth Core Money Market Composite 6.35% 12 0.62% 15 0.67% 14 6.59% 11 0.57% 15 0.64% 13 M&G Money Market Fund 6.20% 15 0.55% 5 0.80% 5 6.40% 15 0.50% 7 0.93% 3 Momentum Investments Money Market 6.41% 7 0.54% 4 0.73% 9 6.72% 5 0.49% 4 0.77% 7 Nedgroup Investments Corporate Money Market Fund 6.38% 11 0.55% 7 0.70% 13 6.55% 13 0.50% 6 0.61% 14 Nedgroup Investments Money Market Fund 6.46% 5 0.55% 6 0.78% 7 6.64% 6 0.49% 5 0.70% 8 Ninety One Corporate Money Market Fund 6.39% 9 0.54% 3 0.71% 11 6.59% 10 0.49% 3 0.65% 12 Ninety One Money Market Fund 6.42% 6 0.53% 1 0.74% 8 6.63% 7 0.48% 1 0.69% 9 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Money Market 6.48% 4 0.59% 14 0.80% 6 6.72% 4 0.56% 14 0.78% 6 Prescient Money Market Composite 6.53% 3 0.53% 2 0.85% 4 6.76% 3 0.49% 2 0.82% 5 SIM Cash Fund 6.38% 10 0.57% 10 0.70% 12 6.63% 8 0.53% 12 0.68% 10 SIM Corporate Money Market 6.23% 14 0.58% 13 0.55% 15 6.53% 14 0.54% 13 0.59% 15 STANLIB Corporate Money Market Fund 6.41% 8 0.56% 8 0.73% 10 6.59% 9 0.51% 8 0.65% 11 STANLIB Money Market Fund 6.76% 1 0.57% 12 1.08% 1 6.89% 1 0.52% 10 0.95% 2 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Maximum duration up to 91 - 180 days Alexander Forbes Investments Banker 7.04% 7 0.58% 6 1.36% 7 7.28% 6 0.53% 8 1.33% 6 Aluwani Cash Plus 7.08% 5 0.56% 3 1.40% 5 7.26% 7 0.50% 1 1.32% 7 Argon Enhanced Money Market Fund 6.42% 18 0.61% 11 0.74% 18 6.85% 17 0.58% 12 0.91% 17 Ashburton Stable Income portfolio 7.35% 2 0.51% 1 1.67% 2 7.46% 2 0.51% 3 1.52% 2 Balondolozi Cash Fund 6.56% 15 0.63% 13 0.89% 15 6.96% 14 0.62% 13 1.02% 14 Coronation Institutional Cash 6.64% 14 0.57% 5 0.96% 14 6.91% 15 0.52% 5 0.97% 15 Futuregrowth 180 Day Enhanced Money Market Composite 6.55% 16 0.61% 12 0.87% 16 6.85% 16 0.57% 11 0.91% 16 M&G Income Fund 7.61% 1 0.80% 18 1.93% 1 7.59% 1 1.23% 17 1.64% 1 Momentum Investments Diversified Money Market 6.76% 13 0.64% 14 1.09% 13 7.18% 9 0.57% 10 1.24% 9 Momentum Investments Enhanced Yield 6.86% 11 0.73% 17 1.18% 11 7.33% 4 0.69% 16 1.39% 4 Nedgroup Investments Core Income Fund 6.96% 9 0.58% 7 1.28% 9 7.13% 12 0.53% 7 1.18% 12 Ninety One Money Fund 7.14% 4 0.59% 8 1.46% 4 7.32% 5 0.53% 6 1.38% 5 Prescient Yield Quantplus Composite 6.77% 12 0.73% 16 1.09% 12 7.13% 11 0.64% 14 1.19% 11 SIM Cash Enhanced 6.53% 17 0.67% 15 0.85% 17 6.97% 13 0.64% 15 1.03% 13 STANLIB Enhanced Yield Fund 7.03% 8 0.56% 2 1.35% 8 7.19% 8 0.51% 2 1.25% 8 Sygnia Money Market Fund 6.92% 10 0.57% 4 1.24% 10 7.15% 10 0.52% 4 1.21% 10 Taquanta Cash Fund 7.23% 3 0.60% 9 1.56% 3 7.34% 3 0.54% 9 1.40% 3 Volantis Enhanced Money Market Fund 7.07% 6 0.60% 10 1.39% 6 * * * * * * Market statistics Alexforbes Money Market Index 5.69% 0.54% 5.84% 0.50% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 5.68% 0.52% 5.94% 0.47%
106 Section 3
Volatility vs Return
Volatility vs Return Scatterplot on Money Market Managers (up to 90 day duration) – 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Volatility vs Return Scatterplot on Money Market Managers (91–180 day duration) – 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a.) Return (p.a.) Volatility (p.a.) (Standard Deviation) Volatility (p.a.) (Standard Deviation) Alexander Forbes Investments Banker Aluwani Cash Plus Argon Enhanced Money Market Fund Ashburton Stable Income portfolio Balondolozi Cash Fund Coronation Institutional Cash Futuregrowth 180 Day Enhanced Money Market Composite M&G Income Fund Money Market Momentum Investments Enhanced Yield Nedgroup Investments Core Income Fund Ninety One Money Fund Prescient Yield Quantplus Composite SIM Cash Enhanced STANLIB Enhanced Yield Fund Sygnia Money Market Fund Taquanta Cash Fund Volantis Enhanced Money Market Fund 107 Section 3
SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey

SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey represent short-term debt securities that are highly marketable and trade in large denominations.

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Maximum duration up to 90 days Ashburton Money Market Fund 5.87% 4.29% 5.72% 8.07% 8.00% Coronation Strategic Cash* 5.94% 4.71% 6.19% 8.32% 8.67% Futuregrowth Core Money Market Composite 5.77% 4.51% 5.86% 8.03% 8.06% M&G Money Market Fund 5.75% 4.23% 5.51% 7.90% 7.86% Momentum Investments Money Market 5.84% 4.53% 6.21% 8.16% 8.29% Nedgroup Investments Corporate Money Market Fund 5.89% 4.40% 5.66% 7.97% 7.98% Nedgroup Investments Money Market Fund 5.99% 4.50% 5.79% 8.05% 8.03% Ninety One Corporate Money Market Fund 6.00% 4.39% 5.78% 8.01% 8.01% Ninety One Money Market Fund 5.99% 4.49% 5.83% 8.07% 8.06% Old Mutual Multi-Managers Money Market 6.13% 4.45% 5.85% 8.33% 8.00% Prescient Money Market Composite 6.02% 4.70% 6.02% 8.18% 8.23% Prowess Money Market Fund SIM Cash Fund 5.77% 4.51% 5.97% 8.04% 8.02% SIM Corporate Money Market 5.73% 4.19% 6.00% 7.97% 7.89% STANLIB Corporate Money Market Fund 5.96% 4.37% 5.73% 8.02% 7.96% STANLIB Money Market Fund 6.37% 4.68% 5.97% 8.23% 8.13% Maximum duration 91 - 180 days Alexander Forbes Investments Banker 6.53% 5.04% 6.54% 8.73% 8.81% Aluwani Cash Plus 6.61% 5.15% 6.45% 8.64% 8.99% Argon Enhanced Money Market Fund 5.69% 4.70% 6.70% 8.30% 8.18% Ashburton Stable Income portfolio 6.71% 5.68% 6.18% 9.08% 9.33% Balondolozi Cash Fund 5.84% 4.55% 6.55% 8.59% 8.52% Coronation Institutional Cash 6.01% 4.76% 6.18% 8.48% 8.69% Futuregrowth 180 Day Enhanced Money Market Composite 6.10% 4.46% 6.26% 8.34% 8.27% M&G Income Fund 7.18% 5.31% 5.77% 9.35% 9.38% Momentum Investments Diversified Money Market 6.14% 4.82% 6.91% 8.71% 9.10% Momentum Investments Enhanced Yield 6.19% 4.78% 7.41% 8.70% 8.67% Nedgroup Investments Core Income Fund 6.35% 4.94% 6.21% 8.56% 8.56% Ninety One Money Fund 6.50% 5.25% 6.65% 8.56% 8.71% Prescient Yield Quantplus Composite 5.92% 5.01% 6.63% 8.70% 8.73% SIM Cash Enhanced 5.83% 4.66% 6.68% 8.59% 8.71% STANLIB Enhanced Yield Fund 6.30% 5.22% 6.25% 8.65% 8.83% Sygnia Money Market Fund 6.33% 4.99% 6.39% 8.62% 8.52% Taquanta Cash Fund 6.71% 5.20% 6.30% 8.74% 9.06% Volantis Enhanced Money Market Fund 6.55% 4.97% * * * Market statistics Sygnia Money Market Fund 6.33% 4.99% 6.39% 8.62% 8.52% Taquanta Cash Fund 6.71% 5.20% 6.30% 8.74% 9.06% Volantis Enhanced Money Market Fund 6.55% 4.97% * * * STeFI 3 Month NCD Rate 3.55% 4.78% 6.92% 6.92% 7.15% STeFI 6 Month NCD Rate 3.88% 5.55% 7.48% 7.43% 7.73% STeFI Call Deposit Index 4.30% 6.67% 6.64% 6.57% 6.88%
No performance history 108 Section 3
1 Year to 31 December 2022 Maximum up to 90 days Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Futuregrowth Core Money Market 8.49% 8.89% 8.75% 0.13% 0.15% 0.15% Prescient Money Market 8.80% 9.01% 8.89% 0.07% 0.06% 0.06% SIM Corporate Money Market 8.79% 9.17% 8.98% 0.19% * * SIM Cash Enhanced 9.09% 9.32% 9.19% 0.07% 0.15% 0.36% Maximum from 91–180 days Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) ALUWANI Cash Plus 9.24% 9.75% 9.48% 0.16% 0.14% 0.10% Ashburton Cash Plus 8.66% 9.87% 9.24% 0.41% 0.35% 0.23% Balondolozi Cash 9.24% 9.33% 9.28% 0.04% 0.02% 0.06% Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced 180 Day Money Market 8.90% 9.31% 9.09% 0.17% 0.14% 0.15% Prescient Yield Quantplus 8.89% 9.64% 9.38% 0.24% 0.54% 0.35% STANLIB Enhanced Yield 9.35% 9.68% 9.52% 0.17% 0.21% 0.16% Taquanta Core Cash 9.27% 10.22% 9.71% 0.26% * * Maximum duration up to 90 days Maximum duration from 91–180 days 109 Section 3
Composite Dispersion of SA Money Market Manager Watch™ Survey

Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey comply with Regulation 28 and represent products targeted at real returns with a CPI objective.

General Information Investment Managers Portfolio Inception Date GIPS™ (Verified / Compliant) Global / Domestic Mandate Managed ITO Regulation 28? (Y/N) CPI Target Return Dual Objective (if applicable) No. of Funds in Composite Portfolio Size (R m) Headline CPI + 3% Prescient Positive ReturnDomestic Composite Jan 1999 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% 7 1 365 Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Apr 2005 Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% No negative returns over rolling 12 month period N/A 3 668 Balondolozi Absolute Return Fund Mar 2012 C Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% CPI + 3% over a rolling three year period, while avoiding negative returns over a calendar year. 2 71 Mianzo Absolute Return Fund Jan 2015 Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% Limit negative returns in any 1 year rolling period. 1 843 Mianzo Absolute Return Fund Jan 2015 Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% Limit negative returns in any 1 year rolling period. 1 677 OMIG Capital Builder Mar 2008 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% Targets both positive returns every quarter and CPI+3% pa, or Cash+2% pa over rolling 3-year periods. 1 776 PSG Stable Fund Sep 2011 Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% 1 3 127 SIM Absolute Dec 2001 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% SIM targets low volatility real returns that match the upside return objective (e.g. CPI+X %) over rolling three-year periods. At the same time, they target not to lose capital over rolling one-year periods 2 498 Taquanta True Absolute Oct 2013 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 3% 1 8 057 Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Combined Domestic and Global N/A 2 734 Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% Jun 2014 Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 3% 1 4 799 VFM Global Target Return CPI+3% May 2003 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 3% 3 1 331 SIM CPI + 3% Global Aug 2007 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 3% Capital protection over rolling 12 month periods, and CPI + 3% over a 3 year rolling period 4 744 SMM Cautious Absolute Fund Apr 2018 Domestic and Global Headline CPI + 3% N/A 208 Truffle Low Equity Fund Aug 2016 Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 3% Provide investment protection over a rolling one-year period, and generate income over the medium term at low levels of risk. 1 4 696 Headline CPI + 4% Mergence CPI + 4% Fund Oct 2009 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 4% 3 200 Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Local May 2003 Domestic Y Headline CPI + 4% No negative returns over rolling 12 month period N/A 5 223 Argon SA Absolute Return Oct 2006 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 4% No negative returns over 1 year rolling period. 1 170 Coronation Absolute Domestic Jan 2004 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 4% Preserve capital over a rolling 12m period 5 1 861 Momentum Investments Absolute Strategies Dec 2003 Domestic Y Headline CPI + 4% 1 908 Sentio Absolute Return Fund Feb 2011 Domestic Y Headline CPI + 4% 2 249 VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+4% May 2012 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 4% 2 260 Abax Absolute fund Jul 2012 Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 4% 1 8 160 Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Portfolio Nov 2002 Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 4% No negative returns over rolling 12 month period N/A 2 476 Argon Absolute Return Global Balanced CPI+4% Fund Oct 2015 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 4% 3 1 219 Matrix Global Absolute CPI+4% Nov 2017 Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 4% 1 2 847 VFM Global Target Return CPI+4% Sep 2015 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 4% 2 424 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund Sep 2002 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 4% Non-negative returns over rolling 1-year periods 1 678 OMIG Stable Growth Fund Jul 2007 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 4% 1 7 618 Sasfin Absolute Fund Mar 2013 Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 4% 2 306 SIM CPI + 4% Global Sep 2017 C Domestic and Global Headline CPI + 4% 2 244 Headline CPI + 5% M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 5% Nov 2009 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 5% The primary objective is to outperform CPI by 5% (gross of fees) over a rolling 3-year period. The secondary objective is to reduce the risk of capital loss over any rolling 12-month period. 3 1 274 SIM CPI + 5% Jan 2007 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 5% SIM targets low volatility real returns that match the upside return objective (e.g. CPI+X %) over rolling three-year periods. At the same time, they target not to lose capital over rolling one-year periods 1 576 Argon Absolute Return CPI+5% Oct 2017 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% 2 436 Coronation Absolute Aug 1999 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% Preserve capital over a rolling 12m period 1 3 486 Foord Absolute Jun 2002 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% 1 148 M&G Real Return + 5% Dec 2002 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% The primary objective is to outperform CPI by 5% (gross of fees) over a rolling 3-year period. The secondary objective is to reduce the risk of capital loss over any rolling
2 20 689 Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund Jun 2011 C Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% N/A 7 955 OMIG Wealth Defender Aug 2003 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% 4 5 062 SIM CPI + 5% Global Dec 2003 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% SIM
low volatility real
16 9 305 SMM Moderate Absolute Fund May 2003 Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% 1 1 962 STANLIB Absolute Plus Fund Dec 2005 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% Capital preservation over a rolling 12 month period 1 6 627 STANLIB Multi-Manager Real Return Fund Mar 2005 Domestic and Global N Headline CPI + 5% 0 1 873 VFM Global Target Return CPI+5% Dec 2000 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 5% 3 931 Headline CPI + 6% M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 6% Dec 2002 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 6% The primary
is to outperform CPI
The secondary
The secondary
3 1 727 SIM CPI + 6% Jan 2003 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 6% SIM targets low volatility real
rolling three-year
lose capital
rolling one-year
1 915 VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+6% Jul 2004 V Domestic Y Headline CPI + 6% 1 1 352 Mianzo Global Absolute ReturnCPI+6% Mar 2016 Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 6% The fund performance objectives is no negative returns in any 1 year rolling
and out performance of the benchmark (CPI+6%
a 3
1 1 776 Ninety One Opportunity Composite Aug 1999 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 6% 9 81 484 SIM CPI + 6% Global Oct 2001 V Domestic and Global Y Headline CPI + 6% Capital protection over rolling 12 month periods and CPI + 6% over a 3 year rolling period 6 2 523 150 100 V = Verified C = Compliant 110 Section 3
12-month period.
returns that match the upside return objective (e.g.
%) over rolling three-year periods. At the same time, they target not to lose capital over rolling one-year periods
(gross of fees) over a rolling 3-year period.
objective is to reduce the risk of capital loss over any rolling 12-month period. The primary objective is to outperform
by 6% (gross of fees) over a rolling 3-year period.
objective is
reduce the risk of capital loss over any rolling 12-month period.
returns that match the
return objective (e.g.
%) over
periods. At
same time, they target not to
year period).

Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey comply with Regulation 28 and represent products targeted at real returns with a CPI objective.

* No performance history # Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 Calendar Year Returns Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 7 Years 10 Years 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Headline CPI + 3% Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus 10.30% 8.52% 8.87% 9.13% 8.94% 8.01% 8.30% 7.98% 7.79% 8.20% 6.43% 9.93% 8.10% 10.02% 4.20% Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Combined 11.91% 8.52% 8.89% 9.13% 9.24% 8.01% 8.53% 7.98% * * 4.08% 10.85% 9.50% 10.04% 5.24% Balondolozi Absolute Return Fund 11.40% 8.52% 10.57% 9.13% 10.60% 8.01% 10.00% 7.98% * * 5.28% 15.25% 8.87% 12.47% 4.67% Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% 11.51% 8.52% 11.10% 9.13% 10.31% 8.01% 9.86% 7.98% * * 4.75% 17.42% 9.05% 9.22% 5.32% Mianzo Absolute Return Fund 11.87% 8.52% 10.44% 9.13% 9.21% 8.01% 8.32% 7.98% * * 5.01% 14.66% 3.10% 11.86% -0.47% Momentum Investments Real Return 9.06% 8.52% 10.12% 9.13% 9.10% 8.01% 8.73% 7.98% 8.19% 8.20% 7.07% 14.35% 5.61% 9.60% 6.37% OMIG Capital Builder 7.25% 8.52% 5.40% 9.13% 6.19% 8.01% 6.23% 7.98% 6.00% 8.20% -0.40% 9.61% 8.60% 6.20% 1.84% Prescient Positive ReturnDomestic Composite 8.70% 8.52% 9.03% 9.13% 7.96% 8.01% 7.36% 7.98% 7.12% 8.20% 1.91% 16.99% 1.74% 11.25% 3.87% PSG Stable Fund 13.20% 8.52% 14.55% 9.13% 9.99% 8.01% 9.16% 7.98% 9.31% 8.20% 8.97% 21.86% 3.15% 3.82% 2.79% SIM Absolute 9.23% 8.52% 7.99% 9.13% 8.13% 8.01% 7.94% 7.98% 8.19% 8.20% 5.88% 8.90% 7.01% 9.71% 4.44% SIM CPI + 3% Global 9.70% 8.52% 8.02% 9.13% 7.87% 8.01% 7.66% 7.98% * * 4.06% 10.41% 5.07% 10.29% 5.20% SMM Cautious Absolute Fund 12.08% 8.52% * * * * * * * * 3.32% * * * * Taquanta True Absolute 11.21% 8.52% 9.35% 9.13% 9.53% 8.01% 10.38% 7.98% 9.64% 8.20% 8.56% 8.30% 7.86% 11.81% 12.33% Truffle Low Equity Fund 7.88% 8.52% 11.27% 9.13% 11.78% 8.01% 10.56% 7.98% * * 11.71% 14.32% 11.08% 14.01% 10.22% VFM Global Target Return CPI+3% 11.44% 8.52% 8.17% 9.13% 8.59% 8.01% 8.06% 7.98% 8.04% 8.20% 1.32% 12.11% 8.06% 10.40% 5.11% Headline CPI + 4% Abax Absolute fund 12.66% 9.52% 10.80% 10.13% 10.16% 9.01% * * * * 5.79% 14.12% 7.29% 11.16% 7.58% Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Local 9.06% 9.52% 11.98% 10.13% 9.57% 9.01% 8.69% 8.98% 8.21% 9.20% 8.06% 19.14% 3.57% 8.61% 1.39% Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Portfolio 11.31% 9.52% 11.38% 10.13% 9.82% 9.01% 8.92% 8.98% 8.57% 9.20% 4.90% 18.35% 5.88% 9.16% 3.40% Argon Absolute Return Global Balanced CPI+4% Fund 8.65% 9.52% 9.42% 10.13% 8.09% 9.01% 7.42% 8.98% * * 5.97% 13.77% 2.56% 9.84% 1.09% Argon SA Absolute Return 8.83% 9.52% 9.06% 10.13% 7.99% 9.01% 7.27% 8.98% 7.63% 9.20% 5.86% 12.59% 2.77% 10.18% -0.23% Coronation Absolute Domestic 11.27% 9.52% 11.72% 10.13% 9.52% 9.01% 7.83% 8.98% 7.28% 9.20% 5.58% 18.69% 4.20% 8.45% -2.51% Matrix Global Absolute CPI+4% 11.18% 9.52% 11.56% 10.13% 10.47% 9.01% * * * * 4.18% 19.85% 7.90% 9.81% 3.29% Mergence CPI + 4% Fund 8.12% 9.52% 8.63% 10.13% 8.03% 9.01% 7.28% 8.98% 6.92% 9.20% 5.42% 12.47% 5.73% 8.53% 0.12% Momentum Investments Absolute Strategies 7.00% 9.52% 10.67% 10.13% 8.98% 9.01% 7.84% 8.98% 7.57% 9.20% 6.10% 19.39% 4.22% 8.83% 0.47% Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund 16.67% 9.52% 11.09% 10.13% 10.27% 9.01% 8.60% 8.98% 8.63% 9.20% 0.44% 17.00% 6.28% 11.90% 0.95% OMIG Stable Growth Fund 9.10% 9.52% 10.41% 10.13% 8.97% 9.01% 8.68% 8.98% 8.50% 9.20% 3.96% 18.67% 5.96% 7.75% 3.67% Sasfin Absolute Fund 12.24% 9.52% 12.04% 10.13% 9.93% 9.01% * * * * 3.38% 21.20% 5.13% 8.56% 5.24% Sentio Absolute Return Fund 5.97% 9.52% 8.49% 10.13% 7.24% 9.01% 5.16% 8.98% * * 1.54% 18.67% 4.76% 6.05% -4.45% SIM CPI + 4% Global 10.71% 9.52% * * * * * * * * * * * * * VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+4% 8.53% 9.52% 8.32% 10.13% 7.37% 9.01% 6.82% 8.98% 6.82% 9.20% 5.64% 10.86% 5.01% 6.93% 2.06% VFM Global Target Return CPI+4% 12.08% 9.52% 9.10% 10.13% 8.97% 9.01% 8.47% 8.98% * * 2.25% 13.32% 8.25% 9.29% 4.31% Market Statistics Consumer Price Inflation (Headline CPI) 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% 4.98% 5.20% 7.41% 5.47% 3.17% 3.56% 5.18% STEFI 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 6.35% 6.42% 5.21% 3.81% 5.39% 7.29% 7.25% Number of Participants 31 29 29 26 17
111 Section 3

Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey comply with Regulation 28 and represent products targeted at real returns with a CPI objective. Investment Data to the end of

history # Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month

Calendar Year Returns Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 7 Years 10 Years 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Headline CPI + 5% Argon Absolute Return CPI+5% 9.86% 10.52% 10.08% 11.13% 8.65% 10.01% * * * * 4.05% 16.69% 1.71% 11.62% -0.27% Coronation Absolute 17.80% 10.52% 11.71% 11.13% 11.05% 10.01% 9.07% 9.98% 8.60% 10.20% 0.50% 17.76% 8.68% 11.46% -0.21% Foord Absolute 12.83% 10.52% 10.48% 11.13% 11.17% 10.01% 8.41% 9.98% 7.98% 10.20% 4.77% 14.07% 12.06% 12.36% -3.60% M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 5% 7.91% 10.52% 12.31% 11.13% 8.88% 10.01% 7.60% 9.98% * * 6.88% 22.83% 1.70% 6.23% -3.65% M&G Real Return + 5% 11.20% 10.52% 12.16% 11.13% 8.86% 10.01% 7.40% 9.98% 8.03% 10.20% 4.37% 21.59% 0.45% 7.84% -3.62% Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund 7.80% 10.52% 16.46% 11.13% 13.01% 10.01% 9.51% 9.98% 10.10% 10.20% 12.02% 30.82% -1.13% 18.02% -2.12% OMIG Wealth Defender 8.78% 10.52% 7.59% 11.13% 7.07% 10.01% 6.43% 9.98% 6.76% 10.20% -3.23% 18.31% 2.67% 10.03% -1.35% SIM CPI + 5% 8.19% 10.52% 8.73% 11.13% 8.07% 10.01% 7.71% 9.98% 8.02% 10.20% 6.05% 12.03% 3.84% 10.42% 2.39% SIM CPI + 5% Global 11.68% 10.52% 9.35% 11.13% 8.91% 10.01% 8.31% 9.98% 8.64% 10.20% 2.56% 14.16% 5.27% 11.32% 4.15% SMM Moderate Absolute Fund 13.23% 10.52% 13.16% 11.13% 12.71% 10.01% 10.74% 9.98% 10.09% 10.20% 3.33% 23.85% 9.92% 14.20% 3.94% STANLIB Absolute Plus Fund 9.13% 10.52% 10.67% 11.13% 9.78% 10.01% 9.11% 9.98% 8.64% 10.20% 6.94% 16.16% 8.03% 8.85% 1.78% STANLIB Multi-Manager Real Return Fund 14.35% 10.52% 11.77% 11.13% 11.30% 10.01% 9.64% 9.98% 8.83% 10.20% 0.62% 21.36% 9.24% 11.97% 1.04% VFM Global Target Return CPI+5% 12.44% 10.52% 9.46% 11.13% 9.06% 10.01% 8.11% 9.98% 7.99% 10.20% 2.46% 13.85% 7.63% 9.32% 2.50% Headline CPI + 6% M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 6% 7.51% 11.52% 13.63% 12.13% 9.51% 11.01% 8.14% 10.98% 8.39% 11.20% 7.69% 26.72% 0.94% 6.35% -5.12% Mianzo Global Absolute ReturnCPI+6% 14.44% 11.52% 11.32% 12.13% 10.91% 11.01% 9.38% 10.98% * * 3.60% 16.35% 5.57% 15.22% 1.33% Ninety One Opportunity Composite 18.88% 11.52% 11.99% 12.13% 12.37% 11.01% 10.17% 10.98% 9.91% 11.20% -0.86% 19.19% 12.05% 13.81% -0.19% SIM CPI + 6% 8.30% 11.52% 9.69% 12.13% 8.78% 11.01% 8.03% 10.98% 8.26% 11.20% 6.32% 14.63% 4.30% 10.67% 0.21% SIM CPI + 6% Global 11.56% 11.52% 9.95% 12.13% 9.31% 11.01% 8.40% 10.98% * * 2.45% 16.30% 5.08% 11.72% 1.92% VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+6% 9.08% 11.52% 9.24% 12.13% 7.94% 11.01% 6.99% 10.98% 6.65% 11.20% 5.00% 13.81% 5.58% 6.49% 0.34% Market Statistics Consumer Price Inflation (Headline CPI) 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% 4.98% 5.20% 7.41% 5.47% 3.17% 3.56% 5.18% STEFI 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 6.35% 6.42% 5.21% 3.81% 5.39% 7.29% 7.25% Number of Participants 19 19 19 18 15
December 2023
112 Section 3
* No

Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey Risk

Objective: The portfolios in this survey comply with Regulation 28 and represent products targeted at real returns with a CPI objective.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

* No performance history

# Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 1 Year Return Volatility % Positive Months Worst Month Maximum Drawdown 3 Year Return Volatility % Positive Months Worst Month Maximum Drawdown 5 Year Return Volatility % Positive Months Worst Month Maximum Drawdown Headline CPI + 3% Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus 10.30% 3.93% 83.33% -1.44% -1.44% 8.87% 3.30% 83.33% -1.60% -1.60% 8.94% 3.69% 85.00% -3.79% -4.57% Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Combined 11.91% 4.16% 83.33% -1.15% -1.15% 8.89% 3.50% 77.78% -1.58% -1.58% 9.24% 3.62% 80.00% -2.46% -2.78% Balondolozi Absolute Return Fund 11.40% 7.89% 58.33% -1.66% -3.56% 10.57% 7.98% 63.89% -4.24% -6.29% 10.60% 8.43% 68.33% -7.35% -10.00% Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% 11.51% 6.11% 66.67% -1.50% -1.81% 11.10% 5.19% 75.00% -2.54% -2.54% 10.31% 6.60% 73.33% -5.58% -7.75% Mianzo Absolute Return Fund 11.87% 7.25% 66.67% -1.99% -2.18% 10.44% 5.02% 75.00% -1.99% -2.35% 9.21% 6.68% 73.33% -7.74% -10.82% Momentum Investments Real Return 9.06% 5.47% 75.00% -1.87% -1.96% 10.12% 4.07% 80.56% -1.87% -1.96% 9.10% 4.58% 80.00% -5.19% -5.99% OMIG Capital Builder 7.25% 4.81% 58.33% -1.05% -2.07% 5.40% 3.96% 66.67% -2.49% -3.15% 6.19% 3.61% 66.67% -2.49% -3.15% Prescient Positive ReturnDomestic Composite 8.70% 5.26% 66.67% -1.68% -1.68% 9.03% 6.13% 72.22% -4.84% -5.87% 7.96% 6.53% 70.00% -6.50% -9.48% PSG Stable Fund 13.20% 7.10% 66.67% -2.30% -2.30% 14.55% 6.34% 77.78% -3.57% -3.57% 9.99% 9.43% 73.33% -12.15% -15.46% SIM Absolute 9.23% 3.95% 75.00% -1.54% -1.54% 7.99% 3.36% 80.56% -1.85% -1.85% 8.13% 4.21% 85.00% -5.22% -6.24% SIM CPI + 3% Global 9.70% 4.08% 75.00% -1.17% -1.17% 8.02% 3.73% 80.56% -1.99% -1.99% 7.87% 4.73% 80.00% -5.82% -6.73% SMM Cautious Absolute Fund 12.08% 4.70% 83.33% -1.19% -1.19% * * * * * * * * * * Taquanta True Absolute 11.21% 0.19% 100.00% 0.80% 0.00% 9.35% 0.48% 100.00% 0.48% 0.00% 9.53% 0.80% 98.33% -0.60% -0.60% Truffle Low Equity Fund 7.88% 7.00% 66.67% -2.44% -2.89% 11.27% 5.62% 72.22% -2.44% -2.89% 11.78% 5.92% 73.33% -2.44% -3.44% VFM Global Target Return CPI+3% 11.44% 6.25% 66.67% -1.41% -1.45% 8.17% 5.41% 69.44% -3.04% -4.27% 8.59% 6.07% 71.67% -6.09% -7.30% Headline CPI + 4% Abax Absolute fund 12.66% 5.83% 75.00% -1.33% -2.31% 10.80% 4.66% 75.00% -1.94% -2.31% 10.16% 4.77% 76.67% -3.20% -3.85% Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Local 9.06% 7.55% 50.00% -2.92% -2.92% 11.98% 6.29% 63.89% -3.10% -3.15% 9.57% 7.59% 65.00% -8.90% -11.95% Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Portfolio 11.31% 7.04% 58.33% -1.41% -2.87% 11.38% 5.63% 75.00% -2.74% -2.87% 9.82% 6.26% 73.33% -5.93% -7.77% Argon Absolute Return Global Balanced CPI+4% Fund 8.65% 6.32% 50.00% -1.42% -2.25% 9.42% 5.19% 61.11% -2.19% -2.25% 8.09% 5.54% 63.33% -4.78% -7.12% Argon SA Absolute Return 8.83% 6.65% 58.33% -2.36% -2.36% 9.06% 5.71% 63.89% -2.59% -2.88% 7.99% 6.10% 63.33% -5.70% -8.67% Coronation Absolute Domestic 11.27% 8.31% 58.33% -2.85% -2.93% 11.72% 7.28% 66.67% -4.19% -4.83% 9.52% 8.22% 66.67% -7.93% -12.09% Matrix Global Absolute CPI+4% 11.18% 7.29% 58.33% -1.88% -2.65% 11.56% 6.25% 66.67% -3.42% -3.42% 10.47% 8.29% 66.67% -7.33% -10.61% Mergence CPI + 4% Fund 8.12% 6.96% 58.33% -2.21% -2.87% 8.63% 5.59% 63.89% -2.69% -2.97% 8.03% 6.74% 63.33% -6.96% -9.75% Momentum Investments Absolute Strategies 7.00% 9.01% 50.00% -3.82% -4.39% 10.67% 7.27% 63.89% -3.82% -4.39% 8.98% 8.41% 65.00% -9.14% -12.67% Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund 16.67% 8.56% 75.00% -2.30% -3.19% 11.09% 7.04% 72.22% -3.46% -5.67% 10.27% 7.24% 73.33% -6.29% -7.98% OMIG Stable Growth Fund 9.10% 7.07% 66.67% -2.48% -3.07% 10.41% 5.45% 75.00% -2.81% -3.07% 8.97% 6.49% 75.00% -6.83% -9.09% Sasfin Absolute Fund 12.24% 6.64% 66.67% -1.86% -1.86% 12.04% 5.28% 77.78% -3.04% -3.04% 9.93% 5.81% 76.67% -6.18% -7.78% Sentio Absolute Return Fund 5.97% 9.71% 58.33% -4.67% -5.26% 8.49% 7.75% 66.67% -4.67% -6.54% 7.24% 9.80% 61.67% -10.85% -15.21% SIM CPI + 4% Global 10.71% 4.80% 66.67% -1.23% -1.23% * * * * * * * * * * VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+4% 8.53% 8.35% 58.33% -3.36% -3.36% 8.32% 7.04% 69.44% -3.38% -4.52% 7.37% 7.93% 70.00% -8.33% -10.97% VFM Global Target Return CPI+4% 12.08% 7.78% 58.33% -1.92% -2.47% 9.10% 6.55% 66.67% -3.78% -4.85% 8.97% 7.03% 68.33% -6.00% -8.06% Market Indices & Statistics Consumer Price Inflation (Headline CPI) [I-Net code: AECPI] 5.52% 1.33% 6.13% 1.27% 5.01% 1.41% STEFI 8.06% 0.18% 5.68% 0.52% 5.94% 0.47%
113 Section 3

Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey Risk (continued)

Objective: The portfolios in this survey comply with Regulation 28 and represent products targeted at real returns with a CPI objective.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

# Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 1 Year Return Volatility % Positive Months Worst Month Maximum Drawdown 3 Year Return Volatility % Positive Months Worst Month Maximum Drawdown 5 Year Return Volatility % Positive Months Worst Month Maximum Drawdown Headline CPI + 5% Argon Absolute Return CPI+5% 9.86% 8.01% 50.00% -1.83% -3.77% 10.08% 6.59% 58.33% -2.88% -3.77% 8.65% 6.64% 61.67% -3.73% -6.96% Coronation Absolute 17.80% 11.17% 75.00% -3.21% -5.24% 11.71% 8.63% 72.22% -4.04% -6.25% 11.05% 9.23% 73.33% -8.15% -11.49% Foord Absolute 12.83% 11.01% 58.33% -3.85% -5.80% 10.48% 7.97% 63.89% -3.85% -5.80% 11.17% 9.64% 65.00% -4.12% -6.94% M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 5% 7.91% 10.29% 50.00% -4.48% -4.84% 12.31% 8.46% 66.67% -4.48% -5.20% 8.88% 10.95% 65.00% -13.64% -18.94% M&G Real Return + 5% 11.20% 9.56% 58.33% -2.58% -4.39% 12.16% 7.26% 69.44% -3.20% -4.39% 8.86% 9.60% 70.00% -12.34% -15.51% Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund 7.80% 8.40% 58.33% -2.61% -3.82% 16.46% 6.92% 77.78% -2.61% -3.82% 13.01% 11.09% 75.00% -16.21% -20.36% OMIG Wealth Defender 8.78% 6.88% 50.00% -1.94% -2.68% 7.59% 5.81% 61.11% -2.89% -6.46% 7.07% 6.37% 65.00% -5.87% -9.06% SIM CPI + 5% 8.19% 6.35% 75.00% -2.79% -2.88% 8.73% 5.20% 77.78% -2.83% -3.12% 8.07% 6.18% 76.67% -7.32% -9.76% SIM CPI + 5% Global 11.68% 6.64% 58.33% -1.76% -1.78% 9.35% 5.64% 66.67% -2.97% -3.57% 8.91% 5.98% 70.00% -5.53% -6.92% SMM Moderate Absolute Fund 13.23% 6.69% 66.67% -1.71% -2.55% 13.16% 6.46% 75.00% -3.76% -3.76% 12.71% 8.17% 75.00% -8.65% -11.09% STANLIB Absolute Plus Fund 9.13% 9.27% 66.67% -2.75% -6.26% 10.67% 7.22% 69.44% -2.75% -6.26% 9.78% 7.31% 71.67% -7.00% -7.84% STANLIB Multi-Manager Real Return Fund 14.35% 9.52% 66.67% -2.37% -3.77% 11.77% 7.75% 69.44% -3.88% -5.99% 11.30% 9.23% 70.00% -7.78% -11.33% VFM Global Target Return CPI+5% 12.44% 8.67% 58.33% -1.99% -3.40% 9.46% 7.46% 63.89% -4.39% -5.71% 9.06% 7.94% 66.67% -7.02% -9.41% Headline CPI + 6% M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 6% 7.51% 11.78% 50.00% -4.90% -5.83% 13.63% 9.87% 63.89% -4.90% -6.40% 9.51% 12.88% 63.33% -15.41% -23.04% Mianzo Global Absolute ReturnCPI+6% 14.44% 8.58% 58.33% -1.87% -3.78% 11.32% 6.80% 63.89% -3.51% -5.61% 10.91% 9.78% 68.33% -9.42% -13.86% Ninety One Opportunity Composite 18.88% 10.74% 75.00% -3.41% -4.91% 11.99% 8.70% 66.67% -3.52% -7.41% 12.37% 9.03% 68.33% -4.27% -7.41% SIM CPI + 6% 8.30% 8.01% 50.00% -3.26% -3.81% 9.69% 6.80% 69.44% -3.88% -4.65% 8.78% 7.57% 66.67% -7.93% -10.85% SIM CPI + 6% Global 11.56% 8.47% 58.33% -2.49% -3.19% 9.95% 6.90% 66.67% -3.69% -4.64% 9.31% 7.34% 68.33% -6.67% -8.84% VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+6% 9.08% 10.37% 58.33% -4.08% -4.39% 9.24% 9.30% 63.89% -4.83% -7.23% 7.94% 9.88% 63.33% -9.47% -12.51% Market Indices & Statistics Consumer Price Inflation (Headline CPI) 5.52% 1.33% 6.13% 1.27% 5.01% 1.41% STEFI 8.06% 0.18% 5.68% 0.52% 5.94% 0.47%
114 Section 3
Volatility vs Return Scatterplot for Absolute Return Managers – All categories for the 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a.) Volatility (p.a.) (Standard Deviation) Coronation Absolute Foord Absolute M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 5% M&G Real Return + 5% SIM CPI + 5% STANLIB Absolute Plus Fund OMIG Wealth Defender SIM CPI + 5% Global SMM Moderate Absolute Fund STANLIB Multi-Manager Real Return Fund Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund Argon Absolute Return CPI+5% VFM Global Target Return CPI+5% Ninety One Opportunity Composite M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 6% SIM CPI + 6% SIM CPI + 6% Global Mianzo Global Absolute Return CPI+6% VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+6% Momentum Investments Real Return OMIG Capital Builder Prescient Positive Return-Domestic Composite SIM Absolute SIM CPI + 3% Global Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Balondolozi Absolute Return Fund PSG Stable Fund Taquanta True Absolute Mianzo Absolute Return Fund Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Combined Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% VFM Global Target Return CPI+3% Momentum Investments Absolute Strategies Argon SA Absolute Return Coronation Absolute Domestic Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Portfolio Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Local Old Mutual Multi -Managers Defensive Balanced Fund Mergence CPI + 4% Fund OMIG Stable Growth Fund Abax Absolute fund Argon Absolute Return Global Balanced CPI+4% Fund Sentio Absolute Return Fund Matrix Global Absolute CPI+4% VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+4% VFM Global Target Return CPI+4% CPI + 3% CPI + 4% CPI + 5% CPI + 6% 115 Section 3
Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey

Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey (continued)

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot for Absolute Return Managers – All categories for the 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a.) Volatility (p.a.) (Standard Deviation) Domestic Mandate Domestic and Global Mandate
Mianzo Absolute Return Fund Momentum Investments Real Return Argon SA Absolute Return Balondolozi Absolute Return Fund Coronation Absolute Domestic Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Local Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 5% M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 6% Mergence CPI + 4% Fund Momentum Investments Absolute Strategies OMIG Capital Builder Prescient Positive Return-D omestic Composite PSG Stable Fund Sentio Absolute Return Fund SIM Absolute SIM CPI + 5% SIM CPI + 6% Taquanta True Absolute VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+4% VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+6% Abax Absolute fund Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Combined Argon Absolute Return CPI+5% Argon Absolute Return Global Balanced CPI+4% Fund Coronation Absolute Foord Absolute Mianzo Global Absolute Return CPI+6% Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Portfolio M&G Real Return + 5% Matrix Global Absolute CPI + 3% Matrix Global Absolute CPI+4% Nedgroup Investments Opportunity Fund Ninety One Opportunity Composite Old Mutual Multi -M anagers Defensive Balanced Fund OMIG Stable Growth Fund OMIG Wealth Defender SIM CPI + 3% Global SIM CPI + 5% Global SIM CPI + 6% Global SMM Moderate Absolute Fund STANLIB Absolute Plus Fund STANLIB Multi-Manager Real Return Fund VFM Global Target Return CPI+3% VFM Global Target Return CPI+4% VFM Global Target Return CPI+5% VFM Global Target Return CPI+4% VFM Global Target Return CPI+5% CPI + 3% CPI + 4% CPI + 5% CPI + 6% 116 Section 3
Disclaimer: 36ONE Asset Management (Pty) Ltd, an Authorised Financial Services Provider. FSP# 19107 *According to the AlexForbes S.A. Equity Manager Watch Survey up to end December 2023, the 36ONE SA Equity Strategy maintains a consistent #1 performance ranking among benchmark-cognisant funds within the domain of SA equity funds across multiple time frames: 5 Years, 7 Years, and 10 Years. Full disclaimer can be found on our website.
501 0250 Where ONE is the DEGREE of Difference. We proudly hold the #ONE spot in the AlexForbes S.A. Equity Manager Watch Survey for 5, 7 and 10 years! ELEVATE YOUR INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO WITH | |

Composite Dispersion of Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey

* Data not available

Headline CPI + 3% Headline CPI + 3% Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Prescient Positive Return 8.17% 10.18% 8.64% 0.64% 0.11% 0.16% SIM CPI + 3% 8.90% 9.27% 9.09% 0.19% * * SIM CPI + 3% Global 9.72% 9.85% 9.78% 0.07% 0.26% * VFM Global Target Return CPI+3% 11.27% 11.38% 11.33% 0.06% 0.15% 0.24%
Headline CPI + 4% Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Coronation Absolute Domestic 10.67% 11.68% 11.13% 0.36% 0.19% 0.13% SIM CPI+4% Global 10.50% 10.96% 10.73% 0.23% 0.38% * VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+4% 8.17% 8.74% 8.46% 0.29% 0.10% 0.03% VFM Global Target Return CPI+4% 11.76% 12.21% 11.99% 0.23% 0.08% *
Headline CPI + 4% 1 Year to 31 December 2023 118 Section 3
* Data not available

1 Year to 31 December 2023

* Data not available

Headline CPI + 6% Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 6% 7.50% 7.57% 7.53% 0.03% 0.01% 0.08% Ninety One Opportunity 18.85% 19.29% 19.07% 0.15% 0.23% 0.21% SIM CPI + 6% Global 11.49% 11.78% 11.63% 0.11% 0.08% * * Data not available Headline CPI + 6% Headline CPI + 5% Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Aeon Balanced Fund CPI + 5% 15.91% 17.38% 16.64% 0.73% 0.09% * M&G Domestic Real Return Plus 5% 7.90% 8.16% 8.00% 0.12% 0.08% 0.08% M&G Real Return + 5% 11.19% 11.28% 11.23% 0.04% 0.00% 0.06% OMIG Wealth Defender 8.55% 9.21% 8.84% 0.24% 0.07% 0.04% SIM CPI + 5% Global 11.49% 11.90% 11.73% 0.12% 0.28% 0.50% VFM Global Target Return CPI+5% 12.28% 12.66% 12.44% 0.16% 0.04% 0.02% SIM CPI + 5% Global 1.99% 2.36% 2.23% 0.10% 0.34% 0.45%
Composite Dispersion of Absolute Return Manager Watch™ Survey
Headline CPI + 5%
119 Section 3

Targeted Development Investments Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The purpose of the TDI Manager WatchTM survey is to provide clients, trustees, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons within SA TDI mandates.

Investment data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

# Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) Classification Fund Size (R m) Fund Rank Target Return/ Benchmark Fund Rank Target Return/ Benchmark Fund Rank Target Return/ Benchmark Balanced Mergence SRI Fund Pooled 38 8.58% 2 8.52% 8.07% 2 9.13% 8.29% 2 8.01% Momentum Investments Supernation Fund Pooled 29 12.52% 1 12.77% 11.54% 1 11.56% 9.61% 1 9.21% Equity Element Earth Equity Unit trust 67 9.72% 2 9.25% 15.12% 2 13.51% 8.04% 4 11.88% Futuregrowth Development Equity Composite Pooled 4200 9.37% 3 15.52% 19.62% 1 16.13% 11.49% 2 15.01% Oasis Crescent Equity Fund Pooled 5218 9.18% 4 10.50% 12.31% 3 13.69% 10.25% 3 11.51% Oasis Crescent International Feeder Fund Pooled 1871 17.25% 1 30.92% 10.21% 4 15.88% 12.08% 1 17.57% Alternative AIIM IDEAS (OMIG) Fund Segregated 19221 11.59% 1 12.52% 16.67% 1 13.13% 14.16% 1 12.01% Fixed Interest Futuregrowth Infrastructure & Development Bond Fund Pooled 19144 9.95% 3 9.70% 9.63% 3 7.43% 9.60% 3 8.25% Futuregrowth Power Debt Composite Pooled 11150 11.61% 1 8.06% 9.75% 2 5.67% 9.67% 2 5.94% Mergence Infrastructure & Development Debt Fund Pooled 430 9.12% 5 8.52% 8.60% 4 9.13% 8.98% 4 8.01% OMIG Community Growth Gilt Fund Segregated 7 9.41% 4 9.08% 7.88% 5 6.96% 7.78% 5 7.72% Prescient Clean Energy & Infrastructure Composite Pooled 3774 11.10% 2 8.52% 12.16% 1 9.13% 11.94% 1 8.01% Property Futuregrowth Community Property Fund Pooled 7854 9.86% 1 9.53% 10.16% 1 10.13% 9.24% 1 9.04% Total 73003 Statistics Alexander Forbes SA Best Investment View Average 8.01% 12.76% 9.49% Alexander Forbes SA Equity Average 8.12% 14.53% 9.93% Alexander Forbes SA Bond Average 10.11% 8.33% 8.76% Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped ESG 9.37% 16.23% 9.33%
120 Section 3

Objective: The purpose of the TDI Manager WatchTM survey is to provide clients, trustees, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons within SA TDI mandates.

Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years

# Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month

Investment Managers 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 3 Year Volatility Rank Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Balanced Mergence SRI Fund 9.17% 10.41% 6.48% 8.47% 7.72% 6.17% 9.54% 6.57% 7.65% 8.18% 0.60% 1 Momentum Investments Supernation Fund 0.94% 0.56% 22.16% 22.44% 3.25% 2.89% 10.42% 8.72% -5.09% -4.86% 8.97% 2 Equity Element Earth Equity -1.53% 3.58% 41.20% 29.23% -11.12% 7.00% 8.58% 12.05% -1.39% -8.52% 13.30% 4 Futuregrowth Development Equity Composite 25.68% 17.41% 24.52% 15.47% -8.13% 13.17% 9.85% 13.57% 12.83% 15.18% 11.98% 2 Oasis Crescent Equity Fund 0.80% -2.09% 28.73% 35.82% 3.88% 6.10% 10.68% 10.57% -0.76% -0.25% 8.85% 1 Oasis Crescent International Feeder Fund -7.80% -7.27% 23.85% 28.16% 12.22% 18.36% 17.73% 21.97% -3.11% 5.80% 12.68% 3 Alternative AIIM IDEAS (OMIG) Fund 23.17% 14.41% 15.54% 12.47% 7.54% 10.17% 13.53% 10.57% 16.20% 12.18% 11.71% Fixed Interest Futuregrowth Infrastructure & Development Bond Fund 7.12% 4.26% 11.87% 8.40% 7.84% 8.65% 11.26% 10.45% 9.12% 5.82% 8.36% 5 Futuregrowth Power Debt Composite 8.90% 5.20% 8.76% 3.81% 8.91% 5.39% 9.90% 7.28% 11.16% 7.23% 1.18% 2 Mergence Infrastructure & Development Debt Fund 9.97% 10.41% 6.74% 8.47% 8.55% 6.17% 10.58% 6.57% 10.48% 8.18% 0.62% 1 OMIG Community Growth Gilt Fund 4.49% 4.08% 7.96% 7.79% 5.92% 8.04% 9.14% 9.70% 7.67% 7.07% 7.77% 4 Prescient Clean Energy & Infrastructure Composite 16.43% 10.41% 9.08% 8.47% 12.11% 6.17% 11.11% 6.57% 11.62% 8.18% 2.31% 3 Property Futuregrowth Community Property Fund 9.99% 11.41% 10.64% 9.47% 6.37% 7.09% 9.40% 7.75% 11.97% 9.18% 1.46%
Targeted Development Investments Manager Watch™ Survey
Market Indices Alexander Forbes SA Best Investment View Average 6.70% 24.35% 1.99% 7.57% -5.55% 9.67% Alexander Forbes SA Equity Average 6.05% 31.02% -0.30% 7.16% -10.30% 12.52% Alexander Forbes SA Bond Average 3.75% 11.29% 7.28% 11.58% 8.57% 6.93% Headline Inflation 7.41% 5.47% 3.17% 3.56% 5.18% 1.27% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 4.41% 27.08% 0.58% 6.75% -10.94% 13.93% S&P South Africa (DSW) Capped ESG 11.54% 28.70% -4.00% 3.64% -10.79% 14.57%
Statistics &
121 Section 3

Targeted Development Investments Manager Watch™ Survey

Volatility vs Return – TDI Balanced, Equity, Absolute, Alternative & Property Portfolios 3 years ended 31 December 2023

Volatility vs Return – TDI Fixed Interest Portfolios 3 years ended 31 December 2023

Annualised Return Annualised Return Annualised Risk Annualised Risk 122 Section 3

Fund of Hedge Funds Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey show the performance of fund of hedge fund managers. FoHF managers select a number of underlying single hedge fund managers to provide diversification across a range of alternative strategies.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

*No performance history.

# Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month

Investment Manager Fund Status Open / Closed Inception Date Fund Size (R m) Return Objectives 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Calendar Year 2022 Calendar Year 2021 Calendar Year 2020 Multi Strategy AF Investments Moderate QI Hedge Fund of Funds Open Mar-00 1281 30% FTSE/JSE CAPPED SWIX ALSI + 70% STeFI 12.11% 11.46% 11.03% 8.30% 14.06% 9.26% AF Investments Performance QI Hedge Fund of Funds Open Jan-06 10730 40% FTSE/JSE CAPPED SWIX ALSI + 60% STeFI 7.87% 12.11% 11.32% 7.13% 21.92% 9.79% AF Investments Stable QI Hedge Fund of Funds Open Jan-06 1577 15% FTSE/JSE CAPPED SWIX ALSI + 85% STeFI 9.55% 9.24% 8.78% 9.49% 8.68% 6.31% Mayibentsha Focused Fund of Hedge Funds Open Dec-08 506 Headline CPI + 4.5% 9.48% 9.45% 9.68% 7.11% 11.82% 13.56% Mayibentsha Moderate Fund of Hedge Funds Open Apr-03 632 Headline CPI + 3.5% 9.12% 9.17% 9.49% 7.60% 10.81% 12.97% Mayibentsha Neutral Fund of Hedge Funds Open Apr-08 417 Headline CPI + 2.5% 10.25% 9.15% 8.96% 8.73% 8.48% 9.13% Momentum Investments ZAR Diversified Fund Open Nov-07 730 STeFI + 4% net of fees 8.51% 8.72% 8.49% 10.65% 7.04% 1.80% Prime Optimal QI FOHF Open Mar-04 262 Headline CPI + (4% - 6%) net of fees 6.72% 9.54% 9.59% 7.94% 14.12% 13.07% RCIS THINK Growth QI Hedge Fund Open Nov-14 203 STeFI + 3% 7.36% 11.95% 11.25% 8.26% 20.72% 9.47% Specialist Mandates AF Investments Focus QI Hedge Fund of Funds Open Feb-11 630 65% FTSE/JSE CAPPED SWIX ALSI + 35% STeFI 8.86% 13.19% 11.16% 7.56% 23.87% 5.57% Alpha Equity Hedge Fund Open Nov-07 505 JSE All Share Index 7.90% 10.43% 9.61% 6.45% 17.24% 7.01% Edge RCIS Dynamic Equity Alpha QIHF Open Sep-21 3885 FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX Index 6.85% * * 4.25% 5.95% * Fund Size Total 21357 Statistics Highest 12.11% 13.19% 11.32% 10.65% 23.87% 13.56% Median 8.68% 9.54% 9.61% 7.77% 12.94% 9.26% Average 8.71% 10.40% 9.94% 7.79% 13.73% 8.90% Lowest 6.72% 8.72% 8.49% 4.25% 5.95% 1.80% Number of participants 12 11 11 12 12 11
FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 3.58% 29.23% 7.00% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 5.21% 3.81% 5.39% All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% 4.26% 8.40% 8.65% AECPI 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% 7.41% 5.47% 3.17% AECPIXU 5.48% 6.12% 5.00% 7.83% 5.07% 2.98%
Market Statistics
123 Section 3

Fund of Hedge Funds Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey show the performance of fund of hedge fund (FoHF) managers. FoHF managers select a number of underlying single hedge fund managers to provide diversification across a range of alternative strategies.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Quantitative Analysis

Investment Manager 1 Year 3 Years Percentage of positive months Worst month Standard Deviation Percentage of positive months Worst month Max Drawdown Standard Deviation Multi Strategy AF Investments Moderate QI Hedge Fund of Funds 75.00% -1.14% 4.59% 80.56% -1.14% -1.14% 3.41% AF Investments Performance QI Hedge Fund of Funds 50.00% -2.67% 6.47% 72.22% -2.67% -3.83% 5.08% AF Investments Stable QI Hedge Fund of Funds 75.00% -0.64% 3.49% 88.89% -0.64% -1.23% 2.46% Mayibentsha Focused Fund of Hedge Funds 66.67% -1.77% 4.96% 72.22% -1.77% -2.19% 4.03% Mayibentsha Moderate Fund of Hedge Funds 66.67% -1.63% 4.42% 72.22% -1.63% -1.73% 3.43% Mayibentsha Neutral Fund of Hedge Funds 91.67% -0.91% 2.73% 86.11% -0.91% -0.91% 2.25% Momentum Investments ZAR Diversified Fund 83.33% -0.92% 3.69% 69.44% -1.93% -1.97% 4.25% Prime Optimal QI FOHF 50.00% -1.92% 6.86% 63.89% -1.92% -2.47% 5.51% RCIS THINK Growth QI Hedge Fund 75.00% -1.48% 4.32% 75.00% -1.48% -1.48% 4.20% Specialist Mandates AF Investments Focus QI Hedge Fund of Funds 58.33% -1.93% 7.25% 63.89% -1.93% -3.13% 5.97% Alpha Equity Hedge Fund 58.33% -2.39% 8.10% 63.89% -2.39% -3.33% 6.35% Edge RCIS Dynamic Equity Alpha QIHF 41.67% -6.26% 18.03% * * * * Statistics Highest 91.67% -0.64% 18.03% 88.89% -0.64% -0.91% 6.35% Median 66.67% -1.70% 4.77% 72.22% -1.77% -1.97% 4.20% Average 65.97% -1.97% 6.24% 73.48% -1.67% -2.13% 4.27% Lowest 41.67% -6.26% 2.73% 63.89% -2.67% -3.83% 2.25% Number of participants 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 *No performance history. T +27 (0)11 263 7700 E For more information, please visit Collective Investment Schemes in Securities (CIS) should be considered as medium to long-term investments. The value may go up as well as down and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. CIS’s are traded at the ruling price and can engage in scrip lending and borrowing. A schedule of fees, charges and maximum commissions is available on request from the Manager. There is no guarantee in respect of capital or returns in a portfolio. A CIS may be closed to new investors in order for it to be managed more e ciently in accordance with its mandate. Performance for the A1 Class has been calculated using net NAV to NAV numbers with income reinvested. The performance for each period shown reflects the return for investors who have been fully invested for that period. Individual investor performance may di er as a result of initial fees, the actual investment date, the date of reinvestments and dividend withholding tax. Full performance calculations are available from the manager on request. Annualised performance: Annualised performance shows longer term performance rescaled to a 1-year period. Laurium Capital (Pty) Ltd is an authorized FSP (FSP34142). Prescient Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd is registered and approved under the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act (No.45 of 2002). For any additional information such as fund prices, fees, brochures, minimum disclosure documents and application forms please go to SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE Shift the way you think about investing and consider Laurium Capital to diversify your investment portfolio. Our nimbleness as a boutique asset manager and our di erentiated investment approach allows us to capitalize on a broad range of opportunities. Laurium Capital Funds available across all major platforms. Investing for your future Alexander Forbes Feb 2024F.pdf 1 2024/02/07 10:06:07 124 Section 3

SA Property Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The purpose of this survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA property mandates.

Investment Managers GIPS™ (Verified / Compliant) Benchmark Description Valuation Frequency Cash Flow Frequency in IRR Calc Minimum Listed Property Allocation Maximum Cash Exposure Allowed Disinvestment Notice Period Lock-in Period No. of Funds in Composite Portfolio Size (R m) 75%100% Listed Property Alexander Forbes Investments Property Fund FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Daily N/A 85% 15% 24 hours N/A N/A 1 020 Catalyst FM Composite SA Listed Property Weighted average of SA Listed Property Index and All Property Index (Prior to May 2018 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Daily Daily 95% 5% 24 hours N/A 11 6 513 Coronation Property Equity V FTSE/JSE All Property Index (Prior to August 2018 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Daily Daily 50% 50% 24 hours N/A 1 795 M&G Enhanced Index Tracker Property V Fund Weighted average of SA Listed Property Index and All Property Index (Prior to October 2018 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Daily Daily 95% 5% 24 hours N/A 1 546 Mazi Listed Property Fund FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Daily N/A N/A 1 442 Meago Composite: ALPI FTSE/JSE All Property Index Daily N/A 85% 15% N/A 8 4 352 Meago Composite: JSAPY FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Daily N/A 85% 15% N/A 16 8 270 Momentum Investments Diversified Property FTSE/JSE All Property Index Daily Daily 95% 5% 48 hours N/A 1 1 408 Momentum Investments Real Growth Property Fund C FTSE/JSE All Property Index Daily Daily 80% 20% 24 hours N/A 1 981 Ninety One Property Unit Trust V FTSE/JSE All Property Index (Prior to Oct 2018 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Daily Daily 80% 20% 24 hours N/A 1 3 458 OMIG Quoted Property V FTSE/JSE All Property Index (Prior to 1 March 2019 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Daily N/A 85% 15% 48 hours N/A 4 3 187 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Property Fund FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Daily N/A N/A 0 807 Prescient Property Composite V FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Daily Daily 95% 5% 24 hours N/A 1 321 Sesfikile Property Composite FTSE/JSE All Property Index (Prior to July 2018 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Daily Daily 90% 10% 48 hours N/A 39 13 390 SIM Domestic Property V FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Daily Daily 75% 25% 48 hours N/A 10 3 042 STANLIB MM Property FTSE/JSE All Property Index (Prior to July 2018 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Daily N/A 97% 3% 48 hours N/A N/A 732 STANLIB Property Income Fund FTSE/JSE All Property Index (Prior to Oct 2018 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Daily Daily 50% 50% 48 hours 48 hours 1 2 857 Total 52 123 0%74% Listed Property Futuregrowth Community Property Fund CPI + 4% Annually Monthly 0% 10% Up to 3 years N/A N/A 7 854 Total 59 977 V = Verified C = Compliant Investment Data to the end of December 2023
125 Section 3

Objective: The purpose of this survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA property mandates.

Property Manager
Survey Calendar Year Returns 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Investment Managers 1 Year Benchmark 3 Years (p.a.) Benchmark 5 Years (p.a.) Benchmark 7 Years (p.a.) Benchmark 10 Years (p.a.) Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Specialist Property 75% –100% Listed Property Alexander Forbes Investments Property Fund 10.45% 10.15% 14.79% 14.87% 0.81% 0.24% -0.58% -1.71% 4.43% 2.94% -0.96% 0.49% 38.26% 36.94% -34.10% -34.49% 4.43% 1.92% -22.05% -25.26% Catalyst FM Composite SA Listed Property 9.64% 10.67% 14.99% 14.55% 0.45% -0.43% -0.82% -2.29% 4.60% 2.51% -0.69% -1.75% 39.63% 38.24% -33.56% -35.15% 1.23% 0.40% -22.17% -25.85% Coronation Property Equity 11.55% 10.70% 14.34% 14.61% -1.00% -0.67% -1.59% -2.63% 3.21% 2.26% -2.48% -1.90% 37.42% 38.63% -36.72% -35.53% 0.53% -0.40% -18.76% -26.72% M&G Enhanced Index Tracker Property 10.30% 10.15% 15.34% 14.87% -0.05% 0.03% -2.12% -1.91% 3.03% 2.79% 0.55% 0.49% 38.34% 36.94% -35.55% -34.98% 0.86% 1.60% -25.16% -25.54% Mazi Listed Property Fund 9.63% 10.15% 14.61% 14.87% 0.04% 0.24% -1.23% -1.71% * * 1.21% 0.49% 35.67% 36.94% -32.89% -34.49% -0.80% 1.92% -22.35% -25.26% Meago Composite: ALPI 10.59% 10.70% 15.26% 14.62% 0.57% -0.65% * * * * -2.22% -1.82% 41.61% 38.57% -33.63% -35.52% 1.22% -0.32% * * Meago Composite: JSAPY 9.84% 10.15% 15.10% 14.87% 0.83% 0.24% -1.00% -1.71% 3.98% 2.94% -0.25% 0.49% 39.19% 36.94% -34.12% -34.49% 3.73% 1.92% -24.91% -25.26% Momentum Investments Diversified Property 6.74% 10.70% 13.38% 14.39% -0.56% -0.01% -1.64% -1.89% 3.83% 2.81% -1.45% -1.90% 38.56% 37.83% -34.64% -34.49% 2.03% 1.92% -22.82% -25.26% Momentum Investments Real Growth Property Fund 11.41% 10.70% 13.92% 14.39% -0.25% -0.01% -1.50% -1.89% 3.28% 2.81% -3.45% -1.90% 37.45% 37.83% -34.58% -34.49% 2.09% 1.92% -24.00% -25.26% Ninety One Property Unit Trust 11.83% 10.70% 16.71% 14.61% 0.79% -0.67% -0.80% -2.68% 3.99% 2.22% -0.48% -1.90% 42.83% 38.63% -35.22% -35.53% 1.01% -0.40% -23.25% -27.00% OMIG Quoted Property 13.25% 10.70% 16.16% 14.61% 2.96% -0.73% 1.36% -2.39% 5.41% 2.44% -1.76% -1.90% 40.87% 38.63% -28.23% -35.53% 2.86% -0.66% -17.48% -25.26% PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Property Fund 12.37% 10.15% 15.36% 14.87% 2.73% 0.24% 1.06% -1.71% * * -1.91% 0.49% 39.27% 36.94% -27.57% -34.49% 2.91% 1.92% -22.86% -25.26% Prescient Property Composite 9.62% 10.15% 14.66% 14.87% 0.10% 0.24% -1.77% -1.71% * * 0.70% 0.49% 36.55% 36.94% -34.62% -34.49% 1.98% 1.92% -25.20% -25.26% Sesfikile Property Composite 11.68% 10.71% 15.45% 14.61% 2.52% -0.68% 1.31% -2.75% 6.05% 2.17% -1.32% -1.91% 39.63% 38.65% -29.18% -35.54% 3.94% -0.39% -19.35% -27.35% SIM Domestic Property 15.97% 10.15% 16.21% 14.87% 3.64% 0.24% 1.21% -1.71% 8.47% 2.94% -2.52% 0.49% 38.81% 36.94% -25.90% -34.49% 2.81% 1.92% -29.55% -25.26% STANLIB MM Property 10.25% 10.70% 14.13% 14.61% 0.56% -0.67% -1.40% -2.75% 3.61% 2.18% -1.71% -1.90% 37.20% 38.63% -32.21% -35.53% 2.05% -0.40% -23.22% -27.35% STANLIB Property Income Fund 8.70% 10.70% 12.23% 14.61% -0.82% -0.67% -2.95% -2.68% 2.56% 2.22% -2.95% -1.90% 33.99% 38.63% -33.60% -35.53% 2.26% -0.40% -27.42% -27.00% 0% –74% Listed Property Futuregrowth Community Property Fund 9.86% 9.53% 10.16% 10.13% 9.24% 9.04% 10.30% 9.00% 12.20% 9.32% 9.99% 11.41% 10.64% 9.47% 6.37% 7.09% 9.40% 7.75% 11.97% 9.18% Market Statistics FTSE/JSE All Property Index 10.70% 14.61% -0.67% * * -1.90% 38.63% -35.53% -0.40% -24.98% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% -1.71% 2.94% 0.49% 36.94% -34.49% 1.92% -25.26% S&P South Africa Composite Property 10.73% 14.56% -0.31% -2.97% 0.79% -1.09% 37.27% -33.07% -2.15% -25.57% S&P South Africa Composite Property Capped 10.28% 14.45% -1.58% -3.41% 1.07% -2.81% 39.87% -35.90% -3.92% -22.16% Statistics Highest 15.97% 16.71% 9.24% 10.30% 12.20% 9.99% 42.83% 6.37% 9.40% 11.97% Upper Quartile 11.65% 15.35% 2.10% 1.06% 5.21% -0.31% 39.54% -29.94% 2.90% -22.05% Median 10.38% 14.89% 0.57% -1.00% 3.99% -1.39% 38.45% -33.61% 2.07% -22.86% Average 10.76% 14.60% 1.25% -0.13% 4.90% -0.65% 37.00% -30.55% 2.47% -21.09% Lower Quartile 9.69% 14.18% -0.03% -1.59% 3.36% -2.14% 37.25% -34.61% 1.22% -24.91% Lowest 6.74% 10.16% -1.00% -2.95% 2.56% -3.45% 10.64% -36.72% -0.80% -29.55% Range 9.23% 6.54% 10.24% 13.25% 9.64% 13.44% 32.18% 43.09% 10.19% 41.52% Number of Participants 18 18 18 17 14 18 18 18 18 17 *No performance history. Investment
the end of December 2023
126 Section 3

Objective: The purpose of this survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA property mandates.

* No performance history Investment Data to the end of December 2023 Volatility vs Return

Investment Managers Calculated on 3 Year Performance Returns Calculated on 5 Year Performance Returns 3 Year Return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank 5 Year Return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Specialist Property 75% –100% Listed Property Alexander Forbes Investments Property Fund 14.79% 10 18.51% 8 -0.08% 10 4.98% -0.02 10 0.81% 6 27.26% 10 0.56% 10 6.32% 0.09 10 Catalyst FM Composite SA Listed Property 14.99% 9 18.52% 9 0.43% 8 1.59% 0.27 7 0.45% 10 27.26% 11 0.87% 8 1.83% 0.48 6 Coronation Property Equity 14.34% 13 18.25% 7 -0.27% 13 2.74% -0.10 11 -1.00% 17 27.48% 13 -0.33% 16 2.66% -0.12 15 M&G Enhanced Index Tracker Property 15.34% 6 18.61% 10 0.47% 7 0.94% 0.50 4 -0.05% 13 26.95% 9 -0.08% 11 1.25% -0.06 13 Mazi Listed Property Fund 14.61% 12 19.27% 17 -0.26% 12 1.39% -0.19 12 0.04% 12 26.21% 6 -0.20% 14 3.23% -0.06 12 Meago Composite: ALPI 15.26% 7 18.89% 14 0.64% 5 0.68% 0.94 2 0.57% 8 27.29% 12 1.22% 7 1.13% 1.08 1 Meago Composite: JSAPY 15.10% 8 18.88% 13 0.23% 9 0.61% 0.38 6 0.83% 5 27.66% 15 0.59% 9 1.30% 0.45 8 Momentum Investments Diversified Property 13.38% 16 18.88% 12 -1.00% 16 1.99% -0.50 16 -0.56% 15 27.69% 16 -0.55% 17 1.92% -0.29 17 Momentum Investments Real Growth Property Fund 13.92% 15 18.72% 11 -0.47% 14 2.05% -0.23 15 -0.25% 14 26.80% 8 -0.24% 15 2.49% -0.10 14 Ninety One Property Unit Trust 16.71% 1 19.25% 15 2.09% 1 1.36% 1.54 1 0.79% 7 28.80% 17 1.46% 5 3.29% 0.45 9 OMIG Quoted Property 16.16% 3 18.23% 6 1.54% 2 3.70% 0.42 5 2.96% 2 25.43% 4 3.68% 1 4.31% 0.85 3 PortfolioMetrix BCI SA Property Fund 15.36% 5 17.83% 3 0.49% 6 3.30% 0.15 9 2.73% 3 24.95% 2 2.49% 4 4.57% 0.54 4 Prescient Property Composite 14.66% 11 19.26% 16 -0.21% 11 1.03% -0.20 13 0.10% 11 27.52% 14 -0.14% 12 0.85% -0.16 16 Sesfikile Property Composite 15.45% 4 18.18% 5 0.84% 4 1.45% 0.58 3 2.52% 4 24.56% 1 3.20% 3 3.37% 0.95 2 SIM Domestic Property 16.21% 2 17.36% 1 1.34% 3 6.40% 0.21 8 3.64% 1 25.34% 3 3.40% 2 7.35% 0.46 7 STANLIB MM Property 14.13% 14 18.14% 4 -0.48% 15 2.31% -0.21 14 0.56% 9 26.57% 7 1.24% 6 2.44% 0.51 5 STANLIB Property Income Fund 12.23% 17 17.82% 2 -2.38% 17 2.00% -1.19 17 -0.82% 16 25.79% 5 -0.15% 13 2.94% -0.05 11 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking 0% –74% Listed Property Futuregrowth Community Property Fund 10.16% 1.46% 0.03% 2.19% 0.02 9.24% * 1.29% * 0.20% * 1.92% 0.11 * Statistics Highest 16.71% 19.27% 2.09% 6.40% 1.54 9.24% 28.80% 3.68% 7.35% 1.08 Upper Quartile 15.35% 18.88% 0.60% 2.63% 0.41 2.10% 27.43% 1.41% 3.35% 0.50 Median 14.89% 18.52% 0.13% 2.00% 0.08 0.57% 26.88% 0.58% 2.57% 0.28 Average 14.60% 17.56% 0.16% 2.26% 0.13 1.25% 25.27% 0.96% 2.95% 0.28 Lower Quartile 14.18% 18.15% -0.27% 1.37% -0.20 -0.03% 25.52% -0.14% 1.85% -0.06 Lowest 10.16% 1.46% -2.38% 0.61% -1.19 -1.00% 1.29% -0.55% 0.85% -0.29 Number of participants 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
SA Property Manager Watch™ Survey Risk
127 Section 3
CASH SOLUTIONS INCOME SOLUTIONS RULE-BASED SOLUTIONS *PORTABLE ALPHA (Bonds, ILB’s, Equities, Multi-Asset Class) *LDI SUSTAINABLY CONSISTENT CONTACT US +27 21 681 5100 Composite Dispersion of SA Property Watch™ Survey Property Minimum Return Maximum Return Median Composite Return Composite Dispersion (1yr) Composite Dispersion (3yrs) Composite Dispersion (5yrs) Ashburton SA Property 9.96% 11.37% 10.75% 0.45% 0.17% 0.26% Catalyst FM Composite SA Listed Property 9.09% 10.00% 9.66% 0.22% 0.20% 0.26% Sesfikile Property Composite 11.12% 12.47% 11.64% 0.28% * * SIM Property Fund 15.00% 16.22% 15.82% 0.42% * * Vunani Property Income 12.30% 12.30% 12.30% 0.00% 0.00% 0.12% * Data not available 1 Year to 31 December 2023 128 Section 3

Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey (Balanced Mandates)

Fixed Asset Allocation: Managers included in the survey typically make use of fixed asset allocations, which means that they balance the asset allocation back to the strategic long-term asset allocation target (from time to time, according to predefined strategies) with no intention to enhance returns from an asset allocation point of view. However, while some of these managers adhere rigidly to these fixed asset allocations, others may allow these allocations to drift slightly within certain margins.

Strategic Asset Allocation: Although managers included in the survey may have long-term strategic asset allocation targets, they actively manage the asset allocation in an attempt to enhance returns. The different categories above (Low Volatility, Best Investment View and Dynamic) represent the different risk profiles of the funds. The Low Volatility category represents the manager’s most conservatively managed portfolio while the Dynamic category represents the manager’s most aggressively managed portfolio, according to the manager’s discretion.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Fixed Asset Allocation Equity Band: 15% – 34% (Local & International Equity) Alexander Forbes Conservative Growth 11.18% 11.11% 0.07% 3 10.03% 8.60% 1.43% 1 8.76% 7.31% 1.45% 3 Mentenova Wealth Protector 10.17% 11.32% -1.15% 4 9.74% 9.17% 0.57% 3 8.81% 8.19% 0.62% 4 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 1-3% 12.19% 8.52% 3.67% 1 9.68% 9.13% 0.56% 4 10.02% 8.01% 2.00% 2 PPS Conservative FoF 10.25% 7.52% 2.72% 2 9.22% 8.13% 1.09% 2 9.13% 7.01% 2.12% 1 Equity Band: 35% – 44% (Local & International Equity) 27four CPI+3% Fund 0.82% 1.17% -0.35% 4 8.08% 8.21% -0.13% 4 6.87% 6.63% 0.25% 4 Alexander Forbes Medium Conservative Growth 3.41% 1.88% 1.52% 3 8.44% 7.01% 1.44% 3 7.16% 5.65% 1.50% 2 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 2.08% 0.28% 1.80% 1 7.91% 5.27% 2.63% 1 6.64% 4.41% 2.23% 1 Sygnia Signature 40 Fund 2.85% 1.10% 1.76% 2 9.31% 7.56% 1.74% 2 8.35% 7.06% 1.29% 3 Equity Band: 45% – 54% (Local & International Equity) 27four CPI+5% Fund 14.11% 13.59% 0.52% 1 11.39% 11.75% -0.37% 7 9.71% 9.87% -0.16% 8 Alexander Forbes Medium Growth 11.88% 12.06% -0.18% 5 11.82% 10.28% 1.53% 3 10.26% 8.74% 1.52% 3 Mentenova Wealth Stabiliser 9.86% 12.37% -2.52% 8 11.00% 10.61% 0.39% 5 10.34% 8.99% 1.35% 4 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 13.16% 13.20% -0.04% 3 11.71% 10.30% 1.40% 4 9.43% 7.54% 1.89% 2 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 13.00% 13.20% -0.20% 6 11.87% 10.30% 1.57% 1 9.44% 7.54% 1.91% 1 PPS Moderate FoF 9.48% 9.52% -0.04% 4 9.58% 10.13% -0.55% 8 9.63% 9.01% 0.62% 7 SMM 50 13.30% 14.68% -1.38% 7 11.51% 11.40% 0.11% 6 10.52% 9.62% 0.90% 6 Sygnia Signature 50 Fund 13.37% 13.35% 0.03% 2 10.93% 9.37% 1.56% 2 10.89% 9.63% 1.26% 5 Equity Band: 55% – 69% (Local & International Equity) 27Four CPI +7% Fund 13.96% 14.45% -0.49% 7 12.27% 12.47% -0.20% 7 10.15% 10.30% -0.15% 7 Alexander Forbes High Medium Growth 13.53% 13.02% 0.50% 2 13.06% 11.34% 1.72% 2 10.85% 9.57% 1.28% 6 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 13.46% 13.70% -0.24% 4 12.42% 11.23% 1.20% 6 9.95% 8.51% 1.44% 4 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 13.37% 13.70% -0.33% 6 12.52% 11.23% 1.30% 5 10.00% 8.51% 1.49% 3 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 3-5% 13.23% 10.52% 2.71% 1 12.70% 11.13% 1.58% 3 11.86% 10.01% 1.84% 2 PPS Balanced FoF 11.92% 12.22% -0.30% 5 13.43% 10.44% 2.99% 1 11.41% 9.19% 2.22% 1 Sygnia Signature 60 Fund 13.63% 13.80% -0.18% 3 11.41% 9.91% 1.49% 4 11.39% 10.05% 1.34% 5 Equity Band: 70% – 75% (Local & International Equity) Alexander Forbes High Growth 12.85% 13.72% -0.87% 9 12.97% 11.98% 0.99% 5 11.32% 10.41% 0.90% 7 Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator 14.70% 15.18% -0.48% 7 14.23% 12.33% 1.90% 2 12.21% 10.40% 1.81% 2 Mentenova Wealth Builder 11.57% 14.46% -2.88% 11 13.26% 12.58% 0.68% 7 12.09% 9.95% 2.14% 1 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 7 13.38% 14.02% -0.64% 8 12.65% 12.00% 0.64% 8 9.93% 9.02% 0.91% 6 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 7 13.67% 14.02% -0.35% 5 12.99% 12.00% 0.98% 6 10.23% 9.02% 1.21% 5 Old Mutual Multi-Manager Max 28 14.67% 12.02% 2.65% 1 14.82% 12.63% 2.20% 1 12.40% 11.51% 0.88% 8 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 5-7% 13.79% 11.52% 2.27% 2 13.41% 12.13% 1.28% 4 12.29% 11.01% 1.28% 4 Sanlam Accumulation Fund 15.78% 16.07% -0.29% 4 12.55% 12.43% 0.12% 9 10.98% 10.54% 0.44% 10 Sanlam Living Planet Fund 12.28% 15.82% -3.54% 12 8.53% 12.93% -4.40% 11 11.66% 12.35% -0.69% 11 SMM 70 14.79% 16.07% -1.28% 10 12.74% 12.98% -0.23% 10 11.08% 10.55% 0.53% 9 Sygnia Signature 70 Fund 14.03% 14.25% -0.22% 3 11.94% 10.45% 1.49% 3 11.80% 10.45% 1.34% 3 Sygnia Signature 70 Pro Fund 16.61% 17.07% -0.46% 6 * * * * * * Strategic Asset Allocation Low Volatility Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) 11.91% 11.18% 0.73% 3 10.99% 9.09% 1.90% 1 10.59% 8.66% 1.93% 1 Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds 13.42% 8.52% 4.90% 1 10.52% 9.13% 1.39% 2 9.41% 8.01% 1.40% 3 STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund 12.48% 8.52% 3.95% 2 10.22% 9.13% 1.09% 3 9.59% 8.01% 1.57% 2 Best Investment View Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) 12.80% 13.36% -0.56% 11 12.47% 11.98% 0.49% 8 11.62% 10.42% 1.21% 5 Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) 13.03% 13.07% -0.03% 8 12.07% 11.73% 0.34% 9 10.63% 10.45% 0.18% 6 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 14.41% 13.70% 0.71% 5 13.06% 11.22% 1.85% 2 11.08% 8.49% 2.59% 1 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 14.29% 14.02% 0.27% 7 13.10% 11.99% 1.10% 5 11.38% 8.94% 2.45% 2 Nedgroup Investments XS Diversified Fund of Funds 13.37% 10.52% 2.85% 2 12.29% 11.13% 1.16% 4 9.47% 10.01% -0.54% 7 Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed 14.55% 13.36% 1.19% 4 13.81% 11.98% 1.83% 3 12.13% 10.42% 1.71% 3 Sanlam Wealth Creation 15.97% 16.29% -0.33% 10 * * * * * * SMM Select Balanced Fund 13.21% 13.36% -0.15% 9 12.89% 11.98% 0.91% 7 * * * STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 14.27% 12.57% 1.70% 3 12.96% 11.96% 1.01% 6 11.76% 10.49% 1.27% 4 Sygnia Synergy 70 Fund 13.39% 10.52% 2.87% 1 13.07% 11.13% 1.94% 1 * * * Weaver BCI Moderate FoF 9.85% 9.52% 0.32% 6 9.61% 10.13% -0.52% 10 * * *
* No performance history
# Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.
129 Section 3

Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey (Balanced Mandates)

Fixed Asset Allocation: Managers included in the survey typically make use of fixed asset allocations, which means that they balance the asset allocation back to the strategic long-term asset allocation target (from time to time, according to predefined strategies) with no intention to enhance returns from an asset allocation point of view. However, while some of these managers adhere rigidly to these fixed asset allocations, others may allow these allocations to drift slightly within certain margins.

Strategic Asset Allocation: Although managers included in the survey may have long-term strategic asset allocation targets, they actively manage the asset allocation in an attempt to enhance returns. The different categories above (Low Volatility, Best Investment View and Dynamic) represent the different risk profiles of the funds. The Low Volatility category represents the manager’s most conservatively managed portfolio while the Dynamic category represents the manager’s most aggressively managed portfolio, according to the manager’s discretion.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Performance Data

* No performance history

#Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Investment Managers 7 Years 10 Years Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio size Fixed Asset Allocation Equity Band: 15% – 34% (Local & International Equity) Alexander Forbes Conservative Growth 8.07% 6.69% 1.38% 2 8.11% 6.91% 1.21% 1 1 885 Mentenova Wealth Protector * * * * * * 1 199 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 1-3% 8.79% 7.98% 0.81% 3 8.88% 8.20% 0.68% 2 726 PPS Conservative FoF 8.51% 6.98% 1.53% 1 * * * 2 041 Equity Band: 35% – 44% (Local & International Equity) 27four CPI+3% Fund 8.15% 8.13% 0.02% 4 8.68% 8.27% 0.42% 4 883 Alexander Forbes Medium Conservative Growth 8.61% 7.18% 1.44% 1 8.50% 7.39% 1.11% 1 197 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 8.08% 6.72% 1.36% 2 8.31% 7.25% 1.06% 2 4 506 Sygnia Signature 40 Fund 9.39% 8.56% 0.84% 3 9.44% 8.56% 0.88% 3 2 083 Equity Band: 45% - 54% (Local & International Equity) 27four CPI+5% Fund 8.02% 8.32% -0.30% 5 8.68% 8.44% 0.24% 4 2 123 Alexander Forbes Medium Growth 8.92% 7.68% 1.24% 2 8.72% 7.90% 0.82% 2 457 Mentenova Wealth Stabiliser * * * * * * 1 896 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 * * * * * * 1 302 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 8.09% 6.66% 1.43% 1 8.45% 7.37% 1.09% 1 1 726 PPS Moderate FoF 8.43% 8.98% -0.55% 6 * * * 9 040 SMM 50 9.00% 8.55% 0.44% 4 8.48% 8.38% 0.11% 5 686 Sygnia Signature 50 Fund 9.47% 8.73% 0.74% 3 9.50% 8.69% 0.81% 3 1 898 Equity Band: 55% – 69% (Local & International Equity) 27Four CPI +7% Fund 8.04% 8.53% -0.49% 7 8.77% 8.69% 0.09% 5 322 Alexander Forbes High Medium Growth 9.01% 8.18% 0.83% 4 8.74% 8.32% 0.42% 4 494 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 8.38% 7.28% 1.11% 3 8.60% 7.92% 0.68% 3 2 743 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 8.49% 7.28% 1.22% 2 8.76% 7.92% 0.84% 1 3 893 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 3-5% 9.64% 9.98% -0.34% 6 9.56% 10.20% -0.65% 6 5 857 PPS Balanced FoF 9.40% 7.37% 2.03% 1 * * * 5 105 Sygnia Signature 60 Fund 9.64% 8.93% 0.71% 5 9.68% 8.92% 0.76% 2 4 863 Equity Band: 70% – 75% (Local & International Equity) Alexander Forbes High Growth 9.10% 8.63% 0.47% 5 8.86% 8.82% 0.04% 4 7 727 Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator 10.05% 8.54% 1.51% 1 * * * 1 412 Mentenova Wealth Builder * * * * * * 12 283 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 7 8.30% 7.46% 0.84% 3 8.60% 8.09% 0.52% 3 13 697 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 7 8.60% 7.46% 1.14% 2 8.89% 8.09% 0.80% 1 17 370 Old Mutual Multi-Manager Max 28 * * * * * * 933 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 5-7% 9.76% 10.98% -1.22% 9 9.63% 11.20% -1.57% 7 16 490 Sanlam Accumulation Fund 9.06% 8.80% 0.26% 6 8.61% 8.90% -0.29% 5 19 182 Sanlam Living Planet Fund 9.87% 10.53% -0.66% 8 * * * 1 043 SMM 70 9.12% 9.02% 0.09% 7 8.48% 8.79% -0.32% 6 979 Sygnia Signature 70 Fund 9.71% 9.07% 0.64% 4 9.79% 9.02% 0.77% 2 14 130 Sygnia Signature 70 Pro Fund * * * * * * 292 Strategic Asset Allocation Low Volatility Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) 9.66% 7.94% 1.72% 1 8.75% 7.85% 0.90% 1 10 162 Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds 8.48% 7.98% 0.50% 2 8.66% 8.20% 0.46% 2 841 STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund 8.42% 7.98% 0.44% 3 * * * 1 330 Best Investment View Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) 9.84% 8.68% 1.16% 3 9.59% 8.44% 1.15% 3 220 671 Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) 8.87% 8.67% 0.20% 6 8.40% 8.12% 0.28% 5 821 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 9.10% 7.27% 1.83% 2 9.27% 7.91% 1.35% 1 938 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 9.41% 7.40% 2.01% 1 9.38% 8.05% 1.33% 2 2 802 Nedgroup Investments XS Diversified Fund of Funds 7.91% 9.98% -2.07% 7 8.00% 10.20% -2.21% 6 3 829 Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed 9.86% 8.71% 1.15% 4 9.23% 8.47% 0.76% 4 4 014 Sanlam Wealth Creation * * * * * * 10 528 SMM Select Balanced Fund * * * * * * 3 471 STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 9.80% 8.76% 1.04% 5 * * * 7 013 Sygnia Synergy 70 Fund * * * * * * 1 484 Weaver BCI Moderate FoF * * * * * * 585
130 Section 3

* No performance history #Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

end of December for the past 5 Calendar years Investment Managers Calendar Year 2022 Calendar Year 2021 Calendar Year 2020 Calendar Year 2019 Calendar Year 2018 Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Strategic Asset Allocation Equity Band: 15%24% (Local & International Equity) Alexander Forbes Conservative Growth 4,48% 2,52% 1,97% 1 14,68% 12,45% 2,23% 3 4,41% 3,68% 0,73% 3 9,40% 7,14% 2,27% 3 2,34% 0,59% 1,75% 1 Mentenova Wealth Protector 2,02% 0,62% 1,41% 2 17,58% 16,16% 1,41% 4 6,76% 6,68% 0,09% 4 8,11% 6,80% 1,31% 4 1,18% 1,82% -0,64% 2 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 1-3% 2,59% 10,41% -7,81% 4 14,65% 8,47% 6,18% 2 8,39% 6,17% 2,22% 2 12,68% 6,56% 6,13% 1 0,89% 8,18% -7,29% 4 PPS Conservative FoF 1,62% 9,41% -7,79% 3 16,30% 7,47% 8,84% 1 7,85% 5,17% 2,68% 1 10,16% 5,56% 4,61% 2 5,13% 7,18% -2,05% 3 Equity Band: 35%44% (Local & International Equity) 27four CPI+3% Fund 0,82% 1,17% -0,35% 4 19,11% 18,81% 0,30% 4 5,12% 5,40% -0,28% 4 10,65% 8,86% 1,80% 2 -0,19% -0,07% -0,12% 4 Alexander Forbes Medium Conservative Growth 3,81% 1,88% 1,93% 1 17,55% 15,35% 2,20% 3 5,70% 4,26% 1,44% 2 9,49% 7,56% 1,93% 1 1,63% -0,11% 1,75% 1 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 2,08% 0,28% 1,80% 2 18,86% 15,06% 3,80% 1 3,55% 1,11% 2,44% 1 9,95% 8,33% 1,62% 3 -0,17% -1,83% 1,66% 2 Sygnia Signature 40 Fund 2,85% 1,10% 1,76% 3 16,13% 12,91% 3,21% 2 9,34% 9,01% 0,33% 3 11,52% 10,51% 1,01% 4 2,54% 2,27% 0,27% 3 Equity Band: 45%54% (Local & International Equity) 27four CPI+5% Fund 0,41% 0,85% -0,44% 7 20,62% 21,83% -1,21% 8 4,20% 4,83% -0,64% 8 10,35% 9,42% 0,93% 8 -2,02% -2,20% 0,18% 5 Alexander Forbes Medium Growth 3,58% 1,34% 2,24% 1 20,64% 18,11% 2,53% 5 6,43% 4,79% 1,65% 4 9,52% 8,20% 1,32% 6 0,19% -1,22% 1,41% 2 Mentenova Wealth Stabiliser 2,19% 0,01% 2,19% 2 21,83% 20,41% 1,41% 6 8,67% 5,02% 3,66% 1 10,03% 8,22% 1,82% 4 * * * Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 1,62% 0,19% 1,42% 5 21,21% 18,32% 2,89% 3 1,65% -1,82% 3,46% 2 10,76% 9,14% 1,62% 5 -3,07% -4,35% 1,28% 3 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 2,25% 0,19% 2,05% 3 21,17% 18,32% 2,85% 4 1,02% -1,82% 2,84% 3 11,03% 9,14% 1,89% 3 -2,57% -4,31% 1,75% 1 PPS Moderate FoF 1,84% 11,41% -9,56% 8 17,99% 9,47% 8,53% 1 8,04% 7,17% 0,87% 6 11,41% 7,56% 3,85% 1 0,98% 9,18% -8,20% 7 SMM 50 0,90% 0,10% 0,79% 6 21,28% 20,41% 0,87% 7 6,59% 5,30% 1,29% 5 11,58% 8,73% 2,85% 2 -1,59% -1,03% -0,57% 6 Sygnia Signature 50 Fund 2,39% 0,68% 1,71% 4 17,60% 14,65% 2,95% 2 9,65% 9,09% 0,56% 7 12,00% 10,96% 1,04% 7 0,71% 0,35% 0,36% 4 Equity Band: 55%69% (Local & International Equity) 27Four CPI +7% Fund 0,37% 0,28% 0,09% 6 23,71% 23,96% -0,25% 7 4,07% 4,49% -0,41% 7 10,12% 9,82% 0,30% 7 -4,09% -3,76% -0,33% 6 Alexander Forbes High Medium Growth 1,71% 0,72% 0,99% 5 25,15% 21,25% 3,90% 3 5,49% 5,36% 0,13% 5 9,80% 8,60% 1,20% 5 -2,14% -2,23% 0,09% 5 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 1,38% -0,23% 1,61% 4 23,53% 21,30% 2,23% 5 0,80% -1,30% 2,10% 1 12,17% 10,76% 1,42% 4 -4,50% -6,22% 1,71% 3 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 2,06% -0,23% 2,29% 2 23,14% 21,30% 1,83% 6 0,71% -1,30% 2,00% 2 12,22% 10,76% 1,47% 3 -3,73% -6,21% 2,48% 2 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 3-5% 1,27% 12,41% -11,14% 7 24,85% 10,47% 14,38% 1 9,26% 8,17% 1,09% 4 11,95% 8,56% 3,39% 1 -4,29% 10,18% -14,48% 7 PPS Balanced FoF 4,21% -0,23% 4,44% 1 25,15% 20,32% 4,82% 2 5,05% 5,19% -0,14% 6 11,92% 9,52% 2,40% 2 0,33% -3,60% 3,93% 1 Sygnia Signature 60 Fund 1,97% 0,24% 1,73% 3 19,34% 16,40% 2,94% 4 10,26% 9,12% 1,14% 3 12,47% 11,40% 1,07% 6 -0,82% -1,03% 0,21% 4 Equity Band: 70%75% (Local & International Equity) Alexander Forbes High Growth 1,15% -0,30% 1,45% 6 26,32% 23,86% 2,46% 5 7,69% 6,08% 1,61% 4 10,07% 10,16% -0,09% 11 -4,34% -4,18% -0,16% 9 Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator -0,06% -2,16% 2,09% 3 30,04% 25,77% 4,27% 3 6,17% 4,56% 1,61% 5 12,41% 10,64% 1,77% 4 -3,43% -5,41% 1,98% 2 Mentenova Wealth Builder 2,98% -0,32% 3,31% 1 26,45% 25,06% 1,39% 6 8,38% 3,28% 5,10% 2 12,37% 9,05% 3,32% 1 -5,90% -5,99% 0,09% 5 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 7 1,20% -0,72% 1,92% 4 24,59% 24,13% 0,45% 7 0,03% -1,33% 1,36% 6 12,26% 11,08% 1,18% 9 -6,01% -7,85% 1,84% 3 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 7 2,05% -0,72% 2,78% 2 24,34% 24,13% 0,20% 8 0,28% -1,33% 1,61% 3 12,53% 11,08% 1,45% 6 -5,29% -7,85% 2,56% 1 Old Mutual Multi-Manager Max 28 1,81% 13,91% -12,09% 10 29,67% 11,97% 17,70% 1 6,12% 9,67% -3,55% 11 11,65% 10,06% 1,59% 5 * * * Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 5-7% 0,95% 13,41% -12,45% 11 26,97% 11,47% 15,51% 2 9,18% 9,17% 0,01% 10 12,10% 9,56% 2,54% 2 -6,56% 11,18% -17,74% 10 Sanlam Accumulation Fund -0,23% -1,17% 0,94% 7 23,42% 23,88% -0,46% 9 5,23% 4,78% 0,45% 9 12,22% 10,86% 1,35% 7 -5,58% -5,63% 0,06% 6 Sanlam Living Planet Fund -1,19% 0,22% -1,41% 9 15,22% 24,08% -8,86% 11 21,15% 10,94% 10,21% 1 12,10% 12,05% 0,05% 10 -2,61% -2,48% -0,14% 7 SMM 70 0,00% -0,89% 0,89% 8 24,85% 25,35% -0,49% 10 5,14% 4,30% 0,84% 8 12,24% 9,76% 2,47% 3 -4,58% -4,44% -0,14% 8 Sygnia Signature 70 Fund 1,39% -0,20% 1,59% 5 21,32% 18,17% 3,15% 4 10,16% 9,11% 1,05% 7 13,03% 11,83% 1,20% 8 -2,68% -2,91% 0,23% 4 Fixed Asset Allocation Low Volatility Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) 4,72% 2,31% 2,42% 1 16,67% 14,14% 2,53% 3 9,60% 7,74% 1,85% 1 10,39% 8,30% 2,09% 3 4,51% 2,21% 2,30% 1 Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds 1,54% 10,41% -8,87% 3 17,21% 8,47% 8,75% 1 5,69% 6,17% -0,49% 3 9,91% 6,56% 3,35% 1 4,25% 8,18% -3,93% 2 STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund 2,11% 10,41% -8,30% 2 16,60% 8,47% 8,13% 2 7,80% 6,17% 1,63% 2 9,48% 6,56% 2,93% 2 1,86% 8,18% -6,32% 3 Best Investment View Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) 2,32% 1,53% 0,79% 5 23,24% 22,00% 1,24% 9 9,59% 5,41% 4,18% 3 11,16% 10,88% 0,28% 5 -0,57% -1,97% 1,40% 3 Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) 1,81% 1,21% 0,60% 6 22,30% 21,89% 0,42% 10 6,12% 6,27% -0,15% 7 10,93% 10,87% 0,06% 7 -2,10% -2,11% 0,02% 5 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 0,95% -0,24% 1,19% 4 25,15% 21,28% 3,86% 4 3,60% -1,35% 4,94% 2 12,94% 10,76% 2,18% 2 -2,80% -6,21% 3,40% 2 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 0,81% -0,73% 1,54% 2 25,56% 24,11% 1,45% 7 4,35% -1,60% 5,95% 1 13,57% 10,99% 2,58% 1 -2,22% -7,85% 5,63% 1 Nedgroup Investments XS Diversified Fund of Funds 1,52% 12,41% -10,88% 9 23,00% 10,47% 12,53% 2 1,70% 8,17% -6,47% 8 9,20% 8,56% 0,64% 4 -1,20% 10,18% -11,39% 7 Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed 3,73% 1,53% 2,20% 1 24,06% 22,00% 2,06% 5 6,76% 5,41% 1,35% 5 12,62% 10,88% 1,74% 3 -3,16% -1,97% -1,19% 6 SMM Select Balanced Fund 3,04% 1,53% 1,51% 3 23,32% 22,00% 1,32% 8 * * * * * * * * * STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 1,84% 1,91% -0,07% 7 23,86% 22,32% 1,54% 6 8,14% 5,11% 3,03% 4 11,85% 11,63% 0,22% 6 -1,21% -2,31% 1,10% 4 Sygnia Synergy 70 Fund 2,52% 12,41% -9,89% 8 24,35% 10,47% 13,89% 1 8,81% 8,17% 0,64% 6 * * * * * * Weaver BCI Moderate FoF -0,31% 11,41% -11,71% 10 20,26% 9,47% 10,79% 3 * * * * * * * * *
Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey (Balanced Mandates) Investment Data to the
131 Section 3

Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey Risk (Balanced Mandates)

Fixed Asset Allocation: Managers included in the survey typically make use of fixed asset allocations, which mean that they balance the asset allocation back to the strategic long-term asset allocation target (from time to time, according to predefined strategies) with no intention to enhance returns from an asset allocation point of view. However, while some of these managers adhere rigidly to these fixed asset allocations, others may allow these allocations to drift slightly within certain margins.

Strategic Asset Allocation: Although managers included in the survey may have long-term strategic asset allocation targets, they actively manage the asset allocation in an attempt to enhance returns. The different categories above (Low Volatility, Best Investment View and Dynamic) represent the different risk profiles of the funds. The Low Volatility category represents the manager’s most conservatively managed portfolio while the Dynamic category represents the manager’s most aggressively managed portfolio, according to the manager’s discretion.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Volatility vs Return

# Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Risk vs Return (Calculated on 3 Year Performance) Investment Managers 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Risk (Volatility) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Fixed Asset Allocation Equity Band: 15% - 34% (Local & International Equity) Alexander Forbes Conservative Growth 10,03% 1 4,53% 1 1,43% 1 0,65% 2,19 1 Mentenova Wealth Protector 9,74% 2 5,02% 3 0,57% 3 1,38% 0,41 2 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 1-3% 9,68% 3 4,89% 2 0,56% 4 5,08% 0,08 4 PPS Conservative FoF 9,22% 4 5,11% 4 1,09% 2 5,31% 0,18 3 Equity Band: 35% - 44% (Local & International Equity) 27four CPI+3% Fund 10,82% 3 6,08% 2 -0,05% 4 1,67% -0,03 4 Alexander Forbes Medium Conservative Growth 10,96% 2 5,45% 1 1,50% 3 0,71% 2,11 1 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 11,04% 1 6,35% 3 1,72% 2 1,12% 1,54 2 Sygnia Signature 40 Fund 10,55% 4 6,42% 4 1,74% 1 1,30% 1,34 3 Equity Band: 45% - 54% (Local & International Equity) 27four CPI+5% Fund 11,39% 5 8,02% 7 -0,37% 7 1,76% -0,21 8 Alexander Forbes Medium Growth 11,82% 2 6,68% 2 1,53% 3 0,86% 1,78 1 Mentenova Wealth Stabiliser 11,00% 6 7,46% 4 0,39% 5 1,72% 0,23 5 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 11,71% 3 7,88% 6 1,40% 4 1,07% 1,31 2 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 11,87% 1 7,49% 5 1,57% 1 1,33% 1,18 3 PPS Moderate FoF 9,58% 8 6,55% 1 -0,55% 8 6,74% -0,12 7 SMM 50 11,51% 4 8,39% 8 0,11% 6 1,25% 0,09 6 Sygnia Signature 50 Fund 10,93% 7 7,29% 3 1,56% 2 1,34% 1,17 4 Equity Band: 55% - 69% (Local & International Equity) 27Four CPI +7% Fund 12,27% 6 8,27% 5 -0,20% 7 2,24% -0,09 7 Alexander Forbes High Medium Growth 13,06% 2 7,71% 2 1,72% 2 1,39% 1,24 1 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 12,42% 5 9,15% 7 1,20% 6 1,11% 1,08 3 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 12,52% 4 8,66% 6 1,30% 5 1,46% 0,89 5 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 3-5% 12,70% 3 8,25% 4 1,58% 3 8,42% 0,15 6 PPS Balanced FoF 13,43% 1 7,46% 1 2,99% 1 2,72% 1,10 2 Sygnia Signature 60 Fund 11,41% 7 8,19% 3 1,49% 4 1,42% 1,05 4 Equity Band: 70% - 75% (Local & International Equity) Alexander Forbes High Growth 12,97% 6 8,75% 1 0,99% 5 1,53% 0,65 3 Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator 14,23% 2 9,92% 8 1,90% 2 1,42% 1,34 1 Mentenova Wealth Builder 13,26% 4 8,86% 2 0,68% 7 2,30% 0,30 6 Momentum Investments Classic Factor 7 12,65% 8 9,81% 7 0,64% 8 1,07% 0,60 5 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 7 12,99% 5 9,37% 4 0,98% 6 1,58% 0,62 4 Old Mutual Multi-Manager Max 28 14,82% 1 9,61% 5 2,20% 1 9,78% 0,19 7 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Inflation Plus 5-7% 13,41% 3 9,65% 6 1,28% 4 9,80% 0,10 9 Sanlam Accumulation Fund 12,55% 9 10,01% 11 0,12% 9 1,14% 0,11 8 Sanlam Living Planet Fund 8,53% 11 9,93% 9 -4,40% 11 3,47% -1,27 11 SMM 70 12,74% 7 9,95% 10 -0,23% 10 1,46% -0,16 10 Sygnia Signature 70 Fund 11,94% 10 9,10% 3 1,49% 3 1,55% 0,96 2 Strategic Asset Allocation Low Volatility Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) 10,99% 1 5,99% 2 1,90% 1 1,22% 1,56 1 Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds 10,52% 2 6,04% 3 1,39% 2 6,20% 0,20 2 STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund 10,22% 3 5,99% 1 1,09% 3 6,09% 0,15 3 Best Investment View Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) 12,47% 7 8,03% 2 0,49% 8 1,48% 0,33 7 Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) 12,07% 9 8,60% 6 0,34% 9 0,49% 0,68 3 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 13,06% 4 8,64% 7 1,85% 2 1,84% 1,01 1 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 13,10% 2 8,83% 9 1,10% 5 2,35% 0,47 6 Nedgroup Investments XS Diversified Fund of Funds 12,29% 8 8,58% 5 1,16% 4 8,72% 0,10 9 Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed 13,81% 1 8,13% 3 1,83% 3 2,74% 0,67 4 SMM Select Balanced Fund 12,89% 6 8,48% 4 0,91% 7 1,59% 0,57 5 STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund 12,96% 5 8,78% 8 1,01% 6 1,13% 0,89 2 Sygnia Synergy 70 Fund 13,07% 3 8,84% 10 1,94% 1 9,00% 0,18 8 Weaver BCI Moderate FoF 9,61% 10 7,83% 1 -0,52% 10 8,03% -0,09 10
132 Section 3
Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey
Mandates) Excess Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot – Multi-Managers Fixed & Strategic Asset Allocation 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a) Volatility (p.a) (standard deviation) Alexander Forbes Conservative Growth Mentenova Wealth Protector Old Mutual Multi- Plus 1-3% PPS Conservative FoF 27four CPI+3% Fund Alexander Forbes Medium Conservative Growth Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 Sygnia Signature 40 Fund 27four CPI+5% Fund Alexander Forbes Medium Growth Mentenova Wealth Stabiliser Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 PPS Moderate FoF SMM 50 Sygnia Signature 50 Fund 27Four CPI +7% Fund Alexander Forbes High Medium Growth Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 6 Old Mutual Multi- -5% PPS Balanced FoF Sygnia Signature 60 Fund Alexander Forbes High Growth Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Mentenova Wealth Builder Momentum Investments Classic Factor 7 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 7 Old Mutual Multi-M anager Max 28 Old Mutual MultiPlus 5 -7% Sanlam Accumulation Fund Sanlam Living Planet Fund SMM 70 Sygnia Signature 70 Fund Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund Alexander Forbes Investments (Performer) Alexander Forbes Investments (Spectrum) Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 Fund of Funds Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed SMM Select Balanced Fund STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund Sygnia Synergy 70 Fund Weaver BCI Moderate FoF 15.00% 13.00% 11.00% 9.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 4.00% 5.00% 7.00% 9.00% 6.00% 8.00% 10.00% 11.00% 133 Section 3
Active Return (p.a) Active Risk (p.a) (tracking error) Volatility vs Return – Multi-Managers Fixed & Strategic Asset Allocations 3 years ended 31 December 2023 Alexander Forbes Conservative Growth Mentenova Wealth Protector Old Mutual Multi- Plus 1-3% PPS Conservative FoF 27four CPI+3% Fund Alexander Forbes Medium Conservative Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 4 Sygnia Signature 40 Fund 27four CPI+5% Fund Alexander Forbes Medium Growth Mentenova Wealth Stabiliser Momentum Investments Classic Factor 5 Momentum Investments Enhanced Factor 5 PPS Moderate FoF SMM 50 Sygnia Signature 50 Fund 27Four CPI +7% Fund Alexander Forbes High Medium Growth Momentum Investments Classic Factor 6 Momentum Investments EnhancedFactor 6 Old Mutual Multi -M anagers -5% PPS Balanced FoF Sygnia Signature 60 Fund Alexander Forbes High Growth Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Mentenova Wealth Builder Momentum Investments Classic Factor 7 Momentum Investments EnhancedFactor 7 Old Mutual Multi -M anager Max 28 Old Mutual Multi - Plus 5 -7% Sanlam Accumulation Fund Sanlam Living Planet Fund SMM 70 Sygnia Signature 70 Fund Alexander Forbes Investments (Conserver) Nedgroup Investments XS Guarded Fund of Funds STANLIB Multi-Manager Defensive Balanced Fund
Forbes Investments (Performer)
Forbes Investments (Spectrum) Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 6 Momentum Investments Flexible Factor 7 Fund of Funds Old Mutual Multi Managers Managed SMM Select Balanced Fund STANLIB Multi Manager Balanced Fund Sygnia Synergy 70 Fund Weaver BCI Moderate FoF Growth 134 Section 3
Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey (Balanced Mandates continued)

Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey (Specialist Mandates)

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot - Multi Managers Equity – 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Volatility vs Return Scatterplot - Multi Managers Bonds and Money Market – 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a) Risk (p.a) (standard deviation) Return (p.a) Risk (p.a) (standard deviation) Money Market Bond 15.50% 9.00% 8.00% 7.00% 13.50% 14.50% 12.50% 11.50% 15.00% 8.50% 7.50% 6.50% 6.00% 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 1.00% 3.00% 5.00% 7.00% 8.00% 9.00% 13.00% 14.00% 12.00% 11.00% 10.50% 13.00% 13.50% 13.25% 13.75% 14.00% 14.25% 14.50% 135 Section 3

Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey (Specialist Mandates)

Excess Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot - Multi Managers Equity 3 Years ended 31 December 2023

Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot - Multi Managers Bonds and Money Market - 3 Years ended 31 December 2023

Active Return (p.a) Active Risk (p.a) (tracking error) Active Return (p.a) Active Risk (p.a) (tracking error) Money Market Bond 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 2.50% 1.50% 0.50% -0.50% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 0.00% -1.00% -1.50% 2.00% 1.75% 1.50% 1.25% 1.00% 0.75% 0.50% 0.00% 0.25% 0.50% 0.75% 1.00% 1.25% 1.50% 136 Section 3

Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey (Specialist Mandates)

Excess Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot - Multi Managers Absolute Return funds 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Active Return (p.a) Active Risk (p.a) (tracking error) Volatility vs Return Scatterplot - Multi Managers Absolute Return funds 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Return (p.a) Risk (p.a) (standard deviation) 13.50% 11.50% 12.50% 10.50% 9.50% 8.50% 2.50% 1.50% 0.50% -0.50% 3.50% 4.50% 5.50% 6.50% 7.50% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.00% 8.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 7.50% 3.50% 4.50% 5.50% 7.00% 6.50% 8.00% 13.00% 11.00% 12.00% 10.00% 9.00% 137 Section 3

* No performance history # Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 –Performance Data Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 7 Years 10 Years Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Size (R M) Equity Mandates Benchmark Cognisant Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity 6,90% 8,58% -1,68% 7 15,41% 13,01% 2,40% 2 12,27% 9,16% 3,12% 1 9,34% 7,02% 2,32% 1 * * * 700 Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local 7,07% 8,58% -1,51% 6 14,65% 13,01% 1,64% 4 9,96% 9,16% 0,81% 7 7,20% 7,16% 0,03% 6 6,59% 7,29% -0,70% 3 7 500 Mentenova Local Equity 7,29% 7,87% -0,58% 4 14,74% 12,69% 2,04% 3 11,89% 8,97% 2,92% 2 * * * * * * 636 Momentum Investments Classic Equity 6,81% 7,87% -1,05% 5 13,53% 12,69% 0,84% 6 11,13% 8,97% 2,16% 4 8,88% 7,40% 1,48% 3 8,30% 7,46% 0,85% 1 18 255 Momentum Investments Target Equity 9,76% 7,85% 1,91% 1 13,57% 10,59% 2,98% 1 10,49% 8,69% 1,80% 6 8,66% 7,18% 1,48% 4 * * * 954 PPS Equity Fund 1,21% 7,87% -6,65% 8 11,53% 12,69% -1,16% 8 11,31% 8,97% 2,34% 3 8,50% 6,89% 1,61% 2 * * * 11 310 STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund 7,50% 7,87% -0,37% 3 13,95% 12,69% 1,26% 5 10,81% 8,97% 1,84% 5 8,27% 6,89% 1,38% 5 7,35% 7,14% 0,21% 2 2 197 Sygnia Core Equity Fund 8,02% 7,85% 0,18% 2 10,89% 10,59% 0,30% 7 8,81% 8,69% 0,12% 8 6,59% 7,18% -0,59% 7 * * * 4 703 Non Benchmark Cognisant Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund 5,25% 7,85% -2,59% 12,74% 10,59% 2,15% 10,60% 8,69% 1,90% 7,91% 7,18% 0,74% 8,62% 7,30% 1,32% 3 902 Bond Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local 9,58% 9,67% -0,09% 4 8,45% 7,41% 1,04% 2 8,53% 8,23% 0,30% 3 8,97% 8,44% 0,53% 2 8,70% 7,97% 0,73% 1 5 496 Mentenova Local Bond 10,19% 9,70% 0,49% 2 8,30% 7,43% 0,87% 3 8,61% 8,25% 0,36% 2 * * * * * * 1 358 Momentum Investments Moderate Bond FOF 10,56% 9,70% 0,86% 1 8,13% 7,43% 0,71% 4 8,44% 8,25% 0,19% 4 8,71% 8,44% 0,27% 3 8,28% 7,98% 0,30% 2 161 STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond 9,96% 9,70% 0,26% 3 8,52% 7,43% 1,09% 1 8,77% 8,25% 0,52% 1 9,19% 8,44% 0,74% 1 * * * 786 Money Market Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Banker 9,60% 8,06% 1,54% 2 7,04% 5,68% 1,36% 2 7,28% 5,94% 1,33% 2 7,71% 6,35% 1,36% 3 7,71% 6,42% 1,28% 1 22 162 Momentum Investments Diversified Money Market 9,39% 8,06% 1,33% 4 6,76% 5,68% 1,09% 4 7,18% 5,94% 1,24% 3 7,75% 6,35% 1,39% 2 7,67% 6,42% 1,24% 2 118 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Money Market 8,90% 8,06% 0,85% 5 6,48% 5,68% 0,80% 5 6,72% 5,94% 0,78% 5 7,11% 6,35% 0,76% 5 7,07% 6,42% 0,65% 4 459 STANLIB MM Enhanced Yield 9,89% 8,06% 1,84% 1 7,20% 5,68% 1,52% 1 7,55% 5,94% 1,61% 1 7,99% 6,35% 1,63% 1 * * * 439 Sygnia Money Market Fund 9,48% 8,06% 1,42% 3 6,92% 5,68% 1,24% 3 7,15% 5,94% 1,21% 4 7,59% 6,35% 1,23% 4 7,47% 6,42% 1,05% 3 2 644 Absolute Return Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Local 9,06% 9,58% -0,52% 8 11,98% 10,19% 1,79% 2 9,57% 9,08% 0,49% 8 8,69% 9,04% -0,34% 7 8,21% 9,44% -1,23% 5 5 223 Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Portfolio 11,31% 9,58% 1,74% 6 11,38% 10,19% 1,20% 3 9,82% 9,08% 0,74% 7 8,92% 9,04% -0,11% 5 8,57% 9,44% -0,86% 4 2 476 Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus 10,30% 8,56% 1,74% 5 8,87% 9,17% -0,30% 9 8,94% 8,06% 0,88% 6 8,30% 8,02% 0,28% 4 7,79% 8,42% -0,63% 3 3 668 Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Combined 11,91% 8,52% 3,39% 3 8,89% 9,13% -0,24% 8 9,24% 8,01% 1,23% 3 8,53% 7,98% 0,55% 2 * * * 2 734 Momentum Investments Absolute Strategies 7,00% 9,52% -2,53% 9 10,67% 10,13% 0,54% 7 8,98% 9,01% -0,03% 9 7,84% 8,98% -1,14% 9 7,57% 9,20% -1,63% 6 908 Momentum Investments Real Return 9,06% 8,52% 0,54% 7 10,12% 9,13% 0,99% 4 9,10% 8,01% 1,09% 5 8,73% 7,98% 0,75% 1 8,19% 8,20% -0,02% 1 354 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund 16,67% 9,52% 7,15% 1 11,09% 10,13% 0,96% 5 10,27% 8,95% 1,32% 2 8,60% 8,92% -0,32% 6 8,63% 9,15% -0,52% 2 678 SMM Moderate Absolute Fund 13,23% 10,04% 3,20% 4 13,16% 10,74% 2,43% 1 12,71% 10,19% 2,53% 1 10,74% 10,33% 0,41% 3 * * * 1 962 STANLIB Multi-Manager Real Return Fund 14,35% 10,53% 3,82% 2 11,77% 11,13% 0,64% 6 11,30% 10,20% 1,10% 4 9,64% 10,11% -0,48% 8 * * * 1 873 Market Data FTSE / JSE All Share Index 9,25% 13,51% 11,88% 9,93% 8,78% FTSE / JSE SWIX All Share Index 7,85% 10,59% 8,69% 7,18% 7,30% All Bond 9,70% 7,43% 8,25% 8,44% 7,98% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 8,06% 5,68% 5,94% 6,35% 6,42% Headline Inflation excluding OER 5,48% 6,12% 5,00% 5,00% 5,26% Headline Inflation 5,52% 6,13% 5,01% 4,98% 5,20%
Watch™ Survey (Specialist Mandates)
138 Section 3

# Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey
Investment Data to the end of December for the past 5 Calendar years Investment Managers Calendar Year 2022 Calendar Year 2021 Calendar Year 2020 Calendar Year 2019 Calendar Year 2018 Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Portfolio Benchmark Active Return Rank Equity Mandates Benchmark Cognisant Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity 7.89% 4.01% 3.87% 3 33.30% 27.81% 5.49% 1 4.83% 0.58% 4.25% 3 10.70% 6.75% 3.95% 3 -8.41% -10.94% 2.53% 1 Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local 5.69% 4.01% 1.68% 6 33.18% 27.81% 5.38% 3 1.32% 0.58% 0.74% 6 5.29% 6.75% -1.46% 8 -12.21% -10.94% -1.27% 8 Mentenova Local Equity 8.50% 4.41% 4.09% 2 29.76% 27.08% 2.68% 5 5.19% 0.58% 4.61% 2 10.38% 6.75% 3.63% 4 -8.76% -10.94% 2.18% 3 Momentum Investments Classic Equity 8.19% 4.41% 3.78% 4 26.64% 27.08% -0.44% 7 4.54% 0.58% 3.96% 4 10.80% 6.75% 4.05% 2 -9.48% -11.50% 2.02% 4 Momentum Investments Target Equity 5.54% 3.59% 1.95% 5 26.47% 21.06% 5.41% 2 2.40% 2.61% -0.21% 7 9.78% 9.32% 0.47% 6 -11.50% -11.67% 0.17% 6 PPS Equity Fund 9.02% 4.41% 4.61% 1 25.73% 27.08% -1.34% 8 10.61% 0.58% 10.03% 1 11.36% 6.75% 4.61% 1 -10.05% -10.94% 0.88% 5 STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund 5.83% 4.41% 1.42% 7 30.05% 27.08% 2.97% 4 3.41% 0.58% 2.83% 5 9.21% 6.75% 2.46% 5 -8.53% -10.94% 2.40% 2 Sygnia Core Equity Fund 3.44% 3.59% -0.16% 8 22.02% 21.06% 0.96% 6 2.37% 2.61% -0.24% 8 9.30% 9.32% -0.02% 7 -12.06% -11.67% -0.40% 7 Non Benchmark Cognisant Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund 5.12% 3.59% 1.52% 29.50% 21.06% 8.44% 3.38% 2.61% 0.77% 11.70% 9.32% 2.38% -8.70% -11.67% 2.97% Bond Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local 5.02% 4.23% 0.79% 2 10.82% 8.40% 2.42% 1 7.11% 8.65% -1.55% 4 10.25% 10.32% -0.08% 1 8.70% 7.74% 0.96% 2 Mentenova Local Bond 4.60% 4.26% 0.34% 3 10.20% 8.40% 1.80% 3 7.98% 8.65% -0.67% 2 10.18% 10.32% -0.14% 3 * * * Momentum Investments Moderate Bond FOF 4.31% 4.26% 0.05% 4 9.64% 8.40% 1.24% 4 7.64% 8.65% -1.02% 3 10.18% 10.32% -0.14% 4 8.12% 7.69% 0.44% 3 STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond 5.28% 4.26% 1.02% 1 10.40% 8.40% 2.00% 2 8.07% 8.65% -0.59% 1 10.22% 10.32% -0.10% 2 9.15% 7.69% 1.46% 1 Money Market Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Banker 6.53% 5.21% 1.32% 1 5.04% 3.81% 1.23% 2 6.54% 5.39% 1.16% 3 8.73% 7.29% 1.43% 2 8.81% 7.25% 1.56% 3 Momentum Investments Diversified Money Market 6.14% 5.21% 0.92% 3 4.82% 3.81% 1.01% 4 6.91% 5.39% 1.52% 2 8.71% 7.29% 1.42% 3 9.10% 7.25% 1.85% 1 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Money Market 6.13% 5.21% 0.92% 4 4.45% 3.81% 0.64% 5 5.85% 5.39% 0.46% 5 8.33% 7.29% 1.04% 5 8.00% 7.25% 0.75% 5 STANLIB MM Enhanced Yield 6.13% 5.21% 0.92% 5 5.62% 3.81% 1.81% 1 7.27% 5.39% 1.88% 1 8.91% 7.29% 1.62% 1 8.90% 7.25% 1.65% 2 Sygnia Money Market Fund 6.33% 5.21% 1.12% 2 4.99% 3.81% 1.18% 3 6.39% 5.39% 1.00% 4 8.62% 7.29% 1.33% 4 8.52% 7.25% 1.27% 4 Absolute Return Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Local 8.06% 11.45% -3.38% 2 19.14% 9.55% 9.59% 4 3.57% 7.24% -3.67% 9 8.61% 7.63% 0.98% 9 1.39% 9.26% -7.86% 6 Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Portfolio 4.90% 11.45% -6.55% 6 18.35% 9.55% 8.80% 5 5.88% 7.24% -1.35% 7 9.16% 7.63% 1.53% 7 3.40% 9.26% -5.85% 4 Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus 6.43% 10.44% -4.01% 3 9.93% 8.53% 1.40% 9 8.10% 6.22% 1.88% 2 10.02% 6.61% 3.41% 5 4.20% 8.22% -4.02% 3 Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Combined 4.08% 10.41% -6.33% 5 10.85% 8.47% 2.39% 8 9.50% 6.17% 3.33% 1 10.04% 6.56% 3.48% 3 5.24% 8.18% -2.95% 2 Momentum Investments Absolute Strategies 6.10% 11.41% -5.30% 4 19.39% 9.47% 9.93% 3 4.22% 7.17% -2.95% 8 8.83% 7.56% 1.27% 8 0.47% 9.18% -8.71% 8 Momentum Investments Real Return 7.07% 10.41% -3.33% 1 14.35% 8.47% 5.89% 7 5.61% 6.17% -0.56% 5 9.60% 6.56% 3.04% 6 6.37% 8.18% -1.81% 1 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund 0.44% 11.41% -10.97% 8 17.00% 9.47% 7.53% 6 6.28% 7.17% -0.90% 6 11.90% 7.56% 4.35% 1 0.95% 9.37% -8.42% 7 SMM Moderate Absolute Fund 3.33% 11.41% -8.08% 7 23.85% 10.76% 13.09% 1 9.92% 8.26% 1.67% 3 14.20% 10.50% 3.70% 2 3.94% 10.79% -6.85% 5 STANLIB Multi-Manager Real Return Fund 0.62% 12.41% -11.79% 9 21.36% 10.46% 10.90% 2 9.24% 9.14% 0.10% 4 11.97% 8.51% 3.46% 4 1.04% 10.18% -9.14% 9 Market Data FTSE / JSE All Share Index 3.58% 29.23% 7.00% 12.05% -8.53% FTSE / JSE SWIX All Share Index 3.59% 21.06% 2.61% 9.32% -11.67% All Bond 4.26% 8.40% 8.65% 10.32% 7.69% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 5.21% 3.81% 5.39% 7.29% 7.25% Headline Inflation excluding OER 7.83% 5.07% 2.98% 3.73% 5.37% Headline Inflation 7.41% 5.47% 3.17% 3.56% 5.18%
(Specialist Mandates)
139 Section 3

Multi-Manager Watch™ Survey Risk (Specialist Mandates)

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 – Volatility vs Return

Investment Managers 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Risk (Volatility) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Benchmark Cognisant Alexander Forbes Investments Accelerator Equity 15.41% 1 13.03% 2 2.40% 2 2.87% 0.84 2 Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Equity Local 14.65% 3 13.56% 4 1.64% 4 2.07% 0.79 4 Mentenova Local Equity 14.74% 2 13.60% 5 2.04% 3 1.86% 1.10 1 Momentum Investments Classic Equity 13.53% 6 13.20% 3 0.84% 6 1.93% 0.44 7 Momentum Investments Target Equity 13.57% 5 14.41% 8 2.98% 1 3.73% 0.80 3 PPS Equity Fund 11.53% 7 14.04% 7 -1.16% 8 3.47% -0.33 8 STANLIB Multi-Manager SA Equity Fund 13.95% 4 13.02% 1 1.26% 5 2.56% 0.49 5 Sygnia Core Equity Fund 10.89% 8 13.94% 6 0.30% 7 0.67% 0.44 6 Non Benchmark Cognisant Sygnia Absolute Focus Equity Fund 12.74% 13.50% 2.15% 2.93% 0.73 Bond Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Pure Fixed Interest Local 8.45% 2 8.15% 4 1.04% 2 1.10% 0.94 4 Mentenova Local Bond 8.30% 3 7.95% 1 0.87% 3 0.91% 0.95 2 Momentum Investments Moderate Bond FOF 8.13% 4 8.05% 3 0.71% 4 0.74% 0.95 3 STANLIB Multi-Manager Bond 8.52% 1 7.98% 2 1.09% 1 0.97% 1.13 1 Money Market Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Banker 7.04% 2 0.58% 2 1.36% 2 0.16% 8.47 2 Momentum Investments Diversified Money Market 6.76% 4 0.64% 4 1.09% 4 0.29% 3.69 4 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Money Market 6.48% 5 0.59% 3 0.80% 5 0.19% 4.29 3 STANLIB MM Enhanced Yield 7.20% 1 0.91% 5 1.52% 1 0.69% 2.20 5 Sygnia Money Market Fund 6.92% 3 0.57% 1 1.24% 3 0.12% 10.22 1 Absolute Return Mandates Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Local 11.98% 2 6.29% 5 1.79% 2 6.48% 0.28 2 Alexander Forbes Investments Real Return Focus Portfolio 11.38% 4 5.63% 4 1.20% 3 5.84% 0.21 3 Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus 8.87% 9 3.30% 1 -0.30% 9 3.50% -0.09 8 Alexander Forbes Investments Stable Focus Combined 8.89% 8 3.50% 2 -0.24% 8 3.72% -0.11 9 Momentum Investments Absolute Strategies 10.67% 6 7.27% 8 0.54% 7 7.40% 0.04 7 Momentum Investments Real Return 10.12% 7 4.07% 3 0.99% 4 4.26% 0.19 4 Old Mutual Multi-Managers Defensive Balanced Fund 11.09% 5 7.04% 7 0.96% 5 7.17% 0.10 5 SMM Moderate Absolute Fund 13.16% 1 6.46% 6 2.43% 1 6.77% 0.36 1 STANLIB Multi-Manager Real Return Fund 11.77% 3 7.75% 9 0.64% 6 7.88% 0.08 6 Market Indices & Statistics FTSE / JSE All Share Index 13.51% 15.27% FTSE / JSE SWIX All Share Index 10.59% 13.97% All Bond 7.43% 7.50% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 5.68% 0.52% 140 Section 3

SA Medical Aid Manager WatchTM Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey are targeted at medical aids and are bound by the restrictions imposed by Regulation 30 of the Medical Schemes Act

Investment Managers Fund Classification Benchmark Description No. of funds in composite Portfolio Size (R m) Absolute Return Funds Coronation Medical Absolute Pooled Headline CPI +3% N/A 815 M&G Medical Aid Fund Segregated Headline CPI +5% 3 2 489 OMIG Medical Aid Portfolio Segregated Headline CPI +4% (CPI +5% prior Dec 14) 2 336 Prescient Positive Return Medical Aid Composite Segregated Headline CPI + 3% 2 261 SIM Absolute Return Medical Fund Pooled Headline CPI +5% 5 2 242 Money Market Funds Aluwani Medical Aid Savings Money Market Segregated STeFI 2 492 Coronation Medical Cash Pooled STeFI N/A 135 Nedgroup Investments Corporate Money Market Fund Unit trust STeFI Call 1 43 412 Ninety One Stable Money Fund Pooled STeFI 1 1 698 Taquanta Core Cash Segregated STeFI 10 8 300 Balanced Funds Allan Gray Life Stable Medical Portfolio Pooled Headline CPI +3%, Alexander Forbes 3 month Deposit Index plus 2% N/A 2 949 Foord Medical Segregated Nedbank Daily Call Rate + 2% (Currently) 2 167 STANLIB Multi-Strategy Medical Aid Solution Unit trust as from 1 February 2022, benchmark changed to 35% Capped SWIX, 12.5% ALBI, 12.5% CILI, 20% STeFi, 5% All Property, 15% Bloomberg Multiverse 1 400 Total 63 696 General information INVESTMENT MANAGERS Authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No. 299 77 Crafting your financial future with skill and care. Mastering insightful investing. 141 Section 3

Objective: The portfolios in this survey are targeted at medical aids and are bound by the restrictions imposed by Regulation 30 of the Medical Schemes Act

* No performance history # Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

SA Medical Aid Manager WatchTM Survey Investment Data to the end of December 2023 –Performance Data Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a) 5 Years (p.a) 7 Years (p.a) 10 Years (p.a) Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Volatility Portfolio Benchmark Volatility Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Absolute Return Funds Coronation Medical Absolute 11.09% 8.52% 10.61% 9.13% 6.07% 9.11% 8.01% 6.46% 7.66% 7.98% 7.21% 8.20% M&G Medical Aid Fund 8.61% 10.52% 11.15% 11.13% 7.35% 8.84% 10.01% 9.08% 7.95% 9.98% 8.28% 10.20% OMIG Medical Aid Portfolio 8.71% 9.52% 10.43% 10.13% 6.50% 8.16% 9.01% 7.98% 7.52% 8.98% 7.25% 9.30% Prescient Positive Return Medical Aid Composite 9.51% 8.52% 9.22% 9.13% 1.27% 6.84% 8.01% 1.57% 6.28% 7.98% 6.23% 8.20% SIM Absolute Return Medical Fund 9.74% 10.52% 9.38% 11.13% 5.05% 8.98% 10.01% 5.83% 8.37% 9.98% 8.46% 10.20% Money Market Funds Aluwani Medical Aid Savings Money Market 8.95% 8.06% 6.40% 5.68% 0.57% 6.64% 5.94% 0.53% 7.10% 6.35% 7.13% 6.42% Coronation Medical Cash 9.07% 8.06% 6.66% 5.68% 0.60% 6.82% 5.94% 0.56% 7.29% 6.35% 7.35% 6.42% Nedgroup Investments Corporate Money Market Fund 8.89% 7.81% 6.38% 5.40% 0.55% 6.55% 5.47% 0.50% 7.00% 5.83% 7.02% 5.87% Ninety One Stable Money Fund 9.36% 8.06% 6.72% 5.68% 0.62% 7.01% 5.94% 0.57% 7.49% 6.35% 7.39% 6.42% Taquanta Core Cash 9.89% 8.06% 7.26% 5.68% 0.58% 7.47% 5.94% 0.55% 8.04% 6.35% 7.93% 6.42% Balanced Funds Allan Gray Life Stable Medical Portfolio 9.47% 8.52% 11.12% 9.13% 4.61% 8.37% 8.01% 7.17% 8.32% 7.98% 8.77% 8.20% Foord Medical 8.31% 9.74% 6.12% 7.35% 3.95% 6.80% 8.18% 4.43% 5.76% 7.51% 6.26% 7.58% STANLIB Multi-Strategy Medical Aid Solution 8.49% 9.80% 8.14% 7.50% 5.80% 7.58% 7.84% 5.23% 7.02% 8.43% 7.22% 9.12% Statistics Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 1.27% 5.01% 1.41% 4.98% 5.20% All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 7.50% 8.25% 8.47% 8.44% 7.98% FTSE / JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 15.27% 11.88% 17.05% 9.93% 8.78% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 13.93% 8.97% 17.27% 6.89% * FTSE / JSE SWIX All Share Index 7.85% 10.59% 13.97% 8.69% 16.45% 7.18% 7.30% Medical Consumer Price Inflation 6.40% 4.98% 2.86% 4.73% 2.97% 5.03% 5.25% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 8.06% 5.68% 0.52% 5.94% 0.47% 6.35% 6.42% Number of participants 13 13 13 13 13
142 Section 3

BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Performance Figures

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

* No performance history #Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Investment Managers Benchmark Global / Domestic Mandate Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Fund Size (R m) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Absolute Return Funds Headline CPI + 3% Balondolozi Absolute Return Fund Headline CPI + 3% Domestic 54.07% 71 11.40% 8.52% 10.57% 9.13% 10.60% 8.01% Mianzo Absolute Return Fund Headline CPI + 3% Domestic 100.00% 843 11.87% 8.52% 10.44% 9.13% 9.21% 8.01% Prescient Defensive Composite Headline CPI + 3% Domestic and Global 54.20% 2 004 11.93% 8.52% 9.58% 9.13% 8.50% 8.01% Prescient Positive ReturnDomestic Composite Headline CPI + 3% Domestic 54.20% 1 365 8.70% 8.52% 9.03% 9.13% 7.96% 8.01% SIM CPI + 3% Global Headline CPI + 3% Domestic and Global 58.23% 744 9.70% 8.52% 8.02% 9.13% 7.87% 8.01% SMM Cautious Absolute Fund Headline CPI + 3% Domestic and Global 58.23% 208 12.08% 8.52% * * * * Taquanta True Absolute Headline CPI + 3% Domestic 58.96% 8 057 11.21% 8.52% 9.35% 9.13% 9.53% 8.01% VFM Global Target Return CPI+3% Headline CPI + 3% Domestic and Global 63.84% 1 331 11.44% 8.52% 8.17% 9.13% 8.59% 8.01% Headline CPI + 4% Argon Absolute Return Global Balanced CPI+4% Fund Headline CPI + 4% Domestic and Global 78.90% 1 219 8.65% 9.52% 9.42% 10.13% 8.09% 9.01% Argon SA Absolute Return Headline CPI + 4% Domestic 78.90% 170 8.83% 9.52% 9.06% 10.13% 7.99% 9.01% OMIG Capital Builder Headline CPI + 4% Domestic 54.97% 776 7.25% 8.52% 5.40% 9.13% 6.19% 8.01% OMIG Stable Growth Fund Headline CPI + 4% Domestic and Global 54.97% 7 618 9.10% 9.52% 10.41% 10.13% 8.97% 9.01% Sentio Absolute Return Fund Headline CPI + 4% Domestic 73.77% 249 5.97% 9.52% 8.49% 10.13% 7.24% 9.01% SIM CPI + 4% Global Headline CPI + 4% Domestic and Global 58.23% 244 10.71% 9.52% * * * * VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+4% Headline CPI + 4% Domestic 63.84% 260 8.53% 9.52% 8.32% 10.13% 7.37% 9.01% VFM Global Target Return CPI+4% Headline CPI + 4% Domestic and Global 63.84% 424 12.08% 9.52% 9.10% 10.13% 8.97% 9.01% Total 25 582 Market statistics All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% 7.25% FTSE/JSE All Property Index 10.70% 14.61% -0.67% * FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 5.77% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% 6.60% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% 6.60% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 7.26% 9.59% 8.65% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% Short Term Fixed Interest Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% STeFI Call Deposit Index 7.80% 5.40% 5.48%
143 Section 3

BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Performance Figures (continued)

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

* No performance history #Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month. Investment Data to the end of December 2023

Investment Managers Benchmark Global / Domestic Mandate Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Fund Size (R m) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Absolute Return Funds Headline CPI + 5% Aeon Balanced Fund (CPI + 5%) Headline CPI + 5% (Prior to Jan 2018 it was STEFI + 3%) Domestic and Global 94,25% 946 16,79% 10,52% 11,96% 11,13% 10,77% 10,01% Camissa Protector Fund Headline CPI + 5% Domestic 81,93% 327 10,82% 9,52% 11,68% 10,13% 10,85% 9,01% OMIG Wealth Defender Headline CPI + 5% Domestic and Global 54,97% 5 062 8,78% 10,52% 7,59% 11,13% 7,07% 10,01% SIM CPI + 5% Headline CPI + 5% Domestic 58,23% 576 8,19% 10,52% 8,73% 11,13% 8,07% 10,01% SIM CPI + 5% Global Headline CPI + 5% Domestic and Global 58,23% 9 305 11,68% 10,52% 9,35% 11,13% 8,91% 10,01% SMM Moderate Absolute Fund Headline CPI + 5% Domestic and Global 58,23% 1 962 13,23% 10,52% 13,16% 11,13% 12,71% 10,01% VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+5% Headline CPI + 5% Domestic 63,84% 65 8,58% 10,52% * * * * VFM Global Target Return CPI+5% Headline CPI + 5% Domestic and Global 63,84% 931 12,44% 10,52% 9,46% 11,13% 9,06% 10,01% Headline CPI + 6% Ensemble Capital Prismatic Multi Asset CPI+6% Headline CPI + 6% Domestic 100,00% 60 6,02% 11,52% * * * * Mianzo Global Absolute ReturnCPI+6% Headline CPI + 6% Domestic and Global 100,00% 1 776 14,44% 11,52% 11,32% 12,13% 10,91% 11,01% SIM CPI + 6% Headline CPI + 6% Domestic 58,23% 915 8,30% 11,52% 9,69% 12,13% 8,78% 11,01% SIM CPI + 6% Global Headline CPI + 6% Domestic and Global 58,23% 2 523 11,56% 11,52% 9,95% 12,13% 9,31% 11,01% VFM Domestic Target Return CPI+6% Headline CPI + 6% Domestic 63,84% 1 352 9,08% 11,52% 9,24% 12,13% 7,94% 11,01% Total 25 800 Market statistics All Bond Index 9,70% 7,43% 8,25% FTSE/JSE All Property Index 10,70% 14,61% -0,67% FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9,25% 13,51% 11,88% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7,87% 12,69% 8,97% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 7,08% 8,82% 6,62% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10,15% 14,87% 0,24% FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 7,26% 9,59% 8,65% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share 7,85% 10,59% 8,69% Headline Inflation 5,52% 6,13% 5,01% Short Term Fixed Interest Index 8,06% 5,68% 5,94% STeFI Call Deposit Index 7,80% 5,40% 5,48%
144 Section 3

BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Performance Figures (continued)

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

* No performance history #Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Investment Managers Benchmark Global / Domestic Mandate Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Fund Size (R m) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Domestic Balanced Funds Aeon Domestic Balanced Fund CPI +5% Domestic 94.25% 903 4.87% 10.52% 8.60% 11.13% 7.24% 10.01% Aluwani Domestic Balanced Fund CPI +5% Domestic 84.00% 14 461 7.40% 10.52% 11.15% 11.13% 9.04% 10.01% Camissa Balanced Fund SA BIV Median Domestic 81.93% 2 052 5.37% 8.06% 12.19% 11.90% 11.54% 9.42% Mazi Domestic Balanced fund CPI +5% Domestic 98.00% 564 3.42% 10.52% 10.75% 11.13% * * Perpetua Domestic Balanced 70% Capped SWIX. 20% ALBI. 5% CILI. 5% STeFI Domestic 91.70% 47 10.13% 7.55% 14.48% 10.95% 9.37% 8.63% Global Balanced Funds Camissa Global Balanced Fund Global LMW Median Domestic and Global 81.93% 389 14.20% 13.36% 12.33% 11.98% 12.01% 10.42% Lima Mbeu Multi-Asset Portfolio 44% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX;8% FTSE/JSE SA Property index;25% ALBI;5% STeFI;4% LIBID USD 7 Days;7% MSCI World Index;7% Citigroup Group of Seven (G7) Index Domestic and Global 100.00% 143 9.89% 13.89% 9.63% 11.78% 7.92% 9.39% OMIG Balanced Portfolio Global LMW Median Domestic 54.97% 27 951 11.65% 14.01% 11.63% 11.44% 9.92% 10.89% OMIG Edge28 Portfolio The performance target is CPI+6%. No benchmark. Domestic 54.97% 11 613 9.28% * 12.30% * 10.14% * OMIG Profile Capital The performance target is CPI + 3%. Benchmark is 20% Capped SWIX. 10% MSCI ACWI Net Index. 30% BEASSA Index. 22.5% Stefi 3 Months. 10% Barclays Capital Global Bond Aggregate Index. 5% SAPY. 2.5% Gold Trust EFT Index Domestic 54.97% 7 762 9.06% 11.98% 10.57% 8.55% 8.66% 8.82% Perpetua Global Balanced ASISA SA Multi-Asset High Equity Average Domestic and Global 91.70% 478 17.32% 9.33% 14.73% 9.30% 10.97% 8.48% Prescient Balanced Composite 22.50% Capped SWIX. 22.50% ALSI. 12% ALBI. 13% STeFI. 5% SAPY. 20% MSCI World. 5% US 1mth TB Domestic and Global 54.20% 5 467 14.74% 14.22% 10.75% 11.80% 10.54% 9.92% Sanlam Accumulation Fund 24.5% SWIX. 24.5% Capped SWIX. 2% STeFI. 10% ALBI. 6% BSAGI. 8% Property. 21% MSCI World. 4% Barclays Aggr Bond Index Domestic and Global 58.23% 19 182 15.78% 16.07% 12.55% 12.43% 10.98% 10.54% Sanlam Wealth Creation 53% AF SA LMW Median (current-month proxy. finalisation occurs in the following month); 7% ALBI; 37% MSCI World AC Index; 3% Barclays Global Agg Bond Index Domestic and Global 58.23% 10 528 15.97% 16.29% * * * * SIM Global Unique Global LMW Median Domestic and Global 58.23% 13 369 12.81% 13.36% 10.81% 11.98% 9.37% 10.42% SMM Select Balanced Fund Global LMW median Domestic and Global 58.23% 3 471 13.21% 13.36% 12.89% 11.98% * * Weaver BCI Balanced FoF CPI + 6% Domestic and Global 53.00% 201 9.30% 11.52% 10.01% 12.13% * * Weaver BCI Moderate FoF CPI + 4% Domestic and Global 53.00% 585 9.85% 9.52% 9.61% 10.13% * * Total 119 165 Market statistics All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% FTSE/JSE All Property Index 10.70% 14.61% -0.67% FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 7.26% 9.59% 8.65% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% Short Term Fixed Interest Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% STeFI Call Deposit Index 7.80% 5.40% 5.48%
145 Section 3

BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Performance Figures (continued)

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

* No performance history #Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Investment Managers Benchmark Global / Domestic Mandate Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Fund Size (R m) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Equity Funds Aeon Active Equity Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index Domestic 94.25% 20 477 5.33% 7.85% 10.77% 10.59% 9.57% 8.69% Aeon Smart Multi-Factor Equity Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index Domestic 94.25% 41 4.29% 7.85% 8.56% 10.59% 7.50% 8.69% All Weather Capital SWIX Equity Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share index Domestic 61.65% 846 4.48% 7.85% 14.43% 10.59% 10.43% 8.70% ALUWANI Equity Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX40 Index Domestic 84.00% 339 6.77% 7.26% 9.94% 9.59% 8.75% 8.65% Argon SA Equity Capped SWIX FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 78.90% 7 241 6.39% 7.87% 13.16% 12.69% 9.52% 8.97% Argon SA Equity Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index Domestic 78.90% 445 6.59% 7.85% 11.42% 10.59% 9.19% 8.69% Balondolozi Active Equity Fund FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 54.07% 1 230 9.28% 7.87% 13.00% 12.69% 8.87% 8.97% Benguela SA Equity Capped SWIX Fund FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX Domestic 58.64% 211 9.35% 7.87% 12.76% 12.69% 7.88% 8.97% Benguela SA Equity SWIX Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share index Domestic 58.64% 176 9.38% 7.85% 10.93% 10.59% 8.19% 8.69% BlueAlpha Equity FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX Domestic 51.00% 2 536 7.36% 7.87% 10.85% 12.69% 7.03% 8.97% Cachalia Capital C Value Fund FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index Domestic 100.00% 303 4.46% 8.42% 12.17% 14.30% 13.10% 11.93% Camissa Core Equity Capped SWIX Fund FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX Domestic 81.93% 4 436 4.29% 7.87% 11.87% 12.69% 8.58% 8.97% Camissa Managed Equity Fund FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 81.93% 6 432 3.74% 7.87% 12.42% 12.69% 12.41% 9.41% Cannon All Equities ALSI Portfolio FTSE/JSE All Share Index Domestic 100.00% 23 1.76% 9.25% 13.63% 13.51% 5.44% 11.88% Differential SA Equity Fund FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 73.00% 2 888 7.04% 7.87% 13.75% 12.69% * * Ensemble Capital Prismatic General Equity FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index Domestic 100.00% 33 3.79% 7.85% * * * * Excelsia Capital Aggressive Equity FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 95.36% 1 033 -3.24% 7.87% 12.18% 12.69% 8.93% 8.97% Excelsia Capital Core Equity FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 95.36% 1 770 0.64% 7.87% 12.64% 12.69% 8.98% 8.97% Legacy Africa FM Capped SWIX Composite FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 100.00% 2 908 7.03% 7.87% 12.69% 12.69% 8.72% 8.97% Lima Mbeu SA Equity Fund FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 100.00% 136 5.64% 7.87% 10.18% 12.69% 7.46% 8.97% Mazi Asset Management Equity CAPPED SWIX Composite FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 98.00% 9 783 0.98% 7.87% 13.02% 12.69% 7.35% 8.97% Mazi Asset Management SWIX Composite FTSE/JSE SWIX Domestic 98.00% 202 1.22% 7.85% 11.05% 10.59% 7.39% 8.69% Mazi Capi Composite FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index Domestic 98.00% 1 774 2.93% 8.42% 15.06% 14.30% * * Total 65 263 Market statistics All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% FTSE/JSE All Property Index 10.70% 14.61% -0.67% FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 7.26% 9.59% 8.65% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% Short Term Fixed Interest Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% STeFI Call Deposit Index 7.80% 5.40% 5.48%
146 Section 3

BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Performance Figures (continued)

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

* No performance history #Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Investment Managers Benchmark Global / Domestic Mandate Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Fund Size (R m) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Equity Funds Mergence CAPI Fund FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index Domestic 80.00% 1 484 5.45% 8.42% 13.41% 14.30% 10.57% 11.93% Mergence SWIX Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX Domestic 80.00% 1 211 4.72% 7.85% 9.86% 10.59% 7.21% 8.69% Mianzo Active Equity CAPI FTSE/JSE Capped All Share Index Domestic 100.00% 1 401 6.34% 8.42% 15.58% 14.30% 12.63% 11.93% Mianzo Active Equity Composite Capped Swix/CAPI/ SWIX(ex SAPY ex Gambling) Domestic 100.00% 8 437 5.76% 8.35% 13.52% 11.82% 10.42% 9.92% Mianzo Enhanced Equity Fund JSE/FTSE Capped SWIX less SAPY Domestic 100.00% 2 174 6.41% 7.71% 14.02% 12.58% 10.10% 9.54% Oasis Specialist Domestic Equity South Africa OE (ASISA) Domestic Equity General Domestic 100.00% 10 974 6.83% 6.95% 11.80% 11.68% 8.84% 8.95% OMIG Fundamental Equity FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX ALSI Domestic 54.97% 51 142 5.16% 7.87% 13.33% 12.69% 7.98% 8.97% OMIG Managed Alpha Portfolio FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX ALSI Domestic 54.97% 17 742 4.72% 7.87% 11.34% 12.69% 8.62% 8.97% OMIG Premium Equity FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX ALSI Domestic 54.97% 11 560 8.33% 7.87% 11.30% 12.69% 9.50% 8.97% Perpetua Domestic Core Equity (SWIX) FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index Domestic 91.70% 5 920 6.35% 7.85% 11.95% 10.59% 9.78% 8.69% Perpetua Domestic Focused Equity FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index until 31 Dec 2019. thereafter FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 91.70% 5 982 9.51% 7.87% 17.35% 12.69% 9.32% 9.49% Prescient Core Capped SWIX Equity Composite FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX Domestic 54.20% 5 588 8.41% 7.87% 12.84% 12.69% 9.24% 8.97% Prescient Core SWIX Equity Composite FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index Domestic 54.20% 875 8.47% 7.85% 10.73% 10.59% 9.04% 8.69% Prescient Core Top 40 Equity Composite FTSE/JSE Top 40 Index Domestic 54.20% 919 9.31% 8.98% 12.86% 13.40% 12.28% 12.51% Sentio General Equity (Capped SWIX) FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 73.77% 1 196 1.26% 7.87% 11.08% 12.69% 7.59% 8.97% Sentio General Equity Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index Domestic 73.77% 11 208 2.64% 7.85% 9.42% 10.59% 7.75% 8.69% SIM Aggressive Equity 98% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX ALSI; 2% STeFI Domestic 58.23% 1 315 3.03% 7.90% 21.89% 12.57% 18.76% 8.94% SIM Moderate Equity 98% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX; 2% Call Rate 4 Banks Domestic 58.23% 10 563 4.63% 7.89% 11.77% 10.46% 10.51% 8.63% SIM Top Choice Equity Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX: 97% STeFI: 3% Domestic 58.23% 960 -0.61% 7.89% 11.21% 10.47% 13.35% 8.65% Umthombo Wealth Best House View Equity Fund Capped SWIX TR Domestic 99.20% 233 11.70% 7.87% * * * * Umthombo Wealth Moderate Equity Fund SWIX TR (1st December 2019 until current) Domestic 99.20% 1 007 9.45% 7.85% 12.77% 10.59% 10.16% 8.69% VunaniFM Active Capped SWIX FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index Domestic 63.84% 1 662 8.99% 7.87% 13.47% 12.69% 8.46% 8.97% VunaniFM Core Equity Fund FTSE/JSE SWIX Domestic 63.84% 175 8.95% 7.85% 11.26% 10.59% 8.70% 8.69% Total 153 728 Market statistics All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% FTSE/JSE All Property Index 10.70% 14.61% -0.67% FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 7.26% 9.59% 8.65% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% Short Term Fixed Interest Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% STeFI Call Deposit Index 7.80% 5.40% 5.48%
147 Section 3

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Performance Figures (continued)

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

* No performance history #Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Investment Managers Benchmark Global / Domestic Mandate Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Fund Size (R m) Month Quarter Year to date 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Bond Funds Aluwani Active Bond All Bond Index Domestic 84.00% 11 599 1.68% 1.49% 8.86% 8.11% 11.13% 9.70% 11.13% 9.70% 8.65% 7.43% 8.85% 8.25% Argon SA Bond Fund All Bond Index Domestic 78.90% 1 903 1.56% 1.49% 7.54% 8.11% 9.26% 9.70% 9.26% 9.70% 8.34% 7.43% 8.86% 8.25% Balondolozi Bond Fund All Bond Index Domestic 54.07% 4 277 1.57% 1.49% 8.77% 8.11% 9.67% 9.70% 9.67% 9.70% 8.02% 7.43% 8.48% 8.25% Ensemble Capital Prismatic Bond All Bond Index Domestic 100.00% 27 1.60% 1.49% 8.18% 8.11% 8.76% 9.70% 8.76% 9.70% * * * * Futuregrowth Core Bond Composite All Bond Index Domestic 52.51% 14 699 1.46% 1.49% 8.46% 8.11% 9.44% 9.70% 9.44% 9.70% 7.90% 7.43% 8.33% 8.25% Futuregrowth Listed YE Bond Fund All Bond Index Domestic 52.51% 258 1.52% 1.49% 8.72% 8.11% 9.57% 9.70% 9.57% 9.70% 7.97% 7.43% 8.56% 8.25% Futuregrowth Yield Enhanced All Bond Index Domestic 52.51% 16 552 1.93% 1.49% 9.36% 8.11% 10.40% 9.70% 10.40% 9.70% 9.27% 7.43% 9.52% 8.25% Independent Alternatives Muhu Bond Fund All Bond Index Domestic 51.00% 465 1.44% 1.49% 7.96% 8.11% 10.38% 9.70% 10.38% 9.70% 7.94% 7.43% * * Oasis Bond Unit Trust Fund South Africa OE (ASISA) Domestic FI Bond Domestic 100.00% 232 0.94% 1.46% 7.39% 7.87% 8.79% 8.90% 8.79% 8.90% 7.49% 7.53% 8.11% 7.08% Prescient Bond Quant Composite All Bond Index Domestic 54.20% 686 1.93% 1.49% 9.30% 8.11% 10.83% 9.70% 10.83% 9.70% 8.13% 7.43% 8.47% 8.25% Prescient Bond Quantplus Composite All Bond Index Domestic 54.20% 7 696 1.54% 1.49% 9.50% 8.11% 7.60% 9.70% 7.60% 9.70% 7.94% 7.43% 7.77% 8.25% Prowess Corporate Bond Portfolio All Bond Index Domestic 100.00% 3 191 1.34% 1.49% 7.30% 8.11% 10.06% 9.70% 10.06% 9.70% 7.60% 7.43% 8.21% 8.25% SIM Bond Fund All Bond Index Domestic 58.23% 5 970 1.89% 1.49% 8.33% 8.11% 11.81% 9.70% 11.81% 9.70% 7.99% 7.43% 9.68% 8.25% Umthombo Wealth Active Bond Composite All Bond Index Domestic 99.20% 1 168 1.39% 1.49% 7.22% 8.11% 9.09% 9.70% 9.09% 9.70% 7.11% 7.43% 7.39% 8.25% VunaniFM Active Bond Fund All Bond Index Domestic 63.84% 11 487 1.44% 1.49% 8.16% 8.11% 9.68% 9.70% 9.68% 9.70% 8.49% 7.43% 9.20% 8.25% Flexible Bond/Income Funds Argon Flexible Income Fund Stefi Composite*110% Domestic 78.90% 1 135 1.40% 0.72% 4.11% 2.27% 10.79% 8.86% 10.79% 8.86% 9.42% 6.25% 9.15% 6.54% Balondolozi Income Fund Stefi Composite*110% Domestic 54.07% 461 1.01% 0.72% 3.29% 2.27% 9.75% 8.86% 9.75% 8.86% 8.21% 6.24% 8.72% 6.57% Mazi Flexible Income fund 75% All Bond Index 1-3 years; 10% SA Property Index; 15% Citigroup World Government Bond Index Domestic 98.00% 319 0.95% 0.65% 3.55% 2.06% 10.42% 8.01% 10.42% 8.01% 8.12% 5.70% 8.38% 6.43% Prescient Bond Flexible Composite All Bond Index Domestic 54.20% 3 378 1.57% 1.49% 9.64% 8.11% 7.62% 9.70% 7.62% 9.70% 8.53% 7.43% 7.43% 8.25% Prescient Income Provider STeFi Call 110% Domestic 54.20% 45 459 1.16% 0.67% 3.96% 2.00% 10.52% 7.87% 10.52% 7.87% 8.30% 5.71% 7.94% 5.89% Terebinth Enhanced Income STeFi Composite Domestic 56.00% 802 0.98% 0.70% 3.56% 2.09% 10.54% 8.06% 10.54% 8.06% 7.70% 5.68% 7.98% 5.94% Terebinth Strategic Income STeFI+1% Global and Domestic 56.00% 17 391 1.43% 0.73% 5.34% 2.30% 11.90% 9.03% 11.90% 9.03% 9.08% 6.65% 9.17% 6.93% VFM Enhanced MA Income Composite STeFi Composite Domestic 63.84% 10 958 0.85% 0.70% 3.43% 2.09% 10.37% 8.06% 10.37% 8.06% 9.10% 5.68% 9.78% 5.94% Inflation Linked Bond Funds Aluwani Active Inflation Linked Bond IGOV Index Domestic 84.00% 1 103 2.16% 2.17% 6.20% 6.16% 7.50% 6.98% 7.50% 6.98% 9.52% 8.86% 7.02% 6.55% Balondolozi Inflation Linked Fund JSE ASSA CILI Domestic 54.07% 772 1.69% 2.12% 5.45% 6.03% 6.73% 7.08% 6.73% 7.08% 9.34% 8.82% * * Futuregrowth Core ILB Fund IGOV Index Domestic 52.51% 917 1.93% 2.17% 5.98% 6.16% 7.58% 6.98% 7.58% 6.98% 9.58% 8.86% 7.26% 6.55% Prescient Inflation Linked Bond Composite 90 ILBI / 10 STEFI Call Domestic 54.20% 1 087 2.10% 1.85% 6.52% 5.20% 6.73% 6.64% 6.73% 6.64% 10.88% 8.25% 7.83% 6.21% Prowess Active ILB Fund FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) Domestic 100.00% 615 2.07% 2.12% 5.54% 6.03% 6.91% 7.08% 6.91% 7.08% * * * * SIM Inflation Linked Bond Fund IGOV Index Domestic 58.23% 1 044 2.07% 2.17% 6.52% 6.16% 7.35% 6.98% 7.35% 6.98% 9.52% 8.86% 7.07% 0.00% VunaniFM Active Inflation-linked Bond Fund FTSE/JSE InflationLinked Index (CILI) Domestic 63.84% 2 744 2.21% 2.12% 6.05% 6.03% 7.77% 7.08% 7.77% 7.08% 9.52% 8.82% 7.67% 6.62% Total 168 396 Market statistics All Bond Index 1.49% 8.11% 9.70% 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% FTSE/JSE All Property Index 9.92% 15.86% 10.70% 10.70% 14.61% -0.67% FTSE/JSE All Share Index 2.00% 6.92% 9.25% 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 2.90% 8.21% 7.87% 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 2.12% 6.03% 7.08% 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 9.90% 16.37% 10.15% 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 1.95% 7.82% 7.26% 7.26% 9.59% 8.65% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share 2.53% 8.04% 7.85% 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% Headline Inflation -0.09% 1.44% 5.52% 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% Short Term Fixed Interest Index 0.70% 2.09% 8.06% 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% STeFI Call Deposit Index 0.67% 2.00% 7.80% 7.80% 5.40% 5.48%
148 Section 3

BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Performance Figures (continued)

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

* No performance history

Investment Managers Benchmark Global / Domestic Mandate Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Fund Size (R m) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Fund Benchmark Money Market Funds Aluwani Cash Plus Alexforbes Money Market Index/STEFI Domestic 84.00% 16 700 9.53% 8.06% 7.08% 5.68% 7.26% 5.94% Aluwani Medical Aid Savings Money Market STeFI Domestic 84.00% 492 8.95% 8.06% 6.40% 5.68% 6.64% 5.94% Argon Enhanced Money Market Fund STeFI Domestic 78.90% 2 172 8.91% 8.06% 6.42% 5.68% 6.85% 5.94% Balondolozi Cash Fund STeFI Domestic 54.07% 989 9.36% 8.06% 6.56% 5.68% 6.96% 5.94% Futuregrowth 180 Day Enhanced Money Market Composite STeFI Domestic 52.51% 10 957 9.15% 8.06% 6.55% 5.68% 6.85% 5.94% Futuregrowth Core Money Market Composite STeFI 3M Domestic 52.51% 18 314 8.81% 8.06% 6.35% 5.68% 6.59% 5.94% Legacy Africa Cash Plus Fund STeFI Domestic 100.00% 420 8.81% 8.06% 6.36% 5.68% * * Mazi Money Market Fund STeFI Domestic 98.00% 32 7.73% 8.06% 5.29% 5.68% 5.77% 5.94% Oasis Money Market Fund South Africa OE (ASISA) Domestic FI Money Market Domestic 100.00% 110 8.09% 1.55% 5.67% 1.34% 5.97% 3.25% Prescient Money Market Composite STeFI Domestic 54.20% 10 314 8.92% 8.06% 6.53% 5.68% 6.76% 5.94% Prescient Yield Quantplus Composite STeFI Domestic 54.20% 13 975 9.43% 8.06% 6.77% 5.68% 7.13% 5.94% Prowess Money Market Fund STeFI Domestic 100.00% 596 9.01% 8.06% * 5.68% * 5.94% SIM Cash Enhanced STeFI Domestic 58.23% 18 521 9.15% 8.06% 6.53% 5.68% 6.97% 5.94% SIM Cash Fund STeFI Domestic 58.23% 10 084 8.91% 8.06% 6.38% 5.68% 6.63% 5.94% SIM Corporate Money Market STeFI Domestic 58.23% 12 633 8.81% 8.06% 6.23% 5.68% 6.53% 5.94% Taquanta Cash Fund STeFI Domestic 58.96% 8 840 9.84% 8.05% 7.23% 5.68% 7.34% 5.94% Taquanta Core Cash STeFI Domestic 58.96% 8 300 9.89% 8.06% 7.26% 5.68% 7.47% 5.94% Terebinth Money Market STeFI Domestic 56.00% 111 8.56% 8.06% 6.19% 5.68% 6.40% 5.69% Volantis Enhanced Money Market Fund STeFI Domestic 90.00% 482 9.75% 8.06% 7.07% 5.68% * * Property Funds Catalyst FM Composite SA Listed Property Weighted average of SA Listed Property Index and All Property Index (Prior to May 2018 the benchmark was FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property) Domestic 54.91% 6 513 9.64% 10.67% 14.99% 14.55% 0.45% -0.43% Mazi Listed Property Fund FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Domestic 98.00% 442 9.63% 10.15% 14.61% 14.87% 0.04% 0.24% Meago Composite: ALPI FTSE/JSE All Property Index Domestic 100.00% 4 352 10.59% 10.70% 15.26% 14.62% 0.57% -0.65% Meago Composite: JSAPY FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Domestic 100.00% 8 270 9.84% 10.15% 15.10% 14.87% 0.83% 0.24% Prescient Property Composite FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Domestic 54.20% 321 9.62% 10.15% 14.66% 14.87% 0.10% 0.24% Vunani Property Income Fund 50% 0-3 yrs Bonds. 25% Real estate Development & Services (J863) and 25% Real Estate Investment Trusts (J867) Domestic 63.84% 105 12.29% 13.08% 11.68% 11.71% 6.48% 6.16% Total 154 045 Market Statistics All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% FTSE/JSE All Property Index 10.70% 14.61% -0.67% FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% FTSE/JSE Inflation-Linked Index (CILI) 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 7.26% 9.59% 8.65% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% Short Term Fixed Interest Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% STeFI Call Deposit Index 7.80% 5.40% 5.48%
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BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Empowerment Details

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

Details of Empowerment Shareholding as at 31 December 2023

Manager Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Empowerment Shareholding Staff and Management (Empowerment) Staff and Management (Female) Ownership/Partner(s) Empowerment shareholding (%) Board Members (%) Executives (%) Staff (excl management) (%) Investment Analyst (%) Portfolio Manager (%) Board Members (%) Executives (%) Staff (excl management) (%) Investment Analyst (%) Portfolio Manager (%) Total Staff Empowerment (%) Total Staff Female (%) Empowerment Rating Use of majority black-owned brokerages as a percentage of total brokerages used Aeon Investment Management 94.25% Aeon Investment Management Staff Share Trust ZAR Trust 30.00% 70.00% 100.00% 100.00% 72.73% 57.14% 66.67% 60.00% 50.00% 45.45% 28.57% 0.00% 73.33% 53.33% Level 1 50.69% All Weather Capital 61.65% All Weather Sharescheme Zava Financial Services 18.25% 81.75% 60.00% 26.67% 57.14% 40.00% 0.40% 0.40% 22.22% 0.29% 0.00% 26.67% 22.22% 40.00% Level 1 87.00% ALUWANI Capital Partners 84.00% ALUWANI Management Partners (Pty) Ltd Aluwani Ventures (Pty) Ltd Khululu Capital (Pty) Ltd Temo Capital (Pty) Ltd 36.00% 16.00% 24.00% 24.00% 71.00% 67.00% 79.00% 82.00% 82.00% 43.00% 17.00% 45.00% 40.00% 36.00% 78.00% 58.00% Level 1 51.00% Argon 78.90% Executive Management External Holding Staff Share Trust 33.00% 18.00% 49.00% 100.00% 100.00% 85.71% 75.00% 66.67% 50.00% 0.00% 57.14% 50.00% 22.22% 86.11% 55.56% Level 1 24.74% Balondolozi Investment Services 54.07% Balondolozi Employee Trust Fund Pedro Samuel Family Trust 49.00% 51.00% 66.66% 50.00% 90.00% 100.00% 42.85% 55.55% 50.00% 70.00% 100.00% 28.57% 73.33% 73.33% Level 1 75.00% Benguela Global Fund Managers 58.64% Employee Owned 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 89.47% 83.33% 50.00% 66.66% 25.00% 38.88% 37.50% 0.00% 88.88% 38.88% Level 1 36.55% BlueAlpha 51.00% A Space (Pty) Ltd Crede Capital Partners 9.80% 90.20% 50.00% 25.00% 80.00% 80.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 27.00% 20.00% 25.00% 60.00% 27.00% Level 2 43.00% Cachalia Capital 100.00% Ms Mashuda Cassim 100.00% 66.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 66.00% 100.00% 50.00% 50.00% 50.00% 100.00% 66.00% Level 1 33.00% Camissa Asset Management 81.93% Camissa Asset Management staff Sinayo Capital 74.00% 26.00% 83.33% 50.00% 75.90% 55.00% 20.00% 66.67% 16.67% 51.22% 25.00% 5.00% 77.78% 57.41% Level 1 39.00% Cannon 100.00% Seriti Capital Partners 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 33.30% 33.30% 0.00% 100.00% 60.00% Level 1 100.00% Catalyst 54.91% BEE Staff Trust Catalyst Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd Other 18.38% 72.52% 9.11% 50.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 85.71% 42.86% Level 1 41.40% Differential Capital 73.00% Staff Standard Bank 75.00% 25.00% 60.00% 80.00% 78.00% 88.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0.00% 78.00% 10.00% Level 2 10.00% Ensemble Capital 100.00% Eligert Pty Ltd Malogane Investments Wishing Well Horizon Family Trust Young Money Holdings 16.00% 17.00% 57.00% 10.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 75.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 100.00% 25.00% Level 1 90.00% Excelsia Capital 95.36% Excelsia Holdings (Pty) Ltd Staff 93.24% 6.76% 75.00% 60.00% 57.14% 62.50% 50.00% 50.00% 20.00% 42.86% 37.50% 0.00% 58.30% 41.70% Level 2 41.00% Futuregrowth 52.51% AIH Ownership Imfundo Educational Trust OMES Black Management Trust OMIG Ownership 40.37% 10.09% 14.30% 35.23% 50.00% 63.60% 86.90% 92.30% 63.60% 100.00% 100.00% 87.50% 50.00% 100.00% 84.20% 54.70% Level 1 75.00% Independent Alternatives 51.00% Executive Management Minority Shareholders 80.00% 20.00% 60.00% 67.00% 100.00% 100.00% 50.00% 20.00% 33.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% Level 2 100.00% Legacy Africa 100.00% Legacy Africa Staff 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 87.50% 37.50% 0.00% 100.00% 53.85% Level 1 88.00% Lima Mbeu 100.00% African Rainbow Capital Financial Services Holdings (Pty) Ltd Employee Share Scheme Founders 50.00% 16.00% 34.00% 67.67% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 16.67% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 40.00% Level 1 66.67%
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BEE Manager Watch™ Survey – Empowerment Details (continued)

Objective: The purpose of the BEE Manager Watch™ survey is to provide clients, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons across SA BEE asset managers.

Details of Empowerment Shareholding as at 31 December 2023

Manager Total empowerment Shareholding (%) Empowerment Shareholding Staff and Management (Empowerment) Staff and Management (Female) Ownership/Partner(s) Empowerment shareholding (%) Board Members (%) Executives (%) Staff (excl management) (%) Investment Analyst (%) Portfolio Manager (%) Board Members (%) Executives (%) Staff (excl management) (%) Investment Analyst (%) Portfolio Manager (%) Total Staff Empowerment (%) Total Staff Female (%) Empowerment Rating Use of majority black-owned brokerages as a percentage of total brokerages used Mazi Asset Management 98,00% Mazi Staff 100.00% 100,00% 0,00% 89,00% 75,00% 57,00% 50,00% 0,00% 58,00% 45,00% 0,00% 92,00% 58,00% Level 1 33,20% Meago Asset Managers 100,00% Employee Share Scheme Meago Holdings (Pty) Ltd 10.00% 90.00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 40,00% 0,00% 66,67% 60,00% 0,00% 100,00% 50,00% Level 1 65,00% Mergence Investment Managers 80,00% 1x senior staff member Non-South African (Male) 1x senior staff member white (female) 3x senior staff members white (Male) 4x senior staff members black (Male) Founding partner/s and staff black (Male) 2.19% 2.19% 15.03% 17.35% 63.24% 100,00% 80,00% 90,00% 91,00% 50,00% 0,00% 20,00% 59,00% 45,00% 17,00% 81,00% 50,00% Level 1 40,00% Mianzo Asset Management 100,00% Luvo Tyandela Mianzo Employee Trust 55.00% 45.00% 66,66% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 0,00% 20,00% 40,00% 20,00% 20,00% 100,00% 33,33% Level 1 42,14% Oasis Group Holdings 100,00% Oasis Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd 100.00% 100,00% 100,00% 71,54% 47,06% 100,00% 44,44% 50,00% 30,51% 17,65% 0,00% 72,00% 31,20% Level 1 21,71% OMIG 54,97% Imfundo Trust Old Mutual Limited OMIG Management 2.10% 86.30% 11.60% 66,67% 75,00% 76,47% 77,27% 53,57% 0,00% 25,00% 36,97% 31,82% 17,86% 76,42% 45,53% Level 1 34,14% Perpetua Investment Managers 91,70% Perpetua Management and Staff RMI Investment Managers 85.00% 15.00% 83,33% 100,00% 75,00% 50,00% 100,00% 33,33% 33,33% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 79,17% 63,00% Level 2 69,70% Prescient 54,20% Prescient South Africa (Pty) Ltd 100.00% 63,00% 50,00% 67,00% 68,00% 64,00% 50,00% 50,00% 32,00% 37,00% 9,00% 65,00% 46,00% Level 1 73,00% Prowess Investment Managers 100,00% Ms. Kelebogile Moloko Prowess Foundation Prowess Staff 25.00% 50.00% 25.00% 83,00% 100,00% 100,00% 100,00% 66,00% 50,00% 100,00% 71,00% 33,00% 33,00% 93,00% 60,00% Level 1 26,82% Sanlam Multi- Managers 58,23% Flow-through from Absa Financial Services Limited Flow-through from ARC Financial Services Investments (Pty) Ltd Flow-through from Sanlam Limited 12.50% 21.90% 65.60% 55,56% 81,82% 69,27% 62,50% 40,91% 11,11% 27,27% 54,40% 50,00% 18,18% 69,27% 54,40% Level 1 29,57% Sentio Capital 73,77% Mohamed Mayet Rayhaan Joosub RMI Investment Managers Sentio Staff Trust Trougot von Czettritz 25.30% 25.30% 30.00% 14.30% 5.10% 66,67% 80,00% 90,00% 100,00% 100,00% 0,00% 0,00% 40,00% 50,00% 0,00% 89,47% 31,58% Level 1 34,00% SIM 58,23% Flow-through from Absa Financial Services Limited Flow-through from ARC Financial Services Investments (Pty) Ltd Flow-through from Sanlam Limited 12.50% 21.90% 65.60% 55,56% 81,82% 69,27% 62,50% 40,91% 11,11% 27,27% 54,40% 50,00% 18,18% 69,27% 54,40% Level 1 29,57% Taquanta Asset Managers 58,96% DEC Investment Holding Company (Pty) Ltd Taquanta Black Staff Work Biz Trading (Pty) Ltd 52.14%
39.57% 85,71% 50,00% 89,47% 0,00% 54,55% 57,14% 16,67% 55,56% 0,00% 15,38% 72,50% 50,00% Level 1 100,00% Terebinth Capital 56,00% Nomathibana Matshoba Terebinth Ubuntu Employee Scheme 82.00% 18.00% 50,00% 50,00% 64,00% 100,00% 67,00% 50,00% 50,00% 36,00% 33,00% 33,00% 61,00% 50,00% Level 1 100,00% Umthombo Wealth 99,20% Bafedile Mafologele Investment team share incentive scheme Nokuthula Mthombothi Nombuso Zwane 73.50% 11.50% 10.00% 5.00% 80,00% 75,00% 57,14% 50,00% 60,00% 40,00% 50,00% 14,29% 0,00% 20,00% 11,50% 15,30% Level 2 50,00% Volantis 90,00% Elenjical Solutions Sisa Litha Mayekiso Staff share scheme Tinu Elenjical 10.00% 51.00% 29.00% 10.00% 0,00% 36,00% 40,00% 7,00% 17,00% 0,00% 7,00% 0,00% 7,00% 6,00% 80,00% 20,00% Level 2 We trade directly with counterparts Vunani Fund Managers 63,84% Lexshell 630 Investments (Pty) Ltd Tocosize Pty Ltd Vunani Capital 11.00% 30.00% 59.00% 83,00% 71,00% 79,00% 100,00% 38,00% 33,00% 29,00% 34,00% 57,00% 13,00% 78,00% 42,00% Level 1 39,92% Weaver Investment Management 53,00% Miya Investments (Pty) Ltd Owen Khumalo 18.87% 81.13% 60,00% 50,00% 50,00% 100,00% 0,00% 40,00% 0,00% 50,00% 100,00% 0,00% 75,00% 50,00% Level 2 We are a multimanager
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LDI Manager Watch™ Survey

How to interpret and use this survey

LDI is a complex area of investment. Alexander Forbes strongly recommends that investors obtain professional assistance in determining whether a specific LDI strategy or LDI manager is appropriate for them. The guide below is not sufficiently comprehensive to enable most investors to reliably choose an LDI manager without further assistance. The guide will help investors appreciate the drivers of differential performance between managers and strategies at specific times in the market.


The LDI survey reports on the outperformance LDI asset managers deliver relative to a liability based benchmarks. The survey provides simple numerical measures that encapsulate the risk these managers have exposed clients to as well as the outperformance they have acheived. The survey reports on the performance of ‘composites’, or groups of portfolios with similar characteristics.

Most LDI hedging techniques are based on algorithmic solutions (or rules based mathematical techniques), suggesting that ineffective hedging techniques will very rapidly show up in this survey. The skillset of managers offering low risk solutions, tracking liabilities closely with tight mandate restrictions will generally show up over even short periods such as one year.

However, it is always preferable to evaluate these managers over a longer period if this is available. The period used for analysis should include at least one large shift in yield curves. More than one large shift in yields has occurred during the last twelve months, the short history available in this survey is hence adequate for judging manager’s ability to create effective hedges.

In addition to focusing on tracking liabilities, some managers target outperformance of liabilities by investing in riskier asset classes such as credit (and potentially view taking on the markets). An evaluation of the approach used and the skills of each manager is required to access how likely these managers are to deliver alpha in the future.

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The past performance of these managers can be used as part of this evaluation. Longer periods will be required to accurately form a view of how good the manager is at choosing and managing credit. The exact length will depend on the strategy used, but may require five years or longer. Many LDI managers don’t have a track record this long. It is useful in such cases to look at the manager’s performance in ordinary credit portfolios.

Investors also need to consider the time frame over which they measure risk when choosing a manager and more importantly, in setting their mandates, mandate restrictions and portfolio targets. For example, listed companies may need to manage pension fund or other sinking fund risks over a very short period to match their reporting requirements. Pension funds that are valued once every three years, with a larger risk appetite and a desire to target growth could use a longer evaluation period such as three years.

Specific measures

Liability outperformance shows how much value, in excess of the growth in liabilities, the manager was able to add for their client. All else being equal, a larger outperformance is preferable. Investors should consider a sufficiently long performance period to smooth over interest, credit and inflation cycles if they are primarily concerned with the longer term performance of their liability hedging activities. For example, certain investors may require close tracking on a monthly basis, while others may be more concerned with longer term value add. Investors should therefore give adequate attention to manager performance over periods that match their own reporting, risk evaluation and risk tolerance frequency. Consideration should be given to all the stakeholders associated with the liability in reaching this decision.

Liability convexity and duration are technical measures of certain liability characteristics. In general, the larger these quantities are, the more difficult it is to create an effective hedge. These measures can hence be seen as one of the constraining factors governing managers’ efficacy in hedging and adding outperformance. Performance is therefore not necessarily comparable between managers with vastly different liability durations and convexities. A typical defined benefit pensioner liability increasing with full inflation annually has a duration of between nine and twelve years at current yields.

The “% exposure to credit assets” measures the exposure to risky assets, excluding government-linked bonds and some forms of cash. All else equal, the larger this percentage is, the greater one would expect the long-term outperformance of liabilities to be. This figure may also reflect mandate constraints regarding the inclusion of credit.

The “% unlisted exposure” shows the proportion of the portfolio which is invested in unlisted instruments. Unlisted instruments may (but are not necessarily) subject to poor valuations or infrequent valuations by the manager. Many unlisted instruments such as swaps may be valued independently by a counterparty bank, partially mitigating this risk.

A brief description of the benchmark used is given for each composite. Only similar composites should be compared directly. For example, swap based and bond based benchmarks are not directly comparable.

Portfolio as a percentage of liability shows the size of the assets managed by the manager relative to the size of the liability the manager is mandated to hedge. For example, a pension fund with a R100 liability that gives their LDI manager R50 and invests R50 into the equity market would have a proportion of 50%. All else being equal, the larger this portion is, the easier it is to hedge a liability. This is hence an additional constraining factor on managers. Portfolios in the survey have been grouped into bands expected to offer similar hedging efficacy.

The minimum funding level shows the lowest funding level that would have applied over various time periods, assuming the investor’s liabilities and assets were equal at the start of the period. Assuming all else is equal, larger minimum funding levels are preferable. A minimum funding level is an important risk measure in evaluating how well a manager can manage downside risk relative to the investor’s liability.

Tracking error shows the dispersion of portfolio returns relative to the investor’s liability. All else being equal, a lower tracking error is preferable. Unfortunately tracking error captures outperformance (desirable) as well as underperformance (undesirable). Where close liability tracking is not essential, the minimum funding level is a superior measure of risk. For example, a manager providing a high degree of outperformance and high minimum funding levels may be a suitable choice even if this manager has a high tracking error.

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LDI specific



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Liability outperformance shows how much value, in excess of the growth in liabilities, the manager was able to add for their client.


Longer-dated nominal bond yields generally fell during the fourth quarter of 2023.

More detail on specific yield curve movements are in their dedicated sections below. The unfolding history of these yields influence Liability Driven Investment (LDI) performance over time. The key news items over the quarter are below:

The key news items over the quarter are as follows:


6 8 7 4

Liability convexity and duration are technical measures of certain liability characteristics.

% exposure to credit assets measures the exposure to risky assets, excluding government-linked bonds and some forms of cash.

% unlisted exposure shows the proportion of the portfolio which is invested in unlisted instruments.

Portfolio as a percentage of liability shows the size of the assets managed by the manager relative to the size of the liability the manager is mandated to hedge.

The minimum funding level shows the lowest funding level that would have applied over various time periods, assuming the investor’s liabilities and assets were equal at the start of the period.

Tracking error shows the dispersion of portfolio returns relative to the investor’s liability.

The risk adjusted outperformance shows the extent to which managers outperform liabilities, adjusted for the tracking error or risk they have introduced.

• The World Health Organization (WHO) declared in May 2023 that COVID-19 is no longer a “global health emergency”. After the waves of infections in China in 2023, no new significant waves of infections have been observed around the world.

• Attention among investors has shifted towards global inflation and changing interest rates with the COVID pandemic no longer being the singular dominant driving force of global economies.

• Inflation continued to be a major concern for global economies, including in South Africa. The South African Reserve Bank’s (SARB’s) main target is to keep local inflation between 3% and 6%. South African consumer price inflation (CPI, “inflation”) was 7.2% over 2022, higher than the target band. In 2021, it was 5.9% (source: StatsSA).

• The SARB and other central banks increase interest rates intending to reduce future inflation.

• The increased interest rates are response to rising inflation and inflation expectations, where the tighter monetary policy intends to reduce future inflation and current inflation expectations. The SARB’s increases were widely expected due to their hawkish nature in this environment. (“Hawkish” – where a policymaker / central bank focusses policies on curbing inflation).

• The South African inflation (CPI) rate for 2023 was 5.1%, which is within the SARB’s target range. This is a direct result of the hawkish decision-making by the local and many international central banks to increase interest rates.

• For the second consecutive quarter, the SARB maintained the local interest (repo) rate at 8.25%.

• For context, the SARB reduced the repo rate to 3.50% during the COVID pandemic. The first increase was in November 2021 to 3.75%. There were then ten consecutive increases, with the tenth increase coming in May from 7.75% to 8.25%. The pre-pandemic level was 6.50%.

• Consumer Price Inflation in the USA (“US inflation”) was 6.5% over 2022 and 7.0% in 2021. Both are high levels of inflation relative to the US 10-year average inflation over the past 10 years, being 2.8%, which includes these high 2021 and 2022 levels.

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• The US inflation index reduced in Q4 of 2023, bringing the total inflation to 3.4% over 2023. The large reduction in annual inflation over 2023 results from recent US Fed hawkishness. However, this is still above the US Fed Chair, Jerome Powell’s, recently stated target of 2.0%.

• The Fed Funds rate was 0.00% in January 2022 and there have since been twelve consecutive increases.

• This quarter, the Fed maintained their interest rate of 5.50%. This is the highest Fed Funds rate since before the global financial crisis of 2008.

• Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) in the European Union (“EU”) was 9.2% over 2022 and 5.0% in 2021. CPI in the United Kingdom (“UK”) was 10.5% in 2022 and 5.4% in 2021. Inflation remains a concern in these areas and their central banks are hawkish in nature like the SARB and the US Fed, and have consequently been increasing interest rates.

• The European Central Bank maintained its interest rate in Q4, mirroring SA and the USA. The rate remains 4.50%.

• The European Central Bank previously raised their rate ten consecutive times since August 2022 when it was 0.00%.

• The Bank of England also maintained its interest rate at 5.25%.

• The Bank of England previously increased their rate fourteen consecutive times since December 2021 when it was 0.15%.

• The People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”) also maintained interest rates in Q4 2023, maintaining the rate at 3.45%.

• Contrasting the local and global hawkishness, the People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”) has a lower interest rate at the end of 2023 compared to the beginning. Since the global COVID shutdown, the PBOC has only decreased interest rates. With the need to protect future levels of growth being more concerning to the PBOC than the need to curb inflation, their position is “dovish” – the opposite of hawkish.

• The looser monetary policy intended to help ease various short-term pressures in the local market caused by the Zero COVID-related lockdowns and challenges in property markets. In the longer term, the government’s plan to achieve “common prosperity” may affect economic growth and markets.

• Global market performance for 2022 was mostly negative. The MSCI All Countries World and MSCI World indices each lost over 12.0% in Rand terms, while MSCI Emerging Markets struggled even more with a loss of 14.2% in Rand terms. Most global equity markets recovered in 2023, with respective Rand returns of 31.6%, 33.3% and 18.2% in the

aforementioned indices. While global performance was positive in USD, the Rand returns are higher still due to Rand depreciation.

• The continued military conflict in Ukraine involving Russia and Ukraine may continue to influence markets over 2024, with volatility in markets being exacerbated by the continued violent conflict in Israel and Palestine, and new flashpoints in the Middle East.

Bond managers continue to face the challenges of a volatile market, where developed nation bonds have lower yields and emerging market bonds have higher risks.

The local equity market rose rapidly in 2021 and more steadily in 2022 despite global challenges. The Capped SWIX index returned 27.08% over 2021, and 4.41% over 2022. Performance is positive in 2023, returning 7.87% in ZAR, helped by a positive Q4. Positive performance would be expected to have favourable effects for LDI hedging strategies, since many defined benefit funds have elected to combine interest- and inflation-hedging with growth assets (like SA and global equities).

Liabilities and their immunising bond (LDI) portfolios have performed similarly over the quarter, so the rising values of growth assets would, generally, lift funding levels, depending on the relative level of de-risking.

Inflation-linked bond section

Real yields (I2046) in the long end decreased by 32 basis points from around 5.19% at the end of Q3 (September) to 4.87% at the end of this quarter (December). Yields generally decreased across the long and short ends of the real yield curve.

High real yields present an opportunity for funds to hedge real liabilities, including those that have not been able to do so in the past. It may be worth revisiting this topic if you are a decision-making agent for an entity with defined liabilities (such as a defined benefit retirement fund or an insurer) without existing LDI assets. However, this opportunity would need to contrast against to the potential loss of higher expected returns (due to reduced allocations to growth assets like equities and property). We recommend discussing this with an LDI expert or your valuator.

Higher yields also benefit funds transitioning unhedged active members into a hedged pensioner pool, as the transfer (and subsequent expansion of the LDI hedge) may occur at a higher yield than was previously possible.

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Nominal bond section

Long-dated nominal bond yields decreased over the quarter with bond yields of the R2040 decreasing by 75 basis points from 12.89% at the end of Q3 (September) to 12.14% at the end of this quarter (December).

Considering the 2030 maturity (R2030), the yields in the medium end of the curve also decreased. This quarter, yields on the R2030 decreased by 106 basis points from 10.82% at the end of Q3 (September) to 9.76% at the end of December. Yields in the short-term generally decreased. In combination, the result is a flatter yield curve as at the end of Q4 (December) compared to the end of the last quarter (September) of the last quarter (September).


Manager returns were diverse over the quarter.

Given the broad range of characteristics seen in the participants’ composites, this is as expected. For example, the levels of allocations to credit and the benchmark durations vary notably.

Participating managers broadly coped well with a challenging and volatile environment, with most delivering positive (or zero) outperformance. However, one can only draw limited conclusions from the small sample of participating LDI managers in the Survey, and we recommend caution when analysing these managers. Investors should seek bespoke advice when considering LDI.

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156 Section 3
Sanlam Investment Management is an Authorised Financial Services Provider.

LDI Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent liability-driven investment funds with benchmarks expressly referencing investor liabilities.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

Investment Managers 3rd Party Assets Liability Characteristics Portfolio Characteristics 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) Liability Benchmark Duration Liability Benchmark Convexity % exposure to credit assets % unlisted exposure Portfolio Size (R M) Benchmark Inflation-Linked Bond Yield Curve Benchmarking Ashburton Yes -0.95% -0.46% 0.08% 8.54 106.09 1.70% 0.00% 604 Liability benchmark. zero spread STANLIB Composite 1 Yes 6.47% 6.29% 6.46% 7.75 101.65 100.00% 11.87% 1 599 Liability benchmark. zero spread STANLIB Composite 3 0.04% 0.43% 0.24% 11.88 230.01 0.00% 0.00% 898 Liability benchmark. zero spread Nominal Bond Yield Curve Benchmarking Ninety One Yes 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.12 8.00 0.00% 0.00% 4 830 Liability benchmark. zero spread STANLIB Composite 2 Yes 0.51% 0.67% 0.88% 6.80 81.21 0.00% 471 Liability benchmark. -25bps spread Total 8 402 Market Indices & Statistics All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% JSE ASSA SA Gov ILB Index 7.08% 8.82% 6.62% STeFi 8.06% 5.68% 5.94%
Risk Statistics Investment Managers LDI portfolio as a percentage of liability (P = Physical / E = Effective) Minimum funding level assuming an artificial starting level of 100% at the start of the period Tracking Error (Annualised) <25% 25-50% 50-75% >75% 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years Inflation-Linked Bond Yield Curve Benchmarking Ashburton PE 99.05% 98.64% 99.92% 0.68% 0.83% 2.02% STANLIB Composite 1 P E 100.31% 99.77% 100.39% 1.71% 1.72% 1.70% STANLIB Composite 3 PE 99.91% 100.01% 99.81% 0.14% 0.75% 0.60% Nominal Bond Yield Curve Benchmarking Ninety One PE 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% STANLIB Composite 2 PE 99.99% 99.96% 100.01% 0.48% 0.42% 0.62% Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) Inflation-Linked Bond Yield Curve Benchmarking Ashburton -1,38 -0,55 0,04 STANLIB Composite 1 3,79 3,66 3,79 STANLIB Composite 3 0,29 0,58 0,39 Nominal Bond Yield Curve Benchmarking Ninety One Zero tracking error Zero tracking error Zero tracking error STANLIB Composite 2 1,06 1,61 1,42 Investment Data to the end of December 2023 157 Section 3

Shari’ah Manager WatchTM Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent Shari’ah compliant portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Managers Benchmark Description Portfolio Size (R m) Balanced Mandates 27four Shari'ah Balanced Prescient FoF Average of South African - Multi Asset - High Equity Funds (net of fees) 479 27four Shari'ah Multi-Managed Balanced Fund 27four Bespoke Shariah Benchmark 1 473 27four Shari'ah Wealth Builder Fund 27four Bespoke Shariah Benchmark 584 Alexander Forbes Investments Shari’ah Medium Growth 40% Shari'ah Equity Index, 40% STeFI Composite - 1%, 10% MSCI World Islamic Index, 5% DJ Sukuk Index, 5% Shari'ah Local Property 155 Alexander Forbes Investments Shari'ah High Growth Alexander Forbes Investments Bespoke Shariah Benchmark 1 156 Camissa Islamic Balanced Fund Mean of South African - Multi Asset - High Equity Funds 4 031 Element Islamic Balanced Average of all Shariah Balanced unit trust funds with a min track record of 1 year 113 Oasis Crescent Balanced High Equity Headline CPI + 3% 190 Oasis Crescent Balanced Progressive Headline CPI + 1% 1 179 Oasis Crescent Balanced Stable Headline Inflation 536 Old Mutual Shari'ah Balanced Old Mutual Bespoke Shariah Benchmark 4 903 Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah Balanced ASISA Category Average: SA - Multi Asset - High Equity 392 SMM Nur Balanced Portfolio Average of Peer group of Shariah Balanced funds 435 STANLIB Multi-Manager Shari'ah Balanced STANLIB Bespoke Shariah Benchmark 2 096 Equity Mandates - Domestic 27four Shari'ah Active Equity South Africa - Equity - General Category Average 753 Camissa Islamic Equity Fund Mean of South African - Equity - General Funds 2 289 Element Islamic Equity Average of all Shariah Equity funds with a min track record of 1 year 143 Mazi Shari'ah Equity Fund FTSE/JSE Shari'ah All Share 202 Oasis Crescent Equity Fund Average South African Shariah Equity General Portfolio 5 218 Old Mutual Shari'ah Equity Old Mutual Bespoke Shariah Benchmark 2 313 Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah General Equity ASISA Category Average: SA-Equity-General 374 Equity Mandates - Global Element Islamic Global Equity Dow Jones Islamic Market World Index 154 Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity S&P Developed Markets Large and Mid-Cap Shariah Index 3 003 Visio BCI Shari’ah Equity fund FJSE JSE Shari’ah Allshare Index (J143T) 384 Total 32 557 158 Section 3
General information

Shari’ah Manager WatchTM Survey

Objective: The portfolios included in this survey represent Shari’ah compliant portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023

* No performance history # Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

Investment Managers 1 Year 3 Years (p.a.) 5 Years (p.a.) 7 Years (p.a.) 10 Years (p.a.) Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Portfolio Benchmark Balanced Mandates 27four Shari'ah Balanced Prescient FoF 9.96% 12.23% 10.62% 10.30% 9.54% 9.12% 7.95% 7.18% 7.76% 6.81% 27four Shari'ah Multi-Managed Balanced Fund 11.38% 12.78% 11.28% 10.48% 10.39% 10.38% 8.61% 8.46% 8.38% 6.73% 27four Shari'ah Wealth Builder Fund 10.67% 13.49% 11.73% 11.58% 10.86% 11.32% 8.70% 8.93% 8.38% 6.82% Alexander Forbes Investments Shari’ah Medium Growth 5.82% 2.68% 10.41% 6.98% 9.90% 7.11% * * * * Alexander Forbes Investments Shari'ah High Growth 8.64% 4.18% 12.77% 9.19% 11.45% 9.01% * * * * Camissa Islamic Balanced Fund 8.21% 12.25% 11.79% 10.33% 11.29% 9.12% 9.79% 7.32% 8.75% 6.96% Element Islamic Balanced 7.74% 9.55% 9.40% 10.00% 8.96% 8.92% 8.83% 7.28% 8.21% 6.87% Oasis Crescent Balanced High Equity 10.17% 8.52% 10.75% 9.13% 9.43% 8.01% 7.63% 7.98% 7.36% 8.20% Oasis Crescent Balanced Progressive 10.61% 6.52% 10.62% 7.13% 9.09% 6.01% 7.38% 5.98% 7.29% 6.20% Oasis Crescent Balanced Stable 10.87% 5.52% 9.05% 6.13% 8.21% 5.01% 7.12% 4.98% 7.57% 5.20% Old Mutual Shari'ah Balanced 14.75% 7.25% 12.23% 8.72% 10.35% 9.09% 8.69% 8.20% 8.63% 7.61% Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah Balanced 7.39% 10.95% 9.29% 9.81% 8.38% 8.82% 6.93% 7.11% * * SMM Nur Balanced Portfolio 10.17% 10.20% 11.31% 10.15% 10.12% 8.49% 8.58% 6.78% * * STANLIB Multi-Manager Shari'ah Balanced 12.31% 11.26% 12.34% 10.03% 10.95% 11.10% 9.31% 9.65% * * Equity Mandates –Domestic 27four Shari'ah Active Equity 10.40% 8.27% 12.55% 11.35% 10.50% 7.96% 8.43% 6.31% 9.08% 5.87% Camissa Islamic Equity Fund 6.42% 7.35% 13.11% 12.00% 11.55% 9.16% 10.41% 6.81% 9.22% 6.20% Element Islamic Equity 10.55% 8.37% 13.73% 11.40% 12.40% 9.40% 11.01% 7.19% 8.42% 6.39% Mazi Shari'ah Equity Fund -7.18% -4.67% 12.39% 9.54% 13.73% 10.54% * * * * Oasis Crescent Equity Fund 9.18% 10.50% 12.31% 13.69% 10.25% 11.51% 7.89% 9.47% 7.14% 7.97% Old Mutual Shari'ah Equity 14.03% 4.62% 14.99% 10.31% 11.49% 10.48% 8.64% 8.80% 8.65% 7.70% Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah General Equity 6.68% 6.95% 10.53% 11.55% 8.01% 8.86% 5.85% 6.63% * * Equity Mandates –Global Element Islamic Global Equity 21.76% 35.26% 13.24% 10.63% 14.10% 17.70% 10.73% 15.41% 11.58% 14.74% Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity 41.10% 40.72% 19.03% 15.82% 18.42% 21.64% 16.16% 18.85% 15.99% 17.51% Visio BCI Shari’ah Equity fund 14.30% -8.32% 13.23% 3.91% 10.56% 5.46% 8.03% 3.88% 8.50% 0.95% Indices FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 9.93% 8.78% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% 7.18% 7.30% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 10.15% 14.87% 0.24% -1.71% 2.94% FTSE/JSE Shariah All Share -4.67% 9.54% 10.54% 8.56% 5.26% Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% 4.98% 5.20% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 6.35% 6.42% Dow Jones Islamic Titans Index TR 44.76% 16.95% 22.85% 19.76% * Dow Jones Sukuk Index TR 13.72% 7.18% 8.47% 7.33% * NSE Lotus Islamic Index -22.76% -3.90% 0.94% 2.08% * MSCI World Islamic GR 32.26% 18.75% 18.08% * *
159 Section 3

Shari’ah Manager WatchTM Survey

Objective: The portfolios in this survey represent Shari’ah compliant portfolios with various benchmarks. No carve-outs are reflected.

Investment Data to the end of December 2023 –Volatility vs Return

on 5 year performance returns

Managers Calculated on 3 year performance returns

* No performance history # Inflation figures in this table are lagged by one month.

3 year return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank 5 Year Return Rank Volatility (Risk) Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Balanced Mandates 27four Shari'ah Balanced Prescient FoF 10.62% 9 7.34% 6 0.32% 11 3.02% 0.11 11 9.54% 9 8.37% 7 0.42% 9 3.33% 0.13 9 27four Shari'ah Multi-Managed Balanced Fund 11.28% 7 6.65% 2 0.80% 10 1.85% 0.43 7 10.39% 5 7.67% 3 0.01% 11 3.99% 0.00 11 27four Shari'ah Wealth Builder Fund 11.73% 5 8.20% 11 0.15% 12 2.29% 0.07 12 10.86% 4 9.50% 11 -0.46% 14 5.12% -0.09 13 Alexander Forbes Investments Shari’ah Medium Growth 10.41% 11 6.99% 4 3.43% 4 2.36% 1.45 1 9.90% 8 8.62% 9 2.79% 3 2.68% 1.04 1 Alexander Forbes Investments Shari'ah High Growth 12.77% 1 9.91% 14 3.58% 1 3.22% 1.11 2 11.45% 1 11.79% 14 2.44% 4 3.66% 0.67 3 Camissa Islamic Balanced Fund 11.79% 4 8.84% 13 1.45% 8 4.36% 0.33 9 11.29% 2 10.27% 13 2.16% 5 3.96% 0.55 4 Element Islamic Balanced 9.40% 12 6.94% 3 -0.60% 14 3.78% -0.16 14 8.96% 12 7.31% 2 0.04% 10 3.84% 0.01 10 Oasis Crescent Balanced High Equity 10.75% 8 7.56% 9 1.62% 7 7.72% 0.19 10 9.43% 10 8.16% 4 1.41% 7 8.31% 0.15 8 Oasis Crescent Balanced Progressive 10.62% 10 7.83% 10 3.49% 3 7.98% 0.43 8 9.09% 11 8.32% 6 3.08% 2 8.48% 0.36 6 Oasis Crescent Balanced Stable 9.05% 14 6.08% 1 2.92% 5 6.22% 0.47 6 8.21% 14 6.20% 1 3.20% 1 6.32% 0.51 5 Old Mutual Shari'ah Balanced 12.23% 3 7.37% 7 3.51% 2 3.90% 0.90 3 10.35% 6 8.22% 5 1.25% 8 4.08% 0.31 7 Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah Balanced 9.29% 13 7.23% 5 -0.52% 13 4.46% -0.12 13 8.38% 13 8.57% 8 -0.44% 13 4.40% -0.10 14 SMM Nur Balanced Portfolio 11.31% 6 7.38% 8 1.16% 9 1.68% 0.69 4 10.12% 7 8.73% 10 1.63% 6 1.78% 0.91 2 STANLIB Multi-Manager Shari'ah Balanced 12.34% 2 8.29% 12 2.31% 6 4.33% 0.53 5 10.95% 3 9.64% 12 -0.15% 12 4.38% -0.03 12 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Equity MandatesDomestic 27four Shari'ah Active Equity 12.55% 4 10.89% 3 1.20% 4 3.28% 0.37 4 10.50% 5 13.40% 3 2.54% 3 4.62% 0.55 2 Camissa Islamic Equity Fund 13.11% 3 12.21% 5 1.11% 5 6.35% 0.18 5 11.55% 3 14.17% 5 2.38% 4 5.94% 0.40 4 Element Islamic Equity 13.73% 2 10.45% 2 2.33% 3 5.06% 0.46 2 12.40% 2 11.39% 2 3.01% 2 5.47% 0.55 1 Mazi Shari'ah Equity Fund 12.39% 5 19.45% 7 2.85% 2 6.56% 0.43 3 13.73% 1 22.72% 7 3.19% 1 6.15% 0.52 3 Oasis Crescent Equity Fund 12.31% 6 8.85% 1 -1.38% 7 6.23% -0.22 7 10.25% 6 9.84% 1 -1.26% 7 7.28% -0.17 7 Old Mutual Shari'ah Equity 14.99% 1 12.24% 6 4.68% 1 7.03% 0.67 1 11.49% 4 14.11% 4 1.01% 5 8.08% 0.12 5 Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah General Equity 10.53% 7 11.99% 4 -1.02% 6 5.77% -0.18 6 8.01% 7 14.38% 6 -0.84% 6 5.33% -0.16 6 Equity MandatesDomestic Element Islamic Global Equity 13.24% 2 11.49% 1 2.62% 3 12.21% 0.21 3 14.10% 2 12.57% 1 -3.61% 3 10.29% -0.35 2 Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity 19.03% 1 16.19% 3 3.20% 2 6.09% 0.53 2 18.42% 1 16.12% 3 -3.23% 2 6.20% -0.52 3 Visio BCI Shari’ah Equity fund 13.23% 3 12.20% 2 9.32% 1 13.03% 0.72 1 10.56% 3 14.53% 2 5.11% 1 12.66% 0.40 1 Lower volatility = higher ranking Lower volatility = higher ranking Market Indices & Statistics FTSE/JSE All Share Index 13.51% 15.27% 11.88% 17.05% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 10.59% 13.97% 8.69% 16.45% FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index 14.87% 18.99% 0.24% 27.59% FTSE/JSE Shariah All Share 9.54% 20.00% 10.54% 22.32% Headline Inflation 6.13% 1.27% 5.01% 1.41% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 5.68% 0.52% 5.94% 0.47% Dow Jones Islamic Titans Index TR 16.95% 18.64% 22.85% 18.14% Dow Jones Sukuk Index TR 7.18% 12.84% 8.47% 13.92% NSE Lotus Islamic Index -3.90% 32.34% 0.94% 29.83% MSCI World Islamic GR 18.75% 15.48% 18.08% 15.66%
160 Section 3

Shari’ah Manager WatchTM Survey

and Equity
3 Years ended
Return (p.a.) Volatility (p.a.) (Standard Deviation) Excess Return (% p.a.) Tracking Error (% p.a.) Equity Mandates - Domestic Balanced Mandates Equity Mandates - Gobal Equity Mandates - Domestic Balanced Mandates Equity Mandates - Gobal 27four Shari'ah Balanced Prescient FoFs 27four Shari'ah Multi- Managed Balanced Fund 27four Shari'ah Wealth Builder Fund Alexander Forbes Investments Shari'ah High Growth Alexander Forbes Investments Shari'ah Medium Growth Camissa Islamic Balanced Fund Element Islamic Balanced Oasis Crescent Balanced High Equity Oasis Crescent Balanced Progressive Oasis Crescent Balanced Stable Old Mutual Shari'ah Balanced Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah Balanced SMM Nur Balanced Portfolio STANLIB Multi-M anger Shari'ah Balanced Fund of Funds 27four Shari'ah Active Equity Camissa Islamic Equity Fund Element Islamic Equity Mazi Shari’ah Equity Fund Oasis Crescent Equity Fund Old Mutual Shari'ah Equity Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah General Equity Element Islamic Global Equity Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity Visio BCI Shari’ah Equity Fund 27four Shari'ah Balanced Prescient FoFs 27four Shari'ah Multi- Managed Balanced Fund 27four Shari'ah Wealth Builder Fund Alexander Forbes Investments Shari'ah High Growth Alexander Forbes Investments Shari'ah Medium Growth Camissa Islamic Balanced Fund Element Islamic Balanced Oasis Crescent Balanced High Equity Oasis Crescent Balanced Progressive Oasis Crescent Balanced Stable Old Mutual Shari'ah Balanced Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah Balanced SMM Nur Balanced Portfolio STANLIB Multi -M anger Shari'ah Balanced Fund of Funds 27four Shari'ah Active Equity Camissa Islamic Equity Fund Element Islamic Equity Mazi Shari’ah Equity Fund Oasis Crescent Equity Fund Old Mutual Shari'ah Equity Sentio SCI Hikma Shari'ah General Equity Element Islamic Global Equity Old Mutual Global Islamic Equity Visio BCI Shari’ah Equity Fund 161 Section 3
Risk vs Return Scatterplot on Shari’ah Compliant Portfolios – Balanced and
Years ended 31 December 2023
Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot – Shariah Compliant Portfolios – Balanced
31 December 2023

International Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The funds in this survey are comprised of actively managed global equities, global bonds and global cash. Currently retirement funds are allowed to invest up to 45% offshore, which includes exposure to Africa.

Alexforbes use Morningstar monthly close when converting to South Africa Rands (ZAR).

Performance Data In Rands (R) to the end of December 2023

Investment Managers Fund Size (R m) 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Calendar Year Fund Rank Fund Rank Fund Rank 2022 Rank 2021 Rank 2020 Rank Global Balanced Alexander Forbes Global Balanced 3 444 23.66% 4 9.65% 7 12.74% 7 -9.82% 8 18.22% 5 19.57% 2 Allan Gray Foreign Balanced Composite 2 018 22.70% 6 15.00% 2 13.68% 2 7.42% 3 15.40% 8 14.41% 7 Coronation Global Managed Fund 15 257 22.76% 5 6.81% 10 10.95% 8 -10.56% 9 10.98% 10 14.99% 6 Foord International Fund 6 697 3.36% 10 8.76% 8 10.49% 9 8.73% 2 14.46% 9 12.51% 8 M&G Global Balanced 2 159 24.24% 3 12.14% 3 13.12% 5 -7.52% 6 22.73% 3 12.22% 9 Nedgroup Investment Core Global 18 981 25.48% 2 11.07% 4 13.67% 3 -12.25% 10 24.44% 2 18.16% 4 Nedgroup Investments Global Flexible Fund 15 886 28.74% 1 15.15% 1 16.06% 1 -4.85% 4 24.65% 1 16.83% 5 Ninety One Global Macro Allocation 13 032 6.26% 9 10.79% 5 13.20% 4 9.75% 1 16.62% 6 20.88% 1 Novare Global Balanced Fund 3 405 18.92% 8 8.63% 9 9.28% 10 -7.18% 5 16.15% 7 10.73% 10 Old Mutual Global Balanced Portfolio 2 116 21.85% 7 10.41% 6 13.08% 6 -8.49% 7 20.72% 4 18.76% 3 Total 82 995 Global Bond/Fixed Income Coronation Global Bond Strategy 556 15.73% 2 5.79% 2 7.14% 3 -3.40% 3 5.91% 2 14.56% 4 Coronation Global Strategic Income 9 902 14.46% 4 10.42% 1 8.16% 1 6.19% 1 10.77% 1 7.21% 7 FTIF - Templeton Global Bond Fund (I Acc) 60 484 10.18% 8 5.46% 3 3.33% 7 2.46% 2 3.90% 5 1.71% 8 M&G Global Bond 3 150 13.61% 6 2.04% 5 5.62% 4 -9.13% 5 2.90% 6 15.65% 2 Momentum IF Global Fixed Income 1 775 12.56% 7 -0.77% 8 3.04% 8 -13.51% 8 0.37% 8 14.16% 6 Sanlam Global Bond Fund 11 759 14.16% 5 0.98% 7 4.13% 6 -11.20% 6 1.57% 7 14.48% 5 STANLIB Global Bond 679 15.89% 1 3.74% 4 7.45% 2 -8.14% 4 4.87% 3 20.29% 1 STANLIB Multi-Manager Global Bond Fund 3 633 15.64% 3 1.82% 6 5.16% 5 -12.75% 7 4.63% 4 15.38% 3 Total 91 938 Global Property Catalyst Global Real Estate UCITS Fund 8 559 18.76% 3 12.15% 1 11.81% 1 -16.93% 1 42.98% 1 1.51% 4 FTIF – Templeton Global Real Estate Fund 2 019 19.29% 1 9.07% 3 9.01% 5 -21.31% 3 38.22% 5 -0.48% 5 Nedgroup Investments Global Property Fund 5 599 17.77% 5 9.25% 2 10.00% 3 -20.30% 2 38.93% 4 1.51% 3 Schroder ISF Global Cities Real Estate fund 12 257 18.91% 2 7.55% 4 10.92% 2 -23.46% 4 36.67% 6 5.31% 1 Sesfikile BCI Global Property Fund 1 212 14.92% 6 7.09% 5 9.72% 4 -24.15% 5 40.92% 3 4.85% 2 STANLIB Global Property Fund 1 283 17.78% 4 6.38% 6 6.24% 6 -28.22% 6 42.38% 2 -3.93% 6 Total 30 929 Market Indices & Statistics MSCI World - Income Re-invested (Source: Morning Star) 33.72% 15.95% 18.95% -12.29% 32.94% 22.37% S&P 500 (Composite) - Income Re-invested (Source: Morning Star) 35.36% 18.33% 21.35% -12.43% 39.77% 24.29% Citi WGBI - Income Re-invested (Source: Morning Star) 13.05% -0.14% 3.46% -12.86% 1.08% 15.66% Lehman Global Aggregate - Income Re-invested (Source: Morning Star) 10.84% 1.83% 2.73% -8.45% 4.07% 7.21% Rand / US $ 17.02 14.69 14.39 Rand Appreciation against US Dollar 7.48% 7.58% 4.92% 6.61% 8.65% 5.04% Rand Appreciation against Pound 13.90% 5.10% 4.83% -5.32% 7.66% 8.39% Rand Appreciation against Euro 11.25% 3.97% 3.98% 0.05% 0.99% 14.50% Global Equity Highest 45.52% 20.19% 22.92% -2.98% 37.95% 36.12% Lowest 10.95% -4.68% 7.35% -22.55% -6.06% 0.69% Upper Quartile 32.75% 15.18% 18.21% -8.93% 30.75% 29.74% Lower Quartile 24.55% 8.65% 13.87% -17.17% 18.08% 15.95% Number of Participants 40 40 32 40 40 38 Global Balanced Highest 28.74% 15.15% 16.06% 9.75% 24.65% 20.88% Lowest 3.36% 6.81% 9.28% -12.25% 10.98% 10.73% Upper Quartile 24.10% 11.87% 13.55% 4.35% 22.23% 18.61% Lower Quartile 19.65% 8.98% 11.40% -9.49% 15.59% 12.99% Number of Participants 10 10 10 10 10 10 163 Section 3

International Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The funds in this survey are comprised of actively managed global equities, global bonds and global cash. Currently retirement funds are allowed to invest up to 45% offshore, which includes exposure to Africa.

Alexforbes use Morningstar monthly close when converting to South Africa Rands (ZAR).

Performance data in Rands (ZAR) to the end of December 2023

Investment Managers Fund Size (R m) 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Calendar Year Fund Rank Fund Rank Fund Rank 2022 Rank 2021 Rank 2020 Rank Global Equity Alexander Forbes Global Equity 8 260 28.11% 28 11.34% 26 16.73% 16 -13.39% 27 24.40% 23 26.86% 13 All Weather GEM Fund 1 889 15.35% 37 1.00% 37 * -7.79% 6 -3.14% 39 30.33% 9 Allan Gray Life Orbis Global Equity Portfolio 1 026 29.83% 22 13.27% 17 15.79% 19 -5.31% 5 18.22% 30 21.34% 22 Arysteq Global Opportunities Fund 231 20.23% 33 12.46% 21 * -3.64% 3 22.77% 25 * Benguela Global Equity UCITS Fund 850 32.23% 13 14.20% 14 15.04% 21 -11.19% 20 26.81% 19 11.45% 35 Camissa Global Equity Fund 2 309 29.83% 21 10.49% 28 11.85% 26 -11.71% 22 17.68% 31 7.71% 37 Camissa Islamic Global Equity Fund 2 207 20.90% 32 8.61% 31 10.20% 28 -11.01% 18 19.10% 28 10.49% 36 Coronation Active Global Equity 1 178 32.07% 15 6.53% 34 14.70% 22 -20.19% 38 14.69% 33 21.67% 21 Coronation GEM Equity Strategy 55 989 19.05% 35 -4.68% 40 9.08% 31 -22.55% 40 -6.06% 40 31.10% 7 Coronation Global Equity Universal Fund of Funds 11 449 33.93% 6 8.48% 32 14.21% 23 -19.49% 37 18.37% 29 22.04% 20 Denker Global Equity Fund 1 359 34.66% 5 17.22% 6 16.91% 13 -8.45% 7 30.64% 12 12.10% 34 Foord Global Equity Fund 7 509 15.03% 39 5.18% 35 13.42% 25 -8.93% 11 11.08% 35 31.19% 6 FTIF - Templeton Asian Growth Fund 32 960 10.95% 40 -3.24% 39 7.35% 32 -17.75% 31 -0.72% 38 31.43% 4 FTIF - Templeton Global Fund 11 048 28.23% 27 8.66% 30 9.83% 29 -11.73% 23 13.34% 34 12.91% 31 M&G Global Equity 7 437 32.17% 14 16.97% 7 17.79% 11 -9.61% 12 33.94% 6 18.60% 26 Mazi Global Equity Fund 21 741 45.52% 1 12.25% 22 * -19.32% 35 20.47% 27 * Mentenova Global Equity 2 889 30.88% 17 13.37% 16 16.88% 14 -12.66% 26 27.48% 18 20.73% 23 Momentum GF Global Equity 22 066 30.14% 20 15.98% 8 17.60% 12 -8.51% 9 31.02% 10 19.61% 25 Nedgroup Investments GEM Equity 3 740 17.36% 36 -0.68% 38 * -18.22% 32 2.09% 37 34.40% 2 Nedgroup Investments Global Behavioural 1 031 25.16% 30 7.09% 33 * -19.28% 34 21.56% 26 33.56% 3 Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Fund 25 545 32.28% 12 12.72% 18 16.76% 15 -13.65% 28 25.39% 22 19.98% 24 Ninety One Global Core Equity 176 198 28.77% 26 14.62% 12 18.33% 7 -10.45% 16 30.60% 13 25.15% 14 Ninety One Global EM Equity 153 687 19.51% 34 2.68% 36 9.45% 30 -16.97% 30 9.09% 36 22.73% 19 Ninety One Global Franchise 356 213 29.59% 23 13.87% 15 18.03% 10 -12.64% 25 30.44% 14 23.40% 18 Ninety One Global Strategic Equity 36 753 33.51% 7 12.51% 20 16.52% 17 -19.45% 36 32.42% 8 23.53% 16 Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund 3 619 15.24% 38 9.91% 29 11.83% 27 -8.49% 8 25.90% 20 14.11% 30 Old Mutual Global Managed Alpha Fund 3 697 32.75% 11 15.04% 11 20.07% 3 -10.58% 17 28.26% 16 31.31% 5 Perpetua Global Focused Equity 490 22.72% 31 11.33% 27 * -13.94% 29 30.66% 11 15.53% 29 Pinebridge Global Focus Equity Fund 15 036 38.61% 3 19.65% 2 22.92% 1 -10.33% 13 37.83% 3 31.05% 8 PPS Global Equity Fund 10 610 37.06% 4 11.36% 25 * -21.03% 39 27.59% 17 29.74% 10 Sanlam World Equity Fund 2 430 26.81% 29 11.97% 24 14.02% 24 -4.84% 4 16.31% 32 12.76% 32 Schroders ISF Global Equity Alpha 53 585 30.26% 19 15.59% 10 19.73% 4 -11.29% 21 33.64% 7 29.73% 11 Schroders ISF Global Recovery 12 999 29.21% 24 19.01% 3 15.11% 20 -2.98% 1 34.46% 5 0.69% 38 Schroders ISF Global Sustainable Growth 110 093 32.99% 9 15.88% 9 22.35% 2 -11.19% 19 31.75% 9 36.12% 1 Schroders ISF QEP Global Core 36 882 33.18% 8 18.04% 4 18.74% 6 -10.40% 15 37.84% 2 17.23% 28 SEI Factor Allocation Global Equity Fund 23 918 32.77% 10 17.97% 5 * -8.93% 10 35.77% 4 17.53% 27 SEI Investments Global Select Equity 10 572 30.52% 18 20.19% 1 18.28% 8 -3.58% 2 37.95% 1 12.21% 33 STANLIB High Alpha Fund 11 339 38.62% 2 12.06% 23 19.24% 5 -19.25% 33 25.72% 21 29.10% 12 STANLIB Multi-Manager Global Equity Fund 21 325 31.51% 16 14.48% 13 18.18% 9 -12.54% 24 30.42% 15 23.73% 15 VFM Global Flexible Equity 2 266 29.15% 25 12.72% 19 16.26% 18 -10.38% 14 23.74% 24 23.46% 17 Total 1 264 425 * No performance history 164 Section 3

International Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The funds in this survey are comprised of actively managed global equities, global bonds and global cash. Currently retirement funds are allowed to invest up to 45% offshore, which includes exposure to Africa.

Alexforbes use Morningstar monthly close when converting to South Africa Rands (ZAR).

Investment Managers 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Benchmark Volatility Rank Return/ Volatility Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Global Balanced Alexander Forbes Global Balanced 9.65% 7 9.89% 13.54% 3 0.71 9 -0.24% 7 1.61% -0.15 8 Allan Gray Foreign Balanced Composite 15.00% 2 8.55% 11.07% 9 1.35 1 6.45% 1 6.84% 0.94 2 Coronation Global Managed Fund 6.81% 10 8.96% 14.14% 2 0.48 10 -2.15% 9 5.00% -0.43 10 Foord International Fund 8.76% 8 8.41% 8.97% 10 0.98 3 0.34% 6 10.60% 0.03 6 M&G Global Balanced 12.14% 3 10.51% 13.30% 6 0.91 4 1.63% 3 3.59% 0.45 4 Nedgroup Investment Core Global 11.07% 4 9.91% 14.30% 1 0.77 7 1.16% 4 2.56% 0.45 3 Nedgroup Investments Global Flexible Fund 15.15% 1 10.31% 13.39% 4 1.13 2 4.85% 2 4.84% 1.00 1 Ninety One Global Macro Allocation 10.79% 5 15.11% 13.32% 5 0.81 5 -4.32% 10 11.36% -0.38 9 Novare Global Balanced Fund 8.63% 9 9.34% 11.91% 8 0.72 8 -0.71% 8 7.11% -0.10 7 Old Mutual Global Balanced Portfolio 10.41% 6 9.90% 12.92% 7 0.81 6 0.51% 5 2.28% 0.22 5 Global Bond/Fixed Income Coronation Global Bond Strategy 5.79% 2 1.59% 11.75% 5 0.49 3 4.20% 2 2.93% 1.43 1 Coronation Global Strategic Income 10.42% 1 10.43% 13.52% 1 0.77 1 -0.02% 6 1.74% -0.01 6 FTIF - Templeton Global Bond Fund (I Acc) 5.46% 3 0.08% 11.01% 7 0.50 2 5.38% 1 5.13% 1.05 2 M&G Global Bond 2.04% 5 1.65% 11.67% 6 0.17 5 0.38% 5 2.52% 0.15 5 Momentum IF Global Fixed Income -0.77% 8 2.40% 13.09% 2 -0.06 8 -3.16% 8 2.42% -1.31 8 Sanlam Global Bond Fund 0.98% 7 1.66% 12.57% 3 0.08 7 -0.68% 7 1.35% -0.51 7 STANLIB Global Bond 3.74% 4 1.98% 10.95% 8 0.34 4 1.76% 3 4.44% 0.40 4 STANLIB Multi-Manager Global Bond Fund 1.82% 6 0.69% 12.39% 4 0.15 6 1.13% 4 1.65% 0.69 3 Global Property Catalyst Global Real Estate UCITS Fund 12.15% 1 8.96% 20.09% 3 0.60 1 3.19% 1 5.25% 0.61 1 FTIF – Templeton Global Real Estate Fund 9.07% 3 9.90% 19.29% 5 0.47 3 -0.83% 4 2.02% -0.41 5 Nedgroup Investments Global Property Fund 9.25% 2 9.22% 18.50% 6 0.50 2 0.03% 2 4.12% 0.01 2 Schroder ISF Global Cities Real Estate fund 7.55% 4 9.05% 20.12% 2 0.38 4 -1.50% 6 4.99% -0.30 4 Sesfikile BCI Global Property Fund 7.09% 5 7.75% 21.52% 1 0.33 5 -0.66% 3 6.02% -0.11 3 STANLIB Global Property Fund 6.38% 6 7.80% 19.86% 4 0.32 6 -1.42% 5 2.98% -0.48 6 Market statistics MSCI World 15.95% 16.32% 0.98 FTSE WGBI -0.14% 12.63% -0.01 Global Equity Highest 20.19% 15.94% 20.86% 1.34 5.72% 18.65% 1.29 Lowest -4.68% 0.33% 10.71% -0.25 -8.58% 2.02% -1.65 Upper Quartile 15.18% 15.30% 17.48% 0.97 0.97% 7.59% 0.32 Lower Quartile 8.65% 13.76% 15.15% 0.53 -3.50% 3.87% -0.68 Number of Participants 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Global Balanced Highest 15.15% 15.11% 14.30% 1.35 6.45% 11.36% 1.00 Lowest 6.81% 8.41% 8.97% 0.48 -4.32% 1.61% -0.43 Upper Quartile 11.87% 10.21% 13.50% 0.96 1.51% 7.05% 0.45 Lower Quartile 8.98% 9.06% 12.16% 0.74 -0.59% 2.82% -0.14 Number of Participants 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 165 Section 3
Risk vs Return (Calculated on 3 year performance returns)

International Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The funds in this survey are comprised of actively managed global equities, global bonds and global cash. Currently retirement funds are allowed to invest up to 45% offshore, which includes exposure to Africa.

Alexforbes use Morningstar monthly close when converting to South Africa Rands (ZAR).

Risk vs Return (Calculated on 3 year performance returns)

Investment Managers 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Benchmark Volatility Rank Return/ Volatility Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Global Equity Alexander Forbes Global Equity 11.34% 26 13.91% 15.55% 24 0.73 23 -2.57% 25 2.02% -1.27 39 All Weather GEM Fund 1.00% 37 1.97% 14.01% 36 0.07 37 -0.97% 17 5.42% -0.18 18 Allan Gray Life Orbis Global Equity Portfolio 13.27% 17 15.36% 14.64% 32 0.91 15 -2.09% 23 7.59% -0.28 22 Arysteq Global Opportunities Fund 12.46% 21 15.94% 10.71% 40 1.16 3 -3.48% 30 11.00% -0.32 23 Benguela Global Equity UCITS Fund 14.20% 14 13.66% 14.05% 35 1.01 10 0.53% 14 3.28% 0.16 13 Camissa Global Equity Fund 10.49% 28 15.47% 17.70% 10 0.59 28 -4.98% 33 10.49% -0.47 28 Camissa Islamic Global Equity Fund 8.61% 31 15.47% 16.05% 20 0.54 30 -6.85% 38 8.01% -0.85 35 Coronation Active Global Equity 6.53% 34 13.77% 18.50% 6 0.35 35 -7.24% 39 6.84% -1.06 38 Coronation GEM Equity Strategy -4.68% 40 2.12% 18.99% 3 -0.25 40 -6.79% 37 8.79% -0.77 33 Coronation Global Equity Universal Fund of Funds 8.48% 32 13.77% 18.66% 5 0.45 32 -5.29% 35 6.38% -0.83 34 Denker Global Equity Fund 17.22% 6 14.72% 16.03% 21 1.07 6 2.50% 7 3.41% 0.73 5 Foord Global Equity Fund 5.18% 35 13.76% 13.76% 37 0.38 34 -8.58% 40 9.52% -0.90 36 FTIF - Templeton Asian Growth Fund -3.24% 39 0.33% 16.60% 16 -0.20 39 -3.57% 31 4.87% -0.73 32 FTIF - Templeton Global Fund 8.66% 30 13.76% 16.56% 17 0.52 31 -5.11% 34 7.62% -0.67 30 M&G Global Equity 16.97% 7 14.29% 17.72% 8 0.96 11 2.68% 4 8.12% 0.33 9 Mazi Global Equity Fund 12.25% 22 13.76% 19.57% 2 0.63 27 -1.51% 20 6.87% -0.22 19 Mentenova Global Equity 13.37% 16 14.64% 15.27% 28 0.88 18 -1.27% 19 4.70% -0.27 21 Momentum GF Global Equity 15.98% 8 15.40% 15.67% 23 1.02 8 0.58% 12 2.50% 0.23 12 Nedgroup Investments GEM Equity -0.68% 38 2.12% 15.20% 29 -0.04 38 -2.79% 26 3.87% -0.72 31 Nedgroup Investments Global Behavioural 7.09% 33 13.86% 16.84% 14 0.42 33 -6.77% 36 4.11% -1.65 40 Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Fund 12.72% 18 14.73% 15.19% 30 0.84 19 -2.00% 22 4.90% -0.41 25 Ninety One Global Core Equity 14.62% 12 13.76% 16.17% 18 0.90 16 0.86% 11 2.64% 0.33 10 Ninety One Global EM Equity 2.68% 36 2.12% 14.30% 34 0.19 36 0.56% 13 4.05% 0.14 14 Ninety One Global Franchise 13.87% 15 13.76% 16.99% 13 0.82 21 0.11% 16 4.19% 0.03 16 Ninety One Global Strategic Equity 12.51% 20 13.76% 17.40% 11 0.72 24 -1.26% 18 4.67% -0.27 20 Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund 9.91% 29 13.03% 12.70% 39 0.78 22 -3.13% 28 5.56% -0.56 29 Old Mutual Global Managed Alpha Fund 15.04% 11 13.76% 16.16% 19 0.93 14 1.28% 10 2.27% 0.56 7 Perpetua Global Focused Equity 11.33% 27 14.30% 20.86% 1 0.54 29 -2.97% 27 18.65% -0.16 17 Pinebridge Global Focus Equity Fund 19.65% 2 13.93% 18.96% 4 1.04 7 5.72% 1 4.76% 1.20 2 PPS Global Equity Fund 11.36% 25 15.08% 17.71% 9 0.64 26 -3.73% 32 3.87% -0.96 37 Sanlam World Equity Fund 11.97% 24 15.40% 13.47% 38 0.89 17 -3.44% 29 7.59% -0.45 27 Schroders ISF Global Equity Alpha 15.59% 10 15.28% 15.41% 25 1.01 9 0.30% 15 4.04% 0.08 15 Schroders ISF Global Recovery 19.01% 3 15.40% 16.66% 15 1.14 5 3.61% 3 11.38% 0.32 11 Schroders ISF Global Sustainable Growth 15.88% 9 13.76% 17.04% 12 0.93 13 2.12% 8 4.29% 0.49 8 Schroders ISF QEP Global Core 18.04% 4 15.41% 15.69% 22 1.15 4 2.63% 5 2.04% 1.29 1 SEI Factor Allocation Global Equity Fund 17.97% 5 15.35% 14.34% 33 1.25 2 2.61% 6 3.49% 0.75 4 SEI Investments Global Select Equity 20.19% 1 15.40% 15.02% 31 1.34 1 4.79% 2 5.06% 0.95 3 STANLIB High Alpha Fund 12.06% 23 13.76% 17.91% 7 0.67 25 -1.70% 21 4.00% -0.43 26 STANLIB Multi-Manager Global Equity Fund 14.48% 13 12.65% 15.31% 26 0.95 12 1.83% 9 2.61% 0.70 6 VFM Global Flexible Equity 12.72% 19 14.88% 15.28% 27 0.83 20 -2.16% 24 6.10% -0.35 24 166 Section 3

International Manager Watch™ Survey

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot - Global Balanced 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation) Return (p.a.) Excess Return (% p.a.) Tracking Error (% p.a.) Excess Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot - Global Balanced 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 15.30% 13.50% 11.70% 9.90% 8.10% 6.30% 6.60% 4.40% -4.40% 1.00% 7.00% 3.00% 9.00% 5.00% 11.00% 2.00% 8.00% 4.00% 10.00% 6.00% 12.00% 1.10% -1.10% 5.50% 2.20% -2.20% 3.30% -3.30% 0.00% 8.40% 9.60% 10.80% 12.00% 13.20% 9.00% 10.20% 11.40% 12.60% 13.80% 14.40% 14.40% 12.60% 10.80% 9.00% 7.20% 167 Section 3

International Manager Watch™ Survey

Excess Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot - Global Bond 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Volatility vs Return Scatterplot - Global Bond 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Tracking Error (% p.a.) Excess Return (% p.a.) Return (p.a.) Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation) 10.80% 5.40% 6.00% 1.80% 8.40% 3.60% 3.60% 0.00% 0.00% -2.70% 9.60% 4.50% 4.80% 0.90% 1.20% -1.80% 7.20% 2.70% 2.40% -0.90% -1.20% -3.60% 1.20% 2.80% 2.00% 3.60% 4.40% 1.60% 3.20% 2.40% 4.00% 4.80% 5.20% 10.80% 12.00% 11.40% 12.60% 13.50% 11.10% 12.30% 13.20% 11.70% 12.90% 13.80% 168 Section 3

International Manager Watch™ Survey

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot - Global Property 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation) Return (p.a.) Excess Return vs Tracking Error Scatterplot - Global Property 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Excess Return (% p.a.) Tracking Error (% p.a.) Catalyst Global Real Estate UCITS Fund FTIF – Templeton Global Real Estate Fund Nedgroup Investments Global Property Fund Schroder ISF Global Cities Real Estate Fund STANLIB Global Property Fund -2.0 0% -1.5 0% -1.0 0% -0.5 0% 0.00 % 0.50 % 1.00 % 1.50 % 2.00 % 2.50 % 3.00 % 3.50 % 12.60% 10.20% 11.40% 9.00% 7.20% 12.00% 9.60% 7.80% 10.80% 8.40% 6.60% 6.00% 18.40% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 2.50% 3.50% 4.50% 5.50% 6.50% 18.80% 19.20% 20.00% 20.80% 19.60% 20.40% 21.20% 21.60% 169 Section 3

At Momentum Investments, student living is something we take very personally. Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. So, we’ve brought them Rise Student Living – fully-furnished student accommodation just around the corner from the University of Pretoria. It’s a perfect example of impact investing – investments made to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. We support responsible investing to help create investments that are good for clients and the world we live in. We want our clients to do well and do good. Because when it comes to sustainable investment growth, for us, it’s personal.

Speak to your Momentum Consultant or visit

Disclaimer Momentum Alternative Investments (Pty) Ltd, Momentum Alternative Investments (Pty) Ltd 268 West Avenue Centurion 0157 PO Box 7400 Centurion 0046 T +27 (0)12 671 8911 F +27 (0)12 684-5869, Momentum Alternative Investments (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider (FSP34758) and registered as a retirement fund administrator (registration number 24/34). Momentum Social Infrastructure portfolio

Investing for impact

Motlatsi Motlanyane

Head: Momentum Alternative Investments

Momentum Alternative Investments is focused on delivering sustainable and impactful solutions at scale in the higher education sector by providing safe and accessible accommodation, we allow students to fulfil their potential as future leaders. While there is still a lot of work to do, we are delighted to be recognised for our commitment to improving our environmental footprint and securing a more sustainable future (Impact Project/Investment of the Year - Education" at the prestigious Environmental Finance 2023 Impact Awards).

In 2018, we bought Rise Student Living, a fully-furnished student accommodation building just around the corner from the University of Pretoria. It’s a perfect example of impact investing where the investment was made to make a di erence to society alongside generating a financial return. Investors are ensured a return on investment through future rental income while helping solve the country's social challenges.

We believe that Social infrastructure can play a significant role in enhancing the quality of life of communities across South Africa. It typically involves the establishment of services like education, health care, community development, and social welfare. Student housing, as a subset of social infrastructure, faces its own unique challenges. Year-on-year thousands of students face the hurdle of finding accommodation that is a ordable, conveniently located, safe and secure.

The Momentum Social Infrastructure portfolio focuses on a diverse portfolio of debt and equity products, targeting investments in higher education student housing, as well as rural and peri-urban retail shopping centres.

Besides the social impact benefits, alternative investments like the momentum social infrastructure portfolio provide investors with an opportunity to diversify their investment portfolio from traditional asset classes. In addition to diversification, these alternative investments can o er enhanced return opportunities and a measure of inflation protection.

Our alternative investments are managed according to our outcome-based investing philosophy. The focus of this approach is on long-term time horizons and strategies, which consistently maximise the likelihood of achieving the return objective.

We believe the foundation of good investment management is based on in-depth empirical research combined with stringent quantitative and qualitative analysis. We have a strong focus on diversification and correlation management and, most importantly, our robust risk management is central to our investment process.

Speak to your Momentum Consultant or visit

International Manager Watch™ Survey

Volatility vs Return Scatterplot - Global Equity 3 Years ended 31 December 2023

Arysteq Global Opportunities Fund

Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund

Sanlam World Equity Fund

SEI Factor Allocation Global Equity Fund

SEI Investments Global Select Equity

Schroders ISF Global Equity Alpha

Schroders ISF QEP Global Core

Momentum GF Global Equity

Denker Global Equity Fund

Schroders ISF Global Recovery

STANLIB Multi -Manager Global Equity Fund

Old Mutual Global Managed Alpha Fund

Pinebridge Global Focus Equity Fund

M&G Global Equity

Schroders ISF Global Sustainable Growth

Ninety One Global Core Equity

Return (p.a.)

Benguela Global Equity UCITS Fund

Foord Global Equity Fund

Ninety One Global EM Equity

All Weather GEM Fund

Nedgroup Investments GEM Equity

FTIF - Templeton Asian Growth Fund

Ninety One Global Franchise

Mazi Global Equity Fund

Perpetua Global Focused Equity

STANLIB High Alpha Fund

Ninety One Global Strategic Equity

PPS Global Equity Fund

Camissa Global Equity Fund

Coronation Global Equity Universal Fund of Funds

Mentenova Global Equity

VFM Global Flexible Equity

Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Fund

Coronation Active Global Equity

Alexander Forbes Global Equity

FTIF - Templeton Global Fund

Nedgroup Investments Global Behavioural

Camissa Islamic Global Equity Fund

Coronation GEM Equity Strategy

Allan Gray Life Orbis Global Equity Portfolio

Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation)

33.30% 25.90% 14.80% 3.70% 18.50% 7.40% -3.70% 29.60% 22.20% 11.10% -7.40% 8.10% 18.90% 13.50% 24.30% 32.40% 10.80% 21.60% 29.70% 16.20% 27.00% 35.10% 37.80% 0.00% 172 Section 3

International Manager Watch™ Survey (continued)

Excess Return vs Tracking Error

Scatterplot - Global Equity 3 Years ended 31 December 2023

Pinebridge Global Focus Equity Fund

STANLIB Multi-Manager Global Equity Fund

SEI Investments Global Select Equity

Schroders ISF QEP Global Core SEI Factor Allocation Global Equity Fund

Denker Global Equity Fund

Old Mutual Global Managed Alpha Fund

M&G Global Equity

Ninety One Global Core Equity

Schroders ISF Global Sustainable Growth

Momentum GF Global Equity

Benguela Global Equity UCITS Fund

Ninety One Global EM Equity

Schroders ISF Global Equity Alpha

Ninety One Global Franchise

Ninety One Global Strategic Equity

Excess Return (% p.a.)

STANLIB High Alpha Fund

Schroders ISF Global Recovery

Mentenova Global Equity

All Weather GEM Fund

Nedgroup Investments Global Equity Fund

Mazi Global Equity Fund

Allan Gray Life Orbis Global Equity Portfolio

VFM Global Flexible Equity

Nedgroup Investments GEM Equity

PPS Global Equity Fund

Sanlam World Equity Fund

Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund

Perpetua Global Focused Equity

Arysteq Global Opportunities Fund

Camissa Global Equity Fund

FTIF - Templeton Global Fund

FTIF - Templeton Asian Growth Fund

Coronation Global Equity Universal Fund of Funds

Camissa Islamic Global Equity Fund

Alexander Forbes Global Equity

Coronation GEM Equity Strategy

Coronation Active Global Equity

Nedgroup Investments Global Behavioural

Foord Global Equity Fund

Tracking Error (% p.a.)

1.70% 8.50% 15.30% 5.10% 11.90% 18.70% 3.40% 10.20% 17.00% 6.80% 13.60% 173 Section 3

Namibia Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The purpose of the Namibia Manager WatchTM survey is to provide clients, trustees, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons of portfolios within balanced and specialist mandates.

Asset Managers 1 Year Rank 3 Years (p.a.) Rank 5 Years (p.a.) Rank 10 Years (p.a.) Rank Assets (N$ Millions Best Investment View Multi-Asset Class Alexforbes Namibia Performer 17,27% 7 12,95% 4 10,97% 4 * 2 995 Allan Gray Namibia Global Balanced 20,12% 4 14,66% 1 10,98% 3 9,57% 3 11 734 Arysteq Balanced Fund 20,28% 2 14,03% 2 * * 92 M&G Namibian Balanced (Seg) 14,85% 10 13,01% 3 10,68% 6 9,40% 4 3 710 NAM Balanced Composite 20,59% 1 12,50% 5 12,46% 1 9,37% 5 4 492 Ninety One Namibia Balanced Composite 13,15% 11 10,67% 10 10,26% 9 9,85% 2 8 924 Ninety One Namibia Opportunity 20,24% 3 11,92% 7 12,03% 2 10,63% 1 3 340 OMIGNAM 19,18% 5 11,35% 9 10,25% 10 9,27% 6 1 028 OMIGNAM Profile Pinnacle Fund 15,43% 8 12,26% 6 10,64% 7 9,26% 7 280 Sanlam Namibia Managed Prudential Fund 15,32% 9 11,53% 8 10,92% 5 8,93% 8 287 STANLIB Namibia Balanced Fund (segregated portfolio) 17,41% 6 9,26% 11 10,52% 8 8,86% 9 219 Total Assets / Average Performance 17,26% 11,90% 10,99% 9,55% 37 101 Median Performance (Compounded) 17,79% 12,25% 11,44% 9,76%
Highest 20.59% 14.66% 12.46% 10.63% Lowest 13.15% 9.26% 10.25% 8.86% Upper Quartile 20.18% 12.98% 10.97% 9.57% Lower Quartile 15.37% 11.44% 10.55% 9.26% Number of Participants 11 11 10 9 Market Indices FTSE/JSE All Share Index 9.25% 13.51% 11.88% 8.78% FTSE/JSE SWIX All Share Index 7.85% 10.59% 8.69% 7.30% FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index 7.87% 12.69% 8.97% * All Bond Index 9.70% 7.43% 8.25% 7.98% Short Term Fixed Interest Rate Index 8.06% 5.68% 5.94% 6.42% MSCI Emerging Markets (ZAR) 18.51% 2.52% 9.19% 8.95% MSCI World Index (ZAR( 33.72% 15.95% 18.95% 15.44% MSCI EFM AFRICA (ZAR) 18.04% 2.12% 6.72% 4.44% FTSE WGBI (ZAR) 13.05% -0.14% 3.46% 5.40% Namibian CPI 5.76% 5.67% 4.32% 4.80% SA Headline Inflation 5.52% 6.13% 5.01% 5.20%
*No performance history
174 Section 3

Namibia Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The purpose of the Namibia Manager WatchTM survey is to provide clients, trustees, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons of portfolios within balanced and specialist mandates.

Asset Managers 1 Year Rank 3 Years (p.a.) Rank 5 Years (p.a.) Rank 10 Years (p.a.) Rank Assets (N$ Millions Combined Conservative Multi-Asset Class Allan Gray Namibia Stable Fund 15,25% 3 12,35% 1 8,91% 7 * 305 Arysteq Real Return Fund 20,51% 1 * * * 63 Capricorn Stable Fund 14,34% 5 11,43% 2 10,36% 1 * 2 175 M&G Namibian Inflation Plus +4% 13,84% 6 11,38% 3 9,73% 4 8,89% 2 2 377 NAM Coronation Balanced Defensive Fund 15,46% 2 10,47% 6 10,03% 2 8,67% 4 159 OMIGNAM Profile Capital 12,47% 7 10,65% 5 9,37% 6 8,74% 3 29 Sanlam Namibia Inflation Linked Fund 14,67% 4 10,12% 7 9,71% 5 8,98% 1 2 676 Standard Bank Namibia Inflation Plus Fund 10,78% 8 10,92% 4 9,79% 3 7,86% 5 664 Total Assets / Average Performance 13,19% 10,88% 9,54% 8,46% 8 448 Median Performance (Compounded) 13,78% 10,59% 9,46% 8,56% Combined Conservative Multi-Asset Class Statistics Highest 20.51% 12.35% 10.36% 8.98% Lowest 10.78% 10.12% 8.91% 7.86% Upper Quartile 15.30% 11.41% 9.91% 8.89% Lower Quartile 13.49% 10.56% 9.54% 8.67% Number of Participants 8 7 7 5 Combined Unit Trust Multi-Asset Class Allan Gray Namibia Balanced Fund 19,48% 2 14,69% 1 11,32% 2 9,87% 1 4 596 M&G Namibian Balanced Fund (Pooled) 15,30% 4 12,85% 2 10,64% 3 9,37% 3 742 NAM Coronation Balanced Plus Fund 21,17% 1 12,52% 3 12,50% 1 9,24% 4 1 148 Ninety One Namibia Managed Fund 13,10% 5 10,65% 4 10,28% 4 9,78% 2 4 369 Standard Bank Namibia Managed Fund 18,03% 3 8,64% 5 9,47% 5 8,31% 5 191 Total Assets / Average Performance 17,15% 11,11% 9,81% 8,92% 11 046 Median Performance (Compounded) 16,89% 11,04% 10,30% 9,16% Combined Unit Trusts Multi-Asset Class Statistics Highest 21.17% 14.69% 12.50% 9.87% Lowest 13.10% 8.64% 9.47% 8.31% Upper Quartile 19.48% 12.85% 11.32% 9.78% Lower Quartile 15.30% 10.65% 10.28% 9.24% Number of Participants 5 5 5 5 * No performance history 175 Section 3

Namibia Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The purpose of the Namibia Manager WatchTM survey is to provide clients, trustees, consultants and asset managers with objective and meaningful performance and risk comparisons of portfolios within balanced and specialist mandates.

Asset Managers 1 Year Rank 3 Years (p.a.) Rank 5 Years (p.a.) Rank 10 Years (p.a.) Rank Assets (N$ Millions Fixed Income Money Market Alexforbes Namibia Banker 8.91% 6 6.54% 5 6.94% 4 7.50% 3 417 Arysteq Money Market fund 9.35% 1 7.50% 1 7.74% 1 * 1 109 Capricorn Enhanced Cash 8.85% 7 6.83% 2 7.35% 2 7.81% 1 3 702 Capricorn Investment Fund 8.92% 5 6.50% 7 6.77% 8 7.38% 4 11 114 NAM Coronation Money Market Fund 8.95% 4 6.33% 9 6.57% 9 * 466 Pointbreak Institutional Money Fund 8.62% 8 6.43% 8 6.82% 6 7.38% 5 10 801 Prescient Namibian Money Market Composite 8.37% 9 6.51% 6 6.86% 5 * 88 SIM Namibia Floating Rate fund 9.22% 3 6.65% 3 6.96% 3 7.59% 2 744 Standard Bank Namibia Cash Plus Fund 9.32% 2 6.61% 4 6.82% 7 7.28% 6 1 771 Total Assets / Average Performance 8.94% 6.68% 7.01% 7.37% 30 212 Median Performance (Compounded) 8.87% 6.60% 6.93% 7.37% Mixed Fixed Interest Ashburton Income fund 13.09% 2 10.36% 2 9.58% 2 * 300 Capricorn Bond Fund 18.54% 1 11.94% 1 11.35% 1 9.89% 1 1 178 Capricorn High Yield Fund 9.86% 7 7.67% 5 8.07% 4 8.50% 2 3 598 Hangala Capital Income Provider Fund (Aluwani) 10.82% 4 * * * 224 NAM Coronation Strategic Income Fund 11.77% 3 8.37% 3 8.06% 5 8.23% 3 821 Ninety One Namibia High Income Fund 10.80% 5 7.98% 4 8.36% 3 8.20% 4 368 Sanlam Namibia Active Fund 9.74% 8 7.41% 6 7.42% 7 8.01% 6 1 140 Standard Bank Namibia Income Fund 9.89% 6 7.05% 7 7.57% 6 8.03% 5 1 191 Total Assets / Average Performance 11.95% 8.75% 8.74% 8.60% 39 032 Median Performance (Compounded) 11.31% 8.33% 8.49% 8.47% Money Market Statistics Highest 9,35% 7,50% 7,74% 7,81% Lowest 8,37% 6,33% 6,57% 7,28% Upper Quartile 9,22% 6,65% 6,96% 7,57% Lower Quartile 8,85% 6,50% 6,82% 7,38% Number of Participants 9 9 9 6 Mixed Fixed Interest Statistics Highest 18,54% 11,94% 11,35% 9,89% Lowest 9,74% 7,05% 7,42% 8,01% Upper Quartile 12,10% 9,37% 8,97% 8,43% Lower Quartile 9,88% 7,54% 7,82% 8,07% Number of Participants 8 7 7 6
performance history
176 Section 3

Namibia Manager Watch™ Survey - Combined Best Investment View

Risk vs Return (Calculated on 3 year performance returns) Asset Managers 3 Years (p.a.) Rank 3 Years Risk (Volatility) Rank Return / Risk Rank Risk vs Return (calculated on 3 year performance returns) Alexforbes Namibia Performer 12.95% 4 8.22% 9 1.57 5 Allan Gray Namibia Global Balanced 14.66% 1 5.99% 1 2.45 1 Arysteq Balanced Fund 14.03% 2 6.27% 2 2.24 2 M&G Namibian Balanced (Seg) 13.01% 3 7.78% 5 1.67 3 NAM Balanced Composite 12.50% 5 10.03% 11 1.25 10 Ninety One Namibia Balanced Composite 10.67% 10 7.56% 4 1.41 9 Ninety One Namibia Opportunity 11.92% 7 7.40% 3 1.61 4 OMIGNAM 11.35% 9 7.93% 7 1.43 8 OMIGNAM Profile Pinnacle Fund 12.26% 6 7.80% 6 1.57 6 Sanlam Namibia Managed Prudential Fund 11.53% 8 7.97% 8 1.45 7 STANLIB Namibia Balanced Fund (segregated portfolio) 9.26% 11 8.47% 10 1.09 11
Highest 14.66% 10.03% 2.45 Upper Quartile 12.98% 8.10% 1.64 Median 12.26% 7.80% 1.57 Average 12.19% 7.77% 1.61 Lower Quartile 11.44% 7.48% 1.42 Lowest 9.26% 5.99% 1.09 Number of participants 11 11 11 177 Section 3
15.00% 13.80% 12.60% 11.40% 10.20% 14.40% 13.20% 12.00% 10.80% 9.60% 9.00% 5.50% 7.50% 6.50% 8.50% 6.00% 8.00% 7.00% 9.00% 9.50% 10.00% 10.50% 178 Section 3

Africa Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The funds in this survey are comprised of actively managed African equity assets. Currently retirement funds are allowed to invest up to 45% offshore, which includes exposure to Africa.

Alexforbes use Morningstar monthy close when converting to South Africa Rands (ZAR).

Performance Data In Rands (R) to the end of December 2023

Investment Managers Benchmark Discription Fund Size (R m) Month Quarter Year to Date 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Calendar Year Fund Rank Fund Rank Fund Rank Fund Rank Fund Rank Fund Rank 2022 Rank 2021 Rank 2020 Rank Africa Equity including SA Allan Gray Africa Equity Fund MSCI EFM Africa Index 4 611 -0.28% 5.60% 13.93% 13.93% 17.79% 8.97% 0.07% 43.32% 2.99% Total 4 611 Africa Equity excluding SA Allan Gray Africa ex-SA Fund Limited Standard Bank Africa Total Return Index 7 914 -1.05% 3 4.80% 1 18.45% 2 18.45% 2 17.53% 2 9.06% 1 -5.43% 4 44.92% 2 7.53% 1 Coronation Africa Frontiers Strategy ICE LIBOR USD 3-Month 4 158 0.41% 1 -7.62% 9 4.47% 8 4.47% 8 6.55% 5 1.77% 9 -18.35% 7 41.83% 3 -1.66% 4 Laurium Limpopo Africa Fund 50% MSCI Africa ex-SA Index / 50% S&P All Africa ex-SA Capped Index 2 805 -4.15% 7 -5.38% 7 13.14% 4 13.14% 4 6.99% 4 4.73% 5 -8.59% 5 18.43% 9 -5.97% 8 M&G Africa ex South Africa MSCI EFM Africa ex SA 9 447 -3.04% 6 2.93% 2 14.07% 3 14.07% 3 5.55% 6 3.25% 8 -16.85% 6 23.98% 6 -3.54% 6 Mazi Prime Africa Equity fund MSCI EFM Africa ex SA 1 482 -4.76% 9 0.75% 4 -6.71% 9 -6.71% 9 3.66% 7 4.07% 7 -2.92% 3 23.00% 7 -3.75% 7 OMIG African Frontiers MSCI EFM Africa ex SA 4 178 -2.75% 5 -6.88% 8 10.19% 5 10.19% 5 3.39% 8 4.13% 6 -22.78% 9 29.87% 5 -2.43% 5 Sanlam African Equity Fund 50/50 blend of MSCI EFM Africa ex-SA and S&P All Africa ex-SA Capped indices 1 170 0.06% 2 2.23% 3 6.05% 7 6.05% 7 12.11% 3 7.25% 2 -2.64% 2 36.49% 4 0.36% 3 Steyn Capital Africa Fund MSCI EFM Africa ex SA 2 896 -2.02% 4 -0.88% 6 19.83% 1 19.83% 1 20.70% 1 6.53% 3 0.66% 1 45.78% 1 -10.77% 9 Visio Metsi Segregated Portfolio MSCI EFM Africa ex SA 530 -4.31% 8 0.54% 5 7.32% 6 7.32% 6 1.77% 9 5.92% 4 -18.57% 8 20.59% 8 7.25% 2 Total 34 581 Africa Bond/Fixed Income Allan Gray Africa Bond Fund J.P. Morgan GBI-EM Global Diversified Index until 31 December 2020. FTSE 3 Month US T Bill + 4% Index thereafter. 5 660 1.05% 3 8.31% 2 24.79% 2 24.79% 2 11.05% 1 11.10% 1 -3.64% 1 13.89% 1 12.81% 2 Laurium Africa Bond Fund Standard Bank Africa Sovereign Eurobond (excl. South Africa) Total Return Index in USD 890 1.62% 2 6.19% 3 19.93% 3 19.93% 3 6.39% 2 * -7.44% 2 8.49% 2 15.72% 1 Old Mutual African Frontiers Flexible Income Fund Standard Bank Africa ex South Africa Sovereign Bond Total Return Index 421 3.65% 1 10.20% 1 27.39% 1 27.39% 1 * * * * * Total 6 970 * No performance history Market Indices & Statistics MSCI EFM Africa 0.28% 4.70% 18.04% 18.04% 2.12% 6.72% -14.81% 5.89% 24.27% MSCI EFM Africa-ex SA -4.15% 3.32% 14.97% 14.97% 4.75% 5.44% -16.98% 20.44% 0.00% MSCI Emerging Markets 0.31% 4.77% 18.51% 18.51% 2.52% 9.19% -14.43% 6.24% 24.67% S&P All Africa 2.22% 5.99% 4.74% 4.74% 9.20% 8.06% 3.58% 20.01% 3.98% S&P All Africa-ex SA -1.75% -5.62% 4.26% 4.26% 3.01% 4.20% -12.49% 19.80% 4.66% S&P Pan Africa 1.91% 7.35% 6.06% 6.06% 5.64% 3.92% -3.68% 15.39% -5.35% S&P Pan Africa-ex SA -3.12% 3.91% 14.22% 14.22% 4.61% 3.53% -16.12% 19.49% -3.08% 179 Section 3

Africa Manager Watch™ Survey

Objective: The funds in this survey are comprised of actively managed African equity assets. Currently retirement funds are allowed to invest up to 45% offshore, which includes exposure to Africa.

Alexforbes use Morningstar monthy close when converting to South Africa Rands (ZAR).

Risk vs Return (Calculated on 3 year performance returns)

Investment Managers 3 Year Return (p.a.) Rank Benchmark Volatility Rank Return/ Volatility Rank Active Return Rank Tracking Error Information Ratio Rank Africa Equity including SA Allan Gray Africa Equity Fund 17.79% 7.55% 18.91% 94.07% 10.23% 23.41% 0.44 Africa Equity excluding SA Allan Gray Africa ex-SA Fund Limited 17.53% 2 8.89% 21.16% 7 82.83% 2 8.64% 3 21.29% 0.41 3 Coronation Africa Frontiers Strategy 6.55% 5 10.07% 23.46% 9 27.93% 5 -3.52% 9 19.53% -0.18 8 Laurium Limpopo Africa Fund 6.99% 4 6.11% 16.94% 2 41.29% 4 0.88% 4 8.34% 0.11 5 M&G Africa ex South Africa 5.55% 6 4.75% 20.44% 5 27.15% 6 0.80% 5 5.51% 0.14 4 Mazi Prime Africa Equity fund 3.66% 7 4.75% 21.61% 8 16.96% 8 -1.09% 6 10.67% -0.10 6 OMIG African Frontiers 3.39% 8 4.75% 17.75% 4 19.09% 7 -1.37% 7 9.96% -0.14 7 Sanlam African Equity Fund 12.11% 3 1.56% 14.63% 1 82.80% 3 10.55% 2 11.20% 0.94 2 Steyn Capital Africa Fund 20.70% 1 4.75% 17.71% 3 116.85% 1 15.95% 1 15.87% 1.00 1 Visio Metsi Segregated Portfolio 1.77% 9 4.75% 20.89% 6 8.45% 9 -2.99% 8 6.10% -0.49 9 Africa Equity excluding SA Highest 20.70% 10.07% 23.46% 116.85% 15.95% 21.29% 1.00 Lowest 1.77% 1.56% 14.63% 8.45% -3.52% 5.51% -0.49 Upper Quartile 12.11% 6.11% 21.16% 82.80% 8.64% 15.87% 0.41 Lower Quartile 3.66% 4.75% 17.71% 19.09% -1.37% 8.34% -0.14 Number of Participants 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Africa Bond/Fixed Income Allan Gray Africa Bond Fund 11.05% 1 14.29% 10.93% 1 101.15% 1 -3.24% 2 12.74% -0.25 2 Laurium Africa Bond Fund 6.39% 2 5.25% 12.91% 2 49.52% 2 1.15% 1 4.58% 0.25 1 Africa Bond/Fixed Income Highest 11.05% 14.29% 12.91% 101.15% 1.15% 12.74% 0.25 Lowest 6.39% 5.25% 10.93% 49.52% -3.24% 4.58% -0.25 Upper Quartile 9.89% 12.03% 12.41% 88.24% 0.05% 10.70% 0.12 Lower Quartile 7.56% 7.51% 11.42% 62.43% -2.14% 6.62% -0.13 Number of Participants 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Market statistics MSCI EFM Africa 2.12% 14.08% 15.04% 11.02% 23.92% 1.06 MSCI EFM Africa-ex SA 4.75% 18.10% 26.27% -3.21% 5.12% -0.32 MSCI Emerging Markets 2.52% 14.06% 17.89% 4.79% 13.75% 0.55 S&P All Africa 9.20% 13.10% 70.20% -0.39% 7.36% -0.05 S&P All Africa-ex SA 3.01% 14.58% 20.64% 11 11 11 S&P Pan Africa 5.64% 11.65% 48.36% S&P Pan Africa-ex SA 4.61% 17.10% 26.97% 180 Section 3

Africa Manager Watch™ Survey

Excess Return vs Tracking Error scatterplot - Including SA and Excluding SA 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Excess Return (% p.a.) Tracking Error (% p.a.) Africa Equity excluding SA Africa Equity including SA Africa Bond/Fixed Income Africa Equity excluding SA Africa Equity including SA Africa Bond/Fixed Income Volatility vs Return scatterplot - Including SA and Excluding SA 3 Years ended 31 December 2023 Volatility (p.a.) (standard deviation) Return (p.a.)
20.90% 17.10% 19.00% 15.20% 13.30% 9.50% 11.40% 7.60% 5.70% 3.80% 1.90% 0.00% 10.40% 4.40% 8.40% 14.40% 18.40% 6.40% 12.40% 10.40% 16.40% 20.40% 22.40% 11.70% 13.00% 14.30% 15.60% 16.90% 18.20% 19.50% 20.80% 22.10% 23.40% 24.70% 181 Section 3

2024 Investment outlook: cautiously optimistic

Key themes

Global growth to remain below pre-pandemic level

The final inflation descent to target to be gradual

Global monetary policy easing likely to start in the second half of 2024

Prospects for the year 2024

In the absence of adverse shocks, it looks like central banks will be able to bring inflation back to target without crashing the global economy – achieving the so-called ‘soft-landing’ scenario. With overall global growth forecast to slow for the third consecutive year and inflation expected to edge closer to central bank targets, we believe policy normalisation will ensue in the second half of the year.

Domestically, we believe the economy is likely to stage a slight recovery on the back of an improvement in load shedding intensity, while consumers will get a reprieve as inflation further declines and interest rates

Improving load shedding intensity and embedded generation capacity supportive of growth prospects

SA inflation trending lower and SARB to cut rates in H2 24

Fiscal outlook clouded by risks

Early polling shows the ANC’s support slipping below 50%

decrease. The 2024 elections promise to be fiercely contested, with early polling showing the ANC’s support slipping below 50%.

While uncertainty remains a central theme in 2024, our expectation of a ‘soft-landing’ and for interest rate cuts to continue in 2025 points to a favourable backdrop for both stocks and equities. Industrial metals face headwinds associated with slowing global growth and tepid Chinese demand, while gold should benefit from declining interest rates.


2024 outlook: global growth to remain below pre-pandemic level

We are cautiously optimistic about the macroeconomic outlook, however, uncertainty remains around the extent of the impact of high interest rates still permeating through the global economy. Uncertainty also stems from the election-packed calendar, with election outcomes in key regions like Russia, India, UK, European Union, Brazil and the United States likely to determine geo-political alliances and influence global economic policy setting.





Apr May

El Salvador







El Salvador











United States




Sep Nov

Bosnia and Herzegovina


European Union








According to IMF’s January World Economic Outlook (WEO), overall global growth is expected to average 3.1% – the same as 2023. This would be well below the pre-pandemic average growth of 3.8%. There are underlying divergences in the outlook, with the slowdown in activity expected to be more pronounced in advanced economies, where growth is projected to average 1.5% down from 1.6% in 2023 as higher interest rates continue to filter through the economy. Emerging market economies are still expected to post robust growth of 4.1%, unchanged from 2023.

Among advanced economies, growth in the US is expected to slow to about 2.1% in 2024 (2023: 2.5%) as the lagged impact of monetary policy weighs on household spending and labour market imbalances ease. While we expect fiscal policy to turn more restrictive to aid in the fight against inflation, the USD78bn (about 0.3 pp of GDP) tax package currently being deliberated by Congress could provide a lift to growth.

Following the sharp slowdown in the Euro Area, with the economy stagnating in Q4 23, activity is expected to stage a soft recovery. Growth is projected to average 0.9% marginally up from 0.5% in 2023, as easing price pressures boost real wages and lift disposable income. Lower interest rates in the second half of the year will also be supportive and bode well for growth. In the UK, growth is also expected to pick up in 2024, averaging 0.6% compared to 0.1% in 2023, bolstered by looser financial conditions and lower energy costs.

Unlike in the US, UK and Euro Area where growth is expected to revert to pre-Covid trends over the medium term, growth in China is expected to trend lower, averaging 4.6% in 2024 and slowing further to 4.1% in 2025 – much lower than the historical average of 9.0%. The slowdown reflects tepid consumer sentiment, continued downturn in the property sector, a rapidly aging demographic and limited fiscal space to stimulate the economy.

Source: Association of World Election Bodies, Alexander Forbes Investments Figure 1: Notable elections to be held in 2024
183 Section 3

Disinflation trend to continue at a gradual pace

Slowing global demand, easing imbalances in the labour market and a further decline in commodity prices is expected to support the last phase of the disinflation trend. However, with most of the favorable food and fuel base effects petering out, we expect inflation to decline back to central bank targets at a more gradual pace from here on. In advanced economies, inflation is expected to edge closer to

central bank targets, with headline inflation in the US projected to average 2.7%, down from 4.1% in 2023. In the Eurozone and UK inflation is expected to average 2.3% and 2.6%, respectively, from 5.5% and 7.4% in 2023. The deflationary trend in China is expected to be short-lived as pork prices (which have been a major drag on headline inflation) increase as demand and supply imbalances ease.

Major central banks to adopt a cautious approach and ease policy rates in H2 2024

Turning to monetary policy, we expect the continued decline in inflation to provide central banks an opportunity to cut policy rates, without igniting demand-led inflation. However, we believe the market will likely be disappointed with its expectations of Q1 24 rate cuts. Central banks have pushed back against imminent rate cuts amid ongoing uncertainties. Prolonged insecurity in the Red Sea could increase supply chain constraints and ignite a wider Middle East conflict. The IMF has also warned policymakers to not declare premature victory against inflation,

as past historical price shocks show that inflation is persistent and that the fight is far from over. In light of these risks, we believe central banks will adopt a cautious approach and ease policy rates in H2 24. We expect the Fed to cut by 100 bp, taking the Fed Fund rate to 4.25% - 4.5%. We think the ECB and the BOE will cut their policy rates by 75 bp to 3.75 % and 4.5 % respectively. The PBOC is also likely to cut the lending rate and ramp up liquidity injections to spur activity and avert a much more pronounced slowdown in growth.

Economic growth Headline inflation

Sources: IMF (data as of January 2024), Bloomberg and Alexander Forbes Investments.

Note: DMs=Developed Economies; EMDEs=Emerging markets and Developing Economies

Global DMs US Euro area UK EMDEs Brazil Russia India China South Africa 2023 2024 2025 3.1 3.1 3.2 1.6 1.5 1.8 2.5 2.1 1.7 0.5 0.9 1.7 0.1 0.6 1.6 4.1 4.1 4.2 3.1 1.7 1.9 3 2.6 1.1 6.7 6.5 6.5 5.2 4.6 4.1 0.6 1.2 1.5 2023 2024 2025 6.9 4.3 3.6 5.8 3.7 2.8 4.1 2.6 2.3 5.5 2.3 2.1 7.4 2.8 2.1 3.3 7 4 4.6 3.8 3.5 6 6.4 4.4 5.7 5.50.2 1.1 1.8 5.9 4.9 4.5
Table 1: Selected regions consensus economic growth and inflation forecasts
184 Section 3

SA outlook: somewhat improving growth prospects

While the country staged a strong recovery from the pandemic-related recession, growth has lost steam as the country continues to battle severe electricity shortages, deteriorating logistical infrastructure and weak consumer and business confidence.

Notwithstanding, we believe the economy is likely to stage a slight recovery on the back of an improvement in load shedding intensity and self-generation capacity. While load shedding intensity was the most severe in 2023, it eased over the quarters. Load shedding peaked at 6.7GW in May 2023 and declined to 3.5GW in December 2023. This trend seems to have continued in early 2024, with the level of load

shedding intensity well below where we started in 2023. The increase in embedded-generation capacity bodes well for investment growth and will help boost the private sector’s resilience against load shedding. NERSA data shows that about 6.1GW of self-generation capacity was installed over the past two years. Households purchasing power should get a boost from declining inflation, as real wages increase. Lower interest rates in the second half of the year will reduce households’ debt service costs and free up funds for discretionary spending. Overall, we expect real GDP growth to rise from an estimated 0.6% in 2023 to 1.2% in 2024 and further to 1.5% in 2025.

SA inflation trending lower and SARB to cuts rates in H2 24

The inflation picture has evolved positively. Following a 13-month breach, headline inflation edged back to target in June 2023 as food and energy prices decreased and global supply chain pressures eased. Headline inflation bottomed at 4.7% in July 2023, rising to 5.9% in October, as favorable fuel and food base effects waned and conflict in the Middle East lifted oil prices. Since then, headline inflation has resumed its decent, reaching 5.1% in December 2023. Looking ahead, while we expect to see some volatility in the headline CPI figure, we expect the general trend to be downward. We estimate inflation will decline from 5.9% in 2023 to 4.9% in 2024 and further to 4.5% in 2025. We expect overall food inflation to ease, driven in part by moderation in meat as well as bread and cereal inflation.

In terms of monetary policy, we expect the SARB to keep the policy rate unchanged through H1 2024 as the MPC is likely to remain concerned about upward risks to the inflation outlook. At the 25 January MPC meeting, the SARB maintained a hawkish tone, saying that the MPC would like to see a discernable downward trend in inflation before considering interest rate cuts. The Governor mentioned again that the policy rate remains restrictive, as the real repo rate (nominal repo rate minus headline inflation) is higher than the neutral real rate (the rate at which monetary policy is neither expansionary nor contractionary). He said this was intended to address rising inflation expectations, which the MPC would like to see anchored around the 4.5% midpoint.

Source: Stats SA, Alexander Forbes Investments Figure 2: GDP growth Real GDP (%. y/y) Pre-GFC avg. (%)
185 Section 3
Pre-Pandemic avg.

Despite the SARB’s hawkish posture, we believe the expected decline in inflation will give the MPC room to cut the repo rate by 75bp in the second half of the year and a further 50bp in 2025. We expect inflation expectations to start declining in tandem with the downward trajectory in headline inflation given the backward-looking nature of expectations. We believe this will strengthen the case for monetary policy easing.

Fiscal outlook clouded by risks National elections to be fiercely contested

The 2024 Budget strikes a balance between spending pressures and sustainable public finances, while also supporting economic reforms. The macroeconomic outlook sees subtle adjustments, with a downward revision in the growth estimate for 2023, mitigated by a cautiously optimistic medium-term trajectory. Revenue strategies for the FY2024/25 include raising R15 billion from Personal Income Tax (PIT) by not adjusting income tax brackets for inflation and implementing aboveinflation increases in ‘sin’ taxes. Expenditure priorities focus on wage increases and extension of the Social Relief Distress Grant (SRDG), offset by reductions elsewhere, underspending in certain projects and drawdown of contingency reserves.

The revised revenue and expenditure estimates result in the budget deficit decreasing from 4.7% of the GDP in FY2023/24 to 3.4% in FY2026/27, lower than the Medium-term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) estimates of 3.7%. Government will use R150 billion from the Gold and Foreign Contingency Reserve Account (GFCERA) to reduce the borrowing requirement and thereby stabilise the debt-to-GDP ratio at a lower level than before. Despite the budget striking a delicate balancing act, execution risk is high. Meeting revenue estimates and implementing expenditure cuts may prove challenging. Furthermore, the use of GFECRA suggests limited room to manoeuvre further fiscal slippage or shocks.

Also top of mind are the 2024 general and provincial elections, which occur amidst a challenging economic environment, in what promises to be a fiercely contested race. Several surveys show that the majority of voters are worried about the faltering economy, unemployment, the rise in violent crime and corruption. According to the polls, the ANC support is seen falling to about 46%, while the DA and EFF support is seen increasing to around 25% and 12% respectively. However, it is still too early to tell which way the final vote will sway, with survey results likely to change over the next months as electioneering picks up in earnest.

Recent developments, such as the formation of the Umkhonto Wesizwe party, and the Multi-Party Charter are also likely to influence polls and final results. Notwithstanding, it is also worth noting that the ANC’s share of the national vote has been on a gradual decline, shedding about 4pp on average. This contrasts the 12pp decrease suggested by early polling. While history does not repeat itself, it often rhymes. In the instance that the ANC wins outright majority or clenches 45% to 50% of the votes, we think that the status quo (marked by a slow reform agenda) is likely to prevail.

Sources: Stats SA, SARB, Alexander Forbes Investments Figure 3: Inflation and repo rate
0 3 6 9 12 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 186 Section 3
Target band (%) Headline (%, y/y) Midpoint Core Repo (%)

Risks to the outlook appear slightly tilted to the downside

The 2024 outlook is not without risks. Globally, a resurgence in commodity prices from further geopolitical tensions and supply chain disruptions could derail the last phase of disinflation. This could see central banks leave policy rates unchanged for much longer than we expect. Prolonged tight financial conditions would weigh on overall growth. A deepening real estate crisis in China could also be a drag on emerging market economies. Domestically, worsening electricity shortages as well as rail and port operations could detract significantly from growth. On the upside, faster-than-expected disinflation could lead to an aggressive monetary policy easing cycle and bolster growth.

Faster implementation of structural reforms would also be supportive of growth prospects.
Sources: PSOS, Brenthurst Foundation, Social Research Foundation, IEC, and Alexander Forbes Investments Figure 4a: Early poll results Figure 4b: ANC’s vote share of national elections IPSOS IRR SRF 2019 Outcome BF/SABI
187 Section 3

Data analytics for better retirement outcomes in South Africa

South Africa has a well-developed retirement fund market, with total assets amounting to over R5 trillion and covering about two-thirds of formal sector employees.

However, the retirement system faces many challenges, such as low levels of preservation, inadequate contribution rates, inappropriate investment choices, complex regulatory framework and poor financial literacy among members and trustees. These challenges affect the ability of retirement fund members to achieve their desired income goals and secure a dignified retirement.

Data analytics can play a vital role in enhancing the decision-making process of various stakeholders in the retirement fund industry, such as trustees, employers, administrators, asset managers, consultants and members. By using analytics, stakeholders can gain deeper insights into the fund dynamics, member behaviour, investment performance and potential interventions to improve outcomes. Data can also help address the social and governance implications of retirement fund decisions, such as promoting financial inclusion, reducing inequality and supporting responsible investing.

This article will explore the context, need, opportunities and challenges of using data analytics in the South African institutional retirement funding system and provide some practical use cases and future considerations.

The context and need for data analytics

The South African institutional retirement funding system consists of different types of funds, such as standalone funds, umbrella funds, retirement annuity funds, pension and provident funds, and preservation funds. Each fund has its own governance structure, benefit design, investment strategy and service providers. The funds are regulated by various laws and regulations, such as the Pension Funds Act, the Default Regulations, the Tax Laws, the Protection of Personal Information Act, the Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill, and the Responsible Investing and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Regulations and Guidance.

The system has undergone significant changes over the years, such as the shift from defined benefit to defined contribution funds, the introduction of default investments and annuity strategies, the implementation of retirement benefit counselling and the proposed two-pot retirement system. These changes have increased the complexity and responsibility of retirement fund trustees, who have fiduciary duties to manage the fund in the best interests of the members. Trustees have to make decisions that affect millions of fund members, such as selecting service providers, determining benefit options, overseeing fund operations and engaging with members.


However, trustees face many constraints and challenges in fulfilling their roles, such as limited time, resources, expertise and preparation. They also have to deal with diverse backgrounds, education levels and experiences of their fellow trustees, as well as potential conflicts of interest, power dynamics and behavioural biases. Moreover, trustees often lack access to reliable, relevant and timely data to inform their decisions and rely on traditional methods and assumptions that may not reflect the reality and needs of their members.

Data analytics can help to overcome some of these challenges and enhance the decision-making process of trustees and other stakeholders. Analytics can provide objective, evidence-based and actionable insights that can improve the understanding of the fund dynamics, member behaviour, investment performance and potential interventions to improve outcomes. An analytics capability can also help to monitor, review and iterate decisions based on empirical experience and feedback. Analytics can also help to align the decisions with the regulatory framework and the best practices of the industry.

The opportunities and use cases of data analytics

The opportunities and use cases of data analytics in the South African institutional retirement funding system are vast and varied, depending on the type, source and quality of data available, as well as the objectives, capabilities and preferences of the stakeholders. Some examples of data analytics applications include:

Improving data availability and quality:

Analytic mechanisms can help to improve the data governance of retirement funds by ensuring that the data is accurate, complete, consistent and secure. Data governance can be applied to standardise and integrate data from different sources and platforms, such as member administration, investment administration, asset management and member engagement. Data can be enriched with additional information, such as demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics of members, as well as market conditions, benchmarks and trends.

Enhancing member engagement and communication:

Data enhances the member engagement and communication strategies of retirement funds by using this data to segment and profile members based on their needs, preferences and behaviours. A fund can personalise and tailor the communication messages and channels to suit the members’ profiles and segments. Monitoring capabilities measure and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the communication and engagement interventions, and provide feedback and recommendations for improvement.

Optimising investment and contribution strategies:

Data analytics can help optimise the investment and contribution strategies of retirement funds, by using data to construct personalised portfolios and scenarios based on the members’ income goals, risk profiles and time horizons. Assessing the performance and suitability of the investment and contribution strategies, and providing alerts and guidance for adjustments and switches are further opportunities. An analytical approach enables the incorporation of ESG factors and responsible investing principles into the investment and contribution strategies and demonstrates the social and environmental impact of the decisions.

189 Section 3

The opportunities and use cases of data analytics

Supporting benefit design and default options:

Analytics supports the benefit design and default options of retirement funds by using data to analyse the needs and expectations of the members, and design benefits that are appropriate, affordable and sustainable. Analytics can help evaluate the impact and outcomes of the benefit design and default options, and provide feedback and recommendations for improvement. Analytics can also aid in compliance with the regulatory requirements and best practices of the benefit design and default options, such as the default regulations, the retirement benefit counselling and the two-pot retirement system.

Ensuring good governance and assurance:

Data analytics is a necessity to ensure good governance and assurance of retirement funds by using data to monitor, audit and report on the fund operations, compliance and risks. It can be used to identify and resolve errors, mismatches and fraud in fund administration, investment management and member transactions. Thereby enhancing the transparency and accountability of the fund decisions, and providing evidence and justification for the decisions.

The challenges and future considerations of data analytics

Despite the opportunities and use cases of data analytics in the South African institutional retirement funding system, there are also some challenges and barriers to the widespread adoption and implementation of data analytics. Some of the challenges and barriers include:

Data availability and quality:

Analytics requires access to reliable, relevant and timely data, which may not be readily available or easily accessible for many retirement funds. Data may be fragmented, incomplete, inconsistent or outdated due to the lack of standardisation, integration and governance across different sources and platforms. Data may also be subject to privacy and security concerns and require consent and protection from the members and other stakeholders.

Technological limitations:

Data analytics requires infrastructure and systems that can support the collection, storage, processing and analysis of large and complex data sets, which may not be available or affordable for many retirement funds. A robust suite also requires software and tools that can perform advanced and sophisticated techniques, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, which may not be compatible or user-friendly for many retirement funds.

Lack of expertise:

Data analytics requires skills and knowledge that can understand, interpret and apply the data and insights, which may not be available or sufficient for many retirement funds. It requires a combination of actuarial, data science and engineering skills, which may be scarce, expensive or in high demand in the market. The use of such capabilities also requires the engagement and buy-in of the trustees and other stakeholders, who may not fully understand or appreciate the value and benefit of data analytics.

Cultural factors:

A data-driven approach requires a culture and mindset that can embrace and adopt data-driven decision-making, which may not be prevalent or dominant in many retirement funds. As such, this approach may face resistance or opposition from the traditional methods and assumptions that have been used for a long time, or from the vested interests and biases that may influence the decision-making process.

190 Section 3

Therefore, the future considerations of data analytics in the South African institutional retirement funding system are to address and overcome these challenges and barriers and to leverage and maximise the opportunities and use cases of data analytics. Some of the future considerations include:

Improving data availability and quality:

Data analytics can be improved by enhancing the data governance and management of retirement funds by establishing standards, policies and procedures for the collection, storage, processing and analysis of data.

Analytics can also be improved by enriching and integrating data from different sources and platforms, and by ensuring the consent and protection of the data from the members and other stakeholders.

Investing in technological capabilities:

Analytics can be improved by investing in the infrastructure and systems that can support the data analytics functions and processes, by upgrading, updating and maintaining the hardware, software and tools that can handle large and complex data sets.

Developing and acquiring expertise:

Data analytics can be improved by developing and acquiring the skills and knowledge that can enable and empower the data analytics functions and processes by training, educating and hiring the actuarial, data science and engineering professionals that can perform and apply the data analytics techniques and methods. Buy in can also be improved by engaging and involving the trustees and other stakeholders by communicating, demonstrating and explaining the value and benefit of data analytics.

Creating and fostering a data-driven culture:

The adoption of data analytics as an enabler can be improved by creating and fostering a culture and mindset that can embrace and adopt data-driven decision-making, by challenging and changing the traditional methods and assumptions that may not reflect the reality and needs of the members and the fund.


Data analytics can play a vital role in enhancing the decision-making process of various stakeholders in the South African institutional retirement funding system by providing objective, evidence-based and actionable insights that can improve the understanding of the fund dynamics, member behaviour, investment performance and potential interventions to improve outcomes.

The tools can also help address the social and governance implications of retirement fund decisions, such as promoting financial inclusion, reducing inequality and supporting responsible investing.

However, there are challenges and barriers to the widespread adoption and implementation, such as data availability and quality, technological limitations, lack of expertise and cultural factors. Therefore, future considerations of data analytics are to address and overcome these challenges and barriers and to leverage and maximise the opportunities and use cases of this rapidly maturing capability.

The article “Data Analytics for Better Retirement Outcomes in South Africa” was created with the help of an AI tool. It is based on a presentation given by the authors at the 2023 International Congress of Actuaries in Sydney, Australia

191 Section 3

Talent challenges in asset management evolve

The extraordinary growth of the financial services industry since 1994 has driven the local war for talent.

Consider that 89% of local institutional asset management firms participating in the Alexforbes Manager WatchTM series of surveys were founded after 1994. The investment value chain has also evolved to include asset consultants, multimanagers, DFMs, hedge funds and foreign competition.


A deep dive into publicly available data on top talent movement in the financial services sector collected by the Asset Management Research Institute (AMRI) has shown how this expansion has made it difficult for companies to attract, motivate, grow and retain skilled staff. During this period, many firms have gone out of business or been forced to consolidate.

Organisational complexity has increased, and technology has raised productivity in back-office operations, and it is starting to happen in front- and middle-office operations. As productivity goes up, employee numbers go down. In a competitive market where investment alpha is scarce and ephemeral, the weight of expectation on portfolio managers has grown.

Talent also ebbs and flows as professionals fall out, emigrate and veterans retire. The industry must mint fresh talent to meet the demand for new and existing roles in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). Talent shortages are felt everywhere, particularly when looking for the diverse, hands-on market experience of senior operations managers, data architects, data analysts, fixed-income portfolio managers, credit analysts and distribution professionals (clientfacing, sales support, marketing and communications).


According to one industry expert,

“Virtually every role is undersupplied except for entry-level equity analysts.”

Recruitment of women into senior investment roles remains a challenge. While the asset management industry has become more diverse, the industry continues to lag behind its employment equity target, according to the Association for Savings and Investments in South Africa (ASISA).

The AMRI data revealed 249 job changes in 2023, comprising 112 (45%) in investment roles, 123 (49%) in non-investment roles and 14 (6%) exits from the industry. The database includes demographic details on top talent dispersion across the financial services industry and dates to 2022.

Business management roles continue to be in high demand. There were 24 CEO appointments in 2023 across the industry, compared to six in 2022.

90 159

A total of 98 African black professionals (39%) changed jobs, followed by 93 white professionals (37%), 45 Indian professionals (18%) and 13 coloured (5%). White males followed by African males showed the highest job mobility (the movement of employees across positions or grades).

Growth is another key priority, and there were 40 business development appointments and 18 in client-facing roles. A total of 90 females (36%) and 159 males (64%) changed roles.

Gender disparity

A total of 36% of women were hired into business roles, including eight CEO roles, and 23 client-related and business development roles.

The number of women who went into investment roles was less than half that of men. A total of 18 men were appointed portfolio managers compared to only 3 women. There were 19 male investment analysts compared to 9 females. Women’s ability to progress to investment leadership roles depends on the talent pipeline. An 80-20 male-female split of CFA charter holders suggests that the industry still has a long way to go to achieve gender parity. Indeed, a 2023 study titled Diversity in asset management commissioned by the Eskom Pension and Provident Fund (EPPF) found a small number of women in the top investment decisionmaking ranks, concluding that if the industry is trying to attract women, it will have to do things differently.

64% 36% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 39% 37% 18% 5% Black African Staff movements by race and gender White Number of people Indian Coloured Male Female 36% 8 CEO roles 23 Client-related and business development roles. 193 Section 3


Of the 249 job changes, 87 (35%) were promotions, 11 of which were into newly-created investment team positions. There was a marked difference between promotions across race and gender. White males were promoted at a higher rate (30) than African black males (17), African black females (17), Indian males (9) and Indian females (7). Promotion rates will depend on how many women were promoted versus those who applied, how many black males were promoted versus those who applied, and so on, which makes it difficult to assess given the limited data, but the broad trends are still instructive.

Notably, there were five new deputy CIO positions, most of them at multi-managers or DFMs. Multimanagers and DFM services are the fastest growing asset management segment, locally and globally

driven by client demand for solutions. The new team structures aim to address the increasingly complex local investment environment, and the growing importance of alternative investments with larger allocations to infrastructure, private equity and hedge funds.

Promotions remain essential to retention, personal development and building career paths, long-term succession planning and improving gender and racial representation in top echelons. Long-term industry growth is vital to create opportunities for new career pathways for high-potential employees and boost retention prospects.

Who’s hiring?

As many as 12 companies in the Top 20 asset management firms measured by assets under management made 99 appointments in 2023 – 53% of which were in investment roles and 47% in business development and client servicing roles. Smaller firms hired more business development and management positions. We expect business roles to be in high demand in asset management as owner-managed boutiques institutionalise and transition beyond the founder generation.

As the industry evolves further employment shifts will be driven by skills transition with the rise of AI and technology more broadly, a focus on sustainability and investment firm culture.

That we are dealing with the second and third generation of investors indicates there is much to celebrate about talent growth since 1994. However, to meet the growing needs of the industry, companies will increasingly need to adopt a ‘grow your own timber’ approach. Strong partnership with academia to ensure the curriculums meet the changing needs of the sector, multi-disciplinary programmes (for example data science, coding and investments), more applied knowledge and an opportunity to learn changing trends through executive programmes, mentorship and apprenticeship for new entrants to the industry are just a few ways to cultivate talent for the future. Where are the talent hotbeds producing industry talent for 2050?

Muitheri Wahome is the author of Building Capital – A History of Asset Management in South Africa. She is an asset management expert at the Asset Management Research Institute.

Male Male Female Female Investment roles per gender 0 Chief Sustainability Officer Product Specialist Manager Research Chief Economist Chief Strategist Head of Strategy Impact Investing Economist Head of Asset Class Portfolio Managers Analyst 5 10 15 20 Investment officer appointments per gender 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CIO Deputy CIO CIO Multi Asset CIO Fixed Income CIO Fixed Equity 194 Section 3

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providers and licensed insurers in the group.
Alexforbes has licensed financial services
Fees 4 196 Section 4
197 Section 4

Investment management fees

Investment management fees are intended to compensate investment managers for their time and skill to manage the assets of a fund, and are usually in the form of a percentage of the assets managed.

The main types of investment fees are annual base fees, with some funds charging an additional performance fee. Fees can be quoted on a fixed basis or a sliding scale. A fixed fee is a constant percentage fee charged irrespective of the value of the assets being managed. A sliding scale fee is a structure where the percentage fee charged reduces as the value of assets managed increases.

Alexforbes fee study

The purpose of the Alexforbes Fee Survey is to create transparency and visibility of fees charged by the investment industry for institutional pension fund mandates. The primary benefit of this survey is to provide trustees, asset consultants, and advisors with a framework to benchmark the fees that they are being charged. The data collection process involved liaising with asset managers to obtain relevant data, which was subsequently validated. The survey was conducted in November 2023 and covered twenty of the most popular pension fund mandates.

The managers were requested to categorise their fee structure into a standardised, sliding scale format, utilising distinct asset under management (AuM) bands:

• R0-50 million

• R51-100 million

• R101-150 million

• R151-250 million

• R251-500 million

• R500 + million

Where relevant the fee charged for international assets was collected.

Limitations of study:

• The universe was restricted to asset managers who participate in the Alexforbes surveys.

They are:

• Global Balanced, BIV, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Global Absolute Return, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Domestic Balanced, BIV, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Domestic Absolute Return, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios Class

• Specialist Domestic Equity, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Specialist Domestic Property, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Specialist Domestic Bond, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Specialist Domestic Flexible Bond, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Specialist Domestic Inflation Linked Bond, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Specialist Domestic Money Market, Segregated and Pooled Portfolios

• Participation in the survey was voluntary, and therefore selection may be biased

• Historically, asset managers reported the fees for domestic and international assets within their global balanced funds separately. However, beginning in 2021 and persisting into 2022, the majority of asset managers have shifted towards reporting a total fee for their global balanced portfolios. This change complicates the comparison of international asset fees against those from prior years. The trend of consolidating fees into a total figure by asset managers has continued into 2023.

• The standardisation of fees in AuM categories may not reflect an individual manager’s fee scale.

Investment management fees are intended to compensate investment managers for their time and skill to manage the assets of a fund, and are usually in the form of a percentage of the assets managed. Access

our Manager Watch™ series of surveys here 198 Section 4

Base Fees – Indicative Range

Pooled Portfolios

Global BIV, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.65% 4 51-100 million 0.65% 4 101-150 million 0.64% 4 151-250 million 0.64% 4 251-500 million 0.56% 4 500 + million 0.54% 4 International 0.54% 4 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.80% 0.50% 51-100 million 0.80% 0.50% 101-150 million 0.80% 0.50% 151-250 million 0.80% 0.50% 251-500 million 0.80% 0.45% 500 + million 0.80% 0.40% International 0.80% 0.40%
BIV, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.60% 14 51-100 million 0.58% 14 101-150 million 0.54% 14 151-250 million 0.53% 14 251-500 million 0.49% 14 500 + million 0.48% 14 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.75% 0.40% 51-100 million 0.75% 0.40% 101-150 million 0.75% 0.35% 151-250 million 0.75% 0.35% 251-500 million 0.75% 0.35% 500 + million 0.75% 0.35% Global Absolute Return, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.62% 7 51-100 million 0.62% 7 101-150 million 0.62% 7 151-250 million 0.62% 7 251-500 million 0.57% 7 500 + million 0.55% 7 International 0.48% 7 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.65% 0.60% 51-100 million 0.65% 0.60% 101-150 million 0.65% 0.60% 151-250 million 0.65% 0.60% 251-500 million 0.60% 0.55% 500 + million 0.60% 0.50% International 0.53% 0.45% Domestic Absolute Return, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.59% 17 51-100 million 0.59% 17 101-150 million 0.59% 17 151-250 million 0.58% 17 251-500 million 0.53% 17 500 + million 0.49% 17 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.85% 0.30% 51-100 million 0.85% 0.30% 101-150 million 0.85% 0.30% 151-250 million 0.85% 0.30% 251-500 million 0.85% 0.30% 500 + million 0.85% 0.30%
Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.75% 22 51-100 million 0.70% 22 101-150 million 0.66% 22 151-250 million 0.64% 22 251-500 million 0.60% 22 500 + million 0.56% 22 International 0.78% 22 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.92% 0.40% 51-100 million 0.92% 0.40% 101-150 million 0.92% 0.40% 151-250 million 0.92% 0.40% 251-500 million 0.92% 0.40% 500 + million 0.92% 0.36% International 1.00% 0.40% Domestic BIV,
Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.73% 8 51-100 million 0.69% 8 101-150 million 0.64% 8 151-250 million 0.61% 8 251-500 million 0.57% 8 500 + million 0.53% 8 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.85% 0.50% 51-100 million 0.85% 0.50% 101-150 million 0.85% 0.47% 151-250 million 0.85% 0.41% 251-500 million 0.85% 0.36% 500 + million 0.85% 0.35% Global Absolute Return, Pooled Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.78% 9 51-100 million 0.76% 9 101-150 million 0.73% 9 151-250 million 0.72% 9 251-500 million 0.70% 9 500 + million 0.68% 9 International 0.72% 9 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.95% 0.64% 51-100 million 0.95% 0.54% 101-150 million 0.95% 0.49% 151-250 million 0.95% 0.44% 251-500 million 0.95% 0.39% 500 + million 0.95% 0.34% International 0.95% 0.45%
Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.73% 6 51-100 million 0.72% 6 101-150 million 0.67% 6 151-250 million 0.65% 6 251-500 million 0.61% 6 500 + million 0.57% 6 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.95% 0.40% 51-100 million 0.95% 0.40% 101-150 million 0.95% 0.38% 151-250 million 0.95% 0.35% 251-500 million 0.95% 0.31% 500 + million 0.95% 0.30% 199 Section 4
Multi–Asset Class Mandates
Global BIV, Pooled Portfolios
Domestic Absolute Return, Pooled Portfolios

Base Fees – Indicative Range

Asset (Specialist) Mandate Specialist Domestic Equity, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.57% 37 51-100 million 0.57% 37 101-150 million 0.54% 37 151-250 million 0.53% 37 251-500 million 0.49% 37 500 + million 0.45% 37 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.85% 0.30% 51-100 million 0.85% 0.30% 101-150 million 0.85% 0.30% 151-250 million 0.85% 0.30% 251-500 million 0.85% 0.30% 500 + million 0.85% 0.30% Specialist Domestic Property, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.55% 3 51-100 million 0.55% 3 101-150 million 0.52% 3 151-250 million 0.47% 3 251-500 million 0.40% 3 500 + million 0.37% 3 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.65% 0.40% 51-100 million 0.65% 0.40% 101-150 million 0.65% 0.35% 151-250 million 0.55% 0.35% 251-500 million 0.45% 0.30% 500 + million 0.45% 0.25% Specialist Domestic Equity, Pooled Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.77% 15 51-100 million 0.70% 15 101-150 million 0.67% 15 151-250 million 0.65% 15 251-500 million 0.62% 15 500 + million 0.60% 15 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 1.10% 0.35% 51-100 million 0.95% 0.35% 101-150 million 0.95% 0.35% 151-250 million 0.95% 0.35% 251-500 million 0.95% 0.35% 500 + million 0.95% 0.35% Specialist Domestic Property, Pooled Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.95% 5 51-100 million 0.73% 5 101-150 million 0.69% 5 151-250 million 0.65% 5 251-500 million 0.62% 5 500 + million 0.60% 5 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 1.24% 0.75% 51-100 million 0.84% 0.65% 101-150 million 0.84% 0.55% 151-250 million 0.84% 0.45% 251-500 million 0.84% 0.45% 500 + million 0.84% 0.45% Specialist Domestic Bond, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.31% 21 51-100 million 0.31% 21 101-150 million 0.30% 21 151-250 million 0.29% 21 251-500 million 0.27% 21 500 + million 0.23% 21 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.55% 0.20% 51-100 million 0.50% 0.20% 101-150 million 0.50% 0.19% 151-250 million 0.45% 0.19% 251-500 million 0.40% 0.18% 500 + million 0.35% 0.15% Specialist Domestic Bond, Pooled Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.47% 10 51-100 million 0.40% 10 101-150 million 0.38% 10 151-250 million 0.37% 10 251-500 million 0.35% 10 500 + million 0.32% 10 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.70% 0.20% 51-100 million 0.58% 0.20% 101-150 million 0.53% 0.20% 151-250 million 0.50% 0.20% 251-500 million 0.50% 0.20% 500 + million 0.50% 0.20% Specialist
Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.28% 7 51-100 million 0.28% 7 101-150 million 0.27% 7 151-250 million 0.26% 7 251-500 million 0.24% 7 500 + million 0.21% 7 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.45% 0.10% 51-100 million 0.45% 0.10% 101-150 million 0.45% 0.10% 151-250 million 0.40% 0.10% 251-500 million 0.40% 0.10% 500 + million 0.35% 0.10% Specialist Domestic Flexible Bond, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.34% 5 51-100 million 0.34% 5 101-150 million 0.34% 5 151-250 million 0.34% 5 251-500 million 0.30% 5 500 + million 0.28% 5 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.40% 0.20% 51-100 million 0.40% 0.20% 101-150 million 0.40% 0.20% 151-250 million 0.40% 0.20% 251-500 million 0.40% 0.15% 500 + million 0.40% 0.15% Specialist Domestic Flexible Bond, Pooled Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.50% 10 51-100 million 0.45% 10 101-150 million 0.44% 10 151-250 million 0.43% 10 251-500 million 0.41% 10 500 + million 0.40% 10 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.67% 0.33% 51-100 million 0.60% 0.33% 101-150 million 0.58% 0.33% 151-250 million 0.50% 0.33% 251-500 million 0.50% 0.30% 500 + million 0.50% 0.28% 200 Section 4
Domestic Inflation linked Bond, Segregated Portfolios
Specialist Domestic Money Market, Segregated Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.23% 21 51-100 million 0.23% 21 101-150 million 0.21% 21 151-250 million 0.21% 21 251-500 million 0.18% 21 500 + million 0.16% 21 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.35% 0.10% 51-100 million 0.35% 0.10% 101-150 million 0.35% 0.10% 151-250 million 0.35% 0.10% 251-500 million 0.30% 0.10% 500 + million 0.30% 0.10% Specialist Domestic Inflation linked Bond, Pooled Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.38% 2 51-100 million 0.35% 2 101-150 million 0.35% 2 151-250 million 0.33% 2 251-500 million 0.28% 2 500 + million 0.25% 2 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.50% 0.25% 51-100 million 0.50% 0.20% 101-150 million 0.50% 0.20% 151-250 million 0.45% 0.20% 251-500 million 0.40% 0.15% 500 + million 0.35% 0.15% Specialist Domestic Money Market, Pooled Portfolios Average fee per band Fee Band Average Fee (%) Participants per Fee Band 0-50 million 0.24% 15 51-100 million 0.23% 15 101-150 million 0.21% 15 151-250 million 0.20% 15 251-500 million 0.19% 15 500 + million 0.18% 15 Highest and Lowest per fee band Fee Band High Low 0-50 million 0.35% 0.15% 51-100 million 0.32% 0.15% 101-150 million 0.29% 0.13% 151-250 million 0.29% 0.13% 251-500 million 0.26% 0.13% 500 + million 0.25% 0.10%
201 Section 4
Base Fees – Indicative Range (continued) Single Asset (Specialist) Mandate
202 Section 5
Investment survey glossary 5
203 Section 5

Investment Survey Glossary

Absolute Return Investment Strategy

An actively managed investment objective that seeks consistent, positive returns regardless of whether markets are rising or falling; and without reference to a benchmark index for comparison. While not all absolute return strategies are alike, typically, the goal is to produce returns in excess of the inflation rate and/or cash that can be measured by the consumer price index (CPI) while protecting against capital losses.

Active Fund Management

An investment approach that relies on the belief that it is possible to outperform the market. Typically an actively managed fund would select asset classes and investment securities that are expected to perform better than the market or benchmark.

Active Return

The difference in returns between a fund and its benchmark at each point in time.

Africa Global Funds (AGF)

The New York-based Africa Global Funds organization provides complete coverage and analysis of the biggest players in African investment space. Drawing on an intense dialogue with a constantly expanding group of key decision-makers in the industry, we cover traditional and alternative asset classes of the African asset management space.

All Bond Index (ALBI)

A popular index used to benchmark performance for South African fixed income (bond) portfolios. This index represents a weighted basket of the top 20 South African bonds ranked dually by market capitalisation and liquidity.


Alpha is a measurement of the performance of an investment portfolio against a benchmark. The alpha is the return the fund or portfolio makes, relative to the return of the benchmark.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the development of computer systems that can perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as understanding language, recognising images, and making decisions.

Asset Class

Categories of investments that behave similarly and are subject to similar market forces. Major asset classes include equities (shares), fixed income (bonds and cash), commodities and property.

Assets Under Management (AuM)

The market value of assets held by an investment manager on behalf of clients.

Balanced Fund Strategy

An actively managed investment framework where the asset allocation, strategies employed and risk assumed to achieve the specified investment objective is delegated to the investment manager.


An independently constructed reference (usually a publicly available index) that sets an objective rate of return (the neutral position) that should be used to test the effective implementation of an investment strategy. A good benchmark will also be representative of the asset class or mandate and is investable itself.


A particular tendency, trend, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned

Black Swan

A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Black swan events can cause catastrophic damage to an economy by negatively impacting markets and investments, but even the use of robust modelling cannot prevent a black swan event.

204 Section 5

Climate Change

Climate change is a complex, multi-dimensional process that will affect the global environment in many ways. Largely driven by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by agriculture and industry, it poses an existential threat to human society. Many governments across the world have announced plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions and reduce their climate footprints.


A group of similarly managed portfolios within a single investment manager and typically defined within the investment managers’ GIPS™ policy.

Composite Dispersion

The extent to which the returns of all portfolios within a composite differ. It can be measured in different ways, including: the difference between the maximum and the minimum return (range); the difference between the 1st and 3rd quartile (inter-quartile range); the standard deviation of returns, or mean absolute deviation.

Compound Rate of Return

A compound rate of return that expresses the relationship between the initial investment and the returns earned on that investment, incorporating future returns which are earned on past returns. For most investors, this is the most accurate way to calculate their returns as most investors will leave their returns in an investment.

Coupon Rate

A bond’s coupon rate is the rate used to calculate the periodic interest payments paid by the issuer of a bond to its owner at the time of payment. It is set when the bond is issued and is usually related to the nominal value of the bond at the time of issuance.

Credit Risk

Credit risk refers to the risk that a bond issuer will default on any type of debt by failing to make required payments, i.e. probability that the bond issuer will make debt payments late.


The Code for Responsible Investing in South Africa (CRISA) gives guidance on how the institutional investors should execute investment analysis and investment activities and exercise rights so as to promote sound governance.

The CRISA code requires asset managers that adopt it to publicly disclose their policies and methods of incorporating ESG factors into the investment process.

Cumulative Returns

The cumulative return for a portfolio or an asset is the cumulative compound return over the full length of a specified time period. The percentage measure of this return is not annualised and as such represents the actual total return of the portfolio or asset over the period. By annualising the percentage figure, one can calculate the average annual return of the portfolio or asset over the period.

Data Analytics

Data analytics is the process of examining datasets to draw conclusions and insights by carefully studying and analysing the data using methodical analysis techniques.

Defined Contribution

Employer and employee contribute an agreed amount every month. When the employee retires, the accumulated capital amount and growth are used to purchase a pension from a third-party supplier.

Developed Markets

A developed or an advanced market in investing terms is a country that is most developed in terms of its economy and financial markets.

205 Section 5


A portfolio strategy to reduce exposure to risk by investing in various instruments or asset classes, such as equities, bonds and property that are unlikely to move in the same direction at the same time. In other words, the process of spreading investments among different instruments or markets to reduce the overall risk or loss if one performs poorly.


A drawdown is a peak-to-trough decline during a specific period for an investment, trading account, or fund. A drawdown is usually quoted as the percentage between the peak and the subsequent trough. If a trading account has R10 000 in it, and the funds drop to R9 000 before moving back above R10 000, then the trading account witnessed a 10% drawdown.


Duration is a measure of interest rate risk for a bond or portfolio of bonds. It measures the sensitivity of the value of a bond – or collection of bonds – to a change in interest rates.

Effective Interest Rate

The effective rate converts the compounding rate of return into a simple rate of return. This means that the effective rate of return can simply be multiplied by the investment period to calculate the cumulative rate of return.

Emerging Markets

Emerging markets are economies that show some of the traits of developed economies but aren’t quite at the same level yet.


A major category of asset class, which is a commonly used name for ordinary shares, representing ownership in a company. The owner of the share (shareholder) will generally be able to vote on company issues; and will be entitled to dividends declared.


Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. Environmental criteria consider how a company performs as a steward of nature. Social criteria examine how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. Governance deals with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights.

Fixed Income

A major category of asset class that includes cash, nominal bonds, inflation linked bonds and credit instruments.

Frontier Markets

Frontier markets are less advanced capital markets in the developing world. Frontier markets are countries that are more established than the least developed countries (LDCs) but still less established than the emerging markets. Frontier markets are also known as “pre-emerging markets.

Geopolitical Risk

Geopolitical risk is the risk an investment’s returns could suffer as a result of political changes or instability in a country. Instability affecting investment returns could stem from a change in government, legislative bodies, other foreign policymakers or military control.


The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) is a set of standardized, industry-wide ethical principles that guide investment firms on how to calculate and present their investment results to prospective clients.


Greylisting essentially means that a country has been recognized as having compliance issues but has committed to address strategic inadequacies to counter money laundering and terrorist financing within a given timeframe.


Halal refers to something that is permissible according to Islamic law. To be considered acceptable, a business transaction must be based on an Islamic contract form, distribute risk and return among the parties to the contract, and avoid unacceptable activities, including interest and uncertainty. To determine whether a stock is halal, Muslim investors evaluate companies based on levels of debt, interest income, and liquidity, as well as participation in prohibited activities.


Haram describes anything that is unacceptable under Shari’ah law. It is considered inappropriate for a Muslim investor to profit from any activity that violates Islamic principles. Certain industries, including alcohol, pornography, gambling, pork, and conventional financial services, are inherently haram.

206 Section 5


When economists speak about headwinds, they refer to factors that might impede or inhibit economic growth or progress.

Hedge Funds

These are usually absolute return investment strategies that use alternate investment techniques (e.g. short positions, leverage, etc.). The funds can be used in a Regulation 28 strategy but are not compliant as standalone products.

Impact Investing

Impact investing refers to a general investment strategy that not only generates financial returns but also creates a positive social or environmental impact.


The increase in the general price level in the economy. The inflation rate is calculated by defining a basket of goods and services that a typical consumer would consume and calculating a weighted average of the prices of those goods to arrive at a single percentage number, e.g. CPI.

Inflation Linked Bonds (ILBs)

An inflation linked bond is a type of bond where the final capital payment is adjusted by the inflation rate for the term of the bond.

Information Ratio

A risk-adjusted measure of return calculated by dividing the active return of a fund by the tracking error of the fund.

Inter-Quartile Range

A statistical measure representing the difference between the medians of the upper half and the lower half of a ranked set of data.

International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)

Established in 1995 and led by investors responsible for assets under management of over $59 trillion, ICGN advances the highest standards of corporate governance and investor stewardship worldwide in pursuit of long-term value creation, contributing to sustainable economies, societies, and the environment.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization that aims to promote global economic growth and financial stability, encourage international trade, and reduce poverty.

Investment Manager

An organisation that invests assets on behalf of third parties for a fee.

Investment Philosophy

A framework of principles and way of thinking about markets that underlies the beliefs and approach of an investment manager. It drives which asset classes and investment securities to include in the investment portfolio. It can be used to describe the style of a manager.

Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE)

Currently the only South African Exchange which offers a centralised trading platform to capital markets across a diverse set of investment securities, in particular, equities, bonds, and derivatives.

King IV™

King IV™ is structured as a Report that includes a Code, with additional, separate sector supplements for SME’s, NPO’s, State-Owned Entities, Municipalities and Retirement Funds. The King Code™ contains both principles and recommended practices aimed at achieving governance outcomes.


It is a holding in a portfolio that results from using complex alternate trading techniques that allows the manager to buy investment securities with money borrowed or by utilising collateral as a means of payment.


In South Africa, shedding load is done to prevent the failure of the entire system when the demand for electricity strains the capacity of Eskom’s power generating system. Load shedding is characterized by periods of widespread national-level rolling blackouts.

207 Section 5

Long Position

It is a positive holding in a portfolio that results from buying investments in the portfolio. This is done when the manager believes that the value of this investment security will increase in the future and he will be able to sell it for a higher price and create a profit. This is directly opposite to a short position.

Lower Quartile

A statistical measure representing the bottom 25% of observations in a ranked set of data.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence where computers learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed for each task.

Maximum Drawdown

A risk of loss measure that is calculated as the maximum loss incurred by an investment over a stated time horizon.

Market Capitalisation

The value of a company’s issued share capital, i.e. share price multiplied by number of shares on the stock exchange.

Mean Absolute Deviation

A measure of dispersion calculated as the average of the absolute differences between each value and the mean in a data set.


A statistical measure representing the midpoint value in a ranked set of data.

Modified Duration

Modified duration is a type of duration measure which measures the approximate sensitivity of the value of a bond – or collection of bonds - to a change in interest rates, assuming the cash flows remain unchanged. As such, it is only appropriate for bonds with no embedded options.

Money Market

Market for short-term loans and deposits with a maturity less than one year.

Money Weighted Return

Measures internal rate of return, to identify when cash flows are entering or exiting an investment by discounting cash flows to the beginning value.


Murabahah refers to an instalment credit agreement for the sale of tangible goods. The seller acquires an asset, which the buyer agrees to purchase at some point in the future. The seller is entitled to a profit, as long as the exact mark-up is disclosed in the contract. Payments may be spread out over time.

MSCI World Index

The Morgan Stanley International World Index is maintained by MSCI Inc., formerly Morgan Stanley Capital International, and is used as a common benchmark for ‘world’ or ‘global’ stock funds intended to represent a broad cross-section of global markets. The index includes a collection of stocks of all the developed markets in the world, as defined by MSCI.

Peer Group

Usually refers to a set of similarly managed investment mandates.

Passive Investing

An implementation approach of a specialist fund strategy where the need to outperform the benchmark is not required in order to meet the investment objective. The specialist investment strategy is invested in passive funds. Not to be confused with Passive Fund Management.

Pooled Portfolio

Funds from many individual investors that are aggregated for the purposes of investment, as in the case of a retirement fund. Investors in pooled fund investments benefit from economies of scale, which allow for lower trading costs, diversification and professional fees. Pooled funds are generally backed by a policy of insurance.

208 Section 5


Purification in a Shari’ah investing context refers to getting rid of unacceptable profits. Shariah prohibits Muslims from profiting, even indirectly, from unacceptable practices, so investors are expected to account for and give away any income derived from riba or other haram sources.

Purchasing Power Parity

Purchasing power parity (PPP) is an economic theory that compares different countries’ currencies through a “basket of goods” approach. According to this concept, two currencies are in equilibrium or at par when a basket of goods (taking into account the exchange rate) is priced the same in both countries.


A statistical measure representing the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a ranked set of data.

Real Return Portfolios

An alternate name for a portfolio using an absolute return investment strategy

Regulation 28

Investment limits set by the Pensions Fund Act on retirement funds to protect against imprudent investment decisions.


Risk is a very generic term used to calculate either variation in returns or as a measure of losses. E.g. Volatility is usually used as a proxy for risk that measures variation. Maximum Drawdown is usually used as a proxy of risk that measures loss.

Risk Premium

The return differential between the risk-free asset (cash) and a risky asset.

Rolling Return

A time series of a rate of return with the same time horizon for a portfolio, asset class or investment security. It represents a realistic way of reporting returns which takes into account different market and economic environments.

Scatter Plot

A diagram illustrating the relationship between two sets of quantities using dots that can be used to generate a line of best fit.


All instruments within a particular area of activity or industry for an asset class. The JSE defines sectors as Financials, Basic Materials, Oil and Gas Producers, Industrials, Consumer Goods, Healthcare, Consumer Services, Telecommunications and Technology. The Bond sectors are Government, Parastatals, State Owned Enterprises, Corporates and Other.


A sell-off occurs when a large volume of shares are sold in a short period of time, causing the price of a share to fall in rapid succession. As more shares are offered than buyers are willing to accept, the decline in price may accelerate as market psychology turns pessimistic.


Shari’ah is the divine law of Islam, derived from the Qur’an and other holy texts, which serves as a moral guide to Muslims. The Shari’ah sets guidelines for what is right and wrong in everyday life, including standards for food, family life, and business transactions.

Simple Rate of Return

A simple rate of return that expresses the relationship between the initial investment and the rate at which returns are earned on that investment, ignoring any ability for further returns to be earned on past returns. This is only an accurate reflection of the investor’s return when all returns are paid out from the portfolio when they are earned.

Segregated Portfolio

Segregated portfolios are not pooled with those of other investors and so the performance and expenses of an investment account are not affected by the activities of any other investors in the portfolio.

209 Section 5

Sharpe Ratio

Risk adjusted return ratio of return per unit of risk. It is calculated as excess return (over the risk-free return) divided by volatility.

Short Position

It is a negative holding in a portfolio that results from using complex alternate trading techniques that allows the sale of an investment security that is not owned. This is done when the manager believes that the value of this investment security will decrease in the future and he will be able to buy it back later for a lower price and create a profit. This is directly opposite to a long position.

Sortino Ratio (Capital Loss Or Inflation)

A risk adjusted return measure similar to the Sharpe ratio. The Sortino ratio measures risk as the volatility of the returns below a certain target (0% in the case of Capital Loss and inflation in the case of Inflation).

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

Socially responsible investing is the practice of investing money in companies and funds that have positive social impacts. Investors should keep in mind that socially responsible investments are still investments, and be sure to weigh the potential for return into their decisions.

Specialist Fund Strategy

An investment approach where the asset allocation, investment strategies employed and risk assumed to achieve the specified investment objective are explicitly defined and not delegated to the investment manager. A specialist investment strategy may be implemented actively or passively.

Specialist Mandate

A mandate given to an investment manager to manage specific asset classes (equities, bonds, etc.) or investment strategies (hedge funds, impact investing, etc.) as part of a specialist fund strategy.


Stagflation is an economic cycle characterized by slow growth and a high unemployment rate accompanied by inflation. Economic policymakers find this combination particularly difficult to handle, as attempting to correct one of the factors can exacerbate another.

Short Term Fixed Interest Index (STeFI)

A popular index used to benchmark performance for South African cash portfolios. This index represents a weighted basket of money market instruments of different investment maturities such as NCDs and Call Deposits.

Strategic Asset Allocation (SAA)

An investment technique that sets the medium to long term allocation to asset classes which will primarily meet the investment objectives within a defined level of risk. Used primarily in specialist fund strategies.


Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The concept of sustainability is composed of three pillars: economic, environmental, and social—also known informally as profits, planet, and people.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 global goals designed to be a roadmap to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. The SDGs, set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and intended to be achieved by the year 2030, are part of UN Resolution 70/1, the 2030 Agenda.


Sukuk are asset-backed securities designed to provide a relatively fixed stream of investment income without violating the Islamic prohibition on interest. Instead of interest payments, sukuk investors receive a passthrough of income generated by the underlying assets. Sukuk are a Shari’ah-compliant tool for raising capital and may be structured around a variety of Islamic contracts.

Tactical Asset Allocation (TAA)

An investment technique that periodically adjusts the SAA to take advantage of opportunities in the market in order to enhance returns in the short term; and maximise risk adjusted returns.

210 Section 5

Term to Maturity

The time remaining on the life of a bond, i.e. time remaining for the bond to be fully repaid.

Time-Weighted Rate Of Return

The compound rate of return over a stated evaluation period of one unit of money initially invested in the portfolio or strategy.

Time Horizon

The time period relating to the rate of return measurement calculation. It can also reference the time set to meet a certain investment objective or goal.

Tracking Error

Measure of variability of returns relative to benchmark or index. It is usually expressed as an annualised standard deviation of active returns.

Two-Pot System

South Africa has introduced a new retirement fund legislation to enhance the financial security of its citizens. The two-pot system in this legislation divides retirement savings into two parts: one for immediate access in emergencies and the other preserved for retirement.

UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)

UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) are a set of six principles that provide a global standard for responsible investing as it relates to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors. Organizations follow these principles to meet commitments to beneficiaries while aligning investment activities with the broader interests of society.

Upper Quartile

The top 25% of observations in a ranked set of data.

UN Global Compact

The United Nations Global Compact is an initiative that supports global companies that are committed to responsible business practices in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and corruption. This UN-led initiative promotes activities that contribute to sustainable development goals to create a better world.


Is a proxy for risk and is calculated as the annualised standard deviation of monthly returns.


Return on a security usually expressed in percentage terms.

Yield Curve

The relationship between time to maturity and yield to maturity of bonds.

Yield to Maturity

An estimate of the rate of return that would be earned on a bond if the bond is held to its maturity date. It assumes that interest earned is reinvested in the bond.

211 Section 5


212 Section 6
Directory of asset managers who have a presence in South Africa
213 Section 6

10X Investments (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 412 1010

General email:


Office 01401, 14th Floor, The Terraces, Cnr Bree and Waterkant Street, Cape Town, 8001

Compliance officer name:

Mandla Hendricks

+27 68 570 7261

Investment philosophy

There are 4 pillars to 10X’s investment philosophy that drive an iterative process that continually reviews and evaluates the appropriateness of the portfolio asset allocation. The CIO and Head of Multi Asset Funds are responsible for the decision making.

1) Setting of the strategic asset allocation

The process starts with the evaluation of long-term asset class characteristics covering return, risk and co-variance to determine the long-run average asset allocation that would have delivered the investment objectives with the highest probability over the long-term.

The current market environment and prevailing valuations are then evaluated against the historical norms which produced the long-run average asset allocation in order to account for differences between the current environment and the average over the long-term. These differences systematically adjust the long-term forward-looking estimate of the asset class characteristics, which are used to establish the optimum mix of assets.

2) Implementing asset class exposure

Once the asset allocation is determined, it is implemented, where possible, through thoughtful risk managed index exposure. The focus is on ensuring diversification and risk management at a security level, so that each asset class return can be generated in a manner that minimises idiosyncratic risk.

Where an index does not exist, a representative basket is built which seeks to achieve the same objective of delivering a targeted asset class return whilst minimising idiosyncratic risk.

Low turnover exposure is preferred to high turnover exposure to reduce slippage and transaction costs.

3) Stress testing portfolios

The portfolio is run through different market scenarios which stress test the portfolio to understand how it might react under stress scenarios. Any additional risks that are not being compensated for in terms of excess return are addressed.

4) Monitoring and evaluation

10X consistently monitors and evaluates the portfolios against any chances in the market environment or prevailing valuations. Portfolio changes are not constrained to arbitrary fixed time horizons but are managed in response to significant changes in forwardlooking long-term expected returns.

A monthly asset allocation committee conducts a formal review of the portfolio composition against the current market environment and portfolio objectives to ensure the validity of the asset allocation.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Enrique Goosen

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: yqvz0zwovkbq/6XexvDj8qAyXhb43mAoy63/ dc1d47d9ca741d88b782ab74a23cc7ba/ComplaintsPolicy-and-Procedure.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

OMPE Fund IV Partnership (“OMPE Fund IV”) – 54.24%, DiGAME Africa Limited (“D-Africa”) (Mauritius) Company

File No. C137512 – 36.94%, Tim Merryweather – 0.45%, Josephine Hill – 0.06%, Hendrick Willem Beets – 0.03%, 10X Management – 8.28%

Who are the directors of the company?

CEO: Tobias van Heerden, Non-executive chair: Sonja De Bruyn, Director: Samer Salty, Non-executive directors: Marc Balkin, Buchert Johannes, Yvonne Maitin, Kelly Ford, Hedrik Beets and Jacob Myburgh

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: Yes, 8.3%.


When was the company established? 2005/09/21

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: 10X completed the acquisition of 100% of CoreShares Holdings (Pty) Ltd and its subsidiaries on 31 December 2022

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 4

By whom have you been accredited? EVASA (Empowerment Verification Agency of South Africa)

Date of accreditation: 2022-12-21


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R40.1 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R9.1 billion

Retail: R12 billion

Life: –

Other: R19 billion

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 12

Anton Eser



22 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Christopher Eddy

Head: Multi Asset Funds


10 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

214 Section 6

27four Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 31045

Switchboard: +27 11 442 2464

General email:


Firestation Rosebank, 5th Floor, 16 Baker Street, 2196 PO Box 522417, Saxonwold Johannesburg, 2132

Compliance officer name:

Independent Compliance Services – Enrique Goosen +27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

27four focuses on building well-diversified portfolios that are linked to a broad spectrum of investor goals and appetites for risk.

They believe that asset allocation is the primary determinant of variation in portfolio return and is the cornerstone of portfolio construction. Their skilled investment team is experienced in the application of quantitative techniques to identify the sources of asset class returns across different market cycles to derive their long-term asset allocation views.

They invest in a combination of large, well-known managers and smaller untapped “boutiques” who they believe possess a distinct performance advantage as they are more nimble and opportunistic, especially in asset classes where the ability to take calculated risks and move swiftly is vital to success.

Core to their investment philosophy is risk mitigation. Rigorous risk management and monitoring are applied at every level of their investment process and equal importance is given to business, compliance, operational and administrative risks as applied to investment performance risk.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Enrique Goosen

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

60%: Fatima Vawda (founder & managing director), 40%: Staff (share ownership scheme)

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: Fatima Vawda, Vic du Preez and Hazel Bango-Moyo (Independent Non-Executive Director)

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes. 100%


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Magna BEE Ratings

Date of accreditation: 2023-08-11


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R39.5 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R36 billion

Retail: R3.5 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 26

Fatima Vawda

Managing Director

MSc (App Maths)

29 years of industry experience

16 years with the firm

Rory Ord

Head: Unlisted Investments


20 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Akona Mlamleli

Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons)

12 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Associate Professor Daniel Page

Head: Quantitative Strategies

Phd Finance

15 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

215 Section 6

36ONE Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 19107

Switchboard: +27 10 501 0250

General email:

Address: 140 West Street, Sandton, 2196

Compliance officer name:

External: Outsourced Compliance Services (Pty) Ltd

Internal: Grant Mann

Investment philosophy

Our investment approach is centred on the principle that the market does not efficiently price securities at all times. We therefore believe that stock selection through bottomup fundamental analysis can outperform over time. We follow the same investment approach across all our funds. Although we focus primarily on bottom-up fundamental research, macroeconomic views play a supporting role in portfolio construction.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Outsourced Compliance Services (Pty) Ltd (“OCS”)

Grant Mann (Internal)

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

36ONE Asset Management (Pty) Ltd is wholly owned by Cy Jacobs and Steven Liptz. The founders are responsible for the two key areas of the business under which all business activities fall. Cy Jacobs is responsible for investment related matters and Steven Liptz is responsible for all noninvestment areas.

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: Cy Jacobs and Steven Liptz

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

All team members receive a modest base salary. Majority of compensation is derived from bonuses which are linked to the performance of the funds. Bonuses are paid quarterly.


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? No

What is your B-BBEE status? Non-compliant

By whom have you been accredited? -

Date of accreditation: -


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R37.01 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R26.4 billion

Retail: R8.6 billion

Life: R2.1 billion

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 13

Cy Jacobs


BCom (Hons), CA(SA)

27 years of industry experience

19 years with the firm

Steven Liptz

Head: Operations


26 years of industry experience

19 years with the firm

Evan Walker

Portfolio Manager

MBA, BCompt (Hons)

24 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

216 Section 6

Abax Investments (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:


Switchboard: +27 21 670 8987

General email:


The Oval, 1 Oakdale Road, Newlands, 7700 Postnet Suite #255, Private Bag X1005, Claremont Cape Town, South Africa, 7735

Compliance officer name: eComply

Tim Howse +27 21 671 8162

Investment philosophy

We believe that markets are inefficient and that through research we can identify companies that will show superior earnings growth over the longer term which is not reflected in current valuations. Similarly we believe we can identify companies where current valuations overvalue their future earnings growth potential.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Tim Howse and Nick Howse (eComply)

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:

Available on request


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Abax is a standalone entity and is not part of a bigger group of companies. Abax is, however, an affiliate of Affiliated Managers Group (AMG), a US listed company.

Who are the directors of the company?

Executive: Anthony Sedgwick, Marius van Rooyen, Edel Little

Alternate Directors (Executive): Omri Thomas, Steve Minnaar

Independent Non-executive Director: Estelle Cloete

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes, staff and management own / control 100% of the voting rights and an approximate 75% financial interest.


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

None, however,in December 2015 Abax concluded a transaction with AMG (Affiliated Managers Group) who aquired an approximate 25% financial interest in Abax.

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 2

By whom have you been accredited? MSCT BEE Services

Date of accreditation: 2023-09-07


Are you GIPS compliant?

No. However, Abax uses Confluence (StatPro) to calculate the performance of client portfolios (at the client’s request).

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R78.6 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R45.9 billion

Retail: R32.7 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 15

Steve Minnaar

CIO, Head: Research

PhD (Eng), BCom (Hons), CFA

24 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

Marius van Rooyen

Head: Equities

MBA, BEng, BProc

25 years of industry experience

19 years with the firm

Anthony Sedgwick



29 years of industry experience

19 years with the firm

Omri Thomas

Senior Equity Portfolio Manager


25 years of industry experience

16 years with the firm

Matthew de Wet

Head: Product Development

BSc (Act Sc), CFP, CFA

24 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Philip Liebenberg

Head: Fixed Income and Multi-Asset Strategy

PhD (Chem Eng), CFA

23 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

217 Section 6

Aeon Investment Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 27126

Switchboard: +27 21 204 6066/8

General email:

Address: 4th Floor, The Citadel, 15 Cavendish Street, Claremont, 7708 PO Box 24020, Claremont, 7735

Compliance officer name: Independent Compliance Services

Christelle Granger: +27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

Active Equity: Track record of over 15 years. Style is that of Growth At a Reasonable Price (GARP). Their adaptation of the GARP style seeks to combine the best of growth and value investing, by buying companies with long-term sustainable growth rates greater than that implied by the company’s market valuation.

Smart Multi-Factor Equity: Track record of 10 years. Uses systematically driven fundamental security selection and statistical trading models to manage a portfolio designed to outperform the SWIX benchmark. The portfolio is designed to add value in a risk-managed framework.

Balanced Fund (Global Exposure): Track record of 10 years. Invests in a range of income and protected equity assets and strategies to protect 90% of capital over a rolling 12-month period and capture as much of the upside of equity and fixed income markets as possible. The fund invests in domestic and global equities, fixed income as well as derivatives instruments. It uses a systematic return modelling process and a disciplined investment methodology.

Domestic Balanced Fund: Track record of 5 years. Invests in a range of income and protected equity assets and strategies to protect 90% of capital over a rolling 12-month period and capture as much of the upside of equity and fixed income markets as possible. The fund invests in domestic equities, fixed income as well as derivatives instruments. It uses a systematic return modelling process and a disciplined investment methodology.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Asief Mohamed

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

70% owned by the ZAR Trust, 30% owned by Aeon IM Staff

Who are the directors of the company?

Asief Mohamed, Tshego Dichabe (née Modise), Nocamagu (Cami) Mbulawa, Thulani Madinginye and Réjane Woodroffe

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: Staff and management own 44% of the shares. And, up to 30% of pre-tax profits is distributed to all staff every 6 months.


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

BDO Verification Services (Pty) Ltd

Date of accreditation: 2024-12-03


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R21.3 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R19.9 billion

Retail: R1.4 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 10

Asief Mohamed



35 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Jay Vomacka

Senior Portfolio Manager

MSc (Ind Eng), BSc (Eng), Certified Financial Technician (IFTA, London), CFA

17 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Zaid Paruk

Portfolio Manager, Analyst

BCom, CA(SA)

12 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

218 Section 6

AFC Investment Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 82 655 3784

General email:


18 Katzenellenbogen Road, Noordhoek 7985

Compliance officer name: Moonstone

Deon Harmse: +27 21 554 5745

Investment philosophy

AFC employs a multi-disciplinary approach to asset management, involving fundamental as well as behavioural (technical) forms of analysis. AFC believes that in excess of 90% of performance is derived from correct asset allocation and industry selection, so the majority of analysis time is spent on understanding the macroenvironment. The investment style is thematic, with stock selection reflecting those themes believed to be impacting the investment environment at any point in time. As thematic investing relies on understanding the changes within economies, its implementation will result in portfolio structures that are not carbon copies of market indices. A by-product of the thematic and behavioural approach is that views will sometimes be taken against market consensus, but resulting in superior performance at lower than average risk.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

DS Campouroglou

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company? 100% owned by IA Mackenzie Family Trust

Who are the directors of the company?

DS Campouroglou, IA Mackenzie

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: No


When was the company established? 1960s

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

Independent until 1998 when acquired by Appleton/PSG.

Independent again in 2005.

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? No

What is your B-BBEE status? None

By whom have you been accredited? –

Date of accreditation: –


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R988 million

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R550 million

Retail: R430 million

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 2

DS Campouroglou



44 years of industry experience

27 years with the firm

IA Mackenzie

Head: Equities

BA (Econ)

39 years of industry experience

33 years with the firm

219 Section 6

Alexander Forbes Investments

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 711

Switchboard: +27 11 505 6000

Fax number: +27 11 263 2316

General email:


115 West Street, Sandown, Sandton, 2196 PO Box, 786055, Sandton, 2146

Compliance officer name:

Amanda Erasmus

+27 11 269 2244

Investment philosophy

At Alexander Forbes Investments, our investment solutions have always been built on the foundation of our multimanager proposition. This allows clients to invest in a complementary blend of the smartest strategies and most talented asset managers from one single, competitivelypriced investment solution. This approach aims to ensure that investment portfolios achieve superior returns over time at below-average risk.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Amanda Erasmus

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company? Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alexander Forbes Limited. The ultimate parent company of Alexander Forbes Investments Limited is Alexander Forbes Group Holdings Limited (AFGHL), a public-listed company on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Who are the directors of the company?

Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr Andile Moncobo Mazwai

Ms Nodumisa Medupe

Executive Director: Chief Executive Officer

Ms Ann Leepile

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: No – None


When was the company established? 1997

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: Superflex 1999

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? AQRate

Date of accreditation: 30 June 2023


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R389.2 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R335.32 billion

Retail: R5.9 billion

Life: R48 billion

Other: –

220 Section 6

Alexander Forbes Investments


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 29

Gyongyi King


BSc (Econ), CFA

27 years of industry experience

15 years with the firm

Lebo Thubisi

Deputy CIO: Alternative assets

BBusSc (Hons)

18 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Senzo Langa

Deputy CIO: Traditional assets

BCom (Fin), MMFI, CFA

17 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Ernest Mabaso

Head: Multi-asset class

Manager BCom (Acc), ACMA

22 years of industry experience

15 years with the firm

Lethukuthula Zulu

Portfolio Manager – Global & Specialist

BSc (Hons)

8 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Nkosinathi Manyongwana

Portfolio manager - Retail


14 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Karabo Nkoana

Portfolio manager - Alternatives

MCom, BCom (Hons), BSc.Eng

11 years of industry experience

<1 year with the firm

Premal Ranchod

Head: ESG research

BCom, HDip Acc, CA(SA)

14 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Mpho Molopyane

Chief Economist

MCom (Econometrics & Quant Econ)

10 years of industry experience

<1 year with the firm

Mandisa Zavala

Head: Asset Allocation

BSc (Hons)

10 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

221 Section 6

All Weather Capital

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 36722

Switchboard: +27 11 722 7382

General email:


9th Floor Katherine Towers, 1 Park Lane Wierda Valley, Sandton, 2196

Compliance officer name: Independent Compliance Services +27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

Our philosophy is based on the belief that the market continually and regularly misprices assets. Mispricings occur regularly because investors either underestimate risks or do not recognise potential. We try to understand these risks and appreciate the scale of opportunities better than the market does.

Significant opportunities are created for those few who are diligent with the fundamentals. Our ambition is simply to buy a share where the market has undervalued it relative to intrinsic value or to sell a share when the prevailing price is far in excess of intrinsic value. We determine a company’s intrinsic value by forecasting cash flows through financial modelling. In everything we do we exercise caution and act conservatively. We express this by including a wide margin for error in forecasting and by limiting our exposure to unquantifiable risks.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Shane Watkins

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

50.4% owned by Zava Financial Services, 34.6% owned by Shane Watkins, 15% Staff scheme

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: John Oliphant, Shane Watkins

Non-executive director: Fulu Makwetla, Vuyokazi Nomvalo and Barbara van Metzinger

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?


Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

49.6% is owned by staff and management


When was the company established? 2014

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Fidelity

Date of accreditation: 2024-10-01


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R19.9 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R19.9 billion

Retail: -

Life: –

Other: –

222 Section 6

All Weather Capital


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 14

Shane Watkins


BBusSc (Fin), PGDA, CA(SA), CFA

28 years of industry experience 10 years with the firm

Patsy David

Head: Research


23 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Sanelisiwe Tofile

Deputy CIO, Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons), CFA

10 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Prince Mopai

Equity Analyst

BSc (Min and Eng)

10 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Chris Reddy

Portfolio Manager


16 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Cobus Cilliers

Equity Analyst


15 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Dumisani Ndlovu

Equity Analyst

BCom (Hons—Inv Man)

7 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Jarrod Houston

Equity Analyst

PG Financial Planning, CFA

12 years of industry experience

4years with the firm

Richard Shepherd

Portfolio Manager

BCom (Acc), CA(SA)

22 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Neal Smith

Portfolio Manager

BCom (Acc), CA(SA)

24 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Kagiso Selolo

Equity Analyst

BCom (Acc), CA(SA)

7 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Nomsa Sibanda

ESG Analyst


3 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Katlego Mokua

Graduate Trainee


2 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Ismail Esat

Graduate Trainee

BBusSc (Hons—Acc)

2 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

223 Section 6

Allan Gray (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 27145


+27 21 415 2301

General email:


1 Silo Square, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001 PO Box 51318, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8002

Compliance officers’ names: Ursuline Loubser and Gasant Salie

Investment philosophy

Allan Gray’s investment philosophy is valuation oriented, which means that their research is focused on identifying good-quality assets that are priced below intrinsic value. This investment philosophy is premised on their belief that the market is not always efficient or rational and that, at times, there can be significant disparities between the market price and the intrinsic business value of an investment (where intrinsic value is typically defined as the discounted value of expected future cash flows). Therefore, they buy shares when research and analysis indicate that the intrinsic value of the company exceeds its market price, with a reasonable margin of safety. These purchases are made in anticipation that the price will rise to the intrinsic value. This contrasts the ‘momentum’ approach, where a manager identifies an upward trend and follows this by purchasing the share in the belief that the trend will continue.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Darren Maree

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Allan Gray is a privately-owned company.

Who are the directors of the company?

Duncan Artus, Mahesh Cooper, William Gray*, Ian Liddle (Chairman)*, Nazeem Martin*, Jithen Pillay, Ziphezinhle Sikhakhane* (*Non-Executive Directors)

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Past and present executive directors are shareholders of Allan Gray Group Proprietary Limited. Additionally, a 14% equity stake in Allan Gray Proprietary Limited has been reserved for current and future staff.


When was the company established? 1973

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: -

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

AQRate Verification Services

Date of accreditation: 2023-05-09


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? Ernst & Young Inc.

Date of verification: 2023-10-03

Expiry date of verification:

The assurance report confirms compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) for the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R526.0 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R119.6 billion

Retail: R346.5 billion

Life: R60 billion

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 27

Duncan Artus

CIO, Portfolio Manager, Analyst

BBusSc (Hons), CMT, CFA

24 years of industry experience

23 years with the firm

Tim Acker

Portfolio Manager, Analyst


11 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Pieter Koornhof

Portfolio Manager, Analyst


10 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Rory Kutisker-Jacobson

Portfolio Manager, Analyst


15 years of industry experience

15 years with the firm

Sean Munsie

Portfolio Manager, Analyst

BAcc (Hons), CA(SA), CFA

11 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Thalia Petousis

Portfolio Manager, Analyst

MCom (Stats), CFA

12 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Jithen Pillay

Portfolio Manager, Analyst


8 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Siphesihle Zwane

Portfolio Manager, Analyst

BCom (Hons)

6 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

224 Section 6

Aluwani Capital Partners (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 204 3800

General email:


EPPF Office Park, 24 Georgian Crescent East, Bryanston East, Gauteng, 2152

Compliance officer name:

Nick Howse, eComply

+27 21 204 3800

Investment philosophy

We seek to provide sustainable risk- adjusted returns over the long term. The philosophy is based on three principles:

● Risk-adjusted returns can be maximised by actively extracting value from as many alpha sources as possible

● Focused diversification of risk across these sources should generate consistent performance in all market conditions

● Incremental, consistent alpha that compounds over time ensures a low volatility portfolio that generates competitive active return in a predictable fashion, through all stages of the investment cycle

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Sibusiso Mabuza

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Privately owned investment manager

Who are the directors of the company?

Sibusiso Mabuza, Gillian Raine, Thando Mhlambiso, Louise Oertel, Lulama Booi, Alexia Shuenyane, Mologadi Magagane

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes, 52% of the company is held by management and staff.


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

ALUWANI Capital Partners acquired 100% shareholding of Afena Capital in February 2023.

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

Renaissance SA Ratings

Date of accreditation: 2022-12-20


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R122.4 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R120.2 billion

Retail: R2.2 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 18

Patrick Mathidi

Head: Equities, Multi Asset Class Strategies

MSc (Fin), BCompt (Hons)

26 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Conrad Wood

Head: Fixed Income Strategies

BCom (Econ), CFA

29 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Mishnah Seth

Head: Investments

BAcc (Hons), CFA

20 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

225 Section 6

Argon Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:


Switchboard: +27 21 670 6570

Fax number: +27 21 671 8252

General email:


1st Floor, Colinton House, The Oval, 1 Oakdale Road Newlands, 7700

PO Box 23254, Claremont, 7735

Compliance officer name: eComply

Tim Howse and Nick Howse: +27 21 671 8162

Investment philosophy

Argon Asset Management is aninvestment management firm that is committed to internationally accepted best practices and global standards. They have a high-performance culture that filters through to the long- term sustainable success of their investment portfolios. They follow a bottom-up, fundamental research, valuation-based equity investment process. Multi-asset class investments follow an active tactical asset allocation approach, with a strong capital protection underpin and volatility-enhancing strategies that generate extra yield. They also follow a multi-strategy fixed income process, diversifying sources or risk and return with a mix of duration, credit and yield curve tactical trades.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Tim Howse and Nick Howse

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: regulatory-details/


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Independent, no group structure

Who are the directors of the company?

Executive Director: Dr Manas Bapela

Non-Executive Directors: Aziza Galiel, CA(SA), CFA; Tasneem Sulaiman; Luyanda Joxo

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Management and staff 82%


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

AQRate Verification Services

Date of accreditation: 2023-11-20

Expiry date of verification: 2024-11-19


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? SNG Grant Thornton

Date of verification: 2023-06-05

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R29.1 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R28.4 billion

Retail: R715 million

Life: –


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 19

Dr Manas Bapela


PhD (Maths), MSc (Maths—cum laude), Global Investment Risk Mgt

27 years of industry experience

14 years with the firm

Krishna Sathee

Head: Fixed Income

BSc (Hons—Stats)

27 years of industry experience

14 years with the firm

Mark Ansley

Head: Equities

BCom (Hons)

30 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Maitse Motsoane

Portfolio Manager: Multi Asset Class

BCom (Hons—Invest Man cum laude),

BCom (Fin Man Sc)

8 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

226 Section 6

Ashburton Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 11 282 8800

Fax number:

+27 11 282 1619

General email:


Ground Floor, 3 Merchant Place, 1 Fredman Drive, Sandton, 2196

PO Box 650149, Benmore, 2010

Compliance officer name:

Nombulelo Seeco

+27 11 685 5573

Investment philosophy

The principal investment philosophy for Ashburton Investments is to provide investors with real returns over the long term, by investing in assets which trade below their intrinsic value while seeking diverse sources of return in order to diversify risk. We use both top-down proprietary macro data and bottom-up valuation data to make decisions on asset allocation.

Our investment approach is built on three key pillars:


We use global macro-economic factors to identify trends that inform our investment decisions and identify asset classes which are under-priced.


We invest in quality assets - companies that are of substance and sustainability, robust through economic cycles and best equipped to generate long-term sustainable revenues. We focus on three main factors: high profitability, strong balance sheet and low earnings cyclicality. We prefer market leaders with strong management operating in industries with high barriers to entry and structural growth.


While diversification is a key tenet at asset class level, at a stock selection level, we would rather own concentrated exposures of quality companies than own diluted exposures of lower quality companies. However, where we don’t have a stock selection edge, we don’t hesitate to incorporate index funds in order to capture market beta.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Nombulelo Seeco

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Ashburton is 100% owned by the FirstRand Group Who are the directors of the company?

Patrice Rassou, Meghna Ravjee and Mduduzi Ndlovu

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Ashburton is 100% owned by the FirstRand Group. Staff ownership is at FirstRand Group level


When was the company established? Ashburton Investments forms the fourth pillar of the FirstRand Group alongside RMB, Wesbank and FNB. Ashburton is 100% owned by FirstRand Limited.

Ashburton’s history dates to the genesis of Ashburton Jersey in 1982. FirstRand is committed to having a prominent asset manager as part of its financial service offering. Therefore, after RMB Asset Management was spun off to Momentum, a process was started to consolidate all remaining Group asset management functions under Ashburton. The businesses that were consolidated under the Ashburton brand are, the investment management arm of RMB Private Bank, BJM Multimanager, Ashburton Jersey and the retail stockbroking business of FNB. The business in its current form has been in operation since 2013.

The investment process for our Houseview Balanced Portfolios was however established in 1999 and has therefore been in existence for 19 years initially as Ansbacher, then as RMB Private Bank and currently as Ashburton Investments. It should be noted that, as a new generation manager, we seek to provide investors with access to more sources of return, the opportunity to achieve greater portfolio diversification and, consequently, to improve overall portfolio efficiency and hence the Balanced Portfolios have evolved over time.

At the end of 2015 Ashburton acquired Atlantic Asset Management, a boutique Fixed Interest house, with a view to expanding on our Fixed Interest capabilities.

The consolidation of Group asset and wealth management functions was completed in October of 2017 with the transfer of the Global Markets Fund Solutions business from RMB to Ashburton. This consolidation resulted in a common investment philosophy and common systems being applied across the various investment solutions.

Ashburton is a pure asset management company managing pooled and segregated, tailor-made mandates for clients across various risk profiles with solutions ranging from secure low risk portfolios to high -risk mandates split across various asset classes.

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

At the end of 2015 Ashburton Investments acquired Atlantic Asset Management.

227 Section 6

Ashburton Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd


B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

Mosela Rating Agency

Date of accreditation: 2023-09-15


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R120.3 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R89.9 billion

Retail: R37.4 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 34

Patrice Rassou


MSc (Econ), MBA, CA

32 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Sydney Matladi

Head: LDI and Structuring


12 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Albert Botha

Head: Fixed Income Portfolio Management BCom, AIA

19 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Santhuri Thaver

Head: Credit

BAcc (Hons), CA(SA), CFA

19 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Vicki Tagg

Head: Indexation

BCom (Hons), CA(SA)

23 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Matthew John

Head: Quantitative Research and Data Science

MSc (Elect Eng)

14 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Charl de Villers

Head: Equities

MBA, B-Tech (Elect & Electro Eng), CFA

19 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Dr James Cooke

Director of Investments / Head: Global Equities

PhD (Biochem Eng), MSC, BEng (Hons), CFA

18 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Jarred Sullivan

Global Multi Asset Investment Strategist

MSc (Econ), CFA

9 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Kathey Davey

Portfolio Manger


16 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Thloni Komako

Portfolio Manger

BSc (Hons—Stats cum laude), BCom (Stats)

9 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

228 Section 6

Benguela Global Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 10 596 8500

Fax number: +27 11 803 6063

General email:


3rd floor Rivonia Village, Cnr Rivonia Boulevard and Mutual Road Rivonia, 2191

Compliance officer name:

Debra Lynn Carse

+27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

Our investment philosophy is premised on the belief that superior risk-adjusted returns can, over the long term, be achieved through investment in: high quality companies with sustainable growth prospects that are purchased at reasonable prices

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Debra Lynn Carse

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: uploads/2018/09/Complaints-Resolution-Procedure.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Benguela Global Fund Managers is fully owned by staff

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: Zwelakhe Mnguni, Colin Clarke and Lindiwe Magubane

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Staff and management owns 51.7% of the company


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? SANAS

Date of accreditation: 2023-03-02


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R7.4 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R6.4 billion

Retail: R12 million

Life: R1 billion

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 9

Zwelakhe Mnguni


BCom (Hons—Fin Man)

23 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Grant Nader

Portfolio Manager


24 years industry experience

1 year with the firm

229 Section 6

Cachalia Capital (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 11 326 6699

General email:


Sinosteel Plaza, 12th floor, 159 Rivonia Road Morningside Ext, Sandton, 2196

Compliance officer name:

Mr Jan Scholtz - Compliserve

+27 083-631-6570 or 086-127-3783

Investment philosophy

We employ a fundamental based valuation philosophy which combines both top down and bottom up research. We believe fundamentals are important. A top-down strategy is applied in deciding sector emphasis while the bottom up approach is driven by valuation as our primary concern. Our equity selection also considers other crucial risk factors and opportunities such as investment views and themes (secular, cyclical, structural) and quality rankings of companies taking into account the attractiveness of the industry, competitive advantage and financial strength. We employ a disciplined and thorough approach to the research and valuation process.

Also, we believe that rigorous and open minded debate between team members facilitates superior investment decisions. We are long term value investors. We would aim to identify value opportunities from both a top down as well as a bottom up approach. The top down process is initiated by assessing macro-economic variables in order to interpret the investment cycle which is conducted by external strategists.

Based on this research, the expected returns for the different equity sectors are forecast which enables us to determine sector weightings and consolidated themes. A value filter is then implemented in the various sectors in order to establish the best prospective opportunities. Coupled to this we will seek out value situations from a bottom up perspective utilizing Refinitiv by running filters and searching for companies that are trading at a rating lower than its history or companies that are attractively priced relative to its future earnings prospects. Companies that trade at a discount to their net asset value, trade at low free cash flow to price multiples or which have a high dividend yield will also have preference.

Company research is conducted for these various companies which culminate in detailed financial models with the aim of estimating future earnings. In depth consideration is given to both quantitative and qualitative factors. The earnings derived from these models are then further translated into valuations. Three valuation mythologies will be employed for each company in order to cross check valuations derived. This is to create certainty in the portfolio manager’s mind of valuations.

These valuations then allow us to compare different companies and rank the relative value of each stock analysed. The portfolio manager is then able to effectively construct the portfolio.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Ms Mashuda Cassim

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: or mashuda@


What is the ownership structure of the company?

100% Black female owner managed

Who are the directors of the company?

Mr Gert Vorster & Ms Mashuda Cassim

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Ms Mashuda Cassim is the Managing Director and owns 100% of the company at this stage


When was the company established? 2011

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: 2015 Old Mutual Investment Group - 26% stake in Cachalia Capital, this was repurchased in February 2016

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Affidavit

Date of accreditation: 2023-07-11


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? Refinitiv

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R1.3 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R1.3 billion

Retail: -

Life: -

Other: -

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 4

Ms Mashuda Cassim


BCom (Acc)

27 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Lebohang Robert Kubushi

Investment Professional BCom (Hons—Econ)

8 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Michelle Kereeditse

Investment Professional BCom (Hons—Inv Man)

4 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Salatiso Mqikela

Investment Professional BCom (Hons—Fin)

<1 year of industry experience

<1 year with the firm

230 Section 6

Camissa Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 673 6300

Fax number: 086 675 8501

General email:


5th Floor, MontClare Place, Cnr Main & Campground Roads, Claremont, 7708 PO Box 1016, Cape Town, Compliance officer name:

Wajdah Fataar

+27 21 673 6326

Investment philosophy

Camissa Asset Management makes investment decisions based on mispricings they observe in the market. Simply put, they buy investments that are priced well below their considered assessment of intrinsic values and avoid those that they believe are overpriced.

Opportunities arise when market prices deviate from intrinsic value.

All investments represent a set of future cash flows, which can be valued with reasonable accuracy. Over time, this intrinsic value progresses at a fairly stable pace. Asset prices, however, fluctuate considerably through time. This is largely due to self-reinforcing cycles of investor enthusiasm or negativity, often fuelled by an excessive focus on near- term data and news flow.

Their aim is to identify and exploit mispricings in the markets. They therefore buy investments at prices well below their estimation of intrinsic value and hold them while they deliver strong cash returns and until they can be sold above this value. Once sold, Camissa Asset Management avoids such overvalued investments for as long as the market price is above the intrinsic value.

The future is never certain

Camissa Asset Management recognises that there is considerable danger in operating with the comfort of a false sense of certainty and the accompanying behavioural reinforcement cycles that lead to a distorted evaluation of new information. As a result, they understand that despite their best efforts, they cannot possibly know all the facts.

This drives them to think more deeply, to work harder and to be more alert. They view the future in terms of probabilities, explore alternative scenarios, diversify their positions, hedge risk and seek out potential asymmetries.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Wajdah Fataar

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

74% owned by Camissa Asset Management and 26% owned by Sinayo

Who are the directors of the company?

Roland Greaver, Gavin Wood, Tracy-Lee Scott, Khumo Shongwe, Polo Radebe

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes – 74%


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? AQRate

Date of accreditation: 2023-12-12


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? PriceWaterhouseCooper

Date of verification: 2023-06-30

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R58.1 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R42.7 billion

Retail: R15.4 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 21

Gavin Wood CIO


28 years of industry experience 22 years with the firm

Abdul Davids

Portfolio Manager


26 years of industry experience 16 years with the firm

231 Section 6

Cannon Asset Managers

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 736

Switchboard: +27 11 243 4900

General email:

Address: 18 Rivonia Rd, Illovo, Sandton 2196 PO Box 185 Johannesburg 2000

Compliance officer name:

Johan Jurgens Van Zyl +27 61 4911 585

Investment philosophy

Our investment objective is simply to build the best possible portfolios for our clients utilizing all the skills at our disposal and is guided by four overarching principles:

a) Opportunities: Markets adjust back to their averages and tend towards efficient pricing in the long-term, but provide consistent and identifiable mispricing opportunities in the short- to medium-term. By defining an investment universe as wide as prudently possible we believe that we maximize the potential to capitalize on opportunities that the market presents

b) Valuations: Our assessment of the valuation of a business compared to the prevailing market is the critical assessment in the merits of a particular investment

c) Risk Management : Wealth creation is driven as much by protecting capital value in difficult environments as by growing it in more prosperous times. Risk analysis and management is an important consideration here.

d) Question Everything: We avoid making investment decisions based on rules of thumb. We question management, governance structures and current wisdom in our investment process.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Johan Jurgens Van Zyl

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

90% owned by Seriti Capital Partners

Who are the directors of the company?

Tshepo Modiba, Deshan Naidoo and Puseletso Phetoe

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Executive management currently owns 64% of the business.


When was the company established? 2000

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Empowerdex

Date of accreditation: 2020-09-10


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? -

By whom have you been verified? -

Date of verification: -

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R246 million

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R246 million

Retail: -

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 2

Tshepo Modiba

CIO, Portfolio Manager

BSc (Hons—Math Stats)

16 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Neo Mokhesi

Assistant Portfolio Manager

MSc (Med), BCom (Hon—FAPM)

7 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

Deshan Naidoo

Executive Chairman


11 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Puseletso Phetoe

Business Development Director

BCom, Adv PG Dip in Fin Plan

6 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

232 Section 6

Catalyst Fund Managers SA (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 657 5500

General email:

Address: 4th Floor Protea Place, Claremont, 7708 PO Box 44845, Claremont, 7735

Compliance officer name: eComply

Tim Howse, Nick Howse

+27 21 671 8162 / +27 82 885 8598

Investment philosophy

Property – Income – Security

Catalyst Fund Managers’ view is that real estate is a separate asset class, providing diversification benefits to a multi-asset class portfolio resulting in enhanced riskadjusted returns. They are strong advocates of listed real estate as a long-term investment and follow a rigorous process in the analysis of listed real estate securities. The team follows a bottom-up approach in assessing the sustainability and growth of income streams by focusing primarily on key underpins, specifically considered to be the quality of property portfolios, management teams and the capital structure of the business.

Their primary consideration in identifying intrinsic value is the total return profile for investors, comprised of capital appreciation as well as an income/yield component from regular dividends, which tend to grow closely with inflation over time.

Their philosophy also drives their independent internal company research capability, which consolidates property knowledge with company-specific features. This, together with consistently applied valuation methodology designed specifically for listed property assessment, differentiates them from their competitors and allows them to add real value to their clients’ portfolios.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Michael Arbuthnot

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: uploads/2023/01/Complaints-Resolution-ProcessJan2023.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Catalyst Fund Managers 84.9%, Other 5.0% Staff Trust 10.1%

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: M Arbuthnot, M Seroto

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes, Staff Trust holds 10.1%


When was the company established? 2006 List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

AQ Rate Verification Services

Date of accreditation: 2023-03-09


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R8.6 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R8.6 billion

Retail: –

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 4

Zayd Sulaiman

Portfolio Manager


25 years of industry experience

17 years with the firm

Mvula Seroto

Portfolio Manager


10 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Imdaad Nana

Portfolio Manager, Investment Analyst

12 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Ofentse Tlhabi

Investment Analyst


9 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

233 Section 6

ClucasGray (Pty) Ltd and

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 21117


+27 11 771 1960

General email:


Ground Floor, Dunkeld Place, 12 North Road, Dunkeld West, 2196 PO Box 413037, Craighall, 2024

Compliance officer name:

Paul Carter

+27 11 771 1960

Investment philosophy

We believe:

● in fundamental, in-depth company analysis

● all investing requires a valuation discipline

● in a collaborative approach to investing, leveraging the insights and diverse experience of the ClucasGray investment team

● that macro analysis is an important supplement to fundamental analysis

● in focused portfolios, expressing conviction in our views

● a patient, long term approach to investing will lead to good returns over time.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Paul Carter

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:–


What is the ownership structure of the company?

100% owner managed business

Who are the directors of the company?

Craig Clucas

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

ClucasGray (Pty) Ltd is a 100% owner managed business. All the key portfolio managers own equity in the business.


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? No

What is your B-BBEE status? -

By whom have you been accredited? -

Date of accreditation: -


Are you GIPS compliant?

No, however the unit trusts are deemed to be GIPS compliant through our administrator Prescient, who verify returns and compliance.

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R3.4 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R1.6 billion

Retail: R1.1 billion

Life: R723 million

Other: -

234 Section 6

ClucasGray (Pty) Ltd


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 1130

Andrew Vintcent

Defacto CIO, Senior Portfolio Manager, Analyst


23 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Grant Morris

Head: Research, Senior Portfolio Manager, Analyst


22 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Guy MacRobert

Senior Portfolio Manager, Analyst


28 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Brendon Hubbard

Senior Portfolio Manager, Analyst


23 years of industry experience

14 years with the firm

Kirsty Savin

Portfolio Manager, Analyst

BBusSci (Hons—Fin), CFP, CFA

16 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

James Clucas

Senior Portfolio Manager, Analyst


29 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Paul Carter

Senior Portfolio Manager, Analyst

BSC (Inf Proc)

29 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Danie van Zyl

Investment Analyst


8 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

JP Maritz

Investment Analyst


10 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

George Slabbert

Investment Analyst


10 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Siphiwe Ziqubu

Trading and Research

BCom (Fin)

4 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Lawrence Mosielo

Fixed Income Analyst


3 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Christopher Hope Analyst

BEng (Mech)

1 year of industry experience

1 year with the firm

235 Section 6

Coronation Asset Management

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 548

Switchboard: +27 21 680 2000

Fax number: +27 21 680 2100

General email:

Address: 7th Floor MontClare Place, Cnr Campground and Main Roads Claremont, Cape Town, South Africa

PO Box 44684, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735

Compliance officer name:

Ms Jamie Rowland

+27 21 680 2809

Investment philosophy

All Coronation products are managed according to a single investment philosophy. It is based on two key tenets: using a long-term horizon to establish a company’s fair value and a disciplined valuation-driven approach, which drives buy and sell decisions.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Jamie Rowland

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: complaints-guidelines/


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Coronation Asset Management (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Coronation Fund Managers Limited which is a public company listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Coronation staff own 29% of the business and the balance is owned by local and global institutional and individual investors.

Who are the directors of the company?

Anton Pillay and Mary-Anne Musekiwa are the executive directors of the company.

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Staff members currently own 29% of the shares in issue of the company.


When was the company established? 1993

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Empowerdex

Date of accreditation: 2023-12-21


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? KPMG

Date of verification: 2023-04-20

Expiry date of verification: 2022-12-31

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R562.8 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R285.3 billion

Retail: R277.5 billion

Life: –

Other: –

236 Section 6

Coronation Asset Management


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 54

Karl Leinberger

Chief Investment Officer


23 years of industry experience

23 years with the firm

Neville Chester

Senior Portfolio Manager


27 years of industry experience 23 years with the firm

Pallavi Ambekar

Head: Absolute Return


21 years of industry experience

21 years with the firm

Quinton Ivan

Head: Core Equity

BCom (Hons), BBusSc, CA(SA), CFA

19 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Nishan Maharaj

Head: Fixed Income

MBA, BSc (Hons)

21 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Gavin Joubert

Head: Global Emerging Markets


25 years of industry experience

25 years with the firm

Peter Leger

Head: Global Frontiers

BCom (Hons), BSc (Eng), CFA

26 years of industry experience

19 years with the firm

Neil Padoa

Head: Global Developed Markets


16 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Nicholas Hops

Head: SA Equity Research


10 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Mauro Longano

Head: Fixed Income Research

BSc (Hons-Eng), CA(SA)

13 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Suhail Suleman

Co-Head: Global Emerging Markets Research


22 years of industry experience

16 years with the firm

Iakovos Mekios

Co-Head: Global Emerging Markets Research

Ptychion (BSc), MIA, IMC, CFA

10 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

237 Section 6

Denker Capital (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 47075

Switchboard: +27 21 950 2603

General email:


6th Floor, The Edge

3 Howick Close, Tyger Falls

Bellville 7530, Cape Town, South Africa 7530

Compliance officer name:

Francis Hitchinson (Outsourced to Sanlam Investments) / +27 21 950 2695

Investment philosophy

Denker Capital has one investment philosophy across the different investment teams.

Our approach to investing

We focus on company fundamentals.

We focus on conducting in-depth research on company fundamentals, which informs our assessment of a company’s intrinsic value. Intrinsic value is the present value of a company’s total expected net cash flows.

We invest in companies when they are attractively priced relative to their long-term return potential. Our investment process determines whether a company’s current price is too high or low compared to its track record and our assessment of its future potential, as measured by intrinsic value.

We invest with patience and for the long term. It can take time for a company’s share price to reflect its underlying intrinsic value. Our approach therefore requires patience to invest for the long term.

We understand and manage risks.

Returns in financial markets can only be achieved by assuming some risk. We concentrate on understanding the risks companies face so that we invest with a margin of safety and diversify our portfolios.

What we look for in a company

Good business economics

We assess a company’s growth opportunities, its ability to generate cash and sustainable returns on capital, its capital structure, and the strengths and weaknesses of the industry in which it operates.

Quality management

We place significant emphasis on the management team who are responsible for capital allocation decisions. We consider their track record, how they operate the business, their personal traits, and whether or now they are disciplined stewards of shareholder capital.

ESG factors

We look at how companies manage ESG issues strategically for the long term.

Favourable valuations

We make sure that we aren’t overpaying for the value we are receiving by understanding the intrinsic value and the range of possible outcomes.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Francis Hitchinson (Outsourced to Sanlam Investments)

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Sanlam Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd 49.9%, Denker Capital Employee Trust 14.3%, Arnhem Littleton Trust 14.5%, Star Fish Trust 12.9%, Cornelis Seakle Kooyman 6.5%, Lubnik Investments (Pty) Ltd 1.95%

Who are the directors of the company?

Executive directors: Shane Tremeer (CEO), Kokkie Kooyman, Claude van Cuyck, Madalet Sessions (alternate)

Non-executive directors: Carl Roothman, Imraan Bacus and Khanyile Nzukuma

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: 50.1%

238 Section 6

Denker Capital (Pty) Ltd



When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? No

What is your B-BBEE status? Non-Compliant.

By whom have you been accredited? AQRate

Date of accreditation: 2019-10-08


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? PwC

Date of verification: 2022-11-01

Expiry date of verification: -

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R6.8 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R466 million

Retail: R6.3 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 13

Claude van Cuyck

Head: Research, Head: SA Equity, Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons), CFA

31 years of industry experience 13 years with the firm

Madalet Sessions

Head: Research, Head: SA Multi-Asset, Portfolio Manager


18 years of industry experience 8 years with the firm

Kokkie Kooyman

Head: Research, Head: Global Financials, Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons), HDip—Edu, CA(SA)

35 years of industry experience 20 years with the firm

Jacobus Oosthuizen

Head: Research, Head: Global Equity, Portfolio Manager

MCompt, CA(SA), CFA

20 years of industry experience 17 years with the firm

Jan Meintjes

Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons), CA(SA), CFA

29 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

239 Section 6

Differential Capital

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 49982

Switchboard: +27 10 443 7470

General email:


Worcester House Portion Ground floor, Eton Office Park Cnr Sloane Street & Harrison Avenue Bryanston, 2191

Compliance officer name:

Johan van Zyl +27 11 568 0925

Investment philosophy

Our investment philosophy is based on the view that investors set market prices based on their expectations of cash flow and risk. We believe that mispricing occurs because changes in expectations (and how these changes are incorporated into prices) are imperfect. We focus on three sources of market imperfection:

Information Asymmetry: Although investors are ultimately privy to the same set of information, there are differences in the extent to which different investors make use of the available information.

Processing Asymmetry: There are material differences in the readiness with which different investors can incorporate and act on new information.

Preference Asymmetry: Investors operate with vastly different preferences and mandate restrictions. Examples include the fact that value managers prefer “cheap” stocks and the fact tracking error limits sometimes mean that investors cannot fully express their views. We believe that these restrictions have the potential to product mispricing and delayed reaction to information.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Vincent Anthonyrajah (CEO)

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Vincent Anthonyrajah: 25%; Sam Houlie: 18%

Musa Malwandla: 15%; Naeem Badat: 7%

Other Founders: 10%; The Standard Bank of South Africa: 24.99%

Who are the directors of the company?

Vincent Anthonyrajah, Sam Houlie, Musa Malwandla

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: Staff and management collectively own 68% (excluding Naeem’s 7% shareholding).


When was the company established? 2018

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited?

No, we are a QSE with a sworn affidavit.

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 2

By whom have you been accredited? -

Date of accreditation: -


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No, but our Manco Prescient is. By whom have you been verified? -

Date of verification: -

Expiry date of verification: -

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R3.2 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R3.2 billion

Retail: R30 million

Life: –

Other: –

240 Section 6

Differential Capital


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 7

Vincent Anthonyrajah


BSc (Act Sc), BSc (Hons—Stats), AIA

14 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Sam Houlie

Co-CIO (Fundamentals)


29 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Musa Malwandla

Co-CIO (AI/Data Science)

PhD (Finance), MSc, BSc (Hons), 12 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Louis Loizou

Head: Portfolio Risk, Investment Analyst

BCom (Hons-Inv Man, Econometrics)

12 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Sizwe Msomi

Investment Analyst


7 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

William Wright

Lead Data Scientist

PhD in Physics

4 years of industry experience

<1 year with the firm

Lehumo Mashishi

Machine Learning Engineer

MSc in Physics (cum laude)

1 year of industry experience

1 year with the firm

241 Section 6

Edge Capital (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 976 1012


+27 21 976 1096

General email:


Edge House, 3 Heuwelkruin Close, Durbanville, 7550 P O Box 4188, Tygervalley

Compliance officer name:

Independent Compliance Services

+27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

The overarching investment philosophy is common across all funds in the Edge RCIS range, namely the objective of finding managers who have demonstrated the dual ability to provide an equal measure of capital protection with sustainable alpha generation. In addition, the ability to demonstrate a sufficiently non-correlated or unique alpha generation strategy or preferably a few of these sources is assessed to corroborate the first objective and hence ensure the historical track record is not merely an excessive reliance on hidden “beta” or a pure style effect. On this basis, the main premise is to categorically exclude managers from the investment universe that in the view of the investment team, pose a performance and/or business risk to the funds. Thereafter, the second premise is to thoroughly research, review and secure preferential capacity in remaining funds for the benefit of investors. A successful application of the investment philosophy, via the investment process, is intended to deliver consistently positive net monthly returns to investors in excess of the opportunity cost of their allocated capital. Finally, our unwavering belief is that these smaller, very focused and experienced teams operating in a dynamic, flat structure with direct ownership is the ultimate testimony to their deep passion for the pure vocation of money management. Whilst many of these talented individuals have carved successful careers in the bigger organizations, they have come to share our view that the ultimate application of their skills is best served through running their own, focused investment boutique with superior results to the traditional big, bureaucratic institutions pursuing asset growth as opposed to investment performance.

This philosophy is what underpins both our own and the underlying managers’ ability to out-perform the market and traditional managers over time, as it speaks to identifying and dealing with change more quickly and efficiently and puts performance at the core. This also translates itself into putting the client at the centre of the business.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Edge Client Services team

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:

Contact for a copy of any of the policies


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Edge Capital (Pty) Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Edge Investments (Pty) Ltd.

Who are the directors of the company?

Pieter Davis, Ryan Wiborg, Cephas Pfende (Non-Executive Director)

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Edge Capital (Pty) Ltd is privately owned, and in addition to staff ownership, Edge has an enterprise development partner called Alusi Group as its Black Economic Empowerment Partner.


When was the company established? 1999

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? B-BBEE Level 1 Contributor

By whom have you been accredited?

AQRate Rating Agency

Date of accreditation: 2023-12-18


Are you GIPS compliant? -

Are you GIPS verified? -

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

242 Section 6

Edge Capital (Pty) Ltd


Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R7 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R7 billion

Retail: -

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 5

Pieter Viljoen


BSc (Comp Sc), CFA

27 years of industry experience

16 years with the firm

Pieter Davis


MBA, BCom (Hons), CFA

28 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

Lynn Lekay

Investment Analyst

BCom (Hons)

17 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Thoriso Seepi

Independent Risk Manager

MSc (Compt Fin)

9 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Verosha Sudhakaran



10 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

243 Section 6

Element Investment Managers

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 663

Switchboard: +27 21 426 1313

General email:


9 Beach Club, Beach Club Drive, Hout Bay, 7806

Compliance officer name:

Independent Compliance Services +27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

Element Investment Managers believe that a disciplined long-term contrarian approach is the most reliable way to achieve superior absolute returns for investors over the long term. They are index agnostic as their aim is to research companies and assets and buy them when their current prices are below their long-term intrinsic values and have the discipline to hold them until these intrinsic values are realised. As a result of their long-term contrarian philosophy, it is likely that their portfolios will at times be materially different from other market participants or indices against which they are measured.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Independent Compliance Services

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Rockwood Holdings (Pty) Ltd: 84.5%, Element Directors & Staff: 10.4%, Other: 5.1%

Who are the directors of the company?

TR Craig, Dr DF Da Silva (Non-executive)

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes. 6.5%


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 4

By whom have you been accredited?-

Date of accreditation: 2022-04-30


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R660 million

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R660 million

Retail: -

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 4

Terence Craig CIO

BBusSc (Hons) CA(SA), CFA

30 years of industry experience

23 years with the firm

244 Section 6

Ensemble Capital

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 50887

Switchboard: +27 10 109 6782

General email:


Unit 2001A, Bryanston Gate Office Park Cnr Main Road and Homestead Avenue

Bryanston 2194

Compliance officer name:

Ryno Volschenk +27 11 602 0200

Investment philosophy

Ensemble Capital adopts a top-down thematic investment approach and believes that absolute focus on long-term investing through macro-thematic analysis offers scope to add long-term investment value in a nonbenchmark cognisant approach.

The top-down aspect refers the parallel anchoring of our core portfolio to the RSA economic sector biases on an absolute basis.

The thematic aspect of our approach aims to identify macro-level trends, and filter them down to underlying investments that stand to benefit from the materialisation of those trends.

This approach is focused and appropriate to identify and interpret changes in macroeconomic developments or themes.

We look at the industry-environment and identify securities that best exploit the changing economic relationships.

Cyclical analysis is furthermore utilized to manage decoupling of these relationships for better risk adjusted return generation through our internally developed cyclicality matrix.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Ryno Volschenk

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:

Available on request


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Wishing Well Horizons 43%, Malogane Investments 17%

Eligert (Pty) Ltd 30%, Young Money Holdings 10%

Who are the directors of the company?

Dineo Modungwa, Aaron Masina, Gregory Mokoena, Letlhogonolo Shai

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes. 100%


When was the company established? 2019

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? No

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Affidavit

Date of accreditation: -


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: Affidavit

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R341 million

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R341 million

Retail: -

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 4

MA Masina

CIO, Head: Fixed Income, Research, Equities

BCom (Stats), CFA

21 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Dineo Modungwa

Portfolio Manager, Analyst MMFI, BCom (Acct Sci), CIMA

13 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Gregory Mokoena

Portfolio Manager, Analyst

BCom (Fin Man)

23 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Letlhogonolo Shai

Portfolio Manager, Analyst BCom (Hons—Fin)

8 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

245 Section 6

Excelsia Capital (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 46756

Switchboard: +27 21 276 1740

General email:

Address: 3rd Floor, Sunclare Building 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town, South Africa, 7708

Compliance officer name: Independent Compliance Services

Debbie Carse +27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

Our investment philosophy is valuation based, focused on long-term thinking and assessing the key variables of what drives value in a business. We invest in businesses that we believe are selling at a discount to our assessment of their intrinsic value. Various valuation methods are used to determine the value of a business and normalisation of earnings forms a key part of assessing through-the-cycle intrinsic value. We also consider the probability of outcomes around our valuation and the possible timeframes over which value can be unlocked. Included in the valuation process are both quantitative and qualitative factors to help evaluate the key revenue drivers of the business, its risks/rewards and the industry dynamics in which the business operates. The key aspects of our philosophy include:

● Taking a business approach;

● Looking for a margin of safety;

● Taking advantage of fear and greed;

● Not basing investments on macro forecasting, and

● Taking a long-term approach.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Derek McDonald

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company? 93.2% owned by Excelsia Holdings (Pty) Ltd

Who are the directors of the company?

Rajay Ambekar, Derek McDonald, Sharifa Jaffer, Nosiphiwo Balfour (Independent Non-executive)

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes. 100%


When was the company established?


List of mergers that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 2

By whom have you been accredited?

Qualifying small enterprise—affidavit

Date of accreditation: 2023-10-10


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R6.4 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R5.1 billion

Retail: R73 million

Life: – R1.2 billion

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 8

Rajay Ambekar



25 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Richard Middleton

Portfolio Manager

BSc (Eng), MBA

27 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

246 Section 6

Fairtree Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 25917

Switchboard: 0861 760 760

Fax number: +27 21 914 3103

General email:

Address: Willowbridge Place, Cnr Carl Cronje & Old Oak Road, Bellville, 7530 PO Box 4124, Tygervalley, 7536

Compliance officer name:

Independent Compliance Services

Enrique Goosen

Investment philosophy

Fairtree is a leading investment manager that manages alternative and long only investment portfolios across all global asset classes for institutional clients and high net worth individuals. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, our firm commitment to a consistent investment philosophy has continued to deliver high-quality returns to investors since the inception of our first fund in 2003.

We pride ourselves on our acclaimed specialist teams, as well as our tried, tested and proven risk and portfolio management processes.

Meticulous top-down and bottom-up analyses ensure a diversified selection of investments in each fund. With expertise grounded in South Africa, we have developed a diverse global product portfolio. Our solutions include a variety of equity, fixed income, credit, commodity, property, hospitality private equity, balanced and multistrategy mandates across multiple global geographies with around R128 billion combined assets under management as at 30 June 2023.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Enrique Goosen – Independent Compliance Services

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

100% owned by staff

Who are the directors of the company?

Andre Malan, Kobus Nel, Bradley Anthony

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:



When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 2

By whom have you been accredited? AQRate

Date of accreditation: 2023-10-16


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R128 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R128 billion

Retail: -

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 47

Andre Malan Director MBA, BCom

29 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Kobus Nel Director CA(SA), CFA

18 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Ian Millard Portfolio Manager BCom

33 years of industry experience

14 years with the firm

247 Section 6

Fairtree Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Stephen Brown

Equity Strategist


27 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

Jacobus Lacock

Portfolio Manager

BCom (Fin—Econ), CFA

19 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Bradley Anthony Director

BA (Econ—Hist), CAIA

30 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Cor Booysen

Portfolio Manager


18 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Louis Antelme

Portfolio Manager


34 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Paul Crawford

Portfolio Manager

MBA, BSc (Elec—Eng), CFA

26 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Deon Botha

Portfolio Manager

MCom (Econ)

11 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Joe Bester

Portfolio Manager


13 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Cornelius Zeeman

Portfolio Manager


9 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Dane Merrick

Portfolio Manager

MSc, BSc (Hons—Mech Eng), CFA

9 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Cephas Dube

Portfolio Manager

MCom, BCom (Hons—Act Sc)

17 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Donald Curtayne

Portfolio Manager

BBusSc (Fin—Acc), PGDA, CA(SA), CFA

10 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Rob Hart

Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Fin)

27 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Chantelle Baptiste

Head of SA Equity Research & Equity Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons—Man Acc), ACMA, CIMA

12 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Clarissa van der Westhuyzen

Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Fin), PGDip Acc, CA(SA), CFA

19 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Denise van Wyk

Portfolio Manager


15 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

David Evans

Portfolio Manager

MBA, BSc (Chem Eng)

23 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

David Rossouw

Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons—Fin Analysis), CFA

9 years in the industry

6 years with the firm

248 Section 6

Foord Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 532 6988

Fax number: +27 21 532 6999

General email:


8 Forest Mews, Forest Drive, Pinelands, 7405 PO Box 135, Howard Place, 7450

Compliance officer name:

Diane Behr

+27 21 532 6916

Investment philosophy

How Foord thinks about investments determines how they act. The tenets of their investment philosophy are the lights that guide what they do:

Get the big calls right

Meaningful investment returns are not earned by making incremental decisions. Superior long-term returns are generated by identifying and taking advantage of economic cycles. In the long term, it is never beneficial to invest in the fast hounds of the slow pack.

Buy at the right price

The price at which one purchases an investment dictates future returns: pay too dear, and future returns are compromised. “Cheap” or “dear” are concepts that crystallise with fundamental analysis of the future revenue streams and associated risks of an investment security. Investing with a margin of safety is critical to reducing the future risk of loss.

Take a long-term view and be patient

Speculation is a short-term activity with an inherently uncertain result. Investment is a long-term activity with a more certain result. Like the maturation of a good wine or the growing of a tree, an investment’s full potential realises over time.

Ignore the benchmark when building portfolios

A benchmark is often representative of what is in vogue or what is simply big.Bigger isn’t always better and fashion is fickle. Portfolios should be constructed by applying objective, independent perspectives to their composition. To outperform the herd you have to be different from the herd.

Diversify and manage risk

Diversification offers possibly the only “free lunch” in the market – it affords the investor the chance to manage the risk of being wrong. Diversification should be used often, but not excessively. Where careful analysis gives an investor greater conviction, less diversification is needed –because the risk of being wrong is lower.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Diane Behr

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: Complaints%20resolution_May2019.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Privately owned company

Who are the directors of the company?

PE Cluer, B Africa, WL Fraser, P Desai

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:



When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 3

By whom have you been accredited? AQ Rate

Date of accreditation: 2023-03-13


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? KPMG INC

Date of verification: 2023-07-20

Expiry date of verification: –

249 Section 6

Foord Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Continued Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R76.1 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R29.6 billion

Retail: R46.5 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 16

Dave Foord

Global CIO

BCom, CA(SA)

44 years of industry experience

40 years with the firm

Nick Balkin


BCom (Hons), CFA

20 years of industry experience

17 years with the firm

Nancy Hossack

Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Hons), CA(SA)

11 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Wim Murray

Portfolio Manager, Analyst


9 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Rashaad Tayob

Fixed Income Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Hons—Fin), CFA

20 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

Farzana Bayat

Fixed Income Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Act Sc), CFA

20 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

250 Section 6

Futuregrowth Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 659 5300

Fax number:

+27 21 659 5400

General email:


3rd Floor, Great Westerford Main Road Rondebosch, 7700

Private Bag X6, Rondebosch, 7725

Compliance officer name:

Ryan Kieser

+27 21 659 5447

Investment philosophy

Futuregrowth’s fixed interest investment philosophy is to maximise long-term investment returns by identifying, measuring and managing all value-adding components of interest-bearing investments.

This can be broadly broken down into two core areas. Firstly, the interest rate process involves the determination of the most likely future direction of interest rates, followed by the most appropriate allocation to money market, nominal and inflationlinked bonds as well as yield curve positioning across all three of these broad interest rate asset classes.

The interest rate strategy is expressed mainly by utilising the most liquid RSA government bond market. The process endeavours to identify market anomalies by finding balance between economic fundamental analysis (top down) and market valuation (bottom up). They frequently find a mismatch which enables them to express their view, preferably against a well-priced market consensus.

Along with the intense scrutiny they pay to the interest rate process, they channel substantial efforts into asset selection. The core of the asset selection process is the creation of diversified portfolios with substantial yield enhancement through a robust credit/analysis process. As a result the portfolio’s running yield should produce long-term, stable outperformance.

In terms of market anomalies, Futuregrowth believe that they can add alpha through focused exploitation of market inefficiencies. They use well practised quantitative processes to select high credit quality and high yielding assets. They do realise that in the course of earning higher yields the portfolio is exposed to both default risk and widening credit spreads. These risks are minimised in a number of ways that include:

● Using a rigorous fundamental process that screens good assets for inclusion in the portfolio

● Ensuring diversity by credit exposure limits (issuer, credit class, sector)

● Negotiating strong lender covenants, security and protections which reduce the likelihood of default and also increase our estimated recovery rates in an event of default

● Actively monitoring and managing these assets

● Pricing appropriately for credit risk

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Ryan Kieser

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: complaints-procedure/


What is the ownership structure of the company?

As at November 2022 the dispersion of Futuregrowth shares was as follows: Old Mutual Investment Holding Company 54.2%, Black Management Trust, 7.51%, Management Trust 11.8%, Imfundo Educational Trust 5.3%, AIH & AIH Capital 21.2%

Who are the directors of the company?

Henk Beets, Andrew Canter, Paul Rackstraw, Prabashini Moodley, Gcinikhaya Gobodo, Sindi Mabaso-Koyana

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: Yes, 19.3%


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: 2008 – OMIGSA became the majority shareholder

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? AQRate

Date of accreditation: 2023-06-08


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? KPMG

Date of verification: 2022-12-31

Expiry date of verification: –

251 Section 6

Futuregrowth Asset Management (Pty) Ltd


Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R194.7 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R117.6 billion

Retail: R34.4 billion

Life: R42.7 billion

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 40

Andrew Canter

CIO, Head: Fixed Income


33 years of industry experience

22 years with the firm

Wikus Furstenberg

Head: Interest Rate Process, Portfolio Manager


33 years of industry experience

24 years with the firm

Ntuthuzelo Magwentshu

Head: Dealing, Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons), BSc

15 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

Daphne Botha

Head: Risk, Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons), Dip Fin Markets

27 years of industry experience

22 years with the firm

Jason Lightfoot

Portfolio Manager, Credit Analyst

BCom (Hons), BA

26 years of industry experience

22 years with the firm

Rhandzo Mukansi

Head: Interest Rates, Portfolio Manager

BA (Hons)

11 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

252 Section 6

Granate Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 2015/090537/07


+27 21 276 3450

General email:


2nd Floor, Josephine Mill, 13 Boundary Road, Newlands, Cape Town 7700

Compliance officer name:

Philasande Ntshiba

+27 21 276 3450 I +27 72 633 3327

Investment philosophy

Granate has a singular investment philosophy that we apply to all savings entruted to us. We believe that markets are inefficient and that asset prices do not consistently reflect reasonable risk compensation. These inefficiencies allow us to benefit from deviations in longterm fair value.

We believe that securities issued by entities that fail on certain qualitative factors should not qualify for inclusion in our portfolios, regardless of the price of the security. For that reason, we screen every entity based on the following four factors: Governance, Balance Sheet Strength, Management Track Record and Cashflow Sustainability.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Philasande Ntshiba

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Staff and management of Granate Asset Management own 70%. The remainder is owned by RMI Affiliates 2.

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: PJ Bosman, S Blanckenberg, AR Dearman, AR De Swardt, P Ntshiba, AFV Rousseau, HP Vermaak

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Staff and management own 70% of the company.


When was the company established? 2015

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:–

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Inforcomm (Pty) Ltd

Date of accreditation: 2022-12-13


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R10.9 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R3.8 billion

Retail: R7.1 billion

Life: –

Other: –

253 Section 6

Granate Asset Management (Pty) Ltd


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 10

Bronwyn Blood

Portfolio Manager, Investment Analyst

BCom (Hons)

24 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Paul Bosman

Portfolio Manager, Investment Analyst

BCom (Hons), CFA

16 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Vaneshen Naidoo

Portfolio Manager, Investment Analyst

MSc (Eng), CFA

17 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Henno Vermaak

Portfolio Manager, Investment Analyst

BCom (Hons), FFA, CFA

16 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Tyron Green Investment Analyst

MBA, BBusSc (Hons), CA(SA), CFA

17 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Alida Malberbe

Investment Analyst

MPhil, BCom, BPhil

16 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Caroline Webber Quants Analyst

Mphil (Maths), BSocSci (Hons), FRM

12 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Dalya Abramowitz

Assistant Portfolio Manager, Investment Analyst

BBusSc (Hons), CFA

11 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Catherine Blersch

Investment Analyst


4 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Philasande Ntshiba Investment Analyst

BCom (Acc), PGDip (Acc), CA(SA)

4 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

254 Section 6

Hollard Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 1997/001696/07


0860 202 202

Fax: +27 11 351 3816

General email:


Hollard Villa Arcadia, 22 Oxford Road, Parktown, 2193 PO Box 87419, Houghton, Johannesburg, 2041

Compliance officer name: Nicky Mclure

Investment philosophy

Our investment philosophy is centred around the believe in active management to achieve long-term risk-adjusted returns. Our approach is underpinned by a strong focus on valuing assets based on intrinsic value, with a preference for investments we believe are undervalued by the market.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Michelle Govender

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: hollardcoza/pages/contact-us/complaints-disclosure/ hollards-committment-to-complaint-handling-july-20.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Hollard Life Assurance Company LTD — 100%

Who are the directors of the company?

B Ruela and SE Smith

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: No


When was the company established? 2015

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: None for Hollard Investment Managers

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? BEE level 3

By whom have you been accredited? Honeycomb BEE ratings

Date of accreditation: 2022-03-01


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? No

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R6.4 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R5.8 billion

Retail: R524 million

Life: –

Other: –

255 Section 6

Hollard Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 10

Ashveena Teeluckdharry Khusial CIO

BBusSc Hons (Actuarial), CAIA, CFA

8 years of industry experience

16 years with the firm

Conlias Mancuveni

Head: Implemented Portfolio Consulting

MSc, MBA, BCom Hons (Actuarial), FRM

8 years of industry experience

16 years with the firm

Carl Chetty

Senior Portfolio Manager

B.BusSci, CFA

3 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Moeketsi Motjope

Quantitative Analyst

BSc (Hons) (BMI), Quantitative Risk Management, CFA

Level 1 candidate

3 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Arusha Harichund

Investment Operations Analyst

11 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Shawn Smith

Managing Director


22 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Jessica Swart

Head: Platform and Business Enablement

BCom, Post Grad Dip in Fin Planning

19 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Shannon Zietsman

Head: Operations

Dip: Fin Man & Investments / Invest Man & Bus Law,

COP – Retirement Funds I, Dip: Fin Markets

22 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

Denay Valjee

Head: Distribution

BBusSci (Fin)

13 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

256 Section 6

Independent Alternatives Investment Managers

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 47402

Switchboard: +27 11 234 1519

General email:


42 Homestead Road, Jupiter House, River Park Rivonia 2191

Compliance officer name:

Johan Van Zyl +27 61 491 1585

Investment philosophy

Our investment strategy is predicated on the analysis of the impact of macro-thematic trends, imbalances and inflection points on the risk premium relating to investment strategies. We combine this top-down macro analysis with bottom quantamental analysis to identify opportunities. We believe that in the short to medium term markets are inefficient, and our process identifies these structural inefficiencies and anomalies.

We believe that the macro environment has a huge impact on how investment strategies perform. Some environments are supportive of certain strategies, and other environments are destructive. We undertake extensive macro-thematic analysis through a quantitative nowcasting methodology. We analyse the current and past long-term debt cycle, business cycle, and monetary policy cycle to understand the characteristics of these cycles and how they link to investment opportunities. We also analyse other more bespoke data sets such as Weather and Climate as these are important in understanding cross asset linkages such as commodity price driven inflation.

We uncover investment principles through a quantitative backtesting framework of risk premia performance in past macro regimes. We have created investment principles which are evidence-based market truths of the behaviour of risk premias. This helps us to position correctly for the macro environment. The key is to find macro themes early, so we use our objective quantitative modelling process to pick the right assets to go long and short to profit from the macro regime.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Johan Van Zyl

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

100% Staff and Management Team

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: Grant Hogan, Tatenda Chapinduka, Desiree Mpeta, Lufuno Makhari, Thabiso Foto

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: Yes, 100% of the company is owned by Staff and Management.


When was the company established? 2015-08-04

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 2

By whom have you been accredited?

Commisioner of Oaths

Date of accreditation: 2023-07-10


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R1.4 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R1.4 billion


Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 5

Tatenda Chapinduka

Co-Founder, Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Act Sc), CAIA

13 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Grant Hogan

Co-Founder, Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons—Econ Fin)

13 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

257 Section 6

Laurium Capital (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 34142

Switchboard: +27 11 263 7700

General email:


9th Floor, 90 Grayston, 90 Grayston Drive, Sandown, Johannesburg, 2196 3rd Floor, The Citadel, 15 Cavendish Street, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708

Compliance officer name:

Independent Compliance Services; Enrique Goosen: +27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

With 280 years’ collective professional investment management expertise, the team at Laurium Capital combines on-the-ground research and extensive local market knowledge to seek investment opportunities. We believe that our skills in stock selection, combined with disciplined portfolio construction and risk management processes should deliver superior risk adjusted returns over time.

All of our funds are underpinned by a common investment philosophy.

Bottom-up fundamental research and valuations – the core of our philosophy:

We seek to identify companies whose share prices differ materially from our intrinsic valuations, based on longer term, through-the-cycle cash flows and earnings. However, we acknowledge that there are material deviations of share prices from intrinsic valuations for extended periods, and these must be taken into consideration in the risk management of a valuation-driven stock-picking process.

Top-down views – an important overlay:

Identifying and taking advantage of economic cycles and market trends is an important contributor to the generation of superior long-term investment returns and is complementary to bottom-up research. However, cycles and trends are often unpredictable and are subject to change. Therefore, the risk of being wrong must be acknowledged and managed.

Trading – a part of both bottom-up and top-down research:

The market is right most of the time, but regular inefficiencies arise in the short term. Shorter-term inefficiencies may present trading opportunities, irrespective of a company’s intrinsic value. These opportunities often arise due to large flows of money, news flow and emotions, structural inefficiencies, corporate actions, and other special situations or events.

We believe that our strategy will perform best in times following abnormal market volatility, because during the volatile periods, prices tend to overshoot fundamental valuations, which provides opportunities to take positions in those stocks. During strong bull markets, our performance is likely to lag on a relative basis. During periods of range trading, our performance is likely to be worst on a relative basis.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Mark Preston

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

The company was started in August 2008 by Murray Winckler and Gavin Vorwerg owning the majority of the business between them. Subsequently, over half of the team members have bought into the equity of the business, with 8% of the business owned by a Charitable Trust.

Who are the directors of the company?

Murray Winckler, Gavin Vorwerg, Mark Preston, Brian Thomas, Zayaan Saban

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes, 31%


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: Laurium Capital acquired Tantalum Capital in 2020.

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? EVASA (Pty) Ltd

Date of accreditation: 2023-09-05


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? No

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

258 Section 6

Laurium Capital (Pty) Ltd


Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R27.4 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R11.5 billion

Retail: R15.5 billion

Life: R454 million

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 18

Murray Winckler

CIO and Portfolio Manager (Co-Founder)


35 years of industry experience

15 years with the firm

Gavin Vorwerg

Head: Equities and Portfolio Manager (Co-Founder)


26 years of industry experience

15 years with the firm

Junaid Bray

Co-Portfolio Manager and Research Coordinator

BBusSci (Hons-Fin), CFA

21 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Paul Robinson

Head: Africa Research, Portfolio Manager


23 years of industry experience

13 years at the firm

Matthew Pouncett

Co-Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Hon—Fin), CFA

14 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Robert Oellerman

Head: Global Equity, Portfolio Manager


30 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Brian Thomas

Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Hons) CA(SA), ACA, CFA

24 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Melanie Stockigt

Head: Fixed Income, Portfolio Manager

MCom, BCom (Hons)

27 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

259 Section 6

Legacy Africa Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:


Switchboard: +27 10 109 3753

General email:


Oxford & Glenhove, 114 Oxford Road, Building 2 Suite 1, Rosebank, 2196

Compliance officer name: Tibane Mpalwa +27 11 475 9606

Investment philosophy

We are a style agnostic long- term investor. We believe that Fundamental Research and Engagement, taken together, form the basis of mutually beneficial long-term relationships between shareholders and companies. We adopt rigorous fundamental analysis to identify companies that have the ability to grow profits faster than average over long periods of time. We use ESG research to generate a holistic picture of the enterprise and its operating model, insights that are not considered when you simply look at financial statements. Furthermore, it provides us with an opportunity to benchmark different companies and provides us with a better understanding of why a company’s financial metrics or performance may be substantially different from others. That could lead to a hidden risk that’s uncovered, or a promising opportunity that is unveiled. Hence, ESG integration can be seen as a natural step in the evolution of long-term investment.

We aim to invest in superior economically sustainable companies that have the following characteristics:

● Sustainable competitive advantage(s)

● Good and repeatable business model

● Good operational management

● Management assumptions about their operating environment and their business are realistic

● Well-articulated and sensible business strategy

● Large and/or open ended market opportunity

● Strong balance sheet

● Growing free cash flows

● Higher standards of corporate governance and good corporate citizenship

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Sharen Gerald

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: policies


What is the ownership structure of the company?

● Legacy Africa Fund Managers PTY LTD (Holdings Company) – Godwin Sepeng owns 60%, Lentswe Gopane owns 20% and Senzo Hlangu owns 20%

● Legacy Africa Fund Managers PTY LTD owns 76% of Legacy Africa Multi Strategies and Joe Kainja owns 24% of Legacy Africa Multi-Strategies.

● Legacy Africa Fund Managers PTY LTD owns 60% of Legacy Africa Capital Partners and Legacy Africa Capital Partners Management owns 40%

Who are the directors of the company?

Godwin Sepeng, Senzo Hlangu & Lentswe Gopane

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes, 100% owned by staff


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Affidavit Date of accreditation: 2022-12-15


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R4.2 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R4.2 billion

Retail: –

Life: –

Other: -

260 Section 6

Legacy Africa Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 7

Godwin Sepeng


BSc (Stats& Econ), CFA

29 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Senzo Hlangu

Head: Research

BSc (Stats& Econ)

26 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Joe Kainja

Head: Multi – Strategies (Multi-Asset Class & Interest Bearing)

MSc (Stats), BSc (Math)

29 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Kgosi Monametsi

Head: Private Equity

BBusBsc (Hons)

20 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Mduduzi Ngobeni

Quantitative & Research Analyst

BCom (Hons-Econometrics), BCom

10 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Kelebantswe Morare

Senior Private Equity Associate

BCom (Accounting)

9 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

Tshisikhawe Mafamadi

Quantitative Analyst

BCom (Hons—BBusSci)

2 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

261 Section 6

Lima Mbeu Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 49018


+27 10 023 0113

Fax: +27 86 415 5280

General email:


2nd Floor, Fredman Towers, 13 Fredman Drive, Sandton, 2196

Postnet Suite 189, Private Bag X9 Benmore, 2010

Compliance officer name: James Smalberger

+27 21 975 6597

Investment philosophy

We believe that disciplined growth investing is the best way to build wealth and capital in the long term

The four key components of our philosophy are as follows:

Active Management: We believe that although the market is hard to beat consistently, it is still inefficient. There are opportunities for skilled investors to generate excess returns, and it is for this reason that we believe in active management. Therefore, we actively manage our investment portfolios with a benchmark-cognisant mindset.

Growth Investing: We believe that buying companies whose earnings are growing much faster than average leads to the outperformance of the market in the long run. We concentrate on finding companies that have a clear prospect of unusually rapid increases in earnings, as we believe that this presents the best way to outperform the market.

Process: We believe that long-term success comes only from the most rigorous pursuit of disciplines designed to neutralise the emotional pressures that arise when one is responsible for investing other people’s money. We believe that a process that combines human foresight with the discipline of a quantitative framework is likely to generate relatively better investment returns.

Risk Control: We believe in building highly diversified portfolios as this enhances the probability of outperformance through various cycles. The best way to build wealth is through the compounding of consistent absolute and relative investment returns. Therefore, risk management is embedded within our investment processes to create portfolios that have low to moderate active risk.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Ndinavhushavhelo Rabali

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: uploads/2021/03/Conflict-of-Interest-ManagementPolicy-.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Staff (50%). African Rainbow Capital Financial Services

Holdings (Pty) Ltd (50%)

Who are the directors of the company?

Board of Directors: Ndinavhushavhelo Rabali, Thabo Stanley Seopa, Adv. Lindelani Patience Sigogo, Willem Theron Lategan, Brian Tafadzwa Mushonga, Clare Nyama and Botlhale Rantloane

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:



When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 2

By whom have you been accredited? Empowerlogic

Date of accreditation: 2023-12-05


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? EmpowerLogic

Date of verification: 2023-12-05

Expiry date of verification: 2024-12-04

262 Section 6

Lima Mbeu Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R2.7 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R2.6 billion

Retail: R86 million

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 4

Ndinavhushavhelo Rabali


MSc (Fin Maths — cum laude)

18 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Teboho Tsotetsi

Portfolio Manager

MSc (Quant Risk Man)

18 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Bhekinkosi Khuzwayo

Portfolio Manager

MCom (Stats) (cum laude)

16 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Thobile Ngcobo

Investment Analyst


8 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

263 Section 6

M&G Investments (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 670 5100

Fax number: +27 21 683 7156

General email:


5th Floor, Protea Place, Corner Dreyer Street and Protea Road, Claremont, 7708 PO Box 44813, Claremont, 7735

Compliance officer name:

Shaheed Mohamed

+27 21 670 2825

Investment philosophy

M&G Investments are prudent, valuation- based investors who place a special emphasis on managing risk in their client portfolios. M&G Investments believe that market prices are broadly efficient over the long term, but can be very inefficient over shorter periods. Therefore, at any point in time, market prices may not reflect intrinsic values. Short-term inefficiencies are essentially driven by repeating behavioural errors by market participants, particularly an alternation between ‘greed and fear’. Prices do not stay at unrealistic levels indefinitely; sooner or later they reflect intrinsic values dictated by fundamental economic factors. Repeating behavioural errors and the eventual convergence of market prices to reflect fundamental values provide sustainable opportunities for active, long-term investors like M&G Investments to earn excess returns by investing in mispriced assets.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Shaheed Mohamed

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

M&G Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd is 100% owned by M&G Investment Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd [M&G SA]

Who are the directors of the company?

C Sickle, DJ Knee, N Limbada, DD van Zyl

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: 28.1%


When was the company established?

M&G Investments was founded in 1931. The South African business was opened in 1994.

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

AQRate Verification Services

Date of accreditation: 2023-11-20


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? PWC

Date of verification: 2022-12-31

Expiry date of verification: 2023-05-31

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R216.2 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R141.8 billion

Retail: R52.8 billion

Life: R11.3 billion

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 37

David Knee


MSc (Econ), BSc (Econ), ASIP

33 years of industry experience

26 years with the firm

264 Section 6

Matrix Fund Managers

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 21 673 7800

General email:


The Terraces, 2nd Floor, 25 Protea Road, Claremont, Cape Town, 7708

Compliance officer name:

Faieka Slemming

+27 21 673 7829

Investment philosophy

Matrix Fund Managers is an owner-managed, diversified asset manager. We take an agile approach to active investing that draws from our independent thinking and unconstrained style. Our core purpose is to deliver client investment outcomes consistent without mandates along with the high quaility service for our institutional and retail clients.

Matrix Fund Managers was founded in 2006. Managing both long-only and hedge fund portfolios, our key capabilities span across SA fixed income, equity and multi-asset portfolios.

We have a culture of accountability, integrity and honesty.

Other notable attributes about us include:

● Strong investment team,

● Fast growing long-only offering with the R20 billion of SA Multi-Asset, Fixed Income and Equity assets under management

● Well established SA hedge fund presence with R5 billion assets under management

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Faieka Slemming

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: uploads/2021/04/Complaints-Management-FrameworkNovember-2020.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Matrix Fund Managers is 56% owned by management and 44% by external investors.

Who are the directors of the company?

Lourens Pretorius (Chair and CIO), Robert Coombe (COO), Roushana Dean (CFO), Francois Kellerman (Non-executive Director) and Phumelele Makatini (Independent non-executive)

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

56% held by staff and management


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

Renaissance SA Ratings

Date of accreditation: 2023-11-03


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

265 Section 6

Matrix Fund Managers

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R25.2 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R23.8 billion

Retail: R1.4 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 12

Lourens Pretorius

CIO, Head: Fixed Income

BCom (Hons)

32 years of industry experience

21 years with the firm

Bruce Mommsen

CIO, Head: Equities

BBusSci, CA(SA), CFA

25 years of industry experience

17 years with the firm

Konstantin Egorov

Fixed Income Investment Manager

MSc (Phys)

26 years of industry experience

19 years with the firm

Sollie Van Der Linde

Fixed Income Investment Manager

BCom (Hons)

20 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

Chris-Sandra Klaasen

Fixed Income Investment Manager

BSc (Hons), BCom (Hons)

25 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Dain Winsnes

Quantitative Fixed Income Analyst

BCom (Act Sci), FASA

4 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Thato Kola

ESG Analyst

MCom (Fin), BCom (Hons)

10 years of industry

6 years with the firm

Siphelele Mdudu

Equity Analyst

MCom (Fin Man), MBA

20 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Leon Michaelides

Equity Investment Manager

BCom (Hons), CA(SA)

23 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Anthony de la Cour

Equity Senior Analyst


17 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Ndumiso Ndebele

Equity Analyst

MPhil (Fin Maths), BBusSci (Act Sci), CFA

13 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Kim Silberman Economist

MA Economics

17 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

266 Section 6

Mazi Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:


Switchboard: +27 10 001 8300

Fax: +27 10 001 8599

General email:


4th Floor, North Wing, 90 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2196 PO Box 784583, Sandton, 2196

Compliance officer name:

External: CompliServe

Anel Naude: +27 10 001 8322

Internal: Bonolo Boikanyo

Investment philosophy

Our investment objective is two-fold – return of capital and return on capital i.e. to grow the long-term value of our client’s capital. The investment philosophy is therefore founded on thorough understanding of businesses and disciplined research to value such businesses. We employ a longterm fundamental approach to asset valuation. Valuation investing means really asking what is the “real” values of an asset, and not assuming that because a company looks expensive that it is, or assuming that because a stock is down in price and trades at low multiples that it is a bargain. A good investment has the following attributes:

● A sustainable business model.

● Is managed and lead by experience and competent management team including the board of directors;

● Boasts of a healthy financial position; and offers clarity on how the company makes / will make its cash profits – current and future.

● Offers downside characteristics during tough economic periods.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Anel Naude, Compliserve

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: huwhedd2onge/68hzq6JiVmg1kazEw2Gi9U/ a40c31a85bee98839e7c85f024d3d7e1/Complaints_ Management_Policy_and_Procedure.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

100% staff owned

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: Malungelo Zilimbola, Boitumelo Hlongwane, Dr Frank Magwegwe, Ayanda Mngadi

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: Yes staff own 100%


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Empower Logic

Date of accreditation: 2022-05-06


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R40.3 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R37.1 billion

Retail: R2.3 billion

Life: R814 million

Other: –

267 Section 6

Mazi Asset Management (Pty) Ltd


Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 21

Malungelo Zilimbola


BSc (Hons), BCom (Hons)

23 years of industry experience

17 years with the firm

Jaynesh Bhana

Investment Analyst

BCom (Inv Man)

10 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Asanda Notshe



18 years of industry experience

14 years with the firm

Francois Olivier

Head: Equities

BCom (Hons), CA(SA), CFA

22 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Walter Rauch

Business Development Manager

MCom (Fin Man, Inv & Fin)

20 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Andreas van der Horst

Portfolio Manager

MPhil, BA, CFA

18 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Keonethebe Bosigo

Portfolio Manager for Pan Africa ex SA

BCom (Hons), CAIA, CFA

15 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Kgapu Mphahlele

Investment Analyst

BCom (Hons-Acc)

18 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Stephen Engelbrecht

Portfolio Manager: AI Hedge Fund


18 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Thabang Sengoara

Senior Business Development Manager


17 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

268 Section 6

Melville Douglas Investment Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 11 721 7964

Fax number: 086 202 7235

General email:


8th Floor, West Wing, Standard Bank, 30 Baker Street, Rosebank, 2196

PO Box 411184, Craighall, 2024

Compliance officer name:

Sue Chetti

Investment philosophy

Their investment philosophy is rooted in their mission to preserve the capital entrusted to them and deliver superior risk adjusted investment returns. Only fundamental research aimed at establishing the true intrinsic value of the investment opportunities can provide true insight. They acknowledge the importance of balance:

● Balance between investment returns and the risk associated with delivering those returns. They are longterm investors who demand a high margin of safety at the point of investing and maintain a low level of turnover within portfolios.

● Balance between capital growth and cash generation.

● Balance between compound and cyclical price performers. Their philosophy results in the core of the portfolio being invested in businesses with more predictable, less cyclical earnings profiles. Cyclical businesses are not ignored; however, the risk is managed via the weighting.

Melville Douglas’ philosophy is based on the firm belief that long-term investment returns depend on two key investment characteristics:

● the stable compounding ability of the underlying cash stream; and

● the price the investor pays. Investments with no cash streams (return on capital) are usually purely speculative, and are near-impossible to value appropriately.

As the key factor affecting the longterm returns of an investment is the price paid, they focus on identifying the intrinsic value of an investment opportunity and then ensuring they invest only when there is an appropriate margin of safety.

This margin of safety allows them to absorb short-term market shifts, strengthens their ability to take a longer term investment view and allows portfolios to benefit from the power of compounding returns. They believe in buying superior businesses with strong cash flows, known integrity and competence of management, at compelling valuations.

Their philosophy has been adopted and carried forward since the inception of the company. It has been a core principle of the firm and its investment professionals. The investment process has been refined and improved over the years, but the core investment approach and philosophy has been unwavering.

Their approach aims at achieving alpha by avoiding investments with high downside risk (or high volatility) and doubtful compounding ability; and by patiently allowing the compounding effect to work.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Sue Chetti

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

100% owned by Standard Bank Group Limited

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: GS Baillie* (Chairman), CA Broadley*, BJ Drotschie, MJ Laws, JB O’Regan*, PL Schlebusch*, TS Nkanzela* (*Non-executive)

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: None History

When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: Purchased by Standard Bank Group Limited in 2001

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? EmpowerLogic Date of accreditation: 2022-02-22

269 Section 6

Melville Douglas Investment Management (Pty) Ltd



Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R42 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R11.6 billion

Retail: R29 billion

Life: R1.4 billion

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 22

Bernard Drotschie


BCom (Hons—Econ), CFA, CFP

26 years of industry experience

21 years with the firm

Paolo Senatore

Head: South African Equities

MSc (Mech Eng)

26 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Mike Laws

Managing Director


25 years of industry experience

25 years with the firm

Natalie van Rooyen

Head: Diversified SA

BSc (Hons—Econ), CFA

11 years of industry experience

8 years with the firm

Nigel McKenzie


MCom (Econ), BCom (Hons cum laude)

26 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Oliver Sonnbichler

Head: Commercial

BCom (GDA), HDip Tax

21 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Trevor Lukhele

Head: Portfolio Management Gauteng

MBA, BCom (Econ & Fin)

11 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Simon Bothner

Head: Portfolio Management W. Cape

BBusSci, CFA

21 years of industry experience

15 years with the firm

Mzimasi Mabece

Head: SA Fixed Income


17 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Thandi Ngwana

Head: SA

MLaw, LLB, BSocSci, PGDip and APG Dip in FP

13 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Refilwe Moroka

Head: Domestic Equity Research

BCompt (Hons—Cost Man Acc), BCom (Acc), CFA

6 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

270 Section 6

Mentenova (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:



+27 11 447 7716

Fax: 086 272 1177

General email:


Oxford and Glenhove Building 3 114 Oxford Road, Johannesburg 2198 PO Box 10499, Johannesburg 2000

Compliance officer name:

Francois Viljoen

+27 11 447 7716

Investment philosophy


The active vs. passive and the fundamental vs. market weighted indexation discussion originates from the perception that these strategies can only be used mutually exclusively. It misses the point that there are multiple active decisions that must be made to generate the outcome clients are interested in attaining. Yes, this includes the decision on where to go active and where to go passive. But a multi-asset solution also requires active decisions in allocating assets, finding the right securities to harvest various risk premiums, hiring the right managers, and dynamically responding to changing market conditions.

A carefully designed portfolio may very well contain passive investments – but only if they make sense in terms of the portfolio goals and an investor’s desired outcome. Basically, our approach employs passive in areas which don’t offer much reward, incorporates quasi-passive tactics or fundamental indices to harvest risk premiums in the marketplace when it makes sense, and then takes advantage of “best-of-breed” active managers to harvest bottom-up issue selection opportunities.

Of course, little is certain in the world of investing. That is why we believe it is now more important than ever for investors to consider combining active and passive strategies within a multi-asset approach. This way an investor can be confident that their total portfolio is wellpositioned to help manage the downturns and catch the upswings in the years ahead.

We consider the allocation of assets with a dynamic mindset to make sure we’re meeting desired client outcomes as markets and opportunities shift over time. We will for instance increase the allocation to passive equity investments in market conditions where Price/Earnings Ratios (P/E) are expanding, as active managers have notoriously underperformed their passive benchmarks in these market conditions.


In order to select investment managers in each asset class, Mentenova makes use of a proprietary investment manager consistency model to determine which investment

portfolio and which investment manager has been able to produce real returns more consistently across a range of investment objectives that are specific to the asset class being analysed. The process is designed to select those portfolios that historically achieved the asset class specific objective with the highest level of consistency and lowest quantum of failure.

The quantitative investment manager selection process followed is focused on identifying those investment portfolios that have been able to consistently achieve the stated objectives. Only portfolios that have a track record of at least six years are considered, as the average economic cycle is estimated to be between five-and-a-half and six years in duration. In order to measure consistency, a fund manager would have to be able to at least demonstrate how he or she performed during one full economic cycle.

To have a track record that looks fantastic but has only been achieved during a three-year period when interest rates were continually cut and with a strong bull market in equities only tells a portion of the story in terms of how the portfolio performs through the cycle. It is important to focus on the through the cycle performance as the exercise of trying to choose the best manager for the expected upcoming economic conditions could prove to be costly both in terms of switching fees and in terms of the expected conditions not manifesting itself as expected.

A Practical Example of the Process:

In order to select the investment managers to use in the equity building block we start with all available investment mandates in the market (over 370 portfolios) and filter these mandates in order to isolate the equity only mandates. We then rank these equity mandates according to three important metrics:

● How successful has the portfolio been in being able to outperform the FTSE/JSE All Share Index +2% (the objective) over each and every rolling six-year period in its existence?

● For every time that the portfolio missed the objective, how severely did it miss?

● Availability of the investment mandate on investment platforms.

If the investment mandates in general were unsuccessful in consistently outperforming the objective, a passive index tracking solution is recommended.

Once we’ve established the most appropriate asset managers from a quantitative point of view, each of the mandates are assessed based on the following qualitative measures:

● Company structure - The company structure should be stable and allow for a focused investment approach

● Personnel - The quality and stability of the investment team should be assessed

● Investment philosophy - An investment philosophy, based on sound investment principles should be in place

● Investment process - The investment process must be able to allow efficient implementation of the investment philosophy

271 Section 6

Mentenova (Pty) Ltd

● Risk management - The risk management process and measurements should fit into the investment philosophy

● Assets under management - The trend in assets under management provides an indication of any potential problems within the investment team

● Investment performance – The performance of the manager should be used to verify the qualitative factors with regards to the investment philosophy, process and risk management.

The main objective of going through the qualitative review process is to ascertain whether the people, processes and investment philosophy that were responsible for the consistent return profile that was identified are still in place and is expected to produce the same consistency going forward.

After the quantitative and qualitative investment manager selection process is completed a Buy-List of managers is constructed for each asset class.


The Buy-List managers selected through the quantitative and qualitative investment manager selection process for each asset class are blended by optimising the allocation to each manager against the same Objective that was used to select these managers in the quantitative investment manager selection process.

The optimisation process involves running tens-ofthousands of different combinations of asset manager allocations in order to arrive at an optimal blend in terms of:

● Success rate of outperforming the objective

● Volatility of return around the objective

● Quantum of underperformance in rolling periods where target is missed

● Quantum of outperformance in rolling periods where target is achieved

● Annualised cumulative return

The number of managers to use in each solution / asset class are determined during the blending process. Managers with an allocation of less than 5% in the optimal blend are eliminated after each run and the remaining managers run again until an allocation of at least 5% to each of the remaining managers is achieved.

We maintain the belief that adding additional managers reduces active risk, provided managers can be found that have positive expected returns and low correlation to existing ones. In practice, however, adding managers comes at a cost. Custody, administration, performance measurement and manager monitoring all become more expensive as the number of managers increases and this cost has to be played off against the benefit of adding an additional manager. We believe that the cost outweighs the benefit if less than 5% of any asset class is allocated to a manager.At Mentenova all investment professionals are invested in the products, as we believe these products offer the best absolute return opportunities available to us.

We subscribe to a strong client-centric culture and view our clients as partners of our business.”

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Francois Viljoen

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: Available upon request from


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Mentenova is 60% owned by Liberty Group Holdings and 40% is owned by founders and executives of the business.

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors: F Viljoen, DM Streicher, JF van Dijk, EJ de Bod MV Norris

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Company management has a 40% ownership in the company.


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 2

By whom have you been accredited? EmpowerLogic

Date of accreditation: 2023-02-20


Are you GIPS compliant? -

Are you GIPS verified? -

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R12.9 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R11.5 billion

Retail: R1.4 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 10

Johannes Francois van Dijk


BCom (Math), CFA

16 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Continued 272 Section 6

Merchant West Investments

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:-



+27 21 492 0200

General email:

Address: 6th Floor, The Terraces

25 Protea Road, Claremont, 7708

Postal: Postnet Suite 64, Private Bag X1005

Claremont, 7708

Compliance officer name: Outsourced

Investment philosophy

We place the highest priority on the stewardship of our clients’ assets. Always looking forward and adapting to evolving market conditions. Understanding new technologies and responding to the opportunities and threats posed by societal evolution is critical to success. We focus on providing transparent, innovative, skilled and beneficial asset management, education, knowledge and expertise to all our customers.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Paul Simon Stewart

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: -


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Merchant West Holdings (Pty) Ltd is the controlling shareholder

Who are the directors of the company?

Braam Viljoen–Non-executive Chairman

Phillip Lochner–Non-executive Director

Piet Viljoen–Executive Director

Brian Pyle–Executive Director

Paul Stewart–Chief Executive Officer

Johan Pretorius-Independent Non-executive Director

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:



When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: Counterpoint merged with RECM 2020, Counterpoint acquired Bridge Fund Mangers September 2020

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Non-compliant

What is your B-BBEE status? Non-compliant

By whom have you been accredited? Amax

Date of accreditation: 2023-10-01


Are you GIPS compliant? –

Are you GIPS verified? –

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R6.6 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R6.6 billion

Retail: -

Life: -

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 12

Brian Murray Plye



29 years of industry experience

2 years with the firm

Daniel King

Head: Fixed Income

MCom (Fin Mark)

10 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Raymond Shapiro

Head: Equities

BBusSc (Fin), PGDA, CA(SA) and CFA

17 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Ian Anderson

Head: Listed Property


30 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

273 Section 6

Mergence Investment Managers (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 16134


+27 21 433 2960


+27 21 433 0675

General email:

Address: 2nd Floor, Cape Town Cruise Terminal, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8002

Postal: Postnet Suite 64

PO Box 8275, Roggebaai, 8012

Compliance officer name:

Nadia Verappen

+27 82 441 1835

Investment philosophy

Mergence Investment Managers is an independent asset management company founded in 2004. Mergence has a pragmatic approach or philosophy to investing, which means that they attempt to understand how the world really works rather than how they think it should work, especially concerning markets and investing. They manage listed investments, listed equity and multi-asset class portfolios, as well as unlisted equity and debt mandates with a particular bias toward infrastructure and development investing.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

John Afordofe

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: uploads/2023/01/Conflicts-of-Interest-Policy-ConflictManagement-Framework-Jun-2022.pdf


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Mergence Investment Managers is a subsidiary of the Mergence Group.

Who are the directors of the company? Non-Executive Directors: Masimo Magerman, Nyonga Fofang, Fabian de Beer and Bongani Jack

Interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: Yes, 37% is owned by staff directly (excluding founding partner)


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: -

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

Authentic Rating Solutions

Date of accreditation: 2023-05-08


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? PwC

Date of verification: 2023-08-04

Expiry date of verification: 2024-08-03

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R37 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R35.1 billion

Retail: R217 million

Life: R1.7 billion

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 22

Fabian de Beer

Chief Risk Officer

BCom (Acc and Econ), HDipEd

37 years of industry experience

17 years with the firm

Bradley Preston


MSc (Fin Maths), BSc (Hons)

18 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Peter Takaendesa

Head: Equities

MCom (Econ), MCom (Fin and Econ)

17 years of industry experience

10 years with the firm

Izak van Niekerk

Co-Portfolio Manager

BCom (Hons), CA(SA)

18 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

Fazila Manjoo

Portfolio Manager (Multi-Asset)

BSc (Acc Sci), PGDip (Man Acc Sci)

19 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Mohamed Ismail

Head: Fixed Income


15 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Kasief Isaacs

Head: Private Markets

BCom (Hons), CA(SA)

19 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Chitongwa Siame

Investment Principal (Private Markets)

BCom (Acc), PGDA (Dev Fin)

17 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

274 Section 6

Mianzo Asset Management (Pty) Ltd

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 43114

Switchboard: +27 21 552 3555

General email:


The Forum, EG01, Vesta House Northbank Lane, Century City, 7441 PO Box 1210, Milnerton, 7442

Compliance officer name:

External: Moonstone

Deon Harmse: +27 21 554 5745

Internal: Mianzo

Keletso Sekhotla: +27 21 552 3555

Investment philosophy

Equity philosophy

We hold ourselves accountable for the investment decisions we make by being innovative, professional and having a strong sense of integrity and discipline through continuous and consistent excellence.

Our equity philosophy is based on the belief that superior investment performance is achieved by investing in companies that are priced below their intrinsic value with a sufficient margin of safety. Our intrinsic value is calculated by looking at what the company is currently worth based on sustainable earnings or net asset value.

Our equity philosophy is centred on assembling the following:

● VALUATION: The current value of the business.

● QUALITY: The quality of the business.

● MARKET EXPECTATIONS: The market’s expectation on the business.

We blend both fundamental and quantitative investment approaches to gain a more comprehensive perspective of business.

Multi-asset philosophy

Our focus is capital preservation. Achieving real returns while preserving capital, careful attention to potential downside risk and providing asymmetric returns. Key investment tenants:

● Downside risk mitigation

● Yield enhancing strategies

We follow a balanced approach using both quantitative and fundamental investment approaches to gain a more comprehensive view on asset classes. This is achieved by identifying appropriate asset class exposures following a systematic and disciplined investment approach and using protection strategies to risky assets.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Keletso Sekhotla

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: On request at


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Mianzo Asset Management is a black owned and managed third-party Investment Management Company.

Luvo Tyandela 55%

Mianzo Employee Share Trust 45%

Who are the directors of the company?

Luvo Tyandela (Executive Director), Pieter Joubert (Non-executive Director) and Nkosinathi Mbatha (Non-executive Director)

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Staff in aggregate hold 45% of the shares being Mianzo Asset Management, being the holding company of Mianzo Asset Management. Staff therefore do, indirectly, have an ownership interest in Mianzo Asset Management.


When was the company established? 2010

List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 1

By whom have you been accredited? Sworn Affidavit

Date of accreditation: 2023-11-29


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

275 Section 6

Mianzo Asset Management (Pty) Ltd


Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only? R20.6 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R19.4 billion

Retail: R302 million

Life: R890 million

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 10

Luvo Tyandela


MBA, BSc (Stats), PGDM

21 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

Mark Lamohr

Head: Equities and Portfolio Manager

BSc (Maths and App Maths)

24 years of industry experience

9 years with the firm

Thembeka Sobekwa

Portfolio Manager

BBusSci (Act Sc)

15 years of industry experience

13 years with the firm

Mohamed Shafee Loonat

Portfolio Manager: Equity Fund

BCompt (Hons-Adv Tax), BCom (Econ), PGD (Islamic Banking and Ins), CA(SA), CFA

23 years of industry experience

5 years with the firm

Sifiso Similane

Portfolio Manager: Alternative Funds

BCom (Hons-FAPM), BCom

16 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

Ayanda Ndlovu

Junior Fixed Income PM and Multi-Asset Analyst

BCom (Hons-Fin & Inv)

7 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Nkanyezi Mwelase

Senior Analyst: Equity and Multi-Asset Funds

MCom (Fin and Inv), BCom (Hons—Acc Sc),

BCom (Acc), CA(SA)

6 years of industry experience

1 year with the firm

Yanga Mxinwa

Analyst: Equity Funds

BCom (Acc)

6 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Mpho Mashishi

Analyst: Equity Funds

BSc (Min Eng)

4 years of industry experience

4 years with the firm

Sibusiso Mahlalela

Analyst: Equity Funds

BCom (Hons—Fin & Inv)

5 years of industry experience

3 years with the firm

276 Section 6

Momentum Investments

Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 19840

Switchboard: (012) 671-8911

General email:


268 West Avenue, Centurion, 0157 PO Box 7400, Centurion, 0046

Compliance officer name:

Daleen Lessing

Investment philosophy

We are in the business of trusted partnerships with retirement funds, asset consultants and advisers in South Africa’s, and we are proud of these strong personal relationships.

Our investment approach means constructing a portfolio that is capable of meeting an investor’s needs. Our outcome-based investing philosophy places the investor’s needs at the centre of the investment process, allowing us to align your investment with your financial goals. Our investment solutions include multi- and single-asset-class solutions, as well as specialist portfolios, offering you a broad range of investment strategies with access to various asset classes.

Momentum Investments was created in December 2010 as a result of Momentum Metropolitan Holdings Limited’s client-centricity strategy, through the consolidation of various investment capabilities. The underlying investment businesses of Momentum Investments include Momentum Asset Management, Momentum Outcome-based Solutions, Momentum Investment Consulting, Momentum Alternative Investments, ERIS Property Group, Momentum SP Reid (now known as Momentum Securities) and Momentum Global Investment Management.

The support and resources of a large group gives you peace of mind. Momentum Metropolitan Holdings is our shareholder, affording us the stability and strength of a listed company. The security of the Momentum Metropolitan Life Limited balance sheet offers protection that few others can.

We understand that your investment isn’t just another investment. It’s unique to you. Through meaningful partnerships, we believe in delivering personal investment goals together.

With us, investing is personal.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Daleen Lessing

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website:


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Momentum Metropolitan Holdings (MMH) Limited

Who are the directors of the company?

Directors of Momentum Outcome-based Solutions (Pty) Ltd: Daleen Lessing and Jannie du Randt

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management: No


When was the company established?


List of mergers that have taken place since being established:

Momentum Investments includes all the investments-related businesses of MMH Limited and offers a wide spectrum of investment services and solutions to individual and institutional investors. Momentum Investments includes the following businesses Momentum Outcome-Based Solutions, Momentum Asset Management, Momentum Alternative Investments, Momentum Global Investment Management and the Eris Property Group.

The investment capabilities are:

● Institutional and Retail Portfolio Solutions

● Fixed Interest

● Listed Property

● Indexation and Smart Beta

● Alternative Investments

● Global Investment Management

● Macro Research and Asset Allocation

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status? Level 2

By whom have you been accredited?

AQ Rate Rating Agency

Date of accreditation: 2023-10-31

277 Section 6

Momentum Investments



Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: –

Expiry date of verification: –

Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management as owned by South African clients only?

R399 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: R41.6 billion

Retail: R95.4 billion

Life: R262 billion

Other: -

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 64

Michael Adsetts

CIO: Investment Strategy

MBA, BSc (Hons), CFA

20 years of industry experience

16 years with the firm

Eugene Botha

Deputy CIO: OBI Research

MSc, BSc (Hons)

18 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Pelo Manyeneng

Head: Listed Property


14 years of industry experience

14 years with the firm

Motlatsi Mutlanyane

Head: Alternative Investments


28 years of industry experience

16 years with the firm

Loftie Botha

Head: Systematic Strategies and Structuring

MCom, BEng, BCom (Hons—Inv Man),

31 years of industry experience

15 years with the firm

Nina Saad

Head: Institutional Portfolio Solutions


25 years of industry experience

7 years with the firm

Jako de Jager

Head: Retail Portfolio Solutions

BCom (Hons)

23 years of industry experience

23 years with the firm

Herman van Papendorp

Head: Research and Asset Allocation

MCom (Econ) (cum laude), BCom (Hons—Econ),

BCom (Act Sc)

32 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Ian Scott

Head: Fixed Income

BCom (Hons—Inv Man)

28 years of industry experience

6 years with the firm

Andrew Hardy

Director: Investment Management

BSc (Econ), CFA

19 years of industry experience

17 years with the firm

278 Section 6

Namibia Asset Management Limited

Company details

NAMFISA registration number: 25/12/07


+264 (0) 61 275 700

Fax number:

+264 (0) 61 249 444

General email:


1st floor, Millennium House, c/o Robert Mugabe Avenue and Dr AB May Street, Windhoek, Namibia

Postal address:

PO Box 23329, Windhoek, Namibia

Compliance officer name:

Bulle Uisso

+264 (0) 275 712

Investment philosophy

We has a single investment philosophy on which all products are managed, and it is deeply ingrained within the entire investment team.

Our single investment philosophy is based on two key tenets: using a long-term horizon to establish our assessment of a company’s fair value, and a disciplined valuation-driven approach which drives buy and sell decisions.

The most distinctive aspect of our research approach is the ability to focus on the long term, through the cycle. By concentrating largely on long-term drivers of a business, we are able to make a better assessment of a company’s true worth. It allows us the ability to abstract ourselves from the emotions involved with short-term share price movements. We believe that this long-term focus helps us benefit from short-term mis-pricings in the market – thereby representing an opportunity for better returns than the market.

The focus on valuation and the resulting discipline in portfolio actions also makes us very different from other long-term investors. We are active investors and the portfolio at any time always represents our best investment view. We are not buy-and-hold investors – if a share reaches fair value in a short period and we believe that the fair value remains correct, then we will sell the share.

Other differentiating factors include:

● We do our own detailed proprietary research and modelling on all companies in our coverage list. This includes modelling the revenue, cost, and margins out for at least 5 years (or longer if that is what is needed to capture a more normalized environment). Setting our own assumptions allows us to avoid anchoring off ‘consensus expectations’ and sell-side recommendations.

● Our approach is totally benchmark agnostic. Both our coverage list and our portfolios are not determined or constructed with reference to the benchmark.

● We focus on avoiding errors of commission (what we own in the portfolio) rather than errors of omission (index stocks we don’t own), allowing us to focus our research efforts rather than trying to “cover everything”.

● We incorporate ESG-related factors into all aspects of the investment decision-making process.

● We have a long history of being active shareholders and engage with management on a regular basis. We construct concentrated portfolios of our highest conviction investment ideas, but our portfolios are not built on a single macro view, rather they represent a wide range of investment ideas.”

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer? –

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: –


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Staff 21.3%, Public 38.7% and Coronation Fund Managers 40%.

Who are the directors of the company?

Anton Pillay (Chairperson), Tarah Shaanika (CEO), Bulle Uisso (CFO & Company Secretary), Gordon Young, Evat Kandongo, Elize Angula, Schalk Walters, Birgit Rossouw

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership?

Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Yes, 21.3%


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? N/A

What is your B-BBEE status? N/A

By whom have you been accredited? N/A

Date of accreditation: N/A


Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified? KPMG

Date of verification: 2023-04-20

Expiry date of verification: 2022-12-31

279 Section 6

Namibia Asset Management Limited

Continued Investment mandates

What are your total assets under management?

N$17.6 billion

Please detail the mandates you currently manage and the size of each of these mandates:

Institutional: N$15.0 billion

Retail: N$2.6 billion

Life: –

Other: –

Key investment personnel

Size of investment team: 54

Karl Leinberger

Chief Investment Officer


23 years of industry experience

23 years with the firm

Neville Chester

Senior Portfolio Manager


27 years of industry experience

23 years with the firm

Pallavi Ambekar

Head: Absolute Return


21 years of industry experience

21 years with the firm

Quinton Ivan

Head: Core Equity

BCom (Hons), BBusSc, CA(SA), CFA

19 years of industry experience

18 years with the firm

Nishan Maharaj

Head: Fixed Income

MBA, BSc (Hons)

21 years of industry experience

11 years with the firm

Peter Leger

Head: Global Frontiers

BCom (Hons), BScEng, CFA

26 years of industry experience

19 years with the firm

Neil Padoa

Head: Global Developed Markets


16 years of industry experience

12 years with the firm

Nicholas Hops