income habits

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Looking back on my own life so far, I’ve discovered that I’ve embodied the habits that brought me where I am. These money-making habits are lived out in the lives of multimillionaires the world over. Some of them I intuitively started doing. Others took time to develop. But just as you gain skill the more you practice, you’ll gain a new money-making skill by applying these habits to your life. Who are you listening to for your money making advice? Who are you watching to gain new skills in making money? Your parents? If you’re like a good portion of the Western world, your parents might only be making 50% more than you are now. Your friends? They might be at the same level as you, or slightly below. To gain the best skills in making money, you follow the people who are actually doing it. I wouldn’t dare write this book if there was the slightest doubt that what I was doing was impacting my financial life in ways I could never imagine. I’m only writing this book because I have the audacity to believe that my example will help someone out there. Now that I’ve gone out and tried and tested the habits I’ve shown you here, I know that my life is 182

Income Habits: A Personal Code For Prosperity Without Limits

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