The place of home based industries in rural kenya’s socio economic progress

Page 12

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online) Vol.5, No.28, 2014

Plate 10: A picture taken in Mukhonje Sub-Location in December 2012, by the researcher, of dough that was to be used in baking. 3.2.11 Bicycle Repair Data collected through questionnaires showed that 2 percent of the total number of respondents (226) in this study engaged in baking. The percentage of those who engaged in bicycle repair in Manda, Mukhonje, and Kivaywa was 3 percent, 1 percent, and 1 percent respectively. Bicycle repair cottage industries were self-owned, family-owned, or owned through partnership. Members of the family worked for no pay while outsiders worked for pay. Proceeds from the render of bicycle repair services enabled the family to meet day-to-day needs, for instance, the purchase of food, medical care, payment of school fees for children, et cetera. King (1996) looked into different kinds of trade, including bicycle repair. See Plate 11.

Plate 11: A picture taken in Manda in December 2012, by the researcher, of a man repairing a client’s bicycle. 3.2.12 Flour-grinding Data collected through questionnaires showed that 1 percent of the total number of respondents (226) in this study engaged in flour-grinding. The percentage of those who engaged in flour-grinding in Mukhonje was 1 percent. The flour-grinding cottage industry was strictly family-owned. Members of the family worked for no pay. The main raw materials are maize, sorghum, cassava, and finger millet. A village elder said: “Before the emergence of diesel-powered mills, the people of the past used to grind maize with the use of stones�. A number of villagers, one at a time, streamed in to have their cereals or grains ground. They paid for the service through barter trade by coming with extra cereals in a small basket which was given to the owner. See Plate 12.


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