KS — Revista Mexicana de Calzado, Confección y Textil

Page 40


Nuevos centros de moda emergentes New emerging fashion centers

En la reciente edición de COUROMODA en Sao Paulo, Brasil, visitó la feria Michael Duck, director de APLF de Hong Kong, organización responsable de la realización de importantes eventos sectoriales en el continente asiático, entre ellos “Fashion Access”, “MM&T”, “All China Leather” y “CIFF/Moda Shangai”. New fashion hubs to emerge? The following text is an extremely interesting interview with Michael Duck, Senior Vice President of UBM Asia Ltd. and Director of APLF - Hong Kong and ACLE – Shanghai, with SERMA footwear magazine of Córdoba, Argentina, at Couromoda, São Paolo, Brazil on January 19th, 2010 at 5 pm. First of all a general question about your perception of the relationship of the East and

¿Cuál es su percepción sobre la relación entre Oriente

the West in terms of the manufactured products market after the world financial crisis?

y Occidente, respecto al mercado de las manufacturas,

And it became clear in May or June of 2009 that the banking situation and consumer confidence

después de la crisis financiera mundial?

in Asia as well as the confidence generated by the governments in Asia was strong enough to

Michael Duck –En mayo y junio de 2009 comenzó a normalizarse la

continue growth in the GDP. That’s not to say that in manufacturing countries such as China

actividad bancaria y aumentó la confianza de los consumidores en

or Korea or India or Indonesia were not affected by and are still affected by the crisis in the

Asia, impulsadas por los gobiernos que lograron fuertes incremen-

United States and Europe. But what it has meant is that the internal markets of Asia have been

tos en su PIB. Esto no quiere decir que los países manufactureros

stimulated more, which I believe is the beginning of the new Asian era.

como China, Corea, India o Indonesia no fueron afectados por la crisis de Estados Unidos y Europa, pero sí creo que muchos

From the point of view of consumption or manufacturing?

mercados internos de Asia han sido estimulados. Pienso que es

Consumption. Because it is a paradigm shift of economic movement.

el comienzo de una nueva era en Asia.

Second question. Traditionally for us who live in the West we believe that the East is

¿Desde el punto de vista del consumo o de la producción?

a market which has concentrated on production. But we also know that it has a lot of

Del consumo, debido a que es un cambio del paradigma eco-

potential as a consumer market. In this situation do you think that Europe with many


famous brands has the most probability to supply the Asian market? I think that certainly this is an opportunity for them. Now for instance in footwear you’ve got

¿Qué posibilidades le asigna a Europa con sus marcas más

the high end which is already there but that is a very small percentage. The challenge is for

famosas para abastecer al mercado asiático?

European and American brands is now to retail in Asia, particularly in China. There is a very big

Ciertamente que hay una oportunidad para ellas. Actualmente

frustration, for instance, for Chinese manufacturers that they do not have strong enough brands

hay calzados europeos de alto nivel pero eso es un porcentaje

but that is not to say that there are not some reasonably successful brands in China and they

pequeño. El desafío para las marcas europeas y americanas

are getting stronger. The shift I am describing is not something that will happen in one or two

es crecer a través de la venta al por menor, particularmente en

years; in fact it could happen over the next ten years. For instance you have seen in India this

China. Entre muchos de los fabricantes chinos existe frustración

year – rather last year – that they have sold for the first time more than 2 million motor cars.

por no contar con marcas fuertes. Hay algunas en las que se está

In China last year they sold some 13.6 million. It is the biggest demand ever. The average price

invirtiendo para mejorar su posicionamiento. Este cambio no se

of the motor cars is quite low but these are new consumers who will increase the average price

hará en uno o dos años, sino que podría llevar más de 10 años.

of their cars as they get more money.

¿Cuáles son las posibilidades para América Latina? Tell me in this panorama of international trade what are the possibilities for Latin

Me refiero a los proveedores de materias primas y

America? I am referring to the fairs you organize as a point of contact – who will have

productos manufacturados. ¿Quiénes tienen mayores

the best possibilities, the suppliers of raw materials or the manufacturers of finished


products in the next few years?

Si usted considera el ejemplo a los italianos, ellos han exportado

If you take the Italians for instance, they have been exporting finished leathers to China for many

y exportan desde hace muchos años cueros terminados a China,

years and products using Italian leather and accessories have been exported from China for many

que a su vez son manufacturados y exportados a distintos países

years, so there is no problem in the production or utilization of finished leathers in China and in

del mundo, en forma de calzado, marroquinería, etc. No preveo

India is very good today and will be in the future. I cannot see it changing for quite some time.

que esto vaya a cambiar por un tiempo. Actualmente observamos

If you take Brazil today, Argentina and Mexico are all exporting finished leathers which pass

que Brasil, Argentina y México están exportando cueros termi-

through Hong Kong and Shanghai. For finished products Brazil has a terrific opportunity because

nados a Hong Kong y Shanghái. En productos terminados, Brasil

they have a lot of branded finished goods here and if they are marketed correctly they will have

tiene una enorme oportunidad pues posee marcas, y si maneja

a very good market (in Asia). Not only China but into Japan, India and Korea or anywhere in Asia

correctamente la comercialización, tendrá un muy buen mercado

since everywhere in Asia the consumers are looking for new products, new ideas….I think that

en Asia. Y no sólo en China, también en Japón, India, Corea, o

one of problems though (in Brazil) is that the local market is too active but for those companies

cualquier otro lugar de esta región, pues crecen los consumidores

that want to take the opportunity and get their brands to these new markets, now is the time

ávidos de nuevos productos y nuevas ideas. Creo que el problema

to be starting. Do not expect it to happen overnight; you will need to take a good four or five

actual de Brasil es que su mercado interno está muy activo, pero

years of consistent marketing and gain the links with distributors, agents and also retailers in

para aquellas compañías que quieran aprovechar esta ocasión

the region. And it is not something, for instance, where you say that you are going to China and

para instalar sus marcas en los nuevos mercados, ahora es el

sell your brand there through one agent. It is not going to happen like that. The development

momento de empezar. Obviamente, los resultados no surgirán

of the distribution system in China and India is still very basic but it is changing fast. The people

de la noche a la mañana. Esto necesita un período de cuatro o

involved are getting more experience and are growing: There is an opportunity for companies

cinco años de una acción planificada de marketing, en conjunto

to export their brands to those countries now and to start to get them into the market. But

con distribuidores, agentes y comerciantes de la región. No es

at the same time you have to be able to match your brand marketing with marketing design

simplemente que un agente venderá su marca en China. No

which is different. In other words you need to adapt your product to the market and have a USP

es así. El desarrollo del sistema de distribución en China e India


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