The Arrival

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The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

While they accompany their father to the port, Mary notices that the streets are filled with sadness, as if some large tentacles of some gigantic animal dye everything black with their dirty ink

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Mary and her mother were on their way home when... Mary again saw those horrible shadows that reminded her of the long journey her father would take and that she would not see him again for a long time.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

As he eats he looks out the window of the ship’s room leading to his new destiny he remembers his old life with his wife and daughter, they didn’t have everything but loved each other. Now he has a whole experience ahead of him, but he will do it for their sake and for his sa​ke.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They are in the middle of the ocean, but the weather does not favor them, a great storm is approaching that will not be liked by anyone and a long journey awaits them in those terrible conditions.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They are moving away from the storm, suddenly a great ray of the sun illuminates the ship, looking like a sign from the universe and giving hope to everyone on the ship that everything will go well and they will see their family left behind again. As they rise to admire the breathtaking view of the ocean combined with sunlight.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The journey has begun and on the top of a very big ship many people are sitting or resting near their luggage.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Time passes since the journey started many people are sitting, between them a man sits above his suitcase, opens a notebook, he writes something and he cuts the paper, with that paper he makes a paper crane after that he gets up and goes, leaving the paper crane on his place

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

It's sunny a man with a hat looks around the sun disturbs him so he covers his eyes with his hand, a flock of birds surprises the travellers on their journey

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

From the far you can see two big statues shaking hand, the passengers, all in the borders of the ship, look at them surprised, they are near a city and they will arrive at the port soon

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The ship enters the port of the city, with lots of excited people at the border of the ship looking forward to ending the journey, near there are also some fishing boats and some factories working.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man took his things in a suitcase and went to look for work, while there were many people in a queue.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

All the people in line, they all gathered in a square.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When he was called, a doctor saw his eyes, ears, mouth... to see how he was.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They did an interview, and they asked him about his family and he got sad missing them.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He wrote a letter to his family to see how they were and how he did during the trip and his new job. He wrote the letter very well and decorated it, he missed them very much.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He keeps the letter. Sad and missing the family.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The factories look like a dream. Cloudy oniric images.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In the dream there is a huge white bird holding an egg in a futuristic future.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

NO idea. Paranoia.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Chaos and strange things happening.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In that strange street there was a boy selling newspapers with a big sign;I haven’t seen the letters written in the sign in my life,but they seemed familiar to me.There was also a woman with a strange cat, a man with an unusual machine. There were also a man and a woman selling something that seemed like eggs or huge melons.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

I kept walking straight, and what I saw got me even more confused! A man was shaving another man’s beard, (he was wearing a strange hat), there were two musicians playing a beautiful melody too. At the end of the street I saw those strange signs that I saw in the boy newspaper sign in one wall of the street, I don’t know why. but they seemed familiar to me…. What I had seen left me thinking for a while.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

What time was it? I had been walking for so long.… I walked a little bit more.Suddenly, I was surrounded by littles lights,like sparkles, with a huge strength, so huge that my hat fell to the floor. When I picked up my hat I saw those strange signs that I had seen in the other street again.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

I tried to figure out what the strange signs meant,but I couldn’t. It was late, so I looked for a place in which I could sleep. I asked a man who was walking in the same direction as me if he knew some place, we didn’t speak the same language, so I drew a bed in my notebook.He understood me, and he showed me the way.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

I expressed my gratitude to the man, and I came into the inn. No one was in the hall.On the table there was a strange container;suddenly, a small and unusual animal came up from it. The owner of the inn explained to me that it was her pet, and she gave me a room.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

There was one of those strange signs drawn in the key I entered into the room;finally, a place where I could sleep! In the room there were many strange and amazings things, but I was very busy wondering what those signs meant….

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When he walked into the house, all the stuff in it was super weird for him.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

While he was about to see the kitchen trinkets, he saw a coffee machine and opened it. Out of it came a rare kind of pet. And it went straight to the loft. He chased her.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

As he climbed up, he looked at a suitcase, put it in a bed and opened it. He could not imagine what he saw, seeing his wife and daughter eating. Then he remembered that he had brought a picture of them and he went looking for nails. As he did not have a hammer he took his shoe and hung it on the wall.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He sat down to look at the big family he built, looked at every little detail in the photo and realized that everything was connected to the city where he had gone to live.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

That night he dreamed of this city so fantastic, rare and strange looking. Dreamed of every flying creature, its factories, its views...

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The next day, his pet wakes him up to get ready to go to his first day of work.When he woke up, he saw through the window a kind of plane.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The father was preparing himself. He took a shower and shaved. He fastened the buttons on the vest, and he tied his lace shoes. Later, he took money and his hat and he left the house. He looked at a map and went with his pet through the city.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He saw his map again. He looks lost in the crowd.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Later, he looks a woman reading a book, and he ask her: - Can you help me please? I want a ship ticket but I don’t know where I can find it. - Of course! Here is a ticket machine. Take your ticket. - Thank you! It’s in half an hour. I will have to wait.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man, along with the other people waiting, saw as the ships approached over their heads (as they were flying ships). When they went to ride on a boat, there was a man at the entrance who was marking the tickets. Later he entered the boat with his pet.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He looked around the house. It was a bit dirty and old, and it had objects that he hadn’t seen in his life. He was trying everything in the house: the light, the water… And it didn’t work quite right. Suddenly, he found a kind of urn and he went to open it...

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The girl was reading a book when a man took her by the arm and led her to work putting coal in the fireplace. She worked day after day without rest; when it rained, snowed… Under horrible working conditions. But one day, the fireplace got clogged and she went up with a ladder to unclog it...

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man drops his hat on the chair and starts snooping around the house. Lifting the lid on one of the cups he sees on the floor he begins to investigate why smoke is coming out of there, but something went wrong and set fire. He is trying to turn it off and cool the cup with water, but the pipe broke. When he had fixed everything, he heard a strange noise in a ceramic cube and picked it up.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The child was tired of working so much and being alone. When the gentleman went to sleep she took a shovel to open the door, took the keys of the closet where her book was kept and finally could take the train and escape.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man is travelling on the boat sitting next to a woman, while he was looking out the window while a man was communicating that they were hurting. When he arrived in the city he said goodbye to the woman and went with his pet. He saw something interesting and stopped to think.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He was walking through the city when he stopped to watch her. There was something that caught his attention, it was a huge statue with ceramic cubes similar to those he found in the house.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He went to the market and bought fish to he and his pet could eat. He was looking at a book of food recipes and his pet found something in one of the drawers​.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They showed him what was in the drawer but that didn’t help him so they gave him something else to cook. He liked the smell of the last thing they gave him and decided to buy it.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They were also teaching him more food to eat. They were being tested by the store owner, the boy, the man and his pet. Everyone liked them, but the man didn’t like them very much, but he still bought them all and took them in a basket.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In this page the boy says something to the man, the man talks with the father who goes with them along a road with many boats and castle in the foreground. In a boat you can see inside a pot and in the distance too.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When they arrive the child shows his father a pot with a strange creature inside there, he is scared by it, but the child hugs it to see that it is harmless.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The creature plays with other, the father paints something in his notebook and in the man’s eyes you can see fire so maybe it is something terrible.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

There are four people bigger than others, who are sucking in people with trumpet-shaped vacuums which have a big bag in their backs where people will end up. It’s in one city which has something like a castle or a cathedral. This photo is dreadful.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man and the child run a lot and they hide in a sewer, when they are in, they hug.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They are in a place where there are a lot of big rocks with column-shaped and many cobwebs . They look lost inside it.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They keep walking when suddenly, they see huge boots, they hug and then they see another man with a candle which is illuminating.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man which is illuminating tells them something. The couple looks at each other surprised and the man gave them a pendant. After it, they run through the dark with a stair, trying the exterminator doesn't see them.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They use the stairs to climb a wall and go down to the sea where they see a boat and use it to sail through the sea.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In the sea, there are a lot of boats sailing. Behind it is the city, resplendent. In the sky you can see many airplanes flying.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The city is a little strange, there are bigger buildings whose appearance is similar to a birth between buildings where people live. Maybe it is the reason that in the sky there are a lot of births.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man speaks quietly with the guest in the living room of his house. At the same time, the child goes home with his pets when the mother appears and he gives him a basket full of food. When they come into the house, the husband takes her the basket at the same time as kiss and the woman greets the guest. Then, all of them provide and the husband goes to make dinner.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Family and guests have a magnificent dinner. While the woman asks the guest, the man heats the fish with a blowtorch and the child feeds pets with a few pieces of his fish.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In the house all people eat and drink and some play exotic instruments. Then, the guest makes a papel figure and teaches the child how to do it. After it, the older man takes a pot and caresses her. They are very happy.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He woke up, after this, he got dressed and then he made his breakfast

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Then he went to the market to buy things such as food .In the market there was a fishmonger,a shoe store and some posts

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Then he went to look for work in various places but they rejected him

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

After this he sat on a bench where there was a strange animal, after a while a man appeared, pasting posters on the wall and he asked him if he could work for him, then he found work

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He started to work pasting posters with the help of that rare animal, after a while a man arrived interested in what he put on the posters,and he told him something about the posters

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

After what the man told him, he went to look for more information and found a woman who sold something. He was interested on what was written on the posters, so he bought it

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He starts to work in a factory and the job is to get little bottles into a tube.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The factory is too big and there are a lot of people working there. There are many rows and in each row there are two people working in front of each other.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

On the break, his partner sees that he doesn’t have anything to drink. And the partner gives him some of his drink.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The city army is leaving the city and people are throwing lucky flowers at the soldiers.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The army has left the city and there are two soldiers at the beginning of the queue one is playing a drum and the other is carrying a flag. The environment of the city is sad because the army is going to war.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The soldiers travel a long way and finally, they reach the battlefield.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The army runs to the opposite army and the soldiers start to fight.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Many people died in the war, and as a result there were a lot of corpses on the floor.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man is walking with a broken leg and he falls down, but he raises quickly and he continued walking. Nobody helped him.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He continued walking by the way and he arrived at a kind of village with many factories in the background where a lot of smoke comes out. He wants to go to one of those factories.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When the old man already arrived, he gave the man at the entrance his jacket and his hat to put on. He passed his ticket to enter to work, and inside, another man gave him money.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Once he has the money, he leaves, and outside he releases an “animal or pet” to be free. It began to fly by the sky, so far you couldn’t see it.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When it was far away, it met the same of his species in a kind of meadow. There, it lived calm and free.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The old man goes to a playing field with others. The play consists of throwing a small ball in a circular environment, similar to petanque but with a stick and without touching the obstacles that are in that strip.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

It seems like it would be hot, because of the sun. They are happily playing in the middle of a meadow and the animals and “little monsters” watching them.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Here we have many different types of people, ranks and cultures. There are poor and rich, there are different types of religions and each with a different look. Each with a story behind...

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

She tells her which paths she has to continue and which directions to follow and the woman with her heavy suitcase by her side, long straight hair and broken dress listens to her very attentively.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The girl comes up with an idea, she and her mouse go in search of a star-shaped plant, she opens a locker from which she knows the password and pulls the plant very discreetly. There's an outsider and it looks like she's new to town, she's got a big map in her hands and she looks lost, the girl when she sees her, comes closer and tries to help her by giving her directions.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

It is a new world in which the girl is located, she observes how there are floating boats, stars illuminating roofs, buildings as tall as mountains, plants everywhere and people with all kinds of pets. It's so strange and awesome at the same time...

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The girl wanted to go out to see the stars, so she put on her boots, her mouse brought her hat, she put it on and then the two of them left the house. But on the road to see the stars they see something on the floor and the girl catches a star on her hand.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

There in the new and happy home they lived with the mouse. Filling the house with memories and the walls with draws.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man took them home and they saw everything he had including the photo that he took when he left his old home

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The ground was snowy and while the mouse was looking for the man he was happy with his family going home

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The father was in a cabin and when he left, he found his wife and his daughter. He began to scream at them so that they would know that he was there. His daughter finally saw him

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

It was a raining at night and the Father started to run from a portal

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The father and the mouse were in the attic but the rat came down the stairs. The father followed him and saw that he had a letter in front of him, he took it and she smile because it had a shape of a bird. he opened and read it

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man and his pet are sitting on the bed in a bedroom, and the man is looking at a painting.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In the image a very large city is observed in which several strange houses appear with smoke and strange butterflies flying through the field.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The flower blooms, then it lights up and several butterflies and moths approach. Later the flower loses all its petals and the seeds fall to the ground. When the snow arrives the flower begins to change colour and becomes transparent.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man and the pet go to a mailbox, insert the letter and leave.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man begins to write a letter and when he finishes it transforms it into origami, and puts it together with a wad of bills in an envelope.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The strange creature begins to walk around the field and smell the different flowers.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

It seems like it would be hot, because of the sun. They are happily playing in the middle of a meadow and the animals and “little monsters” watching them.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The old man goes to a playing field with others. The play consists of throwing a small ball in a circular environment, similar to petanque but with a stick and without touching the obstacles that are in that strip.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When it was far away, it met the same of his species in a kind of meadow. There, it lived calm and free.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Once he has the money, he leaves, and outside he releases an “animal or pet” to be free. It began to fly by the sky, so far you couldn’t see it.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When the old man already arrived, he gave the man at the entrance his jacket and his hat to put on. He passed his ticket to enter to work, and inside, another man gave him money.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He continued walking by the way and he arrived at a kind of village with many factories in the background where a lot of smoke comes out. He wants to go to one of those factories.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man is walking with a broken leg and he falls down, but he raises quickly and he continued walking. Nobody helped him.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Many people died in the war, and as a result there were a lot of corpses on the floor.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The army runs to the opposite army and the soldiers start to fight.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The soldiers travel a long way and finally, they reach the battlefield.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The army has left the city and there are two soldiers at the beginning of the queue one is playing a drum and the other is carrying a flag. The environment of the city is sad because the army is going to war.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The city army is leaving the city and people are throwing lucky flowers at the soldiers.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

On the break, his partner sees that he doesn’t have anything to drink. And the partner gives him some of his drink.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The factory is too big and there are a lot of people working there. There are many rows and in each row there are two people working in front of each other.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He starts to work in a factory and the job is to get little bottles into a tube.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

After what the man told him, he went to look for more information and found a woman who sold something. He was interested on what was written on the posters, so he bought it

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He started to work pasting posters with the help of that rare animal, after a while a man arrived interested in what he put on the posters,and he told him something about the posters

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

After this he sat on a bench where there was a strange animal, after a while a man appeared, pasting posters on the wall and he asked him if he could work for him, then he found work

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Then he went to look for work in various places but they rejected him

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Then he went to the market to buy things such as food .In the market there was a fishmonger,a shoe store and some posts

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He woke up, after this, he got dressed and then he made his breakfast

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In the house all people eat and drink and some play exotic instruments. Then, the guest makes a papel figure and teaches the child how to do it. After it, the older man takes a pot and caresses her. They are very happy.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Family and guests have a magnificent dinner. While the woman asks the guest, the man heats the fish with a blowtorch and the child feeds pets with a few pieces of his fish.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man speaks quietly with the guest in the living room of his house. At the same time, the child goes home with his pets when the mother appears and he gives him a basket full of food. When they come into the house, the husband takes her the basket at the same time as kiss and the woman greets the guest. Then, all of them provide and the husband goes to make dinner.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The city is a little strange, there are bigger buildings whose appearance is similar to a birth between buildings where people live. Maybe it is the reason that in the sky there are a lot of births.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In the sea, there are a lot of boats sailing. Behind it is the city, resplendent. In the sky you can see many airplanes flying.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They use the stairs to climb a wall and go down to the sea where they see a boat and use it to sail through the sea.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man which is illuminating tells them something. The couple looks at each other surprised and the man gave them a pendant. After it, they run through the dark with a stair, trying the exterminator doesn't see them.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They keep walking when suddenly, they see huge boots, they hug and then they see another man with a candle which is illuminating.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They are in a place where there are a lot of big rocks with column-shaped and many cobwebs . They look lost inside it.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man and the child run a lot and they hide in a sewer, when they are in, they hug.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

There are four people bigger than others, who are sucking in people with trumpet-shaped vacuums which have a big bag in their backs where people will end up. It’s in one city which has something like a castle or a cathedral. This photo is dreadful.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The creature plays with other, the father paints something in his notebook and in the man’s eyes you can see fire so maybe it is something terrible.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When they arrive the child shows his father a pot with a strange creature inside there, he is scared by it, but the child hugs it to see that it is harmless.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In this page the boy says something to the man, the man talks with the father who goes with them along a road with many boats and castle in the foreground. In a boat you can see inside a pot and in the distance too.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They were also teaching him more food to eat. They were being tested by the store owner, the boy, the man and his pet. Everyone liked them, but the man didn’t like them very much, but he still bought them all and took them in a basket.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They showed him what was in the drawer but that didn’t help him so they gave him something else to cook. He liked the smell of the last thing they gave him and decided to buy it.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He went to the market and bought fish to he and his pet could eat. He was looking at a book of food recipes and his pet found something in one of the drawers​.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He was walking through the city when he stopped to watch her. There was something that caught his attention, it was a huge statue with ceramic cubes similar to those he found in the house.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man is travelling on the boat sitting next to a woman, while he was looking out the window while a man was communicating that they were hurting. When he arrived in the city he said goodbye to the woman and went with his pet. He saw something interesting and stopped to think.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The child was tired of working so much and being alone. When the gentleman went to sleep she took a shovel to open the door, took the keys of the closet where her book was kept and finally could take the train and escape.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man drops his hat on the chair and starts snooping around the house. Lifting the lid on one of the cups he sees on the floor he begins to investigate why smoke is coming out of there, but something went wrong and set fire. He is trying to turn it off and cool the cup with water, but the pipe broke. When he had fixed everything, he heard a strange noise in a ceramic cube and picked it up.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The girl was reading a book when a man took her by the arm and led her to work putting coal in the fireplace. She worked day after day without rest; when it rained, snowed… Under horrible working conditions. But one day, the fireplace got clogged and she went up with a ladder to unclog it...

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He looked around the house. It was a bit dirty and old, and it had objects that he hadn’t seen in his life. He was trying everything in the house: the light, the water… And it didn’t work quite right. Suddenly, he found a kind of urn and he went to open it...

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man, along with the other people waiting, saw as the ships approached over their heads (as they were flying ships). When they went to ride on a boat, there was a man at the entrance who was marking the tickets. Later he entered the boat with his pet.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Later, he looks a woman reading a book, and he ask her: - Can you help me please? I want a ship ticket but I don’t know where I can find it. - Of course! Here is a ticket machine. Take your ticket. - Thank you! It’s in half an hour. I will have to wait.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He saw his map again. He looks lost in the crowd.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The father was preparing himself. He took a shower and shaved. He fastened the buttons on the vest, and he tied his lace shoes. Later, he took money and his hat and he left the house. He looked at a map and went with his pet through the city.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The next day, his pet wakes him up to get ready to go to his first day of work.When he woke up, he saw through the window a kind of plane.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

That night he dreamed of this city so fantastic, rare and strange looking. Dreamed of every flying creature, its factories, its views...

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He sat down to look at the big family he built, looked at every little detail in the photo and realized that everything was connected to the city where he had gone to live.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

As he climbed up, he looked at a suitcase, put it in a bed and opened it. He could not imagine what he saw, seeing his wife and daughter eating. Then he remembered that he had brought a picture of them and he went looking for nails. As he did not have a hammer he took his shoe and hung it on the wall.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

While he was about to see the kitchen trinkets, he saw a coffee machine and opened it. Out of it came a rare kind of pet. And it went straight to the loft. He chased her.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When he walked into the house, all the stuff in it was super weird for him.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

There was one of those strange signs drawn in the key I entered into the room;finally, a place where I could sleep! In the room there were many strange and amazings things, but I was very busy wondering what those signs meant….

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

I expressed my gratitude to the man, and I came into the inn. No one was in the hall.On the table there was a strange container;suddenly, a small and unusual animal came up from it. The owner of the inn explained to me that it was her pet, and she gave me a room.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

I tried to figure out what the strange signs meant,but I couldn’t. It was late, so I looked for a place in which I could sleep. I asked a man who was walking in the same direction as me if he knew some place, we didn’t speak the same language, so I drew a bed in my notebook.He understood me, and he showed me the way.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

What time was it? I had been walking for so long.… I walked a little bit more.Suddenly, I was surrounded by littles lights,like sparkles, with a huge strength, so huge that my hat fell to the floor. When I picked up my hat I saw those strange signs that I had seen in the other street again.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

I kept walking straight, and what I saw got me even more confused! A man was shaving another man’s beard, (he was wearing a strange hat), there were two musicians playing a beautiful melody too. At the end of the street I saw those strange signs that I saw in the boy newspaper sign in one wall of the street, I don’t know why. but they seemed familiar to me…. What I had seen left me thinking for a while.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In that strange street there was a boy selling newspapers with a big sign;I haven’t seen the letters written in the sign in my life,but they seemed familiar to me.There was also a woman with a strange cat, a man with an unusual machine. There were also a man and a woman selling something that seemed like eggs or huge melons.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Chaos and strange things happening.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

NO idea. Paranoia.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

In the dream there is a huge white bird holding an egg in a futuristic future.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The factories look like a dream. Cloudy oniric images.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He keeps the letter. Sad and missing the family.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

He wrote a letter to his family to see how they were and how he did during the trip and his new job. He wrote the letter very well and decorated it, he missed them very much.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They did an interview, and they asked him about his family and he got sad missing them.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

When he was called, a doctor saw his eyes, ears, mouth... to see how he was.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

All the people in line, they all gathered in a square.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The man took his things in a suitcase and went to look for work, while there were many people in a queue.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The ship enters the port of the city, with lots of excited people at the border of the ship looking forward to ending the journey, near there are also some fishing boats and some factories working.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

From the far you can see two big statues shaking hand, the passengers, all in the borders of the ship, look at them surprised, they are near a city and they will arrive at the port soon

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

It's sunny a man with a hat looks around the sun disturbs him so he covers his eyes with his hand, a flock of birds surprises the travellers on their journey

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Time passes since the journey started many people are sitting, between them a man sits above his suitcase, opens a notebook, he writes something and he cuts the paper, with that paper he makes a paper crane after that he gets up and goes, leaving the paper crane on his place

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

The journey has begun and on the top of a very big ship many people are sitting or resting near their luggage.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They are moving away from the storm, suddenly a great ray of the sun illuminates the ship, looking like a sign from the universe and giving hope to everyone on the ship that everything will go well and they will see their family left behind again. As they rise to admire the breathtaking view of the ocean combined with sunlight.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

They are in the middle of the ocean, but the weather does not favor them, a great storm is approaching that will not be liked by anyone and a long journey awaits them in those terrible conditions.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

As he eats he looks out the window of the ship’s room leading to his new destiny he remembers his old life with his wife and daughter, they didn’t have everything but loved each other. Now he has a whole experience ahead of him, but he will do it for their sake and for his sa​ke.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Mary and her mother were on their way home when... Mary again saw those horrible shadows that reminded her of the long journey her father would take and that she would not see him again for a long time.

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

While they accompany their father to the port, Mary notices that the streets are filled with sadness, as if some large tentacles of some gigantic animal dye everything black with their dirty ink

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester


The Arrival - Shan Tau

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau


Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

The Arrival - Shan Tau

Texts by 4ESO bilingual students - IES Gonzalo Torrente Ballester

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