2 minute read

STANLIB Multi-Manager, a division of STANLIB Asset Management (Pty) Ltd


Company details

FAIS FSP registration number:


Switchboard: +27 11 448 6000

Fax number: +27 11 448 6671

General email:


Address: 17 Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch Johannesburg, 2196

PO Box 202, Melrose Arch, 2076

Compliance officer name: Njabulo Duma

+27 11 448 5374

Investment philosophy

● We begin with a focused and uncompromising commitment to exploiting the highest quality data, systems, processes and people, since these are the controllable factors in an otherwise uncertain investment environment

● We recognise that asset managers with skill may exist within certain markets or specific market segments or asset classes – they have the ability to deliver returns in excess of their benchmarks or passive alternatives

● We identify these managers through a rigorous and integrated approach of quantitative and qualitative manager research

● Using advanced modelling and statistical techniques, we combine these managers with passive alternatives where appropriate, to produce superior net investment returns, with a greater consistency than single mandates, through the diversification of idiosyncratic manager risks

● Strategic (long-term) and tactical (short-term) asset allocation ensures that portfolios are appropriately designed and maintained to maximise the probability of meeting investment objectives

● Our systematic and ongoing portfolio management process includes inputs from manager and market research, asset allocation and portfolio construction. This value-add ensures portfolios are efficiently managed and positioned

● Our investment due-diligence (IDD) process is a full operational due-diligence (ODD) review on managers to ensure they are able to operate as desired for inclusion in our portfolios. The ODD process is run totally independently of the IDD process by the SMM Operations Team and the outcome has a veto right over the final investment decision.

● Portfolio risk is managed at each and every step of the process to ensure that portfolios are designed, constructed and maintained so as to maximise the chances of achieving the investment objectives within any specified constraints

Core values:

● Focus on highest quality inputs

● Do not begin with investment ideologies

● Apply curiosity throughout

● Deliberately insist on diversity in thinking

● Value collective wisdom

● Individual measurement and accountability

● Consider all sources of risk and return

● Continuous monitoring and evaluation

● Efficient and effective communication

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Molatelo Raphadu

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: https://stanlib.com/contact-us-individual/


What is the ownership structure of the company?

STANLIB Asset Management (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of STANLIB Limited which is in turn wholly owned by Liberty Life

Who are the directors of the company?

D Msibi, D Munro, H Walker and N Criticos. Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Not in the form of share ownership as STANLIB is wholly owned by Liberty. Instead, STANLIB offers incentives in the form of deferred investment units. This deferred scheme is applied to all investment professionals and senior management and is akin to ownership as investment professionals have a direct interest in the success of their investment team funds, clients and the overall firm.


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established: –

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited? Yes

What is your B-BBEE status?

Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?


Date of accreditation: 2022-07-01


Are you GIPS compliant? No

Are you GIPS verified? No

By whom have you been verified? –

Date of verification: -

Expiry date of verification: –