2 minute read

Sanlam Investment Management (Pty) Ltd


Company details

FAIS FSP registration number: 579 and 845


+27 21 950 2500

Fax number: +27 21 950 2555

General email: SIInstitutional@sanlaminvestments.com


55 Willie van Schoor Avenue, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530

Compliance officer name: Warren Young +27 21 950 2530

Investment philosophy

Sanlam Investments is comprised of four main investment teams with different investment styles and philosophies, resulting in a wide range of capabilities that span the entire risk/reward spectrum.

As an authority on portfolio construction, we leverage the depth and breadth of our expertise across active management, index tracking, alternative investments, multi-management and international investments.

FAIS requirements

Who is your FAIS complaints officer?

Warren Young

Please provide the link to the complaints policy on your website: https://www.sanlam.co.za/contact/ complimentsandcomplaints/Pages/default.aspx


What is the ownership structure of the company?

Sanlam Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd (SIH) is a majority owned subsidiary of SIH Capital Holdings (Pty) Ltd (SIH Cap), which owns 82.5% of SIH. Absa Financial Services (Pty) Ltd owns 17.5% of SIH. Sanlam Ltd owns 75% of SIH Cap and ARC Financial Services Investments (Pty) Ltd owns 25% of SIH Cap.

Who are the directors of the company?

Renganayagee Kisten, Iqbal Khan, Eugene Speckmann, Johan van der Merwe, Temba Mvusi, Paul Hanratty, Carl Roothman, Nersan Naidoo, Reece Briesies

Do staff and management have an interest in ownership? Please provide the percentage held by staff and management:

Staff and management have a shareholding in Sanlam Limited in the form of long-term incentives.


When was the company established?


List of mergers and acquisitions that have taken place since being established:

The transaction whereby Sanlam and Absa combined their investment management businesses became effective on 1 December 2022. Following the conclusion of the transaction, Sanlam Investment Holdings (SIH) will still consist of a traditional active manager business, a multimanager business, a collective investments business, an alternative investments business, and South Africa’s leading index tracking business, Satrix.

The acquisition of Absa Investments will equip us with the scale to become more competitive, and successfully respond to the cost and market pressures challenging our industry today and well into the future. It will enable us to invest more broadly in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) integration, research, and technologies, providing us with the data and systems to enable you as asset custodians in an environment where regulation is becoming more prescriptive.

This transaction will also consolidate our position as one of the largest black-owned asset managers in South Africa. This will help us achieve our transformation ambitions, which include increasing racial and gender diversity, promoting skills development, mobilising capital for impact and building a strong corporate social investment footprint.

The scale and enhanced efficiencies that this transaction achieves will help us leverage new market and industry trends, building long-term sustainability into our operational and business models.

B-BBEE credentials

Are you B-BBEE accredited?


What is your B-BBEE status?

Level 1

By whom have you been accredited?

AQRate Verification Services

Date of accreditation:


Expiry date:



Are you GIPS compliant? Yes

Are you GIPS verified? Yes

By whom have you been verified?


Date of verification:


Expiry date of verification: –